HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-01-22 City Commission Meeting MinutesBozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, February 1, 2022 Page 1 of 9 THE CITY COMMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES February 1, 2022 Present: Cyndy Andrus, Terry Cunningham, I-Ho Pomeroy, Jennifer Madgic, Christopher Coburn Absent: None Staff Present in the WebEx: City Manager (CM) Jeff Mihelich, City Attorney (CA) Greg Sullivan, City Clerk (CC) Mike Maas A) 00:00:55 Call to Order - 6:00 PM - WebEx Videoconference B) 00:03:54 Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C) 00:04:29 Changes to the Agenda • There were no changes to the agenda. D) 00:04:40 FYI • Mayor Andrus noted the special joint meeting with Gallatin County and Belgrade relate to the Board of Health at 6pm on Wednesday. • CM Mihelich highlighted the City's engagement process and provided statistics from the Annual Website Report. He thanked Cole Schaefer, Melody Mileur, Dani Hess, and all the web editors from the various departments. E) 00:06:42 Commission Disclosures • Cr. Pomeroy disclosed that she had contacted downtown business owners related to paid parking. F) Approval of Minutes F.1 00:07:05 Approve the regular meeting minutes from: December 21, 2022 January 4, 2022 January 11, 2022 January 25, 2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: 09020FC9-345D-4A9E-A9E5-994DD3138B85 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, February 1, 2022 Page 2 of 9 12-21-21 FINAL MINUTES City Commission Meeting of Bozeman, Montana.pdf 01-04-22 City Commission Meeting Minutes.pdf 01-11-22 City Commission Meeting Minutes.pdf 01-25-22 City Commission Meeting Minutes.pdf 00:07:16 Motion I move to approve the combined City Commission minutes as submitted. I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Terry Cunningham: 2nd 00:07:26 Vote on the Motion to approve I move to approve the combined City Commission minutes as submitted. The Motion carried 5 – 0. Approve: Cyndy Andrus Terry Cunningham I-Ho Pomeroy Jennifer Madgic Christopher Coburn Disapprove: None G) 00:07:45 Consent G.1 Acknowledge Receipt of Petition to Abandon Redwing Drive and Direct Staff to Review the Petition Red Wing Drive Abandonment Application 011822.pdf G.2 Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with DOWL to Provide Professional Engineering Design Services for the 2022 Sewer Lining Project PSA.pdf Scope & Fee.pdf G.3 Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Public Street and Utility Easement, Sewer and Water Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement with Canyon Gate Investors, LLC for The Canyon Gate Annex (21337) Public Street and Utility Easement Sewer and Water Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement G.4 Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Task Order Revision 1 for Fiscal Year 2022 Remediation Systems Oversight, Bozeman Landfill with Tetra Tech Revision 1 to Task Order 2021 - 2022 Remediation Systems Operation and Maintenance, Bozeman Landfill G.5 Authorize the City Manager to Sign Temporary Construction Permits and Right-of-Way Documents with Bozeman Industrial Park Owners' Association for the Griffin Drive and Manley Road Street and Stormwater Improvements Project 20220113_Bozeman Industrial Park Owners_ROW Agreements for City Signature.pdf G.6 Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Second Addendum to the Professional Services Agreement for Engineering Development Services with TD&H Engineering Second Addendum to Professional Services Agreement Attachment A Scope of Services and Rate Schedule for 2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: 09020FC9-345D-4A9E-A9E5-994DD3138B85 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, February 1, 2022 Page 3 of 9 Professional Service Agreement dated 01-27-2020 G.7 Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Second Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Treasure State, Inc. for Services to Design and Construct the Bogert Park Court Renovation Project Attachment A PSA Amendment 2 Treasure State Inc..pdf Attachment B PSA Treasure State Inc..pdf G.8 Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with SKIDATA for the Installation of New Gates in the Bridger Park Parking Garage PSA for new Garage Gate Skidata Jan 25, 2022.docx Exhibit A-SKIDATA_Proposal_For_Bridger Garage Replacement Gates.pdf 00:07:52 City Manager Introduction CM Mihelich provided the highlights of the Consent Agenda. 00:08:53 Public Comment There were no public comments on the Consent Agenda. 00:10:10 Motion to approve Consent Items 1 - 8 as submitted. Terry Cunningham: Motion Jennifer Madgic: 2nd 00:10:19 Vote on the Motion to approve Consent Items 1 - 8 as submitted. The Motion carried 5 – 0. Approve: Cyndy Andrus Terry Cunningham I-Ho Pomeroy Jennifer Madgic Christopher Coburn Disapprove: None H) 00:10:38 Public Comment Mayor Andrus opened general public comment. 00:12:31 Ashley Ogle, Public Comment Ashley Ogle commented on concerns for paid parking in Downtown Bozeman as a competitive disadvantage and that the information is one sided, specifically if it is a deterrent or will businesses see a decline. She commented on the need to think about where employees parking and a lack of communication with business owners and residents. 00:14:59 Christopher Nixon, Public Comment Christopher Nixon commented on behalf of Sacagawea Audubon Society to thank the City Commission for making preservation of wetlands a priority. He noted that World Wetlands Day is February 2. DocuSign Envelope ID: 09020FC9-345D-4A9E-A9E5-994DD3138B85 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, February 1, 2022 Page 4 of 9 I) Special Presentation I.1 00:18:31 State of the City Address • Mayor Andrus provided a land acknowledgment and delivered the State of the City Address. J) 00:49:40 Action Items J.1 00:49:43 South 3rd Avenue Annexation and Zone Map Amendment for the Establishment of a Zoning Designation of R-3 for a property Addressed at 2303 South 3rd Avenue and Generally Located One-quarter Mile South of the Kagy and Wilson, Application 21161 21161 S 3rd ANNEX - ZMA CC SR.pdf A1_093021.pdf NARRATIVE092721.pdf ANNEX.pdf ZMA.pdf COS_3052.pdf N1_032921.pdf PUB_STR_UTIL_EAS_EX_A.pdf PLUM_SITE_092721.pdf 00:50:00 Staff Presentation Planner Tom Rogers entered the staff report and the applicant submittal into the record. He presented the application for annexation and R-3 zoning, the site vicinity, the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation, adjacent zoning districts, available implementing zoning correlations to FLUM designation, the findings the annexation goals & policies from Resolution 5076, the Zoning Criteria of Evaluation, a summary of public comments, and the recommendations. 01:02:05 Questions of Staff 01:23:09 Applicant Presentation Cole Robertson, Plum Design Labs, presented on behalf of the applicant. Presented the background of the development team, an overview of the property's current condition, the process of the project to request R-3 zoning, the local neighborhood context, the zoning and development pattern in the vicinity, a representation of a Public Land Institution (PLI) donut of zoning study, a comparison of two alternate concept review, the zoning request, highlights of housing reporting, market conditions, and the need for the missing middle. 01:34:32 Questions of Applicant 01:37:21 Public Comments Mayor Andrus opened this item for public comments. 01:38:53 William Klenn, Public Comment William Klenn commented in opposition to the project and spoke about a previous request for R-1 zoning with ADUs, pedestrian connectivity issues, and building heights. He commented on the need to balance property rights with neighbor's expectations. DocuSign Envelope ID: 09020FC9-345D-4A9E-A9E5-994DD3138B85 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, February 1, 2022 Page 5 of 9 01:42:13 Carol Anderson, Public Comment Carol Anderson commented on behalf of the Overbrook COA in opposition to the project, referencing their written comments that disagreed with staff's findings. She commented on a request for lower zoning and that Overbrook COA will not allow access from the project site. She commented on parking issues in their neighborhood. 01:45:52 David Richardson, Public Comment David Richardson commented to request a reduced zoning to R-1, and the lack of pedestrian and trail connections in the vicinity. 01:49:43 Jim Lutiger, Public Comment Jim Lutiger commented to agree with previous comments and specifically the possible building heights. 01:50:54 Julien Morice, Public Comment 01:53:42 Additional Questions of Staff 02:00:49 Applicant Response to Public Comment 02:04:09 Motion Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 21161 and move to approve the South 3rd Avenue Annexation with recommended terms of annexation, and direct staff to prepare an annexation agreement for signature by the parties. Jennifer Madgic: Motion Christopher Coburn: 2nd 02:04:43 Discussion 02:07:48 Vote on the Motion Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 21161 and move to approve the South 3rd Avenue Annexation with recommended terms of annexation, and direct staff to prepare an annexation agreement for signature by the parties. The Motion carried 5 – 0. Approve: Cyndy Andrus Terry Cunningham I-Ho Pomeroy Jennifer Madgic Christopher Coburn Disapprove: None 02:08:06 Motion Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, recommendation of the Zoning Commission, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the DocuSign Envelope ID: 09020FC9-345D-4A9E-A9E5-994DD3138B85 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, February 1, 2022 Page 6 of 9 findings presented in the staff report for application 21161 and move to approve the South 3rd Avenue Zone Map Amendment, with contingencies required to complete the application processing. Jennifer Madgic: Motion Christopher Coburn: 2nd 02:08:45 Discussion 02:25:25 Vote on the Motion Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, recommendation of the Zoning Commission, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 21161 and move to approve the South 3rd Avenue Zone Map Amendment, with contingencies required to complete the application processing. The Motion carried 5 – 0. Approve: Cyndy Andrus Terry Cunningham I-Ho Pomeroy Jennifer Madgic Christopher Coburn Disapprove: None 02:25:49 Recess Mayor Andrus called the meeting into recess. 02:30:27 Call to Order Mayor Andrus called the meeting back to order. J.2 02:30:54 Ordinance 2098 Provisionally Adopting an Update to the Department Titles of Administrative Services and Public Works to Reflect the City's Current Department Titles, and Creating the Departments of Economic Development and Strategic Services 220120 Ord. 2098 - final.pdf 220120 Ord. 2098 Exhibit A Finance - final.pdf 220120 Ord. 2098 Exhibit B Trans.-Eng. - final.pdf 220120 Ord. 2098 Exhibit C Utiliites - final.pdf 02:31:06 Staff Presentation Assistant City Attorney Jen Giuttari presented the Ordinance, the purpose and need for the code clean up, the legal authority to do so, the proposed changes, and the proposed motion. 02:40:13 Questions of Staff 02:40:52 Public Comments There were no public comments on this item. DocuSign Envelope ID: 09020FC9-345D-4A9E-A9E5-994DD3138B85 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, February 1, 2022 Page 7 of 9 02:42:19 Motion I move to provisionally adopt Ordinance 2098: Updating the Department Titles of Administrative Services and Public Works to Reflect the City's Current Department Titles, and Creating the Departments of Economic Development and Strategic Services. Christopher Coburn: Motion I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd 02:42:36 Discussion 02:44:23 Vote on the Motion I move to provisionally adopt Ordinance 2098: Updating the Department Titles of Administrative Services and Public Works to Reflect the City's Current Department Titles, and Creating the Departments of Economic Development and Strategic Services. The Motion carried 5 – 0. Approve: Cyndy Andrus Terry Cunningham I-Ho Pomeroy Jennifer Madgic Christopher Coburn Disapprove: None K) Work Session K.1 02:44:43 Downtown Bozeman Parking Supply and Demand Management Work Session City Commission Memo--Parking Work Session Feb 1 2022--Final.doc Pro Forma Report--City Of Bozeman--On-Street Parking.pdf 02:44:50 Staff Presentation Parking Program Manager Mike Veselik presented the Parking Supply and Demand Work Session. He presented the Community Engagement process, proposed solutions, feedback received, occupancy study August 2021, why paid parking for supply and demand management, potential parking rates and outcomes, a summary of the financial analysis, rate scenario comparison, possible options for funds, and the potential for additional community engagement for the use of funds. CM Mihelich provided a summary of the Transportation Advisory Board meeting that reviewed this proposal last week and the next steps for staff. 03:16:43 Questions of Staff 03:53:47 Public Comments Mayor Andrus opened this item for public comments. 03:54:32 Susan Riggs, Public Comment Susan Riggs commented that on-street parking needs to be more actively managed as a utility, supports pursuing paid parking downtown, and commented on infrastructure to allow flexible metered parking. DocuSign Envelope ID: 09020FC9-345D-4A9E-A9E5-994DD3138B85 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, February 1, 2022 Page 8 of 9 03:55:50 Cory Lawrence, Public Comment Cory Lawrence commented on the issue of parking supply and made comparisons to other cities asking when and whether they have paid on-street parking. He commented on the funding of the current parking structure and potential other funding sources. He commented on the need to exhaust all other sources first. 03:59:37 Ellie Staley, Public Comment Ellie Staley, Executive Director of the Downtown Business Partnership, commented on the lack of known consensus, the need for direct involvement of downtown constituents, and the need to research additional funding avenues. 04:01:59 Meeting Extended Mayor Andrus extended the meeting until 10:15 pm. 04:02:56 Emily Talago, Public Comment Emily Talago commented on the long history of parking discussions in the City, appreciation for the outreach efforts, and her desire for future discussions on supply. 04:06:12 Discussion 04:17:41 Meeting Extended Mayor Andrus extended the meeting until 10:30pm. 04:17:40 Discussion Continued 04:20:36 City Manager Response CM Mihelich summarized the direction of the Commission to move forward with additional considerations of grant funding, the potential at the Federal Building, the circulator routes with Streamline and Gallatin County, and the utilization of Parking Benefit Zones. L) 04:25:57 FYI / Discussion M) 04:26:01 Adjournment ___________________________________ Cynthia L. Andrus Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Mike Maas City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID: 09020FC9-345D-4A9E-A9E5-994DD3138B85 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, February 1, 2022 Page 9 of 9 PREPARED BY: ___________________________________ Mike Maas City Clerk Approved on: April 5, 2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: 09020FC9-345D-4A9E-A9E5-994DD3138B85