HomeMy WebLinkAboutBZN Fire Station Offers 2222022 Offer | Reistad THE FIREHOUSE BOZEMAN, MT CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 2021 PAGE 1 The Firehouse November 08, 2021 The Firehouse: An Opportunity for Affordable Home Ownership THE FIREHOUSE BOZEMAN, MT CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 2021 PAGE 2 pg 4. Letter of Intentpg 4. Letter of Intent pg 5. pg 5. Architectural Concept SketchesArchitectural Concept Sketches pg 7. pg 7. Team BiosTeam Bios pg 9. pg 9. Home Ownership Pro Forma OptionHome Ownership Pro Forma Option pg 11. pg 11. Acquisitions & ReferencesAcquisitions & References INDEX THE FIREHOUSE BOZEMAN, MT CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 2021 PAGE 3 Letter of Intent THE FIREHOUSE BOZEMAN, MT CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 2021 PAGE 4 CITY OF BOZEMAN COMMISSION, Thank you for the opportunity to propose on the redevelopment at Fire Station 1 at Rouse and Mendenhall in Downtown Bozeman. We recognize the magnitude and potential of the given location in this city, and what it can do for the development of the area - most specifically bordering a bustling downtown community, a residential community, and the elementary school community right at it’s doorstep. What our team wants to do with the redevelopment opportunity is what the city needs the most — create aordable housing ownership opportunities. Our plan is not to create rentable, below market rate housing. Our plan is to give the workforce in the community (the teachers, librarians, small business owners and so on) the opportunity to own in the heart of the city they work so hard to remain in. We are a team of locals, Hawthorne parents, creatives, designer, thinkers, innovators and doers. We have created a financial plan with minimal, if any, financial return to design and build a mixed use building that will not only provide housing with an emphasis on 1 and 2 bedroom units, but also allow for a thoughtful commercial tenant selection that will work in tandem with the school, residential and downtown neighborhoods. In order to achieve this need for the city, we realize that we may be oering a lower dollar amount for this property. And we will ask for your teamwork in helping us reach the finish line in this development — we are willing to give our time and investments into this dire city need — and we hope that the city is willing to do the same. Many oers will come your way that maximize the return on this wonderful investment opportunity, and we realize that this type of financial contribution to the city will be tempting. We ask you to sincerely consider if more above market rate housing in this prime location, built by developers who are not invested in this city, is what is best for the healthy growth of Bozeman. Thank you very much for your time, and we look forward to the opportunity to create a civic minded project with you. Regards, Cory Reistad and Allison Bryan THE FIREHOUSE BOZEMAN, MT CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 2021 PAGE 5 ARCHITECTURAL CONCEPT SKETCHES VIEW FROM HAWTHORNE ELEMENTARY THE FIREHOUSE BOZEMAN, MT CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 2021 PAGE 6 The Team THE FIREHOUSE BOZEMAN, MT CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 2021 PAGE 7 CORY REISTAD, ENTREPRENEUR AND OWNER OF SAV, A FAST PACED DY NAMIC SYSTEMS INTEGRATION FIRM, BEGAN HIS CAREER IN THE FIELD AS A TECHNICIAN OWNER IN 1999, CORY HAS SINCE BUILT A TEAM OF UNIQUE, CREATIVE AND CRAFTY IN DIVIDUALS OVER THE YEARS WHO NOT ONLY EXEMPLIFY TECHNIQUE AND DESIGN, THEY UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF UNYIELDING CLIENT SERVICE. THE RESULT IS A 60+ MEMBER TEAM AND GROWING SPREAD THROUGH OUT BOZEMAN & BIG SKY, MT AS WELL AS JACKSON, WY. IN ADDITION, CORY HAS CREATED A REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT AF FILIATE AND IS CREDITED WITH DE VELOPMENT PROJECTS TO INCLUDE BLOCK 106, THE TREELINE COFFEE BUILDING, AND VARIOUS REAL ES TATE ACQUISITIONS IN SPANISH PEAKS MOUNTAIN CLUB, MOON LIGHT BASIN AND THE GREATER BIG SKY AREA. A TRUE NATIVE TO BOZ EMAN, CORY IS KEENLY INTEREST SED IN THE FUTURE PRESERVATION OF THE BOZEMAN COMMUNITY AS A PLACE FOR THOSE WHO LIVE, WORK AND PLAY. ALLISON IS THE FOUNDER AND CRE ATIVE DIRECTOR OF OPEN STUDIO COLLECTIVE, A WOMAN OWNED DESIGN STUDIO OPERATING OUT OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. SHE IS A MULTI DISCIPLINARY DESIGNER WITH A BACKGROUND IN BOTH GRAPH IC DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE. WITH OVER 20 YEARS OF DESIGN EXPERIENCE, HER WORK INCLUDES INTERNATIONAL AWARD WINNING ARCHITECTURE AND GRAPHIC DE SIGN INCLUDING SEVERAL YEARS WORKING IN GLOBAL RETAIL DESIGN AT NIKE AND AS CREATIVE DIRECTOR AT CLB ARCHITECTS. SHE FOUNDED OPEN STUDIO COL LECTIVE WITH THE IDEA OF KEEPING AN OPEN MIND WITHIN THE DESIGN PROCESS: MEDIUMS, TYPOLOGIES, AND COLLABORATIONS WITH CLI ENTS AND PARTNERS. ALLISON EN JOYS WORKING AT ALL SCALES, WITH AN EMPHASIS ON COMMUNITY AND WELLNESS BASED PROJECTS.. ALLISON IS HAS BEEN WORKING ON PROJECTS IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN WEST SINCE 2007, IS A LICENSED AR CHITECT IN OREGON AND MONTANA, AND IS ALSO A LEED ACCREDITED PROFESSIONAL. SHE CURRENTLY SITS ON THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FOR THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. MINARIK ARCHITECTURE IS COMMIT TED TO PROJECTS THAT FORM BOTH A RESPONSE AND RELATIONSHIP WITH THEIR SURROUNDINGS. WE UN DERSTAND THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ADDING OR ALTERING SPACE WITH IN A LANDSCAPE AND HOW THAT CHANGE WILL IMPACT THE NARRA TIVE OF A PLACE FOR FUTURE GEN ERATIONS. WE STRIVE TO MINIMIZE UNNECES SARY AND OFTEN COSTLY ARCHI TECTURAL LANGUAGE INFLUENCED BY TRENDS IN ORDER TO MAXIMIZE LONG TERM SPATIAL VITALITY AND CREATE BUILDINGS THAT, IN 100 YEARS, RETAIN THEIR INTEGRITY AND ELEVATE THE DESIGN CONVER SATION FOR PROJECTS THAT FOL LOW. OUR PROCESS VALUES COMMUNICA TION, ATTENTION TO CRAFT, DESIGN INNOVATION, TECHNICAL CURIOSI TY, AND UNDERSTANDS THE RIGOR NECESSARY TO TAKE A PROJECT FROM CONCEPT THROUGH CON STRUCTION. CORY REISTAD OPEN STUDIO COLLECTIVE MINARIK ARCHITECTURE ALLISON BRYANDEVELOPER/CREATIVECORY REISTADDEVELOPER MINARIK ARCHITECTUREARCHITECT THE FIREHOUSE BOZEMAN, MT CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 2021 PAGE 8 Potential Pro Forma THE FIREHOUSE BOZEMAN, MT CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 2021 PAGE 90000001 The Firehouse - Affordable Home Ownership - Potential pro forma Lot Size (Acres)0.450 SF 19,602 Lot Acquisition $2,100,000 PP/SF $107.13 Build Out 18 months Description # of Units Units 57 Home Ownership Cost to Build $225 per square foot Size 815 (combo of 1+2 bedrooms) Unit SF 46,550 Load Factor 8,215 Total Res SF 54,765 Cost per unit $216,177.63 Cost for Condos $12,322,125.00 Commercial Various Cost to Build Shell $200 Size Various Total SF 5,000 Cost for Commercial $1,000,000.00 Total Cost of Commercial w/o fit out $1,000,000.00 Amenities Various Cost to Build $200 Size Various Total SF 4,000 Cost for Amenities $800,000.00 Total Cost of Amenities $800,000.00 Parking 33 Cost to Build $105 Size 8,000 Total SF 8,000 Cost $840,000.00 Rent or Sell Rent Total Cost of Parking $840,000.00 Soft Costs Development Fees (8%)$1,196,960 Architectural Fees (5%)$750,000.00 Consultant Fees (geotechnical, civil, landscape, envelope, lighting, code)$150,000.00 Permit Fees $50,000.00 Total Soft Costs $2,146,960 Total Hard Cost of Building $14,962,125.00 Total Hard Cost of Building with Sale Price $17,062,125.00 Total Hard Cost of Building with Sale Price + Soft Costs $19,209,085.00 Total SF Total Residential SF 54,765 Total Commercial SF 5,000 Total Amenities SF 4,000 Total Parking SF 8,000 Total 71,765 Cost Per Square Foot Total*$208.49 *Assuming we can get grants/incentives for demo of existing infrastructure and decommissioning of the well. *Assumption of city waving impact fees. THE FIREHOUSE BOZEMAN, MT CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 2021 PAGE 10 Acquisitions & References THE FIREHOUSE BOZEMAN, MT CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 2021 PAGE 11 620 East CottonwoodBozeman, MT$10,500,000 Retail Sales Price Russ Nelson - First Security BankSenior Commercial LenderDirect: 406-548-6938russ.nelson@ourbank.com 302 N Grand Bozeman, MT$6,400,000 Retail Sales Price Russ Nelson - First Security BankSenior Commercial LenderDirect: 406-548-6938russ.nelson@ourbank.com ACQUISITION & REFERENCES BLOCK 106 NORTH 3RD DUPLEXES THE FIREHOUSE BOZEMAN, MT CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY 2021 PAGE 12 Thank you. Page 1 of 19 PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT This “Agreement” is made and entered into by and between: “Buyer” “Seller” &RU\5HLVWDGDQG$OOLVRQ%U\DQ LIRIIHULVDFFHSWHGEX\HUZLOOIRUPEXVLQHVV HQWLW\SULRUWRFORVLQJ City of Bozeman (each a “Party” and collectively the “Parties”). “Buyer’s Agent”: “Seller’s Agent”: /RXLVD+DPOLQ 3XUH:HVW&KULVWLH V,QWHUQDWLRQDO5HDO(VWDWH ORXLVD#ORXLVDKDPOLQFRP  Ryan Springer Sterling CRE Advisors Bozeman Ryan.Springer@sterlingcreadvisors.com 406-579-5586 (each an “Agent” and collectively the “Agents”). The following terms shall have the following meanings for purposes of this Agreement: “Real Property”: 34 N Rouse Avenue, Bozeman MT 59715 Legal Description: Lots 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 in Block F of Rouse's First Addition, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, MT. EXCEPTING Therefrom the portion transferred to Montana Department of Transportation for Highway Right of Way, further described in the Bargain and Sale Deed recorded as Document 2527031 on 10/07/2015 with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder. To Be verified during escrow. “Purchase Price”  “Closing Date” Closing to occur within 15 days of the City of Bozeman vacating premises. “Escrow Agent” 7DPP\5HGIHUQ,0RQWDQD7LWOHWUHGIHUQ#PRQWDQDWLWOHFRP “Escrow Method” Wire7UDQVIHU “Earnest Money”  “Due Diligence Deadline” GD\VIURPGDWHRIDFFHSWHGRIIHU “Offer Expiration Deadline” Offer will remain open (valid) until the COB approves disapproves/offer unless rescinded in writing by Buyer prior to City Commission approval. Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Page 2 of 19 ARTICLE 1—Purchase & Sale 1.1 Purchase. The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy, on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and Schedule 1.1, all of the Seller’s right, title, and interest in the Real Property, including all rights, improvements and fixtures located on the Real Property and all rights, privileges, easements, and rights of way appurtenant to the Real Property (collectively, the “Property”) excepting the Seller’s interests in water rights 41H 61642-00 and 41H 61643-00 and excepting the existing fire pole. If Seller has not accepted this offer by the Offer Expiration Deadline, such offer shall be deemed to have been automatically withdrawn as of the Offer Expiration Deadline. 1.2 Good Faith Deposit: Notwithstanding that this Agreement must be ratified by the Bozeman City Commission, no later than two (2) days after the City Manager’s signature on this Agreement Buyer will cause the Earnest Money to be deposited with the Escrow Agent. 1.3 Due Diligence. Buyer recognizes it has had opportunity to conduct due diligence during the time period the Property was listed for sale. Nevertheless, Buyer shall have until the Due Diligence Deadline to conduct inspections or reviews customary in the sale of commercial real estate in Montana of the Real Property including the inspections and evaluations listed on Schedule 1.2. During this period, Seller will make reasonable accommodations for Buyer, or Buyer’s agents, to enter and inspect and evaluate the Property. Buyer may terminate this Agreement, at Buyer’s sole and absolute discretion, if the Property is not satisfactory and if Buyer provides notice to Seller before the expiration of the Due Diligence Deadline. If Buyer so terminates, Buyer shall provide Seller any reports or information relating to due diligence that were prepared by Buyer or Buyer’s Agent. 1.4 Seller’s Deliveries. Prior to Seller’s Due Diligence Delivery Deadline, Seller shall provide to Buyer legible copies of all material documents or contracts affecting the Property in Seller’s possession or which are reasonably accessible to Seller. 1.5 Title. By the Seller’s Due Diligence Delivery Deadline, Seller shall deliver to the Buyer a commitment for a standard ALTA owner’s title insurance policy issued by the Closing Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Page 3 of 19 Agent (the “Preliminary Title Commitment”) in an amount equal to the Purchase Price commitment to insurance merchantable title to the Real Property. Buyer shall have twenty (20) business days from the delivery of the Preliminary Title Commitment to object to the title of the Property (a “Buyer Objection”). If Buyer so objects, Seller shall have thirty (30) days—and the Closing Date shall be automatically extended by thirty (30) days—to address such Buyer Objection to the satisfaction of Buyer, in Buyer’s sole and absolute discretion. 1.6 Seller’s Title Delivery. At the closing the Seller shall convey good and marketable fee simple title to the Real Property to the Buyer by warranty deed, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, easements, rights of way, restrictions, reservations, conditions, burdens, and other defects in title (the “Warranty Deed”), except as follows (the “Exceptions”): a.Easements, rights of way, restrictions, reservations, conditions, and burdens of record; b. Easements, rights of way, and encroachments which are apparent on inspection of the Real Property or which would be disclosed by a survey of the Real Property; c.Laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to zoning, land use, environmental protection, and building; d. Reservations made in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance of patents; e.Taxes and assessments which are not yet due and payable; f. All other conditions of title disclosed by the Preliminary Title Commitment, and which did not receive a Buyer Objection; and 1.7 City Not Bound in Its Regulatory/Utility Authority. Buyer recognizes the City enters this Agreements as a landowner and not in its regulatory role regarding any land use, zoning, building inspection, subdivision, or any other circumstance where the Buyer may need to receive regulatory approvals from the City prior to conducting any activity on the Property after Closing. In addition, Buyer recognizes the City is a provider of certain utility services including but not limited to water, sewer, and stormwater. As such, Buyer agrees that noting herein binds the City to make certain regulatory approvals should the Property be redeveloped, reused, demolished, or in any capacity wherein the City may have regulatory or utility authority after Closing. ARTICLE 2—Conditions to Performance 2.1 Conditions To Buyer’s Performance. The Buyer will have the right to terminate this Agreement, and shall not be obligated to complete the purchase of the Property or to perform Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Page 4 of 19 the Buyer’s other obligations under this Agreement, unless all of the following conditions have been satisfied or waived: a.The Seller’s title to the Property meets the requirements set forth in this Agreement; b. On the Closing Date the Seller executes and delivers to the Closing Agent all of the documents which this Agreement, or the Closing Agent, requires the Seller to execute and deliver; c.All of the warranties and representations of Seller contained in this Agreement shall have been true and correct when made, and shall be true and correct in all material respects on and as of the Closing Date with the same force and effect as though such warranties and representations had been made on and as of the Closing Date; d. Seller shall have maintained the Property until the Closing in its condition as of the date of Buyer’s signature hereunder, ordinary wear and tear excepted; e.Seller delivers possession of the Property to Buyer on the Closing Date; f. All mortgages, judgments, and liens shall be paid or satisfied by the Seller at or prior to closing unless otherwise provided herein; and g. No additional encumbrances, restrictions, easements or other adverse title conditions have been placed against the title to the Property other than those identified in the Preliminary Title Commitment. 2.2 Buyer’s Right To Rescind. The Buyer may rescind this Agreement without any further obligation or liability hereunder before the Due Diligence Deadline or the deadline for a Buyer Objection. In the event of the Buyer’s failure to timely reject any defect or deficiency in writing by such deadline, Buyer will be deemed to have waived such contingency and to have accepted the Property and Personal Property subject to any existing conditions or defects. 2.3 Conditions to Seller’s performance. The Seller will have the right to terminate this Agreement, and shall not be required to convey the Property to the Buyer or to perform the other obligations of the Seller under this Agreement, unless all of the following conditions have been satisfied or waived: a.On the Closing Date the Buyer executes and delivers to the Closing Agent all of the documents which this Agreement, or the Closing Agent, requires the Buyer to execute and deliver including the Purchase Price [NOTE: if offer includes the provision of affordable housing on the Property this clause must be amended to reflect how and when the housing will be provided]. $))25'$%/(+2867,1*352326$/$77$&+(' On the Closing Date the Buyer executes and delivers to the Closing Agent all of the documents which this Agreement, or the Closing Agent, requires the Buyer to execute and deliver. Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Page 5 of 19 b.All of the warranties and representations of Buyer contained in this Agreement shall have been true and correct when made, and shall be true and correct in all material respects on and as of the Closing Date with the same force and effect as though such warranties and representations had been made on and as of the Closing Date. c.In addition, the Buyer recognizes and agrees the sale of the Property shall be contingent upon the Seller’s compliance with Chapter 2, Article 6, Division 5, Bozeman Municipal Code, and the ratification of this Agreement by duly adopted ordinance of the Bozeman City Commission pursuant to the requirements of the Section 2.11 of the Bozeman City Charter. Final ratification of this Agreement shall not be effective until 30 (thirty) days after final adoption of such ordinance. Should the Bozeman City Commission fail to ratify the City Manager’s signature on this Agreement this transaction shall be terminated automatically without any further action of the Seller required and the Earnest Money returned to Buyer. 2.4 Remedies—Liquidated Damages. THE PARTIES ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE DISCUSSED THE TYPE AND MAGNITUDE OF DAMAGES THAT EACH COULD SUFFER IF THIS AGREEMENT TERMINATES BECAUSE OF THE OTHER PARTY'S BREACH OR DEFAULT HEREUNDER. FURTHERMORE, EACH ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT HAS NEGOTIATED THIS TOPIC IN GOOD FAITH WITH THE OTHER AND HAS CONCLUDED THAT IT IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT AND IMPRACTICAL TO AFFIX A DOLLAR AMOUNT TO DAMAGES FOR BREACH OR DEFAULT AND THEREFORE HAVE AGREED TO THE FOLLOWING REMEDIES: a. Seller’s Remedies in the Event of Buyer’s Beach of Default. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT SELLER'S SOLE REMEDY, AT LAW OR IN EQUITY, IN THE EVENT OF A DEFAULT OR BREACH BY BUYER, IS FOR SELLER TO KEEP THE EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT AND ALL INTEREST EARNED THEREON. THEREAFTER THIS AGREEMENT SHALL TERMINATE AND SELLER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RIGHTS OR OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT EXCEPT FOR THOSE THAT ARE EXPRESSLY STATED TO SURVIVE THE TERMINATION THEREOF. b.Buyer's Remedies in the Event of Seller's Breach or Default. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT BUYER'S SOLE REMEDY, AT LAW OR IN EQUITY, IN THE EVENT OF A DEFAULT OR BREACH BY SELLER UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, IS FOR BUYER TO HAVE RETURNED Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Page 6 of 19 TO IT THE EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT AND ALL INTEREST EARNED THEREON AS LIQUIDATED DAMAGES (NOT AS A PENALTY. Article 3—Closing 3.1 Escrow. The Earnest Money shall be deposited by the respective Agent with the Escrow Agent within two (2) business days of the Offer Expiration Deadline according to the Escrow Method. 3.2 Taxes and Assessments. Seller and Buyer shall prorate taxes, as well as pre-paid rents, if any, as of the Closing Date, unless otherwise specified on Schedule 3.2. The prior year’s taxes should be used for proration in the event that the current year taxes are not available, and shall not be adjusted based on any subsequent change in assessed value. All non-perpetual Special Improvement Districts or Association Special Assessments will be paid off at Closing by Seller, unless specified otherwise pursuant to Schedule 3.2. 3.3 Closing Date. Buyer recognizes the Property currently serves as the City’s Fire Station 1. Buyer also recognizes the City is currently constructing the Bozeman Public Safety Center (BPSC) with an estimated completion date of July 1,2022. Buyer enters into this Agreement recognizing the Buyer may not take ownership of the Property until such time as the City completes construction of the BPSC and Fire Station 1 has relocated to the BPSC. As such, Buyer recognizes the Closing Date is subject to change by the City if the BPSC is not completed. Buyer agrees the City may unilaterally extend the Closing Date to a date reasonably necessary to allow the City to complete construction of the BPSC and move Fire Station 1 to the BPSC. The City must take all reasonable steps necessary to complete the construction of the BPSC and move Fire Station 1. The Buyer may request updates from the City on the status of the BPSC construction and relocation of Fire Station 1. Recognizing the above, the Parties anticipate closing this transaction on the Closing Date. In addition to the City’s authority to extend the Closing Date for issues related to the BPSC and relocation of Fire Station 1, either Party may extend the Closing Date by ten (10) business days, by prior notice, unless such extension would cause adverse tax consequences to other Party (i.e. in the case of an exchange pursuant to 26 USC § 1031) and the other Party has provided notice of such implications by the Due Diligence Deadline. 3.4 Closing Costs. Buyer and Seller shall equally split all costs related to conducting the closing and the fee of the Closing Agent. Seller shall pay the cost for a standard 2006 ALTA ® Owner’s Policy for Title Insurance, with any enhancements in such coverage to be paid by Buyer. Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Page 7 of 19 3.5 Allocation of the Purchase Price: Buyer and Seller shall report the Purchase Price to applicable tax authorities in accordance with the allocation attached as Schedule 3.5, if provided. 3.6 Seller Documents to be Delivered at Closing. On the Closing Date, the Seller shall deliver to Buyer: a.The Warranty Deed with a realty transfer certificate recognizing the Seller reserves unto itself water rights listed herein; b. A title insurance policy in the amount of the Purchase Price of the Real Property to insure the Buyer’s title to the Real Property; 3.7 Buyer Closing Deliveries. On the Closing Date, the Buyer shall deliver to the Escrow Agent the Purchase Price in immediately available funds. 3.8 Purchase Price Adjustment. The Earnest Money and any accrued interest shall be applied to the Purchase Price. Article 4—Representations and Warranties 4.1 Representations and Warranties of Seller. The Seller hereby warrants, represents, and covenants that all of the following warranties and representations are true and correct as of the date of Seller’s signature hereunder. For purposes of this section “knowledge” shall mean the due and reasonable inquiry of Seller. a.Authority of Seller. Seller is the owner of the Property and/or has the full right, power and authority to sell, convey, and transfer the Property to Buyer as provided herein, and to perform Seller’s obligations hereunder. The execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby have been duly and validly authorized by all necessary organizational action on the part of Seller. Notwithstanding the above, the Buyer recognizes and agrees the sale of the Property will be subject to and contingent upon fulfillment of provisions of Section 2.3. b.Compliance. Except as disclosed to Buyer, by the Seller Delivery Deadline, Seller has no knowledge of any aspect or condition of the Property which violates applicable laws, rules, regulations, codes or covenants, conditions or restriction, or of improvements or alterations made to the Property without a permit where one was required, or of any unfulfilled order or directive of any applicable governmental agency or casualty insurance company requiring any investigation, Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Page 8 of 19 remediation, repair, maintenance, or improvement to be performed on the Property. c.Possessory Rights. Except as disclosed to Buyer by the Seller Delivery Deadline, Seller has no knowledge of anyone having any rights in the Property adverse to the Seller. d.Liens. There are no unsatisfied mechanics’ or materialmens’ lien rights concerning the Property, and none of the personal property to be conveyed to Buyer under this Agreement, are subject to any lien or encumbrance affecting such, except as disclosed in writing to Buyer. e.Actions, Suits, or Proceedings. Seller, and no agent of Seller, has any knowledge of any actions, suits, or proceedings which are pending or threatened before any commission, board, bureau, agency, arbitrator, court, or tribunal that would affect the Property or Seller’s ability to convey the Property to Buyer hereunder. f.Bankruptcy. Seller, nor any equity owner of Seller, is the subject of a bankruptcy, insolvency, conservatorship, or probate proceeding. g.Conflicts. Except as disclosed to Buyer by the Seller Delivery Deadline, no other person has any right or option to acquire any portion of the Property and the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by Owner and the consummation by it of the transactions contemplated hereby will (i) not violate any provision of its organizational documents or any applicable law, rule, regulation, order or comparable requirement; or (ii) require notice to or the consent, authorization, approval or order of any person, except for notices that have been given and consents that have been obtained. h.Access and disputes. Except as disclosed to Buyer by the Seller Delivery Deadline, the Seller has legal and physical access to the Property which is adequate for the current use of the Property, and the Seller, and no agent of Seller, knows of any dispute or disagreement which could threaten access to the Property. i.Adverse Change. Except as disclosed to Buyer by the Seller Delivery Deadline, the Seller has no information or knowledge of any action by adjacent landowners, or natural or artificial conditions on the Property or adjacent property, which could have a material adverse effect upon the Property or its value. There is no Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Page 9 of 19 significant adverse fact or condition relating to the Property which has not been specifically disclosed in writing by the Seller to the Buyer. j.Incomplete Inaccurate or Misleading Information. The Seller doesn’t know of any materially incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading information in the documents, lists, and reports furnished to the Buyer under this Agreement. k.Hazardous Substances on the Property. Except as disclosed to Buyer by the Seller Delivery Deadline, that with respect to the period during which the Seller owned or occupied the Property, and to the knowledge of the Seller with respect to the time before the Seller owned or occupied the Property, no hazardous substances have been manufactured, processed, treated, handled, stored, installed, recycled, disposed, or released, intentionally or unintentionally, on the Property, and there have been no activities or events on the Property which could subject the Seller, the Buyer, or any subsequent owner of the Property to damages, penalties, injunctive relief, or cleanup or response costs under any environmental law or common law theory of liability. To the knowledge of Seller, no hazardous substances have been manufactured, processed, treated, handled, stored, installed, recycled, disposed, or released, intentionally or unintentionally, on land which is adjacent to the Property. Except as disclosed by the Seller prior to the Seller Delivery Deadline, for the purposes of this paragraph, “Hazardous Substances” shall mean any and all substances, materials, chemicals, or wastes that now or hereafter are classified or considered to be hazardous or toxic under any Environmental Law, or that are or become regulated by any governmental authority because of toxicity, infectiousness, radioactivity, explosiveness, ignitability, corrosiveness, or reactivity under any environmental law applicable to the Property, and shall also include: (a) gasoline, diesel fuel, and any other petroleum hydrocarbons; (b) asbestos and asbestos containing materials, in any form, whether friable or non-friable; (c) polychlorinated biphenyls; (d) radon gas; and (e) flammable liquids and explosives. l.Broker. Except for the Seller’s Broker, no broker, finder, or investment banker is entitled to any brokerage, finder’s, or other fee or commission in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement based upon arrangements made by or on behalf of Seller. m.Statutory Disclosures. Except for the disclosures provided on Schedule 4.1(n), no other disclosures are required by Seller. Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Page 10 of 19 4.2 Representation and Warranties of Buyer. The Buyer hereby warrants, represents, and covenants that all of the following warranties and representations are true and correct as of the date of Buyer’s signature hereunder. For purposes of this section “knowledge” shall mean the due and reasonable inquiry of Buyer. a.Authority of Buyer. Buyer has the full right, power and authority to purchase and acquire the Property from Seller as provided herein, and to perform Buyer’s obligations hereunder. The execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby have been duly and validly authorized by all necessary organizational action on the part of Seller. b.Broker. Except for Buyer’s Broker, no broker, finder, or investment banker is entitled to any brokerage, finder’s, or other fee or commission in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement based upon arrangements made by or on behalf of Buyer. c.Due Diligence. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement to the contrary, Buyer is purchasing the Property in its existing condition "AS IS, WHERE-IS, AND WITH ALL FAULTS” with respect to all facts, circumstances, conditions and defects, and, Seller has no obligation to determine or correct any such facts, circumstances, conditions or defects or to compensate Buyer for same. Seller has specifically bargained for the assumption by Buyer of all responsibility to investigate the Property, and of all risk of adverse conditions and has structured the Purchase Price and other terms of this Agreement in consideration thereof. Buyer has undertaken all such investigations of the Property as Buyer deems necessary or appropriate under the circumstances as to the status of the Property and based upon same, Buyer is and will be relying strictly and solely upon such inspections and examinations and the advice and counsel of its own consultants, agents, legal counsel and officers. Buyer is and will be fully satisfied that the Purchase Price is fair and adequate consideration for the Property and, by reason of all the foregoing, Buyer assumes the full risk of any loss or damage (subject to Section 5.3 below) occasioned by any fact, circumstance, condition or defect pertaining to the Property. d.No Warranty or Other Representation. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement to the contrary, Seller hereby disclaims all warranties of any kind or nature whatsoever INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF HABITABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSES, whether expressed or implied including, without limitation warranties with Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Page 11 of 19 respect to the Property. Except as is expressly set forth in this Agreement to the contrary, Buyer acknowledges that it is not relying upon any representation of any kind or nature made by Seller, or Seller's Agent, or any of their respective direct or indirect officers, directors, employees or agents (collectively, the "Seller Related Parties") with respect to the Property, and that, in fact, except as expressly set forth in this Agreement to the contrary, no such representations were made. To the extent required to be operative, the disclaimers and warranties contained herein are "conspicuous" disclaimers for purposes of any applicable law, rule, regulation or order. Article 5—Additional Provisions 5.1 Assignment. This Agreement may NOT be assigned by the Buyer without the prior written consent of the Seller. Any other assignment or purported assignment of the Agreement shall be null and void. 5.2 1031 Exchange. In connection with any 1031 exchange or exchanges, the Buyer may assign its respective rights under this Agreement to a qualified intermediary or exchange accommodation titleholder, as required by IRS Regulations. No such assignment will modify or release any of the obligations of either the Buyer or the Seller under this Agreement. Notwithstanding any such assignment or assignments, the Seller will convey the Property directly to the Buyer. The Parties each agree to cooperate in any exchange performed by the other party provided that they incur no additional liability, cost, or expense as a result of the cooperation, but neither Party will be obligated to acquire or convey any other property as part of the other Party’s 1031 exchange. 5.3 Risk of Loss. All loss or damage to the Property shall be retained by Seller until the Closing. 5.4 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with any other documents incorporated herein by reference and all related exhibits and schedules, constitute the sole and entire agreement of the Parties to this Agreement with respect to the subject matter contained herein and therein, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations, and warranties, both written and oral, with respect to such subject matter. 5.5 Amendment and Modification. This Agreement may only be amended, modified, or supplemented by an agreement in writing signed by each Party hereto. 5.6 Waiver. No waiver by any party of any of the provisions hereof shall be effective unless explicitly set forth in writing and signed by the party so waiving. No waiver by any party shall operate or be construed as a waiver in respect of any failure, breach, or default not Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Page 12 of 19 expressly identified by such written waiver, whether of a similar or different character, and whether occurring before or after that waiver. No failure to exercise, or delay in exercising, any right, remedy, power, or privilege arising from this Agreement shall operate or be construed as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, remedy, power, or privilege hereunder preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, remedy, power, or privilege. 5.7 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is for the sole benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns, and nothing herein, express or implied, is intended to or shall confer upon any other person or entity any legal or equitable right, benefit, or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of this Agreement. 5.8 Governing Law & Forum. All matters arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Montana without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule (whether of the State of Montana or any other jurisdiction). 5.9 Submission to Jurisdiction. The Parties hereby agree that any suit, action, or proceeding seeking to enforce any provision of, or based on any matter arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, shall be brought in the United States District Court for the District of Montana or district court for the State of Montana, so long as one of such courts shall have subject- matter jurisdiction over such suit, action, or proceeding. Each of the Parties hereby irrevocably consents to the jurisdiction of such courts (and of the appropriate appellate courts therefrom) in any such suit, action or proceeding and irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any objection that it may now or hereafter have to the laying of the venue of any such suit, action or proceeding in any such court or that any such suit, action or proceeding that is brought in any such court has been brought in an inconvenient form. Service of process, summons, notice or other document by certified mail to the address set forth in Section 5.19 shall be effective service of process for any suit, action, or other proceeding brought in any such court. 5.10 Attorneys’ Fees. In the event that any party institutes any suit, action, or proceeding, including arbitration, against the other Party to enforce the covenants contained in this Agreement (or obtain any other remedy in respect of any breach of this Agreement) or arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the prevailing party in the suit, action or other proceeding shall be entitled to receive, in addition to all other damages to which it may be entitled, the costs incurred by such party in conducting the suit, action, or proceeding, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses and court costs. This includes, subject to any limits under applicable law, attorneys’ fees for bankruptcy proceedings (including Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Page 13 of 19 efforts to modify or vacate any automatic stay or injunction), appeals, and any anticipated post-judgment collection services. 5.11 Further Assurances. Each of the Parties hereto shall, and shall cause their respective affiliates to, execute and deliver such additional documents, instruments, conveyances, and assurances and take such further actions as may be required to carry out the provisions hereof and give effect to the transactions contemplated hereby. 5.12 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall be deemed to be one and the same agreement. A signed copy of this Agreement delivered by facsimile, e-mail or other means of Electronic Transmission shall be deemed to have the same legal effect as delivery of an original signed copy of this Agreement (e.g. DocuSign). The Parties have consented to execute this Agreement electronically in conformance with the Montana Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, Title 30, Chapter 18, Part 1, MCA. 5.13 Time of the Essence. Time shall be of the essence in this Agreement. 5.14 Remedies. Seller’s sole and exclusive remedy is monetary damages against Buyer. Buyer may either require Seller to specifically perform, or recover monetary damages against Seller as provided for in Section 2.4. 5.15 Severability. If any term or provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other term or provision of this Agreement or invalidate or render unenforceable such term or provision in any other jurisdiction. Upon such determination that any term or other provision is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the parties hereto shall negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement so as to effect the original intent of the parties as closely as possible in a mutually acceptable manner in order that the transactions contemplated hereby be consummated as originally contemplated to the greatest extent possible. 5.16 Relationship of the Parties. Nothing herein shall be construed to create a joint venture or partnership between the parties hereto or an employer/employee or agency relationship. Neither party hereto shall have any express or implied right or authority to assume or create any obligations on behalf of or in the name of the other party or to bind the other party to any contract, agreement, or undertaking with any third party. 5.17 Confidentiality. Until the Closing, Buyer shall treat the information disclosed to it by Seller, or otherwise gained through Buyer's access to the Property and Seller's books and records, as confidential, giving it the same care as Buyer's own confidential information, and make no use of any such disclosed information not independently known to Buyer Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Page 14 of 19 except in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby; provided, however, that Buyer may, without the consent of Seller, disclose such information: (a) to its partners, members, managers, employees, advisors, consultants, attorneys, accountants, prospective and actual investors, and lenders (the "Transaction Parties"), so long as any such Transaction Parties to whom disclosure is made shall also agree to keep all such information confidential in accordance with the terms hereof and (b) if disclosure is required by law or by regulatory or judicial process, provided that in such event, Buyer shall notify Seller of such required disclosure, shall exercise all commercially reasonable efforts to preserve the confidentiality of the confidential information, including, without limitation, reasonably cooperating with Seller (at Seller's sole expense) to obtain an appropriate order or other reliable assurance that confidential treatment will be accorded such confidential information by such tribunal and shall disclose only that portion of the confidential information which Buyer is legally required to disclose. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the confidentially provisions of this Section 5.17 shall not apply to any information or document which: (i) is or becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of a disclosure in violation of this Agreement or (ii) subject to compliance with clause (b) in this Section 5.17 above, is required by law or court order to be disclosed. In the event of a termination of this Agreement, Buyer shall promptly return all such confidential information to Seller. 5.18 Notices & Communication. All communication between the Parties regarding this transaction shall be between the Agents and be conducted via email at the address(es) set forth on the first page of this Agreement and to the emails or cloud sites identified on Schedule 5.17. Any notices, requests, consents, claims, demands, waivers, and other communications hereunder (each, a “Notice”) shall be in writing and addressed to the party at the email addresses set forth on the first page of this Agreement, with cc to their respective Agent (or to such other email address that may be designated by the receiving party from time to time in accordance with this Section) and sent to the party and their respective Agent at the mailing address set forth on the first page of this Agreement. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, a Notice is effective only if the party giving the Notice has complied with the requirements of this Section. 5.19 Survival. The provisions of Sections 2.4, Article IV, and this Article V, shall survive the termination of this Agreement and the Closing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date first written above by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized. Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Page 15 of 19 Seller: By: Name: Title: Date: Buyer: By: Name: Title: Date:  &RU\5HLVWDG 'HYHORSHU7KH)LUHKRXVH %X\HU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB %\ 1DPH$OOLVRQ%U\DQ 7LWOH'HYHORSHU7KH)LUHKRXVH 'DWH Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Page 16 of 19 Schedule 1.1—Additional Terms%X\HUSODQVWRWDNHDGYDQWDJHRIERWKLQFHQWLYHVWKH&LW\LVRIIHULQJ $ LQ7,) % 3DUNLQJOHDVHV %X\HUVKDYHDWWDFKHGDQDIIRUGDEOHKRXVLQJSURSRVDO7KHLQWHQWLRQ LVWKDWKRPHRZQHUVKLSLVDGGUHVVHGE\WKLVGHYHORSPHQW'HHG UHVWULFWLRQODQJXDJHZLOOUHIOHFWWKLVJRDO%X\HUVLQWHQGWRSDUWQHUZLWK ORFDOHQWLW\WRKHOSPDQDJHGHHGUHVWULFWLRQDQGHOLJLELOLW\ UHTXLUHPHQWV Schedule 1.2—Specific Inspections %X\HUKDVSHUPLVVLRQWRSHUIRUPWKHIROORZLQJWHVWV5DGRQ0ROG/HDGDQG$VEHVWRV ,QDGGLWLRQ%X\HUPD\FKRRVHWRFRQVXOWZLWKWKHIROORZLQJSURIHVVLRQDOVSULRUWRH[SLUDWLRQRI GXHGLOLJHQFHSOXPEHU+9$&URRIHUVWUXFWXUDOHQJLQHHUFLYLOHQJLQHHUJHRWHFKQLFDO HQJLQHHU Schedule 2.4—Additional Seller Remedies Above Buyer’s Escrow Amount Schedule 3.2—Alternative proration of pre-paid rents and taxes and Special Assessment Treatment Schedule 3.5—Intentionally Omitted Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Page 17 of 19 Schedule 4.1(n)—Seller’s Form Statutory Disclosures [Various statutory disclosures depending on the nature of the Property, and the presence of residential units] RADON GAS: RADON IS A NATURALLY OCCURRING RADIOACTIVE GAS THAT, WHEN IT HAS ACCUMULATED IN A BUILDING IN SUFFICIENT QUANTITIES, MAY PRESENT HEALTH RISKS TO PERSONS WHO ARE EXPOSED TO IT OVER TIME. LEVELS OF RADON THAT EXCEED FEDERAL GUIDELINES HAVE BEEN FOUND IN BUILDINGS IN MONTANA. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING RADON AND RADON TESTING MAY BE OBTAINED FROM YOUR COUNTY OR STATE PUBLIC HEALTH UNIT. MOLD DISCLOSURE: There are many types of mold. Inhabitable properties are not, and cannot be, constructed to exclude mold. Moisture is one of the most significant factors contributing to mold growth. Information about controlling mold growth may be available from your county extension agent or health department. Certain strains of mold may cause damage to property and may adversely affect the health of susceptible persons, including allergic reactions that may include skin, eye, nose, and throat irritation. Certain strains of mold may cause infections, particularly in individuals with suppressed immune systems. Some experts contend that certain strains of mold may cause serious and even life-threatening diseases. However, experts do not agree about the nature and extent of the health problems caused by mold or about the level of mold exposure that may cause health problems. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is studying the link between mold and serious health conditions. The seller, landlord, seller's agent, buyer's agent, or property manager cannot and does not represent or warrant the absence of mold. It is the buyer's or tenant's obligation to determine whether a mold problem is present. To do so, the buyer or tenant should hire a qualified inspector and make any contract to purchase, rent, or lease contingent upon the results of that inspection. A seller, landlord, seller's agent, buyer's agent, or property manager who provides this mold disclosure statement, provides for the disclosure of any prior testing and any subsequent mitigation or treatment for mold, and discloses any knowledge of mold is not liable in any action based on the presence of or propensity for mold in a building that is subject to any contract to purchase, rent, or lease. LEAD BASED PAINT. Residential real property on which a residential dwelling was built prior to 1978 may present exposure to lead from lead-based paint that may place young children at risk for developing lead poisoning. Lead poisoning in young children may produce permanent neurological damage, including learning disabilities, reduced intelligence quotient, behavioral problems, and impaired memory. Lead poisoning also poses a particular risk to pregnant Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Page 18 of 19 women. A risk assessment or inspection for possible lead-based paint hazards is recommended prior to occupancy of this Premises. Risk assessments for lead based paint are the responsibility of Buyer or the prospective buyer. Information on protecting your family from lead paint risks can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2017- 06/documents/pyf_color_landscape_format_2017_508.pdf The Property is equipped with __ smoke detectors [and Carbon monoxide detectors]. METHAMPHETAMINE CONTAMINATION DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: Pursuant to the provisions of Title 75, Chapter 10, Part 13 of Montana Code Annotated, certain owners of real property which has been contaminated with hazardous chemical residues created by the clandestine manufacture of methamphetamine are required to notify any acquiring party of such contamination and the certification of any remediation or decontamination project. Seller represents that it has no knowledge of any such contamination of the Property, nor has it received any notice of any such contamination of the Property. Seller represents that it has no knowledge of the presence of methamphetamine in any habitable structure, nor has it received any notice that methamphetamine is present in any habitable structure. Megan’s Law Disclosure Statement. Pursuant to the provisions of Title 46, Chapter 23, Part 5 of the Montana Code Annotated, certain individuals are required to register their address with the local law enforcement agencies as part of Montana's Sexual and Violent Offender Registration Act. In order to provide the public with information so they can protect themselves and their children from convicted sexual and violent offenders, the Montana Department of Justice maintains an electronic database entitled the "Montana Sexual or Violent Offender Registry" which can be found at http://www.doj.mt.gov/svor/. Buyer agrees to be solely responsible to conduct any investigation regarding the existence of any individuals residing near the Property that are registered as part of Montana's Sexual and Violent Offender Registration. Noxious Weeds Disclosure Statement. The Buyer of the Property acknowledges Buyer is aware that all property in the State of Montana potentially contains the existence of noxious weeds. Further, the laws of the State of Montana require owners of property within this state to control, and to the extent possible, eradicate noxious weeds. Pursuant to the provisions of Title 7, Chapter 22, Section 2116 of the Montana Code Annotated, it is unlawful for any person to permit any noxious weed to propagate or go to seed on the person's land unless they adhere to a noxious weed management plan as provided for under Montana law. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that before purchasing the Property, Buyer is solely responsible to conduct any investigation of the Property regarding the existence or potential existence of noxious weeds on the Property. The Seller cannot and does not represent or warrant the absence of noxious weeds on the Property. It is the Buyer’s obligation to determine whether noxious weeds are present. To do so, the Buyer may hire a qualified inspector and make this Agreement contingent upon the results of that inspection. Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Page 19 of 19 Schedule 5.17—Additional Forms of Communication and Data Exchange Authentisign ID: 1F2D44E1-1094-EC11-A507-501AC5E43BFD Offer | GMD February 20, 2022 Ryan Springer, CCIM Sterling CRE Advisors 895 Technology Boulevard, Suite 101 Bozeman, MT 59718 Re: Bozeman Fire Station, 34 North Rouse Avenue Mr. Springer, In collaboration with HRDC in Bozeman, GMD Development is excited to present our proposal and purchase agreement for the Bozeman Fire #1 located at 34 North Rouse Avenue and creating much needed affordable housing in this center of town that depends heavily on service/workforce workers. We look forward to working closely in partnership with the city to transform this important city owned property through to its next evolution as critical housing for Bozeman’s workforce. As mentioned in the RFP Summary, due to the high quality of life Bozeman has experienced very rapid growth over the past 10 years (41.6%) and has attracted many high paying employers (25.6% of households earning in excess of $100,000 annually). Housing prices have increased nearly 50% just the past two years and rental rates for apartments have also experienced similar steep increases. In many ways Bozeman is the model of economic success but has resulted in an overall housing crisis that is felt most acutely for those at the lower earnings levels. Bozeman is not alone in this dire situation where those service workers that communities depend on to provide our basic daily services to function, are unable to find housing they can afford, and employers are unable to find workers to support their businesses. For the past 7 years, GMD Development has been very active in the Bozeman market. In 2017 we completed Larkspur Commons, a 136-family affordable apartment and we currently have two projects under construction, a 136 family affordable apartments, Arrowleaf Park, adjacent to the 96 apartment senior affordable apartments, Perennial Park. These are slated to open in the spring of 2022. In addition, over the past 10 years, GMD Development has completed 9 affordable housing projects in throughout Montana with a total of 644 apartments. GMD Development is a mission-based for-profit development company focused on the creation and preservation of affordable housing throughout the northwest. GMD and its principals have completed a total of 5,468 affordable apartments (GMD Project List attached). Over the past several months we have been researching the potential to create affordable housing at the Fire Station site. Overall, we feel this is the perfect location for affordable/workforce housing. The site is within walking distance to service jobs on surrounding Main Street and MSU, as well as schools (Hawthorne Elementary), on several bus routes, parks, and the public library. Locating affordable housing in central locations reduces the dependence and cost of transportation for residents. Based on our analysis to date, we propose a development with 60 one-bedroom apartments for households at 50%, 60% and 70% of the area median income (however potentially up to 100% of area median income) in a single, elevator served, 5-story building. Also included would be approximately 2,500 square feet of leasing office/retail. Parking would be a mix of interior, exterior surface, city lot leases and car share. A recorded regulatory agreement would ensure that this property remain affordable for at least 30 years. It’s clear that Bozeman needs significantly more affordable housing and creating true affordable housing in today’s environment is extremely challenging. As developers of affordable housing we are faced with the headwinds of rising interest rates, construction and labor costs at historic highs, supply chain issues causing uncertainty, and limited programs to support housing. Despite these challenges we believe that there is a path forward to create affordable housing at this critical location in the heart of Bozeman, but will require collaboration with the city to make this a reality. Below are the conditions that would be needed for feasibility:  Purchase price of $2,916,000. We anticipate working with the city staff during the due diligence period to structure in an optimal way to maximize benefits of housing tax credits such as potentially allocating a portion of the price as fees to the city.  Request a city loan of 90% of purchase price be made available (10% cash from buyer), with an 18-month term and 2-three month extensions for $25,000 each,  at an interest rate of 0% plus any servicing fees charged to the city up to 1%. This loan will be repaid at the closing of the tax credit partnership. The purpose of this land acquisition loan is to allow sufficient time to pursue an allocation of low-income housing tax credits and other potential funding sources for feasibility.  Land closing to occur no later than June 30, 2022.  The primary objective will be to provide rental housing for households with earnings between 50-70% of area median income and receive an allocation of low-income housing tax credits, however, flexibility may be needed to offer a portion or all of the units up to 100% of the area median income to offset higher interest rates or higher development costs.  A restrictive use agreement will be recorded at the land closing to ensure affordability for residents at or below 100% of area median income. Additional regulatory agreements may be recorded according to the Montana Board of Housing’s requirements associated with housing tax credits. Compliance would be enforced by MBOH for the duration of the restrictive covenants.  Earnest money deposit of $50,000 at the end of the Due Diligence Period and to be applied to the purchase price at closing.  Due diligence period of 60 days.  A reduced parking requirement is critical for feasibility: the initial site plan (attached) indicates a potential of 14 exterior surface stalls, and up to 21 interior stalls for a total of 35 parking spaces. Any additional parking would require a 2nd level of concrete structured garage that would be prohibitively expensive and financially infeasible. We feel this reduced parking requirement is supportable due to the central, walkable location and adjacent bus routes. In addition to the city parking garage stalls we envision offering a number of car share alternatives. The net affordable rents will be significantly below market and offer residents a lifestyle less dependent on automobiles with considerable monthly budget savings.  Option to lease up to 12 parking stalls at the city garage and potentially City Hall and buyer agrees that these stalls will be “last in” and requested only if needed.  $1.6 million in funding from the Downtown Bozeman Tax Increment Financing District. We request that these funds be made available to buyer after land closing on a drawn down basis to pay eligible costs per 7-15-4288, MCA. This TIF District funding will be provided to HRDC, our non-profit housing partner who in turn will lend the funds to the project. GMD Development is proud of the affordable housing that we have been fortunate to develop in Bozeman and thankful for the continued support of the city. In many ways we see the creation of new affordable housing more challenging than ever, but we believe from the many lessons we have learned over the past several decades developing affordable housing and with key collaboration with the city we can continue to rise to meet the pressing housing needs in the community. We look forward to discussing our proposed plans and the materials attached. Regards, Steve Dymoke Partner, GMD Development OWNER NAME PROJECT NAME LOCATION UNITS STATUS FINANCING TYPE INVOLVEMENT Partners 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 GMD DEVELOPMENT, LLC Project Experience List PROJECT TYPE Updated September 2021 OWNER NAME PROJECT NAME LOCATION UNITS STATUS FINANCING TYPE INVOLVEMENT PartnersPROJECT TYPE SHEET NUMBERPROJECT CODEPROJECT ADDRESSARCHITECT RETAINS COPYRIGHT TO THESE DRAWINGS.DRAWINGS ARE ONLY FOR USE FOR PROJECT NAMED ONDRAWING SHEET AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR USEDFOR OTHER PURPOSES WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSIONFROM ARCHITECT.A000GBNGMD BOZEMANCONSULTINGSITE PLAN34 NORTH ROUSEAVENUESITE ANALYSIS106 EAST BABCOCK STREETSUITE 1ABOZEMAN, MT 59715SHEET NAMEPROJECT NAMEDRAWING REVISIONSDRAWING ISSUE DATEDRAWING ISSUED FOR10.8.2021PHONE: (406) 582-8988NAA0.060 UNITS - 5 STORIES(12) - 1 BEDROOMS A FLOOR 680 NET SF PER UNIT (INCLUDES 60 SF DECK)2,500 NET SF OF RETAIL/OFFICE1 BEDROOM UNITS = 100SF OPEN SPACE6,000SF TOTAL (HALF IN DECKS) ROOF AMENITY LIKELY REQUIRED35 PARKING SPACES ONSITE 21 STORAGE LOCKERS Page 1 of 20 PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT This “Agreement” is made and entered into by and between: “Buyer” and “Seller” GMD Development LLC 520 Pike Street, Suite 1010 Seattle, WA 98101 steve@gmddevelopment.com City of Bozeman (each a “Party” and collectively the “Parties”). “Buyer’s Agent”: “Seller’s Agent”: Marley McKenna, Katie Adams McKenna Adams Commercial Realty Katie.adams406@gmail.com (406) 581-7562 Ryan Springer Sterling CRE Advisors Bozeman Ryan.Springer@sterlingcreadvisors.com 406-579-5586 (each an “Agent” and collectively the “Agents”). The following terms shall have the following meanings for purposes of this Agreement: “Real Property”: 34 N Rouse Avenue, Bozeman MT 59715 Legal Description: Lots 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 in Block F of Rouse's First Addition, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, MT. EXCEPTING Therefrom the portion transferred to Montana Department of Transportation for Highway Right of Way, further described in the Bargain and Sale Deed recorded as Document 2527031 on 10/07/2015 with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder. To Be verified during escrow. “Purchase Price” $2,916,000 “Closing Date” Closing to occur no later than June 30, 2022. “Escrow Agent” Stewart Title Southwestern Montana “Escrow Method” Wire to escrow; “Earnest Money” $50,000; non-refundable after Due Diligence Deadline and applicable to purchase price; refundable to Buyer if Seller defaults. “Due Diligence Deadline” 60 days from fully executed purchase agreement and COB approval Page 2 of 20 “Offer Expiration Deadline” Offer will remain open (valid) until the COB approves disapproves/offer unless rescinded in writing by Buyer prior to City Commission approval. ARTICLE 1—Purchase & Sale 1.1 Purchase. The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy, on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and Schedule 1.1, all of the Seller’s right, title, and interest in the Real Property, including all rights, improvements and fixtures located on the Real Property and all rights, privileges, easements, and rights of way appurtenant to the Real Property (collectively, the “Property”) excepting the Seller’s interests in water rights 41H 61642-00 and 41H 61643-00 and excepting the existing fire pole. If Seller has not accepted this offer by the Offer Expiration Deadline, such offer shall be deemed to have been automatically withdrawn as of the Offer Expiration Deadline. 1.2 Good Faith Deposit: Notwithstanding that this Agreement must be ratified by the Bozeman City Commission, no later than two (2) days after the City Manager’s signature on this Agreement Buyer will cause the Earnest Money to be deposited with the Escrow Agent. 1.3 Due Diligence. Buyer recognizes it has had opportunity to conduct due diligence during the time period the Property was listed for sale. Nevertheless, Buyer shall have until the Due Diligence Deadline to conduct inspections or reviews customary in the sale of commercial real estate in Montana of the Real Property including the inspections and evaluations listed on Schedule 1.2. During this period, Seller will make reasonable accommodations for Buyer, or Buyer’s agents, to enter and inspect and evaluate the Property. Buyer may terminate this Agreement, at Buyer’s sole and absolute discretion, if the Property is not satisfactory and if Buyer provides notice to Seller before the expiration of the Due Diligence Deadline. If Buyer so terminates, Buyer shall provide Seller any reports or information relating to due diligence that were prepared by Buyer or Buyer’s Agent. Page 3 of 20 1.4 Seller’s Deliveries. Prior to Seller’s Due Diligence Delivery Deadline, Seller shall provide to Buyer legible copies of all material documents or contracts affecting the Property in Seller’s possession or which are reasonably accessible to Seller. 1.5 Title. By the Seller’s Due Diligence Delivery Deadline, Seller shall deliver to the Buyer a commitment for a standard ALTA owner’s title insurance policy issued by the Closing Agent (the “Preliminary Title Commitment”) in an amount equal to the Purchase Price commitment to insurance merchantable title to the Real Property. Buyer shall have twenty (20) business days from the delivery of the Preliminary Title Commitment to object to the title of the Property (a “Buyer Objection”). If Buyer so objects, Seller shall have thirty (30) days—and the Closing Date shall be automatically extended by thirty (30) days—to address such Buyer Objection to the satisfaction of Buyer, in Buyer’s sole and absolute discretion. 1.6 Seller’s Title Delivery. At the closing the Seller shall convey good and marketable fee simple title to the Real Property to the Buyer by warranty deed, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, easements, rights of way, restrictions, reservations, conditions, burdens, and other defects in title (the “Warranty Deed”), except as follows (the “Exceptions”): a. Easements, rights of way, restrictions, reservations, conditions, and burdens of record; b. Easements, rights of way, and encroachments which are apparent on inspection of the Real Property or which would be disclosed by a survey of the Real Property; c. Laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to zoning, land use, environmental protection, and building; d. Reservations made in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance of patents; e. Taxes and assessments which are not yet due and payable; f. All other conditions of title disclosed by the Preliminary Title Commitment, and which did not receive a Buyer Objection; and 1.7 City Not Bound in Its Regulatory/Utility Authority. Buyer recognizes the City enters this Agreements as a landowner and not in its regulatory role regarding any land use, zoning, building inspection, subdivision, or any other circumstance where the Buyer may need to receive regulatory approvals from the City prior to conducting any activity on the Property after Closing. In addition, Buyer recognizes the City is a provider of certain utility services including but not limited to water, sewer, and stormwater. As such, Buyer agrees that noting herein binds the City to make certain regulatory approvals should the Property Page 4 of 20 be redeveloped, reused, demolished, or in any capacity wherein the City may have regulatory or utility authority after Closing. ARTICLE 2—Conditions to Performance 2.1 Conditions To Buyer’s Performance. The Buyer will have the right to terminate this Agreement, and shall not be obligated to complete the purchase of the Property or to perform the Buyer’s other obligations under this Agreement, unless all of the following conditions have been satisfied or waived: a. The Seller’s title to the Property meets the requirements set forth in this Agreement; b. On the Closing Date the Seller executes and delivers to the Closing Agent all of the documents which this Agreement, or the Closing Agent, requires the Seller to execute and deliver; c. All of the warranties and representations of Seller contained in this Agreement shall have been true and correct when made, and shall be true and correct in all material respects on and as of the Closing Date with the same force and effect as though such warranties and representations had been made on and as of the Closing Date; d. Seller shall have maintained the Property until the Closing in its condition as of the date of Buyer’s signature hereunder, ordinary wear and tear excepted; e. Seller delivers possession of the Property to Buyer on the Closing Date; f. All mortgages, judgments, and liens shall be paid or satisfied by the Seller at or prior to closing unless otherwise provided herein; and g. No additional encumbrances, restrictions, easements or other adverse title conditions have been placed against the title to the Property other than those identified in the Preliminary Title Commitment. h. Additional conditions as outlined in Exhibit. 2.2 Buyer’s Right To Rescind. The Buyer may rescind this Agreement without any further obligation or liability hereunder before the Due Diligence Deadline or the deadline for a Buyer Objection. In the event of the Buyer’s failure to timely reject any defect or deficiency in writing by such deadline, Buyer will be deemed to have waived such contingency and to have accepted the Property and Personal Property subject to any existing conditions or defects. Page 5 of 20 2.3 Conditions to Seller’s performance. The Seller will have the right to terminate this Agreement, and shall not be required to convey the Property to the Buyer or to perform the other obligations of the Seller under this Agreement, unless all of the following conditions have been satisfied or waived: a. On the Closing Date the Buyer executes and delivers to the Closing Agent all of the documents which this Agreement, or the Closing Agent, requires the Buyer to execute and deliver including the Purchase Price. Buyer intends to develop affordable rental housing serving households at a maximum of 80% of the area median income. Buyer intends to request an allocation of low income housing tax credits from the Montana Board of Housing and potentially other sources of funding. Buyer anticipates and agrees to record a restrictive use agreement with the City of Bozeman and the Montana Board of Housing. On the Closing Date the Buyer executes and delivers to the Closing Agent all of the documents which this Agreement, or the Closing Agent, requires the Buyer to execute and deliver. b. All of the warranties and representations of Buyer contained in this Agreement shall have been true and correct when made, and shall be true and correct in all material respects on and as of the Closing Date with the same force and effect as though such warranties and representations had been made on and as of the Closing Date. c. In addition, the Buyer recognizes and agrees the sale of the Property shall be contingent upon the Seller’s compliance with Chapter 2, Article 6, Division 5, Bozeman Municipal Code, and the ratification of this Agreement by duly adopted ordinance of the Bozeman City Commission pursuant to the requirements of the Section 2.11 of the Bozeman City Charter. Final ratification of this Agreement shall not be effective until 30 (thirty) days after final adoption of such ordinance. Should the Bozeman City Commission fail to ratify the City Manager’s signature on this Agreement this transaction shall be terminated automatically without any further action of the Seller required and the Earnest Money returned to Buyer. 2.4 Remedies—Liquidated Damages. THE PARTIES ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE DISCUSSED THE TYPE AND MAGNITUDE OF DAMAGES THAT EACH COULD SUFFER IF THIS AGREEMENT TERMINATES BECAUSE OF THE OTHER PARTY'S BREACH OR DEFAULT HEREUNDER. FURTHERMORE, EACH ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT HAS NEGOTIATED THIS TOPIC IN GOOD FAITH WITH THE OTHER AND HAS CONCLUDED THAT IT Page 6 of 20 IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT AND IMPRACTICAL TO AFFIX A DOLLAR AMOUNT TO DAMAGES FOR BREACH OR DEFAULT AND THEREFORE HAVE AGREED TO THE FOLLOWING REMEDIES: a. Seller’s Remedies in the Event of Buyer’s Beach of Default. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT SELLER'S SOLE REMEDY, AT LAW OR IN EQUITY, IN THE EVENT OF A DEFAULT OR BREACH BY BUYER, IS FOR SELLER TO KEEP THE EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT AND ALL INTEREST EARNED THEREON. THEREAFTER THIS AGREEMENT SHALL TERMINATE AND SELLER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RIGHTS OR OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT EXCEPT FOR THOSE THAT ARE EXPRESSLY STATED TO SURVIVE THE TERMINATION THEREOF. b. Buyer's Remedies in the Event of Seller's Breach or Default. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT BUYER'S SOLE REMEDY, AT LAW OR IN EQUITY, IN THE EVENT OF A DEFAULT OR BREACH BY SELLER UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, IS FOR BUYER TO HAVE RETURNED TO IT THE EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT AND ALL INTEREST EARNED THEREON AS LIQUIDATED DAMAGES (NOT AS A PENALTY. Article 3—Closing 3.1 Escrow. The Earnest Money shall be deposited by the respective Agent with the Escrow Agent within two (2) business days of the Offer Expiration Deadline according to the Escrow Method. 3.2 Taxes and Assessments. Seller and Buyer shall prorate taxes, as well as pre-paid rents, if any, as of the Closing Date, unless otherwise specified on Schedule 3.2. The prior year’s taxes should be used for proration in the event that the current year taxes are not available, and shall not be adjusted based on any subsequent change in assessed value. All non-perpetual Special Improvement Districts or Association Special Assessments will be paid off at Closing by Seller, unless specified otherwise pursuant to Schedule 3.2. 3.3 Closing Date. Buyer recognizes the Property currently serves as the City’s Fire Station 1. Buyer also recognizes the City is currently constructing the Bozeman Public Safety Center (BPSC) with an estimated completion date of July 1, 2022. Buyer enters into this Agreement recognizing the Buyer may not take ownership of the Property until such time as the City completes construction of the BPSC and Fire Station 1 has relocated to the BPSC. As such, Buyer recognizes the Closing Date is subject to change by the City if the BPSC is not completed. Buyer agrees the City may unilaterally extend the Closing Date to a date reasonably necessary to allow the City to complete construction of the BPSC and move Fire Station 1 to the BPSC. The City must take all Page 7 of 20 reasonable steps necessary to complete the construction of the BPSC and move Fire Station 1. The Buyer may request updates from the City on the status of the BPSC construction and relocation of Fire Station 1. Recognizing the above, the Parties anticipate closing this transaction on the Closing Date. In addition to the City’s authority to extend the Closing Date for issues related to the BPSC and relocation of Fire Station 1, either Party may extend the Closing Date by ten (10) business days, by prior notice, unless such extension would cause adverse tax consequences to other Party (i.e. in the case of an exchange pursuant to 26 USC § 1031) and the other Party has provided notice of such implications by the Due Diligence Deadline. 3.4 Closing Costs. Buyer and Seller shall equally split all costs related to conducting the closing and the fee of the Closing Agent. Seller shall pay the cost for a standard 2006 ALTA ® Owner’s Policy for Title Insurance, with any enhancements in such coverage to be paid by Buyer. 3.5 Allocation of the Purchase Price: Buyer and Seller shall report the Purchase Price to applicable tax authorities in accordance with the allocation attached as Schedule 3.5, if provided. 3.6 Seller Documents to be Delivered at Closing. On the Closing Date, the Seller shall deliver to Buyer: a. The Warranty Deed with a realty transfer certificate recognizing the Seller reserves unto itself water rights listed herein; b. A title insurance policy in the amount of the Purchase Price of the Real Property to insure the Buyer’s title to the Real Property; 3.7 Buyer Closing Deliveries. On the Closing Date, the Buyer shall deliver to the Escrow Agent the Purchase Price in immediately available funds. 3.8 Purchase Price Adjustment. The Earnest Money and any accrued interest shall be applied to the Purchase Price. Article 4—Representations and Warranties 4.1 Representations and Warranties of Seller. The Seller hereby warrants, represents, and covenants that all of the following warranties and representations are true and correct as of the date of Seller’s signature hereunder. For purposes of this section “knowledge” shall mean the due and reasonable inquiry of Seller. a. Authority of Seller. Seller is the owner of the Property and/or has the full right, power and authority to sell, convey, and transfer the Property to Buyer as Page 8 of 20 provided herein, and to perform Seller’s obligations hereunder. The execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby have been duly and validly authorized by all necessary organizational action on the part of Seller. Notwithstanding the above, the Buyer recognizes and agrees the sale of the Property will be subject to and contingent upon fulfillment of provisions of Section 2.3. b. Compliance. Except as disclosed to Buyer, by the Seller Delivery Deadline, Seller has no knowledge of any aspect or condition of the Property which violates applicable laws, rules, regulations, codes or covenants, conditions or restriction, or of improvements or alterations made to the Property without a permit where one was required, or of any unfulfilled order or directive of any applicable governmental agency or casualty insurance company requiring any investigation, remediation, repair, maintenance, or improvement to be performed on the Property. c. Possessory Rights. Except as disclosed to Buyer by the Seller Delivery Deadline, Seller has no knowledge of anyone having any rights in the Property adverse to the Seller. d. Liens. There are no unsatisfied mechanics’ or materialmens’ lien rights concerning the Property, and none of the personal property to be conveyed to Buyer under this Agreement, are subject to any lien or encumbrance affecting such, except as disclosed in writing to Buyer. e. Actions, Suits, or Proceedings. Seller, and no agent of Seller, has any knowledge of any actions, suits, or proceedings which are pending or threatened before any commission, board, bureau, agency, arbitrator, court, or tribunal that would affect the Property or Seller’s ability to convey the Property to Buyer hereunder. f. Bankruptcy. Seller, nor any equity owner of Seller, is the subject of a bankruptcy, insolvency, conservatorship, or probate proceeding. g. Conflicts. Except as disclosed to Buyer by the Seller Delivery Deadline, no other person has any right or option to acquire any portion of the Property and the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by Owner and the consummation by it of the transactions contemplated hereby will (i) not violate any provision of its organizational documents or any applicable law, rule, regulation, order or comparable requirement; or (ii) require notice to or the Page 9 of 20 consent, authorization, approval or order of any person, except for notices that have been given and consents that have been obtained. h. Access and disputes. Except as disclosed to Buyer by the Seller Delivery Deadline, the Seller has legal and physical access to the Property which is adequate for the current use of the Property, and the Seller, and no agent of Seller, knows of any dispute or disagreement which could threaten access to the Property. i. Adverse Change. Except as disclosed to Buyer by the Seller Delivery Deadline, the Seller has no information or knowledge of any action by adjacent landowners, or natural or artificial conditions on the Property or adjacent property, which could have a material adverse effect upon the Property or its value. There is no significant adverse fact or condition relating to the Property which has not been specifically disclosed in writing by the Seller to the Buyer. j. Incomplete Inaccurate or Misleading Information. The Seller doesn’t know of any materially incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading information in the documents, lists, and reports furnished to the Buyer under this Agreement. k. Hazardous Substances on the Property. Except as disclosed to Buyer by the Seller Delivery Deadline, that with respect to the period during which the Seller owned or occupied the Property, and to the knowledge of the Seller with respect to the time before the Seller owned or occupied the Property, no hazardous substances have been manufactured, processed, treated, handled, stored, installed, recycled, disposed, or released, intentionally or unintentionally, on the Property, and there have been no activities or events on the Property which could subject the Seller, the Buyer, or any subsequent owner of the Property to damages, penalties, injunctive relief, or cleanup or response costs under any environmental law or common law theory of liability. To the knowledge of Seller, no hazardous substances have been manufactured, processed, treated, handled, stored, installed, recycled, disposed, or released, intentionally or unintentionally, on land which is adjacent to the Property. Except as disclosed by the Seller prior to the Seller Delivery Deadline, for the purposes of this paragraph, “Hazardous Substances” shall mean any and all substances, materials, chemicals, or wastes that now or hereafter are classified or considered to be hazardous or toxic under any Environmental Law, or that are or become regulated by any governmental authority because of toxicity, infectiousness, radioactivity, explosiveness, ignitability, corrosiveness, or reactivity under any environmental law applicable to the Property, and shall also include: (a) gasoline, diesel fuel, and any other Page 10 of 20 petroleum hydrocarbons; (b) asbestos and asbestos containing materials, in any form, whether friable or non-friable; (c) polychlorinated biphenyls; (d) radon gas; and (e) flammable liquids and explosives. l. Broker. Except for the Seller’s Broker, no broker, finder, or investment banker is entitled to any brokerage, finder’s, or other fee or commission in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement based upon arrangements made by or on behalf of Seller. m. Statutory Disclosures. Except for the disclosures provided on Schedule 4.1(n), no other disclosures are required by Seller. Page 11 of 20 4.2 Representation and Warranties of Buyer. The Buyer hereby warrants, represents, and covenants that all of the following warranties and representations are true and correct as of the date of Buyer’s signature hereunder. For purposes of this section “knowledge” shall mean the due and reasonable inquiry of Buyer. a. Authority of Buyer. Buyer has the full right, power and authority to purchase and acquire the Property from Seller as provided herein, and to perform Buyer’s obligations hereunder. The execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby have been duly and validly authorized by all necessary organizational action on the part of Seller. b. Broker. Except for Buyer’s Broker, no broker, finder, or investment banker is entitled to any brokerage, finder’s, or other fee or commission in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement based upon arrangements made by or on behalf of Buyer. c. Due Diligence. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement to the contrary, Buyer is purchasing the Property in its existing condition "AS IS, WHERE-IS, AND WITH ALL FAULTS” with respect to all facts, circumstances, conditions and defects, and, Seller has no obligation to determine or correct any such facts, circumstances, conditions or defects or to compensate Buyer for same. Seller has specifically bargained for the assumption by Buyer of all responsibility to investigate the Property, and of all risk of adverse conditions and has structured the Purchase Price and other terms of this Agreement in consideration thereof. Buyer has undertaken all such investigations of the Property as Buyer deems necessary or appropriate under the circumstances as to the status of the Property and based upon same, Buyer is and will be relying strictly and solely upon such inspections and examinations and the advice and counsel of its own consultants, agents, legal counsel and officers. Buyer is and will be fully satisfied that the Purchase Price is fair and adequate consideration for the Property and, by reason of all the foregoing, Buyer assumes the full risk of any loss or damage (subject to Section 5.3 below) occasioned by any fact, circumstance, condition or defect pertaining to the Property. d. No Warranty or Other Representation. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement to the contrary, Seller hereby disclaims all warranties of any kind or nature whatsoever INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF HABITABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSES, whether expressed or implied including, without limitation warranties with Page 12 of 20 respect to the Property. Except as is expressly set forth in this Agreement to the contrary, Buyer acknowledges that it is not relying upon any representation of any kind or nature made by Seller, or Seller's Agent, or any of their respective direct or indirect officers, directors, employees or agents (collectively, the "Seller Related Parties") with respect to the Property, and that, in fact, except as expressly set forth in this Agreement to the contrary, no such representations were made. To the extent required to be operative, the disclaimers and warranties contained herein are "conspicuous" disclaimers for purposes of any applicable law, rule, regulation or order. Article 5—Additional Provisions 5.1 Assignment. This Agreement may NOT be assigned by the Buyer, except to a related entity, without the prior written consent of the Seller. Any other assignment or purported assignment of the Agreement shall be null and void. 5.2 1031 Exchange. In connection with any 1031 exchange or exchanges, the Buyer may assign its respective rights under this Agreement to a qualified intermediary or exchange accommodation titleholder, as required by IRS Regulations. No such assignment will modify or release any of the obligations of either the Buyer or the Seller under this Agreement. Notwithstanding any such assignment or assignments, the Seller will convey the Property directly to the Buyer. The Parties each agree to cooperate in any exchange performed by the other party provided that they incur no additional liability, cost, or expense as a result of the cooperation, but neither Party will be obligated to acquire or convey any other property as part of the other Party’s 1031 exchange. 5.3 Risk of Loss. All loss or damage to the Property shall be retained by Seller until the Closing. 5.4 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with any other documents incorporated herein by reference and all related exhibits and schedules, constitute the sole and entire agreement of the Parties to this Agreement with respect to the subject matter contained herein and therein, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations, and warranties, both written and oral, with respect to such subject matter. 5.5 Amendment and Modification. This Agreement may only be amended, modified, or supplemented by an agreement in writing signed by each Party hereto. 5.6 Waiver. No waiver by any party of any of the provisions hereof shall be effective unless explicitly set forth in writing and signed by the party so waiving. No waiver by any party shall operate or be construed as a waiver in respect of any failure, breach, or default not expressly identified by such written waiver, whether of a similar or different character, and Page 13 of 20 whether occurring before or after that waiver. No failure to exercise, or delay in exercising, any right, remedy, power, or privilege arising from this Agreement shall operate or be construed as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, remedy, power, or privilege hereunder preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, remedy, power, or privilege. 5.7 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is for the sole benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns, and nothing herein, express or implied, is intended to or shall confer upon any other person or entity any legal or equitable right, benefit, or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of this Agreement. 5.8 Governing Law & Forum. All matters arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Montana without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule (whether of the State of Montana or any other jurisdiction). 5.9 Submission to Jurisdiction. The Parties hereby agree that any suit, action, or proceeding seeking to enforce any provision of, or based on any matter arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, shall be brought in the United States District Court for the District of Montana or district court for the State of Montana, so long as one of such courts shall have subjectmatter jurisdiction over such suit, action, or proceeding. Each of the Parties hereby irrevocably consents to the jurisdiction of such courts (and of the appropriate appellate courts therefrom) in any such suit, action or proceeding and irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any objection that it may now or hereafter have to the laying of the venue of any such suit, action or proceeding in any such court or that any such suit, action or proceeding that is brought in any such court has been brought in an inconvenient form. Service of process, summons, notice or other document by certified mail to the address set forth in Section 5.19 shall be effective service of process for any suit, action, or other proceeding brought in any such court. 5.10 Attorneys’ Fees. In the event that any party institutes any suit, action, or proceeding, including arbitration, against the other Party to enforce the covenants contained in this Agreement (or obtain any other remedy in respect of any breach of this Agreement) or arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the prevailing party in the suit, action or other proceeding shall be entitled to receive, in addition to all other damages to which it may be entitled, the costs incurred by such party in conducting the suit, action, or proceeding, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses and court costs. This includes, subject to any limits under applicable law, attorneys’ fees for bankruptcy proceedings (including efforts to modify or vacate any automatic stay or injunction), appeals, and any anticipated post-judgment collection services. Page 14 of 20 5.11 Further Assurances. Each of the Parties hereto shall, and shall cause their respective affiliates to, execute and deliver such additional documents, instruments, conveyances, and assurances and take such further actions as may be required to carry out the provisions hereof and give effect to the transactions contemplated hereby. 5.12 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall be deemed to be one and the same agreement. A signed copy of this Agreement delivered by facsimile, e-mail or other means of Electronic Transmission shall be deemed to have the same legal effect as delivery of an original signed copy of this Agreement (e.g. DocuSign). The Parties have consented to execute this Agreement electronically in conformance with the Montana Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, Title 30, Chapter 18, Part 1, MCA. 5.13 Time of the Essence. Time shall be of the essence in this Agreement. 5.14 Remedies. Seller’s sole and exclusive remedy is monetary damages against Buyer. Buyer may either require Seller to specifically perform, or recover monetary damages against Seller as provided for in Section 2.4. 5.15 Severability. If any term or provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other term or provision of this Agreement or invalidate or render unenforceable such term or provision in any other jurisdiction. Upon such determination that any term or other provision is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the parties hereto shall negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement so as to effect the original intent of the parties as closely as possible in a mutually acceptable manner in order that the transactions contemplated hereby be consummated as originally contemplated to the greatest extent possible. 5.16 Relationship of the Parties. Nothing herein shall be construed to create a joint venture or partnership between the parties hereto or an employer/employee or agency relationship. Neither party hereto shall have any express or implied right or authority to assume or create any obligations on behalf of or in the name of the other party or to bind the other party to any contract, agreement, or undertaking with any third party. 5.17 Confidentiality. Until the Closing, Buyer shall treat the information disclosed to it by Seller, or otherwise gained through Buyer's access to the Property and Seller's books and records, as confidential, giving it the same care as Buyer's own confidential information, and make no use of any such disclosed information not independently known to Buyer except in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby; provided, however, that Buyer may, without the consent of Seller, disclose such information: (a) to its partners, members, managers, employees, advisors, consultants, attorneys, accountants, prospective Page 15 of 20 and actual investors, and lenders (the "Transaction Parties"), so long as any such Transaction Parties to whom disclosure is made shall also agree to keep all such information confidential in accordance with the terms hereof and (b) if disclosure is required by law or by regulatory or judicial process, provided that in such event, Buyer shall notify Seller of such required disclosure, shall exercise all commercially reasonable efforts to preserve the confidentiality of the confidential information, including, without limitation, reasonably cooperating with Seller (at Seller's sole expense) to obtain an appropriate order or other reliable assurance that confidential treatment will be accorded such confidential information by such tribunal and shall disclose only that portion of the confidential information which Buyer is legally required to disclose. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the confidentially provisions of this Section 5.17 shall not apply to any information or document which: (i) is or becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of a disclosure in violation of this Agreement or (ii) subject to compliance with clause (b) in this Section 5.17 above, is required by law or court order to be disclosed. In the event of a termination of this Agreement, Buyer shall promptly return all such confidential information to Seller. 5.18 Notices & Communication. All communication between the Parties regarding this transaction shall be between the Agents and be conducted via email at the address(es) set forth on the first page of this Agreement and to the emails or cloud sites identified on Schedule 5.17. Any notices, requests, consents, claims, demands, waivers, and other communications hereunder (each, a “Notice”) shall be in writing and addressed to the party at the email addresses set forth on the first page of this Agreement, with cc to their respective Agent (or to such other email address that may be designated by the receiving party from time to time in accordance with this Section) and sent to the party and their respective Agent at the mailing address set forth on the first page of this Agreement. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, a Notice is effective only if the party giving the Notice has complied with the requirements of this Section. 5.19 Survival. The provisions of Sections 2.4, Article IV, and this Article V, shall survive the termination of this Agreement and the Closing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date first written above by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized. Seller: Page 16 of 20 By: Name: Title: Date: Buyer: By: Name: Steve Dymoke Title: Partner Date: February 21, 2022 Schedule 1.1—Additional Terms  Seller agrees to provide financing for the Property at 90% of the Purchase Price which shall be secured by a first deed of trust. Terms shall be 0% simple interest plus any servicing fees charged to the city up to a maximum of 1%, due quarterly, 18-month term, with (2) six-month extensions for $25,000 each.  Seller agrees to provide $1,600,000 in funding from the Downtown Bozeman Tax Increment Financing District. These funds will be made available to buyer after land closing on a drawn down basis to pay eligible costs per 7-15-4288, MCA. This TIF District funding may be directed to be paid to HRDC or to another non-profit housing partner. Page 17 of 20  City agrees to a reduced parking requirement of 35 equivalent stalls in a combination of interior, exterior and car share arrangement.  Buyer to have an option for 12 additional, off-site parking stalls in the city garage and buyer agrees to pay the stated monthly rate for these stalls.  Buyer and Seller shall record a mutually agreeable regulatory agreement to restrict household incomes to not to exceed 100% of area median income. Additional regulatory agreements may be recorded as required by Montana Board of Housing or other funders. Th ideal set aside target is households between 50%-70% of median income, but Buyer may need additional units at higher rents to offset costs. Schedule 1.2—Specific Inspections Due Diligence Items 1. A preliminary title commitment with legible copies of all exceptions. 2. A copy of all recorded liens and encumbrances against the Property and copies of notes for which the encumbrances are security, as available. 3. A Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, if available. 4. The most recent appraisal. 5. Alta Survey. 6. All engineering drawings of record. 7. Documents related to any late-comer agreements or other SID associated with the development of the parcels. 8. Any other pertinent information that would be beneficial for Buyer. Schedule 2.4—Additional Seller Remedies Above Buyer’s Escrow Amount Schedule 3.2—Alternative proration of pre-paid rents and taxes and Special Assessment Treatment Page 18 of 20 Schedule 3.5—Intentionally Omitted Schedule 4.1(n)—Seller’s Form Statutory Disclosures [Various statutory disclosures depending on the nature of the Property, and the presence of residential units] RADON GAS: RADON IS A NATURALLY OCCURRING RADIOACTIVE GAS THAT, WHEN IT HAS ACCUMULATED IN A BUILDING IN SUFFICIENT QUANTITIES, MAY PRESENT HEALTH RISKS TO PERSONS WHO ARE EXPOSED TO IT OVER TIME. LEVELS OF RADON THAT EXCEED FEDERAL GUIDELINES HAVE BEEN FOUND IN BUILDINGS IN MONTANA. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING RADON AND RADON TESTING MAY BE OBTAINED FROM YOUR COUNTY OR STATE PUBLIC HEALTH UNIT. MOLD DISCLOSURE: There are many types of mold. Inhabitable properties are not, and cannot be, constructed to exclude mold. Moisture is one of the most significant factors contributing to mold growth. Information about controlling mold growth may be available from your county extension agent or health department. Certain strains of mold may cause damage to property and may adversely affect the health of susceptible persons, including allergic reactions that may include skin, eye, nose, and throat irritation. Certain strains of mold may cause infections, particularly in individuals with suppressed immune systems. Some experts contend that certain strains of mold may cause serious and even life-threatening diseases. However, experts do not agree about the nature and extent of the health problems caused by mold or about the level of mold exposure that may cause health problems. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is studying the link between mold and serious health conditions. The seller, landlord, seller's agent, buyer's agent, or property manager cannot and does not represent or warrant the absence of mold. It is the buyer's or tenant's obligation to determine whether a mold problem is present. To do so, the buyer or tenant should hire a qualified inspector and make any contract to purchase, rent, or lease contingent upon the results of that inspection. A seller, landlord, seller's agent, buyer's agent, or property manager who provides this mold disclosure statement, provides for the disclosure of any prior testing and any subsequent mitigation or treatment for mold, and discloses any knowledge of mold is not liable in any action based on the presence of or propensity for mold in a building that is subject to any contract to purchase, rent, or lease. Page 19 of 20 LEAD BASED PAINT. Residential real property on which a residential dwelling was built prior to 1978 may present exposure to lead from lead-based paint that may place young children at risk for developing lead poisoning. Lead poisoning in young children may produce permanent neurological damage, including learning disabilities, reduced intelligence quotient, behavioral problems, and impaired memory. Lead poisoning also poses a particular risk to pregnant women. A risk assessment or inspection for possible lead-based paint hazards is recommended prior to occupancy of this Premises. Risk assessments for lead based paint are the responsibility of Buyer or the prospective buyer. Information on protecting your family from lead paint risks can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/201706/documents/pyf_color_landscape_format_201 7_508.pdf The Property is equipped with __ smoke detectors [and Carbon monoxide detectors]. METHAMPHETAMINE CONTAMINATION DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: Pursuant to the provisions of Title 75, Chapter 10, Part 13 of Montana Code Annotated, certain owners of real property which has been contaminated with hazardous chemical residues created by the clandestine manufacture of methamphetamine are required to notify any acquiring party of such contamination and the certification of any remediation or decontamination project. Seller represents that it has no knowledge of any such contamination of the Property, nor has it received any notice of any such contamination of the Property. Seller represents that it has no knowledge of the presence of methamphetamine in any habitable structure, nor has it received any notice that methamphetamine is present in any habitable structure. Megan’s Law Disclosure Statement. Pursuant to the provisions of Title 46, Chapter 23, Part 5 of the Montana Code Annotated, certain individuals are required to register their address with the local law enforcement agencies as part of Montana's Sexual and Violent Offender Registration Act. In order to provide the public with information so they can protect themselves and their children from convicted sexual and violent offenders, the Montana Department of Justice maintains an electronic database entitled the "Montana Sexual or Violent Offender Registry" which can be found at http://www.doj.mt.gov/svor/. Buyer agrees to be solely responsible to conduct any investigation regarding the existence of any individuals residing near the Property that are registered as part of Montana's Sexual and Violent Offender Registration. Noxious Weeds Disclosure Statement. The Buyer of the Property acknowledges Buyer is aware that all property in the State of Montana potentially contains the existence of noxious weeds. Further, the laws of the State of Montana require owners of property within this state to control, and to the extent possible, eradicate noxious weeds. Pursuant to the provisions of Title 7, Chapter 22, Section 2116 of the Montana Code Annotated, it is unlawful for any person to permit any noxious weed to propagate or go to seed on the person's land unless they adhere to a noxious weed management plan as provided for under Montana law. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that before Page 20 of 20 purchasing the Property, Buyer is solely responsible to conduct any investigation of the Property regarding the existence or potential existence of noxious weeds on the Property. The Seller cannot and does not represent or warrant the absence of noxious weeds on the Property. It is the Buyer’s obligation to determine whether noxious weeds are present. To do so, the Buyer may hire a qualified inspector and make this Agreement contingent upon the results of that inspection. Schedule 5.17—Additional Forms of Communication and Data Exchange Offer | DelMonte Bozeman Fire Station 1 RFP Presented By: 2/22/2022 Mr. Springer, We appreciate the opportunity for the DelMonte Hotel Group to participate in the RFP for the Bozeman Fire Station 1. Proposal: Given the opportunity the DelMonte Hotel Group will develop the site into a 123 room boutique hotel with a bar, restaurant, and amenity spaces on the ground floor. The guest rooms will be located on floors 2 through 5. The sixth floor would host a rooftop bar/restaurant with a large outdoor terrace to take advantage of the beautiful mountain views. Parking would be accommodated though one level of underground parking resulting in approximately 40 spaces. The additional spaces will require an offsite solution. This hotel would contribute approximately 43 full time jobs resulting in $1.8MM in payroll to the Bozeman job market, please see our proposed staffing chart below. Who we are: The DelMonte Hotel Group is an award-winning hotel management and development company headquartered in Rochester, New York. The company was one of the first Marriott franchises and has grown from a single full-service hotel in 1973 to a portfolio of full-service, select service, and extended-stay products within the Marriott and Hilton brands. DelMonte Hotel Group has built and managed properties flagged by Marriott, Renaissance, Courtyard by Marriott, Fairfield by Marriott, Residence Inn, AC Hotel by Marriott, Hilton Garden and Hampton Inn & Suites. Recent Acquisitions and Developments: - Hampton Inn and Suites Saratoga Springs Downtown (Acquisition) o Date acquired: 12/16/2021 o Reference: Brian Straughter bstraughter@turfhotels.com 518-312-9808 - Residence Inn Cleveland University Circle/Medical Center (New Construction) o Date Opened: 6/4/2019 o Reference: Wesley Finch WFinch@thefinchgroup.com (561) 998-0700;113 - AC Hotel Cleveland/Beachwood (New Construction) o Open Date 8/28/2018 o Reference: Randy Ruttenberg rruttenberg@fairmountproperties.com 216-470-9300 Sincerely, Alexander DelMonte CEO & President DelMonte Hotel Group Conceptual Design February 18, 2022 Boutique Hotel 34 N. Rouse Avenue Bozeman, MT 0234 N. Rouse Avenue | Existing Site Plan North Rouse AvenueEast Mendenhall Street 34 N. Rouse Ave.Existing Building 130'-0"150'-0" 0334 N. Rouse Avenue | Hotel Ground Floor PlanScale: 1" = 20'-0"DCHD D DCDDDD North Rouse AvenueEast Mendenhall Street Hotel Summary Hotel Lobby Service 130'-0"150'-0"Ramp down to parking levelFitness Bar/Restaurant Kitchen Restrooms Garden Terrace Lounge Service Utility House-keeping –Proposed 6-story hotel with 1 additional parking level below grade –Hotel lobby, bar, restaurant and amenity spaces are at ground level –Hotel guestrooms are on floors 2-5, 31 guestrooms on each floor for a total of 124 rooms –Rooftop bar/restaurant located on the 6th floor with a large outdoor terrace at the southwest corner 0434 N. Rouse Avenue | Typical Hotel Guestroom Level (2-5)Scale: 1" = 20'-0" North Rouse AvenueEast Mendenhall Street 31 Guestrooms Each Floor 130'-0"150'-0"Service Service 0534 N. Rouse Avenue | Rooftop Bar (Level 6)Scale: 1" = 20'-0"DCHD DDCD DDD North Rouse AvenueEast Mendenhall Street Restrooms Service 130'-0"150'-0"KitchenRoof Terrace Roof Below Rooftop Bar 0634 N. Rouse Avenue | Conceptual Rendering Page 1 of 19 PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT This “Agreement” is made and entered into by and between: “Buyer” and “Seller” Del Monte Acquisitions LLC 909 Linden Avenue Rochester, New York 14625 Attn: Alexander DelMonte Email: adelmonte@delmontehotels.com City of Bozeman (each a “Party” and collectively the “Parties”). “Buyer’s Agent”: “Seller’s Agent”: [Broker Name] Ryan Springer [Brokerage] Sterling CRE Advisors Bozeman [Email] Ryan.Springer@sterlingcreadvisors.com [phone] 406-579-5586 (each an “Agent” and collectively the “Agents”). The following terms shall have the following meanings for purposes of this Agreement: “Real Property”: 34 N Rouse Avenue, Bozeman MT 59715 Legal Description: Lots 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 in Block F of Rouse's First Addition, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, MT. EXCEPTING Therefrom the portion transferred to Montana Department of Transportation for Highway Right of Way, further described in the Bargain and Sale Deed recorded as Document 2527031 on 10/07/2015 with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder. To Be be verified during escrow. “Purchase Price” $43,000700,000.00 “Closing Date” or “Closing” Closing to occur within 15 days of the City of Bozeman vacating premises. “Escrow Agent” [Name, Company, Contact Info]First American Title Insurance Company, 16 W. Main Street, Rochester, New York 14614, Attn: Maureen Garvey, Esq. “Escrow Method” [Wire, Check to be cashed, check to be held] “Earnest Money” $500,000.00 “Due Diligence Delivery Deadline” Three business days from the Offer Expiration Deadline “Due Diligence Deadline” 45 days from approval of ordinancethe Ordinance (defined Page 2 of 19 “Offer Expiration Deadline” Offer will remain open (valid) until the COBSeller approves or disapproves/offer unless rescinded in writing by Buyer prior to Page 3 of 19 ARTICLE 1—Purchase & Sale 1.1 Purchase. The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy, on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and Schedule 1.1, all of the Seller’s right, title, and interest in the Real Property, including all rights, improvements and fixtures located on the Real Property and all rights, privileges, easements, and rights of way appurtenant to the Real Property (collectively, the “Property”) excepting the Seller’s interests in water rights 41H 61642-00 and 41H 61643-00 and excepting the existing fire pole. If Seller has not accepted this offer by the Offer Expiration Deadline, such offer shall be deemed to have been automatically withdrawn as of the Offer Expiration Deadline. 1.2 Good Faith Deposit: Notwithstanding that this Agreement must be ratified by the Bozeman City Commission, no later than two (2) days after the Bozeman City Manager’s signature on this Agreement Buyer will cause the Earnest Money to be deposited with the Escrow Agent. 1.3 Due Diligence. Buyer recognizes it has had opportunity to conduct due diligence during the time period the Property was listed for sale. Nevertheless, Buyer shall have until the Due Diligence Deadline to conduct inspections or reviews customary in the sale of commercial real estate in Montana of the Real Property including the inspections and evaluations listed on Schedule 1.2. During this period, Seller will make reasonable accommodations for Buyer, or Buyer’s agents, to enter and inspect and evaluate the Property. Buyer may terminate this Agreement, at Buyer’s sole and absolute discretion, if the Property is not satisfactory and if Buyer provides notice to Seller before the expiration of the Due Diligence Deadline. If Buyer so terminates, Buyer shall (i) receive an immediate return of the Earnest Money and (ii) provide Seller any reports or information relating to due diligence that were prepared by Buyer or Buyer’s Agent. 1.4 Seller’s Deliveries. Prior to Seller’s the Due Diligence Delivery Deadline, Seller shall provide to Buyer legible copies of all material documents or contracts affecting the Property in Seller’s possession or which are reasonably accessible to Seller. 1.5 Title. By the Seller’s Due Diligence Delivery Deadline, Seller shall deliver to the Buyer a commitment for a standard ALTA owner’s title insurance policy issued by the ClosingEscrow Page 4 of 19 Agent (the “Preliminary Title Commitment”) in an amount equal to the Purchase Price commitment to insurance merchantable title to the Real Property. Buyer shall have twenty (20) business days from the delivery of the Preliminary Title Commitment to object to the title of the Property (a “Buyer Objection”). If Buyer so objects, Seller shall have thirty (30) days—and the Closing Date shall be automatically extended by thirty (30) days—to address such Buyer Objection to the satisfaction of Buyer, in Buyer’s sole and absolute discretion. If Seller is unable or unwilling to cure the Buyer Objection in accordance with this Section, Buyer may terminate this Agreement and receive an immediate return of the Earnest Money. 1.6 Seller’s Title Delivery. At the closing Closing the Seller shall convey good and marketable fee simple title to the Real Property to the Buyer by warranty deed, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, easements, rights of way, restrictions, reservations, conditions, burdens, and other defects in title (the “Warranty Deed”), except as follows (the “Exceptions”): a. Easements, rights of way, restrictions, reservations, conditions, and burdens of record; b. Easements, rights of way, and encroachments which are apparent on an inspection of the Real Property or which would be disclosed by a survey of the Real Property; c. Laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to zoning, land use, environmental protection, and building; d. Reservations made in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance of patents; e. Taxes and assessments which are not yet due and payable; and f. All other conditions of title disclosed by the Preliminary Title Commitment, and which did not receive a Buyer Objection.; and 1.7 City Not Bound in Its Regulatory/Utility Authority. Buyer recognizes the City enters this Agreements as a landowner and not in its regulatory role regarding any land use, zoning, building inspection, subdivision, or any other circumstance where the Buyer may need to receive regulatory approvals from the City prior to conducting any activity on the Property after Closing. In addition, Buyer recognizes the City is a provider of certain utility services including but not limited to water, sewer, and stormwater. As such, Buyer agrees that noting nothing herein binds the City to make certain regulatory approvals should the Property be redeveloped, reused, demolished, or in any capacity wherein the City may have regulatory or utility authority after Closing. ARTICLE 2—Conditions to Performance Page 5 of 19 2.1 Conditions To Buyer’s Performance. The Buyer will have the right to terminate this Agreement and receive a return of the Earnest Money, and shall not be obligated to complete the purchase of the Property or to perform Page 6 of 19 the Buyer’s other obligations under this Agreement, unless all of the following conditions have been satisfied or waived: a. The Seller’s title to the Property meets the requirements set forth in this Agreement; b. On the Closing Date the Seller executes and delivers to the Closing Escrow Agent all of the documents which this Agreement, or the Escrow Closing Agent, requires the Seller to execute and deliver; c. All of the warranties and representations of Seller contained in this Agreement shall have been true and correct when made, and shall be true and correct in all material respects on and as of the Closing Date with the same force and effect as though such warranties and representations had been made on and as of the Closing Date; d. Seller shall have maintained the Property until the Closing in its condition as of the date of Buyer’s signature hereunder, ordinary wear and tear excepted; e. Seller delivers possession of the Property to Buyer on the Closing Date; f. All mortgages, judgments, and liens shall be paid or satisfied by the Seller at or prior to closing unless otherwise provided herein; and g. No additional encumbrances, restrictions, easements or other adverse title conditions have been placed against the title to the Property other than those identified in the Preliminary Title Commitment. 2.2 Buyer’s Right To Rescind. The Buyer may rescind this Agreement without any further obligation or liability hereunder before the Due Diligence Deadline or the deadline for a Buyer Objection. In the event of the Buyer’s failure to timely reject any defect or deficiency in writing by such deadline, Buyer will, subject to the other terms and conditions of this Agreement, be deemed to have waived such contingency and to have accepted the Property and Personal Property subject to any existing conditions or defects. 2.3 Conditions to Seller’s performance. The Seller will have the right to terminate this Agreement, and shall not be required to convey the Property to the Buyer or to perform the other obligations of the Seller under this Agreement, unless all of the following conditions have been satisfied or waived: a. On the Closing Date the Buyer executes and delivers to the Escrow Closing Agent all of the documents which this Agreement, or the Escrow Closing Agent, requires the Buyer to execute and deliver including the Purchase Price [NOTE: if offer includes the provision of affordable housing on the Property this clause must be amended to reflect how and when the housing will be provided]. On the Closing Date the Buyer executes and delivers to the Closing Agent all of the documents which this Agreement, or the Closing Agent, requires the Buyer to execute and deliver. Page 7 of 19 b. All of the warranties and representations of Buyer contained in this Agreement shall have been true and correct when made, and shall be true and correct in all material respects on and as of the Closing Date with the same force and effect as though such warranties and representations had been made on and as of the Closing Date. c. In addition, the Buyer recognizes and agrees the sale of the Property shall be contingent upon the Seller’s compliance with Chapter 2, Article 6, Division 5, Bozeman Municipal Code, and the ratification of this Agreement by duly adopted ordinance of the Bozeman City Commission pursuant to the requirements of the Section 2.11 of the Bozeman City Charter (the “Ordinance”). Final ratification of this Agreement shall not be effective until 30 (thirty) days after final adoption of such ordinancethe Ordinance. Should the Bozeman City Commission fail to ratify the City Manager’s signature on this Agreement this transaction shall be terminated automatically without any further action of the Seller required and the Earnest Money shall be immediately returned to Buyer. 2.4 Remedies—Liquidated Damages. THE PARTIES ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE DISCUSSED THE TYPE AND MAGNITUDE OF DAMAGES THAT EACH COULD SUFFER IF THIS AGREEMENT TERMINATES BECAUSE OF THE OTHER PARTY'S BREACH OR DEFAULT HEREUNDER. FURTHERMORE, EACH ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT HAS NEGOTIATED THIS TOPIC IN GOOD FAITH WITH THE OTHER AND HAS CONCLUDED THAT IT IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT AND IMPRACTICAL TO AFFIX A DOLLAR AMOUNT TO DAMAGES FOR BREACH OR DEFAULT AND THEREFORE HAVE AGREED TO THE FOLLOWING REMEDIES: a. Seller’s Remedies in the Event of Buyer’s Breach of or Default. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT SELLER'S SOLE REMEDY, AT LAW OR IN EQUITY, IN THE EVENT OF A DEFAULT OR BREACH BY BUYER, IS FOR SELLER TO KEEP THE EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT AND ALL INTEREST EARNED THEREON. THEREAFTER THIS AGREEMENT SHALL TERMINATE AND SELLER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RIGHTS OR OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT EXCEPT FOR THOSE THAT ARE EXPRESSLY STATED TO SURVIVE THE TERMINATION THEREOF. b. Buyer's Remedies in the Event of Seller's Breach or Default. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT BUYER'S SOLE REMEDYREMEDIES, AT LAW OR IN EQUITY, IN THE EVENT OF A DEFAULT OR BREACH BY SELLER UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, IS FOR BUYER TO (i) HAVE RETURNED Page 8 of 19 TO IT THE EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT AND ALL INTEREST EARNED THEREON AS LIQUIDATED DAMAGES (NOT AS A PENALTY), (ii) PURSUE AN ACTION FOR SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE TO ENFORCE SELLER’S OBLIGATIONS, OR (iii) WAIVE THE DEFAULT AND PROCEED TO CLOSING. Article 3—Closing 3.1 Escrow. The Earnest Money shall be deposited by the respective AgentBuyer with the Escrow Agent within two (2) business days of the Offer Expiration Deadline according to the Escrow Method. 3.2 Taxes and Assessments. Seller and Buyer shall prorate taxes, as well as pre-paid rents, if any, as of the Closing Date, unless otherwise specified on Schedule 3.2. The prior year’s taxes should be used for proration in the event that the current year taxes are not available, and shall not be adjusted based on any subsequent change in assessed value. All non-perpetual Special Improvement Districts or Association Special Assessments will be paid off at Closing by Seller, unless specified otherwise pursuant to Schedule 3.2. 3.3 Closing Date. Buyer recognizes the Property currently serves as the City’s Fire Station 1. Buyer also recognizes the City is currently constructing the Bozeman Public Safety Center (“BPSC”) with an estimated completion date of July 1, 2022 (the “Estimated Completion Date”). Buyer enters into this Agreement recognizing the Buyer may not take ownership of the Property until such time as the City completes construction of the BPSC and Fire Station 1 has relocated to the BPSC. As such, Buyer recognizes the Closing Date is subject to change by the City if the BPSC is not completed. Buyer agrees the City may unilaterally extend the Closing Date until October 1, 2022 (the “Extended Closing Date”) by providing written notice to Buyer prior to the expiration of the Estimated Completion Dateto a date reasonably necessary to allow the City to complete construction of the BPSC and move Fire Station 1 to the BPSC. The City must take all reasonable steps necessary to complete the construction of the BPSC and move Fire Station 1. The Buyer may request updates from the City on the status of the BPSC construction and relocation of Fire Station 1. If the Closing has not occurred on or before the Extended Closing Date, Buyer may terminate this Agreement and receive an immediate return of the Deposit. Recognizing the above, the Parties anticipate closing this transaction on the Closing Date. In addition to the City’s authority to extend the Closing Date for issues related to the BPSC and relocation of Fire Station 1, either Party may extend the Closing Date by ten (10) business days, by prior notice, unless such extension would cause adverse tax consequences to other Party (i.e. in the case of an exchange pursuant to 26 USC § 1031) and the other Party has provided notice of such implications by the Due Diligence Deadline. Page 9 of 19 3.4 Closing Costs. Buyer and Seller shall equally split all costs related to conducting the closing and the fee of the Escrow Closing Agent. Seller shall pay the cost for a standard 2006 ALTA ® Owner’s Policy for Title Insurance, with any enhancements in such coverage to be paid by Buyer. Page 10 of 19 3.5 Allocation of the Purchase Price: Buyer and Seller shall report the Purchase Price to applicable tax authorities in accordance with the allocation attached as Schedule 3.5, if provided. 3.6 Seller Documents to be Delivered at Closing. On the Closing Date, the Seller shall deliver to Buyer: a. The Warranty Deed with a realty transfer certificate recognizing the Seller reserves unto itself water rights listed herein; b. A title insurance policy in the amount of the Purchase Price of the Real Property to insure the Buyer’s title to the Real Property; c. A bill of sale conveying all personal property located at the Real Property. 3.7 Buyer Closing Deliveries. On the Closing Date, the Buyer shall deliver to the Escrow Agent the Purchase Price in immediately available funds. 3.8 Purchase Price Adjustment. The Earnest Money and any accrued interest shall be applied to the Purchase Price. Article 4—Representations and Warranties 4.1 Representations and Warranties of Seller. The Seller hereby warrants, represents, and covenants that all of the following warranties and representations are true and correct as of the date of Seller’s signature hereunder. For purposes of this section “knowledge” shall mean the due and reasonable inquiry of Seller. a. Authority of Seller. Seller is the owner of the Property and/or has the full right, power and authority to sell, convey, and transfer the Property to Buyer as provided herein, and to perform Seller’s obligations hereunder. The execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby have been duly and validly authorized by all necessary organizational action on the part of Seller. Notwithstanding the above, the Buyer recognizes and agrees the sale of the Property will be subject to and contingent upon fulfillment of provisions of Section 2.3. b. Compliance. Except as disclosed to Buyer, by the Seller Due Diligence Delivery Deadline, Seller has no knowledge of any aspect or condition of the Property which violates applicable laws, rules, regulations, codes or covenants, conditions or restriction, or of improvements or alterations made to the Property without a permit where Page 11 of 19 one was required, or of any unfulfilled order or directive of any applicable governmental agency or casualty insurance company requiring any investigation, Page 12 of 19 remediation, repair, maintenance, or improvement to be performed on the Property. c. Possessory Rights. Except as disclosed to Buyer by the Seller Due Diligence Delivery Deadline, Seller has no knowledge of anyone having any rights in the Property adverse to the Seller. d. Liens. There are no unsatisfied mechanics’ or materialmens’ lien rights concerning the Property, and none of the personal property to be conveyed to Buyer under this Agreement, are subject to any lien or encumbrance affecting such, except as disclosed in writing to Buyer. e. Actions, Suits, or Proceedings. Seller, and no agent of Seller, has any knowledge of any actions, suits, or proceedings which are pending or threatened before any commission, board, bureau, agency, arbitrator, court, or tribunal that would affect the Property or Seller’s ability to convey the Property to Buyer hereunder. f. Bankruptcy. Seller, nor any equity owner of Seller, is the subject of a bankruptcy, insolvency, conservatorship, or probate proceeding. g. Conflicts. Except as disclosed to Buyer by the Seller Due Diligence Delivery Deadline, no other person has any right or option to acquire any portion of the Property and the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by Owner and the consummation by it of the transactions contemplated hereby will (i) not (i) violate any provision of its organizational documents or any applicable law, rule, regulation, order or comparable requirement; or (ii) require notice to or the consent, authorization, approval or order of any person, except for notices that have been given and consents that have been obtained. h. Access and disputes. Except as disclosed to Buyer by the Due Diligence Seller Delivery Deadline, the Seller has legal and physical access to the Property which is adequate for the current use of the Property, and the Seller, and no agent of Seller, knows of any dispute or disagreement which could threaten access to the Property. i. Adverse Change. Except as disclosed to Buyer by the Due Diligence Seller Delivery Deadline, the Seller has no information or knowledge of any action by adjacent landowners, or natural or artificial conditions on the Property or adjacent property, which could have a material adverse effect upon the Property or its value. There is no Page 13 of 19 significant adverse fact or condition relating to the Property which has not been specifically disclosed in writing by the Seller to the Buyer. j. Incomplete Inaccurate or Misleading Information. The Seller doesn’t know of any materially incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading information in the documents, lists, and reports furnished to the Buyer under this Agreement. k. Hazardous Substances on the Property. Except as disclosed to Buyer by the Due Diligence Seller Delivery Deadline, that with respect to the period during which the Seller owned or occupied the Property, and to the knowledge of the Seller with respect to the time before the Seller owned or occupied the Property, no hazardous substances have been manufactured, processed, treated, handled, stored, installed, recycled, disposed, or released, intentionally or unintentionally, on the Property, and there have been no activities or events on the Property which could subject the Seller, the Buyer, or any subsequent owner of the Property to damages, penalties, injunctive relief, or cleanup or response costs under any environmental law or common law theory of liability. To the knowledge of Seller, no hazardous substances have been manufactured, processed, treated, handled, stored, installed, recycled, disposed, or released, intentionally or unintentionally, on land which is adjacent to the Property. Except as disclosed by the Seller prior to the Due Diligence Seller Delivery Deadline, for the purposes of this paragraph, “Hazardous Substances” shall mean any and all substances, materials, chemicals, or wastes that now or hereafter are classified or considered to be hazardous or toxic under any Environmental Law, or that are or become regulated by any governmental authority because of toxicity, infectiousness, radioactivity, explosiveness, ignitability, corrosiveness, or reactivity under any environmental law applicable to the Property, and shall also include: (a) gasoline, diesel fuel, and any other petroleum hydrocarbons; (b) asbestos and asbestos containing materials, in any form, whether friable or non-friable; (c) polychlorinated biphenyls; (d) radon gas; and (e) flammable liquids and explosives. l. Broker. Except for the Seller’s Broker, no broker, finder, or investment banker is entitled to any brokerage, finder’s, or other fee or commission in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement based upon arrangements made by or on behalf of Seller. m. Statutory Disclosures. Except for the disclosures provided on Schedule 4.1(n), no other disclosures are required by Seller. Page 14 of 19 4.2 Representation and Warranties of Buyer. The Buyer hereby warrants, represents, and covenants that all of the following warranties and representations are true and correct as of the date of Buyer’s signature hereunder. For purposes of this section “knowledge” shall mean the due and reasonable inquiry of Buyer. a. Authority of Buyer. Buyer has the full right, power and authority to purchase and acquire the Property from Seller as provided herein, and to perform Buyer’s obligations hereunder. The execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby have been duly and validly authorized by all necessary organizational action on the part of Seller. b. Broker. Except for Buyer’s Broker, no broker, finder, or investment banker is entitled to any brokerage, finder’s, or other fee or commission in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement based upon arrangements made by or on behalf of Buyer. c. Due Diligence. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement to the contrary, Buyer is purchasing the Property in its existing condition "AS IS, WHERE-IS, AND WITH ALL FAULTS” with respect to all facts, circumstances, conditions and defects, and, Seller has no obligation to determine or correct any such facts, circumstances, conditions or defects or to compensate Buyer for same. Seller has specifically bargained for the assumption by Buyer of all responsibility to investigate the Property, and of all risk of adverse conditions and has structured the Purchase Price and other terms of this Agreement in consideration thereof. Buyer has undertaken all such investigations of the Property as Buyer deems necessary or appropriate under the circumstances as to the status of the Property and based upon same, Buyer is and will be relying strictly and solely upon such inspections and examinations and the advice and counsel of its own consultants, agents, legal counsel and officers. Buyer is and will be fully satisfied that the Purchase Price is fair and adequate consideration for the Property and, by reason of all the foregoing, Buyer assumes the full risk of any loss or damage (subject to Section 5.3 below) occasioned by any fact, circumstance, condition or defect pertaining to the Property. d. No Warranty or Other Representation. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement to the contrary, Seller hereby disclaims all warranties of any kind or nature whatsoever INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF HABITABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSES, whether expressed or implied including, without limitation warranties with Page 15 of 19 respect to the Property. Except as is expressly set forth in this Agreement to the contrary, Buyer acknowledges that it is not relying upon any representation of any kind or nature made by Seller, or Seller's Agent, or any of their respective direct or indirect officers, directors, employees or agents (collectively, the "Seller Related Parties") with respect to the Property, and that, in fact, except as expressly set forth in this Agreement to the contrary, no such representations were made. To the extent required to be operative, the disclaimers and warranties contained herein are "conspicuous" disclaimers for purposes of any applicable law, rule, regulation or order. Article 5—Additional Provisions 5.1 Assignment. This Agreement may NOT be assigned by the Buyer without the prior written consent of the Seller; provided, Buyer may assign this Agreement without Seller’s consent to an entity that is directly or indirectly controlled by, or under common control or affiliated with, Buyer. Any other assignment or purported assignment of the Agreement shall be null and void. 5.2 1031 Exchange. In connection with any 1031 exchange or exchanges, the Buyer may assign its respective rights under this Agreement to a qualified intermediary or exchange accommodation titleholder, as required by IRS Regulations. No such assignment will modify or release any of the obligations of either the Buyer or the Seller under this Agreement. Notwithstanding any such assignment or assignments, the Seller will convey the Property directly to the Buyer. The Parties each agree to cooperate in any exchange performed by the other party provided that they incur no additional liability, cost, or expense as a result of the cooperation, but neither Party will be obligated to acquire or convey any other property as part of the other Party’s 1031 exchange. 5.3 Risk of Loss. All loss or damage to the Property shall be retained by Seller until the Closing. 5.4 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with any other documents incorporated herein by reference and all related exhibits and schedules, constitute the sole and entire agreement of the Parties to this Agreement with respect to the subject matter contained herein and therein, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations, and warranties, both written and oral, with respect to such subject matter. 5.5 Amendment and Modification. This Agreement may only be amended, modified, or supplemented by an agreement in writing signed by each Party hereto. 5.6 Waiver. No waiver by any party of any of the provisions hereof shall be effective unless explicitly set forth in writing and signed by the party so waiving. No waiver by any party shall operate or be construed as a waiver in respect of any failure, breach, or default not Page 16 of 19 expressly identified by such written waiver, whether of a similar or different character, and whether occurring before or after that waiver. No failure to exercise, or delay in exercising, any right, remedy, power, or privilege arising from this Agreement shall operate or be construed as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, remedy, power, or privilege hereunder preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, remedy, power, or privilege. 5.7 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is for the sole benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns, and nothing herein, express or implied, is intended to or shall confer upon any other person or entity any legal or equitable right, benefit, or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of this Agreement. 5.8 Governing Law & Forum. All matters arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Montana without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule (whether of the State of Montana or any other jurisdiction). 5.9 Submission to Jurisdiction. The Parties hereby agree that any suit, action, or proceeding seeking to enforce any provision of, or based on any matter arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, shall be brought in the United States District Court for the District of Montana or district court for the State of Montana, so long as one of such courts shall have subject- matter jurisdiction over such suit, action, or proceeding. Each of the Parties hereby irrevocably consents to the jurisdiction of such courts (and of the appropriate appellate courts therefrom) in any such suit, action or proceeding and irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any objection that it may now or hereafter have to the laying of the venue of any such suit, action or proceeding in any such court or that any such suit, action or proceeding that is brought in any such court has been brought in an inconvenient form. Service of process, summons, notice or other document by certified mail to the address set forth in Section 5.189 shall be effective service of process for any suit, action, or other proceeding brought in any such court. 5.10 Attorneys’ Fees. In the event that any party institutes any suit, action, or proceeding, including arbitration, against the other Party to enforce the covenants contained in this Agreement (or obtain any other remedy in respect of any breach of this Agreement) or arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the prevailing party in the suit, action or other proceeding shall be entitled to receive, in addition to all other damages to which it may be entitled, the costs incurred by such party in conducting the suit, action, or proceeding, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses and court costs. This includes, subject to any limits under applicable law, attorneys’ fees for bankruptcy proceedings (including Page 17 of 19 efforts to modify or vacate any automatic stay or injunction), appeals, and any anticipated post-judgment collection services. 5.11 Further Assurances. Each of the Parties hereto shall, and shall cause their respective affiliates to, execute and deliver such additional documents, instruments, conveyances, and assurances and take such further actions as may be required to carry out the provisions hereof and give effect to the transactions contemplated hereby. 5.12 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall be deemed to be one and the same agreement. A signed copy of this Agreement delivered by facsimile, e-mail or other means of Electronic Transmission shall be deemed to have the same legal effect as delivery of an original signed copy of this Agreement (e.g. DocuSign). The Parties have consented to execute this Agreement electronically in conformance with the Montana Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, Title 30, Chapter 18, Part 1, MCA. 5.13 Time of the Essence. Time shall be of the essence in this Agreement. 5.14 Remedies. Seller’s sole and exclusive remedy is monetary damages against Buyer in accordance with Section 2.4. Buyer may either require Seller to specifically perform, or recover monetary damages against Seller as provided for in Section 2.4. 5.15 Severability. If any term or provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other term or provision of this Agreement or invalidate or render unenforceable such term or provision in any other jurisdiction. Upon such determination that any term or other provision is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the parties hereto shall negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement so as to effect the original intent of the parties as closely as possible in a mutually acceptable manner in order that the transactions contemplated hereby be consummated as originally contemplated to the greatest extent possible. 5.16 Relationship of the Parties. Nothing herein shall be construed to create a joint venture or partnership between the parties hereto or an employer/employee or agency relationship. Neither party hereto shall have any express or implied right or authority to assume or create any obligations on behalf of or in the name of the other party or to bind the other party to any contract, agreement, or undertaking with any third party. 5.17 Confidentiality. Until the Closing, Buyer shall treat the information disclosed to it by Seller, or otherwise gained through Buyer's access to the Property and Seller's books and records, as confidential, giving it the same care as Buyer's own confidential information, and make no use of any such disclosed information not independently known to Buyer Page 18 of 19 except in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby; provided, however, that Buyer may, without the consent of Seller, disclose such information: (a) to its partners, members, managers, employees, advisors, consultants, attorneys, accountants, prospective and actual investors, and lenders (the "Transaction Parties"), so long as any such Transaction Parties to whom disclosure is made shall also agree to keep all such information confidential in accordance with the terms hereof and (b) if disclosure is required by law or by regulatory or judicial process, provided that in such event, Buyer shall notify Seller of such required disclosure, shall exercise all commercially reasonable efforts to preserve the confidentiality of the confidential information, including, without limitation, reasonably cooperating with Seller (at Seller's sole expense) to obtain an appropriate order or other reliable assurance that confidential treatment will be accorded such confidential information by such tribunal and shall disclose only that portion of the confidential information which Buyer is legally required to disclose. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the confidentially provisions of this Section 5.17 shall not apply to any information or document which: (i) is or becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of a disclosure in violation of this Agreement or (ii) subject to compliance with clause (b) in this Section 5.17 above, is required by law or court order to be disclosed. In the event of a termination of this Agreement, Buyer shall promptly return all such confidential information to Seller. 5.18 Notices & Communication. All communication between the Parties regarding this transaction shall be between the Agents Parties and be conducted via email at the address(es) set forth on the first page of this Agreement and to the emails or cloud sites identified on Schedule 5.17. Any notices, requests, consents, claims, demands, waivers, and other communications hereunder (each, a “Notice”) shall be in writing and addressed to the party at the email addresses set forth on the first page of this Agreement, with cc to their respective Agent and to, in the case of Buyer, Morgenstern DeVoesick PLLC, 1080 Pittsford Victor Road, Suite 200, Pittsford, New York 14534, Attn: Jordan Morgenstern, Esq., Email: jordan@morgdevo.com (or to such other email address that may be designated by the receiving party from time to time in accordance with this Section) and sent to the party and their respective Agent and counsel at the mailing address set forth on the first page of this Agreement or set forth in this sentence. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, a Notice is effective only if the party giving the Notice has complied with the requirements of this Section. 5.19 Survival. The provisions of Sections 2.4, Article IV, and this Article V, shall survive the termination of this Agreement and the Closing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date first written above by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized. Page 19 of 19 Seller: City of Bozeman By: Name: Title: Date: Buyer: Del Monte Acquisitions LLC, a New York limited liability company By: Name: Title: Date: Page 20 of 19 Schedule 1.1—Additional Terms Schedule 1.2—Specific Inspections Schedule 2.4—Additional Seller Remedies Above Buyer’s Escrow AmountEarnest Money N/A Schedule 3.2—Alternative proration of pre-paid rents and taxes and Special Assessment Treatment Schedule 3.5—Intentionally Omitted Page 21 of 19 Schedule 4.1(n)—Seller’s Form Statutory Disclosures [Various statutory disclosures depending on the nature of the Property, and the presence of residential units] RADON GAS: RADON IS A NATURALLY OCCURRING RADIOACTIVE GAS THAT, WHEN IT HAS ACCUMULATED IN A BUILDING IN SUFFICIENT QUANTITIES, MAY PRESENT HEALTH RISKS TO PERSONS WHO ARE EXPOSED TO IT OVER TIME. LEVELS OF RADON THAT EXCEED FEDERAL GUIDELINES HAVE BEEN FOUND IN BUILDINGS IN MONTANA. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING RADON AND RADON TESTING MAY BE OBTAINED FROM YOUR COUNTY OR STATE PUBLIC HEALTH UNIT. MOLD DISCLOSURE: There are many types of mold. Inhabitable properties are not, and cannot be, constructed to exclude mold. Moisture is one of the most significant factors contributing to mold growth. Information about controlling mold growth may be available from your county extension agent or health department. Certain strains of mold may cause damage to property and may adversely affect the health of susceptible persons, including allergic reactions that may include skin, eye, nose, and throat irritation. Certain strains of mold may cause infections, particularly in individuals with suppressed immune systems. Some experts contend that certain strains of mold may cause serious and even life-threatening diseases. However, experts do not agree about the nature and extent of the health problems caused by mold or about the level of mold exposure that may cause health problems. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is studying the link between mold and serious health conditions. The seller, landlord, seller's agent, buyer's agent, or property manager cannot and does not represent or warrant the absence of mold. It is the buyer's or tenant's obligation to determine whether a mold problem is present. To do so, the buyer or tenant should hire a qualified inspector and make any contract to purchase, rent, or lease contingent upon the results of that inspection. A seller, landlord, seller's agent, buyer's agent, or property manager who provides this mold disclosure statement, provides for the disclosure of any prior testing and any subsequent mitigation or treatment for mold, and discloses any knowledge of mold is not liable in any action based on the presence of or propensity for mold in a building that is subject to any contract to purchase, rent, or lease. LEAD BASED PAINT. Residential real property on which a residential dwelling was built prior to 1978 may present exposure to lead from lead-based paint that may place young children at risk for developing lead poisoning. Lead poisoning in young children may produce permanent neurological damage, including learning disabilities, reduced intelligence quotient, behavioral problems, and impaired memory. Lead poisoning also poses a particular risk to pregnant Page 22 of 19 women. A risk assessment or inspection for possible lead-based paint hazards is recommended prior to occupancy of this Premises. Risk assessments for lead based paint are the responsibility of Buyer or the prospective buyer. Information on protecting your family from lead paint risks can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2017- 06/documents/pyf_color_landscape_format_2017_508.pdf The Property is equipped with smoke detectors [and Carbon monoxide detectors]. METHAMPHETAMINE CONTAMINATION DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: Pursuant to the provisions of Title 75, Chapter 10, Part 13 of Montana Code Annotated, certain owners of real property which has been contaminated with hazardous chemical residues created by the clandestine manufacture of methamphetamine are required to notify any acquiring party of such contamination and the certification of any remediation or decontamination project. Seller represents that it has no knowledge of any such contamination of the Property, nor has it received any notice of any such contamination of the Property. Seller represents that it has no knowledge of the presence of methamphetamine in any habitable structure, nor has it received any notice that methamphetamine is present in any habitable structure. Megan’s Law Disclosure Statement. Pursuant to the provisions of Title 46, Chapter 23, Part 5 of the Montana Code Annotated, certain individuals are required to register their address with the local law enforcement agencies as part of Montana's Sexual and Violent Offender Registration Act. In order to provide the public with information so they can protect themselves and their children from convicted sexual and violent offenders, the Montana Department of Justice maintains an electronic database entitled the "Montana Sexual or Violent Offender Registry" which can be found at http://www.doj.mt.gov/svor/. Buyer agrees to be solely responsible to conduct any investigation regarding the existence of any individuals residing near the Property that are registered as part of Montana's Sexual and Violent Offender Registration. Noxious Weeds Disclosure Statement. The Buyer of the Property acknowledges Buyer is aware that all property in the State of Montana potentially contains the existence of noxious weeds. Further, the laws of the State of Montana require owners of property within this state to control, and to the extent possible, eradicate noxious weeds. Pursuant to the provisions of Title 7, Chapter 22, Section 2116 of the Montana Code Annotated, it is unlawful for any person to permit any noxious weed to propagate or go to seed on the person's land unless they adhere to a noxious weed management plan as provided for under Montana law. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that before purchasing the Property, Buyer is solely responsible to conduct any investigation of the Property regarding the existence or potential existence of noxious weeds on the Property. The Seller cannot and does not represent or warrant the absence of noxious weeds on the Property. It is the Buyer’s obligation to determine whether noxious weeds are present. To do so, the Buyer may hire a qualified inspector and make this Agreement contingent upon the results of that inspection. Schedule 5.17—Additional Forms of Communication and Data Exchange Page 19 of 19 Offer | Vertex Holdings February 22nd, 2022 City of Bozeman Commission, Please allow this letter to serve as a replacement for our initial offer of $1,000,000.00 for a mixed-use redevelopment project of Fire Station 1 which included an affordable housing component. In response to your Addendum of 2/2/22, we would like to make the following new offer: Buyer: Paine Group, Inc. and/or assigns Purchase Price: $2,916,000.00 Terms: Cash - closing to occur with 30-day notice from the City of Bozeman but prior to 8/1/22 Contingencies: None Affordable Housing: Buyer commits to construct approximately 4,000 square feet of residential space spread across four 2 Bedroom/2 Bath units of approximately 1,000 square feet each, within the greater redevelopment. These units shall be initially sold to verified Bozeman residents who qualify under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s standards of “Moderate Income”. They shall be deed restricted to ensure only buyers qualified under the same standards can purchase them for self-use for as long as the building exists. Deed Restriction: Each and every deed or other instrument hereafter executed covering or conveying the Property shall include the following deed restriction which are running with the land:The Grantee shall use the Property as the Grantee’s principal residence, and the Property shall not be used as a rental. The Grantee is an individual that qualifies as a “Qualified Person”. A Qualified Person is an individual: (1) who is a Montana resident and holding a valid Montana driver’s license; and (2) whose household income from all sources is between eighty percent (80%) and one hundred twenty percent (120%) of the median family income level for Gallatin County, Montana as established annually by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) for Gallatin County, and Grantee shall use the most recent median family income level established by HUD for Gallatin County, Montana to confirm the Qualified Person status. Grantee shall not sell, convey, or otherwise transfer the Property except to a Qualified Person. All subsequent Grantor’s shall verify and confirm that the Property is only sold, conveyed, or otherwise transferred to a Qualified Person or Qualified Persons. The proposed deed restrictions shall be further detailed in the Declaration and the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions which will be applicable to the Property and further limit the uses and transferability of the Property. We are more than willing to work with the City of Bozeman, including the City Attorney Office, to ensure the final deed restrictions to the Property meet the intent and desires of the City to ensure the Property qualifies as an affordable housing unit after development and into the future. Execution of the affordable housing component is contingent upon the City of Bozeman approving the proposed $1.6 million in TIF funds and the execution of a long-term lease of twelve parking spaces in a City operated facility. The separate offer for an unrestricted purchase of Fire Station 1 shall remain as is. Sincerely, Offer | Vertex Holdings (Second Offer)