HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-02-22 Public Comment - A. Piccirillo - North Central AppealFrom:Annette Piccirillo To:Agenda Subject:Appeal of application #22005 Date:Wednesday, March 2, 2022 8:39:02 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I am writing to comment on the appeal to the North Central Site Master Plan application #22005. My name is Annette Piccirillo and I live at 415 North Grand Avenue where I have lived for over 30 years. Plus I run a home based business called Annette’s sewing and alterations. I amdeeply concerned about this development and it’s implications for the neighborhood. My first area of concern is how this development does not meet the NeighborhoodConservation Overlay District (NCOD). The intent of the NCOD is to “ stimulate the restoration and rehabilitation of structures and all other elements contributing to the characterand fabric of the established neighborhoods and commercial or industrial areas. New construction will b invited and encouraged provided primary emphasis is given to thepreservation of existing buildings and further provided the design of such new space enhances and contributes to the aesthetic character and function of the property and the surroundingneighborhood area.” ( Bozeman unified development code article 38.340.010.C) Unfortunately this development does not meet the criteria set out by this article!! I am notadverse to high density development but I am adverse to how this development does not honor the neighborhood character. It also does not distinguish downtown from residentialneighborhoods. As noted in the Community Growth Plan and the master site plan report” future development should b intense while providing areas of transition to adjacentneighborhoods. On page 6 of the appeal it is noted that “ the master plan meets density goals but makes NO attempt to preserve the character of the neighborhood or how the developmentis context sensitive- goals which are of critical importance in the Community Plan”. As part of the NCOD there is also an article 38.220.090 that requires developers to submita cost-benefit analysis of rehabilitation compared to demolition of a historic building. According to the developer the Old Hospital building has been deemed unsafe making itsdemolition exempt from the code required review by the Design Review board. An assessment by a local firm in August 2020 (DCI structural engineers) however recommended repairs thatcould make the building safe for new occupancy. This lovely building was designed by Fred Wilson in 1920! To lose it would b to lose a large piece of history that can never b replaced(opera house, original story mansion). Developers have managed to save the Armory and the old Wilson school after each was considered a tear down. Please look at what vibrant parts ofthe community these redeveloped buildings have become. The next area of consideration I would like to address is the mass scale of the Ives buildingand it’s transition contrary with the NCOD. In consideration of the Ives building the commission’s staff report notes the transition on the north and west side is NOT congruentwith the current neighborhood character. “The Ives building would appear to tower over tha smaller existing one and two story older homes to the north and west (page 19). Rather thenusing the proposed Ives building as an opportunity to help the city develop and create transition zones between residential and tall commercial buildings the report identifies the Ivesas incongruous but then proceeds to use it as an example of transition for the whole 4 block development?!?! The report further states the “ sites new residential building would contributeto a new urban form in this part of the cities downtown”. The acceptance process for this proposal has allowed the city commission and developers to dictate what this “ new urban form” will look like with little to no consideration of community comment and honoring theexisting neighborhood. I also would like to address the approval of the totally inadequate amount of parking forthis development. There are 9 6 story buildings proposed covering 4.4 acres. The development plan says there will b 493 dwelling units, 26397 square feet of retail space, 11000 square feetof restaurant space, 43500 square feet of office space and 100 hotel rooms and a total of 646 parking spaces! Wow sounds like a deficiency to me. But Mayb the city commission has aplan up its sleeve. Lastly I would like to comment on the lack of parks/ landscaping for this very largedevelopment. Accepting money instead of requiring dedicated parkland for a development of this size is ludicrous. Where are these people gonna play ball,let their dogs off leash, ice skate,play volleyball, etc? It’s supposed to b a walking development and the only park nearby is the tiny Beall Park. Some of this development should b for some sort of outdoor activities. I feel that the city commission has set up all these articles for development that sound wonderful but they are not following them!! Please b strong and stand by I Ho Pomeroy andJennifer Madgic for trying to preserve this neighborhood as per the NCOD. Thank you for your consideration to reevaluate the acceptance of the North Central Plan Annette Piccirillo Annette.piccirillo@gmail.com