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Application No. 21471; Billings Clinic Bozeman Medical Campus Planned Unit
Development (PUD) Concept Plan (Preliminary Plan)
Community Development Department Comments, Susana Montana, Senior Planner
1. Background. The 58-acre property (Site) has a conditionally-approved Master Site
Plan, Project No. 20216, and a conditionally-approved Phase 1 Site Plan, Project No. 20213);
both approved in December 2020.
The Site is zoned Community Business, B-2 zone and has a Regional Commercial and Services
Future Land Use Map designation in the City of Bozeman’s Community Plan.
The Block Frontage designations for the Site are Mixed Block Frontage with the exception of
developments fronting East Valley Center Road which is a Gateway Block Frontage.
A medical campus providing a variety of in-patient and out-patient medical services to the
community is a principal permitted use in the B-2 zone.
Master Site Plan, Project No. 20216, is shown below, and is expected to be built out over a 20
year period.
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The Phase 1 site plan is for an “Ambulatory Destination Center--ADC” consisting of a 125,000
gross square foot, 56-foot tall building on 9.75 of the Site’s 58 acres. The ADC includes an
Ambulatory Care Center—ACC and an Ambulatory Surgery Center—ASC.
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Two Departures from the Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) were requested and granted for the
Phase 1 development. These departures are for: (1) the extent of the parking lot along
Westlake Road; and (2) for a public entrance to Westland Road. Do you wish a relaxation from
such BMC standards in this PUD? If so, please clarify where and under what circumstances.
2. Proposed PUD development zones referenced below.
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3. Requested Relaxations. Please verify the following requested relaxations to
the Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC).
a. Residential Uses [found on page 20 of the Project Narrative]. The B-2 zone allows a
variety of residential uses which are generally limited to second floors and above and not
on the ground floor levels. The PUD requests a relaxation to allow all types of residential
uses on all levels of buildings lying within Zones A, B, E and F as a principal permitted
use. The “middle” zones C and D would still allow residential uses on the upper levels per
BMC Table 38.310.040.C.
b. Block Size and Patterns [found on page 20 of the Project Narrative]. The 58-acre Site
“campus” is a single lot that is configured to have multiple buildings surrounded by a
network of pedestrian pathways and vehicular circulation routes. This is atypical of
commercial or mixed use developments which, typically, are subdivided into smaller blocks
with individual lots offered to builders. The 58-acre campus Site is to remain owned and
developed by the Applicant over a 20-year period. As such, the BMC Section 38.410.040
Block length and width standards are not sufficiently flexible or adaptable to the medical
facilities’ needs of this campus. This Block Size standard limits block lengths to no more
than 400 linear feet (LF) and no less than 300 LF. The standards limits block widths to
no less than 200 LF and no more than 400 LF. This PUD requests a relaxation from these
standards to allow a variety of block sizes, lengths, widths and configurations within the
campus Site, with each such block designed to provide a pedestrian and/or vehicular
connection at from 400 to 600 LF spacing, where feasible, with a combination of standard
City streets, private access drives and pedestrian connections. [the term ”where
feasible” indicates that there would be no such limit to block length or width. There is no
criteria or design guideline to measure what is to be deemed “feasible” or not. What is
your intent here, particularly with the words “where feasible”?]
c. Block Frontage standards [found on page 22]. The Block Frontage standards for
development within the campus Site will follow the standards of either the Mixed Block
Frontage per BMC 38.510.030.D or the Gateway Block Frontage standards per
38.510.030.E, with the following relaxations:
(1) To provide the best patient and visitor experience, primary building entrances
may be set back from the street frontage. Clear wayfinding will assist with entry
identification. Is there any limit on the depth of the setback?
(2) Weather protection will be provided at primary entrances, both for protecting people
and as an identifier for the entrances. Will this weather protection meet the Gateway
or Mixed Block Frontage standards?
(3) Where rear or side building facades face a street, they will be articulated and detailed
in a manner that does not appear like the rear of a building. This is extremely vague.
Do you have any design guidelines and drawings to show what you intend?
(4) Parking may be located on all sides of buildings due to the necessity of medical
facilities providing adequate parking quantities and the need to disperse parking to
minimize walking distances. This is a relaxation of the requirement that parking be
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located to the side or rear of structures per the Gateway or Mixed Block Frontage (BF)
standards. The Mixed BF standards which reference the Storefront BF standards of
Table 38.510.030.B, cell 8 or the Landscape BF standards of 38.510.030.C, cell 6.
(5) Parking lots and structures will be mitigated with landscaping, setbacks from street
frontage, and include pedestrian walks. See comment c.10 below regarding wrapping
of parking structures with pedestrian-interest land uses.
(6) Block frontage will be addressed with each phase as building and road locations are
developed. When you say “addressed”, what do you mean? This is too vague a
reference for a PUD relaxation discussion.
(7) All proposed block frontages will be subject to design review and approval by the City.
Do you mean that individual site plans within the various phases of development and
within the various zones of development are subject to the code provisions, standards
and review processes of the BMC which is in effect at the time of site plan application?
If so, please restate.
(8) [Figure 4 does not appear to illustrate any one of the requested relaxations. Please
provide some text with the image to indicate what relaxation(s) it is describing.]
(9) Parking along street frontages may exceed 50% of the frontage provided the parking
areas are screened with vegetation per 38.550.050.C in which the plantings are evergreen
species planted at heights and intervals at first planting that achieve vegetative screening
at a minimum height of four (4) feet. [This standard was a conflict with the initial design
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of the Phase 1 Site Plan building. Is this something you need to address with the PUD in
a manner worded above?]
(10) BMC 38.510.030.M. Structured parking facility development standards
[Page 22] Some parking garages may not be located in the interior of the campus zones and
may front onto internal or frontage streets. These garages may not be provided with any
“lining” of retail, office or residential uses at the street level or may be provided such uses
along only a portion of the street frontage. Please clarify whether or not you seek a relaxation
from the Subsection 2.a (2) standard that requires this “lining” or “wrapping” of the garage
structure with none, some or the entire street frontage with pedestrian-interest retail, office
or residential land uses.
d. Building heights. BMC Table 38.320.050 for the B-2 zone. This section limits building heights
to a maximum of 60 feet, depending upon the building’s roof pitch. It is noted that Note 7 of this
table allows an increase of up to 50% in height for zones implementing a regional commercial
and services land use designation which this B-2 zone does. Therefore, again depending on the
roof pitch, a building height of up to 90-feet is allowed on this Site.
The PUD requests the following relaxations within their designated “Zones” of development:
(1) 88-feet and 6-stories in Zone A, the western portion of Zone C and all of Zone F; and
(2) 135-feet and 8-stories in Zones B and D.
The eastern portion of Zone C and all of Zone E would meet the maximum height limit of the B-
2 zone. Note that the 88-feet relaxation is not needed because of Note 7 of the B-2 zone table
which allows up to 90-feet as-of-right.
Page 29 notes the following design parameters for the height limits in the various zones.
“Mitigation of this request includes:
1. Location of the highest buildings in sections furthest removed from the interstate corridor
for views into the site and for an open site plan.
2. The ability to achieve internal program efficiencies and productivity improvements due
to the concentration of adjacencies and the ability to share activities due to the
improved relationships between uses.
3. Taller building tower(s) will be setback where possible from the lower floors to minimize
their visual impact. They will be strategically sited to preserve view from both within the
campus and from surrounding properties.
4. Higher buildings will also be connected in a manner to allow a sense of space between
them, including sky bridges and lowered roof lines.
5. Building entries will focus on the pedestrian scale, with building massing adjacent to
pedestrian and vehicular traffic kept at three stories where possible.
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e. Signage. BMC 38.560.060.
(1) Monument Signs. The PUD requests relaxation of the monument maximum height limits
to allow the following standards:
(i) Monument maximum height be increased for primary monument signage; and
(ii) Monument sign face area be increased for primary monument signage.
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(2). Building signs. The PUD requests that total signage square area that is permitted on a
per-lot basis by 38.560.060 be designated within the campus Site by its zones within which
building signage will continue to comply with allowed sign area per linear foot of building
frontage. This does not make sense to me. Please clarify what you mean. Please provide a
table or chart identifying the parameters of BMC Table 38.560.060 that you want to apply to
the zones in this PUD.
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4. Performance Points for the PUD per BMC 38.430.090.E.2.a. (7). As you are aware, all
PUDs must earn a minimum of 20 performance points to qualify for approval. This application
proposes the following performance points.
Item Notes Point
Open Space Open space is a defining element of the campus and is configured in a
combination of public and private outdoor spaces.
Wayfinding Wayfinding is an important element of the campus design and a
complete wayfinding plan will be submitted with the preliminary PUD.
Bus Station or Enhanced Stop Bus station and/or sheltered bus stops will be provided.2
Total Possible Points 22
a. Additional Open Space—13.75 Performance Points not 16 points.
1. Usable open space is required for commercial developments. The requirement is an area
equal to at least two (2) percent of the site area per BMC 38.520.060.C.1. The “site area”
includes the building areas, parking, service areas, access and landscaping. It would exclude
public rights-of-way (ROW) and required parking lot landscaping. The 58-acre Site provides
a number of public streets which would be excluded from the required open space
requirement of BMC 38.520.060.C. However, on page 28 of the Project Narrative, it is stated
that 8-acres of the Site would be provided as publicly-accessible open space, representing
13% of the Site. This 6.84-acre surplus open space (above the 1.16-acres that is required
for the commercial development) within the Site represents 11% of “Additional Open Space”
which qualifies as 13.75 Performance Points at 1.25 points for each percent of additional open
space on the Site. Please provide a map showing where the required public open space and
the additional public open space would be provided on the Site. Please differentiate the two
types by coloring or some other markings.
b. Wayfinding signage—4 Performance Points Proposed but none provided.
BMC 38.430.090.E.2.a.(7)(h), Integrated and coordinated wayfinding measures beyond
minimum requirements within the overall project.
[Page 26 of the Project Narrative] “Wayfinding is an important element of campus design.
Billings Clinic’s operation of medical campuses throughout the region, as well as the
experience of healthcare facilities nationwide, demonstrate the importance of creating an
area that is easy to navigate in stressful situations.
Patients and visitors to a medical campus need to be able to easily and conveniently
locate, identify, and find their way to the various services offered. The multiple buildings
associated with a medical campus, the needs and abilities of those seeking medical and
emergency services, and the diversification of services offered within a medical campus
create a need for establishing clear and visible wayfinding and informational signage. The
goals of the wayfinding approach are to help keep consumers oriented and informed, and
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to make the experience as positive and stress-free as possible.
The Billings Clinic medical campus employs a landmark-based wayfinding approach,
augmented with explicit, written information (directional signs) where detail is needed.”
“Building Identification signage is positioned for maximum visibility from Interstate 90
and roadways surrounding the campus and is integrated with the architectural design
of the building. “Billings Clinic” the health provider name and logomark are positioned
at the top of the building (in the most prominent location).
Monument signage will be located at primary entry points indicating availability of
emergency services.
Vehicular and pedestrian directional signage to buildings and services will be positioned at
decision-making points to help guide consumers to specific buildings and services (Hospital,
Urgent Care, Surgery, Clinic, future destinations, greenway trail paths, etc.
Identification of buildings and services is reinforced at Building Entries where illuminated
letter signs are mounted to the front of entry canopies for visibility to consumers once
they arrive on campus.
Material and colors complementary to the architectural and landscape design will be
incorporated and carried through the entire signage family. Consistent representation of
the Billings Clinic brand including typefaces, colors, and treatment of logos will be
[Page 28] “Wayfinding is an important element of the campus design and a complete
wayfinding plan will be submitted with the preliminary PUD.” This submittal IS the
preliminary PUD application. In order to qualify for 4 Performance Points, please provide
images of the various wayfinding signs you propose and a map of the locations for each
within the campus.
Bus Stop—2 Performance Points proposed pursuant to BMC 38.430.090.E.2.a.(7)(j) but none
provided. In order to qualify for 2 Performance Points, please provide images of the two
sheltered bus stops you propose for the Site and a map of the locations for each within
the campus.
As of this application, only 13.75 Performance Points are demonstrated out of a required
20 points need to qualify for a PUD, a deficiency of 6.25 points. Please make this
correction with the next submittal.
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Clinic Bozeman