HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Amendment 2 - PSA Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services - Wastewater Collection System Model update - Phase 2Engineer’s Project #: P05097-2018-006 Page 1 of 2 Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement for: Wastewater Collection System Model Update – Phase 2 THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this ________ day of ____________________, 20__ , between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as CITY and Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, LLC an Engineering Consulting Firm of Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as Consultant. WHEREAS, the parties have entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated February 24, 2020, herein referred to as Original Agreement for professional engineering services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further amend the provisions of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, the parties agree as follows: Amend Section 1. Purpose: of the Original Agreement to add a new paragraph to read: City and Consultant agree to incorporate and Consultant agrees to perform additional Scope of Services attached hereto as “Attachment A – Wastewater Collection System Model Update – Phase 2 – Amendment 2”. Amend Section 4. Payment for Scope of Services: of the Original Agreement to add a new paragraph to read: City agrees to pay Consultant for the completion of the additional Scope of Services attached hereto as “Attachment A – Wastewater Collection System Model Update – Phase 2 – Amendment 2” a totals $247,938.00. The Consultant’s billing rates in $/hr for its employees are included with this Attachment A. Except as specifically amended herein, the Original Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and the Parties shall be bound by all terms and conditions therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do make and execute this Agreement on the day and year first above written. CITY OF BOZEMAN ___________________________________ Jeff Mihelich City Manager ATTEST: ________________________________________ Mike Maas City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID: 300EF4B6-1671-42FF-9964-65D0B3FE655D 4th 22January Engineer’s Project #: P05097-2018-006 Page 2 of 2 APPROVED AS TO FORM ____________________________________ Greg Sullivan City Attorney CONSULTANT By:_______________________________________ Its:______________________________________ ATTEST: By:___________________________________ Operations Manager DocuSign Envelope ID: 300EF4B6-1671-42FF-9964-65D0B3FE655D ATTACHMENT A – Wastewater Collection System Phase 2 – Facility Plan SCOPE OF SERVICES: Task 100: Project Management and Meetings  Project invoicing, budget management, schedule management  Progress reporting  City Commission presentation Task 200: Wastewater Collection System Risk Assessment  Review risk  Evaluate risks across the collection system using InfoAsset Planner (IAP) to help prioritize capital improvement projects (CIP) including recommended rehabilitation and replacement (R&R).  Build on the City’s risk assessment work done to date to the maximum extent possible.  Risk model will include the following data: o City GIS Asset Database o CMMS o CCTV o Hydraulic model results (WWF d/D) o Typical R&R costs. Develop unit cost assumptions for the major types of projects (pipeline replacement, pipe break repairs, pipe rehab). Include category for projects in heavily urbanized zones versus less-dense areas.  Develop risk assessment framework. Conduct workshop with City staff to present recommended likelihood of failure (LOF) and consequence of failure (COF) factors. City will provide review of LOF and COF factors prior to finalizing risk assessment framework.  Develop Decision Tree Project Prioritization Plan  Deliverables: Risk Assessment Technical Memorandum – including maps indicating risk range for each section of the collection system.  IAP Training Task 300: Capital Improvements Plan  Verify that the collection system projects listed in the City’s current CIP are still recommended and appropriately prioritized.  Develop a new list of recommended near-term (5 year) projects to address current and projected deficiencies. Near-term recommended improvements will be based on previous facility plan and Infill / TIF Densification hydraulic model scenario.  Develop complete list of recommended projects, including both near-term (5 year) and long-term (20 year, also referred to as “unscheduled”) projects. Projects shall have a description and be categorized by purpose/need (e.g., R&R, growth and development).  Develop total project costs for identified CIP projects.  Provide interactive web-based map deliverable for CIP projects DocuSign Envelope ID: 300EF4B6-1671-42FF-9964-65D0B3FE655D Task 400: Facility Plan Report  Executive summary with technical memoranda appendices. Summarize key assumptions, methods, and findings of the Wastewater Collection System Facility Plan Phase 1 and 2 in an executive summary.  Graphical Executive Summary shall be provided for the City to use to convey primary takeaways from the Facility Plan  Interactive Mapping Deliverable – an interactive web map will be developed using ArcGIS. Hard copy Facility Plan will have up to a dozen 11x17 maps. Remainder of visuals will be figures referencing the interactive web maps.  Deliverables: Wastewater Collection System Facility Plan Update Executive Summary and Compiled Technical Memoranda. Task 500: Allocation Tool Development  Develop tool to allow City Engineering staff to automatically update wastewater collection system model loading factors based on development applications received. o Tool will be a spreadsheet-based database. An InfoSWMM GIS Exchange routine will be incorporated into the model to allow users to update Node-loading based on the spreadsheet database. Task 600: Montana State University Facility Plan Integration  Coordinate with University Facilities Staff to review campus wastewater facility plan  Revise future scenarios to reflect MSU facility plan Table 1: Hourly Billing Rates for Personnel Utilized Personnel, Classification 2022 Hourly Labor Rate Scott Buecker, Engineer VI $243.00 Trevor Datwyler, Engineer IV $203.00 Donovan Voeller, Engineer III $177.00 Dan Lissick, GIS Specialist $139.00 Drew Stock, Engineer II $148.00 Maddie Thompson, Engineer II $148.00 Nicole Gaustad, Communication Specialist III $139.00 Table 2: Task Fee Breakdown (DRAFT FEE ESTIMATE) Task Consultants Fee Task 100 – Project Management $24,336 Task 200 – Risk Assessment $72,240 Task 300 – Capital Improvements Plan $46,676 Task 400 – Facility Plan Report $63,368 Task 500 – Allocation Automatic Tool Development $18,998 Task 600 – MSU Facility Plan Integration $22,320 Total $247,938 DocuSign Envelope ID: 300EF4B6-1671-42FF-9964-65D0B3FE655D Exhibit A City of Bozeman Wastewater Collection System Phase 2 – Facility Plan Detailed Scope of Services Task 100 – Project Management and Meetings: Sub-Tasks • Task 101 – Project Management: AE2S will conduct general project management services including general coordination with OWNER, project invoicing, and managing project budget and schedule. • Task 102 – Progress Reports: Provide regular progress reports throughout the duration of the project. • Task 103 – City Commission Presentation: Deliver summary presentation to Bozeman City Commission. Assumptions • All deliverables will be provided in electronic format. Deliverable • Monthly progress reports Task 200 – Wastewater Collection System Risk Assessment Sub-Tasks • Task 201 – Risk Policy/Framework: Review risk policy/framework developed with the City through the City’s water distribution system master plan and modify/adapt to fit the wastewater collection system. • Task 202 – Risk Criteria: Based on the wastewater collection system information availability, recommend risk criteria (Likelihood and Consequence of Failure) and weighting factors to the City. Adjust criteria and factors based on feedback provided from the City. • Task 203 – Risk Model: Using InfoAsset Planner, develop a detailed risk model built one to one with the City’s GIS database. Risk model will at a minimum include input from the following data sources: o City GIS Asset Database o CMMS work order, break, overflow history o CCTV. o Hydraulic Model Results (flow depth/Diameter ratio, etc.) Results from the preliminary risk analysis will be provided to the City as a list of assets prioritized by total risk score and overall risk ranking. • Task 204 – Risk Review Workshop: AE2S will facilitate a workshop with the City to review the preliminary risk results. The risk model will be live during the meeting to allow for real time revisions and sensitivity scenarios. • Task 205 – Finalize Risk Assessment: With the input from the risk review workshop, AE2S will update and finalize the risk model. • Task 206 –Decision Tree: The risk assessment will provide an indicator of which assets need the City’s attention. The decision tree will help automate the process of determining what rehab/replacement actions should be taken based on the City’s risk tolerance and risk mitigation approach. After developing a preliminary decision tree, AE2S will facilitate a workshop with the City to review and adjust the decision tree. As in the previous workshop, the risk model will be live to be able to see the impacts of decision tree modifications in real time. DocuSign Envelope ID: 300EF4B6-1671-42FF-9964-65D0B3FE655D • Task 207 – Project Prioritization Plan: Using the results from the decision tree analysis, a project prioritization plan will be developed that delineates recommended rehabilitation or replacement activities into logical projects. Unit prices for major projects (pipeline replacement, pipe break repairs, pipe lining) will be subdivided to account for heavily urbanized zones versus less dense areas. In addition to logical spatial delineation of projects, budget input from the City will be used to divide projects into appropriately sized capital expenditures for a near term (5-year) planning period. • Task 208 – Technical Memorandum: A technical memorandum summarizing the risk assessment process and instructions for future updates by the City will be provided. • Task 209 – InfoAsset Planner Training: Two training sessions (4 hours each) will be provided on maintaining the City’s InfoAsset Planner risk model. Assumptions • Minimal refinement of the risk policy/framework will be required from the finalized water distribution system risk policy. • City will provide current GIS database which will not require significant data processing. • City will provide access to current CCTV database, and CCTV results will include NASSCO coded defects for the collection system pipes. • Manholes will be included in the risk model, but a risk assessment will not be conducted on the manholes at this time. Deliverables • Risk Policy/Framework • Graphic describing the impacts of deferred R&R under various level of service scenarios • Technical Memorandum • InfoAsset Planner Model and associated GIS data • Project Prioritization Plan with Costs Task 300 – Capital Improvements Plan Sub-Tasks • Task 301 – Verify that the collection system projects listed in the City’s current CIP are still recommended and appropriately prioritized. • Task 302 – Develop a new list of recommended near term (5 year) projects to address current and projected deficiencies. Near term recommended improvements will be based on outcomes of the Phase 1 and 2 Facility Planning work. Projects will have a description and be categorized by purpose/need (e.g., R&R, growth, and development). • Task 303 – Develop a new list of recommended long-term (5 to 20 year) projects to address current and projected deficiencies. Near term recommended improvements will be based on outcomes of the Phase 1 and 2 Facility Planning work. Projects will have a description and be categorized by purpose/need (e.g., R&R, growth and development). • Task 304 – Develop total project cost estimates for identified CIP projects. • Task 305 – Develop CIP technical memorandum summarizing project details, costs, and purpose/need. • Task 306 – Integrate the CIP plan into OptX, a web based interactive tool the City can use to track projects, quickly modify project timing, funding sources, inflation via DocuSign Envelope ID: 300EF4B6-1671-42FF-9964-65D0B3FE655D construction cost index, and assess revenue vs. project costs to evaluate budget adequacy. Assumptions • Project costs will be provided uniformly in today’s dollar. Deliverables • CIP Tech Memo with each CIP project described in a one-page excel table with a figure/snapshot showing the area of influence. • Secure access to OptX to view, modify, or download the capital improvements plan to excel files. Task 400 – Facility Plan Report Sub-Tasks • Task 401 – Executive Summary: Develop an executive summary of the Wastewater Collection System Facility Plan, phases 1 and 2. Summarize key assumptions, methods, and findings from both phases of the study. Technical memoranda from phases 1 and 2 will be included as appendices. Up to twelve 11x17 .pdf maps will be provided, with remaining visuals to be graphic figures. Reader will be referred on online story maps (Task 403) for additional detail where desired. • Task 402 – Graphical Executive Summary: Develop a concise graphical executive summary, incorporating findings and key takeaways from the Phase 1 and 2 facility planning work. Intended audience is City leadership and the public for future outreach use. • Task 403 – Interactive Facility Plan Web Map: Develop an interactive web map using ArcGIS online story map functionality. The story map will provide more detail than the executive summary in a format that allows the viewer to stay high level, or dive into more detail of the analysis as desired. Assumptions • Web map will be hosted on the City’s enterprise server, with full editing access. Deliverable • Executive Summary with Technical Memoranda in Appendices • Graphical Executive Summary • Secure access to interactive facility plan web map. Task 500 – Allocation Tool Development Sub-Tasks • Task 501 – Develop a tool to allow City Engineering staff to update wastewater collection system model loading factors based on development applications received. The tool will be a spreadsheet-based database. An InfoSWMM routine will be incorporated into the model to allow users to update node loading based on the spreadsheet database. Provide testing with City staff for proof of concept and City staff training purposes. Assumptions • None Deliverables • Allocation Tool (Development allocation based on spreadsheet and database updates) • Provide “Guidelines for Allocation Tool Use” in tech memo format • Provide recommended future flow monitoring MH locations in a Story Map DocuSign Envelope ID: 300EF4B6-1671-42FF-9964-65D0B3FE655D Task 600 – Montana State University Facility Plan Integration Sub-Tasks • Task 601 – Coordinate with University Facilities Staff to review campus wastewater facility plan. Revise future scenarios previously utilized in Phase 1, in both the model and the future scenarios technical memorandum, to reflect MSU facility planning. Assumptions • MSU will provide planning documents on-hand, and one meeting with MSU, City staff and engineering team. Deliverable • Updated model and report DocuSign Envelope ID: 300EF4B6-1671-42FF-9964-65D0B3FE655D Team Members Scott Buecker Trevor Datwyler Donovan Voeller Dan Lissick Drew Stock Maddie Thompson Nicole Gaustad Senior Project Manager Risk Assessment Lead Wastewater Modeling Engineer GIS Professional Project Engineer Project Engineer Marketing Lead Task #2021 Hourly Billing Rate $243 $203 $177 $139 $148 $148 $131100Project Management & Meetings $24,336 101 Project Management $12,760 40 8 8 56102Progress Communications $3,464 8 4 4 16103CC Meeting Preparation and Presentation $8,112 16 8 8 8 40Task 100 Total Hours 64 20 20 0 8 0 0 112 Task 100 Total Fee $15,552 $4,060 $3,540 $0 $1,184 $0 $0 $24,336 200 Risk Assessment $72,240 201 Risk Policy/Framework $3,408 4 12 16202Risk Criteria $4,964 4 8 16 28203Risk Model $19,604 4 40 16 56 116204Risk Review Workshop $3,780 4 8 8 20205Finalize Risk Assessment $2,968 4 4 8 16206Decision Tree $14,572 4 32 48 84207Project Prioritization Plan $9,928 8 16 32 56208Risk Technical Memorandum $9,396 4 24 24 52209InfoAsset Planner Training $3,620 12 8 20 Task 200 Total Hours 36 156 0 16 200 0 0 408 Task 200 Total Fee $8,748 $31,668 $0 $2,224 $29,600 $0 $0 $72,240 300 Capital Improvements Plan $46,676 301 Validate Current CIP Projects $9,944 4 4 16 36 60302Additional Recommended Projects $4,604 4 8 8 4 24303Develop near term (5 year) and unscheduled (20 year) projects $7,132 8 4 8 20 40304Project Costs $7,132 8 4 8 20 40305CIP Tech Memo $5,356 8 4 8 8 28 306 CIP integration with OptX $12,508 4 16 40 16 76 Task 300 Total Hours 36 40 48 0 40 104 0 268 Task 300 Total Fee $8,748 $8,120 $8,496 $0 $5,920 $15,392 $0 $46,676 400 Facility Plan Report $63,368 401 Executive Summary $30,488 12 16 60 56 40 184402Graphical Executive Summary $19,684 12 12 24 16 60 124403Interactive Facility Plan Web Map $13,196 4 8 8 32 32 84 Task 400 Total Hours 28 36 92 104 32 40 60 392 Task 400 Total Fee $6,804 $7,308 $16,284 $14,456 $4,736 $5,920 $7,860 $63,368 500 Allocation Automation Tool Development $18,998 501 Wastewater Load Factor Automation $18,998 2 4 100 106Task 500 Total Hours 2 4 100 0 0 0 0 106 Task 500 Total Fee $486 $812 $17,700 $0 $0 $0 $0 $18,998 600 Water System Risk Analysis $22,320 601 MSU Coordination and Model/Report Update $22,320 16 64 48 128 Task 6 Total Hours 16 0 64 0 0 48 0 128 Task 6 Total Fee $3,888 $0 $11,328 $0 $0 $7,104 $0 $22,320 Total Project Hours per Team Member 182 256 324 120 280 192 60 1414 Total Project Fees per Team Member 44,226$ 51,968$ 57,348$ 16,680$ 41,440$ 28,416$ 7,860$ Total Project Fee 247,938$ Total Labor DocuSign Envelope ID: 300EF4B6-1671-42FF-9964-65D0B3FE655D