HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Memorandum of Agreement - MDT - Bridger Drive-MT HWY86 Project1 | Page CITY/STATE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Bridger Drive/P-86 Bozeman January 2022 This Memorandum of Agreement (Agreement) is made and entered into by and between the City of Bozeman (“the City”), a self-governing municipality operating pursuant to its Charter and the laws of the State of Montana, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman MT 59771 and the Montana Department of Transportation (“MDT”), a department of the State of Montana, P.O. Box 201001, Helena MT 59620-1001 together referred to as “the Parties”. The Purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the respective responsibilities and duties of the City and MDT associated with the City’s installation and maintenance of a sidewalk and storm drain facilities within the Bridger Drive/P-86 right-of-way (the Project), per the approved plans (Attachment B). WHEREAS, MDT is responsible for planning, designing, constructing and maintaining State Highways and roadways, and associated transportation facilities, including associated pull-offs, parking areas, and rest areas for the use and benefit of the traveling public, in a safe and efficient manner and in accordance with Title 23 United States Code (U.S.C) and Title 60 Montana Code Annotated (MCA) including Bridger Drive/P-86, a commission-designated highway system; and WHEREAS, Bridger Drive/P-86 is an MDT maintained route on the Primary System within the State of Montana and is eligible to receive Federal Highway Funds; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the State’s agreement with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) of the U.S. Department of Transportation, MDT must ensure that certain requirements are met in order for MDT to fulfill its obligations to the FHWA and for Bridger Drive/P-86 to be eligible for federal funds; WHEREAS, The City has agreed to maintain, or cause to be maintained, the Project; and WHEREAS, This Agreement must be fully executed before initiation of construction of the Project within commission-designated right-of-way; and NOW, THEREFORE, The Parties set forth the fundamental duties and responsibilities necessary for the maintenance of Bridger Drive/P-86 associated with the construction of the Project, within public right-of-way. ARTICLE I. GENERAL OBLIGATIONS OF MDT 1. If the City does not fulfill their maintenance requirements as stated herein, MDT may complete the required maintenance and seek compensation from the City. In doing so, MDT must first provide notice to the City allowing 60 days to complete any such DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C 2 | Page maintenance. If MDT performs such maintenance under this section, it must provide detailed invoices of such costs to the City. 2. MDT may complete any maintenance required due to public emergency and seek compensation from the City for any costs incurred. In doing so, MDT may first provide notice to the City, when possible, allowing time to complete any such maintenance. If MDT performs maintenance under this section, it must provide detailed invoices of such costs to the City. ARTICLE II. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY: 1. The City agrees that no fixture, building, structure, or other permanent installation will be constructed or placed within Transportation Commission designated right-of-way without prior written approval from MDT. 2. The City shall complete the necessary environmental processes for modification to the state highways and roadways and demonstrate that all, if any, environmental issues associated with the proposed project have been identified and mitigated. The City agrees it will prepare and file any required environmental documents and apply for and obtain any permits required by other governmental agencies at no expense to MDT prior to maintenance taking place within Transportation Commission designated right-of-way. 3. The City agrees to be responsible for any and all damages to facilities within Transportation Commission designated right-of-way caused by the City, the City’s staff or contractors, or resulting from the City’s operations. The City must repair any and all damages, at its sole expense, after notification of damage by MDT and approval of repair work needed, method of repair, and schedule for repair. 4. If the City fails to perform or cause to be performed, the maintenance obligations as required by this agreement within 60 days of written notification from MDT, MDT may complete the required maintenance and the City shall be required to compensate MDT for its performance of said maintenance. 5. MDT may complete any maintenance required due to a public emergency without prior notice to the City. The City agrees to be responsible for and to reimburse MDT for said maintenance, including Indirect Costs. ARTICLE III – PROJECT-SPECIFIC FEATURES 1. Sidewalks/Curb a. Upon completion of the Project, the City agrees that it is responsible, at no cost to MDT, to service, maintain, repair, and pay the cost of operating the sidewalk/curb within the project limits, such that it does not negatively impact DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C 3 | Page the operation of the sidewalk or the safety of the traveling public. If all or part of the Project becomes unsafe for use, the City agrees to restrict access to the affected area until the condition has been remedied. b. For the purposes of this Agreement, “maintenance of a sidewalk” is defined as: grinding or milling down displacements; surface patching; crack sealing; sweeping; cleaning; washing; replacing portions of damaged sidewalk; removal of snow and ice; repair of chipped, fractured, or broken surface from any cause, including but not limited to frost heaving, landscaping, tree roots, or encroachments; removal of debris and other obstructions or impediments to safe pedestrian travel; and any and all other normally accepted maintenance practices. 2. Storm Drain Facilities a. Upon completion of the project, the City agrees that it is responsible, at no cost to MDT, to provide for proper and timely operation and routine maintenance of the City storm drain. b. For the purposes to this Agreement, “maintenance of storm drain facilities”, is defined as: cleaning or removing debris from mains, inlet runs, inlets, manholes, ditches, or culverts; jetting inlets or inlet runs; replacing broken grates, rings, manhole bottoms or lids, or resetting inlets or manholes. ARTICLE IV – GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Term – The term of this Agreement shall be ten (10) years. After the initial ten (10) year term, this Agreement will renew automatically, for successive one (1) year terms, unless superseded by a new Agreement between the parties. 2. Termination – This Agreement may be terminated by MDT if the City has violated or breached any term, condition or article of this Agreement and the City has failed to correct the same within 60 days of receiving notice in writing addressed to the City at the addresses shown above, from MDT of such violation or breach of any term condition or article of this Agreement. If this Agreement is terminated, the improvements become the property of MDT, without reimbursement. MDT will maintain the Project as it sees fit and may remove it without City approval. MDT may seek compensation for maintenance or removal of the Project from the City. 3. Hold Harmless & Indemnification The City agrees to protect, defend, indemnify, and hold MDT, its elected and appointed officials, agents, and employees, while acting within their duties as such, harmless from and against all claims, liabilities, demands, causes of action, and judgments ( including the cost of defense and reasonable attorney fees) arising in favor of or asserted by the City’s employees or third parties on account of personal or bodily injury, death or DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C 4 | Page damage to property, arising out of the acts or omissions of the City, its agents, or sub-contractors, under this Agreement, except the negligence of MDT. The State and Department of Transportation agrees to protect, defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its elected and appointed officials, agents, and employees, while acting within their duties as such, harmless from and against all claims, liabilities, demands, causes of action, and judgments ( including the cost of defense and reasonable attorney fees) arising in favor of or asserted by the MDT’s employees or third parties on account of personal or bodily injury, death or damage to property, arising out of the acts or omissions of MDT, its agents, or sub-contractors, under this Agreement, except the negligence of the City. 4. Insurance 1. General Requirements: Each party shall maintain for the duration of this Agreement, at its own cost and expense, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property that may arise from or in connection with the performance of the duties and obligations in this Agreement by each party, its agents, employees, representatives, assigns, or sub-contractors. This insurance shall cover such claims as may be caused by any negligent act or omission. 2. General Liability Insurance: Each party shall purchase and maintain occurrence coverage with combined single limits for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage of $1 million per occurrence and $2 million aggregate per year to cover such claims as may be caused by or arising out of any negligent acts or omissions in work or services performed under this Agreement, or as established by statutory tort limits as provided by a public entity self-insurance program either individually or on a pool basis as provided by Mont. Code Ann. Title 2, Chapter 9. 3. General Provisions: All insurance coverage must be with a carrier licensed to do business in the State of Montana or by a public entity self-insured program either individually or on a pool basis. Each party must notify the other immediately of any material change in insurance coverage, such as changes in limits, coverage, change in status of policy, etc. Each party reserves the right to request complete copies of the other party’s insurance policy or self-insured memorandum of coverage at any time. 4. Workers’ Compensation Insurance: The City must maintain workers’ compensation insurance and require its contractors and its contractor’s sub-contractors to carry their own workers compensation coverage while performing work within MDT right-of-way in accordance with Mont. Code Ann. §§39-71-401 and 39-71-405. Neither the contractor nor its employees are employees of MDT. This insurance/exemption must be valid for the entire Agreement period. 5. Public Safety If any repairs to the elements of the Project must be performed to address or prevent a public hazard, the City will immediately protect the area from public access, and make reasonable and timely effort to correct or repair the hazard. DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C 5 | Page 6. Invoicing and Indirect Cost (IDC) If MDT incurs any costs as a result of a public emergency that necessitates action on MDT’s part concerning the maintenance or repair of the Project back to its original state, MDT shall be compensated for such costs by the City, and the City shall pay the same within thirty (30) days of its receipt of such invoices. Section 17-1-106, MCA, requires any state agency, including MDT, which receives non-general funds to identify and recover its indirect costs (IDC). These costs are in addition to direct project costs. MDT’s IDC rate is determined annually as a percentage of the project’s direct costs to cover the project’s share of MDT’s IDC as defined by 2 CFR Part 200, Appendix VII. MDT’s current IDC rate is 9.66% for fiscal year 2022 (July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022). If the work occurs or extends into fiscal year 2023 or beyond the IDC rate will be charged at the rate agreed to by MDT and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). 1. Invoice will be sent to: City of Bozeman Attn: Town Clerk/Treasurer PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 2. Payments shall be made to: Montana Department of Transportation Attention: Collections 2701 Prospect Avenue PO Box 201001 Helena, MT 59620-1001 7. Choice of Law and Venue This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Montana. The parties agree that any litigation concerning this Agreement must be brought in the First Judicial District Court, in and for the County of Lewis and Clark, State of Montana, and each party shall pay its own costs and attorney fees, except as otherwise noted in this Agreement on Indemnification. In case of conflict between the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the laws of the State of Montana, the laws of the State of Montana shall control. 8. Binding Effect – The benefits and obligations set forth in this Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, their respective successors, administrators and assigns of the Parties. 9. Relationship of Parties – Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed or construed (either by the Parties hereto or by any third party) to create the relationship DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C 6 | Page of principal and agent or create any partnership joint venture or other association between the Parties. 10. Non-Discrimination – The City will require that during the performance of any work arising out of this Agreement the City, for itself, assignees, and successors shall comply with all applicable non-discrimination regulation set forth in Attachment “A” attached hereto and made part of this Agreement. 11. ADA - MDT requires that any construction or maintenance resulting from this Agreement must include appropriate pedestrian facilities that meet or exceed current MDT standards for accessibility as set forth by the United States Department of Justice 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, United States Access Board Proposed Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (2011 PROWAG), and MDT’s Detailed Drawings, 608 series. 12. Audit – The Legislative Auditor and the Legislative Fiscal Analyst may, without prior notice and during normal business hours, audit, at their own cost and expense, all records, reports, and other documents the City maintain in connection with this Agreement. 13. Access and Retention of Records – The City agrees to provide the State, Legislative Auditor, or their authorized agents access to any records necessary to determine compliance with this MOA (Mont. Code Ann. §18-1-118). The City agrees to create and retain records supporting this Agreement for a period of three years after the completion date of this Agreement or the conclusion of any claim, litigation or exception relating to the Agreement taken by the State of Montana or a third party. 14. Highway Modifications – If MDT modifies or improves the highway or roadway facilities, the City will modify, upon reasonable notice at no expense to MDT, the Project accordingly. 15. Revocation – This Agreement is revocable by MDT in the event that the Project facilities within the right-of-way cease to be used by the City for a period of one year or abandoned otherwise. Upon revocation or abandonment, the system facilities must be removed in compliance with this Agreement. 16. Utilities – The right of any private or public utility now lawfully occupying the right-of-way to operate and maintain utility facilities supersedes any right granted by this Agreement to the City. Copies of existing utility permits may be obtained from the MDT District Utility Agent. 17. Amendment and Modification – The Parties may modify or amend this Agreement only by a written Addendum signed by the Parties. In addition to the terms and conditions contained herein, the provisions of any Addendum may be incorporated and made a part hereof by this reference in the terms of the amendment so provided. In the event of any conflict between the terms and conditions hereof and the provision of any DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C 7 | Page Addendum, the provision of the Addendum shall control, unless the provisions thereof are prohibited by law. 18. Representatives a. City’s Representative: The City’s Representative for this Agreement shall be the City Manager or designee or such other individual as City shall designate in writing. Whenever approval or authorization from or communication or submission to City is required by this Agreement, such communication or submission shall be directed to the City’s Representative and approvals or authorizations shall be issued only by such Representative; provided, however, that in exigent circumstances when City’s Representative is not available, MDT may direct its communication or submission to other designated City personnel or agents. b. MDT’s Representative: The MDT Representative for this Agreement shall be the District Administrator or Maintenance Chief or such other individual as MDT shall designate in writing. Whenever direction to or communication with MDT is required by this Agreement, such direction or communication shall be directed to MDT’s Representative; provided, however, that in exigent circumstances when MDT’s Representative is not available, City may direct its direction or communication or submission to other designated MDT personnel or agents. 19. Counterpart Execution - This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same Agreement. The counterparts of this Agreement may be executed and delivered by facsimile or other electronic signature by any of the parties to any other party and the receiving party may rely on the receipt of such document so executed and delivered by facsimile or other electronic means as if the original had been received. (Signature Pages to Follow) DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C 8 | Page IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representative effective as of the date of final signature. SIGNATURES: STATE OF MONTANA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By ______________________________________________ Date: _________________________________ Montana Department of Transportation ________________________________ Approved for Legal Content ________________________________ Approved for Civil Rights CITY OF BOZEMAN Date: _________________________________ By: _____________________________________________________________ Jeff Mihelich – City Manager DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C 1/6/2022 1/6/2022 9 | Page ATTACHMENT A MDT Nondiscrimination and Disability Accommodation Notice DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C Page 1 of 4 Rev. 01/2022 MDT NONDISCRIMINATION AND DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION NOTICE Montana Department of Transportation (“MDT”) is committed to conducting all of its business in an environment free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. In accordance with State and Federal law MDT prohibits any and all discrimination and protections are all inclusive (hereafter “protected classes”) by its employees or anyone with whom MDT does business: Federal protected classes State protected classes Race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, income-level & Limited English Proficiency Race, color, national origin, parental/marital status, pregnancy, childbirth, or medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth, religion/creed, social origin or condition, genetic information, sex, sexual orientation, gender identification or expression, ancestry, age, disability mental or physical, political or religious affiliations or ideas, military service or veteran status, vaccination status or possession of immunity passport For the duration of this contract/agreement, the PARTY agrees as follows: (1) Compliance with Regulations: The PARTY (hereinafter includes consultant) will comply with all Acts and Regulations of the United States and the State of Montana relative to Non- Discrimination in Federally and State-assisted programs of the U.S. Department of Transportation and the State of Montana, as they may be amended from time to time, which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. (2) Non-discrimination: a. The PARTY, with regard to the work performed by it during the contract, will not discriminate, directly or indirectly, on the grounds of any of the protected classes in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, employment, and all other activities being performed under this contract/agreement. b. The PARTY will provide notice to its employees and the members of the public that it serves that will include the following: i. A statement that the PARTY does not discriminate on the grounds of any protected classes. ii. A statement that the PARTY will provide employees and members of the public that it serves with reasonable accommodations for any known disability, upon request, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended (ADA). iii. Contact information for the PARTY’s representative tasked with handling non- discrimination complaints and providing reasonable accommodations under the ADA. iv. Information on how to request information in alternative accessible formats. DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C Page 2 of 4 Rev. 01/2022 c. In accordance with Mont. Code Ann. § 49-3-207, the PARTY will include a provision, in all of its hiring/subcontracting notices, that all hiring/subcontracting will be on the basis of merit and qualifications and that the PARTY does not discriminate on the grounds of any protected class. (3) Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs): a. If the PARTY receives federal financial assistance as part of this contract/agreement, the PARTY will make all reasonable efforts to utilize DBE firms certified by MDT for its subcontracting services. The list of all currently certified DBE firms is located on the MDT website at mdt.mt.gov/business/contracting/civil/dbe.shtml b. By signing this agreement, the PARTY assures MDT that: The contractor, sub recipient or subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR part 26 in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy as the recipient deems appropriate. c. The PARTY must include the above assurance in each contract/agreement the PARTY enters. (4) Solicitation for Subcontracts, Including Procurement of Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations, either by competitive bidding, or negotiation, made by the PARTY for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials, or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier will be notified by the PARTY of the PARTY’s obligation under this contract/agreement and all Acts and Regulations of the United States and the State of Montana related to Non-Discrimination. (5) Information and Reports: The PARTY will provide all information and reports required by the Acts, Regulations, and directives issued pursuant thereto and will permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information and its facilities as may be determined by MDT or relevant US DOT Administration to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Acts, Regulations, and instructions. Where any information required of a contractor is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish the information, the PARTY will so certify to MDT or relevant US DOT Administration, as appropriate, and will set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. (6) Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of a PARTY’s noncompliance with the Non- discrimination provisions of this contract/agreement, MDT will impose such sanctions as it or the relevant US DOT Administration may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to: a. Withholding payments to the PARTY under the contract/agreement until the PARTY complies; and/or b. Cancelling, terminating, or suspending the contract/agreement, in whole or in part. DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C Page 3 of 4 Rev. 01/2022 (7) Pertinent Non-Discrimination Authorities: During the performance of this contract/agreement, the PARTY, for itself, its assignees, and successor in interest, agrees to comply with the following non-discrimination statutes and authorities; including but not limited to: Federal - Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., 78 stat. 252), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin); and 49 CFR Part 21; - The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, (42 U.S.C. § 4601), (prohibits unfair treatment of persons displaced or whose property has been acquired because of Federal or Federal-aid programs and projects); - Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973, (23 U.S.C. § 324 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex); - Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, (29 U.S.C. § 794 et seq.), as amended, (prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability); and 49 CFR Part 27; - The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, (42 U.S.C. § 6101 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of age); - Airport and Airways Improvement Act of 1982, (49 U.S.C. § 471, Section 47123), as amended, (prohibits discrimination based on race, creed, color, national origin, or sex); - The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, (PL 100-209), (broadened the scope, coverage, and applicability of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, by expanding the definition of the terms “programs or activities” to include all of the programs or activities of the Federal-aid recipients, sub-recipients, and contractors, whether such programs or activities are Federally funded or not); - Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in the operation of public entities, public and private transportation systems, places of public accommodation, and certain testing entities (42 U.S.C. §§ 12131-12189) as implemented by Department of Transportation regulations at 49 CFR parts 37 and 38; - The Federal Aviation Administration’s Non-Discrimination statute (49 U.S.C. § 47123) (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, and sex); - Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, which prevents discrimination against minority populations by discouraging programs, policies, and activities with disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and low-income populations; - Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency, and resulting agency guidance, national origin discrimination includes discrimination because of Limited English Proficiency (LEP). To ensure compliance with Title VI, you must take reasonable steps to ensure that LEP persons have meaningful access to your programs (70 Fed. Reg. at 74087 to 74100); DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C Page 4 of 4 Rev. 01/2022 - Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, which prohibits you from discriminating because of sex in education programs or activities (20 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq.). - Executive Order 13672 prohibits discrimination in the civilian federal workforce on the basis of gender identity and in hiring by federal contractors on the basis of both sexual orientation and gender identity. State - Mont. Code Ann. § 49-3-205 Governmental services; - Mont. Code Ann. § 49-3-206 Distribution of governmental funds; - Mont. Code Ann. § 49-3-207 Nondiscrimination provision in all public contracts. (8) Incorporation of Provisions: The PARTY will include the provisions of paragraph one through seven in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Acts, the Regulations and/or directives issued pursuant thereto. The PARTY will take action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as MDT or the relevant US DOT Administration may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance. Provided, that if the PARTY becomes involved in, or is threatened with litigation by a subcontractor, or supplier because of such direction, the PARTY may request MDT to enter into any litigation to protect the interests of MDT. In addition, the PARTY may request the United States to enter into the litigation to protect the interests of the United States. DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C 10 | Page ATTACHMENT B Project Plans DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C VICINITY MAPSITEBOZEMAN, MONTANAPREPARED FOR:STORY MILL ROADBRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION,STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTSNORTHPROJECT NO:FOR BIDDING20023.02106 East Babcock, Suite L1Bozeman, Montana 59715406.522.9876sandersonstewart.comCITY OF BOZEMANBOZEMAN, MONTANA 5971520 EAST OLIVE STREET"(BLANK)"SHEETTITLEC1.1COVERC2.1LEGENDS AND ABBREVIATIONSC3.1EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND DEMOLITION PLANC3.2EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND DEMOLITION PLANC4.1OVERALL SITE PLANC4.2OVERALL SITE PLANC5.1PLAN AND PROFILE STA. -4+00 TO 0+00C5.2PLAN AND PROFILE STA. -0+50 TO 4+00C5.3PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 4+00 TO 9+00C5.4PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 8+50 TO 12+25C6.1PATH PLAN AND PROFILE 40+00 TO 43+50C6.2PATH PLAN AND PROFILE 43+50 TO 46+75C7.1STORM DRAIN PLAN STORY MILL ROAD AND BRIDGER DRIVEC7.2STORM DRAIN PLAN AND PROFILE STA 0+00 TO 3+50C7.3STORM DRAIN PLAN AND PROFILE STA 3+50 TO 7+00C7.4STORM DRAIN PLAN AND PROFILE STA 5+50 TO 8+50C8.1GRADING PLAN-BRIDGER DRIVE INTERSECTIONC8.2GRADING PLAN-COS 1895 APPROACH & HILLSIDE LANE INTERSECTIONC8.3GRADING PLAN-HILLSIDE LANE EAST SIDE CONNECTIONC8.4GRADING PLAN-GRIFFIN DRIVE INTERSECTIONC8.5GRADING PLAN-SOUTH CONNECTIONC8.6INFILTRATION POND GRADINGC9.1STORY MILL ROAD CROSS SECTIONSC9.2STORY MILL ROAD CROSS SECTIONSC9.3STORY MILL ROAD CROSS SECTIONSC9.4STORY MILL ROAD CROSS SECTIONSC10.1STORY MILL ROAD DETAILSC10.2STORY MILL ROAD DETAILSS1.1SIGNAGE & STRIPINGS1.2SIGNAGE & STRIPINGS1.3SIGNAGE & STRIPINGS1.4SIGNAGE & STRIPINGS1.5SIGNAGE & STRIPINGS1.6SIGNAGE & STRIPING DETAILSS1.7SIGNAGE & STRIPING DETAILSE1.1POLE SCHEDULEE1.2LIGHTING PLANSE1.3LIGHTING PLANSE1.4SIGNAL PLANE1.5CONTROLLER SETTINGSE1.6WIRING DIAGRAME1.7ELECTRICAL DETAILSE1.8ELECTRICAL DETAILSE1.9ELECTRICAL DETAILSE1.10ELECTRICAL DETAILSE1.11ELECTRICAL DETAILSE1.12ELECTRICAL DETAILSE1.13ELECTRICAL DETAILSE1.14ELECTRICAL DETAILSE1.15ELECTRICAL DETAILSP:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_COVER.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:18:27 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Genera DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C EXISTING WATER VALVEEXISTING FIRE HYDRANTEXISTING CURB STOPFIRE DEPT. CONNECTIONWELLDEMO AREAEW = FINISHED GRADE AT EDGE OF WALKTC = FINISHED GRADE AT TOP BACK OF CURBBC = FINISHED GRADE AT BUILDING CORNERTW = FINISHED GRADE AT TOP OF WALLAC = FINISHED GRADE AT ASPHALTEA = FINISHED GRADE AT EDGE OF ASPHALTEC = FINISHED GRADE AT EDGE OF CONCRETESDI = STORM DRAIN INLETSDMH = STORM DRAIN MANHOLEFL = FINISHED GRADE AT FLOWLINEFG = FINISHED GRADE EX = APPROXIMATE EXISTING ELEVATIONPOC = POINT ON CURVEEXISTING WATER REDUCERWTR = WATERPI = POINT OF INTERSECTIONPRC = POINT OF REVERSE CURVERT = RIGHTLT = LEFTSS = SANITARY SEWERPT = POINT OF TANGENCYSD = STORM DRAINGV = GATE VALVEBFV = BUTTERFLY VALVERED = REDUCERLF = LINEAL FOOTFT = FEETSSMH = SANITARY SEWER MANHOLEBVC = BEGIN VERTICAL CURVECS = CURB STOPEVC = END VERTICAL CURVEPVI = POINT OF VERTICAL INTERSECTIONLINETYPESABBREVIATIONSPROPOSED WATER REDUCERPROPOSED WATER VALVEPROPOSED FIRE HYDRANTPROPOSED CURB STOPKEYNOTE CALL OUT(SEE KEYNOTE LEGEND)FOR BIDDINGSRVC = SERVICE(TYP.) = TYPICALPC = POINT OF CURVATURENOTE:-EXISTING UNDERGROUND INSTALLATIONS & PRIVATE UTILITIES SHOWN AREINDICATED ACCORDING TO THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO THE ENGINEER.THE ENGINEER DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF SUCH INFORMATION.SERVICE LINES (WATER, POWER, GAS, STORM, SEWER, TELEPHONE & TELEVISION)MAY NOT BE STRAIGHT LINES OR AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. STATE LAWREQUIRES CONTRACTOR TO CALL ALL UTILITY COMPANIES BEFORE EXCAVATIONFOR EXACT LOCATIONS.-ALL IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MONTANAPUBLIC WORKS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 6TH EDITION, APRIL, 2010, AND THECITY OF BOZEMAN STANDARD MODIFICATIONS, DATED MARCH 31, 2011, WITHADDENDUM.-ALL IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHTOF WAY SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MONTANA DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION STANDARD AND SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROADAND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION.-UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, ALL CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT AND STAKING SHALLBE PERFORMED UNDER THE RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OF A LAND SURVEYOR LICENSEDIN THE STATE WHERE THE PROJECT IS LOCATED AND BY A PARTY CHIEF ORENGINEERING TECHNICIAN EXPERIENCED IN CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT ANDSTAKING TECHNIQUES AS ARE REQUIRED BY THE SPECIFIC TYPE OF WORK BEINGPERFORMED.GR = EXISTING GRADE AT GROUNDBRK = GRADE BREAKFIBER OPTICGAS PIPELINEOIL PIPELINEUNDERGROUND POWERSANITARY SEWERSTORM DRAINTELEPHONETELEVISION/CABLEWATERCONTOUROVERHEAD POWERFENCE - VINYLFENCE - BARBWIREFENCE - WOODCURB AND GUTTEREDGE OF ASPHALTEDGE OF GRAVELFENCE - CHAINLINK/WOVEN WIREEXISTINGPROPOSEDHP = HIGH POINTFILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C2.1BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD LEGENDS AND ABBREVIATIONS 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_COVER.DWG JHSW S = WATER SERVICESS S = SANITARY SEWER SERVICEELECTRIC JUNCTION BOXSIGNPOWER POLEBOLLARDBUSHFIBER OPTIC PEDESTALGAS METERGAS MANHOLEGAS VALVEGUYWIREIRRIGATION VALVEIRRIGATION BOXLIGHT POLEPOWER METERPOWER MANHOLEELECTRIC PEDESTALSIGNAL POLETELEPHONE MANHOLETELEPHONE PEDESTALTRANSFORMERCONIFEROUS TREEDECIDUOUS TREECOMMUNICATIONS MANHOLECOMMUNICATIONS PEDESTALGAS WELLFOUND CORNER MONUMENT AS NOTEDSET CORNER MONUMENT, REBAR WITH CAPBENCHMARKSECTION QUARTER CORNERSECTION CORNERSYMBOLSEXISTING MONUMENT BOXPROPOSED MONUMENT BOXEXISTING STORM DRAIN MANHOLEEXISTING CATCH BASINEXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLESANITARY SEWER CLEAN OUTTELEPHONE BOXYARD HYDRANTPROPOSED CATCH BASINPROPOSED SANITARY SEWER MANHOLEPROPOSED STORM DRAIN MANHOLEPROPOSED AREA CATCH BASINCATCH CURBSPILL CURBTRANSITION FROM CATCHTAPER CURB HEAD 3'TO SPILL CURBGRADING PLANEXISTING 60' STORY MILL ROAD EASEMENTEXISTING UTILITY EASEMENTEXISTING PROPERTY BOUNDARYEXISTING 30' ROAD EASEMENTP:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_COVER.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:18:28 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Genera DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C CP#1CP#2NORTHFOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C3.1BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND DEMOLITION PLAN 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_EXISTING_PROD.DWG JHS4004080SCALE: 1" = 80'PROJECT SURVEY CONTROLPoint #12Northing128509.29128600.56Easting386497.27386003.78Elevation4733.264728.56DescriptionCP / 2ACRSSCNTLMONCP / 2ACRSSCNTLMONP:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_EXISTING_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:18:49 AM, AutoCAD PD DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C NORTHFILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C4.1BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD OVERALL SITE PLAN 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_OVERALL_PROD.DWG JHS4004080SCALE: 1" = 80'FOR BIDDINGP:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_OVERALL_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:19:21 AM, AutoCAD PD DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C NORTHFOR BIDDING VERTICAL SCALE: 1"=10'FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C5.1BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE STA. -4+00 TO 0+00 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_PNP_ROAD_PROD.DWG JHS 2002040HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'P:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_PNP_ROAD_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:20:05 AM, AutoCAD P DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C NORTHFOR BIDDINGVERTICAL SCALE: 1"=10'FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C5.2BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE STA. -0+50 TO 4+00 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_PNP_ROAD_PROD.DWG JHS 2002040HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'P:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_PNP_ROAD_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:20:15 AM, AutoCAD P DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C NORTHFOR BIDDINGVERTICAL SCALE: 1"=10'FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C7.1BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD STORM DRAIN PLAN STORY MILL ROAD AND BRIDGER DRIVE 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_PNP_STORM_PROD.DWG JHS 2002040HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 40'P:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_PNP_STORM_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:21:50 AM, AutoCAD DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C NORTHFOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C8.1BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD GRADING PLAN-BRIDGER DRIVE INTERSECTION 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_ENLARGED_GRADING.DWG JHS 50510SCALE: 1" = 10'DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C FOR BIDDINGVERTICAL SCALE: 1"=20'FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C9.1BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD STORY MILL ROAD CROSS SECTIONS 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_XSECT_PROD.DWG JHS1001020HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20'P:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_XSECT_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:24:47 AM, AutoCAD PDF (G DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C FOR BIDDINGVERTICAL SCALE: 1"=20'FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C9.4BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD STORY MILL ROAD CROSS SECTIONS 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_XSECT_PROD.DWG JHS1001020HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 20'P:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_XSECT_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:24:54 AM, AutoCAD PDF (G DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C FOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C10.1BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD STORY MILL ROAD DETAILS 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_DETAILS.DWG JHSTYPICAL STORY MILL ROAD TYPICAL STORY MILL ROAD TYPICAL STORY MILL ROAD P:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_DETAILS.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:25:01 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Gene DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C FOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C10.2BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD STORY MILL ROAD DETAILS 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_DETAILS.DWG JHSSTORM DRAIN OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAIL P:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_DETAILS.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:25:01 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Gene DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C ONLYONLYONLY DRBRIDGER DRBRIDGERONLY25SPEEDLIMIT35SPEEDLIMIT NEWD3-1 (OH)12"x60"NEWR3-5L (OH)30"x36"RDSTORY MILLNEWR3-5L (OH)30"x36"NEWD3-1 (OH)12"x60"RDSTORY MILLNEWR3-5L (OH)30"x36"NEWD3-1 (OH)12"x54"NEWD3-1 (OH)12"x54"NEWR3-5L (OH)30"x36"NEWR2-124"x30"NEWR4-1130"x30"NEWR3-830"x30"NEWR7-1L12"x18"NEWR7-1R12"x18"REMOVEW11-2W16-7PLUSE AS ISEX. R3-17EX. R3-17APREMOVEEX. (4)D3-1 EX.R1-1REMOVEW11-2W16-7PLRESETR2-1REMOVEEX. (4)D3-1 EX.R1-1RESETEX. D10-1NEWR3-1724"x12"FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION S1.1BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD SIGNAGE & STRIPING 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_S&S_PROD.DWG JHS NORTH1501530SCALE:1" = 30'P:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_S&S_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:25:37 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Ge DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C ONLYONLYDRBRIDGERONLYNEWD3-1 (OH)12"x60"NEWR3-5L (OH)30"x36"RDSTORY MILLNEWR3-5L (OH)30"x36"NEWD3-1 (OH)12"x54"NEWR3-5L (OH)30"x36"NEWR3-830"x30"NEWR7-1L12"x18"NEWR7-1R12"x18"NEWR7-1L12"x18"NEWR7-1R12"x18"REMOVEW11-2W16-7PLREMOVEEX. (4)D3-1 EX.R1-1RESETEX. D10-1USE AS ISDYNAMIC SPEEDSIGNUSE AS ISEX. R2-1RESET STORY MILLSIGN AND BENCHNEWR7-1L12"x18"NEWR7-1R12"x18"FOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION S1.2BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD SIGNAGE & STRIPING 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_S&S_PROD.DWG JHS NORTH1501530SCALE:1" = 30'P:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_S&S_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:25:44 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Ge DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C REMOVEEX. W11-2 EX.W16-2AREMOVEEX. W11-2 EX.W16-2AFOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION S1.5BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD SIGNAGE & STRIPING 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_S&S_PROD.DWG JHS NORTH150SCALE: 1" = 30'1530P:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_S&S_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:26:09 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Ge DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C FOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION S1.6BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD SIGNAGE & STRIPING DETAILS 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_S&S_PROD.DWG JHS BIKE LANE MARKING DETAIL SHARKS TOOTH MARKINGS DETAIL(TYPE "A" CROSSINGS)FOR PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGSP:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_S&S_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:26:15 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Ge DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C FOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION S1.7BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD SIGNAGE & STRIPING DETAILS 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_S&S_PROD.DWG JHSP:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_S&S_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:26:15 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Ge DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C FOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION E1.1BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD POLE SCHEDULE 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_ELEC_PROD.DWG JHSP:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_ELEC_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:26:41 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Ge DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C S1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8S9S10S11L1L2L3L4NORTHFOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION E1.2BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD LIGHTING PLANS 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_ELEC_PROD.DWG JHS1501530SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTH1501530SCALE: 1" = 30'CONDUIT & WIRESCHEDULEAAAAAAAAAABBBBP:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_ELEC_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:26:51 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Ge DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C S6S5S4S3S2S1S11S10S9S8S71213314451561678179181011191220FOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION E1.4BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD SIGNAL PLAN 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_ELEC_PROD.DWG JHS NORTH1001020SCALE: 1" = 20'CBDEJELEGEFEHEMEKAP:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_ELEC_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:27:13 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Ge DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C FOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION E1.5BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD CONTROLLER SETTINGS 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_ELEC_PROD.DWG JHSNORTHSTORY MILL RDBRIDGER DRBRIDGER DR426MAX GREENTime of Day (TOD)TIMING PLAN 1MAX GREENTime of Day (TOD)TIMING PLAN 2WEEKLY PROGRAMThuFriSatWedSunMonTuePREEMPTIONPlanCalls ØOutput123456789101112MovementExtendDelayController SettingsDETECTOR TABLE**Phase Called (Call/Call Locking/Extend)BASIC INTERVALSPhase12345678LagMax 1Max 2Time BeforeTime to ReduceMinimum GapYellowAll RedPed ClearanceMin Green10.07.010.0MovementEBSBWBExtension2.02.02.0Walk7.0RecallSOFTSOFTProg Flash DisplayYRYStart Up Ø XTiming Plan21111122648CH13RCH14RCH15RCH16R06301900MAX 1MAX 2MAX 2MAX 1090017003.620. theStop BarEBSBWB-4** PHASE CALL C= CALL CL= CALL LOCKING E=EXTENDSIGNAL TIMING PLANBRIDGER DR & STORY MILL RDEB1DetectionZoneSB1WB1C/EEC/EEC/ENB3456STORY MILL RD 87.02.0R2.43.0NONE7.\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_ELEC_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:27:17 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Ge DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C FOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION E1.6BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD WIRING DIAGRAM 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_ELEC_PROD.DWG JHS NOT TO SCALENOT TO SCALEP:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_ELEC_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:27:18 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Ge DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C FOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION E1.7BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD ELECTRICAL DETAILS 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_ELEC_PROD.DWG JHSP:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_ELEC_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:27:19 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Ge DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C FOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION E1.8BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD ELECTRICAL DETAILS 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_ELEC_PROD.DWG JHSP:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_ELEC_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:27:20 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Ge DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C FOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION E1.10BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD ELECTRICAL DETAILS 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_ELEC_PROD.DWG JHSP:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_ELEC_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:27:24 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Ge DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C FOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION E1.11BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD ELECTRICAL DETAILS 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_ELEC_PROD.DWG JHSP:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_ELEC_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:27:26 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Ge DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C FOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION E1.13BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD ELECTRICAL DETAILS 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_ELEC_PROD.DWG JHSP:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_ELEC_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:27:30 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Ge DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C FOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION E1.14BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD ELECTRICAL DETAILS 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_ELEC_PROD.DWG JHS35', 40' & 45'MOUNTINGHEIGHTCOPPER GROUNDINGSTRAP BETWEENANCHOR BOLT,CONDUIT (IF METAL)AND BARE AWG NO.6GROUND WIRECLASS STRUCTURECONCRETEFOUNDATIONANCHOR BOLTPROTRUSION5" TO 7 "PEDESTRIANPUSH BUTTONWHEN SPECIFIEDARROW TO BE LEFT OR RIGHT,OR BOTH AS REQUIRED.5" x 7 34" ALUMINUMSIGN, BLACK LETTERSON WHITE BACKGROUND.BACK OF CASTING SHAPED TOFIT CURVATURE OF POLE.TERMINALCOMPARTMENTPOLESHAFTTYPE 2ATYPE 3A2" SCHEDULE 40 A53 PIPE(BREAK SHARP EDGES FORWIRE PROTECTION)UPPER SHAFT4" x 6 12"HANDHOLEAND COVERPROVIDE A REMOVABLECOVER PLATE WITHEACH POLE SHAFT.COVER PLATE DETAILIS REQUIRED.2" SCHEDULE 40 A53 PIPE(BREAK SHARP EDGES FORWIRE PROTECTION)WELD HOOK TO POLESHAFT FOR SUPPORTOF WIRE CLAMP14" PLATE TOP,BOTTOM AND SIDESREMOVABLECAP34" THREADED SCHEDULE 40A53 PIPE (BREAK SHARP EDGESFOR WIRE PROTECTION)1 " SCHEDULE 40 A53 PIPE(BREAK SHARP EDGES FORWIRE PROTECTION)2" SCHEDULE 40 A53 PIPE(BREAK SHARP EDGESFOR WIRE PROTECTION)2" SCHEDULE 40 A53 PIPE(BREAK SHARP EDGES FORWIRE PROTECTION)LUMINAIREMAST ARMFILLERMATERIAL38" PLATE TOP,BOTTOM AND SIDESREMOVABLE CAPAMIN.LUMINAIRE ARMMIN. 11 GAUGEUPPER SHAFTMIN.11 GAUGE12' 6"6"10' 0"19' 0"3" THREADED SCHEDULE 40 A53 PIPE,PROJECTING FROM SHAFT 2", WITHREMOVABLE CAP. BREAK SHARP EDGESFOR WIRE PROTECTION.7' 0"4' 0"2' 6"2' 6" ± 1' 6"*7*3*2*12' 6"3' 0"*8 IS ELEVATION AT BOTTOM OF TRAF. SIGNAL HEADS (FIELD MOUNTED)*9 IS ELEVATION AT BOTTOM OF PED. SIGNAL HEADS (FIELD MOUNTED)*10 IS ELEVATION AT BOTTOM OF CONTROLLER CABINET (BAND MOUNTED)LOWER SHAFTSIGNAL ARM*3A*3B*3CLFACE OF CURB212" CLEARANCEN2' 0" MIN.REBAR HOOPS SPACEDEQUALLY AT ABOUTUSE GRADE 60 REINFORCING STEEL1'-4"LAP3"6"3"6"2" BEVEL3' 4"2' 0"K OF #41' 0" CENTERS10 OF #6 REBARM LONG (TYP.)EQUALLY SPACEDTABLE 3MTG.PTS.15'ATABLE 2DESIGN WEIGHTDESIGN AREA135 LB.MOUNTING POINTSNILNIL100 LB.9.0 SQ.FT.9.0 SQ.FT.105 LB.3.3 SQ.FT.210 LB.3.0 SQ.FT.200 LB.TABLE 1ABCDSIGNAL ARMPOLE SHAFTEFGHJFOUNDATIONKLMN20' & 25'ANCHOR BOLTS12.0 SQ.FT.80 LB.8.0 SQ.FT.4.72 SQ.FT.50', 55' & 60'* 1SIGNAL* 2EMERG. VEHICLEDETECTOR* 7LUMINAIRE* 8SIGNALS* 9PED. SIGNAL* 10CONTROLLER CAB.30', 35', 40' & 45' *1, *2 & *3TYPE (A) LOWER SHAFTTYPE (B) LOWER SHAFT15', 20', 25', 30', 35', 40'45', 50', 55', 60'19" SQ.21" SQ.19"21"134" x 48"2" x 48"MIN.BASEDIA.1312"15"MIN.WALLTHICK.516"516"22" SQ.24" SQ.23"25"112" - 6 UNC - 6" A325112" - 6 UNC - 6" A325 *1, *1A, *2, *3, & *3A12' 0"3' 0"12' 0"4' 0"77LB.11' 6"11' 6"12122"2"TYPICAL SIGNAL MOUNTINGSTERMINALCOMPARTMENT55'60'12.60'12.60'BASE SECTIONEND SECTIONSIGNAL ARM SLIP JOINTSPANLENGTHLENGTH45.00'50.00'BASE SECTION WITHFIELD DRILLED HOLEFOR 58" BOLT58"THRUBOLTEND SECTION WITH34" HOLE FOR 58"BOLTFIELD ASSEMBLEDTO ACHIEVE A SNUGTIGHT JOINT (MIN.OVERLAP NOT LESSTHAN 2.5 FT).STANDARDMAST ARMMOUNTINGELEVATOR PLUMBIZERMAST ARM MOUNTINGUSE PIPE BRACKETS TO MOUNT TRAFFIC ANDPEDESTRIAN SIGNALS TO THE POLE SHAFT UNLESSOTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE PLANS.TYPICAL FOUNDATIONNOTESDESIGN STANDARDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2015 AASHTO LRFD SPECIFICATIONSFOR STRUCTURAL SUPPORTS FOR HIGHWAY SIGNS, LUMINAIRES AND TRAFFICSIGNALS (AND ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO).DESIGN PARAMETERSDESIGN WIND VELOCITY 700 YEAR MRI BASIC WIND SPEEDFATIGUE CATEGORY 2HEIGHT AND EXPOSURE FACTOR Kzz = 16 FEETά = 9.5zg = TAKEN AS 900 FEET FOR EXPOSURE CDIRECTIONAL FACTOR Kd = 0.95, GUST FACTOR = 1.14 DRAG COEFFICIENTSLFRD TABLE 3.8.7-1NO ICE LOADS OR GALLOPINGDESIGN AREA = AREA WITH MAXIMUM WIND LOAD (WIND IS PERPENDICULARTO STANDARD, AS SHOWN).DESIGN WEIGHT = DEAD LOAD.DESIGN ALL TYPE (A) LOWER SHAFTS FOR A = 40' AND A MOUNTING HEIGHT OF 45'.DESIGN ALL TYPE (B) LOWER SHAFTS FOR A = 60' AND A MOUNTING HEIGHT OF 45'.PROVIDE ANCHOR BOLTS CONFORMING TO ASTM F1554 OR EQUAL. GALVANIZE ANDTHREAD THE TOP END (12" MIN.).CALL OUT WELDING PROCEDURES, SYMBOLS, BASE METAL SPECIFICATIONS ANDGRADES PRIOR TO FABRICATION OR APPROVAL.GALVANIZE POLE SHAFTS, ARMS, AND ACCESSORIES PER ASTM A123. GALVANIZEHARDWARE PER ASTM F2329.DETAIL 4DETAIL 5CURBSIGNALPEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON SIGNTYPICAL ORIENTATION FOR PIPEBRACKET MOUNTED SIGNALSSIGNAL STANDARD TYPEDETAIL 345° (TYP.)5JHEA36 PLATEFLOWER SHAFT58"- 11 UNC - 212" A325 (TYP.)(TYP.)GCJPDETAIL 1SIGNAL ARM CONNECTIONUPPER SHAFTA36 PLATEA36 PLATE45° (TYP.)LOWER SHAFT34" PLATE13" SQ.15"34" PLATEDETAIL 2SHAFT TO SHAFTDETAIL 6114"214"34"- 10 UNC - 3" A325 (TYP.)10"1412"1" PLATE34" PLATE7"7"912"DETAIL 3LUMINAIRE ARM CONNECTIONCDLOWER SHAFTFOR GROUNDINGNOTEA HANDHOLE DETAILAND A NUT HOLDERB45° (TYP.)A36 PLATEDETAIL ARE REQUIRED.HANDHOLEAND COVERSLOT = ANCHOR BOLT + 14" (TYP.)18"12" NUT HOLDERCJP4" x 8"DETAIL 6BASESIGNAL MAST ARM2"612"1"*2*3, 3A ,3B ,3CDETAIL 5ARM TENONS212"612"*7DETAIL 4LUMINAIRE TENONDETAIL 1 & 2 *1, *1A, *1B, *2, *3, *3A, & *3B *1, *1A, *1B, *1C, *2, *3, *3A, *3B, & *3C*1B*1A*1C *1, *1A, *1B, & *1C3' 0"3' 0"3' 0"12' 0"12' 0"15' 0"*1A - *1CSIGNAL*3 - *3CSIGN PANEL2"2"2"2"7 12" DIA. HOLEIN BASE PLATEWATCH FORVEHICLESSTART CROSSINGDON'T STARTFINISH CROSS INGIF STARTEDDON'T CROSSTO CROSSPUSH BUTTONSTEADYFLASHING TWISTLOCK TYPEPHOTO-ELECTRICCONTROLFIELD DRILL ANDTAP HOLE IN POLEFOR 1/2" PIPEINSTALLATION DETAIL FORPHOTO-ELECTRIC CONTROLCONDUIT OUTLETBODYSIGNAL POLEP:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_ELEC_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:27:31 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Ge DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C FOR BIDDING FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION E1.15BOZEMAN, MONTANA BRIDGER DRIVE TO GRIFFIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION, STORMWATER AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STORY MILL ROAD ELECTRICAL DETAILS 20023.02 -- - - - - - FOR BIDDING - - - - - 10/22/21 PRELIMINARY06/16/21 RRR/CMK/SNH 20023_ELEC_PROD.DWG JHSP:\20023_Story_Mill_Rd_PreDesign\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\20023_ELEC_PROD.dwg, 11/19/2021 9:27:34 AM, AutoCAD PDF (Ge DocuSign Envelope ID: E5F56DAC-1CE8-4F19-BEAD-1159321CAF9C