HomeMy WebLinkAbout21- Sewer & Water Pipeline & Access Easemtn & Agreement - Bozeman COHO, LLC - Tract B-1 in W half of the w Half of S19 T02 S R06 EReturnto: CityofBozeman CityClerk'sOffice PO Box 1230 BozemanMT 59771-1230 2761461 Ê*?*s a3 -a ÎÍ ÎͲ°Su iÔγ °°°° 11|||illl11||1|||1Gll11111|||1|IllllllllBilllllllll4|Illlllllill|||111|||11||||| SEWER AND WATER PIPELINE AND ACCESS EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT Bozeman COHO,LLC,the GRANTOR(S),inconsiderationof One Dollarand othergood and valuableconsideration,receiptof which isacknowledged,grant(s)tothe City of Bozeman, GRANTEE,itssuccessorsand assigns,a perpetualeasement tolay,constructand maintain approximately 445 If (sewer)and 680 lf(water)pipelineswith the usualservices,valves, connections,accessoriesand appurtenances forthe purpose of transmittingsewer and water in, through,and acrossa stripof land situatedinGallatinCounty,Montana,to be locatedon the followingdescribedrealproperty: Tract B-1 locatedintheW ½of the W ½of Section 19,Township 2 South,Range 6 East, P.M.M.City of Bozeman,GallatinCounty Montana. The easement ismore particularlyshown on the attachedEXHIBIT A -PUBLIC SEWER AND WATER PIPELINE AND ACCESS EASEMENT which by thisreferenceismade a parthereof. This grantincludesthe rightof the GRANTEE,itssuccessors,permittees,licensees,and assignsand itsand theiragentsand employees,to enteratalltimes upon the above-described land by using existingroads or trailsor otherwiseby a routecausingthe leastdamage and inconveniencetothe GRANTOR(S)inorderto survey and establishtherouteand locationofthe easement and thepipelineand to: (1)Construct,operate,patrol,repair,substitute,remove,enlarge,replace,and maintainthe pipeline,services,connections,accessoriesand appurtenances; (2)Trim,remove,destroy,or otherwisecontrolany treesand brush insideor outsidethe boundaries oftheeasement which may,inthe opinion oftheGRANTEE,interfereor threatento interferewith or be hazardous tothe construction,operationand maintenance of the pipeline; (3)Grade theland subjectto thiseasement and extend thecutsand fillsof thisgrading into and on the land adjacenttothatwhich issubjectto thiseasement to the extentGRANTEE may findreasonablynecessary;and BozemanCoHousing SewerandWaterPipeline&AccessEasement Page1of4 (4)Support thepipelineacrossravinesand water courseswith structureswhich GRANTEE deems necessary. THE GRANTEE AGREES: (1)That,inconnectionwith the construction,operating,patrolling,repairing,substituting, removing,enlarging,replacing,and maintainingof saidSewer &Water pipeline,itwill repairor replace,atitssoleexpense,or pay to GRANTOR(S)the reasonablevalue of any damages to growing crops,existingfences,ditchesand otherappurtenancesof saidland thatmay be disturbedby itsoperation. (2)That,during operationsinvolvingexcavation,itwillremove the topsoilfrom the trenched areato a depth of one foot,or to the fulldepth of thetopsoil,whichever isless,and stockpilesaidtop soilforreplacement over thetrench.Itwillremove from the siteany largerocks or surplusexcavatingmaterialor any debristhatmay have been exposed by theexcavationand remains afterbackfillingiscompleted.And,itwillleavethe finished surfacein substantiallythe same conditionas existedpriortothe beginning of operations except thatthesurfaceof backfilledareasmay be mounded sufficientlyto preventthe formation of depressionsafterfinalsettlementhas taken place. THE GRANTOR(S)AGREES: (1)At no time willthey build,construct,erector maintain any permanent structurewithinthe boundariesof saideasement without thepriorwrittenconsent of GRANTEE. (2)At no time willthey modify the finishedgrade oftheland over the pipelineby removal of existingsoilor by placement of fillmaterialwithinthe boundariesof saideasement withoutthepriorwrittenconsent of the GRANTEE. (3)That where the subjectimprovements arenot locatedunder improved publicorprivate streetsor otherprovided access,a 12 footwide all-weatheraccessroad may be constructedwithin the easement where atthe City'sdiscretionsuch accessisrequiredfor operationand maintenance purposes. (4)The GRANTOR(S)warrantsthatthey are lawfullyseizedand possessedof thereal propertydescribedabove,thatthey have a lawful rightto convey theproperty,or any part of it,and thatthey willforeverdefend the titleto thispropertyagainsttheclaims of all persons. (5)The GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy therightsand privilegeshereingranted without any interruptionby theGRANTOR(S).The terms,covenants and provisionsof thiseasement and agreement shallextend to and be binding upon theheirs,executors, administrators,personalrepresentatives,successorsand assignsof thepartieshereto. BozemanCoHousing SewerandWaterPipeline&AccessEasement Page2of4 DATED thisY ° day of Ô½C-,,2021. GRANTOR -Bozeman COHO,LLC By: Akn bec its:zc /&n O Ílo ÁC STATE OF MONTANA ) ):ss CountyofGallatin ) On this 3Ó day of Ñ ¼4 o s T ,202 ,beforeme the undersigned,a Notary Public forthe Stateof Montana,personallyap eared MMt W|¿tO ,known tome to be s H Sc6 of Def and thepersonwhose name issubscribedtothewithin instrumentand acknowledged tome thathe executedthewithininstrumentforand on behalfof Bozeman COHO,LLC. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and yearfirstabove written. ,BUDESKI Public Notary Publicforthe Stateof OTARI .fortheStateofMontana Residingat:Residingat 307 SEAL.*Bozeman,Montana ...My CommissionExpires:My Commission Expires hd November26,2023 BozemanCoHousing SewerandWaterPipeline&AccessEasement Page3of4 ACCEPTED: W °' %^11 f Ci er ATTEST:. City Clerk STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) 4: D On this I day of ,20J1,beforemegNota ublicfor the Stateof Montana,personallyappeared ,/I #|/Ln and |V |(), known tome to be the City Manager and CityClerk,respectively,of the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribedto thewithininstrument,and acknowledged tome that they executedthe same forand on behalfof the City of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day nd year firstabo e written. ary Public forth Stateof Montana ( ENUE o fortheStateofMontana (PrintedName)È L so2 °nana Residing at ähüóp'My c n ires My Commission expires //20 BozemanCoHousing SewerandWaterPipeline&AccessEasement Page4of4 Found Found r-· - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - Y.P.C. Property Line S 89°16'04" E 496.60' Y.P.C. 466.60 Tract A C.O.S. 526 p Fd. O.P.C., "18342 LS" Property Line S 89°13'07" E 232.27 P.C. -s S 89°43'47" E rn 0 21.89' °58'08" E 94.10 Tract B-1, C.O.S. ° Calculated Point 50. Sg'ó8" W 8 Nothing Found/ Nothing Typ. O N 89°43'47" W S 65°27'53" E N 56°35'49" E 23.98' 48.81' 31.76' S 33°24'11" E Public Sewer and Water Pipeline N 89°10'35" E 123.62' and Access Easement (Hatched) Area = 0.445 acres (19,398 square feet) S 56°35'49" W to o 16.18' E .----- -.. S 00°49'25" E ..30 N . S 89°10'35" W 154.27' 21.54' MICH - EXHlBlT A N ( ) 2 . p . - 0- Public Sewer and Water Pipeline and Access Easement over and *. .- across Tract B-1, C.O.S___, SW 1/4 S.19, T.28., R.6E., P.M.M., E . .- City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana ® u Found O' 50' 100' 150' Rebar