HomeMy WebLinkAbout21- Agreement for Payment of Deferred Impact Fees and Ntc of Intent to Lien - Medical Arts Building, LLCReturnto: CityofBozeman CityClerk PO Box 1230 Bozeman MT 59771-1230 2762828 ˪?*s a3 -s1?!²?f2°ËuÑÎÕÎ4 AM Fee 8 00 lillDilllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllHillllllllillllllllllllllill|||1|||| AGREEMENT FOR THE PAYMENT OF DEFERRED IMPACT FEES AND NOTICE OF INTENT TO LIEN THIS AGREEMENT ismade and enteredintothis'2.'b day of Dpp ern W ,2021, by and between Medical Arts Building LLC,111 W.Lamme Street,Bozeman MT 59715 hereinaftercalledthe "Obligor,"and the City of Bozeman,a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana,hereinaftercalledthe "City." WHEREAS,itis the intentand purpose of the Obligor to meet the requirements of Commission Resolution#4433 toallow theissuanceof buildingpermit 21-31581 priorto payment of transportationimpact feesrequiredby 2.06.1640 BMC on propertylocatedat311 N.Willson Avenue and legallydescribed as Lots 1-10,Block 4,Beall'sThird Addition,City of Bozeman, GallatinCounty,Montana. WHEREAS,itistheintentof the Obligor to deferpayment of transportationimpact fees untiloccupancy forthe constructionauthorizedunder buildingpermit 21-31581;and WHEREAS,itisthe intentand purpose of both the Obligor and the City to hereby enter into an Agreement which will guarantee the fulland satisfactorycompletion of the required payment;and itistheintentofthisAgreement,and ofthepartieshereto,to satisfytherequirements ofthemunicipal code and Commission Resolution#4433. NOW,THEREFORE,inconsiderationofthemutual covenants and conditionscontained herein,itishereby agreed as follows: 1.Property Description This Agreement pertainsto and includes those propertieswhich are designated and identifiedas 311 N.Willson Avenue and legallydescribed as Lots 1-10,Block 4,Beall'sThird Page 1 of 6 Agreement for Payment of Deferred Impact Fees and Notice of Intent to Lien Addition,City of Bozeman,GallatinCounty,Montana. 2.Payment of Deferred Impact Fees This Agreement specificallyincludesthe payment of transportationimpact fees calculatedfor buildingpermit 21-31581,in the amount of $267,482.61 (Two Hundred Sixty-Seven Thousand Four Hundred Eighty-Two dollarsand Sixty-One cents).Obligor acknowledges thatthe above impact feemust be paid infullbeforethe Certificateof Occupancy may be issued.Obligor agrees to pay theabove statedfee inaccordance with thisagreement and Commission Resolution#4433 beforethe structure(s)identifiedinthe buildingpermit referencedabove isoccupied. 3.Guarantee,Time for Completion of Agreement No occupancy ofthestructure,eithertemporary or permanent priortofullpayment of thedeferred transportationimpact fee and completion of thisagreement.This agreement constitutesa Notice of Intentto Lien againstthepropertyinthe eventthatthedeferredimpact feesarenot paid.Should the feesnot be paid the City may without furtheractionrecord a lienagainstthe property in the fullamount of thedeferredfeesas statedabove and forcostsrequiredforcollectionofthedeferred fee. 4.Inspection Representativesof the City shallhave the rightto enterupon the propertyatany reasonabletime in orderto inspectitand to determine ifthe Obligor isin compliance with thisAgreement,and the Obligor shallpermit the City and itsrepresentativesto enterupon and inspectthepropertyatany reasonabletime. 5.Default Time isof the essence forthisAgreement.Ifthe Obligor shalldefaultin or failto fullyperform any of itsobligationsin conformance with the time schedule under thisAgreement the City may electto enforceany of the followingspecifiedremedies: A)The City may withhold a Certificateof Occupancy and prohibituse ofthe property. B)The City may,at itsoption,recorda lienagainsttheproperty. C)The Citymay enforce any otherremedy provided by law or thisagreement. 6.Indemnification The Obligor hereby expresslyagreesto indemnify and hold the City harmless forand againstall Page 2 of 6 Agreement for Payment of Deferred Impact Fees and Notice of Intent to Lien claims,costsand liabilityof every kind and nature,forinjuryor damage receivedor sustainedby any person or entityin connection with,or on account of the performance of work at the development siteand elsewhere pursuant to this Agreement,or delays in the issuance of a Certificateof Occupancy pursuanttothisagreement.The Obligor furtheragreestoaid and defend the City in the event thatitisnamed as a defendant in an actionconcerning the performance of work pursuantto thisAgreement except where such suitisbrought by the Obligor.The Obligor isnot an agent or employee of the City. 7.Governing Law and Venue This Agreement shallbe construed under and governed by the laws of the Stateof Montana.In the event of litigationconcerning thisAgreement,venue is in the Eighteenth JudicialDistrict Court,GallatinCounty,Stateof Montana. 8.Changes in Fee During Deferral Period The feesdue atconclusion of the deferralperiod shallnot change from the amount determined in Section2.Inthe.eventtheamount of feesdue forthe categoryof development fornewly submitted projectswhich isthe same categoryas thatwhich isthe subjectof thisagreement eitherdecreases or increasesno change inthe amount of fees due from theprojectwillbe made unlessthe project constructsmore or lessdemand generatingimprovements than originallydepictedon thebuilding permit forthe work.Intheevent ofnon-payment additionalfeesforcollectioncostsand otherfees as establishedby Resolution4433 willbe charged inadditionto thedeferredtransportationimpact fee. 9.Attorney's Fees or Other Fees Inthe event itbecomes necessaryforeitherpartytothisAgreement toretainan attorneyto enforce any of the terms or conditionsof thisAgreement,then the prevailingparty shallbe entitledto reasonableattorney'sfeesand costs,to includethe salaryand costsof in-housecounselincluding City Attorney.Other feesand costsmay be incurredas setforthin Resolution4433 relatingto the enforcement of thisagreement. 10.Modifications or Alterations No modificationsor amendment of thisAgreement shallbe valid,unlessagreed to in writingby the partieshereto. Page 3 of 6 Agreement for Payment of Deferred Impact Fees and Notice of Intent to Lien 11.Invalid Provision The invalidityor unenforceabilityof any provisionof thisAgreement shallnot affectthe other provisionshereof,and thisAgreement shallbe construed in allrespectsas ifsuch invalidor unenforceableprovisionwere omitted. 12.No Assignment Itisexpresslyagreed thatthe Obligor shallnot assignthisAgreement inwhole,or inpart,without priorwrittenconsentof the City. 13.Successors Except as provided inparagraph 10,thisAgreement shallbe binding upon,enure tothe benefitof, and be enforceableby the partiesheretoand theirrespectiveheirs,successorsand assigns. ####END OF AGREEMENT EXCEPT FOR SIGNATURES #### Page 4 of6 Agreement for Payment of'Deferred Impact Fees and Notice of Intentto Lien CORPORATION Medical Arts uilding,LLC STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this 73 day of e eher-,2021 before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public for the Stateof lVfontana,personallyappeared .h.4bra known to me to be the W rmer ofMedical ArtsBu lding,LLC,the corporationthat executed the within instrument,and acknowledged to me thathe executed the same forand on behalfof saidcorporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and year firstabove written. LAUREN J CUMMINGS.-·.NotaryPublic ry bl e orthe Statlhrf44ontanafortheStateofMontana Residing at oze an*.SEAL.*soze n,00ªtana My Commissi ire ..Cr>33 bFM My CommissionExpires:,.,September04,2023 Page 5 of 6 Agreement for Payment of Deferred Impact Fees and Notice of Intent to Lien THE CITY OF B ZEMAN Martin Matsen Community Development Director. STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of GALLATIN ) On thisday 3 3 of DCXnb&,2021,beforeme,a Notary PublicfortheState of Montana,personallyappeared Martin Matsen,known to me to be theperson describedin and who executed the foregoing instrument as Community Development Director of the City of Bozeman,whose name issubscribedto the within instrumentand acknowledged to me thatshe executed the same forand on behalfof saidCity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereun t y hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and year firstabove written. (SEAL)Notary Publicforthe Stateof Montana Residing atBoumm My Commission Expires:danuary t%262S (Use four digitsforexpirationyear) TAYLOR CHAMBERS NotaryPublicOTAR/fortheStateofMontana *."~.Residingat: Bozeman,Montan.a o o My CommissionExpires:o .January12,2025 Page 6 of 6