HomeMy WebLinkAbout21- Conditional Irrevocable Offer of Dedication - Bozeman COHO, LLC - Tract B of COS 526 & Tract A on Doc 2673699Returnto: CityClerk PO Box 1230 BozemanMT 5977M230 2761462 Ê"?°s a$-o ÎͲ°Ëu id'd³ """"*8°° llllllllllilllllllllllll!llllllElllllllllllilllllllllllilllllllll111111111111111|| City of Bozeman Conditional Irrevocable Offer of Dedication This IrrevocableOffer to Dedicate and Declaration of Restrictions(hereinafter"Offer") ismade this 1c5 day of Áuas 2021,by Bozeman COHO,LLC,a Montana limited liabilitycompany of 318 S.9thAfe.,Bozeman.MT 59715 (hereinafterreferredto as "Grantor"). WHEREAS,Grantor is the legalowner in simple fee interestof certainrealproperties locatedin the County of Gallatin,Stateof Montana,and describedas Tract B of C.O.S 526 and Tract A designated on County Assessor's Plats (warranty deed recorded in Document No. 2673699),on fileand of recordintheofficeof theClerk and Recorder of saidCounty (hereinafter referredto as the "Property")and WHEREAS,Grantor appliedto theCityof Bozeman (the"Municipality")forapprovalto undertakedevelopment as definedin Chapter 38.7,BMC withinthe City of Bozeman (hereinafter the "Permit");and WHEREAS,approval of ApplicationNo.21096 was grantedon noek l(,,2021 by the Municipalityinaccordance with the provisionsof Title38,BMC,hereby incorporatedby reference;and WHEREAS,Grantor wishes to meet therequirementsof Title38,BMC,toprovidepublic accessand/orallow simultaneous constructionof infrastructureand improvements which willlater be grantedto theMunicipality,with the buildings,remaining improvements and land appurtenant theretoto remain inprivateownership,as authorizedin Section38.270.030.C;and WHEREAS,thewater and sewer improvements to be installedor constructedon or under the above-describedlands,and infrastructureand/or intereststhereinare to be dedicatedto the Municipality,freeand clearof allencumbrances,pursuant to saidfinalapproval of the Permit; and, WHEREAS,itisintendedthatthisOffer isirrevocableand shall,upon writtenacceptance by the Municipalityand fmal approval of the Permit referencedherein,grant allrightsof use or accessformaintenance and repairof the saidimprovements and infrastructureoffered; Page 1 of4 NOW THEREFORE,in considerationof the grantingof,and conditionedupon,the final approvalforapplicationNo.21096 the Grantor hereby offerstodedicateto the Municipality,the sewer and water improvements to be constructedupon the realpropertyas specificallysetforth, described and identifiedin the plans and specificationsissued or prepared by Madison Engineering,LLC of 895 Technology Boulevard,Suite203,Bozeman,MT 59718;ProjectNo. 21096,dated March 2021 (with subsequent approved revisions),which are by this reference incorporatedin thisinstrument. 1.Benefit and Burden.This Offer shallrun with and burden the Property and all obligations,terms,conditions,and restrictionshereby imposed shallbe deemed to be covenants and restrictionsrunning with theland and shallbe,upon theissuanceofthe finalPermit reference herein,be effectivelimitationson theuse and accessofthePropertyby Grantor and shallbind the Grantor and allsuccessorsand assigns.This Offer shallbenefitthe Municipalityonly so long as saidimprovements and infrastructuresforsewer and water existon theProperty. 2.Construction and Validity.If any provisionof these Restrictionsis held to be invalidor forany reason becomes unenforceable,no other provisionshallbe therebyaffectedor impaired. 3.Successors and Assigns.The terms,covenants,conditions,exceptions, obligations,and reservationscontainedin thisOffer shallbe binding upon and inuretothebenefit of the successorsand assigns of both the Grantor and the Municipality,whether voluntary or involuntary. 4.Limitations.The constructionand otherstandardsadopted or utilizedby the City of Bozeman regardinglegalform,constructionmaterials,warranty,and allotherelements relating to improvements or infrastructureconstructedor be constructedpursuant to the Permit shallbe fullyapplicable. 5.Term.This irrevocableOffer of Dedication shallbe binding for the durationof Final SitePlan approval process.Upon writtenacceptanceof thisOfferby the Municipality,this Offer and the terms,conditions,and restrictionshereof shallexistin perpetuity,shallhave the effectof a grantby Grantor,subjectto theconditionsstatedherein,and shallrun with the land and be bindingon theparties,theirheirs,assigns,and successors,PROVIDED,HOWEVER,thisgrant shallbe nulland void ifthe Permit referencedhereinisnot grantedand issuedby theMunicipality on orbeforeone year afterthe dateof FinalPlan approvalor extensionsof thedateof approval. Page 2 of4 DATED thisTU day of Ws as ,2021. GRANTOR -Bozeman COHO,LLC By:ar Oco its:hm|2 Ñ2c'7/GO > STATE OF MONTANA ) ):ss County of Gallatin ) On this day of (3v 5 t ,20 beforeme theundersigned,a Notary Public forthe Stateof Montana,personallyappeared bl4ML Ótux e3 ,known to me to be hÍ GWt6m of ow+-and theperson whose name issubscribedto the within instrumentand acknowledged to me thathe executed thewithin instrumentforand on behalfof Bozeman COHO,LLC. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSeal the day and year firstabove written. (PrintedName)CH iM /7406 wooo,,OH.BUDESKI 9sp,hh)blic Notary Publicforthe Stateof , ."*-fortheStateofMontana i sesidingat:Residing at heg&v17 .SEAL Bozeman,Montana .....My commissionExpires:My Commission Expires A/ag 2(,2.023 Novernber26,2023 Page 3 of4 ACCEPTED: CITY OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA C er ATTEST: City Clerk STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss County of Gallatin ) On this day of Ûf M/2021,beforeme,the undersigned, a Notary Publicforthe Stateof Montana,personallyappeared JEFF MIHELICH and MIKE MAAS,known to me to be the City Manager and City Clerk for the City of Bozeman, respectively,and the persons whose names are subscribedto the within instrument,and acknowledged tome thattheyexecutedthe same forand on behalfoftheCityof Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealtheday and yearfirstabove written. HEATHER BIENVENUE NotaryPublle.oTA%theStateofMontana SEAL * gaze *nana N taryPublicfortheStateof Montana o My commissionExpires:ResidingatBozeman,Montana''~Janua 2 2022 My Commission Expires Page 4 of4