HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- License Agreement - Sheryl L. Simkins - Peets Hill - South PropertyAFTER RECORDING PLEASE RETURN TO:
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This License Agreement (the"Agreement")isenteredintoon Î$/),2022,
between the City of Bozeman,a self-governingmunicipalityoperatingpur ant to itsCharter
and the laws of the Stateof Montana,with a mailingaddressof P.O.Box 1230,Bozeman,MT
59771 (the"City")an Sheryl L.Simkins,1625 Kenyon Drive,Bozeman,Bozeman MT 59715
("Licensee"and collectivelywith the City,the"Parties"),
In considerationof Licensee's promises herein,and other good and valuable
consideration,thereceiptand sufficiencyof which ishereby acknowledged,thePartiesagreeas
1.Purpose.The City owns therealpropertydescribedas Exhibit A attachedhereto
and incorporatedhereinby thisreference("PeetsHill-South Property").Licensee owns the
realpropertydescribedas Exhibit B attachedheretoand incorporatedhereinby thisreference
("Licensee'sProperty").Licensee'sPropertyis locatedimmediately adjacentto PeetsHill-
South Propertyowned by the City.For some yearspriorto the City'sacquisitionof the Peets
Hill-South Property,Licenseehas maintainedand used a smallstorageshed (hereafter"Shed")
thereoninassociationwith the residentialuse of her adjacentLicensee'sProperty.Pursuantto
thisAgreement,the City authorizesLicensee'scontinuedaccessto the Shed from Licensee's
Propertyand her continueduse and maintenance of theShed and lands immediatelysurrounding
itincompliancewith theterms and conditionssetforthbelow.
2.Description of Licensed Property.The locationand dimensions of the Shed
subjectto thisAgreement isdepictedon Exhibit C,which includesa map showing thelocation
of theLicensee'sProperty,the PeetsHill-South Property,and the Shed.ExhibitC isattached
heretoand incorporatedhereinby thisreference.The propertyunderlyingthe shed and the area
identifiedas the "Licensed Property"on ExhibitC arehereby licensedby the City to Licensee
3.Title.Licensee hereby acknowledges this Agreement grants a privilegeto
Licensee and not an interestin the Licensed Propertyand the titleof the City to the Licensed
Properties,and Licenseeagreesnever to deny the City'stitleor claim,atany time,or claim any
realpropertyinterestor estateof any kind or extentwhatsoever in the Licensed Propertiesby
virtueof thisAgreernent or Licensee'soccupancy or use hereunder,The City may enterthe
LicensedPropertiesatany time to assertitsrealpropertyinterestor forotherpurposes which do
notunreasonablyinterferewith theactivitiesof theLicenseeauthorizedby thisAgreement.
4.License for access to and use of Licensed Property;Term.The City hereby
grantspermission,revocable and terminable as provided herein,during periodcommencing
on the EffectiveDate and expiringon January 15,2027,on the terms and conditionssetforth
herein,with which and by which Licenseepromises to comply and abide ("Use License").The
Use License consists of permission for Licensee,her agents,permittees,employees,
contractorsorsubcontractors,touse and to accesstheLicensedProperty,and no otherportionof
thePeetsHill-South Propertyforonly thepurposesand inthe manner as statedherein.Access
shallbe limitedto pedestrianand accessassociatedwith storageof landscapingtools,supplies,
machinery (e.g.,lawnmowers and trimmers)and otherusescomplementary to residentialuses of
Licensee'sProperty.Any otheruses shallbe consideredto be a breach of thisUse License and
shallbe grounds forrevocationand terminationof thisAgreement in accordancewith Paragraph
12 below.This License does not run with the land and shallbe automaticallyterminatedupon
Licensee'stransferof theLicensee'sproperty.
The term of the Use License may be extended by mutual agreement of the Partiesin writing.
The City Manager isauthorizedto agreeon behalfof the Cityto extension(s)of the term of the
Use License.
a.To the fullestextentpermittedby law,Licensee,recognizingitexercisesits
privilegesunder thisAgreement at itsown risk,shall release,and shall
protect,defend,indemnify,and hold harmless the City and its agents,
representatives,employees,and officersfrom and againstany and allclaims,
demands,actions,feesand costs(includingattorney'sfees and the costsand
feesof expertwitnessand consultants),losses,expenses,liabilities(including
liabilitywhere activityis inherentlyor intrinsicallydangerous)or damages
["IndemnifiedClaims"]of whatever kind or nature connected therewithand
without limit and without regard to the cause or causes thereofor the
negligence of any party or partiesthatmay be assertedagainst,recovered
from or sufferedby the City,occasioned by,growing or arisingout of or
resultingfrom or in any way relatedto:(i)the occupation or use of the
Licensed Property by City;(ii)the negligent,reckless,or intentional
misconduct of the City,itsofficers,employees,or agentson or relatedtothe
Licensed Property;and (iii)any negligent,reckless,or intentionalmisconduct
of any of theCitypermittees,agents,employees,contractorsor subcontractors
on or relatedto theLicensedProperty.No indemnity obligationshallariseif
theIndemnifiedClaims relateinwhole or in partto:(i)the occupationoruse
of the Licensed Propertyby City;(ii)the negligent,reckless,or intentional
misconduct of the City,itsofficers,employees,or agentson or relatedto the
Licensed Property;and (iii)any negligent,reckless,or intentionalmisconduct
of any of theCitypermittees,agents,employees,contractorsorsubcontractors
on or relatedtotheLicensedProperty.
Except as noted herein,such obligationshallnot be construedto negate,
abridge,or reduce other rightsor obligationsof indemnity that would
otherwise exist as to an indemnitee described in this Section.The
indemnificationobligationsof thisSectionmust not be construedto negate,
abridge,or reduce any common-law or statutoryrightsof the indemnitees
which would otherwiseexistas tosuch indemnitees.
Licensee's indemnity under this Section shallbe without regard to and
without any rightto contributionfrom any insurance maintained by City,
unless as specifiedabove the allegationsare made againstCity or jointly
Should any indemniteedescribedhereinbe requiredtobringan actionagainst
the Licensee to assertitsrightto defense or indemnificationunder this
Agreement or under the Licensee'sapplicableinsurance policiesrequired
below theindemniteeshallbe entitledtorecoverreasonablecostsand attorney
feesincurredin assertingitsrightto indemnificationor defensebut only ifa
court of competent jurisdictiondetermines the Licensee was obligatedto
defend the claims or was obligatedto indemnify the indeimiiteefora claims
or any portionsthereof.
In theevent of an actionfiledagainstthe City,the Citymay electto represent
itselfand incurallcostsand expensesof suit.
The obligationsof this Section 5(a)shall survive terminationof this
City'sLicenseAgreementwithSherylL simkins
b.Before City incur any attorney'sfees or costs in the defense of any such
claims presented,City shalldeliverwrittennoticeto the indemnitortrending
Licensee'sdefense.Iftheindemnitorfailstoimmediately acceptor undertake
the defense tendered,then the indemnitor failsto immediately includethe
responsibilityto reimburse City for reasonable attorney'sfees and costs
incurred in the defense of any such claim presented.If the defenses is
accepted or undertaken the City agree to assign allknown and potential
counterclaims.If any proceeds receivedfrom the counterclaimsexceed the
costsoftheindemnification,such excessshallbe paidto theCity.
c.In addition to and independent from the above,during the term of this
Agreement Licensee shall at Licensee's expense maintain homeowners
insuranceas setforthbelow throughan insurancecompany orcompanies duly
licensedand authorizedto conduct businessin Montana which insuresthe
liabilitiesand obligationsspecificallyassumed by the Licensee in Section
5(a).The insurancecoverage shallnot contain any exclusionforliabilities
specificallyassumed by theLicenseein Section5(a).The insurancecoverage
is satisfiedthrough the issuance of an acceptable rider to Licensee's
homeowner policy.
Within ten (10)days followingexecutionof thisAgreement,Licensee shall
provide City with proof of such insurance in the form of a certificateof
insurance,the insuring agreement and all applicable endorsements
demonstratingthatsuch insuranceisin fullforceand effectand shallprovide
such proof when requestedby the City thereafterduring the term of this
Agreement.The Citymay requireadditionalevidenceofthenatureand scope
Licensee shallensure such requiredinsurancecoverage istimelyrenewed so
thatthereisno lapsein coverage duringthetime such insurancemust remain
in place.Licensee shallnotifythe City within two (2)business days of
Licensee'sreceiptof noticethat any requiredinsurancecoverage will be
terminated or Licensee's decision to terminate any required insurance
coverage forany reason.
The insuranceand requiredendorsements must be in a form suitableto the
Homeowner's Insurance
For liabilitiesassumed hereunder,the City,its officers,agents,and
employees,shallbe endorsed as additionalor named insuredson a primary
non-contributorybasison theHomeowners insurancepolicy.
6.Construction/Restrictions/Repairand Maintenance,
a.Licenseeshallkeep the adjacentprivateand publicpropertiesfreefrom debris
and othermaterialsstoredorlocatedon theLicensed Property.
b.Licensee agrees to immediately repairany damage caused by Licensee,her
agents,permittees,employees,contractorsor subcontractors,to any publicor
privatepropertyoutsideofthe LicensedPropertyto a conditionacceptableto
theowner of such privateinfrastructure.
c.Any damage to the PeetsHill-South Property and the Licensed Property
shallbe repairedto a conditionacceptableto the City.Maintenance or repair
work to thePropertyshallbe performed totheCity'sreasonablesatisfaction.
7.Waste,Nuisance,and Unlawful Use Prohibited.Licensee shallnot commit,or
suffertobe committed,any waste on thePeetsHill-South Propertyand theLicensedProperty,
nor shallLicenseernaintain,commit,or permitthemaintenance of any nuisanceon thePeetsHill
-South Property and the Licensed Propertyor use the Licensed Property for any unlawful
purpose.Licenseeshallnot do or permitanythingto be done inor about thePeetsHill-South
Propertyand the Licensed Propertywhich shallin any way conflictwith any law,ordinance,
rule,or regulationaffectingthe occupancy and use of the PeetsHill-South Propertyand the
Licensed Property,which are or may hereafterbe enacted or promulgated by any public
8.Hazardous Materials.Licensee agreesand representsthatitshallnot storeor
disposeof on the Licensed Propertyany "Hazardous Materials"as definedby Federal,Stateor
locallaw as from time to time amended,except for small quantitiesof lawn and garden
fertilizers,herbicides,or pesticidethatare storedin the Shed and used for maintenance of
9.Signage.Licenseemay not installany signageexceptas authorizedby theCity's
a.Within six(6)months upon completionof the Licensee'suse oftheLicensed
Property or within 30 days of terminationof thisAgreement pursuantto
Section 12,whichever isearlier,and under no circumstanceslaterthan July
15,2027,the Licensee shallremove allbuildingsand structureson the
Licensed Propertyand shallcause the Licensed Property(and any portionof
thePeets'Hill-South Propertydisturbedby Licensee'sactivities)tobe fully
restoredto a conditionsimilarto or equivalentto the surroundingunlicensed
Peets Hill -South Propertyby reclaimingland contours,restoringsoils,
replanting vegetation,and husbanding replanted vegetation until the
vegetationis mature,established,and self-perpetuating,as specifiedby the
Parks Superintendent or City Representative.In addition,Licensee shall
restore damage Licensee or Licensee's agents,permittees,employees,
contractorsor subcontractorscauseto theLicensed Propertyto a conditionas
good or betterthan existedpriorto Licensee'soccupation of the Licensed
Property.All work to restorethe Licensed Property shall comply with
applicablebuildingcodes and the City'sdesign and constructionstandards,
exceptto the extentthattheExistingCondition,as explainedbelow,does not
comply with such codes and standards.Licenseemay be requiredtoenterinto
a contractwith the City forsuch work.Licensee may cause theircontractors
or otheragentsto conduct such restorationbut in no case shallLicenseebe
relievedof itsobligationunder thisSectionuntilsuch restorationisaccepted
by theCity.
b.Upon completion of the restorationLicenseeshallprovidenoticeto Citythat
therestorationwork has been completed.
c.Within sixty(60)days of the receiptof the Notice sentpursuantto section
11b,unlesswaived by the City Representative,the City'sRepresentativeand
Licensee shallperform an inspectionof the Licensed Propertyand adjacent
publicand privatelandswithvideo and/orphotographsto recordthecondition
of theLicensed Propertyand/oradjacentpublicor privatelands(the"Existing
Condition"),Upon completion of the inspectionwhich shalloccur no later
than sixty(60)days aftercompletionafterreceiptof Notice,Cityshallnotify
Licensee inwritingof any additionalrestorationwork thatmay be required.If
Notice isnot providedwithinsixty(60)days Licensee shallhave no further
restorationobligationundertheterms ofthisAgreement.
d.The City retainsthe rightto approve any plans forand to inspectwork done
under thisSection.
The City and Licensee may enterintoan agreement priorto the expirationof the term of this
Agreement or priorto the end of Licensee'soccupation of the Licensed Property regarding
restorationof the Licensed Propertyto a conditiondifferentfrom theExistingCondition.Such
agreement may address:(i)improvements to the Licensed Propertyin additionto or different
thanthe Licensees'obligationsforrestoration/repairunder thisAgreement,and (ii)otherduties
and obligationsof the Licensee regardingrestorationand repairof the Licensed Property.
Nothing insuch an agreement willreducetheobligationsof Licenseesunder thisAgreement.
12.Termination.IfLicenseefailstocomply with any conditionof thisAgreement
atthetime or in the manner provided for,the City may,atitsoption,terminatethisAgreement
and be releasedfrom allobligationsifthe Licensee'sdefaultis not cured within sixty(60)
calendardays afterwrittennoticeof the defaultisprovided by the City to the Licensee.Said
noticeshallset forththe items to be cured.Notices shallbe provided in writingand hand-
deliveredor mailed to the partiesat the addresses set forth in the firstparagraph of this
Agreement.Licenseeagreesthatitsfailuretocureany defaultshallresultintheLicenseepaying
allcostsrelatedtotheCity'senforcement ofthisAgreernent.
13.Non-discrimination and Equal Pay.The Licensee agrees that allhiringby
Licenseeof personsperforming thisAgreement shallbe on the basisof meritand qualifications.
The Licenseewillhave a policytoprovideequalemployment opportunityinaccordancewith all
applicablestateand federalanti-discriminationlaws,regulations,and contracts.The Licensee
willnotrefuseemployment to a person,bar a personfrom employment,or discriminateagainsta
person in compensation or in a term,condition,or privilegeof employment because of race,
color,religion,creed,politicalideas,sex,age,maritalstatus,nationalorigin,actualor perceived
sexual orientation,gender identity,physicalor mental disability,except when the reasonable
demands of the positionrequirean age,physicalor mental disability,maritalstatusor sex
distinction.The Licenseeshallbe subjecttoand comply with TitleVI of the CivilRightsAct of
1964;Section140,Title2,United StatesCode,and allregulationspromulgated thereunder.
Licenseerepresentsitis,and forthe term of thisAgreement willbe,in compliancewith
therequirementsof theEqual Pay Act of 1963 and Section39-3-104,MCA (theMontana Equal
Pay Act).Licensee must reportto the City any violationsof the Montana Equal Pay Act that
Licenseehas been found guiltyof within60 days of such findingforviolationsoccurringduring
theterm ofthisAgreement.
Licensee shallrequire these nondiscriminationterms of its sub-licenseesproviding
servicesunder thisAgreement.
14.Amendment.This Agreement representsthe entireunderstandingbetween the
Partiesregardingthe subjectmatterand supersedesany prioragreement,verbalor written.Any
amendment or modificationof thisAgreement or any provisionhereinshallbe made inwriting
or executedinthesame manner astheoriginaldocument and shallafterexecutionbecome a part
of thisAgreement.
15.Assignment.Licensee may not assignthisAgreement in whole or in partand
may not subletallor any portionof the Propertywithoutthe priorwrittenconsent of the City,
and any attempt to assignthisAgreement shallbe deemed a breach of the Agreement and
grounds forimmediate termination.No assignmentwillrelieveLicensee of itsresponsibilityfor
theperformance of the Agreement (includingitsduty to defend,indemnify and hold harmless).
ThisUse Licenseshallnotnm with theland.
16.Waiver of Claims.Licenseewaives allclaimsagainstCity forinjuryto persons
or propertyon or about the Property or from itsuse of the Licensed Property.Itshallbe
understoodthattheresponsibilityforprotectionand safekeepingof equipment and materialson
the Licensed Propertywillbe entirelythatof the Licensee and thatno claim shallbe made
againstthe City by reason of any act of an employee,officer,or,agent of the City or any
a.City's Representative.The City Representative for the purpose of this
Agreement shallbe Addi Jadin,Parks Planningand Development Manager,orher
successor or designee.Whenever approval or authorization from or
communication or submission to City is required by this Agreement,such
communication or submission shallbe directedto the City'sRepresentativeand
approvalsor authorizationsshallbe issuedonly by such Representative;provided,
however,that in exigent circumstances when City's Representativeis not
available,Licensee may directitscommunication or submission to other City
personnel or agents and may receive approvals or authorizationfrom such
b.Licensee's Representative.The Licensee'sRepresentativeforthe purpose of
this Agreement shall be t fd..Ó 6.Whenever directionto or
cornmunicationwith Licensee is equiredby thisAgreernent,such directionor
communication shall be directed to Licensee's Representative;provided,
however,thatin exigentcircumstanceswhen Licensee'sRepresentativeisnot
available,the Citymay directitsdirectionor communication to otherdesignated
employees or agentsof Licensee.
18.Permits.Unless otherwiseagreed to in writingby the Parties,and ifrequired,
Licensee shallprovide allnotices,comply with allapplicablefederal,state,and locallaws,
ordinances,rules,and regulations,obtainallnecessarypermits,licenses,and inspectionsfrom
applicablegovernmentalauthorities,and pay allfeesand chargesinconnectiontherewith.
19.Intoxicants;DOT Drug and Alcohol Regulations.Licensee shallnotpennitor
sufferthe introductionor use of any intoxicants,includingalcoholor illegaldrugs,upon the
Licensed Property.The City may order removal from the Licensed Property of Licensee's
agents,permittees,employees,contractorsor subcontractorsfor use of intoxicantson the
20.Liens and Encumbrances.Licenseeshallnot permit any liensor encumbrances
tobe filedon thePeetsHill-South Property,includingtheLicensed Property,relatedto either
theLicensee'suse of theLicensed PropertyortheLicensee'sactionspursuantto thisAgreement.
Priorto the expirationof thisAgreement or terminationby the City or Licensee as provided
hereinLicenseemust furnishthe City with satisfactoryproof thatthereare no outstandingliens
or encumbrances inconnectionwith the Licensee'suse of theLicensedProperty.
21.Dispute Resolution.Any claim,controversy,or disputebetween theParties,their
agents,employees,or representativesshallbe resolvedfirstby negotiationbetween theParties.
Upon mutual agreement of the Parties,the Partiesmay invitean independent,disinterested
mediatortoassistinthenegotiatedsettlementdiscussions.IfthePartiesareunable toresolvethe
disputewithinthirty(30)days from thedatethedisputewas firstraised,then such disputeshall
be resolved in a court of competent jurisdictionin compliance with the Applicable Law
expirationofthisAgreement forthemaximum periodallowedunder applicablelaw.
23.Headings.The headingsused inthisAgreement areforconvenienceonlyand are
not to be construedas a partof the Agreement or as a limitationon the scope of the particular
paragraphstowhich they refer.
24.Waiver.A waiver by Cityof any defaultorbreach by Licenseeof any covenants,
terrns,or conditionsof thisAgreement does not limitCity'srightto enforce such covenants,
terms,or conditionsortopursueCity'srightsintheeventof any subsequentdefaultorbreach.
25.Severability.If any portion of this Agreement is held to be void or
26.Applicable Law.The Partiesagree thatthisAgreement is governed in all
respectsby the laws of the Stateof Montana.Jurisdictionforany disputeor claim raisedunder
thisAgreement or proceedingbrought to interprettheAgreement shallliesolelyinthe Stateof
27.Binding Effect:This Agreement isbindingupon and inuresto thebenefitofthe
heirs,legalrepresentatives,successors,and assignsoftheparties.
28.No Third-Party Beneficiary:This Agreement isforthe exclusivebenefitofthe
Parties,does not constitutea third-partybeneficiaryagreement,and may not be reliedupon or
enforcedby a thirdpartyexcepttheCity.
29.Counterparts.This Agreement may be executed in counterparts,which together
constituteone instrument.
30.Authority.Each partyrepresentsthatithas fullpower and authoritytoenterinto
and perform thisAgreement and the personsigningthisAgreement on behalfof each partyhas
been properlyauthorizedand empowered tosignthisAgreement.
3L Independent Contractor.The Partiesagree and acknowledge that in the
performance of this Agreement Licensee shallnot be considered an agent,representative,
subcontractor,or employee of the City.The Partiesfurtheragree that allindividualsand
companies retainedby Licensee at alltimes will be considered the agents,employees,or
independent contractorsof Licensee and at no time will they be the employees,agents,or
32.Integration.This Agreement constitutesthe entireagreement of the Parties.
Covenants or representationsnot containedthereinor made a partthereofby reference,are not
bindingupon theparties.There areno understandingsbetween thepartiesotherthanas setforth
inthisAgreement.All communications,eitherverbalor written,made priorto the dateof this
Agreement are hereby abrogated and withdrawn unless specificallymade a part of this
Agreement by reference.
33.Recordation.This Agreement shall be recorded in the filesof the Gallatin
County Clerk and Recorder.All costsof recordingshallbe borne by the Licensee.A copy of this
recorded agreement shallbe provided totheCity'sRepresentative.
34.Consent to Electronic Signatures:The Partieshave consented to execute this
Agreement electronicallyin conformance with the Montana Uniform ElectronicTransactions
Act,Title30,Chapter 18,Part 1,MCA.
###########End of Agreement except for signatures ###########
Executed this 80 *day of hay ,203.
helich o
Bozeman City Manager e .
County of Gallatin )
This instrumentwas acknowledged before me on the 23 day of a /,20
by JeffMihelich as City Mr nyer forthe City of Bozeman,Montana.
fortheSta o ontana
SEAL.Bozeman,Montana Notary Publicforthe Stateof wwntana
eptm er 8,2 PrintedName:
(SEAL)Residing in
My Commission Exp es:
Sheryl L.Simkins
County of Gallatin )
This instrumentwas acknowledged before me on the day of (Linu a a ,20
by SherylL.Simkins.
Notary PublicfortheStateof Montana
(SEAL)Residing in
My Commission Expires:
(Legal Descriptionof City'sProperty)
All of Blocks Twenty-Two (22),Twenty-Three (23)of ElectricHeights Addition toBozeman,
Montana and alsoallstreetsand alleysadjacentthereto,thesame having been vacated by the
Cityof Bozeman,by Ordinance No.169 which saidOrdinance was adopted August 4,1898 and
recorded September 21,1899 in Volume 7 of Miscellaneous Records atpage 80,includingthat
portionof Ida Avenue vacated by the City of Bozeman,by Ordinance No.1459 recordedinFilm
182,page 4573,Records of GallatinCounty,Montana,according totheofficialplatthereofon
fileand of recordinthe officeof the County Clerk and Recorder of GallatinCounty,Montana.
(Legal Descriptionof Licensee'sProperty)
Lot Three (3),of Block One (1),Grafs FirstAddition,Second Filing,to the cityof Bozeman,
Montana,according to the officialplatthereofon fileand of record inthe officeof the County
Clerk and Recorder,GallatinCounty,Montana.
(Map of LicenSed Property and Shed)
Peets HillSouth
Pro erty
Sher m Ins i