HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Release and Reconveyance of Easements - Bon Ton Inc. - Release of Document 2585890Returnto: cwa-2765441 Box1230 Se a -G u 6 PM Fee .00 BozemanMT 59771-1230 RELEASE AND RECONVEYANCE OF EASEMENTS COMES NOW the City of Bozeman,121 N.Rouse Ave,MT 59715,a Municipal Corporation of the Stateof Montana hereinafter("GRANTOR")and does hereby releaseand reconvey thefollowingdescribedeasementsunto Bon Ton Inc.,as follows: W ITNESSETH WHEREAS theGrantoristhelegalrecordtitleholderofeasementssituatedinLot 1,Block 2 AllisonSubdivisionPhase 3B,PlatJ-608A,Cityof Bozeman,GallatinCounty,Montana. WHEREAS theabove easementswere grantedby Bon Ton Incby thefollowinginstruments: Temporary Stormwater FacilityEasement,Document Number 2585890, Recorded on 07/18/17at the GallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder's Office Temporary streeteasement per Fm 203,Pg 3518 Temporary drainage pond easement per Fm 203,Pg 3514 WHEREAS no publicutilitiesare locatedwithin the easements to be releasedand the vacation of the said easements will not adverselyimpact the Grantor'sor the Public utility companies'interests. WHEREFORE,the Grantor does hereby releaseand reconvey to Bon Ton Inc.,those portionsof theutilityeasements locatedon the above-describedrealpropertyas setforthon the Exhibitattachedheretotogetherwith any right,title,or interestthatthe Grantormay have insaid utilityeasementsassetforthon theExhibitattachedheretoand incorporatedhereinby referenceas though fullysetforthand shown on theExhibit. This reconveyanceshallnotaffecttheremainderofthoseeasementsshown on saidPlatJ- 608. DATED this day of het e yv)f (,2 02). ACCEPTED:, OR -CITY OF BOZEMAN TITLE C iTV IMA8&Gt6 ft. CITY OF BOZEMAN by its:C iTy MANer4R ATTEST:.. STATE OF MONTANA ) ):ss County ofGallatin ) On thisM day ofs 411/d((/),20 ,beforeme,a Notary Publicforthe Stateof Montana,personallyappeare own tome to be theCity Manager and,fortheCityofBozeman and thepersonswhose names aresubscribedtothewithininstrument,and acknowledged tome thattheyexecutedthesame forand on behalfoftheCityof Bozeman. Inwitnesswhereof,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy sealon thedayand yearfirst writtenabove. (PrintedName) (SEAL)Notary Publicforthe Stateof f)/\ Residingat MT JULIE HUNTER My Commission Expires ()p 1ÔZÚ NotaryPublic OTAR4 .fortheStateofMontana Residingat: SEAL.Bozeman,Montana'My c s on pires: N EXHIBIT A +Depicting an easement over and across a portion of the NE1/4 of Section 24, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, W E P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana MinorLot237M S Q · OPPORTUNITY WAY C E O 30' 60' 90· O PROPERTY LINE S 89°45'17"E 1509.41 SCALE: 1"=30' Found . .. Lot3 . South University District Ph. Plat Ref. J-518 w e È o z Storm Water Pond Easement O Area= 0.20 Acres ° N 88°42'02" W 86.83 O C-N 1/16 Lot 1, Block2 Found Allison Subdivision = u Brass Cap Phase 3A N EXHIBIT B Depicting an easement over and across a portion of the NE1/4 of Section 24, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana FoundY.P.C. S 89°41'13"E 145,79' S 0 50' 100' 150 0 SCALE: 1"=50' Storm Water Pond Ea ement Area= 0.57 Acres Lot 1, Block2 Let3 I o Allison Subdivision South University District Ph.I Phase 3A Plat Ref. J-518 S 88°18'44" E _ _ C-N 1/16 45.00' N 89°40'58" W 77.00 o NW1/16 Found TIELINE Fnd. B.C. S 89°20'00"E 1360.54' Brass Cap L=113.22'R=7t00 D=91°22'14" PROPERTY LINE Q CH BRG=N 43°59'51" W go CH L=101.60' . O C.O.S. 252 , SE1/4NW1/4 GRAPHIC SCALE "EXHIBIT A" ° " " '" '" ° . ( IN FEET ) * ALLISON MINOR SUBDIVISION ." 5 g < a C SUBJECT AREA = 5,014 SO, FT. GRANTOR'SPROPERTY Z s 41'2s"w )_ P.O.B. 8g ARNOLD STREET MORNING-STAR SCHOOL PROPER TY MORRIS0N 8: MINOR SUBDlVISION #84 MAIERLE,Inc. BOZEMAN SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 7 ,...,,..A lenamn aw am salts/im let e caie: .r.. O c GRAPHIC SCALE "EXHIBIT A" ( m rzer > .'A., 1 inch = 50 ft.2 SUBJECT AREA "A" = 11016 SC. FT / ALLISON MINOR SUBDIVISION .* / le < o P .... ARNOLD STREET N' """' M ORNING- S TAR MORRIS0N - g o SUBJECT AREA "B" = 1,104 SC. FT SW OOL PROPER TY dC· "'**"...,..._._.__.-_ MINOR SUBDlVISION #84 i==== l=== l===== o . . o.n,· ou me uo. senma-or I sazri a