HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-15-21 - Downtown Urban Renewal District Board - Agenda & Packet MaterialsA.Call meeting to order - 12:00 pm Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82988461271?pwd=SWo4NlFaeDZpWk9VeTJmOWQ2d3dTUT09 Passcode: 864139 Or One tap mobile : US: +13462487799,,82988461271#,,,,*864139# or +16699006833,,82988461271#,,,,*864139# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592 Webinar ID: 829 8846 1271 Passcode: 864139 B.Disclosures C.Changes to the Agenda D.Approval of Minutes D.1 Approval of January 2022 Minutes(Staley) E.Public Comment Please state your name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record. This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Committee. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each action item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to three minutes. F.Action Items F.1 Request from City of Bozeman to Downtown Urban Renewal Board for approval of Resolution 2022-01 - A Resolution of the Downtown Bozeman Urban renewal district Board. Recommending the Bozeman City Commission Approve a Project in the Downtown Urban Renewal District as an Urban Renewal Project; to Create Workforce Housing and Associated Ground Floor Commercial Uses and other Public Infrastructure at the Bozeman Fire Station 1 Site; Making Findings with Respect Thereto and Recommending the Use of Tax Increment Revenues to Reimburse Eligible Costs Thereof.(Fine, Staley) G.FYI/Discussion THE DOWNTOWN AREA URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT BOARD OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA DURD AGENDA Tuesday, February 15, 2022 1 G.1 Downtown Parking Update(Staley) G.2 February Finance Report(Staley) G.3 Executive Director's Report (Staley) G.4 Discuss March Board Meeting Date(Staley) H.Adjournment For more information please contact Ellie Staley, Downtown Bozeman Partnership, ellie@downtownbozeman.org This board generally meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 12:00 to 1:00pm Committee meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability and require assistance, please contact our ADA coordinator, Mike Gray at 582-3232 (TDD 582-2301). 2 Memorandum REPORT TO:Downtown Area Urban Renewal District Board FROM:Ellie Staley, Executive Director Downtown Bozeman Partnership SUBJECT:Approval of January 2022 Minutes MEETING DATE:February 15, 2022 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Minutes RECOMMENDATION:Approve STRATEGIC PLAN:7.3 Best Practices, Creativity & Foresight: Utilize best practices, innovative approaches, and constantly anticipate new directions and changes relevant to the governance of the City. Be also adaptable and flexible with an outward focus on the customer and an external understanding of the issues as others may see them. BACKGROUND:Approval of minutes from the January 2022 DURD Board Meeting. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None. Attachments: URD Minutes 1-22.pdf Report compiled on: February 10, 2022 3 Downtown Urban Renewal District Board Meeting Minutes January 18, 2021 Attending: Bobby Bear, Emily Cope, Jen Giuttari, Cory Lawrence, Mike Maas, Marley McKenna, Jeff Mihelich, Tony Renslow, Ellie Staley, Nicholas Wickes, Nick Zelver Absent: Angie Rutherford Minutes ACTION: Cory Lawrence moved to approve the November minutes as presented. Nicholas Wickes seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Public Comment None. Discussion Items Discussion on Advisory Board Norms City Manager Jeff Mihelich presented Citizen Advisory Board Norms of Behavior to the board where he outlined the expectations and requirement of how board members should conduct business. Review of High Performing Boards Manual City Clerk Mike Maas reviewed the High Performing Boards Manual to the board. City Ethics Training Assistant City Attorney Jen Giuttari presented an overview to an interactive ethics training session for the board. The board read and discussed various ethics scenarios. Meeting was adjourned at 1:10 pm 4 Memorandum REPORT TO:Downtown Area Urban Renewal District Board FROM:David Fine, City of Bozeman Economic Development Manager Ellie Staley, Executive Director Downtown Bozeman Partnership SUBJECT: Request from City of Bozeman to Downtown Urban Renewal Board for approval of Resolution 2022-01 - A Resolution of the Downtown Bozeman Urban renewal district Board. Recommending the Bozeman City Commission Approve a Project in the Downtown Urban Renewal District as an Urban Renewal Project; to Create Workforce Housing and Associated Ground Floor Commercial Uses and other Public Infrastructure at the Bozeman Fire Station 1 Site; Making Findings with Respect Thereto and Recommending the Use of Tax Increment Revenues to Reimburse Eligible Costs Thereof. MEETING DATE:February 15, 2022 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Resolution RECOMMENDATION: City Staff and Downtown Bozeman Partnership Staff recommend the approval of Resolution 2022-01. STRATEGIC PLAN:4.4 Vibrant Downtown, Districts & Centers: Promote a healthy, vibrant Downtown, Midtown, and other commercial districts and neighborhood centers – including higher densities and intensification of use in these key areas. BACKGROUND: The City is soliciting offers from private investors to redevelop the Fire Station 1 property within the District as a project with a significant workforce housing component. Due to very high development costs in Bozeman, projects with a workforce housing component often feature a capital gap – the delta between the cost to produce a workforce housing unit and the sale price or lease rate necessary for an investor to complete the project. The One Valley Community Foundation partnered with Future West on a study of housing affordability in the Bozeman area (attached). For units defined as affordable for households making 100% of the area median income (AMI), the analysis showed a capital gap of $99,800 for attached townhome units. Rental units showed a smaller, though still significant capital gap. An analysis by Root Policy Research, a real estate economics firm hired to revise the City’s approach to housing affordability, showed that 5 stacked condominium units may actually be more costly to construct due to elevators and other costs related to building type. These financial realities imply that workforce housing, particularly in an area with high land costs, like the Downtown core, will likely require an incentive or subsidy to be feasible in the Bozeman market. The Downtown Urban Renewal District Board has long sought the creation of workforce housing units in Downtown Bozeman. In Fiscal Year 2012, the Board created and included $100,000 in its annual work plan and budget as a “Residential Housing Incentive Grant.” The Board included the same incentive amount in its work plan and budget for each subsequent fiscal year until, in FY 2022, they increased the amount appropriated for the program to $250,000. The program, to date, has not received any applications. The Board, nevertheless, has clearly signaled their intent to support community housing with $1,150,000 in appropriations over the past 10 fiscal years. Resolution 2022-01 aims to incentivize the redevelopment of the Fire Station 1 with workforce housing by having the Downtown Urban Renewal District designate such a project as an Urban Renewal Project and offering a financial incentive of up to $1,600,000 for proposed projects that contain at least 40 units of workforce housing. The Resolution defines workforce housing as housing that is affordable to housing holds make 120% AMI or less. The District would pay the proposed incentive at the time the Project obtains a Certificate of Occupancy to ensure the project is completed, thereby mitigating the risk to urban renewal funds and ensuring the creation of new taxable value by the project. This incentive would be marketed to potential redevelopers or the property to facilitate the workforce housing. Early action by the Board in offering a specific incentive may inspire additional offers by making the project more feasible and mitigate the risk of seeking a tax increment finance (TIF) incentive after acquiring the property. The Resolution enumerates the ways in which the project is consistent with the City’s planning documents including the Bozeman Community Plan, the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan, and the 2019 Downtown Improvement Plan. These documents directly call for the creation of affordable housing in Downtown Bozeman and specifically suggests creating incentives for projects with long-term affordability controls. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None. ALTERNATIVES:None. FISCAL EFFECTS: The proposed incentive of up to $1,600,000 would be appropriated out of 6 existing cash reserves in a future work plan and budget approved by the Bozeman City Commission. Attachments: capitalgap.pdf Downtown Resolution 2022-01 (002).pdf Report compiled on: February 10, 2022 7 8 Downtown Bozeman Urban Renewal District Board Resolution 2022-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE DOWNTOWN BOZEMAN URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT BOARD RECOMMENDING THE BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION APPROVE A PROJECT IN THE DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT AS AN URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT; TO CREATE WORKFORCE HOUSING AND ASSOCIATED GROUND FLOOR COMMERCIAL USES AND OTHER PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE AT THE BOZEMAN FIRE STATION 1 SITE; MAKING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT THERETO AND RECOMMENDING THE USE OF TAX INCREMENT REVENUES TO REIMBURSE ELIGIBLE COSTS THEREOF BE IT RESOLVED by the Downtown Bozeman Urban Renewal District Board (the “Board”) of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the “City) as follows: Section 1 Recitals. 1.01. Under the provisions of Montana Code Annotated, Title 7, Chapter 15, Parts 42 and 43, as amended (the “Act”), the City is authorized to create urban renewal areas, prepare and adopt an urban renewal plan therefor and amendments thereto, undertake urban renewal projects therein, provide for the segregation and collection of tax increment with respect to property taxes collected in such areas, and apply tax increment revenues derived from projects undertaken within the urban renewal area to pay eligible costs. 1.02. Pursuant to the Act and Ordinance No. 1409, adopted on November 6, 1995 and Ordinance No. 1928 adopted December 28, 2015 (collectively, the “Ordinance”), the Commission created the Downtown Urban Renewal District (the “District”) and approved the Downtown Urban Renewal District Plan (the “Urban Renewal Plan”) as an urban renewal plan in accordance with the Act, which Plan provides for the segregation and collection of tax increment revenues with respect to the District. 1.03. The 2020 Bozeman Community Plan identified community housing as “one of Bozeman’s most serious problems,” 1.04. The 2020 Bozeman Community Plan goals, “Encourage distribution of affordable housing units throughout the City with priority given to locations near commercial, recreational, and transit assets.” 1.05. The 2020 Bozeman Community Plan goals urge policymakers to, “Require development of affordable housing through coordination of funding for affordable housing and infrastructure.” 9 Resolution 5370, Approving a Project in the Downtown URD as an Urban Renewal Project 1.06. The 2020 Bozeman Community Plan calls for prioritizing infill stating, “Concentrated development uses land more efficiently, may reduce infrastructure costs, and reduces the overall amount of road surface and need for parking lots, improving overall access to parks, schools, and shops.” 1.07. The Urban Renewal Plan calls for the District to “Enable high density housing in and around Downtown,” and “broaden opportunities for diversity in housing” 1.08. The Urban Renewal Plan lists as an implementation action to, “Further refine, prioritize and implement the urban renewal plan by adopting updates to the “Downtown Improvement Plan” outlining specific programs and projects.” 1.09. The 2019 Downtown Improvement Plan calls for the District to “Promote a range of housing options,” including workforce housing and suggests a residential “Incentive Program” for “any project which has long-term affordability controls.” 1.10. The 2019 Downtown Improvement Plan calls for the District to “Enable high density housing in and around Downtown,” and “broaden opportunities for diversity in housing” Section 2 The Project. The City of Bozeman plans to sell its Fire Station 1 property, located at 34 N. Rouse Ave., and harness its control of the site to incentivize the creation of workforce housing. The Board supports providing an incentive of up to $1.6 million for an Urban Renewal Project at the Fire Station 1 site that creates at least 40 units of workforce housing with long-term affordability controls. The incentive must be to reimburse costs that may be paid by tax increment financing as defined in 7-15-4288, MCA. For the purposes of this Urban Renewal Project, workforce housing is defined as housing that is affordable to households making 120% or less of the Area Median Income (AMI) as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The City would pay the incentive after the project receives a Certificate of Occupancy to mitigate risk to urban renewal funds and to ensure the creation of new taxable value by the project. Section 3 Approval of the Project as an Urban Renewal Project. The Board hereby recommends approval of the Project as an urban renewal project under the Act and the Plan. The Project, including the Eligible Costs, is contemplated by and 10 Resolution 5370, Approving a Project in the Downtown URD as an Urban Renewal Project within the scope of the Plan, and the Eligible Costs are eligible for tax increment financing under the Act. Section 4 Findings. The Board hereby finds with respect to the Project as follows: 1) No persons will be displaced from their housing by the Project; a) The site is currently a Fire Station and does not have a residential use. 2) The Plan and the Project conform to the Bozeman Community Plan or parts thereof for the City as a whole; a) Pursuant to the Recitals, the Project is found to be in conformance with the Bozeman Community Plan and its subordinate neighborhood plans, including the 2019 Downtown Improvement Plan. 3) The Plan and the Project will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the needs of the City as a whole, for the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the District by private enterprise; a) The City is utilizing a competitive solicitation of offers for private developers to redevelop the site with a workforce housing component. 4) Taking into account the use of tax increment revenues or the proceeds of tax increment revenue bonds to reimburse the Developer for all or a portion of the Eligible Costs, there is expected to be a sound and adequate financial program for the financing of the Project; a) The Downtown Urban Renewal District currently has adequate cash reserves to support the proposed incentive payment. 5) The Project constitutes an urban renewal project within the meaning of the Act and the Plan. a) Pursuant to the Recitals, the Project is found to be in conformance with the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan, which was previously found by the City Commission to be in conformance with the Act. 11 Resolution 5370, Approving a Project in the Downtown URD as an Urban Renewal Project PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the Downtown Urban Renewal Board of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 15th day of February, 2022. ___________________________________ BOBBY BEAR Chair ATTEST: ___________________________________ MIKE MAAS City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 12 Memorandum REPORT TO:Downtown Area Urban Renewal District Board FROM:Ellie Staley Executive Director Downtown Bozeman Partnership SUBJECT:Downtown Parking Update MEETING DATE:February 15, 2022 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Administration RECOMMENDATION:Discussion STRATEGIC PLAN:4.4 Vibrant Downtown, Districts & Centers: Promote a healthy, vibrant Downtown, Midtown, and other commercial districts and neighborhood centers – including higher densities and intensification of use in these key areas. BACKGROUND:At the February 1st City Commission meeting, City Staff presented a Downtown Bozeman Parking Proforma outlining potential parking revenue if a paid parking program was implemented downtown in the core and on surface lots. The City Commission directed City Staff to return with additional information including parking garage site locations, funding options for additional supply, alternative transportations ideas. The Downtown Bozeman Partnership staff has worked to relay information and request public feedback during this process to our stakeholder contact lists. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None. ALTERNATIVES:None. FISCAL EFFECTS:None. Attachments: 2021_Downtown_Bozeman_Parking_Study.pdf EStaley_Public_Comment.pdf Parking_Letter-Feb2022.pdf Pro_Forma_Report--City_Of_Bozeman--On- Street_Parking.pdf Report compiled on: February 10, 2022 13 Project # Downtown Bozeman Parking Study: Parking Assessment and Next Steps Updated September 30, 2021 Prepared for: City of Bozeman 14 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | i Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction & Background 1 Objectives for This Study 2 Study Area 3 Parking Inventory & Occupancy 4 Parking Inventory 5 On-Street Parking 6 Off-Street Parking 7 Parking Occupancy 7 Methodology 7 Weekday 7 Saturday 9 Overall Occupancy 9 Parking Turnover & Length of Stay 12 Methodology 13 Length of Stay 13 Weekday 14 Saturday 15 Movement Analysis 17 Weekday 17 Saturday 19 Next Steps for Consideration 22 Appendix A. Parking Supply and Occupancy 26 Appendix B. Length of Stay 49 Appendix C. Movement Analysis 59 15 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | Executive Summary Executive Summary Parking Occupancy • There are approximately 1,702 on-street parking spaces in the Study Area (B-3 Business District). • There are approximately 612 public off-street parking spaces in the Study Area across five facilities. • About 56% of the parking within the Core Downtown Area is 2-Hour time-restricted parking. • On-street parking occupancy in the Core Downtown Area peaked at 85% during the weekday afternoon, as shown in Figure ES1, and remained at or above approximately 70% during the other observation periods. • Total off-street parking occupancy peaked at 89% during the weekday afternoon, with all off-street facilities at or above 85% during that period. Figure ES1: Weekday Afternoon Parking Occupancy Heat Map 16 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | Executive Summary Length of Stay • On average, parking length of stay was higher in the off-street facilities than on-street, length of stay for all parking types other than unrestricted, all-day parking was under the posted two-hour limit. • Approximately twenty vehicles were observed to exceed the posted two-hour time limit on both the weekday and Saturday. • The percentage of vehicles staying longer than two hours was slightly higher on Saturday than the weekday in off-street parking facilities. Movement Analysis • Over 100 vehicles were observed to have parked in more than one place during the day on the weekday and on Saturday. • Re-parking within the B-3 zone, as shown in Figure ES2, is contributing to increased traffic congestion Downtown and indicates that some drivers may be moving to evade enforcement of the two-hour limit within those areas. Figure ES2: Weekday Movement Analysis 17 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | Executive Summary Key Conclusions & Next Steps for Consideration This parking study concludes that, as of the summer of 2021, parking occupancy in the Core Downtown Area consistently reaches, and in many areas exceeds, 85% during weekday afternoons. Also, while average lengths of stay are within the two-hour time window for most time-limited parking, “re-parking” within the time-limited parking areas, as shown in the movement analysis, is a frequent occurrence. The “85% Rule” suggested in the 2016 Parking Management Plan as a benchmark for when to implement paid parking is derived from an industry-accepted standard that identifies when a parking facility has reached its peak operating efficiency and users of the system begin to have trouble finding parking. As a standalone metric, this “rule” fails to account for other factors that can impact the parking system’s operations and customer experience. These factors include such considerations as recovery of system operations and maintenance costs, influencing parking behaviors to support community transportation, economic, and sustainability goals, and funding of future capital investments in parking and transportation. Because facilities operate most efficiently at different levels based on the type of user, basing decisions on an aggregated systemwide analysis of effective capacity will cause core, high-demand facilities to be over utilized while perimeter facilities remain empty. This contributes to traffic congestion as parkers circulate streets and parking lots, increasing potential conflicts among vehicles and pedestrians and cyclists, as well as increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Further, waiting until effective capacity is reached means action was taken too late and the customer experience is already declining. For these reasons, the City should consider implementing additional management strategies, specifically implementation of paid parking that will further support adding needed parking supply and funding the system’s operations and maintenance. This will support efficient and effective use of parking resources, maximizing benefit for both the City and for all the user groups that rely on Downtown parking. A list of potential next steps to be disused and evaluated are as follows, including but not limited to: • Extending the “rolling rule” to all time- limited parking within B-3 District to minimize “re-parking” • Evaluation of paid parking and its ability to support the parking program or other mobility initiatives • Expanding the Parking Benefit Zones (PBZ) to include the areas immediately to the north or south of Downtown • Evaluate parking enforcement technologies and practices • Increasing number of block faces that are time limited • Expansion of Bridger Park Garage • Adding additional structured public parking • Evaluate feasibility of remote parking • Adjusting time limits for both on-street and off-street parking to further incentivize off- street parking over on-street parking • Adjusting fines, penalties, and other parking ordinances • Formulating a curbside management plan and strategies 18 Introduction & Background 01 19 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 2 Introduction & Background The City of Bozeman, and the county within which it lies, was the fastest-growing area in the State of Montana between 2010 and 2020.1 Acting as the northern gateway to Big Sky Country and Yellowstone National Park, the City’s population increased by more than 16,000 to 53,293 in 2020. With this growth has come economic development, densification, and infill development in Downtown Bozeman. With this growth, however, has come notable increases in vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the area. Activity is high during both the day and evening, and on both weekdays and weekends, due to the convergence of multiple land use and user group types that frequent Downtown. These increases have placed more pressure on a public parking system that has not added significant capacity since 2009, when the City’s first and public parking structure, the Bridger Park Garage, came online. Constructed to accommodate the addition of up to 2 decks, the garage capacity could feasibly be increased by up to 143 spaces. The option to increase capacity through such an addition was studied in 2019 but has not been implemented.2 To better understand parking occupancy activity Downtown, the City began using mobile license plate reader (LPR) recognition technology. This study provides manual occupancy counts to verify those collected using the mobile LPR, and LPR support analysis of parking length of stay and turnover within the core downtown area where parking is time limited. Objectives for This Study Having an accurate and up-to-date picture of parking activity of Downtown can be instrumental in: • Helping the City to continue to plan for growth • Effectively managing the public parking and Downtown transportation systems. The analysis contained herein in this study will help the City to: • Identify and establish modifications to the existing parking management system that will enable it to operate more efficiently within the current supply, • Gain a better understanding of the need for new parking, including how much and when new parking may be needed, should the City decide to move forward with expanding the public parking system. 1 Miller, Alex. “Bozeman tops 50,000 people; Gallatin County leads Montana in population growth.” Bozeman Daily Chronicle. August 12, 2021. Accessed September 1, 2021. https://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/news/state/bozeman-tops-50-000-people-gallatin-county-leads-montana-in-population- growth/article_b35b5427-be32-5a19-b7ce-85b6c277e31e.html 2 ABC FOX Montana. “Possible new parking in downtown Bozeman.” May 30, 2019. Accessed September 1, 2021. https://www.montanarightnow.com/bozeman/possible-new-parking-in-downtown-bozeman/article_99c128b2-82c0-11e9-9b98-03eb2982a7db.html 20 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 3 Study Area Figure 1 shows the Study Area for this parking study. The Study Area corresponds to the boundaries of the Downtown B-3 Business District, as defined in the City’s Code of Ordinances. Figure 1. Study Area Boundary 21 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 4 Parking Inventory & Occupancy 02 22 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 5 Parking Inventory & Occupancy Parking Inventory Overall, there are approximately 2,314 public parking spaces within the Study Area. Figure 2 maps on-street parking restrictions by block face and the locations of off-street public parking facilities within the Study Area. Figure 2. On-Street Parking Restrictions by Block Face and Off-Street Public Parking Facilities 23 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 6 On-Street Parking The City provided a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data layer that contained estimated on-street parking inventory, sorted by restriction, for each block face in the Study Area. This inventory assumes 24 linear feet of frontage per on-street space to determine the number of on-street spaces. Off-street parking inventories were also contained within the GIS data but were not sorted by restriction. During field observations, block faces where parking supply was unavailable due to construction or other reasons noted and controlled for, as well as where parking supply existed but was not indicated or where posted restrictions differed from the City’s data. There are approximately 1,702 parking spaces in the Study Area. Of these, about 781 parking spaces were within the Downtown “Core Downtown Area,” defined as the area bounded by 5th Avenue, Babcock Street, Mendenhall Street, and Wallace Avenue. 921 parking spaces were within the remaining areas of the Study Area. These inventories include both sides of the street for corridors on the Study Area perimeter and are comprised of full block length faces for street segments/block faces that are not fully contained within the boundary. Detailed on-street parking inventory, by street corridor, side of street, block face, and restriction, is provided in Appendix A. Figure 3 summarizes and compares on-street parking inventory by parking restriction category for the Core Downtown Area and Remaining Study Area. For purposes of this study, some categories were aggregated. This includes regulation categories such as 15 and 20-minute parking and overnight parking restrictions. Figure 3. On-Street Parking Inventory 0 287 438 23 16 17 722 161 15 0 5 18 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading ZoneParking SpacesDowntown Core Remaining Study Area 24 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 7 Off-Street Parking Off-street parking inventories for the surface lots were also contained within the City’s GIS data but were not sorted by restriction. The capacity for the Bridger Parking Structure was obtained from the City’s parking website and confirmed in the field. There are 612 off-street public parking spaces within the four surface lots and one structure intended for general public use. Figure 4 shows off-street parking inventory by facility. Detailed off-street parking inventory, by facility, is shown in Appendix A. Figure 4. Off-Street Parking Inventory by Facility, Core Downtown* Parking Occupancy Methodology Parking occupancy surveys were conducted for the Study Area on a typical summer weekday (Thursday, August 17, 2021) and a typical summer Saturday (Saturday, August 19, 2021). On both days, one early afternoon count and one evening occupancy count were performed. The weather for the weekday count was unseasonably cold and rainy, and for the weekend count was cooler than average and cloudy. However, overall activity levels and traffic volumes appeared to be unaffected by the prevailing weather on both days. Counts were performed manually, with counts recorded separately according to restriction type for the on-street parking and by facility for the off-street parking. Weekday Overall, on-street occupancy across the Study Area during the weekday was highest during the afternoon count. The Core Downtown Area reached 660 vehicles, or 85% occupied, and the remaining study area reached 677 vehicles, or 74% occupied during this time. The overall occupancy for both areas combined was observed at 1,337 vehicles, or about 79% occupied. 2-hour parking was the highest-demand category during the weekday afternoon, with 2-hour on-street parking in the Core Downtown Area reaching 95%. 41 28 62 46 435Parking Supply 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Willson Lot (North)Willson Lot (South)Black Lot Rouse Lot Bridger Park Garage 25 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 8 The weekday afternoon was observed to have the highest occupancy across all observation periods on both the weekday and Saturday. The overall system, including both on-street and off-street facilities, was 81% occupied during the weekday afternoon, mapped in Figure 5. However, during this time 2-Hour parking in the Core Downtown Area was higher than the aggregated study area at 86%. The overall systemwide evening occupancy for both the Core Downtown Area and remaining study area, dropped to 64%. At this time, the Core Downtown Area occupancy decreased to 69% in the evening while the remaining study area decreased to 55%. Off-street occupancy patterns correlated to those on-street, with the highest overall occupancy observed during the weekday afternoon at 89% occupied, with all facilities at or above 85% occupied. Total off-street occupancy decreased to 69% occupied in the evening, though the Willson Lots remained above 90% occupied and the Rouse Lot was 83% occupied. Figure 5. Weekday Afternoon Occupancy Heat Map Core Downtown Area Weekday Occupancy 85% Afternoon 69% Evening 26 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 9 Saturday On Saturday, on-street occupancy for the overall Study Area was highest during the afternoon count, with the Core Downtown Area reaching 77% occupied, with the remaining study area 59% occupied. Combined, occupancy was observed at approximately 68% occupied. Two-hour parking during this time experienced the highest occupation, with 2-hour on-street parking in the Core Downtown Area reaching 95%. Core Downtown Area occupancy decreased to 75% in the evening, while the remaining study area stayed consistently at 59%. The overall system evening occupancy was observed at approximately 66% occupied, however, during this time 2-Hour parking in the Core Downtown Area remained high at 93% occupied. Off-street occupancy patterns correlated to those on-street, with the highest total occupancy observed during the afternoon count at 73% occupied. In the evening, overall off-street occupancy decreased to 67%, though like the weekday, the Willson Lots and Rouse Lot remained above 90% occupied. The Bridger Park Garage reached 63% occupancy during the afternoon and 57% during the evening. Overall Occupancy Figure 6 through Figure 9 compare occupancy across all four observation periods. Figure 6. Core Downtown Area On-Street Occupancy per Observation Period by Restriction Type 223 150 174 169 418 378 415 408 781 664 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Weekday Afternoon Weekday Evening Saturday Afternoon Saturday EveningNumber of SpacesNo Overnight Parking 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Supply Effective Capacity Core Downtown Area Saturday Occupancy 77% Afternoon 75% Evening 27 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 10 Figure 7. Remaining Study Area On-Street Occupancy per Observation Period by Restriction Type Figure 8. Total Off-Street Occupancy per Observation Period by Facility 528 398 406 424 141 93 133 91 921 783 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 Weekday Afternoon Weekday Evening Saturday Afternoon Saturday EveningNumber of SpacesUnrestricted No Overnight Parking 2 Hour ADA Loading Zone Supply Effective Capacity 41 39 40 39 28 26 28 26 61 58 62 61 39 38 40 34 375 264 275 250 612 520 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Weekday Afternoon Weekday Evening Saturday Afternoon Saturday EveningNumber of SpacesWillson Lot (North)Willson Lot (South)Black Lot Rouse Lot Bridger Park Garage Supply Effective Capacity 28 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 11 Figure 9. Overall Study Area Occupancy, Off-Street and On-Street Occupancy heat maps for all observation periods along with detailed parking occupancy information, sorted by block face and restriction for on-street parking and by facility for off-street parking, are provided in Appendix A. 544 425 445 410 1,337 1,046 1,151 1,127 2,314 1,967 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 Weekday Afternoon Weekday Evening Saturday Afternoon Saturday EveningNumber of SpacesOff-Street On-Street Supply Effective Capacity 29 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 12 Parking Turnover & Length of Stay 03 30 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 13 Parking Turnover & Length of Stay Methodology Observations for length of stay, turnover, and movement collected within the Study Area on Thursday, August 17, 2021. and Saturday, August 19, 2021, were completed using mobile LPR technology. For the Core Downtown Area, including all off-street parking facilities, routes were collected every two hours from 12 PM through 10 PM. Routes were collected every four hours from 1 PM through 9 PM for the remaining on-street parking outside the Core Downtown Area. Length of Stay To estimate average consecutive lengths of stay, Walker assumed a length of stay of at least one hour, per every hour elapsed, for every instance of a license plate observation within 2-Hour parking zones (off-street and on- street), where observations were conducted every two hours. For lengths of stay within all-day parking zones, Walker assumed a length of stay of at least two hours, per every four hours elapsed, for every instance of a license plate observation. For 15/20 Minute and Loading Zone Parking, Walker assumed a length of stay of at least 7.5 minutes for each occurrence of a license plate observation, with at least an hour assumed, per every hour elapsed, for vehicles where a license plate was observed twice or more. These assumptions are necessary due to the inherent limitations of sampling periods. The number of vehicles observed as having exceeded posted time limits were parked in one place for at least 121 minutes and were present during two consecutive license plate observations and represent the number of vehicles that were certain to have exceeded time limits. However, the actual number may be higher. Average lengths of stay reported here represent license plates observed during consecutive periods only and should be considered to represent the maximum possible average. For example, a license plate observed once may have been present for any length of time between one minute and 1 hour and 59 minutes, in the case of bi- hourly observations, or between one minute and 3 hours and 59 minutes, in the case of observations every four hours. Detailed length of stay data, including the numbers and percentages of total vehicles observed every 2 hours (2-Hour parking zones) or 4 hours (all-day parking zones), is included in the Appendix. It is typically desirable to see average lengths of stay shorter than the allowed time limit for time-restricted parking. While time limits prevent long-term parkers, such as employees, from occupying convenient spaces and reducing access for customers, one unintended consequence of time-limits is the possibility of over restricting the time and limiting the potential for customers to visit multiple destinations during a trip. Higher-frequency parking turnover increases the potential for additional economic activity, supporting local businesses by maximizing the chances that some on-street parking is available for customers during high-activity times. Also, high turnover helps ensure that convenient parking is being used by the highest number of patrons per day and not simply being “camped on” by long-term parkers for storage or taking advantage of deficiencies in enforcement. In a paid parking context, high turnover can also help to reduce or eliminate subsidizing costs associated with managed parking’s operations and maintenance by the General Fund (property taxes). 31 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 14 Weekday The average length of stay on the weekday, excluding 15/20 Minute and Loading Zone parking, ranged from 1 hour and 9 minutes in the two-hour parking zones to 2 hours in the unrestricted all-day parking zones. The average length of stay for off-street parking ranged from 1 hour and 13 minutes in the Willson Lots to 1 hour and 25 minutes in the Bridger Garage. The average length of stay across all off-street facilities was about 1 hour and 18 minutes. Average weekday lengths of stay are shown in Figure 10. In all, as shown in Figure 11, 19 vehicles were observed exceeding the time limit (two or more consecutive observations) within respective time-limited parking areas. Of those, four were along Main Street. The garage was excluded as parkers in that facility can pay to stay longer than two hours, and such parkers could not be separated from the data. The Bridger Garage had the highest percentage of vehicles staying longer than two hours at 8.5%. However, the Rouse Lot had the highest percentage of vehicles staying longer than 4 hours, at 1.6%. It should be noted, in the context of this discussion, that the garage provides 2 hours of free parking which is then $1 per hour. Additionally, monthly parking permits exempt permit holders from time limits in the permit’s assigned facility. Along Main Street, within the Core Downtown Area, 94.4% stayed less than two hours while 5.4% stayed between 2 and 4 hours, with no observed stays longer than 4 hours. Average length of stay for 2-Hour on-street and off-street parking are summarized and compared in Figure 12. Figure 10. Average Weekday Consecutive Length of Stay by On-Street Restriction/Off-Street Facility Figure 11. Weekday Number of Vehicles Exceeding Time Limit within Time-Restricted Areas (Excluding Garage) 0:13 1:09 2:00 1:11 1:13 1:17 1:21 1:25 0:00 0:14 0:28 0:43 0:57 1:12 1:26 1:40 1:55 2:09 15/20 Min 2 Hour All Day (Includes ADA) Main Street Willson Lots Black Lot Rouse Lot GarageAverage Length of Stay (Hours:Minutes)2 5 4 1 7 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15/20 Min 2 Hour Main Street Willson Lots Black Lot Rouse LotNumber of Vehicles Exceeding Time Limit within Time-Restricted Areas (Excluding Garage)32 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 15 Figure 12. Weekday Consecutive Length of Stay by Percent, 2-Hour On-Street and Aggregated Off-Street Facilities Saturday The average length of stay on the Saturday, excluding 15/20 Minute and Loading Zone parking, ranged from 1 hour and 11 minutes in the two-hour parking zones to 2 hours in the unrestricted all-day parking zones. The average length of stay for off-street parking ranged from 1 hour and 18 minutes in the Bridger Garage and Black Lot to one hour and 24 minutes in the Rouse Lot. The average length of stay across all off-street facilities was the same as for the weekday, about 1 hour and 18 minutes. Average Saturday lengths of stay are shown in Figure 13. In all, as shown in Figure 14, about 20 vehicles were observed exceeding the time limit (two or more consecutive observations) within respective time-limited parking areas, though not all vehicles violated the City’s “Rolling Rule.3” This movement may indicate evasion of time limits by area employees, moving to avoid time limits by customers visiting multiple destinations, or customers moving between multiple destinations because it is perceived as more convenient or accessible than walking. Of those that did violate the rolling rule, one was along Main Street. The Garage was excluded as parkers in that facility can pay to stay for longer than two hours, and these paid or permitted parkers could not be identified in the data. The Rouse Lot had the highest percentage of vehicles staying longer than two hours at 8.8%. No off-street facility was observed to have a vehicle definitively parked consecutively for more than four hours. Along Main Street, within the Core Downtown Area, 95.0% stayed less than two hours while 5.0% stayed between 2 and 4 hours, with no observed stays longer than 4 hours. Average length of stay for 2-Hour on-street and off-street parking are summarized and compared in Figure 15. 3 “In 2003, the Bozeman City Commission adopted a new law to prevent someone from moving their vehicle within the same block or parking lot to avoid the time limit. Moving your vehicle within the same 'block face' - same side and same block of street - to avoid the 2-hour limit, or leaving to return to the same block face or lot within 3 hours, may result in an overtime parking fine. (Section 36.04.260 Bozeman Municipal Code)” - https://www.bozeman.net/government/parking 96% 4% 0% 0% 94% 6% 1% 0% 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% 2 Hours or Less 2 to 4 Hours 4 to 6 Hours 6 Hours or More All Off-Street Parking 2-Hour On-Street Parking 33 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 16 Figure 13. Average Saturday Consecutive Length of Stay by On-Street Restriction or Off-Street Facility Figure 14. Saturday Number of Vehicles Exceeding Time Limit within Time-Restricted Areas (Excluding Garage) Figure 15. Saturday Consecutive Length of Stay by Percent, 2-Hour On-Street and Aggregated Off-Street Facilities 0:11 1:11 2:00 1:10 1:19 1:18 1:24 1:18 0:00 0:28 0:57 1:26 1:55 2:24 15/20 Min 2 Hour All Day (Includes ADA) Main Street Willson Lots Black Lot Rouse Lot GarageAverage Length of Stay (Hours:Minutes)0 9 1 9 0 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 15/20 Min 2 Hour Main Street Willson Lots Black Lot Rouse LotNumber of Vehicles Exceeding Time Limit within Time-Restricted Areas (Excluding Garage)95% 5% 0% 0% 93% 7% 1% 0% 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% 2 Hours or Less 2 to 4 Hours 4 to 6 Hours 6 Hours or More All Off-Street Parking 2-Hour On-Street Parking 34 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 17 Movement Analysis While frequent turnover of parking spaces is encouraged and desirable within any managed or time-limited parking area, vehicles that repark in the Study Area at multiple locations throughout the day effectively reduce the actual turnover and availability of parking. Essentially, these vehicles continue to occupy space consistently within a managed zone, reducing overall accessibility for others. The City of Bozeman has a “rolling rule” in place, which states that vehicles are only allowed to park for one two- hour period per day per block face. Simply re-parking in a different space on the same block does not reset the clock, and such vehicles are subject to citation. The “rolling rule” also applies to the off-street parking facilities, where parkers cannot simply relocate to a different space within the same facility. However, the “rolling rule” currently does not apply to the overall Study Area, meaning that movements to different time-restricted parking spaces on a different block face, or within a different off-street facility, are currently not prohibited. There are other important reasons to discourage such behavior. In a dense, walkable area such as Downtown Bozeman, the levels of pedestrian activity and circulating vehicular traffic are very high for most of the day. Systems where people can park once reduce traffic congestion related to circulating vehicles looking for re-park opportunities because those people walk instead of driving to reach multiple destinations. This reduction in parking-related traffic has positive safety implications. It can reduce the number of interactions between vehicles searching for a space, as well as with bicycles and pedestrians, and support reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, people are more likely to use off-street parking if they will be parking once per day for a longer period of time, especially if there are incentives, such as reduced cost or longer time limits, compared to on-street options. Also, a system where people park once naturally functions as more of a shared parking system. With shared parking, patrons and employees are not competing to park in front of or as close to their intended destination as possible, reducing spillover parking demand’s negative effects. For the movement analysis, a “movement” constituted a license plate that was observed at two different points, using geolocated coordinates, occurring at least approximately a quarter to a half-block apart or more to account for the margin of error related to GPS accuracy. Weekday In all, about 14 vehicles were observed to move within the time-limited on-street parking area and stay more than two hours, with an additional four vehicles moving between time-limited and unrestricted parking for a period exceeding two hours. Two vehicles were observed to have violated the “rolling rule” in place. Six vehicles made more than one movement. In all, about 107 unique movements of a quarter of a block or more were observed across the day. However, 44 of those were non-consecutive movements, such as vehicles leaving in the morning from an unrestricted block face and returning to a different parking space in the evening. There were 51 consecutive movements involving time-restricted parking, where at least one of the locations was time-restricted, and 26 consecutive movements where all locations were time restricted, either off-street or on-street. Figure 16 highlights movement statistics on the weekday, with weekday movements summarized by type in Figure 17. 35 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 18 Figure 16. Key Weekday Movement Statistics Key Movement Statistic Number of Movements Number of Vehicles Making Consecutive Time Restricted Movements (On Street to On Street): 14 Number of Vehicles Making Consecutive Time Restricted Movements (Surface Lot to On Street): 4 Number of Vehicles Making Consecutive On-Street Time Restricted Movements on Same Block Face: 2 Total Number of On-Street-Only Movements: 81 Total Number of Off-Street to On-Street Movements: 25 Total Number of Vehicles Making More than One Movement: 6 Total Number of Observed Movements: 107 Figure 17. Number of Weekday Observed Movements within Study Area by Type Figure 18 maps observed parked vehicle movements within the Study Area across the weekday. This analysis is intended to display the amount of additional traffic congestion generated by vehicles that are re-parking throughout the day within the area. These parkers may be trying to evade time restrictions by moving vehicles within time-limited areas or area residents driving from their homes to one of the off-street parking facilities. 5 4 8 2 0 29 18 32 6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Moved between Surface andUnrestricted On StreetMoved between Garage andUnrestricted On-StreetMoved between Surface and 2-Hour On StreetMoved between Garage and 2-Hour On-StreetMoved between Garage andSurfaceMoved between Unrestrictedand 2 HourMoved between UnrestrictedOnlyMoved between 2 Hour OnlyOtherOff to On-Street or On to Off-Street Movements On-Street Only MovementsNumber of Vehicles that Moved36 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 19 Figure 18. All Observed Weekday Vehicle Movements Saturday In all, about 18 vehicles were observed to move within the time-limited on-street parking area and stay more than two hours, with an additional four vehicles moving between time-limited and unrestricted parking for a period greater than two hours. Four vehicles were observed to have violated the “rolling rule” in place. Five vehicles made more than one movement. In all, about 104 movements of a quarter of a block or more were observed across the day. However, 52 of those were non-consecutive movements, such as vehicles leaving in the morning from an unrestricted block face and returning to a different parking space in the evening. There were 44 consecutive movements involving time- restricted parking, where at least one of the locations was time-restricted, and 29 consecutive movements where all locations were time restricted, either off-street or on-street. Figure 19 highlights movement statistics on Saturday, with Saturday movements summarized by type in Figure 20. 37 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 20 Figure 19. Selected Key Saturday Movement Statistics Key Movement Statistic Number of Movements Number of Vehicles Making Consecutive Time Restricted Movements (On Street to On Street): 18 Number of Vehicles Making Consecutive Time Restricted Movements (Surface Lot to On Street): 4 Number of Vehicles Making Consecutive On-Street Time Restricted Movements on Same Block Face: 4 Total Number of On-Street-Only Movements: 85 Total Number of Off-Street to On-Street Movements: 19 Total Number of Vehicles Making More than One Movement: 5 Total Number of Movements: 104 Figure 20. Number of Saturday Observed Movements within Study Area by Type Figure 21 maps observed parked vehicle movements within the Study Area across the day on Saturday. This analysis is intended to display the amount of additional traffic congestion generated by vehicles that are re- parking throughout the day within the area. 5 4 8 2 0 29 18 32 6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Moved between Surface andUnrestricted On StreetMoved between Garage andUnrestricted On-StreetMoved between Surface and 2-Hour On StreetMoved between Garage and 2-Hour On-StreetMoved between Garage andSurfaceMoved between Unrestrictedand 2 HourMoved between UnrestrictedOnlyMoved between 2 Hour OnlyOtherOff-Street to On-Street Movements On-Street Only MovementsNumber of Vehicles that Moved38 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 21 Figure 21. All Observed Saturday Vehicle Movements 39 Next Steps for Consideration 04 40 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 23 Next Steps for Consideration The City of Bozeman’s downtown parking system has been a part of six plans and studies since 2010. Previous studies and plans pertaining to parking in Downtown Bozeman include: • Downtown Bozeman Parking Study (Western Transportation Institute, Montana State University, 2012) • Downtown Bozeman Parking Study (Western Transportation Institute, Montana State University, 2014) • Downtown Strategic Parking Management Plan (Rick Williams Consulting, 2017) • City of Bozeman Parking Study (Western Transportation Institute, Montana State University, 2017) • Bridger Park Garage Expansion Study (DCI Engineers, 2019) • Downtown Bozeman Structured Parking – Feasibility Study (Sanderson Stewart, 2019) One of the consistent themes from the previous studies is that parking occupancy within the Core Downtown Area, as defined in this document, and in the off-street facilities, has been high for many years and has steadily trended towards being effectively full during peak times. One of the Guiding Principles of the Strategic Parking Management Plan uses an “85% Rule” as a parking occupancy standard to inform and guide decision-making. The “85% Rule” suggested in the 2016 Parking Management Plan states, “When the parking supply is routinely occupied at 85% or greater during peak periods, more intensive and aggressive management strategies are called for to assist priority customers in finding available parking. This ‘85% Rule’ will inform decisions regarding time stays, enforcement, and other issues related to capacity management.” While this “rule” is derived from an industry-accepted standard, known as Effective Capacity, when considered on its own it fails to account for other factors that can and will have a significant impact on the parking system’s operations and customer experience. Effective capacity is defined as the level of occupation at which customers struggle to find available parking spaces within a facility. Because facilities operate at different levels, basing decisions on an aggregated systemwide analysis of effective capacity will cause core, high-demand facilities to be over utilized while perimeter facilities remain empty. This contributes to traffic congestion as parkers circulate streets and parking lots, increasing potential conflicts among vehicles and pedestrians and cyclists, as well as increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Further, waiting until effective capacity is reached means action was taken too late and the customer experience is already declining. Enhanced parking management strategies, whether related to adjusting time limits, enforcement, or pricing, require planning, community education, technology procurement, staff training, and other implementation considerations should be undertaken before a problem arises. When considered on its own, the “85% Rule” fails to account for other factors that can and will have a significant impact on the parking system’s operations and customer experience. 41 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 24 Proactive parking management can significantly improve the parking experience and contribute to a more positive Downtown experience for employees, customers, and visitors relative to reactive management. A parking system managed proactively looks at not only the existing parking environment, but considers the community’s master planning activities, transportation trends, and projected growth and distribution of population and employment. No single benchmark, considered on its without additional context, represents a best practice. For example, parking at a multi-family residential development may routinely exceed 95% occupied, but because residents exhibit habitual parking patterns, parking in the same spaces at the same time of day, the experience is not perceived negatively by the system users. Alternatively, it would not be uncommon for a medical center that experiences a high degree of irregular visitors, who are generally not familiar with the campus or its parking facilities, to received complaints of lack of parking availability when the system reaches 75% to 80% occupied. Pricing may also be considered for reasons beyond demand management, particularly in areas with lower price sensitivity. Managed parking systems generate costs related to their ongoing operations and maintenance, and for future investments in capital projects to support a growing district’s transportation needs. Options for funding these activities include one or a combination of strategies such as taking on debt through conventional financing or issuance of bonds, by creating a parking tax district, allowing for parking payment in lieu of new developments, operating as part of a parking authority or enterprise fund, or charging user fees. User fees, or paid parking, can reduce or eliminate subsidizing Downtown parking management with citywide property tax revenue from the General Fund and instead having those that utilize and benefit from it the most provide for its financial burden. This parking study concludes that, as of 2021, parking occupancy in the Core Downtown Area consistently reaches, and in many areas exceeds, 85% during weekday afternoons. Also, while average lengths of stay appear to be well within the two-hour time window for most time-limited parking, “re-parking” of vehicles within the time-limited parking areas, as shown in the movement analysis, is a frequent occurrence. For these reasons, the City should consider implementing active management strategies, specifically implementation of paid parking. Parking user fees will not only support management of the existing system’s operations and maintenance but provide potential reinvestment in the B-3 District’s future transportation needs. This will support efficient and effective use of parking resources, maximizing benefit for both the City and for all the user groups that rely on Downtown parking. A list of potential next steps to be disused and evaluated are as follows, including but not limited to: • Extending the “rolling rule” to all time- limited parking within B-3 District to minimize “re-parking” • Evaluation of paid parking and its ability to support the parking program or other mobility initiatives • Expanding the Parking Benefit Zones (PBZ) to include the areas immediately to the north or south of Downtown • Evaluate parking enforcement technologies and practices • Increasing number of block faces that are time limited • Expansion of Bridger Park Garage • Adding additional structured public parking • Evaluate feasibility of remote parking • Adjusting time limits for both on-street and off-street parking to further incentivize off- street parking over on-street parking • Adjusting fines, penalties, and other parking ordinances • Formulating a curbside management plan and strategies 42 Appendices 05 43 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 26 Appendix A. Parking Supply and Occupancy On-Street Parking Inventory Figure 22. Parking Inventory by Corridor, Block Segment, Side of Street, and Parking Restriction Type (Streets) Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 M inute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 M inute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 M inute ADA Loading Zone Grand to Willson 9 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 17 - - - - - 17 Willson to Tracy - 8 - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 8 - - - - 14 Tracy to Black 9 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 18 - - - - - 18 3rd to Grand 6 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 14 - - - - - 14 Grand to Willson 8 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 18 - - - - - 18 Willson to Tracy 9 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 16 - - - - - 16 Tracy to Black 9 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 21 - - - - - 21 Black to Bozeman 10 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 21 - - - - - 21 3rd to Grand 8 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 16 - - - - - 16 Grand to Willson 8 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 14 - - - - - 14 Willson to Tracy 11 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 22 - - - - - 22 Tracy to Black 11 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 19 - - - - - 19 Black to Bozeman 9 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 18 - - - - - 18 Bozeman to Montana 9 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 14 - - - - - 14 Montana to Rouse - 8 - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 8 - - - - 17 Rouse to Church 8 - - - - - - 1 - - - - 8 1 - - - - 9 Church to Wallace 11 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 23 - - - - - 23 5th to 3rd - 23 - - - - - 16 - - - - - 39 - - - - 39 3rd to Grand - 5 2 - - - - 6 - - - - - 11 2 - - - 13 Grand to Willson - 2 3 - - - - 6 - - - - - 8 3 - - - 11 Willson to Tracy - - 7 - 1 - - - 8 - - - - - 15 - 1 - 16 Tracy to Black - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Black to Bozeman - - 7 - 1 - - - 8 - - - - - 15 - 1 - 16 Bozeman to Rouse - - 9 - 1 4 - - 12 - - - - - 21 - 1 4 26 Rouse to Church - 7 - 5 - - - 9 - - - - - 16 - 5 - - 21 Church to Wallace - 13 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 21 - - - - 21 Wallace to Broadway 21 - - - - - 16 - - - - - 37 - - - - - 37 5th to 3rd - - 14 - 1 - - - 20 - - 2 - - 34 - 1 2 37 3rd to Grand - - 8 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 16 - - - 16 Grand to Willson - - 8 - 1 - - - 6 - - - - - 14 - 1 - 15 Willson to Tracy - - 10 1 - - - - 11 - - - - - 21 1 - - 22 Tracy to Black - - 10 - 1 - - - 12 1 - - - - 22 1 1 - 24 Black to Bozeman - - 11 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 22 - - - 22 Bozeman to Rouse - - 17 - 1 1 - - 18 - 1 - - - 35 - 2 1 38 Rouse to Church - - 11 - 1 - - - 11 - - - - - 22 - 1 - 23 Church to Wallace - 6 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 15 - - - - 15 Wallace to Broadway - 8 10 - - - - 16 - - - - - 24 10 - - - 34 5th to 4th - 7 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 18 - - - - 18 4th to 3rd - 3 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 9 - - - - 9 3rd to Grand - - - - - - - 11 - - - - - 11 - - - - 11 Grand to Willson - - 6 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 12 - - - 12 Willson to Tracy - - 4 - - 1 - - 5 - 1 2 - - 9 - 1 3 13 Tracy to Black - - - 5 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 16 - - 16 Black to Bozeman - - - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 - - - - 8 Bozeman to Rouse - 9 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 21 - - - - 21 Rouse to Church - 9 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 19 - - - - 19 Church to Wallace - 9 - - - - - 7 - - 1 - - 16 - - 1 - 17 4th to 3rd 4 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 3rd to Grand 8 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 17 - - - - - 17 Grand to Willson - 8 - - - 1 - 7 - - - - - 15 - - - 1 16 Willson to Tracy - 6 - - 1 - - 9 - - - - - 15 - - 1 - 16 Tracy to Black - 6 - - - - - 2 5 - - - - 8 5 - - - 13 Black to Bozeman - 3 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 8 - - - - 8 Church to Wallace 12 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 23 - - - - - 23 Curtiss Street Church to Wallace 12 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 24 - - - - - 24 - 93 127 11 8 6 - 119 136 12 3 4 - 212 263 23 11 10 519 192 47 10 - 1 1 192 40 5 - - - 384 87 15 - 1 1 488 192 140 137 11 9 7 192 159 141 12 3 4 384 299 278 23 12 11 1,007 Total (All) Total (Core Area) Total (Outside Core Area) Total (All) Both Sides Main Street Supply Mendenhall Street South Olive Street North Villard Street Beall Street Lamme Street Babcock Street Corridor Corridor Segment 44 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 27 On-Street Parking Occupancy (Numbers) The peak observation period is highlighted in yellow. Figure 23. Weekday Afternoon Parking Occupancy by Corridor, Block Segment, Side of Street, and Parking Restriction Type (Streets) Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 M inute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 M inute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 M inute ADA Loading Zone Grand to Willson 7 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 12 Willson to Tracy - 7 - - - - 5 - - - - - 5 7 - - - - 12 Tracy to Black 5 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 11 3rd to Grand 2 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 Grand to Willson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Willson to Tracy 11 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 21 - - - - - 21 Tracy to Black 9 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 21 - - - - - 21 Black to Bozeman 9 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 18 - - - - - 18 3rd to Grand 9 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 17 - - - - - 17 Grand to Willson 10 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 17 - - - - - 17 Willson to Tracy 13 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 24 - - - - - 24 Tracy to Black 12 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 24 - - - - - 24 Black to Bozeman 9 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 20 - - - - - 20 Bozeman to Montana 7 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 11 Montana to Rouse - 6 - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 6 - - - - 14 Rouse to Church 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 Church to Wallace 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 5th to 3rd - 19 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 28 - - - - 28 3rd to Grand - 6 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 13 - - - - 13 Grand to Willson - 2 2 - - - - 7 - - - - - 9 2 - - - 11 Willson to Tracy - - 8 - 1 - - - 8 - - - - - 16 - 1 - 17 Tracy to Black - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Black to Bozeman - - 7 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 16 - - - 16 Bozeman to Rouse - - 9 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 19 - - - 19 Rouse to Church - 5 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 12 - - - - 12 Church to Wallace - 7 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 14 - - - - 14 Wallace to Broadway 14 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 21 - - - - - 21 5th to 3rd - - 10 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 18 - - - 18 3rd to Grand - - 7 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 13 - - - 13 Grand to Willson - - 8 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 14 - - - 14 Willson to Tracy - - 12 - - - - - 15 - - - - - 27 - - - 27 Tracy to Black - - 9 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 21 - - - 21 Black to Bozeman - - 10 - - - - - 13 - - - - - 23 - - - 23 Bozeman to Rouse - - 18 - - - - - 15 - - - - - 33 - - - 33 Rouse to Church - - 11 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 22 - - - 22 Church to Wallace - 4 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 10 - - - - 10 Wallace to Broadway - 4 5 - - - - 7 - - - - - 11 5 - - - 16 5th to 4th - 4 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 7 - - - - 7 4th to 3rd - 4 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 7 - - - - 7 3rd to Grand - - - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 - - - - 8 Grand to Willson - - 5 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 12 - - - 12 Willson to Tracy - - 4 - - 1 - - 6 - 1 - - - 10 - 1 1 12 Tracy to Black - - - 6 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 14 - - 14 Black to Bozeman - - - - - - - 12 - - - - - 12 - - - - 12 Bozeman to Rouse - 9 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 20 - - - - 20 Rouse to Church - 8 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 17 - - - - 17 Church to Wallace - 8 - - - - - 5 - - 1 - - 13 - - 1 - 14 4th to 3rd 4 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 3rd to Grand 7 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 13 - - - - - 13 Grand to Willson - 6 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 14 - - - - 14 Willson to Tracy - 6 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 14 - - - - 14 Tracy to Black - 6 - - - - - 2 3 - - - - 8 3 - - - 11 Black to Bozeman - 4 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 10 - - - - 10 Church to Wallace - - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 Curtiss Street Church to Wallace 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 - 76 120 6 1 1 - 94 126 8 2 - - 170 246 14 3 1 434 134 39 5 - - - 139 31 3 - - - 273 70 8 - - - 351 134 115 125 6 1 1 139 125 129 8 2 - 273 240 254 14 3 1 785 Total (Outside Core Area) Total (All) Mendenhall Street Main Street Babcock Street Olive Street Total (Core Area) Corridor Corridor Segment Villard Street Beall Street Lamme Street Weekday Afternoon Demand North South Both Sides Total (All) 45 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 28 Figure 24. Weekday Evening Parking Occupancy by Corridor, Block Segment, Side of Street, and Parking Restriction Type (Streets) Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 M inute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 M inute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 M inute ADA Loading Zone Grand to Willson 3 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 5 Willson to Tracy - 4 - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 4 - - - - 6 Tracy to Black 6 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 11 3rd to Grand 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 Grand to Willson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Willson to Tracy 8 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 15 - - - - - 15 Tracy to Black 4 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 13 - - - - - 13 Black to Bozeman 9 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 16 - - - - - 16 3rd to Grand 7 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 11 Grand to Willson 7 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 13 - - - - - 13 Willson to Tracy 11 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 23 - - - - - 23 Tracy to Black 9 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 19 - - - - - 19 Black to Bozeman 8 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 18 - - - - - 18 Bozeman to Montana 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 Montana to Rouse - 3 - - - - 3 - - - - - 3 3 - - - - 6 Rouse to Church 3 - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - 3 Church to Wallace 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 5th to 3rd - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - 6 - - - - 6 3rd to Grand - 5 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 9 - - - - 9 Grand to Willson - 3 3 - - - - 6 - - - - - 9 3 - - - 12 Willson to Tracy - - 9 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 14 - - - 14 Tracy to Black - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Black to Bozeman - - 7 - 1 - - - 8 - - - - - 15 - 1 - 16 Bozeman to Rouse - - 11 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 21 - - - 21 Rouse to Church - 3 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 7 - - - - 7 Church to Wallace - 8 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 13 - - - - 13 Wallace to Broadway 15 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 18 - - - - - 18 5th to 3rd - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - 2 3rd to Grand - - 3 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 8 - - - 8 Grand to Willson - - 8 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 15 - - - 15 Willson to Tracy - - 11 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 19 - - - 19 Tracy to Black - - 9 - - - - - 7 1 - - - - 16 1 - - 17 Black to Bozeman - - 12 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 24 - - - 24 Bozeman to Rouse - - 21 - - - - - 20 - 1 - - - 41 - 1 - 42 Rouse to Church - - 9 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 21 - - - 21 Church to Wallace - 5 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 9 - - - - 9 Wallace to Broadway - 8 10 - - - - 3 - - - - - 11 10 - - - 21 5th to 4th - 1 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 3 - - - - 3 4th to 3rd - 2 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 5 - - - - 5 3rd to Grand - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 Grand to Willson - - 2 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 7 - - - 7 Willson to Tracy - - 3 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 10 - - - 10 Tracy to Black - - - 4 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 6 - - 6 Black to Bozeman - - - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 - - - - 6 Bozeman to Rouse - 7 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 13 - - - - 13 Rouse to Church - 4 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 9 - - - - 9 Church to Wallace - 8 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 16 - - - - 16 4th to 3rd 2 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 5 3rd to Grand 3 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 Grand to Willson - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - 2 Willson to Tracy - 4 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 11 - - - - 11 Tracy to Black - 4 - - - - - - 2 - - - - 4 2 - - - 6 Black to Bozeman - 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 8 - - - - 8 Church to Wallace 2 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 Curtiss Street Church to Wallace 3 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 10 - 52 110 4 1 - - 54 106 3 1 - - 106 216 7 2 - 331 108 29 10 - - - 104 14 2 - - - 212 43 12 - - - 267 108 81 120 4 1 - 104 68 108 3 1 - 212 149 228 7 2 - 598 Babcock Street Olive Street Total (Core Area) Total (Outside Core Area) Total (All) Villard Street Beall Street Lamme Street Mendenhall Street Main Street Weekday Evening Demand North South Both Sides Total (All)Corridor Corridor Segment 46 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 29 Figure 25. Saturday Afternoon Parking Occupancy by Corridor, Block Segment, Side of Street, and Parking Restriction Type (Streets) Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 M inute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 M inute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 M inute ADA Loading Zone Grand to Willson 4 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 Willson to Tracy - 5 - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 5 - - - - 9 Tracy to Black 5 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 10 3rd to Grand 1 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 Grand to Willson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Willson to Tracy 10 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 18 - - - - - 18 Tracy to Black 6 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 16 - - - - - 16 Black to Bozeman 7 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 11 3rd to Grand 6 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 11 Grand to Willson 9 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 16 - - - - - 16 Willson to Tracy 7 - - - - - 13 - - - - - 20 - - - - - 20 Tracy to Black 12 - - - - - 13 - - - - - 25 - - - - - 25 Black to Bozeman 8 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 18 - - - - - 18 Bozeman to Montana 3 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 Montana to Rouse - 2 - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 2 - - - - 4 Rouse to Church - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Church to Wallace 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 5th to 3rd - 8 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 12 - - - - 12 3rd to Grand - 5 2 - - - - 6 - - - - - 11 2 - - - 13 Grand to Willson - 2 2 - - - - 6 - - - - - 8 2 - - - 10 Willson to Tracy - - 8 - 1 - - - 6 - - - - - 14 - 1 - 15 Tracy to Black - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Black to Bozeman - - 4 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 11 - - - 11 Bozeman to Rouse - - 8 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 16 - - - 16 Rouse to Church - 5 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 11 - - - - 11 Church to Wallace - 6 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 13 - - - - 13 Wallace to Broadway 7 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 5th to 3rd - - 9 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 18 - - - 18 3rd to Grand - - 8 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 12 - - - 12 Grand to Willson - - 10 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 17 - - - 17 Willson to Tracy - - 14 - - - - - 13 - - - - - 27 - - - 27 Tracy to Black - - 10 - 1 - - - 14 1 - - - - 24 1 1 - 26 Black to Bozeman - - 11 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 22 - - - 22 Bozeman to Rouse - - 19 - - - - - 23 - - - - - 42 - - - 42 Rouse to Church - - 10 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 19 - - - 19 Church to Wallace - 3 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 8 - - - - 8 Wallace to Broadway - 3 4 - - - - 7 - - - - - 10 4 - - - 14 5th to 4th - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 4th to 3rd - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 3rd to Grand - - - - - - - 11 - - - - - 11 - - - - 11 Grand to Willson - - 5 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 12 - - - 12 Willson to Tracy - - 6 - - - - - 6 - 1 - - - 12 - 1 - 13 Tracy to Black - - - 5 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 11 - - 11 Black to Bozeman - - - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 - - - - 8 Bozeman to Rouse - 10 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 17 - - - - 17 Rouse to Church - 6 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 14 - - - - 14 Church to Wallace - 7 - - - - - 8 - - 1 - - 15 - - 1 - 16 4th to 3rd - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 3rd to Grand 7 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 Grand to Willson - 7 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 15 - - - - 15 Willson to Tracy - 6 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 14 - - - - 14 Tracy to Black - 6 - - - - - 3 2 - - - - 9 2 - - - 11 Black to Bozeman - 5 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 11 - - - - 11 Church to Wallace 2 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 Curtiss Street Church to Wallace - - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 - 52 126 5 2 - - 78 124 7 2 - - 130 250 12 4 - 396 95 34 4 - - - 108 32 2 - - - 203 66 6 - - - 275 95 86 130 5 2 - 108 110 126 7 2 - 203 196 256 12 4 - 671 Corridor Corridor Segment Villard Street Beall Street Lamme Street Mendenhall Street Main Street Babcock Street Olive Street Total (Core Area) Total (Outside Core Area) Total (All) Saturday Afternoon Demand North South Both Sides Total (All) 47 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 30 Figure 26. Saturday Evening Parking Occupancy by Corridor, Block Segment, Side of Street, and Parking Restriction Type (Streets) Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 M inute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 M inute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 M inute ADA Loading Zone Grand to Willson 4 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 Willson to Tracy - 5 - - - - 5 - - - - - 5 5 - - - - 10 Tracy to Black 7 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 12 3rd to Grand 1 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 5 Grand to Willson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Willson to Tracy 11 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 18 - - - - - 18 Tracy to Black 8 - - - - - 13 - - - - - 21 - - - - - 21 Black to Bozeman 5 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 12 3rd to Grand 7 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 13 - - - - - 13 Grand to Willson 9 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 16 - - - - - 16 Willson to Tracy 7 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 19 - - - - - 19 Tracy to Black 11 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 22 - - - - - 22 Black to Bozeman 7 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 17 - - - - - 17 Bozeman to Montana 3 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 Montana to Rouse - 2 - - - - 5 - - - - - 5 2 - - - - 7 Rouse to Church 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 Church to Wallace 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 5th to 3rd - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - - - - 5 3rd to Grand - 3 3 - - - - 5 - - - - - 8 3 - - - 11 Grand to Willson - 2 3 - - - - 5 - - - - - 7 3 - - - 10 Willson to Tracy - - 8 - 1 - - - 5 - - - - - 13 - 1 - 14 Tracy to Black - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Black to Bozeman - - 7 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 16 - - - 16 Bozeman to Rouse - - 12 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 23 - - - 23 Rouse to Church - 4 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 11 - - - - 11 Church to Wallace - 10 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 14 - - - - 14 Wallace to Broadway 9 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 13 - - - - - 13 5th to 3rd - - 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 8 - - - 8 3rd to Grand - - 7 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 13 - - - 13 Grand to Willson - - 8 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 13 - - - 13 Willson to Tracy - - 11 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 22 - - - 22 Tracy to Black - - 12 - 1 - - - 12 - - - - - 24 - 1 - 25 Black to Bozeman - - 12 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 24 - - - 24 Bozeman to Rouse - - 18 - 1 - - - 21 - - - - - 39 - 1 - 40 Rouse to Church - - 9 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 20 - - - 20 Church to Wallace - 5 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 10 - - - - 10 Wallace to Broadway - - 17 - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 17 - - - 26 5th to 4th - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - 2 4th to 3rd - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - 2 3rd to Grand - - - - - - - 11 - - - - - 11 - - - - 11 Grand to Willson - - 5 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 12 - - - 12 Willson to Tracy - - 4 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 11 - - - 11 Tracy to Black - - - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - - 5 Black to Bozeman - - - - - - - 10 - - - - - 10 - - - - 10 Bozeman to Rouse - 8 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 13 - - - - 13 Rouse to Church - 6 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 13 - - - - 13 Church to Wallace - 9 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 17 - - - - 17 4th to 3rd 1 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 3 3rd to Grand 9 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 16 - - - - - 16 Grand to Willson - 3 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 8 - - - - 8 Willson to Tracy - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 Tracy to Black - 1 - - - - - - 3 - - - - 1 3 - - - 4 Black to Bozeman - 3 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 8 - - - - 8 Church to Wallace 1 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 Curtiss Street Church to Wallace - - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 - 52 123 5 3 - - 71 121 - - - - 123 244 5 3 - 375 103 15 17 - - - 127 19 3 - - - 230 34 20 - - - 284 103 67 140 5 3 - 127 90 124 - - - 230 157 264 5 3 - 659 Corridor Corridor Segment Villard Street Beall Street Lamme Street Mendenhall Street Main Street Babcock Street Olive Street Total (Core Area) Total (Outside Core Area) Total (All) Saturday Evening Demand North South Both Sides Total (All) 48 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 31 Figure 27. Parking Inventory by Corridor, Block Segment, Side of Street, and Parking Restriction Type (Avenues) Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Mendenhall to Main - 3 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 11 - - - - 11 Main to Babcock - 4 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 9 - - - - 9 4th Avenue Babcock to Olive 11 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 20 - - - - - 20 Beall to Lamme 5 - - - 1 - 5 - - - - - 10 - - - 1 - 11 Lamme to Mendenhall 9 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 18 - - - - - 18 Mendelhall to Main - - 6 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 14 - - - 14 Main to Babcock - 7 - - 1 - - 8 - - - - - 15 - - 1 - 16 Villard to Beall - - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 Beall to Lamme - - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 Lamme to Mendenhall - - - - - - 11 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 11 Mendenhall to Main - - 7 - - - - 3 4 - 2 - - 3 11 - 2 - 16 Main to Babcock - - 7 - - 2 - 3 4 - - - - 3 11 - - 2 16 Babcock to Olive 6 - - - 1 2 9 - - - - 2 15 - - - 1 4 20 Villard to Beall 9 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 18 - - - - - 18 Beall to Lamme - 6 - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 6 - - - - 8 Lamme to Mendenhall - 7 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 16 - - - - 16 Mendenhall to Main - - - - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 - - - 8 Main to Babcock - - 6 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 17 - - - 17 Babcock to Olive - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Olive to Curtiss 9 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 19 - - - - - 19 Villard to Beall - - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 Beall to Lamme - - - - - - - 3 - - 1 - - 3 - - 1 - 4 Lamme to Mendenhall - - - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 - - - - 9 Mendenhall to Main - - 10 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 14 - - - 14 Main to Babcock - - 7 - 1 - - - 8 - - - - - 15 - 1 - 16 Babcock to Olive - 3 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 12 - - - - 12 Olive to Curtiss 9 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 15 - - - - - 15 Villard to Beall 10 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 20 - - - - - 20 Beall to Lamme 4 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 Lamme to Mendenhall - 6 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 15 - - - - 15 Mendenhall to Main - - 8 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 16 - - - 16 Main to Babcock - - 7 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 13 - - - 13 Babcock to Olive - 8 - - - - - 5 - - 1 - - 13 - - 1 - 14 Olive to Curtiss - - - - - - 7 - - - - 1 7 - - - - 1 8 Beall to Lamme 2 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 Lamme to Mendenhall 8 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 14 - - - - - 14 Mendenhall to Main - - 8 - 1 - - - 10 - - - - - 18 - 1 - 19 Main to Babcock - - 6 - - - - - 5 - - 5 - - 11 - - 5 16 Babcock to Olive 8 - - - - - - - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 Olive to Curtiss 12 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 21 - - - - - 21 Lamme to Mendenhall - - - - - 12 6 - - - - - 6 - - - - 12 18 Mendenhall to Main - - 7 - - - - - - - - - - - 7 - - - 7 Main to Babcock - 3 4 - - - - 4 4 - - - - 7 8 - - - 15 Babcock to Olive 7 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 17 - - - - - 17 Lamme to Mendenhall 11 - - - - - - - - - - - 11 - - - - - 11 Mendenhall to Main - 7 - - - - - - 8 - - - - 7 8 - - - 15 Main to Babcock - 5 - - - - - 4 4 - - - - 9 4 - - - 13 Babcock to Olive 9 - - - - - - - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 Lamme to Mendenhall 9 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 14 - - - - - 14 Mendenhall to Main - 4 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 11 - - - - 11 Main to Babcock - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Babcock to Olive 12 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 23 - - - - - 23 Olive to Curtiss 12 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 22 - - - - - 22 Broadway Avenue Mendenhall to Main 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 - 33 83 - 3 2 - 42 92 - 2 5 - 75 175 - 5 7 262 164 30 - - 2 14 174 44 - - 2 3 338 74 - - 4 17 433 164 63 83 - 5 16 174 86 92 - 4 8 338 149 175 - 9 24 695 Both Sides Total (All) Supply Corridor Corridor Segment WestEast Bozeman Avenue Rouse Avenue Church Avenue 5th Avenue 3rd Avenue Grand Avenue Tracy Avenue Willson Avenue Black Avenue Wallace Avenue Total (Core Area) Total (Outside Core Area) Total (All) 49 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 32 Figure 28. Weekday Afternoon Parking Occupancy by Corridor, Block Segment, Side of Street, and Parking Restriction Type (Avenues) Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Mendenhall to Main - - - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 - - - - 6 Main to Babcock - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 4th Avenue Babcock to Olive 2 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 Beall to Lamme 5 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 Lamme to Mendenhall 7 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 14 - - - - - 14 Mendelhall to Main - - 7 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 12 - - - 12 Main to Babcock - 7 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 14 - - - - 14 Villard to Beall - - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 Beall to Lamme - - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 Lamme to Mendenhall - - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 Mendenhall to Main - - 10 - - - - 2 5 - - - - 2 15 - - - 17 Main to Babcock - - 6 - - - - 3 4 - - - - 3 10 - - - 13 Babcock to Olive 5 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 13 - - - - - 13 Villard to Beall 5 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 14 - - - - - 14 Beall to Lamme - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - 6 - - - - 6 Lamme to Mendenhall - 5 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 15 - - - - 15 Mendenhall to Main - - - - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 - - - 9 Main to Babcock - - 7 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 18 - - - 18 Babcock to Olive - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Olive to Curtiss 9 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 16 - - - - - 16 Villard to Beall - - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 Beall to Lamme - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - 4 Lamme to Mendenhall - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - 4 Mendenhall to Main - - 9 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 14 - - - 14 Main to Babcock - - 6 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 15 - - - 15 Babcock to Olive - 3 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 10 - - - - 10 Olive to Curtiss 10 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 20 - - - - - 20 Villard to Beall 9 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 17 - - - - - 17 Beall to Lamme 3 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 5 Lamme to Mendenhall - 7 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 16 - - - - 16 Mendenhall to Main - - 7 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 15 - - - 15 Main to Babcock - - 8 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 13 - - - 13 Babcock to Olive - 10 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 16 - - - - 16 Olive to Curtiss - - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 Beall to Lamme 3 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 Lamme to Mendenhall 7 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 11 Mendenhall to Main - - 8 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 17 - - - 17 Main to Babcock - - 8 - - - - - 6 - - 1 - - 14 - - 1 15 Babcock to Olive 5 - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - - - - - 5 Olive to Curtiss 9 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 17 - - - - - 17 Lamme to Mendenhall - - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 Mendenhall to Main - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - 4 Main to Babcock - 3 3 - - - - 4 4 - - - - 7 7 - - - 14 Babcock to Olive 8 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 16 - - - - - 16 Lamme to Mendenhall 7 - - - - - - - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 Mendenhall to Main - 7 - - - - - - 6 - - - - 7 6 - - - 13 Main to Babcock - 8 - - - - - 3 3 - - - - 11 3 - - - 14 Babcock to Olive 6 - - - - - - - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 Lamme to Mendenhall 4 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 12 Mendenhall to Main - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 2 - - - - 2 Main to Babcock - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Babcock to Olive 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 Olive to Curtiss 7 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 Broadway Avenue Mendenhall to Main 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - 27 83 - - - - 26 89 - - 1 - 53 172 - - 1 226 116 31 - - - - 139 40 - - - - 255 71 - - - - 326 116 58 83 - - - 139 66 89 - - 1 255 124 172 - - 1 552 Total (Outside Core Area) Total (All) Bozeman Avenue Rouse Avenue Church Avenue Wallace Avenue Total (Core Area) 3rd Avenue Grand Avenue Willson Avenue Tracy Avenue Black Avenue Corridor Corridor Segment 5th Avenue Weekday Afternoon Demand East West Both Sides Total (All) 50 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 33 Figure 29. Weekday Evening Parking Occupancy by Corridor, Block Segment, Side of Street, and Parking Restriction Type (Avenues) Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Mendenhall to Main - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 Main to Babcock - 2 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 3 - - - - 3 4th Avenue Babcock to Olive 2 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 5 Beall to Lamme 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 Lamme to Mendenhall 5 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 Mendelhall to Main - - 1 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 3 - - - 3 Main to Babcock - 5 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 6 - - - - 6 Villard to Beall - - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 Beall to Lamme - - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 Lamme to Mendenhall - - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 Mendenhall to Main - - 7 - - - - 3 5 - - - - 3 12 - - - 15 Main to Babcock - - 5 - - - - 2 3 - - - - 2 8 - - - 10 Babcock to Olive 3 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 Villard to Beall 5 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 10 Beall to Lamme - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - 4 Lamme to Mendenhall - 5 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 14 - - - - 14 Mendenhall to Main - - - - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 - - - 9 Main to Babcock - - 7 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 16 - - - 16 Babcock to Olive - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Olive to Curtiss 7 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 13 - - - - - 13 Villard to Beall - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Beall to Lamme - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - 2 Lamme to Mendenhall - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 Mendenhall to Main - - 9 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 15 - - - 15 Main to Babcock - - 8 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 16 - - - 16 Babcock to Olive - - - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 - - - - 7 Olive to Curtiss 3 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 Villard to Beall 6 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 13 - - - - - 13 Beall to Lamme 3 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 Lamme to Mendenhall - 5 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 12 - - - - 12 Mendenhall to Main - - 7 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 15 - - - 15 Main to Babcock - - 5 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 11 - - - 11 Babcock to Olive - 5 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 10 - - - - 10 Olive to Curtiss - - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 Beall to Lamme 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 Lamme to Mendenhall 6 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 11 Mendenhall to Main - - 8 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 18 - - - 18 Main to Babcock - - 8 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 13 - - - 13 Babcock to Olive 4 - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 Olive to Curtiss 9 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 17 - - - - - 17 Lamme to Mendenhall - - - - - 6 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - 6 10 Mendenhall to Main - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - 4 Main to Babcock - 2 5 - - - - 3 7 - - - - 5 12 - - - 17 Babcock to Olive - - - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 Lamme to Mendenhall 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 Mendenhall to Main - 7 - - - - - - 6 - - - - 7 6 - - - 13 Main to Babcock - 5 - - - - - 3 4 - - - - 8 4 - - - 12 Babcock to Olive 9 - - - - - - - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 Lamme to Mendenhall 6 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 Mendenhall to Main - 4 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 9 - - - - 9 Main to Babcock - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Babcock to Olive 6 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 Olive to Curtiss 7 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 12 Broadway Avenue Mendenhall to Main 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 - 26 74 - - - - 18 88 - - - - 44 162 - - - 206 92 19 - - - 6 94 31 - - - - 186 50 - - - 6 242 92 45 74 - - 6 94 49 88 - - - 186 94 162 - - 6 448 Church Avenue Wallace Avenue Total (Core Area) Total (Outside Core Area) Total (All) Willson Avenue Tracy Avenue Black Avenue Bozeman Avenue Rouse Avenue Corridor Corridor Segment 5th Avenue 3rd Avenue Grand Avenue Weekday Evening Demand East West Both Sides Total (All) 51 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 34 Figure 30. Saturday Afternoon Parking Occupancy by Corridor, Block Segment, Side of Street, and Parking Restriction Type (Avenues) Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Mendenhall to Main - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Main to Babcock - 1 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 3 - - - - 3 4th Avenue Babcock to Olive 2 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 5 Beall to Lamme 2 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 3 Lamme to Mendenhall 8 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 11 Mendelhall to Main - - 4 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 10 - - - 10 Main to Babcock - 2 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 8 - - - - 8 Villard to Beall - - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 Beall to Lamme - - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 Lamme to Mendenhall - - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 Mendenhall to Main - - 8 - - - - 4 4 - - - - 4 12 - - - 16 Main to Babcock - - 7 - - - - 3 5 - - - - 3 12 - - - 15 Babcock to Olive 6 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 13 - - - - - 13 Villard to Beall 7 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 15 - - - - - 15 Beall to Lamme - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - 6 - - - - 6 Lamme to Mendenhall - 5 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 15 - - - - 15 Mendenhall to Main - - - - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 - - - 8 Main to Babcock - - 5 - - - - - 11 - - - - - 16 - - - 16 Babcock to Olive - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Olive to Curtiss 7 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 16 - - - - - 16 Villard to Beall - - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 Beall to Lamme - - - - - - - 2 - - 1 - - 2 - - 1 - 3 Lamme to Mendenhall - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - 4 Mendenhall to Main - - 9 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 15 - - - 15 Main to Babcock - - 6 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 15 - - - 15 Babcock to Olive - 3 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 12 - - - - 12 Olive to Curtiss 9 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 17 - - - - - 17 Villard to Beall 5 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 12 Beall to Lamme 3 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 Lamme to Mendenhall - 5 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 14 - - - - 14 Mendenhall to Main - - 7 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 14 - - - 14 Main to Babcock - - 8 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 14 - - - 14 Babcock to Olive - 9 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 14 - - - - 14 Olive to Curtiss - - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 Beall to Lamme 3 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 7 Lamme to Mendenhall 5 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 Mendenhall to Main - - 6 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 16 - - - 16 Main to Babcock - - 7 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 12 - - - 12 Babcock to Olive 8 - - - - - - - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 Olive to Curtiss 7 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 14 - - - - - 14 Lamme to Mendenhall - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 Mendenhall to Main - - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - - - 5 Main to Babcock - 3 3 - - - - 2 3 - - - - 5 6 - - - 11 Babcock to Olive 7 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 16 - - - - - 16 Lamme to Mendenhall 3 - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - 3 Mendenhall to Main - 6 - - - - - - 6 - - - - 6 6 - - - 12 Main to Babcock - 9 - - - - - 4 4 - - - - 13 4 - - - 17 Babcock to Olive 5 - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - - - - - 5 Lamme to Mendenhall - - - - - - 3 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 3 Mendenhall to Main - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - 2 Main to Babcock - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Babcock to Olive 1 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 Olive to Curtiss 1 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 Broadway Avenue Mendenhall to Main 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 - 23 75 - - - - 21 90 - - - - 44 165 - - - 209 90 28 - - - - 113 39 - - 1 - 203 67 - - 1 - 271 90 51 75 - - - 113 60 90 - 1 - 203 111 165 - 1 - 480 Wallace Avenue Total (Core Area) Total (Outside Core Area) Total (All) Tracy Avenue Black Avenue Bozeman Avenue Rouse Avenue Church Avenue Corridor Segment 5th Avenue 3rd Avenue Grand Avenue Willson Avenue Corridor Total (All) Saturday Afternoon Demand West Both SidesEast 52 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 35 Figure 31. Saturday Evening Parking Occupancy by Corridor, Block Segment, Side of Street, and Parking Restriction Type (Avenues) Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Mendenhall to Main - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 Main to Babcock - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 4th Avenue Babcock to Olive 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 Beall to Lamme 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 Lamme to Mendenhall 2 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 Mendelhall to Main - - 2 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 5 - - - 5 Main to Babcock - 3 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 4 - - - - 4 Villard to Beall - - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 Beall to Lamme - - - - - - 3 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 3 Lamme to Mendenhall - - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 Mendenhall to Main - - 8 - - - - 2 4 - - - - 2 12 - - - 14 Main to Babcock - - 4 - - - - 3 3 - - - - 3 7 - - - 10 Babcock to Olive 6 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 16 - - - - - 16 Villard to Beall 7 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 14 - - - - - 14 Beall to Lamme - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - - - - 5 Lamme to Mendenhall - 5 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 14 - - - - 14 Mendenhall to Main - - - - - - - - 10 - - - - - 10 - - - 10 Main to Babcock - - 7 - - - - - 12 - - - - - 19 - - - 19 Babcock to Olive - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Olive to Curtiss 7 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 10 Villard to Beall - - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 6 Beall to Lamme - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - 2 Lamme to Mendenhall - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - 4 Mendenhall to Main - - 10 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 13 - - - 13 Main to Babcock - - 7 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 16 - - - 16 Babcock to Olive - 2 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 7 - - - - 7 Olive to Curtiss 8 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 16 - - - - - 16 Villard to Beall 8 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 13 - - - - - 13 Beall to Lamme 3 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 Lamme to Mendenhall - 4 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 12 - - - - 12 Mendenhall to Main - - 8 - - - - - 8 - - - - - 16 - - - 16 Main to Babcock - - 7 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 12 - - - 12 Babcock to Olive - 8 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 13 - - - - 13 Olive to Curtiss - - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 Beall to Lamme 2 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 5 Lamme to Mendenhall 3 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 5 Mendenhall to Main - - 8 - - - - - 9 - - - - - 17 - - - 17 Main to Babcock - - 8 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 13 - - - 13 Babcock to Olive 8 - - - - - - - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 Olive to Curtiss 7 - - - - - 7 - - - - - 14 - - - - - 14 Lamme to Mendenhall - - - - - 7 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - 7 11 Mendenhall to Main - - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - - - 5 Main to Babcock - 3 3 - - - - 3 4 - - - - 6 7 - - - 13 Babcock to Olive 6 - - - - - 10 - - - - - 16 - - - - - 16 Lamme to Mendenhall 8 - - - - - - - - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 Mendenhall to Main - 8 - - - - - - 8 - - - - 8 8 - - - 16 Main to Babcock - 8 - - - - - 4 4 - - - - 12 4 - - - 16 Babcock to Olive 5 - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - - - - - 5 Lamme to Mendenhall 2 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 5 - - - - - 5 Mendenhall to Main - 3 - - - - - 6 - - - - - 9 - - - - 9 Main to Babcock - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Babcock to Olive 1 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 3 Olive to Curtiss - - - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 Broadway Avenue Mendenhall to Main - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27 77 - - - - 19 87 - - - - 46 164 - - - 210 89 24 - - - 7 105 33 - - - - 194 57 - - - 7 258 89 51 77 - - 7 105 52 87 - - - 194 103 164 - - 7 468 Total (Core Area) Total (Outside Core Area) Total (All) Black Avenue Bozeman Avenue Rouse Avenue Church Avenue Wallace Avenue 5th Avenue 3rd Avenue Grand Avenue Willson Avenue Tracy Avenue Corridor Corridor Segment Saturday Evening Demand East West Both Sides Total (All) 53 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 36 On-Street Parking Occupancy (Percentages) Note: City-provided on-street inventory figures were estimated by assuming 24 linear feet of parkable curb frontage per space. Actual occupancy figures that exceed 100% reflect the occurrence of vehicles using less than 24 linear feet of space to park, resulting in more vehicles than estimated accessing a given length of curb. The peak observation period is highlighted in yellow. Figure 32. Weekday Afternoon Parking Percent Occupancy by Corridor, Block Segment, Side of Street, and Parking Restriction Type (Streets) Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Grand to Willson 78%63%71%71% Willson to Tracy 88%83%83%88%86% Tracy to Black 56%67%61%61% 3rd to Grand 33%63%50%50% Grand to Willson 0%0%0%0% Willson to Tracy 122%143%131%131% Tracy to Black 100%100%100%100% Black to Bozeman 90%82%86%86% 3rd to Grand 113%100%106%106% Grand to Willson 125%117%121%121% Willson to Tracy 118%100%109%109% Tracy to Black 109%150%126%126% Black to Bozeman 100%122%111%111% Bozeman to Montana 78%80%79%79% Montana to Rouse 75%89%89%75%82% Rouse to Church 25%0%25%0%22% Church to Wallace 18%17%17%17% 5th to 3rd 83%56%72%72% 3rd to Grand 120%0%117%118%0%100% Grand to Willson 100%67%117%113%67%100% Willson to Tracy 114%100%100%107%100%106% Tracy to Black Black to Bozeman 100%0%113%107%0%100% Bozeman to Rouse 100%0%0%83%90%0%0%73% Rouse to Church 71%0%78%75%0%57% Church to Wallace 54%88%67%67% Wallace to Broadway 67%44%57%57% 5th to 3rd 71%0%40%0%53%0%0%49% 3rd to Grand 88%75%81%81% Grand to Willson 100%0%100%100%0%93% Willson to Tracy 120%0%136%129%0%123% Tracy to Black 90%0%100%0%95%0%0%88% Black to Bozeman 91%118%105%105% Bozeman to Rouse 106%0%0%83%0%94%0%0%87% Rouse to Church 100%0%100%100%0%96% Church to Wallace 67%67%67%67% Wallace to Broadway 50%50%44%46%50%47% 5th to 4th 57%27%39%39% 4th to 3rd 133%50%78%78% 3rd to Grand 73%73%73% Grand to Willson 83%117%100%100% Willson to Tracy 100%100%120%100%0%111%100%33%92% Tracy to Black 120%73%88%88% Black to Bozeman 150%150%150% Bozeman to Rouse 100%92%95%95% Rouse to Church 89%90%89%89% Church to Wallace 89%71%100%81%100%82% 4th to 3rd 100%60%78%78% 3rd to Grand 88%67%76%76% Grand to Willson 75%0%114%93%0%88% Willson to Tracy 100%0%89%93%0%88% Tracy to Black 100%100%60%100%60%85% Black to Bozeman 133%120%125%125% Church to Wallace 0%55%26%26% Curtiss Street Church to Wallace 17%17%17%17% 82%94%55%13%17%79%93%67%67%0%80%94%61%27%10%84% 70%83%50%0%0%72%78%60%71%80%53%0%0%72% 70%82%91%55%11%14%72%79%91%67%67%0%71%80%91%61%25%9%78% Babcock Street Olive Street Total (All) Total (Core Area) Total (Outside Core Area) North South Main Street Corridor Corridor Segment Weekday Afternoon Demand Villard Street Beall Street Lamme Street Mendenhall Street Both Sides Total (All) 54 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 37 Figure 33. Weekday Evening Parking Percent Occupancy by Corridor, Block Segment, Side of Street, and Parking Restriction Type (Streets) Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Grand to Willson 33%25%29%29% Willson to Tracy 50%33%33%50%43% Tracy to Black 67%56%61%61% 3rd to Grand 33%25%29%29% Grand to Willson 0%0%0%0% Willson to Tracy 89%100%94%94% Tracy to Black 44%75%62%62% Black to Bozeman 90%64%76%76% 3rd to Grand 88%50%69%69% Grand to Willson 88%100%93%93% Willson to Tracy 100%109%105%105% Tracy to Black 82%125%100%100% Black to Bozeman 89%111%100%100% Bozeman to Montana 44%80%57%57% Montana to Rouse 38%33%33%38%35% Rouse to Church 38%0%38%0%33% Church to Wallace 18%17%17%17% 5th to 3rd 26%0%15%15% 3rd to Grand 100%0%67%82%0%69% Grand to Willson 150%100%100%113%100%109% Willson to Tracy 129%0%63%93%0%88% Tracy to Black Black to Bozeman 100%100%100%100%100%100% Bozeman to Rouse 122%0%0%83%100%0%0%81% Rouse to Church 43%0%44%44%0%33% Church to Wallace 62%63%62%62% Wallace to Broadway 71%19%49%49% 5th to 3rd 14%0%0%0%6%0%0%5% 3rd to Grand 38%63%50%50% Grand to Willson 100%0%117%107%0%100% Willson to Tracy 110%0%73%90%0%86% Tracy to Black 90%0%58%100%73%100%0%71% Black to Bozeman 109%109%109%109% Bozeman to Rouse 124%0%0%111%100%117%50%0%111% Rouse to Church 82%0%109%95%0%91% Church to Wallace 83%44%60%60% Wallace to Broadway 100%100%19%46%100%62% 5th to 4th 14%18%17%17% 4th to 3rd 67%50%56%56% 3rd to Grand 9%9%9% Grand to Willson 33%83%58%58% Willson to Tracy 75%0%140%0%0%111%0%0%77% Tracy to Black 80%18%38%38% Black to Bozeman 75%75%75% Bozeman to Rouse 78%50%62%62% Rouse to Church 44%50%47%47% Church to Wallace 89%114%0%100%0%94% 4th to 3rd 50%60%56%56% 3rd to Grand 38%11%24%24% Grand to Willson 25%0%0%13%0%13% Willson to Tracy 67%0%78%73%0%69% Tracy to Black 67%0%40%50%40%46% Black to Bozeman 133%80%100%100% Church to Wallace 17%45%30%30% Curtiss Street Church to Wallace 25%58%42%42% 56%87%36%13%0%45%78%25%33%0%50%82%30%18%0%64% 56%62%100%0%0%54%35%40%55%49%80%0%0%55% 56%58%88%36%11%0%54%43%77%25%33%0%55%50%82%30%17%0%59% Villard Street Beall Street Lamme Street Mendenhall Street Main Street Babcock Street Olive Street Total (Core Area) Total (Outside Core Area) Total (All) Weekday Evening Demand North South Both Sides Total (All)Corridor Corridor Segment 55 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 38 Figure 34. Saturday Afternoon Parking Percent Occupancy by Corridor, Block Segment, Side of Street, and Parking Restriction Type (Streets) Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Grand to Willson 44%25%35%35% Willson to Tracy 63%67%67%63%64% Tracy to Black 56%56%56%56% 3rd to Grand 17%63%43%43% Grand to Willson 0%0%0%0% Willson to Tracy 111%114%113%113% Tracy to Black 67%83%76%76% Black to Bozeman 70%36%52%52% 3rd to Grand 75%63%69%69% Grand to Willson 113%117%114%114% Willson to Tracy 64%118%91%91% Tracy to Black 109%163%132%132% Black to Bozeman 89%111%100%100% Bozeman to Montana 33%100%57%57% Montana to Rouse 25%22%22%25%24% Rouse to Church 0%0%0%0%0% Church to Wallace 9%8%9%9% 5th to 3rd 35%25%31%31% 3rd to Grand 100%100%100%100%100%100% Grand to Willson 100%67%100%100%67%91% Willson to Tracy 114%100%75%93%100%94% Tracy to Black Black to Bozeman 57%0%88%73%0%69% Bozeman to Rouse 89%0%0%67%76%0%0%62% Rouse to Church 71%0%67%69%0%52% Church to Wallace 46%88%62%62% Wallace to Broadway 33%13%24%24% 5th to 3rd 64%0%45%0%53%0%0%49% 3rd to Grand 100%50%75%75% Grand to Willson 125%0%117%121%0%113% Willson to Tracy 140%0%118%129%0%123% Tracy to Black 100%100%117%100%109%100%100%108% Black to Bozeman 100%100%100%100% Bozeman to Rouse 112%0%0%128%0%120%0%0%111% Rouse to Church 91%0%82%86%0%83% Church to Wallace 50%56%53%53% Wallace to Broadway 38%40%44%42%40%41% 5th to 4th 0%9%6%6% 4th to 3rd 0%17%11%11% 3rd to Grand 100%100%100% Grand to Willson 83%117%100%100% Willson to Tracy 150%0%120%100%0%133%100%0%100% Tracy to Black 100%55%69%69% Black to Bozeman 100%100%100% Bozeman to Rouse 111%58%81%81% Rouse to Church 67%80%74%74% Church to Wallace 78%114%100%94%100%94% 4th to 3rd 0%20%11%11% 3rd to Grand 88%22%53%53% Grand to Willson 88%0%114%100%0%94% Willson to Tracy 100%0%89%93%0%88% Tracy to Black 100%150%40%113%40%85% Black to Bozeman 167%120%138%138% Church to Wallace 17%45%30%30% Curtiss Street Church to Wallace 0%33%17%17% 56%99%45%25%0%66%91%58%67%0%61%95%52%36%0%76% 49%72%40%0%0%56%80%40%53%76%40%0%0%56% 49%61%95%45%22%0%56%69%89%58%67%0%53%66%92%52%33%0%67% Corridor Corridor Segment Villard Street Beall Street Lamme Street Mendenhall Street Main Street Babcock Street Olive Street Total (Core Area) Total (Outside Core Area) Total (All) North South Both Sides Total (All) Saturday Afternoon Demand 56 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 39 Figure 35. Saturday Evening Parking Percent Occupancy by Corridor, Block Segment, Side of Street, and Parking Restriction Type (Streets) Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Grand to Willson 44%25%35%35% Willson to Tracy 63%83%83%63%71% Tracy to Black 78%56%67%67% 3rd to Grand 17%50%36%36% Grand to Willson 0%0%0%0% Willson to Tracy 122%100%113%113% Tracy to Black 89%108%100%100% Black to Bozeman 50%64%57%57% 3rd to Grand 88%75%81%81% Grand to Willson 113%117%114%114% Willson to Tracy 64%109%86%86% Tracy to Black 100%138%116%116% Black to Bozeman 78%111%94%94% Bozeman to Montana 33%120%64%64% Montana to Rouse 25%56%56%25%41% Rouse to Church 13%0%13%0%11% Church to Wallace 18%17%17%17% 5th to 3rd 22%0%13%13% 3rd to Grand 60%150%83%73%150%85% Grand to Willson 100%100%83%88%100%91% Willson to Tracy 114%100%63%87%100%88% Tracy to Black Black to Bozeman 100%0%113%107%0%100% Bozeman to Rouse 133%0%0%92%110%0%0%88% Rouse to Church 57%0%78%69%0%52% Church to Wallace 77%50%67%67% Wallace to Broadway 43%25%35%35% 5th to 3rd 29%0%20%0%24%0%0%22% 3rd to Grand 88%75%81%81% Grand to Willson 100%0%83%93%0%87% Willson to Tracy 110%0%100%105%0%100% Tracy to Black 120%100%100%0%109%0%100%104% Black to Bozeman 109%109%109%109% Bozeman to Rouse 106%100%0%117%0%111%50%0%105% Rouse to Church 82%0%100%91%0%87% Church to Wallace 83%56%67%67% Wallace to Broadway 0%170%56%38%170%76% 5th to 4th 0%18%11%11% 4th to 3rd 0%33%22%22% 3rd to Grand 100%100%100% Grand to Willson 83%117%100%100% Willson to Tracy 100%0%140%0%0%122%0%0%85% Tracy to Black 100%0%31%31% Black to Bozeman 125%125%125% Bozeman to Rouse 89%42%62%62% Rouse to Church 67%70%68%68% Church to Wallace 100%114%0%106%0%100% 4th to 3rd 25%40%33%33% 3rd to Grand 113%78%94%94% Grand to Willson 38%0%71%53%0%50% Willson to Tracy 17%0%0%7%0%6% Tracy to Black 17%0%60%13%60%31% Black to Bozeman 100%100%100%100% Church to Wallace 8%73%39%39% Curtiss Street Church to Wallace 0%33%17%17% 56%97%45%38%0%60%89%0%0%0%58%93%22%27%0%72% 54%32%170%0%0%66%48%60%60%39%133%0%0%58% 54%48%102%45%33%0%66%57%88%0%0%0%60%53%95%22%25%0%65% Babcock Street Olive Street Total (Core Area) Total (Outside Core Area) Total (All) Villard Street Beall Street Lamme Street Mendenhall Street Main Street Both Sides Saturday Evening Demand Total (All) North South Corridor Corridor Segment 57 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 40 Figure 36. Weekday Afternoon Parking Percent Occupancy by Corridor, Block Segment, Side of Street, and Parking Restriction Type (Avenues) Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Mendenhall to Main 0%75%55%55% Main to Babcock 25%0%11%11% 4th Avenue Babcock to Olive 18%56%35%35% Beall to Lamme 100%0%80%90%0%82% Lamme to Mendenhall 78%78%78%78% Mendelhall to Main 117%63%86%86% Main to Babcock 100%0%88%93%0%88% Villard to Beall 89%89%89% Beall to Lamme 100%100%100% Lamme to Mendenhall 73%73%73% Mendenhall to Main 143%67%125%0%67%136%0%106% Main to Babcock 86%0%100%100%100%91%0%81% Babcock to Olive 83%0%0%89%0%87%0%0%65% Villard to Beall 56%100%78%78% Beall to Lamme 100%0%0%100%75% Lamme to Mendenhall 71%111%94%94% Mendenhall to Main 113%113%113% Main to Babcock 117%100%106%106% Babcock to Olive Olive to Curtiss 100%70%84%84% Villard to Beall 86%86%86% Beall to Lamme 133%0%133%0%100% Lamme to Mendenhall 44%44%44% Mendenhall to Main 90%125%100%100% Main to Babcock 86%0%113%100%0%94% Babcock to Olive 100%78%83%83% Olive to Curtiss 111%167%133%133% Villard to Beall 90%80%85%85% Beall to Lamme 75%67%71%71% Lamme to Mendenhall 117%100%107%107% Mendenhall to Main 88%100%94%94% Main to Babcock 114%83%100%100% Babcock to Olive 125%120%0%123%0%114% Olive to Curtiss 114%0%114%0%100% Beall to Lamme 150%100%117%117% Lamme to Mendenhall 88%67%79%79% Mendenhall to Main 100%0%90%94%0%89% Main to Babcock 133%120%20%127%20%94% Babcock to Olive 63%63%63% Olive to Curtiss 75%89%81%81% Lamme to Mendenhall 0%67%67%0%22% Mendenhall to Main 57%57%57% Main to Babcock 100%75%100%100%100%88%93% Babcock to Olive 114%80%94%94% Lamme to Mendenhall 64%64%64% Mendenhall to Main 100%75%100%75%87% Main to Babcock 160%75%75%122%75%108% Babcock to Olive 67%67%67% Lamme to Mendenhall 44%160%86%86% Mendenhall to Main 25%14%18%18% Main to Babcock Babcock to Olive 33%36%35%35% Olive to Curtiss 58%20%41%41% Broadway Avenue Mendenhall to Main 50%50%50% 82%100%0%0%62%97%0%20%71%98%0%14%86% 71%103%0%0%80%91%0%0%75%96%0%0%75% 71%92%100%0%0%80%77%97%0%13%75%83%98%0%4%79% Rouse Avenue Church Avenue Wallace Avenue Total (All) Total (Core Area) Total (Outside Core Area) Black Avenue Bozeman Avenue Corridor Grand Avenue 5th Avenue 3rd Avenue Willson Avenue Tracy Avenue East West Both Sides Total (All) Weekday Afternoon Demand Corridor Segment 58 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 41 Figure 37. Weekday Evening Parking Percent Occupancy by Corridor, Block Segment, Side of Street, and Parking Restriction Type (Avenues) Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Mendenhall to Main 33%0%9%9% Main to Babcock 50%20%33%33% 4th Avenue Babcock to Olive 18%33%25%25% Beall to Lamme 80%0%80%80%0%73% Lamme to Mendenhall 56%44%50%50% Mendelhall to Main 17%25%21%21% Main to Babcock 71%0%13%40%0%38% Villard to Beall 44%44%44% Beall to Lamme 57%57%57% Lamme to Mendenhall 73%73%73% Mendenhall to Main 100%100%125%0%100%109%0%94% Main to Babcock 71%0%67%75%67%73%0%63% Babcock to Olive 50%0%0%44%0%47%0%0%35% Villard to Beall 56%56%56%56% Beall to Lamme 67%0%0%67%50% Lamme to Mendenhall 71%100%88%88% Mendenhall to Main 113%113%113% Main to Babcock 117%82%94%94% Babcock to Olive Olive to Curtiss 78%60%68%68% Villard to Beall 0%0%0% Beall to Lamme 67%0%67%0%50% Lamme to Mendenhall 11%11%11% Mendenhall to Main 90%150%107%107% Main to Babcock 114%0%100%107%0%100% Babcock to Olive 0%78%58%58% Olive to Curtiss 33%67%47%47% Villard to Beall 60%70%65%65% Beall to Lamme 75%33%57%57% Lamme to Mendenhall 83%78%80%80% Mendenhall to Main 88%100%94%94% Main to Babcock 71%100%85%85% Babcock to Olive 63%100%0%77%0%71% Olive to Curtiss 86%0%86%0%75% Beall to Lamme 200%100%133%133% Lamme to Mendenhall 75%83%79%79% Mendenhall to Main 100%0%100%100%0%95% Main to Babcock 133%100%0%118%0%81% Babcock to Olive 50%50%50% Olive to Curtiss 75%89%81%81% Lamme to Mendenhall 50%67%67%50%56% Mendenhall to Main 57%57%57% Main to Babcock 67%125%75%175%71%150%113% Babcock to Olive 0%20%12%12% Lamme to Mendenhall 9%9%9% Mendenhall to Main 100%75%100%75%87% Main to Babcock 100%75%100%89%100%92% Babcock to Olive 100%100%100% Lamme to Mendenhall 67%60%64%64% Mendenhall to Main 100%71%82%82% Main to Babcock Babcock to Olive 50%27%39%39% Olive to Curtiss 58%50%55%55% Broadway Avenue Mendenhall to Main 100%100%100% 79%89%0%0%43%96%0%0%59%93%0%0%79% 56%63%0%43%54%70%0%0%55%68%0%35%56% 56%71%89%0%38%54%57%96%0%0%55%63%93%0%25%64% Total (Core Area) Total (Outside Core Area) Total (All) Black Avenue Bozeman Avenue Rouse Avenue Church Avenue Wallace Avenue 5th Avenue 3rd Avenue Grand Avenue Willson Avenue Tracy Avenue East West Both Sides Total (All)Corridor Corridor Segment Weekday Evening Demand 59 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 42 Figure 38. Saturday Afternoon Parking Percent Occupancy by Corridor, Block Segment, Side of Street, and Parking Restriction Type (Avenues) Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Mendenhall to Main 0%0%0%0% Main to Babcock 25%40%33%33% 4th Avenue Babcock to Olive 18%33%25%25% Beall to Lamme 40%0%20%30%0%27% Lamme to Mendenhall 89%33%61%61% Mendelhall to Main 67%75%71%71% Main to Babcock 29%0%75%53%0%50% Villard to Beall 44%44%44% Beall to Lamme 57%57%57% Lamme to Mendenhall 73%73%73% Mendenhall to Main 114%133%100%0%133%109%0%100% Main to Babcock 100%0%100%125%100%109%0%94% Babcock to Olive 100%0%0%78%0%87%0%0%65% Villard to Beall 78%89%83%83% Beall to Lamme 100%0%0%100%75% Lamme to Mendenhall 71%111%94%94% Mendenhall to Main 100%100%100% Main to Babcock 83%100%94%94% Babcock to Olive Olive to Curtiss 78%90%84%84% Villard to Beall 86%86%86% Beall to Lamme 67%100%67%100%75% Lamme to Mendenhall 44%44%44% Mendenhall to Main 90%150%107%107% Main to Babcock 86%0%113%100%0%94% Babcock to Olive 100%100%100%100% Olive to Curtiss 100%133%113%113% Villard to Beall 50%70%60%60% Beall to Lamme 75%100%86%86% Lamme to Mendenhall 83%100%93%93% Mendenhall to Main 88%88%88%88% Main to Babcock 114%100%108%108% Babcock to Olive 113%100%0%108%0%100% Olive to Curtiss 100%0%100%0%88% Beall to Lamme 150%100%117%117% Lamme to Mendenhall 63%67%64%64% Mendenhall to Main 75%0%100%89%0%84% Main to Babcock 117%100%0%109%0%75% Babcock to Olive 100%100%100% Olive to Curtiss 58%78%67%67% Lamme to Mendenhall 0%17%17%0%6% Mendenhall to Main 71%71%71% Main to Babcock 100%75%50%75%71%75%73% Babcock to Olive 100%90%94%94% Lamme to Mendenhall 27%27%27% Mendenhall to Main 86%75%86%75%80% Main to Babcock 180%100%100%144%100%131% Babcock to Olive 56%56%56% Lamme to Mendenhall 0%60%21%21% Mendenhall to Main 50%0%18%18% Main to Babcock Babcock to Olive 8%27%17%17% Olive to Curtiss 8%30%18%18% Broadway Avenue Mendenhall to Main 50%100%100% 70%90%0%0%50%98%0%0%59%94%0%0%80% 55%93%0%0%65%89%50%0%60%91%25%0%63% 55%81%90%0%0%65%70%98%25%0%60%74%94%11%0%69% Total (Outside Core Area) Total (All) Bozeman Avenue Rouse Avenue Church Avenue Wallace Avenue Total (Core Area) 3rd Avenue Grand Avenue Willson Avenue Tracy Avenue Black Avenue Corridor Corridor Segment 5th Avenue Both Sides Total (All)East West Saturday Afternoon Demand 60 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 43 Figure 39. Saturday Evening Parking Percent Occupancy by Corridor, Block Segment, Side of Street, and Parking Restriction Type (Avenues) Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15 Minute ADA Loading Zone Unrestricted No Overnight 2 Hour 15/20 Minute ADA Loading Zone Mendenhall to Main 33%0%9%9% Main to Babcock 25%0%11%11% 4th Avenue Babcock to Olive 36%44%40%40% Beall to Lamme 40%0%40%40%0%36% Lamme to Mendenhall 22%44%33%33% Mendelhall to Main 33%38%36%36% Main to Babcock 43%0%13%27%0%25% Villard to Beall 67%67%67% Beall to Lamme 43%43%43% Lamme to Mendenhall 82%82%82% Mendenhall to Main 114%67%100%0%67%109%0%88% Main to Babcock 57%0%100%75%100%64%0%63% Babcock to Olive 100%0%0%111%0%107%0%0%80% Villard to Beall 78%78%78%78% Beall to Lamme 83%0%0%83%63% Lamme to Mendenhall 71%100%88%88% Mendenhall to Main 125%125%125% Main to Babcock 117%109%112%112% Babcock to Olive Olive to Curtiss 78%30%53%53% Villard to Beall 86%86%86% Beall to Lamme 67%0%67%0%50% Lamme to Mendenhall 44%44%44% Mendenhall to Main 100%75%93%93% Main to Babcock 100%0%113%107%0%100% Babcock to Olive 67%56%58%58% Olive to Curtiss 89%133%107%107% Villard to Beall 80%50%65%65% Beall to Lamme 75%33%57%57% Lamme to Mendenhall 67%89%80%80% Mendenhall to Main 100%100%100%100% Main to Babcock 100%83%92%92% Babcock to Olive 100%100%0%100%0%93% Olive to Curtiss 57%0%57%0%50% Beall to Lamme 100%75%83%83% Lamme to Mendenhall 38%33%36%36% Mendenhall to Main 100%0%90%94%0%89% Main to Babcock 133%100%0%118%0%81% Babcock to Olive 100%100%100% Olive to Curtiss 58%78%67%67% Lamme to Mendenhall 58%67%67%58%61% Mendenhall to Main 71%71%71% Main to Babcock 100%75%75%100%86%88%87% Babcock to Olive 86%100%94%94% Lamme to Mendenhall 73%73%73% Mendenhall to Main 114%100%114%100%107% Main to Babcock 160%100%100%133%100%123% Babcock to Olive 56%56%56% Lamme to Mendenhall 22%60%36%36% Mendenhall to Main 75%86%82%82% Main to Babcock Babcock to Olive 8%18%13%13% Olive to Curtiss 0%20%9%9% Broadway Avenue Mendenhall to Main 0%0%0% 82%93%0%0%45%95%0%0%61%94%0%0%80% 54%80%0%50%60%75%0%0%57%77%0%41%60% 54%81%93%0%44%60%60%95%0%0%57%69%94%0%29%67% Total (Core Area) Total (Outside Core Area) Total (All) Black Avenue Bozeman Avenue Rouse Avenue Church Avenue Wallace Avenue 5th Avenue 3rd Avenue Grand Avenue Willson Avenue Tracy Avenue Saturday Evening Demand West Both Sides Total (All)EastCorridorCorridor Segment 61 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 44 Off-Street Parking Inventory and Occupancy Figure 40. Off-Street Detailed Parking Inventory, Occupancy, and Percent Occupancy by Facility Weekday Afternoon Weekday Evening Saturday Afternoon Saturday Evening Weekday Afternoon Weekday Evening Saturday Afternoon Saturday Evening Willson Lot (North)41 41 39 40 39 100%95%98%95% Willson Lot (South)28 28 26 28 26 100%93%100%93% Black Lot 62 61 58 62 61 98%94%100%98% Rouse Lot 46 39 38 40 34 85%83%87%74% Bridger Park Garage 435 375 264 275 250 86%61%63%57% Total 612 544 425 445 410 89%69%73%67% Demand SupplyOff-Street Facility Percent Occupancy 62 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 45 Occupancy Heat Maps Figure 41. Weekday Afternoon Occupancy Heat Map 63 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 46 Figure 42. Weekday Evening Occupancy Heat Map 64 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 47 Figure 43. Saturday Afternoon Occupancy Heat Map 65 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 48 Figure 44. Saturday Evening Occupancy Heat Map 66 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 49 Appendix B. Length of Stay Weekday Figure 45. Weekday Total Number of Weekday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay (15 Minute) Figure 46. Weekday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay, Percent of Weekday Total (15 Minute) Figure 47. Weekday Total Number of Weekday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay (2-Hour) Observed Length of Stay Total Number of Vehicles Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Consecutive Hours Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Non- Consecutive Hours Two Hours or Less 62 62 - Between 2 and 4 Hours 3 2 1 Between 4 and 6 Hours - - - Between 6 and 8 Hours - - - More than 8 Hours - - - Total 65 64 1 Observed Length of Stay Percent of Total Percent of Total (Vehicles Parked Consecutively) Two Hours or Less 95.4%96.9% Between 2 and 4 Hours 4.6%3.1% Between 4 and 6 Hours 0.0%0.0% Between 6 and 8 Hours 0.0%0.0% More than 8 Hours 0.0%0.0% Observed Length of Stay Total Number of Vehicles Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Consecutive Hours Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Non- Consecutive Hours Two Hours or Less 1,045 1,045 - Between 2 and 4 Hours 50 40 10 Between 4 and 6 Hours 17 - 17 Between 6 and 8 Hours 1 - 1 More than 8 Hours 2 - 2 Total 1,115 1,085 30 67 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 50 Figure 48. Weekday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay, Percent of Weekday Total (2-Hour) Figure 49. Weekday Total Number of Weekday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay (All Day) Figure 50. Weekday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay, Percent of Weekday Total (All Day) Observed Length of Stay Percent of Total Percent of Total (Vehicles Parked Consecutively) Two Hours or Less 93.7%96.3% Between 2 and 4 Hours 4.5%3.7% Between 4 and 6 Hours 1.5%0.0% Between 6 and 8 Hours 0.1%0.0% More than 8 Hours 0.2%0.0% Observed Length of Stay Total Number of Vehicles Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Consecutive Hours Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Non- Consecutive Hours Four Hours or Less 1,144 1,054 90 Between 4 and 8 Hours 64 4 60 More than 8 Hours 5 - 5 Total 1,213 1,058 155 Observed Length of Stay Percent of Total Percent of Total (Vehicles Parked Consecutively) Four Hours or Less 94.3%99.6% Between 4 and 8 Hours 5.3%0.4% More than 8 Hours 0.4%0.0% 68 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 51 Figure 51. Weekday Total Number of Weekday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay (Main Street) Figure 52. Weekday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay, Percent of Weekday Total (Main Street) Figure 53. Weekday Total Number of Weekday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay (Willson Lots) Observed Length of Stay Total Number of Vehicles Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Consecutive Hours Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Non- Consecutive Hours Two Hours or Less 470 470 - Between 2 and 4 Hours 31 28 3 Between 4 and 6 Hours 3 - 3 Between 6 and 8 Hours - - - More than 8 Hours 1 - 1 Total 505 498 7 Observed Length of Stay Percent of Total Percent of Total (Vehicles Parked Consecutively) Two Hours or Less 93.1%94.4% Between 2 and 4 Hours 6.1%5.6% Between 4 and 6 Hours 0.6%0.0% Between 6 and 8 Hours 0.0%0.0% More than 8 Hours 0.2%0.0% Observed Length of Stay Total Number of Vehicles Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Consecutive Hours Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Non- Consecutive Hours Two Hours or Less 169 169 - Between 2 and 4 Hours 8 5 3 Between 4 and 6 Hours 2 1 1 Between 6 and 8 Hours 1 - 1 More than 8 Hours - - - Total 180 175 5 69 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 52 Figure 54. Weekday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay, Percent of Weekday Total (Willson Lots) Figure 55. Weekday Total Number of Weekday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay (Black Lot) Figure 56. Weekday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay, Percent of Weekday Total (Black Lot) Observed Length of Stay Percent of Total Percent of Total (Vehicles Parked Consecutively) Two Hours or Less 93.9%96.6% Between 2 and 4 Hours 4.4%2.9% Between 4 and 6 Hours 1.1%0.6% Between 6 and 8 Hours 0.6%0.0% More than 8 Hours 0.0%0.0% Observed Length of Stay Total Number of Vehicles Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Consecutive Hours Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Non- Consecutive Hours Two Hours or Less 162 162 - Between 2 and 4 Hours 12 6 6 Between 4 and 6 Hours 2 2 - Between 6 and 8 Hours - - - More than 8 Hours - - - Total 176 170 6 Observed Length of Stay Percent of Total Percent of Total (Vehicles Parked Consecutively) Two Hours or Less 92.0%95.3% Between 2 and 4 Hours 6.8%3.5% Between 4 and 6 Hours 1.1%1.2% Between 6 and 8 Hours 0.0%0.0% More than 8 Hours 0.0%0.0% 70 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 53 Figure 57. Weekday Total Number of Weekday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay (Rouse Lot) Figure 58. Weekday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay, Percent of Weekday Total (Rouse Lot) Figure 59. Weekday Total Number of Weekday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay (Garage) Observed Length of Stay Total Number of Vehicles Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Consecutive Hours Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Non- Consecutive Hours Two Hours or Less 117 117 - Between 2 and 4 Hours 7 5 2 Between 4 and 6 Hours 3 2 1 Between 6 and 8 Hours - - - More than 8 Hours - - - Total 127 124 3 Observed Length of Stay Percent of Total Percent of Total (Vehicles Parked Consecutively) Two Hours or Less 92.1%94.4% Between 2 and 4 Hours 5.5%4.0% Between 4 and 6 Hours 2.4%1.6% Between 6 and 8 Hours 0.0%0.0% More than 8 Hours 0.0%0.0% Observed Length of Stay Total Number of Vehicles Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Consecutive Hours Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Non- Consecutive Hours Two Hours or Less 303 303 - Between 2 and 4 Hours 32 28 4 Between 4 and 6 Hours 8 - 8 Between 6 and 8 Hours 1 - 1 More than 8 Hours - - - Total 344 331 13 71 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 54 Figure 60. Weekday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay, Percent of Weekday Total (Garage) Saturday Figure 61. Saturday Total Number of Saturday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay (15 Minute) Figure 62. Saturday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay, Percent of Saturday Total (15 Minute) Observed Length of Stay Percent of Total Percent of Total (Vehicles Parked Consecutively) Two Hours or Less 88.1%91.5% Between 2 and 4 Hours 9.3%8.5% Between 4 and 6 Hours 2.3%0.0% Between 6 and 8 Hours 0.3%0.0% More than 8 Hours 0.0%0.0% Observed Length of Stay Total Number of Vehicles Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Consecutive Hours Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Non- Consecutive Hours Two Hours or Less 38 38 - Between 2 and 4 Hours 1 - 1 Between 4 and 6 Hours - - - Between 6 and 8 Hours - - - More than 8 Hours 1 - 1 Total 40 38 2 Observed Length of Stay Percent of Total Percent of Total (Vehicles Parked Consecutively) Two Hours or Less 95.0%100.0% Between 2 and 4 Hours 2.5%0.0% Between 4 and 6 Hours 0.0%0.0% Between 6 and 8 Hours 0.0%0.0% More than 8 Hours 2.5%0.0% 72 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 55 Figure 63. Saturday Total Number of Saturday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay (2-Hour) Figure 64. Saturday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay, Percent of Saturday Total (2-Hour) Figure 65. Saturday Total Number of Saturday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay (All Day) Figure 66. Saturday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay, Percent of Saturday Total (All Day) Observed Length of Stay Total Number of Vehicles Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Consecutive Hours Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Non- Consecutive Hours Two Hours or Less 1,118 1,118 - Between 2 and 4 Hours 62 57 5 Between 4 and 6 Hours 15 - 15 Between 6 and 8 Hours 4 - 4 More than 8 Hours 4 - 4 Total 1,203 1,175 28 Observed Length of Stay Percent of Total Percent of Total (Vehicles Parked Consecutively) Two Hours or Less 92.9%95.1% Between 2 and 4 Hours 5.2%4.9% Between 4 and 6 Hours 1.2%0.0% Between 6 and 8 Hours 0.3%0.0% More than 8 Hours 0.3%0.0% Observed Length of Stay Total Number of Vehicles Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Consecutive Hours Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Non- Consecutive Hours Four Hours or Less 1,073 1,039 34 Between 4 and 8 Hours 88 3 85 More than 8 Hours 22 - 22 Total 1,183 1,042 141 Observed Length of Stay Percent of Total Percent of Total (Vehicles Parked Consecutively) Four Hours or Less 90.7%99.7% Between 4 and 8 Hours 7.4%0.3% More than 8 Hours 1.9%0.0% 73 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 56 Figure 67. Saturday Total Number of Saturday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay (Main Street) Figure 68. Saturday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay, Percent of Saturday Total (Main Street) Figure 69. Saturday Total Number of Saturday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay (Willson Lots) Observed Length of Stay Total Number of Vehicles Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Consecutive Hours Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Non- Consecutive Hours Two Hours or Less 553 553 - Between 2 and 4 Hours 31 29 2 Between 4 and 6 Hours 4 - 4 Between 6 and 8 Hours 1 - 1 More than 8 Hours - - - Total 589 582 7 Observed Length of Stay Percent of Total Percent of Total (Vehicles Parked Consecutively) Two Hours or Less 93.9%95.0% Between 2 and 4 Hours 5.3%5.0% Between 4 and 6 Hours 0.7%0.0% Between 6 and 8 Hours 0.2%0.0% More than 8 Hours 0.0%0.0% Observed Length of Stay Total Number of Vehicles Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Consecutive Hours Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Non- Consecutive Hours Two Hours or Less 171 171 - Between 2 and 4 Hours 13 12 1 Between 4 and 6 Hours 7 5 2 Between 6 and 8 Hours - - - More than 8 Hours 2 - 2 Total 193 188 5 74 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 57 Figure 70. Saturday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay, Percent of Saturday Total (Willson Lots) Figure 71. Saturday Total Number of Saturday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay (Black Lot) Figure 72. Saturday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay, Percent of Saturday Total (Black Lot) Observed Length of Stay Percent of Total Percent of Total (Vehicles Parked Consecutively) Two Hours or Less 88.6%91.0% Between 2 and 4 Hours 6.7%6.4% Between 4 and 6 Hours 3.6%2.7% Between 6 and 8 Hours 0.0%0.0% More than 8 Hours 1.0%0.0% Observed Length of Stay Total Number of Vehicles Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Consecutive Hours Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Non- Consecutive Hours Two Hours or Less 149 149 - Between 2 and 4 Hours 14 14 - Between 4 and 6 Hours 5 - 5 Between 6 and 8 Hours 1 - 1 More than 8 Hours - - - Total 169 163 6 Observed Length of Stay Percent of Total Percent of Total (Vehicles Parked Consecutively) Two Hours or Less 88.2%91.4% Between 2 and 4 Hours 8.3%8.6% Between 4 and 6 Hours 3.0%0.0% Between 6 and 8 Hours 0.6%0.0% More than 8 Hours 0.0%0.0% 75 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 58 Figure 73. Saturday Total Number of Saturday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay (Rouse Lot) Figure 74. Saturday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay, Percent of Saturday Total (Rouse Lot) Figure 75. Saturday Total Number of Saturday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay (Garage) Observed Length of Stay Total Number of Vehicles Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Consecutive Hours Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Non- Consecutive Hours Two Hours or Less 93 93 - Between 2 and 4 Hours 10 9 1 Between 4 and 6 Hours 2 - 2 Between 6 and 8 Hours 1 - 1 More than 8 Hours 1 - 1 Total 107 102 5 Observed Length of Stay Percent of Total Percent of Total (Vehicles Parked Consecutively) Two Hours or Less 86.9%91.2% Between 2 and 4 Hours 9.3%8.8% Between 4 and 6 Hours 1.9%0.0% Between 6 and 8 Hours 0.9%0.0% More than 8 Hours 0.9%0.0% Observed Length of Stay Total Number of Vehicles Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Consecutive Hours Total Number of Vehicles Parked for Non- Consecutive Hours Two Hours or Less 275 275 - Between 2 and 4 Hours 19 15 4 Between 4 and 6 Hours 3 - 3 Between 6 and 8 Hours 3 - 3 More than 8 Hours 7 - 7 Total 307 290 17 76 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study Parking Assessment and Next Steps WALKER CONSULTANTS | 59 Figure 76. Saturday Vehicles Observed by Length of Stay, Percent of Saturday Total (Garage) Appendix C. Movement Analysis Weekday Figure 77. Total Weekday Number of Observed Vehicle Movements Greater than 1/4th of a Block by Movement Type Saturday Figure 78. Total Saturday Number of Observed Vehicle Movements Greater than 1/4th of a Block by Movement Type Observed Length of Stay Percent of Total Percent of Total (Vehicles Parked Consecutively) Two Hours or Less 89.6%94.8% Between 2 and 4 Hours 6.2%5.2% Between 4 and 6 Hours 1.0%0.0% Between 6 and 8 Hours 1.0%0.0% More than 8 Hours 2.3%0.0% Moved between Surface and Unrestricted On Street Moved between Garage and Unrestricted On-Street Moved between Surface and 2- Hour On Street Moved between Garage and 2- Hour On- Street Moved between Garage and Surface Moved between Unrestricted and 2 Hour Moved between Unrestricted Only Moved between 2 Hour Only Other 8 5 5 7 1 30 19 29 3 107 Total Off-Street to On-Street Movements On-Street Only Movements Moved between Surface and Unrestricted On Street Moved between Garage and Unrestricted On-Street Moved between Surface and 2- Hour On Street Moved between Garage and 2- Hour On- Street Moved between Garage and Surface Moved between Unrestricted and 2 Hour Moved between Unrestricted Only Moved between 2 Hour Only Other 5 4 8 2 0 29 18 32 6 104 Total Off-Street to On-Street Movements On-Street Only Movements 77 Ellie Staley Public Comment at City Commission Meeting, February 1st “Good Evening Mayor Andrus and City Commissioners. My name is Ellie Staley, I’m Executive Director of the Downtown Bozeman Partnership. Thanks for the opportunity to speak on behalf of the Downtown BID, DBA and URD Boards. I will note that I have spoken or corresponded directly with nearly all of our 21 current board members and over a dozen business or property since last week’s transportation board meeting. Although issues surrounding parking and supply in Downtown is not a new topic of discussion, the idea of implementing a district-wide Paid Parking Program is a relatively new concept for our stakeholders and businesses to understand and it is unclear at this time if there is a consensus for or against the concept as a whole. But, as a group of board members and downtown representatives, we can all agree that if a Paid Parking Program does get recommended to move forward with intent to adopt into policy, there are elements of this Program that need to have direct involvement from our Downtown Stakeholders and Businesses as this may be a hard pill to swallow for many. First, we feel it’s critically important that the revenue from a Paid Parking Program located in our B-3 district should stay within the district and used to support parking inventory, an employee parking permit program and alleviating residential parking issues. We would also like to see a robust Public Engagement Process in order for our downtown stakeholders to participate and engage in all aspects of the development and implementation of a Paid Parking Program that is right for Bozeman and the unique and special community we are. Finally, we acknowledge paid parking as ONE solution to the parking supply issue we are experiencing but, we also feel there are other solutions that are not being fully vetted. We’d like to see a conscious effort on the City’s behalf to research additional solutions and possible funding avenues through state and/or federal grants or programs before instituting a Paid Parking Program. We are a willing partner throughout this process and have significant invested interest to find the right parking solutions for Downtown Bozeman. We are confident we can all work together to resolve our downtown parking issues. We appreciate all your efforts to make our community better. Thanks for your time. “ 78 Downtown Businesses, Employees and Stakeholders, How do you feel about Paid Parking in Downtown Bozeman? – There has been recent progression, at the city level, towards instituting a Paid Parking Program in Downtown Bozeman. We recognize this is a sensitive issue for many of our downtown businesses, employees, and stakeholders. Please take a moment to update yourself on the details below and if you are interested or invested in this idea, please send your thoughts and comments to our City Commissioners at agenda@bozeman.net. • In October 2021, the City Parking Staff presented A Downtown Bozeman Parking Study (https://weblink.bozeman.net/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=259071&dbid=0&repo=BOZEMAN), with data collected in August of 2021 in Downtown Bozeman. It was determined that during the collection time Downtown Bozeman exceeded the 85% capacity parking rule and the City began looking at solutions. • Then, Tuesday, Feb. 1, the City Parking Staff presented a Downtown Bozeman Parking Proforma (https://legistarweb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/attachment/pdf/1224739/Pro_Forma_Report-- City_Of_Bozeman--On-Street_Parking.pdf) outlining the revenue potential for a paid parking program in Downtown Bozeman. The commission did not give full permission to City Staff to move forward with implementing a Paid Parking Program but, has requested they return with some additional information regarding adding supply, additional funding options and transportation ideas. In the meantime, we as the Downtown Partnership feel it is critical that if you have strong opinions one way or another regarding a Paid Parking Program in Downtown Bozeman, now is the time to voice that opinion to your City Commissioners. The Downtown Bozeman Partnership will continue to keep our community updated through our weekly newsletters, member and property owner emails and our @DowntownBozeman social media platforms. If you are not already signed up to receive these emails, updates, and newsletters please email us at info@downtownbozeman.org to get signed up. Thanks, The Downtown Bozeman Partnership 79 January 13, 2022 Mike Veselik Economic Development Program Manager, Parking City of Bozeman 121 N. Rouse Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715 Re: Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542.00 Dear Mr. Veselik: Walker Consultants is pleased to submit the enclosed report presenting the preliminary potential parking revenue, operating expenses, and net earnings associated with managing and operating a paid public parking system within the proposed Downtown Core of Bozeman, Montana. In the enclosed report, we project the preliminary potential annual parking demand for the public portion of the Downtown Core parking system. The projections rely on information compiled from field observations completed in August 2021, calibrating the anticipated seasonality of those demands to historical lodging and enplanement data provided by the City of Bozeman. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, WALKER CONSULTANTS Christina Jones, MBA, CAPP Andrew Vidor Consultant Director of Studies 10375 Park Meadows Drive, Suite 425 Lone Tree, CO 80124 303.694.6622 walkerconsultants.com 80 Project # City of Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma January 20, 2021 Prepared for: City of Bozeman 81 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 Contents Executive Summary 1 Project Background 5 Proposed Area 5 Parking Demand 6 Preliminary Proforma Assumptions 9 Revenue Assumptions 9 Future Parking Demands 9 Meter Violations & Citations 10 Parking Permits 10 Other Revenue Assumptions 11 Expense Assumptions 11 Debt Service Assumptions 25 Parking Access and Revenue Controls 13 Preliminary Proforma Results 15 Scenario 1. Cost Recovery 15 Scenario 2. Cost Recovery Plus 17 Scenario 3. Market Rates 19 On-Street Parking Rates 19 Off-Street Parking Rates 20 Parking Revenue Allocation Options 24 Appendices 27 Limiting Conditions 27 Walker Consultants 29 Revenue Methodology Summary 30 Operations and Maintenance Detailed Projections 31 82 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 1 Executive Summary Identified in the 2021 Study, the Downtown public parking supply consistently reaches and, in many areas, exceeds 85% occupied during much of the typical day, both during the week and on weekends. High, unbalanced utilization of public parking supplies may limit access to the area for residents, employees, and visitors, but it also limits further economic development potential. The City is exploring paid parking to manage parking demands, fund the existing operations and maintenance of the public parking system, and provide a funding source for future investment in additional parking and transportation demand management strategies. Implementation of paid parking can also reduce potential subsidizing of Downtown parking management with citywide property tax revenue from the General Fund. Instead, having those that use and benefit from it directly provide for its financial burden. This report presents the preliminary modeling completed to explore potential revenue generated by paid public parking within the Downtown Core under several rate scenarios. The scenarios included in the analysis are intended to identify rates that manage parking demands, provide for the ongoing operations and maintenance of the public parking system within the District, fund additional parking, and potentially support investment in transportation demand management strategies and Downtown access and mobility initiatives. Rate scenarios are summarized in Figure E1 with a graphical representation of their resulting potential net revenue and total expenses. Figure E2, on the following page, summarizes the projections per scenario in more detail. In each scenario, seasonal paid parking (collected May through September) was assumed to reduce potential impacts to residents and businesses and their employees. Parking fees charged year-round could substantially increase potential revenues or reduce the rates necessary to achieve cost recovery. For example. Cost Recovery Plus rates could decrease from $1.75 to $1.00 per hour on-street with off-street parking reduced from 1.00 to $0.50 per hour if parking fees are charged year-round and the model still projects enough potential revenue to cover debt service on a new parking structure and provide funding for reinvestment in the community. The potential net operating income is presented for the overall system and broken down to show the net income associated with the on-street and surface lots separate from the net income associated with the Bridger Garage. When built in 2009, the garage was funded by a combination of federal funding and a TIF bond. A requirement of the federal funding specifies that any revenue generated by the garage that exceeds its operations and maintenance must be used to fund transit. This means only net income generated by the on-street and surface lot spaces can be used to fund debt service on future parking supplies or for reinvestment other than transit. Figure E1. Hourly Parking Rate Scenarios Evaluated and Resulting Net Revenue and Expense Projections LOCATION COST RECOVERY COST RECOVERY PLUS MARKET RATES Peak* Off-Peak Peak* Off-Peak Peak* Off-Peak On-Street $ 0.75 Free $1.75 Free $ 1.50 Free Wilson Lots $ 0.50 Free $ 1.00 Free $ 1.00 Free Black Lot $ 0.50 Free $ 1.00 Free $ 1.00 Free Rouse Lot $ 0.50 Free $ 1.00 Free $ 1.00 Free Bridger Park Garage $ 0.50 Free $ 1.00 Free $ 1.00 Free *Peak months identified as May through September $0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 Cost Recovery Cost Recovery Plus Market Rates Garage Net Revenue On-street & Surface Lots Net Revenue Operations, Maintenance, and Capital Funding 83 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 2 Figure E2. Potential Net Income per Scenario, Year 1 COST RECOVERY COST RECOVERY PLUS MARKET RATES Revenue Transient Revenue Permit Revenue Citation Revenue $ 607,800 $ 609,600 $ 27,900 $ 1,345,900 $ 609,600 $ 27,900 $ 1,215,500 $ 609,600 $ 27,900 Total Annual Revenue $ 1,245,300 $ 1,983,400 $ 1,853,000 Credit Card Fees $34,400 $55,600 $ 51,800 Net Revenue $ 1,210,900 $ 1,927,800 $ 1,801,200 Operating Expenses Labor Utilities Insurance Supplies Routine Maintenance License Fees & Permits Contracted Services $ 207,100 $ 42,100 $ 9,600 $ 21,400 $ 43,600 $ 840 $ 112,800 $ 207,100 $ 42,100 $ 9,600 $ 21,400 $ 43,600 $ 840 $ 112,800 $ 207,100 $ 42,100 $ 9,600 $ 21,400 $ 43,600 $ 840 $ 112,800 Total Operating Expenses $ 437,440 $ 437,440 $ 437,440 Net Operating Income (Loss) $ 773,460 $ 1,490,360 $ 1,363,760 Capital Reserve Funds $ 310,800 $ 310,800 $ 310,800 Year 1 Net Operating Income (Loss) after Capital Reserve Funds and Debt Service (Peak Only) System On-Street & Lots Garage $ 462,600 $ 178,000 $ 284,660 $ 1,179,560 $ 798,400 $ 381,160 $ 1,052,960 $ 671,800 $ 381,160 Year 1 Net Operating Income (Loss) after Capital Reserve Funds and Debt Service (Year-Round) System On-Street & Lots Garage $ 1,043,360 $ 663,500 $ 379,860 $ 2,465,860 $ 1,894,600 $ 571,260 $ 1,572,360 $ 1,001,100 $ 571,260 84 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 3 Figure E3. Potential Net Income per Scenario, Year 1 with Debt Service for New Garage COST RECOVERY COST RECOVERY PLUS MARKET RATES Revenue Transient Revenue Permit Revenue Citation Revenue $ 607,800 $ 609,600 $ 27,900 $ 1,345,900 $ 609,600 $ 27,900 $ 1,215,500 $ 609,600 $ 27,900 Total Annual Revenue $ 1,245,300 $ 1,983,400 $ 1,853,000 Credit Card Fees $34,400 $55,600 $ 51,800 Net Revenue $ 1,210,900 $ 1,927,800 $ 1,801,200 Operating Expenses Labor Utilities Insurance Supplies Routine Maintenance License Fees & Permits Contracted Services $ 207,100 $ 42,100 $ 9,600 $ 21,400 $ 43,600 $ 840 $ 112,800 $ 207,100 $ 42,100 $ 9,600 $ 21,400 $ 43,600 $ 840 $ 112,800 $ 207,100 $ 42,100 $ 9,600 $ 21,400 $ 43,600 $ 840 $ 112,800 Total Operating Expenses $ 437,440 $ 437,440 $ 437,440 Net Operating Income (Loss) $ 773,460 $ 1,490,360 $ 1,363,760 Capital Reserve Funds $ 310,800 $ 310,800 $ 310,800 Debt Service for Garage $ 642,500 $ 642,500 $ 642,500 Year 1 Net Operating Income (Loss) after Capital Reserve Funds and Debt Service (Peak Only) System On-Street & Lots Garage ($ 179,840) ($ 464,500) $ 284,660 $ 537,060 $ 155,900 $ 381,160 $ 410,460 $ 29,300 $ 381,160 Year 1 Net Operating Income (Loss) after Capital Reserve Funds and Debt Service (Year-Round) System On-Street & Lots Garage $ 400,860 $ 21,000 $ 379,860 $ 1,823,360 $ 1,252,100 $ 571,260 $ 929,860 $ 358,600 $ 571,260 The Seasonal Cost Recovery scenario is not projected to generate a net operating income sufficient to cover the debt service payment of a new parking structure. 85 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 4 Project Background 01 86 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 5 Project Background As discussed in the September 2021 Downtown Bozeman Parking Study, the downtown public parking system has been a part of several plans and studies over the past decade. A consistent theme of these plans is the high utilization of parking within the Downtown Core Area and the "85% Rule" outlined in the area's Strategic Parking Management Plan. This principle states, "when the parking supply is routinely occupied at 85% or greater during peak periods, more intensive and aggressive management strategies are called for to assist priority customers in finding available parking." Discussed further in the 2021 Study, when considered on its own, this "rule" fails to account for other factors that can and will have a significant impact on the parking system's operations and customer experience; factors such as traffic congestion, duration of stay and turnover, and enforcement practices, among others. The Downtown public parking supply consistently reaches and, in many areas, exceeds 85% occupied during much of the typical day, both during the week and on weekends, as identified in the September 2021 Study. High utilization and unbalanced demand can limit access to the area for residents, employees, and visitors and further economic development potential. The City is exploring paid parking to manage parking demands, fund existing operations and maintenance of the public parking system, and fund future investment in additional parking and transportation demand management strategies. Paid parking can also reduce potential subsidizing of Downtown parking management with citywide property tax revenue from the General Fund. Instead, having those that use and benefit from it directly provide for its financial burden. This report presents the preliminary modeling completed to explore potential revenue generated by paid public parking within the Downtown Core under several rate scenarios. The scenarios included in the analysis are intended to identify rates that manage parking demands, provide for the ongoing operations and maintenance of the public parking system within the District, fund additional parking, and potentially provide funding for reinvestment in the community. Proposed Paid Parking Area Using the results of the 2021 Study, the Downtown Core has been identified for consideration of paid parking in this preliminary revenue modeling effort. As shown in Figure 1, this area comprises 704 on-street spaces, 177 spaces located in four surface lots, and 435 spaces located in the Bridger Garage. 87 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 6 Figure 1. Downtown Core Parking Demand Based on the August 2021 field observations, there is potential to expand the paid area one block north and south of the Downtown core to include Lamme Street and Olive Street. However, an expansion of this nature would necessitate the implementation of a residential parking permit zone to ensure residents in these areas are not negatively impacted by additional parking fees. Because field collections occurred during typical peak conditions may not reflect the true year-round impacts of downtown parking on these transition areas. These corridors should be closely monitored for increases in parking demands and potential spillover of downtown parkers looking to avoid fees. Initially, this may be discouraged by using time limits and residential parking permits, as necessary. Table 1 summarizes the observed parking utilization within the B-3 District collected in August 2021 for each weekday and weekend afternoon observation, which are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively. Table 1. Parking Utilization, August 2021 LOCATION INVENTORY WEEKDAY OCCUPANCY WEEKEND OCCUPANCY On-Street, Core Area 704 86% 77% Wilson Lots 69 100% 99% Black Lot 62 98% 100% Rouse Lot 46 85% 87% Bridger Park Garage 435 81% 59% TOTAL 1,346 85% 73% 88 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 7 Figure 2. Parking Utilization, August 2021 Weekday Afternoon Figure 3. Parking Utilization, August 2021 Saturday Afternoon 89 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 8 Preliminary Proforma Assumptions 02 90 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 9 Preliminary Proforma Assumptions In projecting the potential revenue associated with the public parking system within the Downtown Core, the analysis relies on several assumptions discussed in this section. As used in this report, an "assumption" is an axiom or proposition included in an analysis to project future performance or events. It is not a guarantee of performance or representation of a fact that will eventually exist or be attained or reached. Because of the assumptions' inherent uncertainty and probable variation, actual results will vary from estimated or projected results, and such variations may be material. Additionally, unforeseen and changed laws, technologies, events, or circumstances may occur after this engagement and completion of services, rendering this document obsolete. Revenue Assumptions Future Parking Demands Based on the field data collection, Walker projected the monthly parking transaction volumes using observed parking demands for a typical August weekday and Saturday, and historical bed tax and enplanement data provided by the City. With both metrics demonstrating a strong correlation with visitor behaviors and consistently trending, monthly factors were created based on the six-year average reflecting 2016 through November 2021, not including March through May 2020. To confirm potential impacts of pandemic behaviors did not disproportionately skew the results, the three-year average of 2019 to 2021 was compared to these monthly factors and their projected trends through 2021. Table 2 summarizes the resulting monthly factors used in the transient parking volumes in calculating potential revenues. As shown here, July is anticipated to be the peak parking demand month. Table 2. Monthly Factors Applied to Transient Parking Volumes to Reflect Seasonal Parking Demand Fluctuations OFF – PEAK PEAK OFF - PEAK JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 62% 63% 70% 49% 57% 85% 100% 98% 76% 62% 47% 60% Mountain towns and communities acting as gateways to national parks and areas popular for outdoor recreation often experience a seasonal influx of visitors. Due to snow removal requirements in the winter that may add restrictions to on-street parking and encourage the use off-street facilities, it is more common for these communities to rely on seasonal paid parking fee increases during peak visitor months to support the financial needs of the parking system. Seasonal paid parking can also help decrease the impact of visitor parking on residents and area businesses and their employees. For example, the Town of Estes Park provides free and time limited parking in the winter, with parking fees charged throughout their peak summer season. The City of Manitou Springs reduces their initial free period from 3 hours once per day in their off-season to 15 minutes once per day during their peak season. As we considered the impacts and potential revenue generation of the Downtown Bozeman public parking system, seasonal paid parking was modeling to reduce impacts to residents and employees. 91 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 10 In addition to seasonal fluctuations in parking demands, the model anticipates a 10% reduction in volume due to price elasticity. Originally published in 2004 and updated in November 2021, the Victoria Transport Policy Institute's Transit Price Elasticities and Cross-Elasticities notes a change from free to priced parking typically reduces drive-alone commuting by 10-30%. The greatest reduction is generally achieved if pricing is implemented with improvements in transit service and rideshare programs or other TDM strategies1. Of the vehicles anticipated to be lost due to the implementation of paid parking, it is assumed that 25% will want to convert to permits, and 75% will be lost to other modes of access and travel such as carpooling, rideshare, walking, or choosing alternative destinations. Meter Violations & Citations The revenue model also accounts for parkers who choose not to pay for their parking with variables for reductions to paid transactions due to violations and roll these violations through to potential citation revenue. Along these lines, it is assumed that 85% of parking sessions will comply and result in a transient revenue- generating transaction. Of those not captured, it is assumed that 75% of violations will be cited, and of those, 75% will be collected. For this effort, meter violations are set at $35, and no other potential citation revenue is included. Parking Permits Typical parking permit volumes and existing availability per facility have been provided by the City and incorporated into the model. The City's feedback shows that permit sales are consistent throughout the year, with several facilities often experiencing a waitlist. No monthly adjustment factors have been applied to these volumes based on the reported consistency of permit sales. Increases result from the transient parking assumptions and the inability of employees working the Downtown Core to move their vehicles to evade parking time limits. Permits are capped at the availability provided by the City. Table 3 summarizes the existing permit sales per facility, availability, and projected additional demand based on the previously outlined transient parking assumptions. As noted here, there is a projected unmet demand for parking permits that reflects the need for additional public parking supplies both now and in the future to support the continued economic development of the area and the considerable growth in both population and visitors in recent years. Table 3. Parking Permits per Facility LOCATION EXISTING PERMITS EXISTING AVAILABILITY CONVERTED TRANSIENT DEMAND On-Street, Core Area 0 0 28 Surface Lots 77 1 21 Bridger Park Garage 456 57 15 TOTAL 533 58 64 1 https://www.vtpi.org/tranelas.pdf 92 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 11 Other Revenue Assumptions Aside from parking demands, the field observations collected in August 2021 provided the average duration of stay for vehicles. To account for the ability to pay to stay, vehicles observed to move between concurrent collection periods were treated as one length of stay. For example, an observed vehicle parked at one location for 1 hour and 45 minutes and then moved to another location and was parked for 1 hour and 15 minutes was treated as a single 3-hour transaction for this analysis. Vehicles that left the study area and returned continued to be treated as separate lengths of stay. Credit cards are anticipated to account for approximately 95% of transient and permit transactions with a 3% transaction fee. Credit card fees are treated as a revenue reduction rather than an expense. Additionally, while typically treated similarly, no sales tax is accounted for in the modeling. While nine federal holidays are assumed in the model, parking is anticipated to be paid seven days per week, with Sunday experiencing approximately 80% of the parking volume observed for Saturday. Expense Assumptions Annual operating expense projections for the public parking system within the Downtown Core were developed using Walker's database of historical parking facility operating expenses and existing budget data previously provided by the City. The projected operating expenses assume the parking system will be managed and operated based on existing practices and through expansion of staff, as further detailed below. The projected labor costs shown in the model are based upon estimated staffing schedules developed by Walker using assumptions provided by the City. In contrast, all other expenses are projected on a cost-per-space basis. A brief description of the line-item categories included in the model follows below: • Salaries, Benefits & Workers' Compensation: The staffing plan, positions, and wage structure projected are projected to provide for the following positions: • Manager: 1.0 FTE, $40.06 per hour, 27.5% taxes and benefits. • Customer Service and Parking Enforcement: 2.0 FTE, $19.23 per hour, 26.0% taxes and benefits. • Maintenance Engineer: 1.0 FTE, $25.19 per hour, 26.0% taxes and benefits. • Utilities: Assumes the projected cost of electricity, water, and telephone services. • $0.0979 per kWh, based on the current average commercial rate for Bozeman, MT. • $64.63 annual lighting cost per off-street space. • Insurance: Includes the cost of general liability, garage keeper's legal liability, crime, umbrella, and auto insurance coverages; the cost of property insurance coverage is excluded from the model. • Assumed at $15 per off-street space. • Supplies: Includes the projected cost of garage and office supplies, parking tickets, forms, postage, replacement keycards for contract parking, lamps, bulbs, and employee uniforms. • Assumed at approximately $12.49 per space in aggregate. 93 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 12 • Routine Maintenance: Includes the anticipated annual expense to maintain the electrical system, re- lamping, life-safety systems, doors and locks, keys, parking equipment service agreements, waste removal, pest control, and routine maintenance. • The service agreement for parking access and revenue control systems and emergency service agreement represents a significant portion of the routine maintenance cost at approximately $14,000 annually. • Sweeping and restriping represent approximately $7.00 per space. • Maintenance of the fire prevention, drainage, and electrical systems are projected at approximately $13,000 annually • A CCTV System is included at approximately $3,000 per year. • Office equipment and miscellaneous repairs are estimated at $150 per month. • The cost of maintaining the elevators serving the parking garage is included at approximately $2,500 annually, not inclusive of elevator permits. • License, Permits & Fees: Assumes the projected cost for local business licenses and permits, driveway, and other permits paid to the local governing agency or agencies. • Licensing and permits for public operations of the parking system are anticipated at approximately $780 annually and limited to the annual elevator permits for the garage. As a public agency, it is anticipated that the parking system is not subject to any licensing fees or driveway permits. • Contract Services: Includes the projected expense per space for accounting and consulting services and legal fees. • Custodial services for off-street facilities are assumed to continue to be provided at the existing per space cost expanded for all off-street facilities, or approximately $1,925 annually. • Accounting and legal fees of $3,000 per year are included. • Waste removal for the off-street facilities is projected at $100 per month, with pest control at $80 per month. • Annual structural inspections for off-street facilities are included at $2,000 annually. • Snow removal is included at approximately $68,774 annually for off-street facilities. In addition to the typical expenses incurred in the operation of a public parking system, Walker also recommends that parking asset owners set aside funds on an annual basis to help pay for future capital repairs and maintenance needs. This sinking fund is intended to provide for major equipment replacement and structural maintenance and repairs, including items such as the following: • Elevator replacement • Fire protection and storm drainage piping replacement • Lighting fixture replacement • Parking access and revenue control system (PARCS) replacement • Parking lot crack sealing, pothole repairs, resurfacing, etc. • Expansion joint replacements • Repairing or replacing topping membranes • Routing and sealing of joints and cracks • Repair or replacement of expansion/construction joints • Major structural repairs to stairs, floors, columns, and beams The typical annual sinking fund set aside recommended by Walker is 1% of the per space construction cost of the facility or $250 per space. 94 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 13 Parking Access and Revenue Controls Based on input by City staff, multi-space meters for license-plate-based payments are anticipated for Downtown Bozeman to integrate with existing mobile license plate recognition (LPR) equipment. However, the specific brand and placement and infrastructure needs have yet to be determined. Additionally, the off-street parking facilities' parking access and revenue control systems have not been identified. This effort assumes that approximately 66 payment kiosks at an initial cost of $12,000 per kiosk that accepts cash and credit cards and $10,000 per kiosk that accepts only credit cards. In additional payment hardware, fixed LPR supporting a gateless operation at the Bridger Garage is included at a budget of $19,000. Management software and infrastructure improvements to support these technologies are projected at approximately $48,000. Variations in technologies chosen to manage the system, optional features, and vendor financing options may differ from these assumptions. 95 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 14 Preliminary Proforma Results 03 96 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 15 Preliminary Proforma Results Using the assumptions outlined in the previous section, Walker projected parking the potential net income for the public parking system under three rate scenarios. These scenarios included: Cost Recovery The cost recovery rate scenario identifies minimum rates necessary projected to provide for the operations and maintenance of the existing public parking system and the debt service of a future parking structure. Cost Recovery Plus The cost recovery plus scenario builds on the base cost recovery structure, increasing rates to provide funding for reinvestment within the community. Market Rates The market rate scenario evaluates a rate schedule developed based on the parking fees charged by peer and aspirational agencies. Scenario 1. Cost Recovery Under the Cost Recovery scenario, parking rates are identified to provide the lowest rate necessary to provide for the parking system's operations and maintenance. With peak season on-street parking priced at $0.75 per hour and off-street at $0.50 per hour, and off-peak season parking continued to be provided free with time limits, the parking system is projected to net just over $462,660 annually, as summarized in Table 4 on the following page. However, because net operating income from the Bridger Garage must be allocated to transit service, the on- street and surface parking lots must absorb the full burden of any potential reinvestment in the community beyond transit. The net operating income not including the Bridger Garage is projected at approximately $178,000 per year. This projects approximately $284,660 annually in potential transit funding from the operations associated with the garage. While this scenario maintains existing permit rates and free parking during the off- season, the rates may severely limit the ability to reinvest in the District's access and mobility future beyond transit services funded by the garage. As discussed more in the Parking Revenue Allocation Options section on Page 23, this scenario would not provide for the full amount of the debt service necessary to fund a new parking structure. Figure 4 summarizes the seasonality of the parking revenue anticipated in the initial stabilized year compared to the system's expenses. Figure 4. Preliminary Proforma Results, Cost Recovery Year 1 $0 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 Total Capital Repairs & Replacement Funding, System Total Operating Expenses, System Net Revenue, System 97 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 16 Table 4. Proforma Results, Cost Recovery Year 1 System On-street & Surface Lots Garage Revenue Transient Revenue $607,800 $508,200 $99,600 Permit Revenue $609,600 $58,800 $550,800 Citation Revenue* $27,900 $21,100 $6,800 Total Revenue $1,245,300 $588,100 $657,200 Credit Card Fees $34,400 $15,900 $18,500 Net Revenue $1,210,900 $572,200 $638,700 System On-street & Surface Lots Garage Operating Expenses Labor - Taxes & Benefits $207,100 $140,000 $67,100 Utilities - Electric & Telephone $42,100 $28,200 $13,900 Insurance - GL/GKLL $9,600 $6,000 $3,600 Supplies $21,400 $14,300 $7,100 Routine Maintenance $43,600 $29,300 $14,300 License Fees & Permits $840 $0 $840 Contracted Services $112,800 $63,600 $49,200 Total Operating Expenses $437,440 $281,400 $156,040 Net Operating Income (Loss), Before Reserve Funding $773,460 $290,800 $482,660 Capital Repair & Replacement Fund Technology $88,800 $81,600 $7,200 Parking Supply $206,400 $26,400 $180,000 Lighting System Replacement $15,600 $4,800 $10,800 Total Capital Repairs & Replacement Funding $310,800 $112,800 $198,000 Net Operating Income (Loss), After Reserve Funding $462,660 $178,000 $284,660 *Citation revenue is representative of only the violations related to the assumptions outlined on page 9. Should parking be implemented year-round, rather than seasonally, preliminary modeling results in a potential net income of $1,043,360 with on-street rates at $0.75 on-street and $0.50 per hour off-street maintained year-round. In this scenario, $379,860 in potential net operating income is attributable to the garage, with approximately $663,500 potential revenue projected for the on-street and surface lots. 98 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 17 Scenario 2. Cost Recovery Plus Under the Cost Recovery Plus scenario, parking rates are identified to provide the rate necessary to provide for the parking system's identified needs and generate additional positive net revenues intended to reinvest in the District's access and mobility. Expenses include the parking system's operations and maintenance. With peak season on-street parking priced at $1.75 per hour and off-street at $1.00 per hour, the parking system is projected to net approximately $1,179,560 in potential net income. As summarized in Table 5 on the following page, approximately $798,400 of this potential net income is attributable to the on-street and surface lot spaces, while $381,160 is projected to be generated by the garage. This scenario provides reinvestment opportunity in the District's access and mobility future, including potential coverage of debt financing for a new parking structure, and the increased differential in on- and off-street parking locations will encourage efficient distribution of parking demand. While this scenario does present the highest rates evaluated, they are relatively in line with market rates. Figure 5 summarizes the seasonality of the parking revenue anticipated in the initial stabilized year compared to the system's expenses. Figure 5. Proforma Results, Cost Recovery Plus $0 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 Total Capital Repairs & Replacement Funding, System Total Operating Expenses, System Net Revenue, System 99 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 18 Table 5. Proforma Results, Cost Recovery Plus Year 1 System On-street & Surface Lots Garage Revenue Transient Revenue $1,345,900 $1,146,900 $199,000 Permit Revenue $609,600 $58,800 $550,800 Citation Revenue* $27,900 $21,100 $6,800 Total Revenue $1,983,400 $1,226,800 $756,600 Credit Card Fees $55,600 $34,200 $21,400 Net Revenue $1,927,800 $1,192,600 $735,200 System On-street & Surface Lots Garage Operating Expenses Labor - Taxes & Benefits $207,100 $140,000 $67,100 Utilities - Electric & Telephone $42,100 $28,200 $13,900 Insurance - GL/GKLL $9,600 $6,000 $3,600 Supplies $21,400 $14,300 $7,100 Routine Maintenance $43,600 $29,300 $14,300 License Fees & Permits $840 $0 $840 Contracted Services $112,800 $63,600 $49,200 Total Operating Expenses $437,440 $281,400 $156,040 Net Operating Income (Loss), Before Reserve Funding $1,490,360 $911,200 $579,160 Capital Repair & Replacement Fund Technology $88,800 $81,600 $7,200 Parking Supply $206,400 $26,400 $180,000 Lighting System Replacement $15,600 $4,800 $10,800 Total Capital Repairs & Replacement Funding $310,800 $112,800 $198,000 Net Operating Income (Loss), After Reserve Funding $1,179,560 $798,400 $381,160 *Citation revenue is representative of only the violations related to the assumptions outlined on page 9. Should parking be implemented year-round, rather than seasonally, preliminary modeling results in a potential net income of $2,465,860 with on-street rates at $1.75 on-street and $1.00 per hour maintained year-round. In this scenario, $571,260 in net operating income is attributable to the garage, with just under $1.9 million potential revenue projected for the on-street and surface lots. 100 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 19 Scenario 3. Market Rates Under the Market Rate scenario, parking rates are based on those charged at peer and aspirational agencies. Parking rates of four peer agency core main street areas and Montana State University were analyzed to inform market rate conditions. Agencies included in this analysis are Missoula, MT; Bend, OR; Estes Park, CO; and Provo, UT, are were chosen due to one or more of the following reasons: • population served • active downtown/main street area • university presence • geographic proximity to a national park • similar climate consideration • seasonal tourism is driven by outdoor recreation On-Street Parking Rates Table 6 outlines on-street public parking rates and restrictions for each agency. Table 6. On-Street Public Parking Rates per Agency PEER CITY/TOWN PRICE CATEGORY RATE TIME RESTRICTIONS NOTES City of Provo, UT All Users Free 2 Hours Provo is considering implementing on-street paid parking near BYU as of November 2021 and the existing residential parking permit program. City of Bend, OR All Users Free 2 Hours Downtown Core area City of Missoula, MT Visitors Hour 1 $1.00 Hour 2 $1.00 Hour 3 $1.50 Hour 4 $2.00 Hour 5 $2.50 Hour 6 $3.00 Hour 7 $3.50 Hour 8 $4.00 Mon-Sun, 9 AM - 5 PM $18.50 Daily max fee Rate for visitors Employees & Residents $1.00 per hour Mon-Sun, 9 AM - 5 PM $2.00 Daily max fee $35.00 per month permit available for select locations Town of Estes Park, CO Winter Free 1-3 Hours Select streets Summer $2.00 per hour Mon-Sun, 10 AM - 6 PM Along Park Lane Free 1-3 Hours Select streets Average per Hour (First Two Hours) $1.50 Excludes special rates for employees and residents Average per Hour (Every Hour After 2 Hours) $2.64 101 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 20 Only the City of Missoula charges for on-street public parking year-round of the four agencies reviewed. The City of Missoula currently uses a graduated rate schedule for its core-area on-street public parking, increasing 50 cents for every hour past the first two hours, up to a maximum possible daily parking fee of $18.50. In Missoula, employees and residents qualify for alternative lower rates. However, the City of Estes Park charges for on-street parking along select streets during the summer, reflective of their peak visitor period between May and October. However, residents within the Estes Parking R3 School District, with proof of residency, may apply for a Local Permit that provides 60 minutes of free parking per day in paid facilities, including on-street paid areas. The average rate per hour for on-street parking for the first two hours is $1.50. The average rate for every hour after the first two hours is $2.64 per hour. The average daily max rate for paid on-street parking is $17.25. All agencies included in the analysis impose a time restriction for its on-street public parking, at least during enforcement hours, ranging from 1 to 4 hours. Off-Street Parking Rates Table 7, on the following page, outlines off-street public parking rates observed for the four agencies and Montana State University. The City of Bend offers an income-qualifying discount for monthly permits in the Centennial Garage and Newport Ave Lot. Those that qualify for the discount must make less than $17 per hour, including any applicable tips, and there is no requirement for the number of hours the wage is applied in a pay period. While Estes Park does not provide a monthly permit option, they provide an option for a $10 overnight parking pass during its seasonal paid period in one of its public parking facilities. The City of Missoula provides parking permit options for both their off-street facilities and select on-street locations. Permits are location specific with off-street facilities ranging from $40 to $85 per month, based on if it is a surface lot or structure and demand for the facility. On-street permits are specific to a designated block and cost $35 per month. Four have current permit availability of the City of Missoula's 26 permitted facilities and blocks. The remaining 22 have reached their maximum permit allocations. Table 7 includes a sample of several representative parking facilities, but it does not represent all of the City's managed facilities. 102 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 21 Table 7. Off-Street Public Parking Rates per Agency AGENCY FACILITY HOURLY RATE PERMIT RATE NOTES City of Provo Town Square Garage $2 per entry NA Mon-Sun, 6 AM - 2 AM Wells Fargo Tower Garage Free NA 2 hours max Utah State Garage Utah County Parking Lot Utah County Garage City of Bend Mirror Pond Lots $1 per hour NA 6 hours max Greenwood Wall Lot $1 per hour NA 4 hours max Troy Field Lot $1 per hour up to 6 hours $ 10-day rate (7+ hours) NA Newport Lot $20 per month Centennial Garage $40 per month City of Missoula Bank Street Structure $1 per hour $75-85 per month Mon-Fri, 8 AM-5 PM New Park Lot $60 per month Kiwanis Park Lot NA $40 per month Engine Lot NA $50 per month Central Park Structure 1st hour free then $1.00 per hour $75-85 per month Mon-Fri, 8 AM-6 PM Park Place Structure $85 per month Roam Structure Town of Estes Park Winter All Public Surface Lots Free NA Visitor Parking Structure Summer Surface Lots (All but W. Riverside Lot) Free Resident permits provide up to 60 minutes per day. They are free but require preregistration. Employee permits are $40 per year Loading permits are $80 per year and apply mainly to tour operators. Mail and package delivery and commercial freight for essential goods are exempt. West Riverside Lot Free, limited to 3 hours Seasonal Paid Public Parking Lots (8 Lots) $2 per hour Mon-Sun, 10 AM-6 PM May 28-Oct 17 Visitor Parking Structure Free $10 per night Montana State University Parking Garage $5 for the 1st hour, then $2.50 per hour $12 daily max $630 per year $365 per Fall or Spring semester only 6 AM-8 PM Lot 16 NA $860 per year Lot 24 NA $560 per year $325 per Fall or Springs semester only Harrison St. Lot $4 for the 1st hour, then $1.00 per hour $8 daily max NA 6 AM-6 PM 103 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 22 With peak season on-street parking priced at $1.50 per hour and off-street at $1.00 per hour, the parking system is projected to net a potential $1,052,960 annually. As summarized in Table 8 on the following page, approximately $671,800 of this potential revenue is projected to be generated by the on-street and surface lot spaces. The $381,160 in potential revenue projected from the garage is required to be invested in transit services per the requirements of its original funding agreement. This scenario provides reduced potential reinvestment opportunity in the District's access and mobility future and the reduced differential in on- and off-street parking locations may not have as strong an influence in efficiently distributing the parking demand as alternative rate structures. Additional investment in signage and wayfinding may also be necessary to achieve the demand distribution goals. Figure 6 summarizes the seasonality of the parking revenue anticipated in the initial stabilized year compared to the system's expenses. Figure 6. Proforma Results, Market Rates Year 1 $0 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 Total Capital Repairs & Replacement Funding, System Total Operating Expenses, System Net Revenue, System 104 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 23 Table 8. Proforma Results, Market Rates Year 1 System On-street & Surface Lots Garage Revenue Transient Revenue $1,215,500 $1,016,500 $199,000 Permit Revenue $609,600 $58,800 $550,800 Citation Revenue* $27,900 $21,100 $6,800 Total Revenue $1,853,000 $1,096,400 $756,600 Credit Card Fees $51,800 $30,400 $21,400 Net Revenue $1,801,200 $1,066,000 $735,200 System On-street & Surface Lots Garage Operating Expenses Labor - Taxes & Benefits $207,100 $140,000 $67,100 Utilities - Electric & Telephone $42,100 $28,200 $13,900 Insurance - GL/GKLL $9,600 $6,000 $3,600 Supplies $21,400 $14,300 $7,100 Routine Maintenance $43,600 $29,300 $14,300 License Fees & Permits $840 $0 $840 Contracted Services $112,800 $63,600 $49,200 Total Operating Expenses $437,440 $281,400 $156,040 Net Operating Income (Loss), Before Reserve Funding $1,363,760 $784,600 $579,160 Capital Repair & Replacement Fund Technology $88,800 $81,600 $7,200 Parking Supply $206,400 $26,400 $180,000 Lighting System Replacement $15,600 $4,800 $10,800 Total Capital Repairs & Replacement Funding $310,800 $112,800 $198,000 Net Operating Income (Loss), After Reserve Funding $1,052,960 $671,800 $381,160 *Citation revenue is representative of only the violations related to the assumptions outlined on page 9. Should parking be implemented year-round, rather than seasonally, preliminary modeling results in a potential net income of $1,572,360 with on-street rates at $1.50 on-street and $1.00 per hour maintained year-round. In this scenario, $571,260 in net operating income is attributable to the garage, with just over $1 million potential revenue projected for the on-street and surface lots. 105 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 24 Parking Revenue Allocation Options Reinvesting a portion of the net operating income from paid parking operations is a concept that is being implemented in communities across North America. Proceeds can be used to reinvest in the district(s) from which they are collected. The funds can be used to fund specific transportation demand management initiatives. A Parking Revenue Allocation Policy for the City of Bozeman’s parking program should identify how net returns are distributed, and the ability to reinvest a portion of the net income to be reinvested into the area within which they were collected. The policy should identify ways to make these investments and how the funds are managed. The below list provides examples of how communities have reinvested net operating income generated by their parking departments: • Additional parking supplies • Gateway improvements • Roadway improvements • Corridor landscaping and design • New parking supplies • Reconfiguration and improvements to existing parking supplies • Streetscaping • Holiday decorations • Bicycle infrastructure • Signage and wayfinding • Bike/scooter program • Trail development and maintenance • Alley improvements such as art installations and lighting upgrades • Upgraded parking technology to improve customer experience • Long term planning initiatives • District security • Free or subsidized district circulator shuttle services • Sidewalk improvements • Provide discounted or free parking or transit for o Active and retired members of the military o Personal attendants and aides accompanying passengers with mobility or medical needs o Seniors o Students o Individuals with Disabilities o Individuals that have a household income at or below an established percentage of the Federal Poverty Level or Area Median Income The Parking Revenue Allocation Policy could identify general guidelines for fund allocation as percentage of net revenues rather than a set dollar amount. The final allocation and policy should consider the City’s goals for economic development and sustainability and align with any Master or Transportation Plan for the community and B-3 District. 106 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 25 Debt Service for a New Parking Structure A new parking structure is assumed at the cost of approximately $16,590,000. The location and structure combination presenting the second highest cost from the Downtown Parking Structure Matrix Cost Projections was chosen to provide a higher expense projection of that would lead to a more conservative evaluation of a rate scenario’s ability to fund the cost. The highest parking structure cost option evaluated in that matrix was noted as privately held land owned by an unwilling partner and was therefore not included. Similarly, to provide a conservative potential net income projection, the lowest TIF funding contribution projected by the City was included to reduce the amount to be funded. The amount assumed to be provided by TIF funds is $7,551,940, leaving $9,038,060 to be funded. Using the financing terms provided by the City of 3.615% and 20 years, an annual level debt service payment of approximately $642,563 was calculated. Figure 7 summarizes the ability of the existing parking system to fund the debt service of a new parking structure based on the net income after reserve funding of the on-street and surface lot spaces. Because net income from the garage is restricted, it is not included in this evaluation for debt service coverage. It should be noted, however, that once a new structure is brought online, its operations and maintenance will increase the overall the system’s operations and maintenance expenses, which are not reflected here. To that same end, a new parking structure could accommodate latent and new parking demands not currently reflected due to the existing’s system limited capacity and high utilization. Figure 7. Debt Service Potential Coverage by Existing Parking System per Scenario $0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 $1,800,000 $2,000,000 Cost Recovery Rates Cost Recovery Plus Rates Market Rates Seasonal Paid Parking NOI Annual Paid Parking NOI Debt Service on New Garage 107 Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS | 26 Appendices 04 108 DRAFT Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS.COM WALKER CONSULTANTS | 27 Appendices Limiting Conditions RELIANCE ON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS - Any estimates or projections provided by WALKER will be premised upon assumptions provided by the CLIENT. As used herein, an "assumption" is an axiom or proposition included in an analysis to project future performance or events. It is not a guarantee of performance or representation of a fact that will eventually exist or be attained or reached. CLIENT fully understands that WALKER must utilize such "assumptions" to perform feasibility or other analyses. Furthermore, CLIENT fully understands that WALKER is not an auditor or a certified public accountant and will not independently review or investigate misrepresentations, fraud, misappropriation, completeness or accuracy of the information or assumptions provided by CLIENT, its agents, representatives, or others supplying information or data to WALKER for its use in performance of the Services. WALKER may draw certain assumptions from its past work on other projects of similar or like nature, and will do so in a manner consistent with the standard of care within the profession. CLIENT fully understands that, because of the inherent uncertainty and probable variation of the assumptions, actual results will vary from estimated or projected results and such variations may be material. As such, WALKER makes no warranty or representation, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the estimates or projections. FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS - WALKER may compile, from information and assumptions provided by CLIENT, projections and related prospective statements of income, expenses and cash flow. CLIENT is responsible for representation about its plans and expectations and for disclosure of significant information that might affect the Services. WALKER is not CLIENT's investment advisor or advocate. The actual results achieved will vary from the projections and variations may be material. CHANGES IN ASSUMPTIONS AFTER COMPLETION OF SERVICES – Unforeseen and changed laws, technologies, events or circumstances may occur after the course of this engagement and completion of Services which may render the Documents obsolete. WALKER has no responsibility to inform CLIENT about changed circumstances impacting projections and does not have any responsibility to update Documents for events and circumstances occurring after delivery of Documents to CLIENT. CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES – To the fullest extent permitted by law, neither the CLIENT nor WALKER, shall be liable to the other or shall make any claim for any incidental, indirect or consequential damages arising out of or connected in any way to the services or projections provided under this agreement. This mutual waiver of consequential damages shall include, but is not limited to, loss of use, loss of profit, loss of business, loss of income, loss of reputation and any other consequential damages that either party may have incurred from any cause of action including negligence, strict liability, breach of contract and breach of strict or implied warranty. NO THIRD-PARTY BENEFICIARY – CLIENT understands that the Documents are prepared for CLIENT's internal management use only and that Documents are for CLIENT's sole benefit and no third-party beneficiary is implied. CLIENT agrees to obtain WALKER's prior written permission before distributing a copy of the Documents to anyone other than a member of its internal management. If CLIENT distributes a copy of the Documents to any person or entity other than its internal management, CLIENT fully 109 DRAFT Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS.COM WALKER CONSULTANTS | 28 understands that it does so at its own risk, and WALKER assumes no liability or responsibility therefor or the consequences thereof and CLIENT hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any and all claims or causes of actions for damages or loss against WALKER by such person or entity as a result of said person's alleged reliance on the Documents. USE OF DOCUMENTS - CLIENT agrees not to use documents in a transaction in which one relies on the accuracy of projections, and WALKER assumes no responsibility for CLIENT's actions in its use of the documents in such transactions. Further, any use of documents for modifications or extensions of the services, new projects, or completion of this project by others, without WALKER'S specific written consent, will be at CLIENT's sole risk. STATUTE OF LIMITATION – Parties agree that all legal action by one party against the other arising out of this Agreement or connected with the Services shall be barred and no such claim shall be initiated by either party after four (4) years have passed from the date the Documents were delivered to the CLIENT, unless applicable statute of limitation sets a shorter period. LIMITATION OF REMEDIES - WALKER'S liability to CLIENT as a result of acts, errors or omissions of WALKER shall be limited in the aggregate to the fee for the associated effort. MEDIATION – If any dispute arises among the parties hereto, the parties agree first to try in good faith to settle the dispute by mediation before resorting to litigation. Costs of any mediation proceeding shall be shared equally by all parties. MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL ADVISOR – Walker Consultants is not registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") as a municipal financial advisor. As such, Walker's consultation will be limited to engineering advice based on site and/or economic feasibility; Walker will not be recommending a specific financial structure or vehicle for consideration, nor will Walker recommend a specific financial plan. For those services, the owner/client should seek counsel from a qualified municipal financial advisor. Any opinions or views provided by Walker are not intended to be, and do not constitute, advice within the meaning of Section 975 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. 110 DRAFT Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS.COM WALKER CONSULTANTS | 29 Walker Consultants Walker has worked with many mountain towns, destination communities, and college towns along the Rocky Mountain range and throughout the United States. Through these engagements, we have learned the unique challenges these communities face. The parking and mobility decisions you make are affected by the environment, Town/Gown relationships, and often competing needs between your residents, students, businesses, and visitors. Additionally, the synergy of programs is even more critical when you have a destination center in your community such as the gateway to Yellowstone National Park and Big Sky. Working with municipalities, state agencies, universities, resorts, and developers, the projects we have had the opportunity to work on span a great deal of variety, including planning, design, operations, and preservation. While the type of work has varied, the common theme focuses on the user of the system. Founded in 1965, Walker Consultants has completed 325 financial studies supported by over 300 professionals across its 22 offices. Walker is one of the few firms nationwide that has a proven track record of parking system financial analysis. Our firm has been involved in many of the major parking- related monetization arrangements that have closed in the last decade. This includes transactions such as the Ohio State parking concession agreement, the Chicago Park’s District asset monetization, the City of Pittsburgh downtown parking monetization, and similar investigations by Indiana University, the City of Cincinnati, the University of Kansas, and the University of Florida. Based on our work with asset owners and operators, Walker maintains a database of income and expense statements for over 500 stand-alone parking facilities throughout the U.S. This database is leveraged to ensure that our financial analyses reflect realistic estimates of operating expenses for a given market. From a single facility to much larger systems, Walker is a trusted name in providing due diligence, market analysis, income and expense proformas, and other services for the purposes of bond financing and/or the sale of parking assets. In the past, our work has been specifically requested by well-known financial advisors and underwriters including Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, HSE & Co., Ernst and Young Investment Advisors, and Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). 111 DRAFT Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS.COM WALKER CONSULTANTS | 30 Revenue Methodology Summary • Parking volume is based on data collected August 2021. Data was collected during a representative period in the peak summer season. • Seasonal, monthly calibration applied using and checking against the Bed Tax trends (1987-2021) and enplanements (2016-2021). • We also looked at the trends not including 2020-2021 to ensure pandemic did not skew trends. • No background population or tourism growth factor applied to remain conservative. • Sunday is assumed to operate at approximately 80% of the Saturday volume. • Assumed 10%, or 1 in 10, current parkers to be price sensitive (approximately 125 vehicles on a typical August weekday). o Of these price sensitive parkers, 25% would want to purchase a permit rather than pay hourly (32 parkers on each the weekdays and weekends). o Of these price sensitive parkers, 75% would find alternative transportation to the area or an alternative destination (93 parkers on a typical August weekday). o Other than conversion of hourly to permit parkers, no additional permit demand was included to remain conservative. • No additional development of other new parking demand is assumed to remain conservative. • We assumed 15% of hourly parkers would not pay the meter fee. o Of these violators, 75% are assumed to receive a citation. o Of those cited, 75% of fines are assumed to be collected. o No other enforcement revenue is included to remain conservative. o No seasonal adjustment is included in the year-round projections to reflect reduced visitor presence (residents generally need less ongoing education and are more incentivized to pay fines). 112 DRAFT Downtown Bozeman Preliminary Parking Proforma 23-008542-00 WALKER CONSULTANTS.COM WALKER CONSULTANTS | 31 Operations and Maintenance Detailed Projections Year 1 Garage On-Street and Surface Lots OPERATING EXPENSES Spaces 1,337 435 902 Labor - Taxes & Benefits 207,000 67,300 139,700 Sub-Total - Labor (refer labor tab detail)163,300 53,100 110,200 Sub-Total - Taxes/Benefits/W/C. (refer labor tab detail)43,664 14,200 29,464 Utilities - Electric & Telephone 42,000 13,700 28,300 Total lamp plus ballast watts 190 Annual Hours of Operation (hours/day x 365 days/yr.)24 8,760 Annual kW hours per fixture (watts x hrs. / 1,000)1,664 Local Cost (per kWh) 0.0979$ - Annual Cost per Fixture 162.94$ Lamp Spacing (coverage area / sq. ft.)900 Annual Lighting (cost / sq. ft.)0.181$ Parking Stall Size (sq. ft.)357 Annual Lighting Cost (per space)64.63$ Number of Spaces in Parking Structure 612 Electric (cost / month)3,296.37$ 12 39,600 12,900 26,700 Telephone (cost / month)200.00$ 12 2,400 800 1,600 Insurance - GL/GKLL 9,200 3,000 6,200 Garage Liability (= $ / space)15.00$ 612 9,180 3,000 6,180 Supplies 21,800 7,100 14,700 Parking Tickets (cost / space/ year)2.45$ 1,337 3,276 1,100 2,176 Printed Forms (cost / space / year)2.90$ 633 1,836 600 1,236 Office Supplies (cost / space)3.00$ 633 1,899 600 1,299 Garage Supplies (cost / space)6.00$ 1,337 8,022 2,600 5,422 Uniforms ( cost / employee / year x FTE)1,700.00$ 4.00 6,800 2,200 4,600 Routine Maintenance 43,300 14,100 29,200 Drainage System (cost / sq. ft.)0.020$ 155,295 3,106 250 2,856 Electrical - Relamping (cost / sq. ft.)0.010$ 155,295 1,553 1,500 53 Domestice Backflow Mtc 250.00$ 1 250 100 150 Fire - Fire Ext. and cabinets 2,000.00$ 1 2,000 2,000 - Fire System Testing and Monitoring 1,650.00$ 1 1,650 1,650 - H.V.A.C. annual certification and mtc 2,000.00$ 1 2,000 3,500 (1,500) Line Striping (cost / space) 50% of total spaces annually 7.00$ 633 4,431 1,400 3,031 License plate recognition (LPR) system (10% of initial cost / year)4,700.00$ 2 9,400 3,100 6,300 Access & Rev. Control Equip. - Service Agreement (10% of initial cost / year)$2,800 1 2,800 900 1,900 Access & Rev. Control Equip. - Emergency Service (cost / month)150.00$ 12 1,800 600 1,200 Sand and Soil Seporator Maintenance $10,000 1 10,000 10,000 - Elevator Cabs 2 Elevator - Maintenance Agreement (cost/ cab/ occurence)125.00$ 4 1,000 1,000 - Elevator monitoring & repairs 1 1,480 1,480 - Office Equipment (cost / month)100.00$ 12 1,200 400 800 Miscellaneous Repairs (cost / month)50.00$ 12 600 200 400 License Fees & Permits 800 800 - Elevator Permits (annual cost / cab)390.00$ 2 800 800 - Contracted Services 112,500 48,900 63,600 Security - Unarmed (rate/hr. x annual hours)45.00$ 365 16,425 5,300 11,125 Custodial Service (monthly invoice fee by contract x 12 months)1,925.00$ 12 23,100 4,200 18,900 Accounting Fees (cost/year)2,000.00$ 1 2,000 700 1,300 Legal Fees (cost/year)1,000.00$ 1 1,000 300 700 Snow Removal (annual budget per space)129.03$ 533 68,774 38,000 30,774 Waste Removal (cost / month)100.00$ 12 1,200 400 800 Annual Building Inspection (per structure)2,000.00$ 1 2,000 2,000 - Total - Operating Expense 436,600 154,900 281,700 113 Memorandum REPORT TO:Downtown Area Urban Renewal District Board FROM:Ellie Staley, Executive Director Downtown Bozeman Partnership SUBJECT:February Finance Report MEETING DATE:February 15, 2022 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Finance RECOMMENDATION:Discussion STRATEGIC PLAN:7.3 Best Practices, Creativity & Foresight: Utilize best practices, innovative approaches, and constantly anticipate new directions and changes relevant to the governance of the City. Be also adaptable and flexible with an outward focus on the customer and an external understanding of the issues as others may see them. BACKGROUND:Staff will present the monthly finance report. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None. ALTERNATIVES:None. FISCAL EFFECTS:None. Attachments: URD Finance Report 2-22.pdf Report compiled on: February 10, 2022 114 Downtown URD February 2022 Finance Report Downtown Urban Renewal District Finance Report Category Approved FY2022 Budget FY2022 YTD recent activity Income Starting Cash Balance 3,295,598$ 3,295,598$ ** Final FY21 numbers Income from TIF 335,000$ COB Interlocal Share 1,456,000$ Entitlement Share State of Montana 57,050$ Interest Income 20,000$ Other Income Total Income 5,163,648$ 3,295,598$ Expenses Operations DBP Management Fee 190,000$ 142,500$ Total Operations 190,000$ 142,500$ Infrastructure Improvements Street Furniture and Park Maintenance 25,000$ 33,536$ Streetscape--new purchases 30,000$ 290$ North Rouse Streetscape Project FY Encumbered- Streetlamps (26 qty)85,000$ 78,767$ Phase 1 Construction: Conduit 17,000$ 11,077$ Phase 2 Construction: Lamps 80,000$ 128,922$ $588 TD&H North Willson Streetscape Project 75,000$ Streetscape Assistance Grant Program 50,000$ Streetlamp Power Reconfiguration Project Alley Improvements 50,000$ FY20 Encumbered 19,000$ DBIP: Bozeman Creek Improvements 50,000$ DBIP: Wayfinding & Parking Signage 15,000$ Life-Safety Grant Program 50,000$ Fiber Infrastructure 100,000$ Fiber-Broadband Infrastructure--Grants 10,000$ 3,200$ Intersection Cable Anchor Repairs 30,000$ 3,613$ DBA Event Stage 50,000$ Parklet 50,000$ Alternative Transportation Projects 75,000$ Total Improvements 861,000$ 259,405$ Planning City Economic Development Specialist 33,000$ Technical Assistance Grants 50,000$ FY20 & FY21 Encumbered Funds 45,000$ Residential Incentive Program 200,000$ DBIP: Transportation Planning 25,000$ 21 Encumbered- Part Two--Data, Analysis, Cost Est 91,000$ DBIP: Alley Planning 45,000$ 991$ $138 groundprint DBIP: Bozeman Creek Planning 30,000$ DBIP: Soroptomist Park Planning 50,000$ DBIP: Code Amendments 20,000$ 1,648$ DBIP: Design Guidelines 85,000$ DBIP: Downtown Infrastructure & Public Realm 100,000$ DBIP: General Implementation 100,000$ 5,535$ $285 meeting hosting DBIP: Employee Paid Parking Permit System 20,000$ DBIP: Wayfinding Plan & Parking Signage 10,000$ Utility and Infrastructure Improvement 250,000$ Structured Parking Feasibility Analysis 35,000$ 11,750$ $534 SS/ $4428 Baker Tilly Structured Parking Informal, Site Plan, Bids 750,000$ Professional Services Term Contract 75,000$ Streetscape Preliminary Engineering 50,000$ Total Planning 2,064,000$ 19,924$ Parking Structure Garage Bond Payment 335,000$ Total Parking Garage Payments 335,000$ -$ Total Expenses 3,450,000$ 421,829$ Balance 1,713,648$ 2,873,769$ URD Finance Report 2-22 115 Memorandum REPORT TO:Downtown Area Urban Renewal District Board FROM:Ellie Staley, Executive Director Downtown Bozeman Partnership SUBJECT:Executive Director's Report MEETING DATE:February 15, 2022 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Plan/Report/Study RECOMMENDATION:Discussion STRATEGIC PLAN:7.3 Best Practices, Creativity & Foresight: Utilize best practices, innovative approaches, and constantly anticipate new directions and changes relevant to the governance of the City. Be also adaptable and flexible with an outward focus on the customer and an external understanding of the issues as others may see them. BACKGROUND:Executive Director will provide updates on Downtown Partnership and Urban Renewal District programs and projects UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None. FISCAL EFFECTS:None. Attachments: DBP Monthly ED Report 2-22.pdf Report compiled on: February 10, 2022 116 Downtown Bozeman Partnership – ED Report February 2022 URD Updates: • Parking/Bonding Update: Refer to Board Meeting Discussion Items for information and files. • Alley Project: An Invitation for Quotes was sent to two landscape design firms. One is interested but concerned about current timeline for subcontractor and supply access. Ellie and Emily to hire interested company and set future timeline as meeting next wek. Link to Alley Concept Plan: https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/dba-2021/Resource-PDFs/2020-11- 12_Bozeman_Alleyways_-_Report_Reduced.pdf. • URD Grant Update: The Downtown Urban Renewal Grants forms are now all available electronically! From Façade Assistance to Fiber Connection. We will plan to send this news to local design professionals and plan to begin a larger assessment of the grants and needs through the end of FY22 and into FY23. General Downtown Updates: • DBP Annual Report: We have completed our first ever DBP Annual Report. This will be an annual document to be sued internally and externally to outline the accomplishments each year and to reflect on the past and prepare for the future. It was a good process to develop this report and is the final piece of the DBP Annual Communication Plan. View the FY21 Annual Report HERE. • DBP FY2023 Budget/Work Plan: This year’s process has begun internally with confirmed FY23 lease rates and other operational funding planning. Ellie will schedule a meeting with the PMC in early Feb. to review and approve FY23 in order to begin the work plan and budgeting process for DURD, BID and DBA based on approved managements fees. • Outreach Bozeman: Members of this group will present data collected to the City Commission in early 2022 with the hopes that it will leverage continued support for the next steps and the long-term goals of this program including; year-round opening of the current warming center as well as plans for consistent year-round programming and assistance. We’ll keep the boards updated on when this presentation is scheduled. • Downtown Tree Replacement: Bill from Greenspace has been able to assist us in rebidding the tree replacement project downtown soon. There have been 6 tree stump locations that the city is unable to dig and replant. These will be handled by Greenspace while the City will handle the remaining replanting locations. This project is set to begin in early spring. • The Downtown Event Calendar: The DBA Board has voted and confirmed the scheduled dates for each event, and they will be updated accordingly on all website and social media platforms. Check out the website and @DowntownBozman social media platforms for exciting announcements. City of Bozeman Updates: 117 • The consolidated citizen advisory boards began monthly meetings in December. The next meeting date and time for each are as follows, agendas and meeting links for each can be found at Calendar | City Of Bozeman: o Transportation Board – Wed. Feb. 23 at 6pm o Urban Parks and Forestry Board – Thursday, Feb. 24 at 6pm o Economic Vitality Board - Wed. March 2 at 6pm o Community Development Board – Mon. March 7 at 6pm o Sustainability Board – Wed. March 9 at 6pm • Engage BZN - This is a new online space for all of the projects that the City is seeking to get the word out about and to get your input on. Explore the platform and find easy ways to learn, listen, and participate in projects that matter to you. Building Projects: • Village Downtown - 30 new residential condo units and 9 single-family lots have been approved by city and are in early phase of construction. • AC Hotel (5 East Mendenhall) 6 story 140 room full-service hotel. Scheduled to open winter 2022. Entrance is on Tracy Avenue with large event and gathering space looking on to Mendenhall. A brick-oven pizza bar/restaurant is slated for the top floor with south-facing patio. • East End Flats (240 East Mendenhall) - The six-story mixed-use building has been approved by the city and is expected to include commercial, office, and residential space with underground parking. • Cairn Townhomes (northwest corner of W Beall & N Grand)—5 townhome condos currently under construction. • North Central (20 North Tracy)—Mountain View & Medical Arts buildings, phased master site plan development proposing a total of 9 new mixed-use buildings, associated parking, open space and infrastructure. Application has been approved with conditions. • 137 East Babcock (formerly Gallatin Laundry) – large redevelopment project in progress, windows custom-designed windows have been installed. The refurbished old Gallatin Laundry sign has also been installed. Backcountry.com announced as confirmed lease of this space, opening in summer 2022. • US Bank Building (104 East Main Street) – Development project underway, to be restored to original façade New Businesses (since November 2021): • Out West Trading Post (formerly Collective), 5 East Main – NOW OPEN • Zebra Cocktail Lounge, 321 East Main – REOPENED, new ownership • Shred Monk, 121 W Main – OPENING in Feb. 2022 • 27 East Main - being redeveloped as a steak house by Plonk owners • TBD - 544 East Main—formerly Heeb’s – building improvements underway with several spaces currently being leased. • TBD—127 E Main—formerly A Banks Gallery—TBD 118 Upcoming DBA/DBP Events: • Winter Crazy Days - February 18-19 • Restaurant Week - April 25-May 1 • Montana Downtown Conference - April 6-8, 2022, Hosted in Billings Renew, Reimagine, Revitalize: Optimize your downtown community resources. Join us for an exciting, educational, and inspiring three days. This year's conference is hosted by the Downtown Billings Alliance, the conference will include presentations, panels, and tours focused on place making and safety, community development, and public art and culture. Together we will look at new ways to renew, reimagine, and revitalize the spaces and resources available in your various communities. Get ready for exciting keynotes from Jeff Speck, Author of Walkable City and Charles Marohn Jr, Author of the Strong Towns series. This annual conference is open to Main Street and downtown district promoters, elected officials, city staff and planners, architects, engineers, property owners, business owners, chambers of commerce, and anyone interested in promoting and revitalizing downtowns and Main Streets 119 Memorandum REPORT TO:Downtown Area Urban Renewal District Board FROM:Ellie Staley, Executive Director Downtown Bozeman Partnership SUBJECT:Discuss March Board Meeting Date MEETING DATE:February 15, 2022 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Administration RECOMMENDATION:Reschedule the next DURD Board Meeting from Tuesday, March 15 at 12pm to the following Tuesday, March 24th at 12pm STRATEGIC PLAN:7.3 Best Practices, Creativity & Foresight: Utilize best practices, innovative approaches, and constantly anticipate new directions and changes relevant to the governance of the City. Be also adaptable and flexible with an outward focus on the customer and an external understanding of the issues as others may see them. BACKGROUND:Generally, the DURD Board has postponed the March board meeting as it conflicts with the week of spring break for Bozeman Schools and typically creates an attendance conflict for board members. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None. FISCAL EFFECTS:None. Report compiled on: February 10, 2022 120