HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-10-22 Public Comment - L. Gilmore - The North Central DevelopmentFrom:Lesley Gilmore To:Agenda Subject:The North Central Development Date:Thursday, February 10, 2022 2:16:48 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. February 10, 2022 Re: North Central Development and the Demolition of the Bozeman Deaconess Hospital Honorable City Commissioners, There are several issues at play in the North Central Development at W. Lamme, N. Tracy, N. Grand, and W. Villard development that are under your purview. You have legal obligations via Bozeman’s Unified Development Code (UDC). From what I understand, you don’t seem to be applying the UDC per its stated intentions. The purpose of the review authority granted to the city commission by the UDC is to “…to conserve the value of adjoining buildings and/or property; to protect the character of the city…” (38.200.010 A.). In addition, the following excerpts from Chapter 38 of the UDC should be guiding your review of this project (words bolded by me) located in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District: 1. “All new construction, alterations to existing structures, movement of structures into or out of the neighborhood conservation overlay district, hereinafter referred to as the conservation district, or demolition of structures by any means or process will be subject to design review unless specifically exempted. The recommendations of the design review board or administrative design review staff must be given careful consideration in the final action of the review authority.” (38.340.010. A.) 2. “The intent and purpose of the conservation district designation is to stimulate the restoration and rehabilitation of structures, and all other elements contributing to the character and fabric of established residential neighborhoods and commercial or industrial areas. New construction will be invited and encouraged provided primary emphasis is given to the preservation of existing buildings and further provided the design of such new space enhances and contributes to the aesthetic character and function of the property and the surrounding neighborhood or area.” (38.340.010 C.) 3. “It is further the purpose of the conservation district designation to protect and enhance neighborhoods or areas of significant land planning or architectural character, historic landmarks or other built or natural features for the educational, cultural, economic benefit or enjoyment of citizens of the city.” (38.340.010 F.) The interpretation is simple, EXCEPT for the fact that the UDC has a built-in avoidance of the value of the buildings in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District when the project is deemed “exempt.” The cited structural inadequacies of the Bozeman Deaconess Hospital are temporary – they can be repaired as outlined in DCI’s report dated August 26, 2020. This should not be used as an excuse to avoid thorough review of the impact of the new development on the neighborhood. It should not be used to allow demolition of the historic Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. The 1920 Bozeman Deaconess Hospital was deemed eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places in 2014. The building is significant architecturally, historically, and socially. This is not the type of building the city should support demolition of. In addition, the north part of the development site is immediately adjacent to the North Tracy Historic District. You are mandated to protect and enhance such neighborhoods of significant architectural character. I urge you to fulfill your obligations to the citizens of Bozeman and not allow this development to be approved in its current form. The overlay is meant to take precedence over the underlying zoning. 70’-tall buildings are not appropriate for this historic neighborhood. Prevention of such egregious attempts at obliterating historic Bozeman is in your purview. Following the stated clauses in the UDC will provide you with all the validation you need to make the right decision. Visit with your historic preservation staff and advisory board to come to a resolution that will allow Bozeman to retain some integrity. Thank you for your consideration, Lesley M. Gilmore 180 North Low Bench Road Gallatin Gateway, MT 59730 Sent from Mail for Windows