HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-08-22 Public Comment - M. England - paid parking downtownFrom:Mike England To:Agenda Subject:paid parking downtown Date:Tuesday, February 8, 2022 5:37:27 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I read the proforma… looking like about $500k in revenue, at least the first year. What percentage is that of the overall city budget? Couldn’t you get that money from somewhere else? A paid-parking system would degrade the character of downtown and drive more people to the strip-malls and chain-stores off N. 19th and West Main. I know it’s not much each time, but all these nickel-and-dime measures add up. And they annoy people, especially locals. Moreover, it further commercializes downtown. Must everything involve money? Isn’t that why we live in Montana, because you can do most things for free? You go to the city and everything you do, everywhere you go, you gotta fork over cash. It doesn’t feel welcoming. Downtown should welcome people. Finally, aren’t you paying the city manager close to $200k per year? For that kind of coin, he should have all kinds of interesting, original, creative ways to make a measley half-million per year. Impact fees? Downtown-landlord tax? How about a small property-tax increase on all homes worth over a million dollars? I’m just spitballing here, but I gotta belive a professional city manager has other tricks up his sleeve. Seems like there are plenty of other options to consider, and paid parking should be a last resort. Please don’t rush into this, just because they do it other places. This is Bozeman, let’s keep it Bozeman, not make it a facsimile of every other place. Midtown Mike