HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-07-22 Public Comment - M. Wictor - EXAMPLE of excellent Text Amendment_ APT BLDGS LIMITED [R-3] per Bozeman CoHousing & City Staff--1_5_2021 City Commission 5-0 on Ord. 2059From:Mary Wictor To:Agenda Subject:EXAMPLE of excellent Text Amendment: APT BLDGS LIMITED [R-3] per Bozeman CoHousing & City Staff- -1/5/2021 City Commission 5-0 on Ord. 2059 Date:Monday, February 7, 2022 2:03:49 PM Attachments:Apt Bldg Limited & R-3 PubComm pdf 2-7-2022 CommDevBoard. Text Amendment.pdf CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear new Community Development Board for Bozeman -- First, thank you for your time, efforts,service, and attention:Re: Public Comment (F. "general") or G.2For your 2/7/2022 meeting tonight, TRAINING items are listed under G.2 Text Amendments to Municipal Code (& G.3 on Growth Policy / 2020 Community Plan.) I wish to highlight a Text Amendment for you to learn about and look at to help see what type(s) ofchanges can be made to Code as a Text Amendment & potential nice effects! I. SEE 1-screen .jpg(EXAMPLE of real Text Amendment proposed by Bozeman CoHousing via City Staff to benefit ALL--veryappealing, well-liked and useful to others too)01/05/2021 City Commission meeting when Ord 2059 passed 1/26/21 was discussed for NEWApartment Buildings, Limited BMC 38.360.070 expand R-3 Uses[ATTACHED .jpg shows the relatively few lines of code that have been adopted and existing in the current BMC (yellow highlights are mine for emphasis.] II. LISTEN / READ ~1pg .pdf [ATTACHED .pdf shows my notes I used to verbally deliver 3min Pubic Comment as input.**] **To listen to my 3min. Public Comment summarizing this "new" code and excellent effects when I spokerecently at 1/11/2022 City Commission on importance of it for R-3. bozeman.granicus.com/player/clip/30aca258-ae66-4cdc-9adc-b0dbaaedf366?meta_id=18471cff-77c6-11ec-b1e1-0050569183fa&redirect=true [Link should take you to and start playing at 18:51 - 22:15 where I speak verbally. The link above is a direct copy/paste from the City of Bozman City Commission minutes.] ~Mary Wictor, owner: 1504 Boylan Rd, 59715 (and other properties in Bozeman and Gallatin County.) P.S. Optional but very worthwhile!III. REVIEW longer meeting for Text Amendment, responses & benefits*******************************************************************************HIGHLIGHT R-3 & new use APARTMENT BUILDING LIMITED For Bozeman, existing code created and adopted about 1-year ago is very good & worthwhile toknow/use; info is taken directly from item I.4 on 1/5/2021 at City Commission [MOVE to Timemark: 01:54:10 - 03:00:44 timemarks (about 1-hour)] bozeman.granicus.com/player/clip/37?view_id=1&redirect=true OR City Commission (granicus.com) Below are my own "Notes" I took listening as this Text Amendment was present/discussed. Also, it seems key, timely and important to refresh the importance of Apt Blgs Limited. [In this quick re-look, please realize these new additions to the text of the Bozeman Municipal Code have real, excellent effects on housing & R-3 zoning.] NOTES: +Privately initiated text amendment per suggestion of City Planning staff (any land owner can propose one), applicant: Bozeman Cohousing +New designated land use applied {R-3, R-4, R-5, & R-O} but really only adds new uses &configurations for R-3 as higher density & "taller" R-zones allow UNLIMITED apts. +R-zones are located throughout the City of Bozeman, new special allowed use, and with footnote to"supplemental use" to control the mass & scale +Genuine interest by others and helps overall bigger wider needs, new use is a benefit to the whole community Provides flexibility within a mass and scale that is still consistent with what the code already allows, agood balance between the concerns (not overwhelming) with the good parts, provide new ops, additionalflexibilikty to respond to local site conditions, and provide a type of housing that we don't really have goodexamples for in town.50K+ people, a lot of different needs of housing both amounts and types to meet people's needs. No onesize fits all answer. Provide a diversity of housing to meet the diversity of needs. Per presenter Chris Saunders / Community Development Manager1) Adds ability to allow a smaller apartment building (limited vs unlimited) -- min. of 5 & max. of 8 dwellings, within the general bulk & mass, plus footnote to special stds related to this use2) Implemented standards and calculations for Form & Intensity to identify how many SF required perdwelling to match other residential standards already existing in R-districts3) Special design standards were developed in partnership with the applicant and City staff to be able toallow flexibility while being able to constrain the size/mass of building so that it fits well with its neighbors ==> Provides additional flexibility while retaining the outward mass compatibility with adjacent properties(controls mass & scale) Where? ANYWHERE for 1-Lot, Infill, and/or Large Development Apt. Bldgs. limited is a new use (Jan 2021) that can apply and occur on its own +to one building on an individual lot, perhaps an infill type project+Can be used as part of a larger building complexThe discussions and regulations address both of these alternate options (enable in infill with slightincreases to not overwhelm and suitable for larger development on new sites)>>Looked at what is being built in town, building permits TOWNHOMES last 2 years 168 on 21 streets, distributed throughout the community, in newer areas, and also in infill and redevelopment situations AdditionallyR-3 limits the number of length of townhomes to not more that a group of 5 and not more than 120 ft inlength/width (up to 160 linear feet if 0.55+ acres) -- R-3 zone consistent with+there is quite a range of sizes of homes, resulting can be quite large 30/168 were affordable (somebuilt, average areas, medians, maximums, what if people put them together--biggest example buildings 8together 25,000+SF .... max size 10,000SF for living area (up to 13,000 SF)and is very workable, encourages to build smaller units than the average... but still within knownconstructed stock of townhomes in town... can mix and match very small, medium and large homes in thesame bldg as long as kept within that max 10K SF TABLE 3 Conforms with Growth Policy, amended text and not the FLUM MAP, looked at Policy and Goals,+Constrains overall mass & scale so that R-3 Medimum Density is compatible with other R-zones[especially R-S, R-1, R-2] -->Exterior form of the building rather than the interior configuration or density +Open space, setbacks, and the like are not changed... and heights unaffected so character and compatibility remain --> Continues to provide for adequate light and air +Parking space requirements unchanged, can be in attached garage, detached, no garage, carport, openparking space--no difference to outside envelope--> Separated building can reduce overall mass & scale of building and increase options for allocation ofliving space in building volume--> Detached garages or carports can go a long ways towards break down the overall visual scale of thebuilding --> Can detach for some or all homes or dwellings, or provide attached garage for supporting housing forthose with physical limitations vs living space needs +Allows/doubles dwelling units or homes (5-8 units vs 4-5 in prior code) and thus increases not justthe amount of housing, but also the types and variety!--> new uses allowed at R-3 avoid having to go to R-4 (where max height really increases or to have todo a PUD) +Height unaffected for buildings (36ft max, 42ft pitched roots) remains compatible with R-3 and B-1Neighborhood business (40ft, 45ft pitched) +Character remains consistent with prior existing R-3, and design needs to be and is still compatible withR-2 or R-1 zones--not unlimited in size, scale, mass -- 10,000 SF area (up to 13,000SF) can be allocated to small,medium, and large units flexibly +change configuration vs change in density, not impact the motorized transportation systemrevised since Zoning commission... resolved concerns New residential type of housing: Apartment Building limited. Product of a lot of hard work, +Encourages smaller sizes of dwellings or homes +Affordability through shared walls (between two homes 20-35K less than end-homes) allows morehousing affordability without subsidies (and maybe affordable housing too)+Ability to age in place -- aggregate together, access common facilities without having to go outside, nothave to walk upstairs+Energy efficiency -- shared walls less exterior exposure+Wise land use for density allowed in a zone+Very compatible with residential neighborhood by allowing stacked flats (multi-story building with apts)and row-townhouses +Shared Common spaces can include exterior space, but covered for wheel chair, walker, everybody notslip on ice+Shared amenities can offer more than conventional condominiums (oot luck, parties, kitchen use,meeting space, maker space)[Examples: mechanical space-shared space, laundry, larger development condo/common house orattach adjacent homes without going outside] CREATIVE, FLEXIBLE, INNOVATIVE to address Housing Affordability, smarter density, habitableand livable, useful optimal open spaces and green places with neighbors, part of climate action plan. Adds the still MISSING MIDDLE Housing and works with Cohousing principles. R-3 has additional flexibility that allows and encourages more smaller dwellings/homes within a building, but buildings not be typically larger than what currently seeing. Restrictions keeps size of building within chararacter of neighborhood, and keep footprints down so there are gaps between buildings and offer simplier living in a community and enjoying neighbors. Outside-the-box thinking to help solve what has become a "housing crisis." Not enough, can't build quickenough to meet demand, what build people can't afford. Different ways to live, shared costs, smallerhomes. Good thinking. Hats off and to those behind it! Open the door of home ownership to more people. Wise Land use, smaller dwellings/houses, reducing City Commissioners Echoed benefits: out-side the box thinking. costs less to build, houses together (withunits sandwiched like many hamburgers between two buns), ventilation ok. Wise Land Use. Smallerhouses. Helps meet demands for housing and increases density to help reduce sprawl. Adds housingaffordability for walkable, bikeable, and age-in place. {I hope this reminder about R-3 allowed uses will be embraced and implemented thorough zoningdecisions by the Community Development Board & City Commission. ~ Mary Wictor} To: Mayor, Deputy Mayor & all Commissioners 1/11/2022 Timestamp 18min:51sec for 3min Tonight I wish to highlight important existing code adopted a year ago—on 1/5/ 2021. Apartment buildings were already allowed as “Unlimited” (and still are) for R-4 districts & higher/taller, and thus these zonings are not actually affected by the changes under… (BMC) Sec. 38.360.070 Apartment Buildings, Limited – has excellent effects that increase housing #’s, add a variety of sizes/types, & offer diversity via “The Missing Middle” housing in R-3 zones. Adopting Ord. 2059 created a new residential type that added key significance to R-3 district, retains the 36ft height max-42ft pitched-roof building compatibility mass/scale: 1) Smaller apartment building (limited) allows for a maximum of 8 dwellings and minimum of 5, with overall bldg. scale up to 120-160 linear feet in width/length 2) Special design standards were developed as a Text Amendment in partnership with the applicant Bozeman Cohousing & the City Staff to allow flexibility while being able to constrain the size and mass of a building so it fits well with adjacent property/neighbors. 3) Implemented calculations/standards for Form & Intensity related to how many SF required per dwelling to match other residential standards already existing in R- districts in the City of Bozeman Please NOTE that Apt bldgs. Limited can be used for: -one building on an individual lot -can be part of a larger building complex +Enable infill with slight increases that do not overwhelm, and are also +Suitable for large development on new sites KEY POINTS for New residential type of Apartment Buildings, Limited Relate to the exterior “form” of building rather than the interior configuration or density Height maximums are unaffected so character & compatibility match well with R-2 & R-1 Open Space and setbacks are not changed & can be optimally placed, usable, & green! --Thus, continue to provide for adequate light & air Parking space requirements are unchanged, and do not affect the building envelope-- Garage--attached or detached, carport, none, or open parking space are design options 10,000SF is very workable and flexibly allocated into small, medium, or large dwellings BENEFITS of Apartment Buildings, Limited in (R-3) vs Unlimited (R-4+, R-5, R-O) +Character remains consistent w/ existing R-3 plus is compatible with R-2 & R-1 zones +Encourages smaller-sized units +Energy efficient (shared walls have less exterior exposure) +Affordability (“sandwiched units” construction costs are $20-35k less than end units) +Allows more housing without subsidies (before R-3 allowed 4-5 units, now 8—double!) +Wise land use—suited to a single building on a lot, for infill, and for large new dev. Employ R-3 zoning. It’s new use is creative, innovative, great out-of-the-box thinking and approach to address housing numbers, types, variety, and affordability. Verbal Public Comment had to end within 3mins. Here’s a few other points I did not say: [+Compatible with residential neighborhoods while allowing a multi-story building with apartments/flats, aka “stacked flats” as part of The Missing Middle housing types.] [In addition…] +Shared common spaces can include exterior areas covered for wheelchair and for everyone not to slip on the ice +Shared amenities can offer more than conventional condominiums (pot lucks, parties, kitchen use, meeting space, mechanical shared space, laundry, or even maker space) CREATIVE, FLEXIBLE, INNOVATIVE to address Housing Affordabilty, smarter density, habitable and livable, useful optimal open spaces and green places with neighbors, and part of climate action plan. Adds the still MISSING MIDDLE Housing and works with Cohousing principles for anyone. ~ Mary Wictor, 1504 Boylan Rd., Bozeman, MT 59715 [written notes used in 3min verbal input] 1/11/2022 City Commission meeting & 2/7/2022 Community Development Board from 1/5/2021