HomeMy WebLinkAbout21- Montana DNRC Forest Action Plan - Bozeman Municipal Watershed Cross-boundary Forest Collaboration ProjectFY 2022 Grant Agreement Page 1 of 9 MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION MONTANA FOREST ACTION PLAN - GRANT AGREEMENT Bozeman Municipal Watershed Cross-Boundary Forest Collaboration Project This Grant Agreement (Agreement) is accepted by City of Bozeman, hereinafter referred to as the “Grantee,” Federal ID No 81-6001238, DUNS# 083705293, and represented by Jeff Mihelich, City Manager, PO Box 1230, Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230, telephone (406) 582-2306, according to the following terms and conditions. This Agreement, awarded and administered by the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC), is consistent with the policies, procedures, and objectives of the State of Montana, DNRC, Forestry Division. SECTION 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish mutually agreeable terms and conditions, specifications, and requirements to grant funds to the Grantee to reduce the potential severity of wildfire, reduce impacts to municipal drinking water supply infrastructure, reduce the risk to existing development in the WUI, mitigate the risk of high intensity wildfires, improve public and firefighter safety in the Bozeman municipal watershed. The purpose of the grant program is to accelerate the pace and scale of forest management in order to reduce wildland fire hazards, improve forest health, and enhance economic productivity on Montana’s forested lands. The approved project proposal and the addendum to the project proposal for this grant are attached as Appendix A and Appendix D respectively and are incorporated herein by reference. FOR DNRC USE ONLY Agreement # ACT-21-011C Maximum amount under this Agreement: $111,384.00 Amendment # N/A Source of Funds Approved by State of Montana: Fire Suppression Fund Fiscal LP Legal MP Program WF Division SC Fund Subclass Org Percent Amount Expiration Amendment 02847 555SU 5017421 100% $111,384.00 See Sect. 2 N/A Workers Comp X N/A Attached Exempt Will be forwarded DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 FY 2022 Grant Agreement Page 2 of 9 SECTION 2. TERM. This Agreement is effective on the date of last signature. The Grantee shall have until September 30, 2023, to complete the project and work described in Section 4, Project Scope. The DNRC may, pursuant to Section 18, Agreement Renewal, grant an extension for completion upon request and showing of good cause by the Grantee. Good cause is defined as external factors preventing the Grantee from completing the work, including but not limited to, wildland fire, extensive and prolonged inoperable weather conditions, forest closure, the assignment of employees or a contractor to the suppression of a wildland fire, or variations in project scope and/or landowner participation. A request for extension must be submitted in writing thirty (30) days prior to the termination date if an extension is to be considered by DNRC. SECTION 3. DNRC's ROLE. The DNRC is administering Grant funds to ensure that the funds are used according to the intent and procedures of the State of Montana, DNRC, Forestry Division under the authority of MCA 76-13-150. The DNRC will monitor project expenditures to assure payment eligibility. DNRC assumes no responsibility for the Grantee's obligation to faithfully perform the tasks and activities required by this Agreement. The DNRC assumes no responsibility for verifying the right of the Grantee to conduct project activities on properties identified in Appendix A, the approved project proposal. The Grantee is responsible for obtaining all appropriate permissions or permits to conduct activities. The technical specialist for the project is identified in Section 21. Principal Contacts. The roles and responsibilities of the technical specialist shall include but are not limited to, providing technical assistance to the Grantee to achieve intended outcomes of the project; conducting reviews of project plans, activities, and accomplishments upon request of Grantee or as often as deemed necessary by the DNRC; and assisting the Grantee in complying with Montana’s Forest Practices Laws and voluntary Best Management Practices in the course of carrying out project activities. The Grantee may contact the DNRC's Project Manager for guidance related to administration of the terms of this Agreement. All requests for information and assistance shall be submitted to the technical specialist, DNRC project manager or his designee. SECTION 4. PROJECT SCOPE. (a) The Grantee must use the proceeds provided pursuant to this Agreement to perform allowable activities under the Program. The key outcomes of the Agreement are completion of 178 acres of fuels reduction work through non-commercial timber thinning and piling and slash abatement. (b) Supporting Documents/attachments: The approved project proposal submitted for the complete cross-boundary project, Appendix A, describes the specific subset of activities to be performed by Grantee and the expected completion dates. Funding will not be provided if the requirements outlined in Appendix A are not fulfilled. In the event content in Appendix A, the original proposal, or Appendix D, the addendum to the project proposal differs from or is in conflict with terms presented elsewhere in the Agreement, the Agreement text takes precedence. SECTION 5. PROJECT BUDGET. Grant funds are allocated to the following budget categories: REMAINDER OF PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 FY 2022 Grant Agreement Page 3 of 9 Project Funding Summary: Grantee salary/wages/benefits $0 Operating Expenses $0 Payments to Landowners (Beneficiaries) $0 Contracted Services $111,384 Subtotal – Direct Costs $111,384 Indirect Costs (0.0%) $0 Total Grant Amount $111,384 Match Required (15% additional to be met under ACT-21-011B.) $0 Total Project Funding under this Agreement: $111,384 This Agreement requires a match equal to the Total Grant Amount x 15%, in addition to the Total Grant Amount, in the form of cash contribution or in-kind services directly related to the project. Match required will be met by the cross-boundary project partner under a separate Agreement working on the same project objectives. Claimed match must be sufficiently documented to show compliance with requirements and to demonstrate how it supports the project. DNRC will determine whether match documentation submitted is adequate and may require additional documentation before approval. Additional cash or in-kind contributions, not listed in the Project Funding Summary table, may also be contributed to the project and considered additional leverage for purposes of project reporting. The indirect cost rate is shown above, expressed as a percentage of indirect costs to direct costs. Unless the rate has been formalized in a Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA) between the Grantee and its cognizant federal agency, the rate shown above is hereby approved by the DNRC for the term of this Agreement and may not be changed except via written amendment. The Grantee may transfer up to ten percent (10%) of the total Agreement amount between budget categories as needed to complete the project. The Grantee must notify DNRC of such transfers. Transfers between budget categories in excess of ten percent (10%) of the Agreement amount must be requested by the Grantee, approved by DNRC, and documented in an amendment to the Agreement. If an approved project under the Agreement requires travel, approved travel expenses, mileage, per diem, lodging, will be reimbursed at state rates and in accordance with state travel policy for Employee Travel at the time travel occurs. Any travel expenses incurred above state rates or outside of policy will be the sole responsibility of the Grantee. The Montana Department of Administration maintains current state travel policy on the webpage: https://doa.mt.gov/employee-travel. Total payment for all purposes under this Agreement shall not exceed One Hundred Eleven Thousand Three Hundred Eighty-Four and no/100 Dollars ($111,384.00). When procuring goods or services under the Agreement, the Grantee shall follow all applicable procurement procedures as required by the Grantee Organization’s internal written policies. At a minimum, procurement procedures must ensure that the Grantee 1) avoids unnecessary or duplicative purchases, 2) conducts some form of cost/price analysis for every procurement DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 FY 2022 Grant Agreement Page 4 of 9 transaction, 3) encourages open competition among vendors, and 4) avoid conflicts of interest in procurement decisions. In the absence of internal written policies, the Grantee shall seek guidance on procurement procedures from DNRC Project Manager. SECTION 6. AVAILABILITY OF GRANT FUNDS. The Grantee acknowledges and understands that Agreement funds become available based on State of Montana legislative appropriations to DNRC. Costs incurred by the Grantee prior to the last signature on this Agreement are not eligible for reimbursement but may be counted as match funds upon prior written approval by DNRC. The commitment by the DNRC to expend money is contingent upon the DNRC receiving funds from the State of Montana Fire Suppression Fund. No liability shall accrue to the DNRC or its officials in the event such funds are not appropriated or allotted as authorized by the legislature. DNRC may, at its sole discretion, issue a temporary stop-work order, reduce the scope of project activities, or terminate this Agreement if available funding is reduced for any reason. The DNRC will provide the Grantee at least 10 days’ notice for a stop-work order and at least 30 days’ notice if termination of this Agreement is determined to be necessary due to unavailability of funds. Until DNRC notifies Grantee that obligated funds are unavailable, DNRC will continue to comply with the terms of this Agreement, including the disbursement of funds for eligible expenses incurred by Grantee up to the specified date and time of termination provided in a written notice. SECTION 7. GRANT DISBURSEMENTS. The Grantee shall submit claims for disbursement of Grant funds to the DNRC liaison using the “Request for Disbursement of DNRC Grant Funds / Financial Status Report” (Request) form, attached hereto as Appendix C and incorporated herein by reference. Documentation of reimbursable costs incurred must be submitted with the disbursement requests. Documentation may include but is not limited to itemized receipts, vendor invoices, inspection certificates, financial reports that clearly show expenditures, payroll records, copies of checks, bank statements, and other forms of proof of payment. DNRC will determine whether documentation submitted adequately supports the disbursement request and may require additional documentation before approving payment. The DNRC shall verify the claims and check them against the Reports required in Section 8 and the Budget provided in Section 5. The DNRC will disburse Grant funds to the Grantee only upon DNRC’s review and approval of the documentation submitted by the Grantee. Reimbursement of Grantee expenditures shall only be made for expenses included in the Budget provided in Section 5 and that are clearly and accurately supported by the Grantee's records. The DNRC may conduct an inspection of project progress, as described in Section 10, before a disbursement is approved. Grantee should seek timely reimbursement of claimed costs incurred under this Agreement. A minimum of one Request must be submitted annually to the DNRC. The annual period begins on the Agreement date of last signature. In the event no reimbursable costs are incurred in an annual period, a Request for zero dollars ($0.00) listing current grant balances must be submitted to the DNRC. Request for final disbursement of grant funds is due thirty (30) days following the Agreement termination date. The DNRC may withhold up to ten percent (10%) of the total authorized Grant amount until the project tasks outlined in Section 4, all slash abatement, all required inspections, and the Final Report required by Section 8 are completed and approved by the DNRC. The DNRC may determine the method of submission for disbursement requests. Methods may include requiring paper versions by US Mail, e-mail or state FTP portal transmission for DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 FY 2022 Grant Agreement Page 5 of 9 electronic versions, or entry in a registered Grantee account in a grant management system. If a required submission method changes during the term of the Agreement, the DNRC will provide thirty (30) days’ notice. SECTION 8. REPORTS. Quarterly progress reports for the periods ending each March, June, September and December shall be submitted to the DNRC during the term of the Agreement. Reports will provide status information for each project implementation objective. Status information will include, at a minimum, the percentage complete, costs incurred, funds remaining and projected completion date. The Grantee shall report on total project costs including those funded by the Grantee and other matching funds. Significant problems encountered shall be noted and necessary scope and/or timeline modifications requested. The quarterly report template is provided in Appendix B and is incorporated herein by reference. Quarterly reports must be submitted to the DNRC by the last day of the next month following the close of the quarterly period. The first quarter closes September 30, 2021, and the report is due on or before October 31, 2021. No claims for disbursements shall be honored by DNRC if the quarterly report has not been approved or if there is a delinquent report. A final report, using the Appendix B Quarterly Report format, that details the project completion, results, accomplishments and financial status shall be submitted to DNRC by the Grantee for approval upon project completion. Final disbursement of Agreement funds is contingent upon DNRC’s receipt and approval of the final report. The DNRC shall, if necessary, provide the Grantee with further instructions regarding the required reporting format and other specific reporting requirements when such requirements are mandated by the State of Montana. These new reporting requirements will be provided in writing to Grantee and will be added to the terms of this Agreement via an amendment should Grantee and the DNRC agree to those terms. The foregoing notwithstanding, Grantee must comply with the terms of any future reporting requirements that do not differ materially from those required by this Agreement. The DNRC may determine the method of submission for all reports. Methods may include requiring paper versions by US Mail, e-mail or state FTP portal transmission for electronic versions, or entry in a registered Grantee account in a grant management system. If a required submission method changes during the term of the Agreement, the DNRC will provide thirty (30) days’ notice. SECTION 9. RECORDS AND AUDITS. The Grantee must maintain appropriate and adequate records showing complete entries of all receipts, disbursements and other transactions relating to this Agreement for five (5) years after the later of either the final Agreement payment, or the termination or the expiration of this Agreement. The DNRC, the Montana Legislative Audit Division or the Montana Legislative Fiscal Division may, at any reasonable time, audit all records, reports and other documents that the Grantee maintains under or during the course of this Agreement to ensure compliance with its terms and conditions. SECTION 10. PROJECT MONITORING AND ACCESS FOR INSPECTION AND MONITORING. DNRC retains the right to make periodic inspections of the grant-funded project area to determine that the requirements of the Agreement are being met. If the Grantee fails to meet the requirements of the Agreement, the Grantee shall correct the deficiencies to meet DNRC approval before any disbursements are made. Inspections shall occur as often as deemed necessary by DNRC. Inspections may be required to certify work completed by the DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 FY 2022 Grant Agreement Page 6 of 9 Grantee before disbursement is made by DNRC. Inspections may include review of the adequacy of records and accounts. The Grantee may request inspection by DNRC for disbursement purposes or to clarify Agreement requirements. The Grantee shall accommodate requests for DNRC access to the site and records with due consideration for safety, private property rights, and convenience of everyone involved. SECTION 11. EMPLOYMENT STATUS AND WORKER'S COMPENSATION. The DNRC is not an owner or general contractor for the project and the DNRC does not control the work activities or work-site of the Grantee or any contractors that might be engaged by the Grantee for completion of the project. The Grantee is independent from and is not an employee, officer or agent of the DNRC. The Grantee, its employees and contractors, are not covered by the Workers' Compensation laws applicable to the DNRC as an employer. The Grantee is responsible for making sure that it and its employees are covered by Workers’ Compensation Insurance and that its contractors are in compliance with the coverage provisions of the Workers’ Compensation Act. SECTION 12. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS. All work performed under this Agreement must fully comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations, including but not limited to, the Montana Human Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Any subletting or subcontracting by the Grantee subjects subcontractors to the same provision. In accordance with 49-3-207, MCA, the Grantee agrees that the hiring of persons to perform this Agreement will be made on the basis of merit and qualifications and without discrimination based upon race, color, religion, creed, political ideas, sex, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, or national origin of the persons performing this Agreement. It shall be the Grantee's responsibility to obtain all permits, licenses or authorizations that might be required from government authorities for completion of the project. Procurement of labor, services, supplies, materials and equipment shall be conducted according to applicable federal, state and local statutes. DNRC’s signature on this Agreement does not guarantee the approval or issuance of any permits, licenses or any other form of authorization to take action for which Grantee must apply with DNRC or any other government entity and submit to DNRC to fulfill the terms of this Agreement. SECTION 13. AGENCY RECOGNITION REQUIREMENTS. Use of Agency Insignia. Grantee shall request in writing and receive written permission from DNRC before using the DNRC insignia on any published media, such as a webpage, printed publication or audiovisual production. Public Notices. Grantee is encouraged to give public notice of the receipt of this award of State of Montana grant funds and, from time to time, to announce progress and accomplishments. Press releases or other public notices should include a statement substantially as follows: “The funding for this project is derived in full or in part from an award of State of Montana funds through the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Forestry Division.” Acknowledgment in Publications, Audiovisuals, and Electronic Media. Grantee shall acknowledge DNRC support as appropriate in any publications, audiovisuals, and electronic media developed as a result of this award of State of Montana grant funds. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 FY 2022 Grant Agreement Page 7 of 9 SECTION 14. COPYRIGHT - GOVERNMENT RIGHT TO USE. Any graphic or audio-visual material developed under this Agreement may be copyrighted with the proviso that the State of Montana will have a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable right to produce, publish or otherwise use, and authorize others to use the work for state government purposes. The Grantee must notify DNRC in writing when any patent rights arise from, or are purchased with, funds awarded under this Agreement. SECTION 15. FAILURE TO COMPLY. If the Grantee fails to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the DNRC may terminate this Agreement, refuse additional disbursements of grant funds, and take legal action to recover disbursed grant funds. Such termination will become a consideration in any future application for grants under the authority of the DNRC Forestry Division. SECTION 16. ASSIGNMENT AND AMENDMENT. The Grantee may not assign or transfer any portion of this Agreement without DNRC’s express written consent. Amendments will be in writing, signed by both parties, and attached as an integral component of this Agreement. This Agreement may be terminated by the mutual written consent of both parties. If this Agreement is terminated prior to the date specified in Section 2, the Grantee may not submit claims for reimbursement beyond the mutually agreed to termination date and final disbursement period. SECTION 17. MONTANA LAW AND VENUE. Any action or judicial proceeding for enforcement of the terms of this Grant shall be instituted only in the courts of Montana and shall be governed by the laws of Montana. Venue shall be in the First Judicial District, Lewis and Clark County, Montana. SECTION 18, AGREEMENT RENEWAL. The Agreement may, upon mutual agreement between the parties and according to the terms of the existing contract, be extended. SECTION 19. INDEMNITY AND LIABILITY (HOLD HARMLESS / INDEMNIFICATION). Grantee agrees to be financially responsible for any audit exception or other financial loss to the DNRC and the State of Montana which occurs due to the negligence, intentional acts, or failure by Grantee and/or its agents, employees, subcontractors, or representatives to comply with the terms of this Agreement. Grantee hereby agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the DNRC and the State of Montana and its agents from and against any and all claims, demands, or actions for damages to property or injury to persons or other damage to persons or entities arising out of, or resulting from the performance of this Agreement or the results of this Agreement, provided such damage to property or injury to persons is due to the negligent act or omission, recklessness, or intentional misconduct of Grantee or any of its employees. This Agreement is not intended to relieve a liable party of financial or legal responsibility. SECTION 20. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. General Requirements. The Grantee shall maintain for the duration of this Agreement, at its cost and expense, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, including liability, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work by the Grantee, agents, employees, representatives, assigns, or contractors. This insurance shall cover such claims as may be caused by any negligent act or omission. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 FY 2022 Grant Agreement Page 8 of 9 Specific Requirements for Commercial General Liability. The Grantee shall purchase and maintain occurrence coverage with combined single limits for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage of $750,000 per occurrence and $1,500,000 aggregate per year to cover such claims as may be caused by any act, omission, or negligence of the Grantee or its officers, agents, representatives, assigns or contractors. SECTION 21. PRINCIPAL CONTACTS. As of Agreement execution, the principal contacts are as follows: DNRC Project Manager Contact DNRC Technical Specialist Name: Wyatt Frampton Title: Forest Action Plan Project Manager Address: 2705 Spurgin Road City, State, Zip: Missoula, MT 59804 Telephone: 406-542-4355 Email: WFrampton@mt.gov Name: Roger Ziesak Title: Forest Practices Program Manager Address: 2705 Spurgin Road City, State, Zip: Missoula, MT 59804 Telephone: 406-542-4388 Email: rziesak@mt.gov DNRC Administrative Contact Name: Lorie Palm Title: Grants and Agreements Specialist Address: 2705 Spurgin Road City, State, Zip: Missoula, MT 59804 Telephone: 406-542-4205 Email: lpalm@mt.gov Grantee Representative Name: Jeff Mihelich Title: City Manager Address: PO Box 1230 City, State, Zip: Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 Telephone: 406-582-2306 Email: Grantee Project Manager Contact Grantee Administrative Contact Name: Brian Heaston Title: Senior Engineer Address: PO Box 1230 City, State, Zip: Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 Telephone: 406-582-2282 Email: bheaston@bozeman.net Name: Kristin Donald Title: Finance Director Address: PO Box 1230 City, State, Zip: Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 Telephone: 406-582-2318 Email: DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 FY 2022 Grant Agreement Page 9 of 9 This Agreement consists of pages 1 – 9 plus the following appendices: • Appendix A [approved project proposal] • Appendix B [quarterly report template] • Appendix C [reimbursement request form] • Appendix D [addendum to the project proposal]. The Grantee hereby accepts this Agreement according to the above terms and conditions. By: Date Grantee Authorized Representative Printed name Date DNRC Authorized Representative Printed name Date DNRC Director Printed name DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Jeff Mihelich 11/7/2021 | 6:12:48 PM PST 11/8/2021 | 7:30:17 AM PST Wyatt Frampton 11/9/2021 | 10:27:34 AM PST Amanda Kaster Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A Budget Superseded See Appendix D for BudgetDocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 FOREST ACTION PLAN GRANT QUARTERLY REPORT GRANT NUMBER:______________________________________________________________ PROJECT NAME:_______________________________________________________________ LOCATION OF CURRENT WORK: __________________________________________________ REPORT FOR: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Quarter DATE: _______________________ PERCENT OF PROJECT COMPLETE: ___________TOTAL PROJECT ACRES COMPLETED: ________ PROVIDE A BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE WORK ACCOMPLISHED IN THE LAST THREE MONTHS: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ INDICATE WHAT WORK HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY DNRC AND WHAT IS READY FOR INSPECTION: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ INDICATE WHICH GRANT PARTNERS HAVE BEEN ACTIVE IN THE LAST THREE MONTHS: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ IDENTIFY CONTRACTORS AND APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO ARE ACTIVELY WORKING ON THE PROJECT: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ IF POINT-OF-CONTACT HAS CHANGED PLEASE PROVIDE THE NAME(S) AND CONTACT INFO:_________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Appendix B DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Grant Agreement Number / Project Name From (mm/dd/yy):To (mm/dd/yy): Direct Costs: Grantee Salary/Wages/Benefits $0.00 Operating Expenses $0.00 Payments to Landowners (Beneficiaries)$0.00 Contracted Services $0.00 SubTotal $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Indirect Costs:$0.00 TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Date Grant balance remaining (after this request) Cumulative match expenses to date (if applicable) Request for Disbursement of DNRC Grant Funds / Financial Status Report Request for Reimbursement Grantee Name Period covered by this request: Request for Advance Grantee Representative / Preparer's Signature Total Grant Budget by category (from grant agreement) Funds received from DNRC (before this request) Disbursement amount requested Revised Aug 2015 Appendix C DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 From:Cota, Melanie - FS To:Frampton, Wyatt Subject:[EXTERNAL] RE: FAP - BMW Project Date:Tuesday, March 30, 2021 5:33:45 PM Attachments:image002.png image003.png image004.png image005.png BMW UPDATED PROJECT BUDGET.March2021docx.docx Hi Wyatt, Please see attached revised budget for the BMW Project to reflect the 350k grant award. In talking with the City, we think it would be the cleanest to do two separate agreements with DNRC if that is acceptable. The FS may be able to start some work this FY21, depending on when the agreement is finalized and if we can get an extension on our contacting deadlines. The City is not able to start their portion of the work until FY22 due to other contract work this summer/fall for BMW. I updated this in the deliverables. Please let me know if you need anything further at the moment and we look forward to working with you! Thanks again! Melanie Melanie Cota West Zone Implementation Coordinator Forest Service Custer Gallatin National Forest, Bozeman and Hebgen Lake Ranger Districts p: 406-522-2539 melanie.cota@usda.gov 3710 Fallon St, C Bozeman, MT 59718www.fs.fed.us [fs.fed.us] [usda.gov] [twitter.com] [facebook.com] Caring for the land and serving people From: Frampton, Wyatt <WFrampton@mt.gov> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 2:37 PM To: Cota, Melanie - FS <Melanie.Cota@usda.gov> Subject: FAP - BMW Project Hey Melanie! I have you as the contact for the Bozeman municipal watershed project. I’d like to talk with you about a few next steps we need to get started on so that we can get our grant agreement generated. Please give me a call at your earliest convenience. Appendix D DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Thanks! Wyatt Wyatt Frampton |Montana DNRC | Forest Action Plan Project Manager | 406-890-8471 This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intendedrecipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of theinformation it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminalpenalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender anddelete the email immediately. Appendix D DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Bozeman Municipal Watershed Project Updated Budget and Deliverables March 30th, 2021 PROJECT BUDGET: (complete tables) Budget Table 1: Funding for Activities Activity Ownership Unites (e.g. acres) Cost/Unit Total Cost Non-commercial thinning/piling USFS 382.2 acres $624/ac $238,492.80 Non-commercial thinning/piling City of Bozeman 178.5 acres $624/ac $111,384.00 Budget Table 2: Expenses Funds Requested Match Total Employee Salary/Wages/Benefits USFS $400,000 confirmed match and City $270,000 pending match $400,000.00 Supplies $123.20 Travel Payments to Landowners (Beneficiaries) Contractual Costs (incl. contract labor) $349,876.80 $811,512.30 $1,311,336.30 Other Costs (Specify) Indirect Costs (rate: xx.xx%) (up to 10% unless NICRA) Total $350,000 560.7 acres $1,711,336.30 Total Request: $350,000 Please briefly describe the details of how the grant funds will be spent for each budget category. (500 words) Appendix D DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195 Bozeman Municipal Watershed Project Updated Budget and Deliverables March 30th, 2021 Grant funds would be spent on contract thinning and piling or masticating of generally small diameter and dead and down fuels. The USFS has existing pre-priced contracts for hand work and existing contracts for machine work where prices are bid. Prices were derived assuming hand treatment and an average cost was applied for all acres based upon a subset of already surveyed units. Some units will have lower or higher costs per acre. Machine piling or masticating will be utilized when it can meet objectives/constraints and is more cost effective. The USFS costs of admin, layout, and burning of fuels are already covered in house. The additional funding for supplies would go towards the BMW communication strategy for outreach and education on the project. DELIVERABLES: (250 words) Describe in narrative the activities to be completed and how this work will be accomplished. Activities: The collaborative project with the City of Bozeman would together treat 5,330 acres. This includes 4,700 acres on USFS System Lands and 638 acres on the City of Bozeman Lands. Project activities funded by this grant would include non-commercial thinning and piling on 382.2 acres of NFS lands and 178.5 acres of City of Bozeman lands. Additional acres are to be treated on both ownerships using other available funds and timber sale revenues. How: These activities would be achieved by utilizing contractors to complete work by hand or machine based upon the most economically available option and environmental limitations. Most work is expected to be done by hand. Follow up treatments of prescribed burning will occur as needed and conditions allow and be funded by other means. Thinning and piling treatments are expected to begin in the first funding year and conclude in the second. Prescribed fire treatments will begin in the second funding year and continue as needed and conditions allow. In the table below list the expected annual accomplishments and outcomes for this project (e.g. number of acres treated, number of homes protected, estimated MMBF of wood for forest products, jobs created, etc.) Year Deliverable 1 The USFS is hoping to award funding to contract for hand thinning/piling in FY 21, for a total of 104.8 acres. This is dependent on timing of agreement and granting of extension of contract deadlines. 2 178.5 acres treated by City of Bozeman thinning/piling by contract, and 382.2 acres (dependent on FY21 acres completed) USFS thinning/piling by way of contract 3 Reporting on a semi-annual basis describing project accomplishments and how funds are being utilized. A final report will be submitted stating how the funds were used and the outcomes that were achieved. Appendix D DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B60E685-74D9-49AA-ADE5-554758748195