HomeMy WebLinkAbout21- Interlocal Agreement - Gallatin Countly Solid Waste Management District - Operation of Convenience Site & Household Hazardous Waste Facility (recorded)INTERLOCAL SITE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR OPERATION OF
This InterlocalSite License Agreement ("Agreement")for the operation of the
Convenience Site and Household Hazardous Waste Facilitylocatedon the City of
Bozeman Landfillpropertyat 2143 StoryMill Road takeseffecton the ISTday of July,
2021,by and among:
specialdistrictcreatedby the Board of GallatinCounty Commissioners and operating
withinGallatinCounty,Montana,locatedat 10585 Two Dog Road,Manhattan,Montana,
59741 and with a mailingaddressof P.O.Box 461,Three Forks,Montana,59752;and
GALLATIN COUNTY (County),311 West Main Street,Room 304,Bozeman,
Montana,59715,a politicalsubdivisionof theStateofMontana;and
THE CITY OF BOZEMAN (City),121 North Rouse,P.O.Box 1230,Bozeman,MT
59771-1230,a self-governingmunicipalityoperatingpursuanttoitsCharterand thelaws
of theStateof Montana;
All collectivelyreferredtohereinas "theParties".
1.Whereas,the GallatinCounty SolidWaste Management District(District)was
createdon May 20,2003,by theCounty to providestructuredmanagement of the
Logan Landfilland any futuresolidwaste management systems intheDistrict;to
provide a distinctentityunder Montana law with the financialresourcesto fairly
and properly carry out waste management dutiesand responsibilities;and to
provide an opportunitytoperform alternativemethods of collectionand disposal
of solidwaste,such as recyclingand composting (GallatinCounty Commission
2.Whereas,in the summer of 2007,the Districtwas expanded toincludethe cities
of Belgrade and Bozeman within itsboundaries (GallatinCounty Commission
3.Whereas,the City owns real property known as the Story Mill Landfill
("Landfill")and the Parties desire the Districtto continue to operate a
conveniencesiteon theCity'sproperty.
4.Whereas,the originalInterlocalAgreement governing the City joining the
Districtprovidesthatthe purchase and installationof the Bozeman Convenience
Site("BCS")(solidwaste disposal,composting,and recycling)and a Household
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Hazardous Waste Station("HHWS")willbe made by theCity and willbe located
atthe Landfilland thatthe City and Districtwillnegotiatea long term agreement
to have theDistrictpay fortheoperationalcostsof maintainingthe BCS once the
City closesitsexistingClass IIcell.This agreement became effectiveJuly 1,
2008.The CitypurchasedtheHHWS and itwas installedpursuanttothe original
5.Whereas,the Partieshave the authorityto enterintothisagreement pursuantto
Sections7-11-101 through 7-11-108,MCA,Resolution2007-089,and §75-10-
NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,in considerationof the foregoingrecitals
and thetermscontainedherein,thePartiesagreeas follows:
1.Purpose of InterlocalAgreement.The purpose ofthisAgreement isto establish
the rightsand dutiesof the Partiesregardingimprovements to the Landfilland
management of theBCS and HHWS.
2.Separate Legal Entity.There shallbe no separatelegalentitycreatedas a conse-
quence of thisAgreement.
3.License.The City hereby grants exclusive permission,revocable and
terminableas provided herein,to the Districtforthe District'suse of a portion
of the Landfill real property as shown on Exhibit A (the "Site")for the
operation of the BCS and the HHWS during the period of July 1,2021
through June 30,2026,and only on the terms and conditionssetforthherein,
which the Districtpromises to comply with and abide by.Such rightshall
include the rightto use the Site solely for the purposes describedherein.The
Districtagreesto comply with allCityordinancesand otherrulesand regulations
includingstateand federallaw regardingpermitsand approvalsrelatedtoactivities
conducted on the Siteand operationson the Siteas well as those of any other
governmental entityhavingjurisdiction.
4.Ti_tle.The Districthereby acknowledges the City grantsita licenseforthe use of
the Siteand thatthislicensegrantsa privilegeand not an interestinrealproperty
orany claimtothetitleof the CitytotheSiteand theDistrictagreesnever to deny
such titleorclaim,atany time,or claim any interestor estateof any kind or extent
whatsoever in the Siteby virtueof thisAgreement or the District'soccupancy or
use hereunder.The City may enterthe Siteat any time to assertitsrealproperty
interestsor for other purposes which do not unreasonably interferewith the
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Upon terminationof thisAgreement,titleto allpermanent improvements on the
Siteand on publicrights-of-wayadjacentto the Sitemade by theDistrict,ifany,
shallvestintheCity,freeand clearof alldebts,liensand encumbrances.All other
improvements of a nonpermanent nature and alltrade fixtures,machinery and
furnishingsmade or installedby theDistrict,includingallassetslistedatSection6
(Assets),may be removed from the Siteat any time by the Districtor County
unlesssuch removal willdamage therealtyand/orpermanent improvements of the
The Partiesagree that,as of the date of thisAgreement,the only permanent
improvements locatedat the Siteand to which titlewillvest in the City upon
terminationhereof,aretheHHWS buildingand theconcretespad upon which the
HHWS and BCS buildingsarelocated.
5.Operations of the BCS and HHWS.
a.The District,in consultationwith the City and County,willdeterminethe
hours of operation,staffinglevels,fee schedules,and what items willbe
b.The Districtwillkeep the BCS open a minimum of fivedays per week,at
least through the spring/summer/fallmonths whenever practicable,
c.The Districtwillconsultwith theCitypriorto any increaseof thetipping
fee at the BCS.The partiesagree the fee should not discouragepeople
from usingtheBCS or HHWS.
d.The City willoperatethe compost facility(grassand brush ¼"or lessin
diameter)locatedon the landfillproperty.The Districtwill collectthe
tippingfee from compost customers and willsubmit 80%of the amount
collectedtothe City.The remaining 20%willbe retainedby the District
fortheirexpenses associatedwith collectingthe funds.The funds willbe
submitted from the Districtto the City a minimum of once per quarter.
The Districtmust provide statementsto the City reflectingtippingfees
collectedforcompost serviceson atleasta quarterlybasis.
e.The Districtwill collectand maintain in a roll-offbox the white
goods/metallocatedon the Site.The Districtwillarrangeforthe saleof
thewhitegoods/metal,and willretainallrevenuereceived.
f.The Districtwill operate the HHWS at the Site.The HHWS will be
opened attheSitea minimum ofone day permonth.
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g.The Districtwillacceptclean wood waste (brush)from the City freeof
charge,as long as the Districtisoperatinga cleanwood waste collection
h.The Districtwill ensure the land in and adjacentto the BCS will be
adequately maintained,including,but not necessarilylimitedto:litter
pickup;grassand weed mowing;watering of treesand othervegetation;
grading/graveling/asphaltrepairof drivingaislesand parkingareas;snow
i.The City willmaintainthe main drivingaislesurfacesfrom the gate on
Story Mill Road to the cleanwood and compost areas,includingasphalt
repairand snow removal,as well as the fencesand electronicgate on the
landfillsitein a manner suitableto the City.If the Districtdesires
additionalmaintenance,theymay do so attheirown expense.
j.The Districtwillpay allutilitychargesrelatedtotheBCS and HHWS.
k.Ifatany time theDistrictabandons theoperationof the BCS or HHWS or
terminatesthisAgreement,thebuildings,facilityand areawillbe leftin a
wellmaintainedcondition,subjecttotheDistrict'sand County's rightsof
removal pursuanttoSection4 (Title).
1.The Districtmust ensure itsoperationscomply with best practicesfor
solidwaste handlingand management and allstateand federallaws.
m.For other than routinefacilitysitemaintenance or waste hauling,the
County and Districtwillrestrictitsemployees'accessto the BCS to the
times atwhich the BCS isopen tothepublic,duringnormal Citybusiness
hours.Whenever practicable,the County and Districtemployees and
contractorsshallconduct maintenance and repairs,and serviceequipment
and roll-offcontainersduringnormal Citybusinesshours.For otherthan
routinefacilitysitemaintenance or waste hauling,the County and District
willadvisetheCityifCounty or Districtemployees willbe on-siteduring
hours the BCS or HHWS isnot open to the public.In the event of an
emergency and/or after-houralarm responses,and as provided herein,
County and Districtemployees may access the Siteoutsidenormal City
n.Cityoperationsmay continuewithintheLandfillpropertythatwillrequire
City employee and contractoraccess through the main gate.City
employees and contractorsnot ina cityvehiclewillbe requiredto stopat
the scalehouse to advise the scaleattendantof theirpresence for City
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o.Itshallbe understoodthattheresponsibilityforprotectionand safekeeping
of the Districtand County employees,contractors,equipment,and
materialson or near the Site will be entirelythat of the Districtand
Assets.The City understandstheDistrictowns the followingassetslocatedatthe
Site:thescalehouse;stationarycompactor;portablescale;securitycamera system;
CAT 305 mini-excavator;roll-offboxes and recyclebins;thestoragebuilding;and
allcontentslocatedwithinthe HHWS,BCS,and storagebuildingsincluding,but
not limitedto,thecomputers,WasteWorks hardware,printers,cash register,tools,
and any othercontentsin the buildings,with the exceptionof the City Radio and
Methane Gas Monitoring System locatedin the scalehouse.The Districtwill
assume allmaintenance and upkeep of allDistrictassets.The Districtmay locate
othernonpermanent propertyattheBCS and HHWS forday-to-dayoperations.
7.Indemnification/Insurance.The partiesagree thatthe Bozeman Convenience
SiteIndemnity Agreement enteredintoby thepartiesin2008,remains infullforce
and effect.For the day today conduct,actionand operationsof theDistrictatthe
BCS during the term of thisagreement,the followingindemnity and insuranceis
a.To the fullestextentpermittedby law,theDistrictrecognizingitexercises
itsprivilegesunder thisAgreement atitsown risk,shallrelease,and shall
protect,defend,indemnify,and hold harmless the City and itsagents,
representatives,employees,and officersfrom and againstany and all
claims,demands,actions,feesand costs(includingattorney'sfeesand the
costs and fees of expert witness and consultants),losses,expenses,
liabilities(includingliabilitywhere activityis inherentlyor intrinsically
dangerous)or damages of whatever kind or natureconnected therewith,
regardlessof the cause or causesthereofor thenegligenceof any partyor
partiesthattheabove may be assertedagainst,recoveredfrom orthatmay
be sufferedby the City and itsagents,representatives,employees,and
officers,occasionedby,growing or arisingout of or resultingfrom or in
any way relatedto:(i)theoccupationor use of theSiteby theDistrict;(ii)
the negligent,reckless,or intentionalmisconduct of the District,their
officers,employees,or agentson or relatedto theSiteor use oftheSiteby
the District;and (iii)any negligent,reckless,or intentionalmisconduct of
any of the District'sguests,invitees,contractors,or subcontractorson or
relatedtothe Site.
b.The District'sobligationsshallnot be construedto negate,abridge,or
reduce otherrightsor obligationsof indemnitythatwould otherwiseexist
as to an indemnitee described in this Section.The indemnification
obligationsof thisSection must not be construedto negate,abridge,or
reduce any common-law or statutoryrightsof the indemnitee(s)which
would otherwiseexistastosuch indemnitee(s).
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c.The District'sindemnity obligationsunder thisSectionshallbe without
regard to and without any rightto contributionfrom any insurance
maintainedby City.
Should the City and itsagents,representatives,employees,and officers
describedhereinbe requiredtobringan actionagainsttheDistricttoassert
itsrightto defenseor indemnificationunder thisAgreement,the City and
itsagents,representatives,employees,and officersshallbe entitledto
recoverreasonablecostsand attorneyfeesincurredinassertingitsrightto
indemnificationor defense but only ifa courtof competent jurisdiction
determines the Districtwas obligatedto defend the claim(s)or were
obligatedtoindemnifytheCityand itsagents,representatives,employees,
and officersfora claim,demand,action,etc.or any portion(s)thereof.
In theeventof an actionfiledagainstthe Cityresultingfrom theDistrict's
performance under thisAgreement,the City may electto representitself
and incurallcostsand expensesof suit.
The Districtshallinclude in allitscontracts,agreements,work order,
servicesordersor any otherwrittenor oralrequestfor work on the Site
wherein such work or actionsoccurs in any parton the Sitethatany such
contractor,person or entityperforming any such work on the Sitefully
releasetheCity and itsagents,representatives,employees,and officersin
writingto thesame extentand under the same terms and conditionsas the
Districtisrequiredpursuantto thisAgreement and waive allclaimsofany
kind or natureagainstthe Cityand itsagents,representatives,employees,
and officersto the same extentas the Districtisrequiredpursuantto this
Agreement.The City and itsagents,representatives,employees,and
officersmay requirethe Districtto provide evidence that any of the
District'scontractorsor persons or entitiesconductingwork on the Site
have providedsuch writtenreleaseand waiver.
d.In additiontoand independentfrom subsection(a),above,duringtheterm
of this Agreement,the Districtor the County shall,at theirexpense,
maintain those insurances as set forth below through an insurance
company or companies duly licensedand authorizedto conduct business
in Montana with a Best's ratingof no lessthan A-which insuresthe
liabilitiesand obligationsspecificallyassumed by Licenseesin subsection
(a)ofthisSection.The insurancecoverage shallnot containany exclusion
forliabilitiesspecificallyassumed by theDistrictinsubsection(a)of this
Sectionnor forany of theDistrict'sactivitieson theSite.
e.The Districtor County must ensure such requiredinsurancecoverage is
timelyrenewed so thatthereisno lapsein coverage duringthetime such
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insurancemust remain in place.The Districtor County shallnotifythe
City withintwo (2)businessdays of the District'sor County's receiptof
noticethatany requiredinsurancecoverage will be terminatedor the
District'sor County's decision to terminate any required insurance
coverageforany reason.
The insuranceand requiredendorsementsmust be ina form suitableto the
The Districtor County must obtainthefollowingtype of insurancein the
amount indicated:
Workers'Compensation -not lessthanstatutorylimits;
Employers'Liability-$1,000,000 each accident/$1,000,000
diseasepolicylimit/$1,000,000disease-each employee
Commercial General Liability-$1,000,000 per occurrence;
$3,000,000 annual aggregate for bodily injuryand property
Pollution Coverage:Pollutioncoverage maintained by the
Districtmust not have any exclusionsforthe activitiesof the
Districtat the Site.The coverage must cover the Siteand all
activitiesperformed by the Districtatthe Site.Coverage limits
must exceed the limitslistedabove for Commercial General
Liability.Pollutioncoverage must be provided by the District
totheCity on an annualbasis.
The City,itsofficers,agents,and employees,must be endorsed as an
additionalor named insuredon a primary non-contributorybasison the
County's Commercial General Liabilitypolicy and District'sPollution
8.Rent.Unless the Districtrequeststo expand itsuse of the Siteor requeststo
expand the servicesitprovides,theCitywillnot charge rentfortheuse oftheSite.
9.Term.This Agreement iseffectivefora five(5)year term commencing on July 1,
2020 untilJune 30,2025,unlessterminatedupon noticein writinggiven by either
party to the otherof not lessthan thirty(30)days priorto the end of the term,
10.Non-discrimination.The County and Districtshallnot discriminatein the
fulfillmentof thisAgreement on the basisof race,color,religion,creed,sex,age,
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maritalstatus,nationalorigin,or actualor perceivedsexual orientation,gender
identityordisability.The Districtshallrequirethesenondiscriminationtermsof its
sub-contractors,ifany,providingservicesunder thisagreement.
11.Protection &Safekeeping of Property.It shall be understood that the
responsibilityforprotectionand safekeepingofpersons,equipment,and materials
on or neartheSitewillbe entirelythatof theCounty and District.
a.Ifany partyfailsto comply with any conditionof thisAgreement at the
time or in the manner provided for,a non-breaching party may,at its
option,terminatethisAgreement and be releasedfrom allobligationsif
defaultisnot cured withinthirty(30)calendardays afterwrittennoticeof
the defaultisprovided to the breachingparty.Said noticeshallsetforth
the items to be cured.Notices shallbe provided in writingand hand-
deliveredor mailed to the partiesat the addressesset forthin the first
paragraphof thisAgreement and by email totheParties'Representatives.
Failureof the Districtto cure any defaultshallresultin an orderby the
City'sRepresentativefor the Districtto cause removal of allpersonal
propertyfrom theSiteimmediately.
The Districtagreesthatcessationofactivitieson theSitefora consecutive
period of thirty(30)days or more during the Term may resultin
terminationof thisAgreement and thelicenseitauthorizesand as such the
Districtagreesthe City may order the Districtto vacatethe Sitewithin
five(5)businessdays of writtennoticeforcessationofactivities.
b.Any partymay terminatethisAgreement,attheirsoleoption,upon ninety
(90)days priorwrittennoticeto the otherparties.Upon termination,the
Districtmust remove theirequipment and improvements,and willrestore
the Siteto substantiallythe conditionexistingas of the commencement
dateofitsoccupationof theSite,normal wear and tearexcepted.
a.City Representative.The City Representativefor the purpose of this
Agreement shallbe Kevin Handelin,Superintendentof the City'sSolid
Waste Division or his successor or designee.Whenever approval or
authorizationfrom or communication or submissiontoCity isrequiredby
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thisAgreement,such communication or submission shallbe directedto
the City'sRepresentativeand approvalsor authorizationsshallbe issued
only by such Representative;provided,however,that in exigent
circumstanceswhen City's Representativeis not available,the District
may directitscommunication or submission to other City personnelor
agentsand may receiveapprovalsor authorizationfrom such persons.
b.DistrictRepresentative.The District'sRepresentativeforthepurpose of
this Agreement shall be Jim Simon or his successor or designee.
Whenever directionto or communication with Districtisrequiredby this
Agreement,such directionorcommunication shallbe directedtoDistrict's
Representative;provided,however,thatin exigent circumstanceswhen
District'sRepresentativeisnot available,the citymay directitsdirection
or communication tootherdesignatedDistrictpersonnel.
14.Permits.In operatingtheBCS and HHWS,theDistrictshallprovide allnotices,
comply with allapplicablefederal,state,and locallaws,ordinances,rules,and
regulations,obtainallnecessarypermits,licenses,and inspectionsfrom applicable
governmental authorities,and pay allfeesand charges in connection therewith.
Notwithstandinganything in the foregoingsentenceto the contrary,neitherthe
Districtnor the County are responsiblefor the licensingrequirementsor fees
relatingto theCity'sSolidWaste License..
15.Intoxicants:DOT Drug and Alcohol Regulations.The Districtand County
shallnot permit or allow the introductionor use of any intoxicants,including
alcoholor illegaldrugs,upon the Site.The Districtand County acknowledge they
areaware of and shallcomply with theirresponsibilitiesand obligationsunder the
U.S.Department of Transportation(DOT)regulationsgoverning anti-drugand
alcoholmisuse preventionplansand relatedtesting.The City shallhave theright
to requestproofof such compliance and theDistrictand County shallbe obligated
to furnishsuch proof.The Citymay orderremoval from the Siteofany employee
or agent of the Districtor County,or any of itssubcontractorsfor use of
controlledsubstancesand alcoholon theSite.
16.Liens and Encumbrances.The Districtshall not permit any liens or
encumbrances tobe filedon theSiterelatedtothe District'suse of the Siteor the
operationof theBCS or the HHWS.Priorto any terminationor expirationofthis
Agreement,or upon the City'srequest,the Districtshallfurnishthe City with
satisfactoryproof that there are no outstanding liens or encumbrances in
connection with the District'suse of the Site.The Districtmust cure any
outstandingliensor encumbrances.
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17.Dispute Resolution.Any claim,controversy,or disputebetween theParties,their
agents,employees,or representativesshallbe resolved firstby negotiation
between senior-levelpersonnel from each party duly authorizedto execute
settlementagreements.Upon mutual agreement of the Parties,the Partiesmay
invitean independent,disinterestedmediatortoassistinthenegotiatedsettlement
discussions.IfthePartiesareunable to resolvethe disputewithinthirty(30)days
from the datethe disputewas firstraised,then such disputemay be resolvedina
courtof competent jurisdictionincompliance with theApplicableLaw provisions
18.Survival.The indemnificationobligationsof Section 7 shall survive the
terminationor expirationof thisAgreement for the maximum period allowed
under law.
19.Headings.The headingsused inthisAgreement areforconvenienceonlyand are
not be construedas a partof theAgreement or as a limitationon thescope of the
particularparagraphstowhich they refer.
20.Waiver.A waiver by any partyof any defaultor breach by anotherpartyof any
covenants,terms,or conditionsof this Agreement does not limitthe non-
defaultingor non-breachingparty'srightto enforcesuch covenants,terms,or
conditionsor to pursue the non-defaultingor non-breachingparty'srightsin the
eventofany subsequentdefaultor breach.
21.Severability.If any portion of this Agreement is held to be void or
22.Applicable Law.The Partiesagree thatthisAgreement is governed in all
respectsby thelaws of theStateofMontana.
23.Binding Effect.This Agreement isbindingupon and inurestothebenefitof the
heirs,legalrepresentatives,successors,and assignsoftheParties.
24.No Third-Party Beneficiary.This Agreement isfortheexclusivebenefitof the
Parties,does not constitutea third-partybeneficiaryagreement,and may not be
reliedupon or enforcedby a thirdparty.
25.Counterparts.This Agreement may be executed in counterparts,which together
constituteone instrument.
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26.Authority.Each partyrepresentsthatithas fullpower and authorityto enterinto
and perform thisAgreement and theperson signingthisAgreement on behalfof
each partyhas been properlyauthorizedand empowered tosignthisAgreement.
27.Independent Contractor.The Partiesagree and acknowledge that in the
performance of this Agreement,neitherthe County nor the Districtshallbe
consideredan agent,representative,subcontractor,or employee of the City.The
partiesfurtheragree thatallindividualsand companies retainedby theCounty or
Districtat alltimes will be consideredthe agents,employees,or independent
contractorsof the County or Districtand atno time willthey be the employees,
agents,or representativesof the City for any purpose including worker's
compensation.County and Districtemployees arenot authorizedto representthe
Cityorotherwisebind theCityinany dealingsbetween theCounty or Districtand
any thirdparties.
28.Integration.This Agreement constitutesthe entireagreement of the Parties.
Covenants or representationsnot contained thereinor made a part thereofby
reference,arenotbindingupon theparties.There areno understandingsbetween
the Partiesotherthan as setforthin thisAgreement.All communications,either
verbalor written,made priorto the date of thisAgreement arehereby abrogated
and withdrawn unlessspecificallymade a partof thisAgreement by reference.
29.Recordation.The DistrictshallrecordthisAgreement with theGallatinCounty
Clerk and Recorder and Montana Secretaryof Stateas requiredby Section7-11-
107,MCA and providea recordedcopy tothe Bozeman CityClerk.
###########End of Agreement except for signatures###########
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o fortheStateofMontana
p.SE AL .*ThreeForks,Montana
My CommissionExpires:
de Hanson,Chair DistrictBoard of
PatriciaHoward D strictBoard Liaison
Board of GallatinCounty Commissioners
EricSemerad,GallatinCounty Clerk &Recorder
Mike Maas,City Clerk
Appro ed astof
g llivan,CityAttorney
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Convenience SiteLocation
Convenience Site
Bozeman LandfillProperty
City Limits