HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-04-22 Public Comment - J. Wood - Development bozeman concernsFrom:Jarrod Wood To:Agenda Subject:Development bozeman concerns Date:Tuesday, January 4, 2022 6:34:26 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To whom it concerns, I live on the north side of the tracks and have some concerns with all the development going up around me. At the last commission meeting about the canyon gatedevelopment I heard some very disturbing news. The lack of services when a train blocks all three crossings is a real threat to all of us that live on this side. And let's get the facts straightin bozeman trains frequently stop and go slow, back up, unload, stop again.. now belgrade who already has one underpass is already in the books for another. In belgrade the trainsaverage 50-60 mph never stop and block all the intersections. Trains are gone in a couple of minutes. I have been stopped for over 45 minutes several times in bozeman. So lets talk firefirst, Even if bridger canyon fire is the second alternative do they even have a ladder truck to evacuate a four story building? Which is being proposed right now at canyon gate. And withthe recent events in Darby, MT, in Superior, CO. Or California or for gods sake the bridgers again. These fast deadly firestorms are a real threat in our town and my high densityneighborhood is highly at risk of one of these events. We are in the mountain corridor and wild fire with high winds and a train blocking the tracks is just a matter of time before it allhappens at once. It will happen. Now do we build huge developments with no fire protection for that kind of realistic event? I would hope we have the land in the Interior of the city wherethese type of developments belong. Where there are appropriate fire trucks, and an appropriate number of officers to evacuate these residency in case of wild fire. So when Iheard at the last meeting that the tracks are a none issue, I was angry, that's my life you're playing with and everyone else's that could live next to this incredible fire hazard. And I hopethere is some plan being developed for such a scenario, especially on the north side of the tracks. Now let's talk medical emergencies, I am aware of ambulance services on this side ofthe tracks but an ambulance is not a hospital and many people have died in transit to the hospital in an ambulance let alone waiting 30 minutes for a train. There are many medicalsituations that an ambulance is not qualified to deal with. And these are current problems with the current population, adding more people with out the services puts even more at risk. Nowcrime we have had break ins with the people home at the time of the break in. Multiple times we needed police response to disturbance in our neighborhood. Now I'm supposed to waitthirty minutes for the police to arrive to protect me? So ya when it was said its a none issue you're basically saying every tax payer on that side of the tracks lives do not matter. I hopeyou heed my advice and put super high density developments where they belong in the interior of the city where the services are in place already to handle such a development. Thank you for your timeJarrod wood 2574 weeping rock lane