HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-03-22 Public Comment - L. Andros-Clay - Preserve Bozeman HistoryFrom:Lynda Andros-Clay To:Agenda Subject:Preserve Bozeman History Date:Monday, January 3, 2022 9:07:16 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To Whom This May Concern, My name is Lynda Andros-Clay, I have lived in Bozeman for 9 years but because of my community I feel like it has been home for much longer. The people and history of myneighborhood made me immediately feel connected and welcomed into the area. Bozeman is a special place. Why would we want to ruin that!?I am writing to voice my concern about losing Bozeman's precious history, community and a beautiful iconic architectural time piece. Please open your eyes to what our community has tooffer and what the Homebase developers will be taking away from us!! The historic building that was formerly the Bozeman Deaconess Hospital on Lamme Street is not only animpressive architectural building but an important piece of Bozeman's history and fabric of our community. Many members of our community and visitors were born, treated for illnessand died in that hospital. It holds many stories of love, joy, heartbreak, and loss. Should all of those memories just get thrown away? I know the old hospital is just a structure but it isn't just constructed of wood, brick, and mortar, it is also constructed of love, life, blood, sweat, tears, memories and all those whodedicated their lives to saving lives. Shouldn't we save this building for life and the respect for life!? Especially for the future generations to learn from and appreciate the history ofBozeman, to know who and what kept Bozeman's community thriving and healthy. History is a strong root of a community and to take that away would be ripping up acommunity and destroying it. Is that what you want to do to Bozeman? Please reflect on the importance of keeping our historic Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Please keep our communityintact, don't destroy us. Thank you. Sincerely,Lynda Lynda Andros-Clay LMT, CD(DONA) Full Circle Doula Care and Massage Therapy(215)432-6969 fullcircledoula.care