HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-03-21 Public Comment - C. Lawrence - North Central Master Site Plan 21029From:Carrie Lawrence To:Danielle Garber; Agenda Subject:Public comment: North Central Master Site Plan Application 21029Date:Friday, December 3, 2021 1:14:05 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Ms. Garber and Mr. Matsen: In accordance with the evaluation against the COA criteria of Section 38.230.080, I respectfully request for the Community Development Department (CDD) to reject Application 21029 related to the North Central Master Site Plan. The basis of the rejection relates to the Sec 38.220.400, contents of the public notice, as it pertains to item A.5. The description of the subject of notice contains inconsistent and misrepresented information. The inconsistencies run so rampant throughout the application documents; how can it be known what is being approved? These erroneous elements primarily relate to the basic infrastructure of the site plan and the number of buildings, dwelling units, and parking spaces used in the description. Please refer to the table created below to convey the inconsistencies. Discrepancies in Application 21029 Description Project Summary Project Information Discrepancy Phased Parking Plan Pre- Approved Total Parking Project Name Application Units Parking Units Parking Units Parking Existing Phase 1 Phase 4 Out ofScope perApplication Comments North Central Master Plan 9 buildings 493 646 367 541 126 105 1 discrepancy 1 1 One 11 2.0 46 46 2 unavailable building detail Blk 4 2 The Ives 85 173 173 3 Bait & switch from App 21165 Blk 3 1- 5 3-7 Henry & others 70 70 195 reported 99 units 177 parking MTN VW E 8 hotel rooms 80 45 4 AC Hotel Parking? MTN VW W 9 186 140 5 SID stalls One 11 1.0 10th building used 55 47 47 47 6 built & occupied AC Hotel Parking 143 80 (80)80 TOTAL 691 773 367 541 126 105 388 369 379 267 646 7 misrepresentation Comments: 1 The North Central Master Plan Application has a discrepancy in the units & parking reported in the summary information vs. the back page project information. What is this difference of 126 units and 105 parking spaces? The description calls out 9 buildings as part of the master plan but parking references 10 buildings with a portion of the parking allotment coming from One 11 1.0. Double dipping? 2 The details related to each of the 9 buildings' dwelling units is not disclosed in order to tie to units to the summary. With incomplete information, the discrepancy cannot be identified. Where is parking included for the 100 hotel rooms mentioned in the summary but not the project information? Intentionally missed? 3 While comparing application 21165 to 21029, there are inconsistencies in the number of parking spaces shown for this building. HB marketing material lists 186 parking spaces, App 21165 shows 177, and App 21029 reports 173 off-street spaces. Bait & switch in actual parking? 4 Based upon the Phased Parking schematic, it appears Mountain View is intended to be used for interim parking for the AC Hotel prior to the Ives being built. Demolition needs to occur. Where is the AC parking going to be while demolition and new construction begins for the Ives? The AC parking allocation is shown but not the dwelling units related to parking spaces. Misleading information. 5 SID stalls are called out in the Phased Parking schematic, SID stalls are "ghost" stalls that should not carry over to a new building because it’s not real parking. Misleading information to the public. 6 One 11 1.0 which is built and occupied is used in the total off-street parking calculation (47) but the units are not, as is the AC hotel. 7 In actuality, there is a parking SHORTAGE not SURPLUS with North Central having 691 dwelling units and only 379 actual off-street parking spaces which is vastly different than the 493 units to 646 spaces depicted in the project summary. Further, I would ask for the CDD to reject this application in its current form for nonconformance and inconsistencies with the city’s adopted growth policy and nonconformance with the community design provisions of article 4 related to the impact of the proposal of the existing and anticipated traffic and parking conditions. Section 38.230.100 A.1 – 6.a.1. As stated in the values section of the growth policy, developers are responsible for adequate provision of infrastructure. The application as it exists does not provide adequate infrastructure, namely related to parking for this mixed use, residential, office and hotel master site plan. This notion is further validated by the independent downtown parking study conducted by Walker Consultants. The study confirmed more parking is needed in the downtown corridor in its current state. As an owner representative of 3 commercial properties north of Main Street in downtown Bozeman, I strongly support responsible growth and development in our downtown area. We live in a sought-after community and as we leap from a micropolitan area to a metropolitan area, I implore planners and the Director of Community Development to use common sense and prudence in analyzing parking needs at a macro, not micro level. The fabulous shops and restaurants that charm our downtown will be without patrons if parking becomes more of an obstacle. There are plenty of other options with hassle-free parking to the West and North. It is your civic duty to use the code and require the developer to fiscally accommodate the parking requirements mounted by a project of such magnitude. Please reject this application in its current form. Finally, I would ask that a copy of any decision reached related to application 21029, please be mailed to me in the self-addressed and stamped envelope enclosed in the mailed version of this letter. Thank you. Happy Holidays, Carrie Lawrence Administrative Director Off the Beaten Path 7 East Beall Street, Bozeman, MT 59715 D: 406-414-8931 P: 800-445-2995 or 406-586-1311 F: 406-587-4147 Give the Gift of Travel this year! The gift of travel comes straight from the heart. Let’s discuss your gifting possibilities!