HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.0 Doc. No. 2682114_12-14-20202682114Page:1 of4 05/191202002:08:39PM Fee:$28.00EricSemerad-GallatinCounty,MT MISC IIIIlllllillIllIIIIIllillllllllIlillll||llllilllllllliflilllllllIlilllllllifillli Returnto: Sanderson Stewart 106 East Babcock Bozeman,MT 59715 ProjectName:Manley Road R/W Cityof Bozeman ProjectNo:18092.08 Engineering Division PublicWorks Department ParcelNo:23-1 STORM DRAIN EASEMENT The GRANTOR,BridgerVale,LLC,a Montana LimitedLiabilityCorporation,whose addressisP.O.Box 930,Manhattan,Montana 59741,forand in considerationof One and No/100 -Dollars,and other valuableconsideration,in hand paid,conveys and grantsto the GRANTEE,the City of Bozeman,a MunicipalCorporationof the Stateof Montana,with officesat 121 North Rouse Avenue,Bozeman Montana 59715,itssuccessorsor assignees,a perpetualstorm draineasement to lay,constructand maintainpublicstormdrainagedistributionfacilitieswiththe usualappurtenancesin,over,under,along, through,and acrossthefollowingdescribedrealpropertylocatedinGallatinCounty,Montana: Certificateof Survey No.157,locatedinthe SW%of Section31,Township 1 South,Range 6 East,P.M.M.,GallatinCounty,Montana,accordingtotheofficialplatthereofon fileand ofrecord intheofficeofthe County Clerkand RecorderofGallatinCounty,Montana.Exceptingtherefrom thefollowingtractsofland:TractGL2 ofCertificateofSurvey No.1221,CertificateofSurvey No. 157A,and MinorSubdivisionNo.154 and 154A.(The above tractoflandhas alsobeen referred toas RemainingTractGLR-1,CertificateofSurvey No.157) Said storm draineasement is depictedon ExhibitA attachedheretoand more particularly describedas: Beginningat the Southwest corner of the easement hereindescribed,being a pointat the intersectionofthe East right-of-waylineof Manley Road and the South lineofsaidRemaining TractGLR-1,saidpointofbeginning;Thence,from saidpointofbeginning,N 000 18'03"E,90.02 feetalong the East right-of-waylineof Manley Road;Thence,S 89.37'46"E,174.93 feet; Thence,S 00.15'11"W,90.00feettotheSouth lineofSaid Remaining TractGLR-1;Thence,N 890 38'09"W,175.00feetalongtheSouth lineofsaidRemainingTractGLR-1 totheEastright- of-waylineof Manley Road and tothepointofbeginning,and containing15,748sq.ft.,more or less,as shown on ExhibitA. Allimprovements installedwithinthe easement by GRANTEE are the propertyof the GRANTEE, removable atitsoption.The failureofGRANTEE toexerciseany ofitsrightsgrantedhereinshallnotbe construedas a waiverorabandonment oftheright. GRANTOR herebycovenantswithGRANTEE thatGRANTOR has good titletotheabove-describedtract of landand covenantsthatGRANTEE shallhave quietand peaceable possessionofthe easement;and ManleyRoadR/W S AN DE RS ON dW Pagelors lace2.os STE WA RT *Parcel23-1 shallhave a freeand unrestrictedrighttoaccessand maintainsaidfacilitiesforthepurposeofconstructing and/orimprovingstormdrainagedistributionfacilitiesasnecessary. Upon completionof saidprojectforwhich access ishereby provided,the GRANTEE shallrestorethe propertyas nearlyas possibletoitsoriginalcondition.The GRANTEE agreestoholdGRANTOR harmless fromany and allliabilitythatmay resultorarisefromtheexerciseoftherightsgrantedhereby. The GRANTEE herebycovenantsand agrees todefendand indemnifyGRANTOR,itsofficers,directors, employees,agents,and inviteesand save them harmless from any and allliability,loss,costs or obligations,including,withoutlimitation,reasonableattorneys'fees,on accountof,or arisingoutof,any such injuryor losscaused or claimedto be caused by the exerciseof thiseasement or use of this easement,however occurring,otherthanthosecaused solelyby thewilifulornegligentactsoromissions oftheGRANTOR. BRIDGER VALE,LC,a Montana LimitedLiabilityCorporation ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF GRANTOR Stateof M ) County of 1 ss. On this day of I ///J,w;,2@ beforeme,theundersigned,a NotaryPublicinand forthe said State,personally app red the GRANTOR,AmAvov Sk Mut0,vt _,the WM-'74,--/of Bridger Vale,LLC,a Mddtana Limited Liability Corporation,known to me to be the identicalindividualwho executedthe foregoinginstrument,who acknowledged to me thatthe individualexecuted the same as the freeand voluntaryact of said GRANTOR,withfullauthoritytodo so and withfullknowledge ofitscontents,forthe uses and thereinmentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereuntoset my hand and affi d my offi'8 ,thisday and ye r above written. NotarySignatureLine $"("+,,,ANTHONY GADDO ' ....*0'***,,Poe NotaryPrin d Name -'sons a fortheStateofMontana NotaryPublicforthe teof 4 .""'.4.Residingat: .SEAL.'Bozeman,Montana Residingat:'--*My CommissionExpires: January30,2028 My Commission pires:I /20 ManleyRoadR/W S AN DE RS ON &Page2 ofa lace2.os STE WA RT +Parcel23-1 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY thatthe Cityof Bozeman,a MunicipalCorporationof the Stateof Montana, GRANTEE herein,actingby and throughitsinterimCityManager and InterimCityClerkforthe Cityof Bozeman,hereby acceptsforpublicpurposes,the realproperty,or interesttherein,describedin this instrumentand consentstotherecordationthereof: CITY OF BOZEMAN By:DennisTaylor InterimCityManager ATTEST: r rk StateofMontana ) )ss. CountyofGallatin )/19}7,0 The foregoinginstrumentwas acknowledged beforeme this1 day ofAliVj,,2 by Dennis Taylorand M,':.-,Mana,known tome to be the InterimCityManager and Int im CityClerkforthe CityofBozeman and the personswhose names aresubscribedtothisinstrument,and acknowledged to me thattheyexecutedthesame forand on behalfoftheCityofBozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntoset my hand and affixedmy officialsealts day and y above written. NotarySignatureLine SERN TE A MASSEY one forth e ofMontana NotaryPrintedName SEAL soz n ana NotaryPublicfortheStateof My a ss 02nopires:Residinga MA 1 My Commission Expires:0 //20< ManleyRoadR/W SANDERSON 49 Pageaofa 1soo2.os STE WA RT *Parcel23-1 EXHIBIT A STORM DRAIN EASEMENT WITHiN REMAINING TRACT GLR-1,C.O.S.NO.157,S31,T15,R6E,P.M.M. PREPARED FOR :CRY OF BOZEMAN FEBRUARY,2020 PREPARED BY :SANDERSONSTEWARTa BOZEMAN,MONTANA MANLEY R D EXISTINGPUBLIC POB sTREETANDUIll..ITYEASEMENT L1 (ooc 2834482) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\1 ROADWAYR\\\\\\\EAsEMENT \I LOT2 fTRACTB \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\cosseas PARCEL 23-1 '" LOT3 STORM DRAIN \\\ExisTING I 0 PROPERTYLINE \\EASEMENT \1 \\(TYP) L1 N 00 18'03"E,90.02 FEET L2 S 89 37'46"E,174.93 FEET LZ S 00 15'11"W,90.00 FEET L4 N 89 38'09"W,175.00 FEET R/WLEGEND |///////EXISTINGROADR/W NEWEASEMENTAREA MANLEYRDR/W300.30 so AREAREMAINING PARCEL23-1 NORTH scALE:2so 1809208_ROWEXHIBITS.DWG 18092.08 2/21/2020TG