HomeMy WebLinkAboutTCF_Concept-Review_Response Narrative_05-15-19 4515 Valley Commons Drive #201, Bozeman Montana 59718 P: 406.585.4161 F: 406.585.6919 www.bechtlearchitects.com nickf@bechtlearchitects.com   May 15, 2019      City of Bozeman Community Development  20 East Olive Street  Bozeman, MT. 59771    RE: Town & Country Foods Informal DRC Memo       To Whom it may concern,    We are pleased to submit this response narrative for the Town & Country Foods Development Review, to be located at  Bock 5 Ferguson Farms Subdivision – Fallon Street, Bozeman, MT 59718.      Section 1 – CODE REVIEW – SEE RESPONSE IN BLUE 1.0 Prior to site plan approval a site plan exemption is required for lot aggregation and boundary line adjustment. This requirement will be met. 38.410 Community Design & Elements 2.0 Block Delineation. Please review all requirements for Block Length which is currently accommodated by a proposed pedestrian access easement. Please provide a vehicular drive for block separation meeting the internal roadway standards (Sec. 38.520.050.D) including; a tree boulevard and sidewalk on each side. (Sec. 38.410.040.D) The internal drive located on the West side of the proposed building is designed as a one-way only service drive. A thoroughfare lane 28’ wide with a 17’ boulevard including street trees and a 6’ pedestrian sidewalk with connecting pathways has been provided within, and in addition to, the required parking. This single loaded pedestrian pathway has received prior approval by the COB planning dept, Brian Krueger, as an acceptable internal roadway design for this site. 38.510 Block Frontages 3.0 Block Frontage Standards. Please review all elements required by the designation(s) listed above. Please respond to each Block Frontage element within your response narrative, some applicants have provided a table outlining the requirement and how they have met minimum standards. Table 38.510.030. BLOCK FRONTAGE PERMITTED FRONTAGE MIN. STANDARD PROVIDED DESIGN ALTERNATIVE FOR DEPARTURE Fallon St. (See North Elevation) Mixed Use: Storefront or Landscaped Landscaped w/ side parking  percent parking surface to frontage: 45%  landscaped screening of blank wall surfaces  percent glazing to wall @ 4’-8’ above sidewalk provided: 25% Internal Drive Lane (See East Elevation) No Frontage Requirements  New surface parking areas adjacent as drive lane is integrated into parking area per SEC.38.520.50.D due to block length h:\town & country foods\design guidelines\site plan_mstr plan review\editable\tcf_concept-review_response narrative_05-15-19.docx  6’ pedestrian sidewalk w/ 17’ landscaping strip (one side only)  Percent glazing to wall provided: 29% Field St. (See South Elevation) Mixed Use: Storefront or Landscaped Landscaped w/ side parking  percent parking surface to frontage: 45%  landscaped screening of blank wall surfaces  percent glazing to wall: 22%  weather protected façade 86% extending 5+ feet Adjacent Property (See West Elevation) No Frontage Requirements See Master Site Plan & Landscape Master Site Plan Resort Dr. (See Master Site Plan) Mixed Use: Storefront or Landscaped See Master Site Plan & Landscape Master Site Plan 38.520 Site Planning & Design Elements Sec. 38.520.040. - Non-motorized circulation and design. 4.0 Crosswalks are required when a walkway crosses an on-site paved area accessible to vehicles. Crosswalks must contain contrasting material (such as concrete) and/or patterns (such as stamped asphalt), excluding painted surfaces. (Sec. 38.520.040.C.3) This requirement will be met. Dk. Grey colored concrete will be used. See civil drawings for full extent. 5.0 Pathway design. Please review all applicable pathway design requirements as listed below: 5.1 Pathways must be separated from structures by at least three feet of landscaping. Please review the separation distance between the building and all pedestrian pathways to ensure they are at least 3 feet. (Sec. 38.520.040.D.3) Pathway along building entry meets storefront block frontage standards. See sheet SPX001 SITE PLAN for pathway dimensions. Grated trees will be provided, see landscape drawings. 38.520.040.D.3 Pathways must be separated from structures by at least three feet of landscaping except where the adjacent building façade meets the Storefront block frontage standards per section 38.510.030.B. 5.2 Pathway design where multi-tenant commercial or mixed-use buildings 100 feet or more in length abut parking lots. Such pathways must feature a 12-foot wide sidewalk with: a. Eight feet minimum unobstructed width: b. Trees, as approved by the review authority, placed at an average of 50 feet on-center and placed in grates or in planting strips as set forth in subsection C below. c. Planting strips may be used between any vehicle access or parking area and the pathway, provided that the trees required above are included and the pathway meets the applicable width standards herein, and the combined pathway and planting strip is at least 12 feet wide. Please review these standards and apply accordingly. (Sec. 8.520.040.D.4) The proposed lot 2 future multi-tenant commercial or mixed-use buildings do not exceed 100’ in length. 7-foot unobstructed pathways have been provided. The proposed lot 1 is a single tenant use. Sec. 38.520.050. - Vehicular circulation and parking. 6.0 Internal Roadway Design. To increase the function and appearance of internal roadways on large sites (greater than two acres), street trees and sidewalks must be provided on all internal access roadways. Please review and revise internal drive to meet internal roadway standards, by providing a boulevard with street trees and sidewalk. (Sec. 38.520.050.D) Thoroughfare Drive Lane 28’ wide with a 17’ boulevard including street h:\town & country foods\design guidelines\site plan_mstr plan review\editable\tcf_concept-review_response narrative_05-15-19.docx trees and a 6’ pedestrian sidewalk with connecting pathways has been provided within, and in addition to, the required parking. Thoroughfare Drive Lane recommended due to block length per SEC.38.410.040.B. The single loaded pedestrian pathway has received prior approval by the COB planning dept. as an acceptable internal roadway design for this site. 7.0 Usable commercial open space. New developments with non-residential uses on sites with a total site area greater than one acre must provide open space equal to at least two percent of the development envelope. Please review what site features can be counted towards open space, highlight on the site plan and provide calculations on cover sheet. (Sec. 38.520.060.C) This requirement will be met. See sheet SPX001 SITE PLAN for designated areas, sheet SPX000 COVER SHEET for calc. Sec. 38.520.070. - Location and design of service areas and mechanical equipment. 8.0 Location and Design of Service Areas and Mechanical Equipment. Service areas must not be visible from the sidewalk and adjacent properties. (Sec. 38.520.070.B) The one-way only service drive on the west side of the site provides convenience access to the loading zone. The loading zone is not fully visible from the North (Fallon St.) or South (Field St.). Landscape screening will be provided to mask partial views. See sheets 1/SPX200, 1/SPX201 9.0 Loading Zone Screening. Service/loading areas must not be visible from the sidewalk and adjacent properties. Where the review authority finds that the only option for locating a service area is an area visible from a public right-of-way, internal pathway or pedestrian area, or from an adjacent property, the area must be screened with structural and landscaping screening measures provided in subsection C and division 38.550. (Sec. 38.520.070.B.3) The adjacent property to the West is Cottonwood Veterinary Hospital. Visual, auditory, or physical impacts to this property are limited as the hospital’s dog kennel area is located adjacent to the service drive with a stormwater detention facility including the required landscaping to provide screening between the two properties. See landscape drawings. 10.0 Screening of ground related service areas and mechanical equipment. Where the inside of service enclosures is visible from surrounding streets, pathways, and buildings, an opaque or semi-opaque horizontal cover or screen must be used to mitigate unsightly views. The horizontal screen/cover should be integrated into the enclosure design and compatible with adjacent development. Please provide garbage enclosure details for review. (Sec. 38.520.070.C) This requirement will be met. 10.1 Please include a horizontal cover for all proposed trash enclosures. This requirement will be met. 10.2 The sides and rear of service enclosures must be screened with landscaping at least five feet wide in locations visible from the street, parking lots, and pathways to soften views of the screening element and add visual interest. Please include landscaping around all sides of proposed trash's enclosures. This requirement will be met. See sheets SPX801, SPX802 for trash enclosure details. See landscape drawings for full extent of landscape screening. 11.0 Utility meters, electrical conduit, and other service utility apparatus. Please locate any utilities on the site plan an associated screening for review. (Sec. 38.520.070.D) This requirement will be met with 5’-0” min. planting beds on the south building elevation. See landscape drawings for full extent of landscape screening. 38.530 Building Design 12.0 Blank wall definition. The UDC's intent is to avoid untreated blank walls. A wall (including building façades and retaining walls) is considered a blank wall if it is over ten feet in height, has a horizontal length greater than 15 feet, and does not include a transparent window or door. Please review all treatment and revise elevations accordingly. (Sec. 38.530.070.C) This requirement will be met with 5’-0” min. planting beds on the h:\town & country foods\design guidelines\site plan_mstr plan review\editable\tcf_concept-review_response narrative_05-15-19.docx north building elevation, see landscape drawings for full extent. The west building elevation is adjacent to Cottonwood Veterinary Hospital. Visual, auditory, or physical impacts to this property are limited as the hospital’s dog kennel area is located adjacent to the service drive with a stormwater detention facility including the required landscaping to provide screening between the two properties. 38.540 Parking 13.0 Please remove the few parking stalls that do not have a direct 90 degree backing angle. This requirement will be met. See civil drawings. 14.0 Bicycle Facilities. Please shown bicycle facilities on site plan and provide bicycle counts on cover sheet adjacent to parking calcs. (Sec. 38.540.050) This requirement will be met. See sheet SPX000 COVER SHEET for bicycle calcs. 15.0 Stall, aisle and driveway design - Snow Storage. Please review all snow storage locations to ensure they are not located within any pedestrian pathways or on any trails, parks, open space or pedestrian access easements. Additionally, ensure all snow storage areas are designated on the site plan and easily accessed without damaging any landscaping. (Sec. 38.540.020.M) This requirement will be met. See landscape drawings for full extent. Engineering Division 1.0 Release and Reconveyance documents for the existing utility easements will need to be created and approved by the City Commission prior to Site Plan approval. This requirement will be met. 2.0 The proposed west drive alignment must be a minimum of 40 feet from the Icon Apartments proposed South Stafford Avenue or directly align with it. The internal drive located on the West side of the proposed building is designed as a one-way only service drive. It is not intended for through traffic. See civil drawings. 3.0 A review of the stormwater detention and associated onsite post-construction stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) have not been conducted due to inadequate information provided. The applicant will need to address how the volumes for existing subdivision detention are maintained with the Site Plan submittal. The Engineer has not provided sufficient information regarding). The Stormwater Division encourages the Engineer to review the Montana Post-Construction Storm Water BMP Design Guidance Manual (Manual) available at www.bozeman.net/stormwater. The Manual provides detailed information regarding innovative, space saving, and aesthetically pleasing industry standard practices capable of meeting the City’s stormwater runoff and treatment requirements, including bioretention, permeable pavement/pavers, extended detention, and infiltration basins. Please contact the City’s Stormwater Division at (406)582-2270 or kmehrens@bozeman.net with questions. This requirement will be met. 4.0 Fire service plans, and domestic services 4” or larger, must be a standalone submittal, separate from the site plan submittal. City of Bozeman applications for service must be completed by the applicant. This requirement will be met.    Solid Waste Division 1.0 Please identify garbage enclosure locations and details for review by Solid Waste Divisions. See attached Tambour Enclosure detail for trash enclosure. 2.0 Must have 50 feet of straight approach to access refuse enclosure. This requirement will be met. See civil drawings h:\town & country foods\design guidelines\site plan_mstr plan review\editable\tcf_concept-review_response narrative_05-15-19.docx 3.0 Refuse enclosure opening must be a minimum of 10 feet measured from door jamb to door jamb (we would prefer 12 feet) See attached Tambour Enclosure detail for trash enclosure. 4.0 Enclosure doors must open 180 degrees. Doors on the garbage enclosure should be raised 12 inches off the ground to make sure they open easily over snow. See attached Tambour Enclosure detail for trash enclosure. This design includes a door which opens vertically. 5.0 Refuse enclosure will need to be horizontally covered. This requirement will be met. See attached Tambour Enclosure detail for trash enclosure.   Building Division 1.0 Is an elevator provided to the second level? An accessible path is required. Yes, an accessible path has been provided. See Sheet SPX101 FIRST FLOOR PLAN NW Energy 1.0 Please contact Northwestern Energy for project review, which is separate from the City Review process. This requirement will be met. 2.0 Please show all public utility easements (with dimensions) and all service lines to the building for proper review. This requirement will be met.   Thanks, you for consideration of our project.  We hope you agree the project design is suitable for this location.       Please contact me nickf@bechtlearchitects.com, 406‐585‐4161 o, 406‐599‐9432 m, if you have any questions or  comments.  Feel free to contact Scott Bechtle ( scottb@bechtlearchitects.com ) in my office in my absence.    Sincerely,      Nick Fulton  BECHTLE ARCHITECTS