HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-23-21 Public Comment - J. Strout - CEDAWFrom:Jan Strout To:Agenda Subject:Bozeman City Commission Public Comment Date:Tuesday, November 23, 2021 10:51:19 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Bozeman City Commissioners, My name is Jan Strout, pronouns are she/hers, and I live at 2322 W. Beall St. in NW Bozeman and prior on N. Montana in NE Bozeman for a total of 23 years. I am a recently retired, award-winning professor at MSU-Bozeman, teaching 1st year College Student seminars critical thinking and communication skills and have contributed as an organizer and educator over my lifetime to serve and build fairnessand human rights in my community so all can succeed. I am writing here as one of the co-leaders of our Bozeman City for CEDAW (Cities for the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women) which uses a humanrights framework to pass a Resolution/ordinance that provides a way to identify disparities and inequities based on gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, age, ability, sexual orientation and more impacting and harming women and girls in our community. And this process and community engagement will lead to best practicesfor a Plan of Action to address and prevent them so all can succeed who live and work in our Welcoming community. We want Bozeman to join the nearly 100 Cities across the United States who haveadopted their City for CEDAW and use it as a tool for education, collaboration, advocacy and empowerment so no woman or girl is left behind. Or homeless with her family. Or murdered or missing. Or do come out healthy, safe and secure from a continuing health Pandemic and economic crisis. This Friday, November 25th is the International and local Day Against Violence Against Women, and we know that addressing and advancing Community Safety, Economic Security and Health and Well-Being can prevent the frightening cases ofviolence that visits us daily. Our Vision for a Safe Community bears restating here: Statement on our Vision for Community Safety We, the Bozeman Task Force to Advance the Status and Safety of All Women and Girls, believe in a community where safety is guaranteed as a human right for all, not just reserved for some. We envision this future to be one where the City of Bozeman works with the intention to become a trusted partner and advocate - especially to those living on the margins. A future in which our systems are equitable and grounded in compassion, and where resources are prioritized for preventative and restorative actions rather than punitive ones. A future centered around collaboration where folks are seen, supported, and championed, allowing us to collectively thrive as a community. A future where the community that values and fosters justice, humanity, and diversity - and it treats all people as experts of their own experience. We believe this future is not only possible, but critical. Thank you to the 4 re/elected 2021 City Commissioners - Chris Coburn, Terry Cunningham, Jen Madgic and I-Ho Pomeroy - who have stood long and strong with our campaign to advance the status, safety and dignity of the diversity of women and girls in our community. We are grateful that you have each pledged support to adopt a BZN City for CEDAW women's human rights Resolution/Ordinance during our 2021 Election via our Bozeman Voter Guide and Candidate Forum on themes of Equity, Fairness and Human Rights - read, watched and heard via KGVM community radiopodcast by nearly over thousand Bozeman residents and voters. We ask you uphold these Electoral commitments by prioritizing passage and adoption in early 2022 of our women's and girls human rights Resolution/Ordinance in theupcoming December 3rd City Commission meeting to set these priorities for the next 2 years. These priorities will impact policies, programs, budget and other resources. Most importantly, this priority can make a positive difference in the lives of thousands of women's and girls and those in our community who are most under-represented. That is, to be clear, we call for the City Commission Priority to adopt a Bozeman City for CEDAW RESOLUTION/Ordinance in early 2022 for a happy New Year. Thank you for your support. Jan Jan Strout pronouns: she/ella co-leader, Bozeman for CEDAW Initiative Bozeman, Montana 206.251.0880