HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-17-21 Public Comment - C. Ebelke - Canyon GateFrom:Cathy Ebelke To:Agenda; Jacob Miller Subject:COMMENTS Regarding Zoning for Proposed Canyon Gate Development - #21337 Date:Wednesday, November 17, 2021 10:41:56 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To Members of the Bozeman Zoning Commission, As a homeowner on Story Mill Road since 1998, I have multiple significantconcerns regarding the proposed Canyon Gate development both as a resident in a neighboring area and also as a member of the larger Bozeman community. I would like to address concerns directly related to Zoning issues involving this project as well as the application submitted bythe developer. Below are comments on the A1 Development Review Application. All items in red are from the application as requested by the City of Bozeman /submitted by the developer. SECTION ONE: GOALS 1. The City of Bozeman encourages annexations of land contiguous to theCity. Canyon Gate is currently a segment of a county island within the City. Theproperties located to the North, East, and South of the parcel have beenannexed to the City of Bozeman. MY COMMENT: This does not seem to be an accurate statement. Propertiesimmediately bordering the south and west of the proposed developmenthave not been annexed to the City. Dozens of properties to the south, eastand north have not been annexed; specifically, 6 residences bordering theproposed development to the south, 32 residences on Bridger Drive to theeast and 23 residences on Hillside Lane to the south are not in the City. Inaddition, our residence at 1280 Story Mill Road (3 blocks north of theproposed development) and 7 surrounding neighbor properties have notbeen annexed to the City of Bozeman. 2. The City encourages all areas that are totally surrounded by the City toannex. The Canyon Gate parcel is surrounded by the City on 3 sides of theproperty and is located within the future land use area map. MY COMMENT: The Canyon Gate parcel is NOT totally surrounded by theCity. The west side and most of the south side are in the County. 7. The City of Bozeman encourages annexations which will enhance theexisting traffic circulation system or provide for circulation systems that donot exist at the present time. As illustrated on the enclosed Circulation Map, the intent is to extendMaiden Spirit Street and Spirit Crossing Lane. This will provide connectivitybetween the existing neighborhoods to form a more cohesive residentialarea. Canyon Gate will primarily utilize Story Mill Road and Northview Street for access while also accommodating access from Bridger Drive, Maiden SpiritStreet, and Spirit Crossing Lane. Canyon Gate will serve as a means ofconnectivity in this residential area by continuing the network of streetsthat have been established. This network will provide alternative routesand disperse traffic. As illustrated on the Circulation Map, thisinterconnected network of streets and walkable block configuration willreinforce a multimodal transportation program that will include bicycle,pedestrian, vehicle, and transit mobility alternatives. MY COMMENT: The current residents have good connectivity to Story MillRoad and Northview Street. Only a very few residents on Maiden Spirit St.would find it feasible to use an alternative new route through the proposeddevelopment. Given the history of frequent accidents and multiple deathson Bridger Drive, it would be extremely dangerous and in very poorjudgment to allow access to the proposed development from Bridger Drive. PROJECT NARRATIVESection I. Does the new zoning address the affected area’s peculiar suitability for particular uses? How? Paragraph 1 of the application states the property is suitable for urbandevelopment without major constraints related to floodplains. Please seethe Bozeman Engineering Advisory Comments for Floodplain. Canyon Gateproposes primarily residential zoning with an inadequate strip of parklandadjacent and west of the Legends II floodwater conveyance feature. TheMorrison & Maierle engineer designed and located the floodwaterconveyance specifically to mimic the historical flow path of Bridger Creek.The large cottonwood trees on the CG property are in their locationsbecause of water. Therefore, it would be extremely inappropriate to allowany residential zoning designation within the historical flow path of BridgerCreek. Paragraph 2 makes some false statements regarding the surroundingzoning designations of R-1 and R-3. A minimal area adjacent to CG is R-3.Lots 29 to 47 bordering CG to the south are zoned R-S, ResidentialSuburban. The 32 residences to the east on Bridger Drive and the 23residences on Hillside Lane are also all zoned RS. The 8 residences to thenorth, 1260 to 1380 Story Mill Road are zoned AS, Agriculture Suburban.Land parcels to the west are zoned MI with businesses that do notoverwhelm or create negative impacts to the residents in the area. Section K. How does the new zoning encourage the most appropriate use of landthroughout the jurisdictional area? The narrative in the application is not only misleading but it is alsoincorrect. The Bozeman Community Plan illustrates potential appropriateuses of land. It does NOT identify every potential use to be the mostappropriate type of development for a property. A guiding principle in the Bozeman Community Plan is that "Theneeds of new and existing development coexist and they shouldremain in balance; neither should overwhelm the other." I beseech you, Zoning Commissioners to PLEASE recognize that theproposed zoning designations of B-2M, REMU, R-5, R-3 would NOT in any way be in balance with the surrounding development andwould most certainly overwhelm the current residentialdevelopments that are primarily zoned RS and R1. Please REJECTthis zoning designation and instead consider recommend R-1 with somelimited R-3 zoning for the proposed Canyon Gate development. Thank you for your time and your consideration of my concerns as youthoughtfully deliberate this very impactful decision. Sincerely, Catherine Ebelke PA-C 1280 Story Mill Road Bozeman MT 59715