HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-15-21 Public Comment - D. McNeil - Canyon GateFrom:Debra McNeill To:Agenda Cc:Jacob Miller Subject:Objection to HomeBase Partners Rezoning Request for NW Corner of Bridger Dr. and Story Mill Date:Monday, November 15, 2021 2:32:28 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Zoning Committee Members, It has come to my attention that HomeBase Partners has requested annexation of 24 acreslocated at the NE corner of Bridger Drive and Story Mill Road with zoning for commercial and high density residential development. I a home at 2512 Valhalla Court which is less than ablock away from the proposed development. These zoning designations are entirely inappropriate for the Story Mill/Bridger Drive neighborhood on many levels. First and foremost, no development north of the railroad tracks should be approved until thehuge safety risk to our area has been eliminated and there is unimpeded access to the area for ambulance, fire and police vehicles when trains are in the area of Rouse, Griffin, and LStreets. The risks to lives and property from trains blocking access to the northeast corner of Bozeman is huge! If a fire were to start in the dry fields adjacent to the west end of BoylanStreet or north of the Legends development, homes and lives could be lost long before the fire and emergency vehicles arrive if a train is stopped on the tracks. Furthermore, there are already large back-ups on L Street, Rouse, Oak and Griffin whenever atrain is just passing through, much less stopping to drop off inventory at the Kenyon Noble supply yard. We do not need to add to this congestion with a high density residential housingand commercial complex. Secondly, I have heard that HomeBase Partners has no intention of including affordable housing in their development plans. Bozeman does not need more +$500K housing!!Contractors have been lining their pockets at the expense of Bozeman's lower income residents for too long! The arguments made to the 2021 legislature in order to nix affordablehousing requirements from developments were filled with lies and self-serving garbage. If this is the way contractors intend to treat Bozeman, as their own piggy bank, then I support amoratorium on high cost residential development. Even if these issues were resolved, the request for high density housing and commercial zoning is not appropriate for this neighborhood. It would drastically change the character ofthe neighborhood and not for the better. The Bridger Drive/StoryMill area is an active wildlife corridor and we have already infringed on the ecosystem. Fortunately, many of the local animals don't seem to mind us. We havesandhill cranes nesting north of the Legends development every spring. Deer are in the area regularly. We even had evidence of a bear in our small yard last summer and that is just finewith us. What we don't need is a 5 story condo complex, businesses or a hotel in the area. The plans for Canyon Gate show a miniscule "parkland" area. Clearly, the developers intend tomooch off the trail areas that are maintained with funds from the existing HOAs! Again, developer greed with no intention of contributing to the local community. The Bridger Drive/Story Mill area does not need or want high density commercial operations.The Stockyard development is already zoned for commercial use and there are excellent businesses located in the Cannery district with more on the way. We don't need the services,the impact on our wildlife or the traffic that would come with high density commercial use in our neighborhood. If, after the problems with the train tracks have been resolved, HomeBase is willing to reviseits zoning request to 100% medium density residential with no commercial zoning and makes a commitment to support a meaningful contribution to affordable housing, they should not beallowed to pay cash in lieu of the required open space park requirements. Please do not let HomeBase buy off it's obligation to the neighborhood and our wildlife. They should also berequired to contribute to the cost of installing a crossing light at Story Mill and Bridger Drive. Pedestrians have been nearly hit trying to cross Bridger Drive and traffic is already gettingbacked up at the intersection. I support annexation of the property into the Bozeman city limits with, at most, medium density residential zoning and a commitment to provide affordable housing. I appreciate your consideration of the issues I have raised and look forward to making astatement at the upcoming zoning meeting. With my regards Debra McNeill