HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-11-21 Public Comment - M. Wictor - Affordable Housing Duplexes and ADUsFrom:Mary Wictor To:Agenda Subject:PDF ~ Require DUPLEXes (and ADUs) be allowed re: Affordable Housing & Homelessness, plus Housing Affordability Date:Thursday, November 11, 2021 2:41:31 PM Attachments:RESEARCH ~ Require DUPLEXes (and ADUs) be allowed--Affordability & Housing (9pgs).pdf CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Agenda@Bozeman.com, before 3:00pm THU 11/11/2021 I wanted to ensure you have an a single-pdf format to use INSTEAD if you prefer (it's the SAME info as what I emailed just before this.) Sincerely, Mary Wictor 425-283-7253 mobile From:Mary Wictor To:Agenda Subject:Require DUPLEXes (and ADUs) be allowed re: Affordable Housing & Homelessness, plus Housing Affordability Date:Thursday, November 11, 2021 1:50:40 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City of Bozeman, PUBLIC COMMENT ~ sent on November 11, 2021 before 3pm... please include inupcoming packet 11/16/2021+ Re: Require DUPLEX housing units be allowed for most any residentially-zoned land Please accept this written input/research and distribute widely, but at least to the BOZEMAN CityCommission, Zoning Commission, City Planning Board, Parking Commission, Design Review Board, Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board, City Manager, Planning Department, and to any other individuals or groups as applicable, that may presently exist and/or are planned to be merged/created (e.g., Development Review Committee?) regarding Land Use / Permitted Uses and growth or housing topics. Note: Also, TUE 11/16/2021 City Commission meeting is directly related to input below since ADUs are on the agenda as Item I.1.] I have watched and listened to two (2) recent City of Bozeman Planning Commission meetings (27Sep2021 JT w/ Zoning & 18Oct2021) regarding/discussions of the City-consultant Clarion's report on Affordable Housing. I also participated in the City of Bozeman's 3-hour Community Roundtable on Equity & Inclusion [25Oct2021 3-6pm] and many needs to secure or rent Affordable Housing were paramount. Additionally, per the Bozeman Daily Chronicle (BDC Oct. 26, 2021), I saw the article, "Bozeman considering relaxations to ADU rules." First, I commend Bozeman's interest & actions to widely allow Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), anddetached ADUs (aka DADUs). [I do hope Bozeman will look at/review parking enforcement regulations too, since development is always to consider and promote public health, general welfare, and safety--without adverse impacts or unintended consequences--even if adding ADUs occurs gradually. I do understand why parking requirements are to be reduced (but even the BDC 10/26/2021 article & quotes allude to parking issues). Important to ensure not too many cars or bigger vehicles, or trucks/trailers etc. can cause access concerns and/or block safe access for fire or snowplowing, etc. SAFETY first, and pleasedo NOT ignore annoyances and/or create problems for adjacent/area neighbors. One more idea: maybe if an ADU does not have parking, or if adequate parking is not available, then rental or occupancy of unit(s) might be restricted to residents without a vehicle? Plus, maybe by the time ofoccupancy, there would need to be nearby transit options/services available for that area.] Second, in two City Planning Board meetings, valid statements and strong arguments were made regarding use of duplexes to help Affordable Housing (and Housing Affordability) Thus, I decided to look into thismore, and do some research online for DUPLEXes. I hope you will take time to read, and click some of the direct links [I have provided herein near the bottom of this email.] RECENT RESEARCH The States of OREGON and CALIFORNIA have already made and adopted regulations to ALLOW DUPLEXes on any parcel or Lot zoned for residential uses. Also, veteran lobbyists predict for the State of WASHINGTON, that the upcoming 60-day ""short session" Legislature starting January 10, 2022, willdiscuss Affordable Housing & Homelessness--especially to include requiring that duplexes be allowed for existing parcels/lots in practically all residentially zoned areas. SOME KEY BENEFITS Here's what I see based on things I have heard from different sources (beyond and along with ADUs) as to why Duplexes seem to be a foremost and foundational as a most appropriate solution to address key housing and affordability issues:+ Duplex on existing Lot(s): the land-cost per dwelling will be cut in half, without need for purchase of new land for a 2nd dwelling + Duplex may provide a 2nd or supplemental income to an owner who lives onsite in one of the units, or to offsite owner(s) renting both+ Duplexes offer residential ownership or longer term leasing options for owners and occupants + Unlike (e.g., Airbnb or Vrbo) short-term rentals, Duplexes are not a "job" in order to handle weekly for cleanings/preparation, and duplexes do NOT add to neighborhood annoyances/nuisances + Duplexes are the most compatible with single-family homes and can indeed fit into neighborhoodcharacter and design--often just looking like one small-to-medium-or-large house + Duplexes offer additional housing per parcel without requiring that roads be extended, or requiring more linear feet of sewer/water lines. This reduces the overall costs of roads and services in the City of Bozeman, and also will provide tremendous maintenance savings! SUMMARY>> Duplexes reduce sprawl and are useful in in-fill areas, for redevelopment, and/or new development providing needed suitable and compatible housing, reducing land costs to build, requiring less infrastructure, with overall reduced costs for the owners/renters, and less service-costs, with lower maintenance, and more affordable longer-term repair/replacement for the City of Bozeman. Both ADUs and Duplexes can and will facilitate "gentle density" for housing that is needed without unduly impacting neighborhoods, character, or highly-rated liveablity. As a friend of mine likes to say, "It's not about who's right; rather, it is about what's right." Since allowing Duplexes on any residential lot is now required in Oregon, California, and most likely will be in Washington state too--it does seem to be a good and right time for the City of Bozeman to truly consider and implement regulations and code so that, like ADUs, Duplexes will be allowed and encouraged in residential areas. Sincerely, Mary Wictor 425-283-7253 mobile Owner: 1504 Boylan Road, Bozeman, MT 59715 and other property in Bozeman & Gallatin County Attachments from WA State lobbyists & One city's current code (City of Sammamish: permitted uses/Duplexes & some ADU footnotes.) Click on direct links provided farther before for research from States of OR & CA P.S. Finally, an important note on Equity, Inclusivity & Affordability Duplexes, for more housing choices people can afford, gradual change, equity/inclusion (including forindividuals old & young): On EQUITY & INCLUSION -- From AARP per their Livable Communities initiative with 450+ communities in the US. They state, “The common thread among the enrolled communities and states is the belief that the places where we live are more livable, and better able to support people of all ages, when local leaders commit to improving the quality of life for the very young, the very old, and everyone in between. People of all ages benefit from the adoption of policies and programs that make neighborhoods walkable, feature transportation options, enable access to key services, provide opportunities to participate in community activities, and support housing that’s affordable and adaptable. Well-designed, age-friendly communities foster economic growth and make for happier, healthier residents of all ages.” OREGON 2019 -- Duplexes State of Oregon, House Bill 2001 -- signed 2019, implement initially by June 30, 2021 and additional by June 20, 2022Department of Land Conservation and Development : Housing Choices (House Bill 2001) : Urban Planning : State of Oregon OR https://www.oregon.gov/lcd/UP/Pages/Housing-Choices.aspx Above: full link has headings and paragraph text that is very worthwhile--quite easy to read and absorb. Below: This one-page "Overview" is extremely good, so no need to summarize it. 2019-10-22_HB2001_Overview_Public (oregon.gov) House Bill 2001 | City of Bend (bendoregon.gov)Above: One City's approach, Bend, OR... and the text on this webpage tries to answer some questions people (or you) might have. CALIFORNIA 2021 -- Duplexes State of California, Senate Bill 9 -- signed 9/16/2021 The CA Housing Opportunity & More Efficiency [H.O.M.E.] ActSB 9: The California HOME Act | Focus OR https://focus.senate.ca.gov/sb9 Above: Easy to read bold headings with good paragraph text explanations (homeowners, intergenerational, not investors, tenants, historic, local, infill, and Myth & Facts. Four (4) nice PHOTO examples appear just above the SUPPORTERS heading, for CA or MT?! >>>>Plus, near the bottom of this webpage are PHOTOs to test and see if you can identify single-family or Duplex? [No kidding, and no cheating! Do look and think for yourself, then hover over those images for the answer to type of house/home.] The Mercury News, September 17 - 20, 2021 ... "Experts say the vast majority of properties and neighborhoods will not be affected." www.mercurynews.com/2021/09/17/what-californias-new-sb9-law-means-for-single-family-zoning-in-your- neighborhood/ OR What California’s new SB9 housing law means for single-family zoning in your neighborhood WASHINGTON State -- Duplexes BOZEMAN is the "Most Livable" :) Attached .jpg files are screen captures from the Washington State, for a "best small city", the City ofSammamish (population ~65,000). https://patch.com/washington/sammamish/sammamish-named-americas-best-small-city Attached .jpg screen captures from City of Sammamish online materials include Excerpts from lobbyists'report. Excerpt: From 10/21/2021 page 247 of 331 full agenda packet. On Affordable Housing & Homelessness as expected Legislative Topic: By Luke Esser & Nick Federici, Attorney & Govt. Affairs/Relations, veteran lobbyists Olympia, WA as consultants for City of Sammamish, WA. [The highlighting is mine.] Esser & Federici also noted in their report the following: "The upcoming 2022 Legislative Session [an even-numbered year], will be a “short session” that lasts 60 days, beginning on January 10. During short sessions there is less time for action on bills than during the 105-day “long sessions” and the budgets adopted are “supplemental budgets” which offer fewer opportunities for newappropriations than the main biennial budgets adopted in the “long sessions” of odd-numbered years." However, in WA State, one of the most prominent policy issues affecting cities likely to be addressed in the 2022 Legislative Session includes AFFORDABLE HOUSING & HOMELESSNESS and to require duplexesbe allowed in residentially zoned areas/land. City of Sammamish: existing Municipal Code may or may not be of interest to compare/contrast with Bozeman Municipal Code.A Permitted Uses Example https://www.codepublishing.com/WA/Sammamish/html/Sammamish21A/Sammamish21A20.html#21A.20.030 For example, The City of Sammamish zoning already allows duplexes in all R zones except R-1. See code section 21A.20.030 P-Permitted Use with footnotes P16 & 17 relate to Duplexes. Final .jpg is just existingcode notes for ADUs. Hope you made it this far, and found at least portions of this DUPLEXes research worthwhile, and applicable for Montana in Bozeman. Example taken from: City of Sammamish, WA Excerpt from Development Code Residential Land Uses Permitted Uses Table –DUPLEXes Example from: Sammamish, WA Excerpt from Development Code Development Conditions Accessory Dwelling Units