HomeMy WebLinkAbout21- Affidavit - 11-03-21 Ntc of Passage Resolution Intent to Create SILD 766 - Northwest Crossing AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF annual assessments for costs RESOLUTION OF of the Improvements may be STATE OF MONTANA, INTENTION TO CREATE increased as approved by the COUNTY OF GALLATIN SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT Public Service Commission LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. and may be increased to cov- 766 er extraordinary expenses of I, Ann Harms, Legal Specialist being first dulySWOTri, de- (NORTHWEST CROSSING repair and maintenance. The g I� g PHASE 1) first year of special assess- CITY and say that I am the principal clerk of the publisher CITY OF BOZEMAN, ment billing will include an ad- pose y h p P I1 MONTANA ditional amount not to exceed of the Bozeman Dail Chronicle, a newspaper in general $500 for publication and mail- Yg NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ing associated with creation circulation, Bozeman, Gallatin Count , Montana; that I that on October 19, 2021, the of the District which shall be y City Commission (the "Com- assess in the same manner know from m l knowledge that the Legal# 105203 mission") of the City Boz- as the Improvements resulting y personal g g eman, Montana (the "City"), in a cost not to exceed$90.30 adopted a Resolution of Inten- per acre, or $0.002074 per NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF I tion No.5337 to create Special square foot. Improvement Lighting District a printed copy of which is hereto annexed,was published in No. 766 (the "District") for the On Tuesday, November 9, purpose of maintaining light- 2021, at 6:00 p.m., in the the entire issue of said newspaper for: 2 ing and assessing the cost Commission Room at City for maintenance and energy Hall 121 N Rouse Ave, Boz- to NORTHWEST CROSSING eman, Montana, the City PHASE 1,and paying mainte- Commission will conduct a nance and energy costs relat- public hearing to hear and Insertion(s) in the following issues: 10/24/21, 10/31/21 ing thereto. pass upon all written pro- tests against the creation A complete copy of the Reso- or extension of the District, lution of Intention (the "Reso- or the Improvements. Due lution") No.5337 is on file with to the City's Declaration of the City Clerk which more spe- Emergency for the Covid-19 cifically describes the nature Pandemic,this meeting may of the costs, the boundaries be held online using Webex and the area included in the or other technology. Total Cost: $140,00 District,the location of the Im- provements and other matters Written protests agairist the pertaining thereto and further creation or extension of the particulars. A list of properties District and the costs may be in the District and the amount filed by an agent,person, firm of the initial assessment ac- or corporation owning real companies this notice. The property within the proposed Resolution and accompanying District whose property is li- exhibits may be also viewed able to be assessed for the on the City's website at www. costs. Such protests must be a bozeman.net. The district will delivered to the City Clerk at / pay the maintenance and en- City Hall, 121 N Rouse Ave, ergy costs for five (5) Lumec Bozeman, Montana not later Road Focus LED Cobrahead than 5:00 p.m., M.T., on No- Subscribed and sworn by Ann Harms before me on: 100 watt single upsweep lumi- vember 8,2021. naires on round tapered steel On 3rd day of November, in the year of 2021 poles, mounted at 35' per Further information regarding City of Bozeman standards the proposed District or oth- and twenty-two (22) Lumec er matters in respect thereof Road Focus LED Cobrahead may be obtained from the 100 watt single upsweep lumi- City Clerk at City Hall, 121 N naires on round tapered steel Rouse Ave, Bozeman, Mon- poles, mounted at 30'per City tana or by telephone at (406) of Bozeman standard. The 582-2320. poles will be K-KLAD over galvanized - Hunter Green. DATED this 21st day The initial monthly charge per of October,2021. "Month- NotaryPublic for the Stat f Montana Residing at fixture per month (the g ly Charge") is estimated as Mike Maas Belgrade Montana follows: $5.60 per 100 watt City Clerk g fixture and $2.32 per 45 watt City of Bozeman fixture or$948.48 annually. MNA%LP All properties in the District Lmu - --- will be assessed for their pro- of the costs U. W~O C7 Luur�EN ciu= �- t �cn Z Z o oo-c Lod' :'m b� a� of �� Nc � a� o�a -vents on an W ~WZ > -Um:i=mm�moa>Zcm cn-3n�• Via)-c.°' �m-cCa) 3ually and will QOMWO N Q Uo�o 0c/) a) curnE ¢�2cv-E ms iOEc a equal semian- umi > The annual OVOM U�NZ w�v' yo��.��a,c�c �o o�Lo o m o a)r_ E0 Ornp ov ments QH��vlco u1 0 ccNZ mr cU" ro,L as c mU o�-N c cr m_:S 2 c°m '-0 Charge LLJZ2^Gr- < Z w d-65 c L)o DQ iu ai ONuj a-on-C -C.a io-o�.N o 0 year for the WWZaZ =a0� cn 0' o 0 n aciL a 0tal area X c a�ci�m�t ac°i° cNOLQ fro. m am�.be assessed m S o c a) w� o. ns- o H¢�W= M UO o c�a`a mcD a».cl- m -ZUa asY m�.rn.c.m o E.� or 698,702 O Zo_� O U F oUvoiC-Zo'�om�0 E° 'a) E2�� ��YUalasiveofparks Z -cn-i Z p � nc° oca ZQc' opoUa7t" - (Dm.2 a-6Zj. The initial Z,wUEaEimoEoc �ooxmo �._._ o + at,o =:F- E�._, 0 Za._�,vac.5 _5_r o - occ ooXcoovementsper d rn CL Q-- o m 0 a a a.-0 o m m o.n b.14 .001358 �dQ�0 Cw U7C Nl C-0 n nm co m o�a ca a� E oc ._ o c. On an aver- age size lot of 53,746 square feet the annual estimated AD#160886 cost would be $72.99 which is payable semiannually. The