HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2021-04 Bridger Garage Permit and Transient Rates for 2022Resolution 2021-04 Bridger Garage Permit and Transient Rates 2022 Page 1 of 2 BOZEMAN PARKING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2021-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE PARKING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, TO SET PERMIT AND TRANSIENT RATES IN THE BRIDGER GARAGE FOR 2022. WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman has granted the Parking Commission authority to set parking rates in the garage and all other city facilities (MCA7-14-4634); and, WHEREAS, in 2020, the Bozeman Parking Commission chose not to raise rates in the garage due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the large proposed rate increase; and, WHEREAS, Bozeman Parking Services and the Parking Commission has the stated goal of aiming to improve the parking experience and fully funding garage operations: and, WHEREAS, the Parking Commission intends to increase UDC permit prices by $5 per year for 2023, 2024, and 2025 to align transient and permit prices and to sufficiently pay for operations and maintenance on the Bridger Parking Garage: and, WHEREAS, the Bozeman Parking Commission has determined guests and visitor parking should be prioritized; and, WHEREAS, Bozeman Parking Services Staff and Chair Ness have conducted outreach to UDC lease holders about increasing their rates in the garage: and, WHEREAS, Bozeman Parking Services staff will work with the City legal department to draft addendums to the UDC lease agreements with a preference toward creating a predictable rate environment: and, WHEREAS, the Bozeman Parking Commission may decide to adjust transient rates for 2022 at a later time should occupancy data in the garage indicate a need to increase rates; and, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Bozeman Parking Commission sets the following rates for the Bridger garage permit and transient parking: • Garage Monthly Permits both revocable and UDC leases increase to $85 per month, effective January 1, 2022; • Garage Monthly UDC Permits located in the basement increase to $97 per month, effective January 1, 2022; • Transient rates remain the same as adopted by Resolution 2021-01, effective January 1, 2022. DocuSign Envelope ID: BA1C8748-7A1B-4D34-B40D-611BC3FEE6D5 Resolution 2021-04 Bridger Garage Permit and Transient Rates 2022 Page 2 of 2 Passed and adopted by the Parking Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a session held on the 8th day of July 2021. ______________________________________ Jim Ness, Chair Bozeman Parking Commission ATTEST: ___________________________ Mike Veselik, Interim Parking Manager City of Bozeman DocuSign Envelope ID: BA1C8748-7A1B-4D34-B40D-611BC3FEE6D5 Resolution 2021-05 Parking Requirements in the Unified Development Code Page 1 of 3 BOZEMAN PARKING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2021-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE PARKING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, ABOUT PARKING REQUIREMENTS IN THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE. WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman has granted the Parking Commission authority to manage parking in the downtown area and any other parking permit areas (MCA7-14-4634); and, WHEREAS, the Bozeman Parking Commission authorized the creation of subcommittees in Resolution 2021-03 and the Policy Subcommittee has identified parking minimum reductions as top priority for their work: and, WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman Strategic Plan identifies a Well Planned City (Goal 4) as a key priority for the City and also identifies a vibrant downtown, districts and centers (4.4) and a high quality urban approach (4.2) as sub goals: and, WHEREAS, the 2016 Downtown Parking Strategic Management Plan Strategy 7 is for the Parking Commission and Parking Services to evaluate code-based parking minimums; and, WHEREAS, the 2019 Downtown Bozeman Strategic Plan’s Goal 3, The Heart of a Thriving City, calls for simplified parking requirements for the downtown core; and, WHEREAS, the Parking Commission has the ability to submit comments to the Zoning and Planning Board as well as the Department of Community Development during the October 2021 Unified Development Code rewrite: and, WHEREAS, parking space can range from $3,000 for surface lot spaces to more than $60,000 for underground structure parking and are a main driver of costs for new development; and, WHEREAS, unnecessary parking requirements drives up the cost of both residential and commercial construction which burdens residents and business owners; and, WHEREAS, reducing parking minimums is an identified strategy for the City of Bozeman to meet the goals laid out in the 2020 Climate Action Plan: and, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Bozeman Parking Commission recommends the Bozeman City Commission and Planning and Zoning Commissions adopt the below parking DocuSign Envelope ID: BA1C8748-7A1B-4D34-B40D-611BC3FEE6D5 Resolution 2021-05 Parking Requirements in the Unified Development Code Page 2 of 3 requirements in the Unified Development Code for residential, commercial, and mixed use developments: 1. A minimum of one parking space per 1000 SF of conditioned space 2. A maximum of three surface parking spaces per 1000 SF of conditioned space 3. Required parking shall be rounded to the nearest whole parking space (e.g. 1400 SF = 1 parking space; 1600 SF = 2 parking spaces), to the nearest square foot and with halves rounded up 4. For mixed use developments, requirements for commercial and residential uses shall be calculated separately, with a reduction of up to 50% of the lesser of the two requirements allowed 5. Affordable housing developments, developments within one half mile of high frequency transit stops, the B-3 Zoning District, and redevelopments of less than 5000 SF are exempted from required minimums 6. No additional credits or reductions are given or allowed except for a residential allowance of one parking space per 24 linear feet of parkable curb frontage (or alternative parking arrangement approved by the City) 7. Exceptions to these requirements, for qualifying developments, are available through a Planned Unit Development, subject to City Commission review and approval Further, the Bozeman Parking Commission recommends the Planning and Community Development Department and the City Commission use the below definitions for conditioned space, affordable housing, and High Frequency Transit” 1. Conditioned space: insulated, heated or cooled space, to include livable and leasable space, exclusive of garages, storage areas, and other spaces not intended for habitation or commercial use 2. Affordable housing: as defined in Bozeman Municipal Code Sec. 38.700.020. 3. High frequency transit: transit service meeting currently defined standards of “transit availability” and having headways of 20 minutes or less (acknowledging that Bozeman currently does not currently have any service that would meet this standard) Passed and adopted by the Parking Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a session held on the 12th day of August 2021. ______________________________________ Jim Ness, Chair Bozeman Parking Commission DocuSign Envelope ID: BA1C8748-7A1B-4D34-B40D-611BC3FEE6D5 Resolution 2021-05 Parking Requirements in the Unified Development Code Page 3 of 3 ATTEST: ___________________________ Mike Veselik, Interim Parking Manager City of Bozeman DocuSign Envelope ID: BA1C8748-7A1B-4D34-B40D-611BC3FEE6D5