HomeMy WebLinkAbout21- Affidavit - 10-07-21 Ntc of Hearing Resolution 52881 Delinquent water sewer stormwater garbage recycling AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF mgray@bozeman.net, at 582- PUBLIC HEARING 2307 (TDD 582-2301). If you STATE OF MONTANA, have questions about the res- HEARING ON FINAL ADOP- olution,please contact Laurae COUNTY OF GALLATIN TION OF COMMISSION Clark,Treasurer, NO. 5281, A man.net at 582-2326. 1, Ann Harms, Legal Specialist being first duly s , de- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY g P g u yworn COMMISSION OF THE CITY DATED this 19th day pose and say that I am theprincipal clerk of the publisher LE BOG AND ASSESSING MONTANA, of September,2021. p Y I� LEVYING AND ASSESSING of the Bozeman Dail Chronicle, a newspaper in general A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT Mike Maas �' er h P g UPON CERTAIN SPECIFIED City Clerk Gallatin Count Montana; that I REAL PROPERTY IN THE City of Bozeman circulation, Bozeman, y, CITY OF BOZEMAN, COUN- MNA%LP know from m ersonal knowled e that the Le al# 107476 TY OF GALLATIN,STATE OF y p g g MONTANA, UNLESS PRO- VISIONALLY EXEMPTED, NOTICE OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING HEARING ON TO COLLECT DELINQUENT PUBLIC HEARING WATER, SEWER, STORM- a printed copy of which is hereto annexed,was published in WATER, GARBAGE & RE- CYCLING CHARGES PLUS EA ON HEARING COMMISSION FINAL ADOP- the entire issue of said newspaper for: 2 COSTS AND EXPENSES TIONRESOLUTION NO.COMMISSION A INCURRED BY THE CITY OF RESOLUTION OF THE CITY FOR IN SE IO PROVIDED COMMISSION OF THE CITY FOR IN SECTION 7-1 ANNO, OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, TATED.MONTANA CODE ANNO- LEVYING AND ASSESSING Insertion(s) in the following issues: 09/26/21, 10/03/21 TATED. A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, UPON CERTAIN SPECIFIED that at a regular session of REAL PROPERTY IN THE the Commission of the City of CITY OF BOZEMAN,COUN- Bozeman to be held on the 5th TY OF GALLATIN,STATE OF day of October 2021, Com- MONTANA, UNLESS PRO- mission Resolution No. 5281 VISIONALLY EXEMPTED, will be considered; that said TO COLLECT DELINQUENT Total Cost: $80.00 WATER, SEWER, STORM- Resolution levies and assess- WATER, GARBAGE & RE- es aspecial assessment to CYCLING CHARGES PLUS RE- collect delinquent water, sew- COSTS AND EXPENSES re stormwater, garbage and INCURRED BYTHE CITY OF recycling charges plus costs BOZEMAN, AS PROVIDED and expenses incurred by the FOR IN SECTION 7-13-4309, City of Bozeman. MONTANA CODE ANNO- That said Commission Reso- TATED. lution No. 5281 is now on file NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, B in the office the City Clerk of that at a regular session of the City of Bozeman, subject the Commission of the City of to inspection of all persons in- Bozeman to be held on the 5th terested;that Tuesday,the .m.5th day of October 2021, Com- Subscribed and sworn by Ann Harms before me on: of saiddOctober tat a re ular p.m. mission Resolution No. 5281 On 7th dayof October, in the year of 2021 of said day at a regular ses- will be considered; that said y sion of the Commission C the Resolution levies and assess- City of Bozeman, in the Com- es a special assessment to mission Room at City Hall 121 collect delinquent water, sew- N Rouse Ave,Bozeman,Mon er, stormwater, garbage and will the City Commission recycling charges plus costs will hear and pass upon any and expenses incurred by the and all objections that may be City of Bozeman. made to the final passage and adoption of said Commission That said Commission Reso- Resolution No. 5281 and the lution No. 5281 is now on file levying of said assessment; and that said Resolution will in the office of the City Clerk of Notar Public for e State of Montana Residing at the City of Bozeman, subject y g be finally passed and adopt- to inspection of all persons ra in- Bel de Montan ` ed at said regular session of terested;that Tuesday,the 5th g said Commission, subject to such corrections and amend- of October tat a re ular ses- ments that may be made upon of said day at a regular ses- objections. Due to the City's sion of the Commission C the Declaration of Emergency City of Bozeman, in the Com- for the Covid-19 Pandemic, mission Room at City Hall 121 t N Rouse Ave,Bozeman,Mon his meeting may be held tana, the City Commission online using Webex or other --- - technology. Any and all interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing and to submit testimo- ny or to submit written testimo- ny prior to or during the public hearing.Written testimony can be submitted to the City Clerk, agenda@bozeman.net, PO Box 1230,Bozeman,Montana 59771. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please AD#149610 contact the City of Bozeman's ADA Coordinator, Mike Gray,