HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-19-21 Public Comment - D. Lambert - Gallatin County Rest Home protest Outside of 150 ft PROTEST OF APPLICATION FOR ZONING MAP AMENDMENT AppbaNim 21 f W Cmns6n Coutrti Kcsl Iktnte 12:1 Duman ". Wlemmm the m%dvmrcd sutcn siW affix ms dstrt the Mvn vim,nx is an trwnc* in t}c ncrti+i:►,�th+ttl 4stcdly Adia"f t to 1"d 8 tacos 2419,the V$.Ncre kit awned tq (►a1la:111 tKst ►s Ow vAbimt of the AprAicaron fat Z.onia$lisp Amct►tlmcot • to 21 l ) !hts .rl�dtcstrrxs mks M h�rsY tic►erittrc�+tr�tres, a�Y Ott Ek►�cmttw'n R-1 rcr+e, rutx►ed �tY so.►hJeit to the I►t,wisia"of Hevmsus's R4 Zone btc•juse the fount~ is"conud imp &%cfAilmicni da dtycalrr&W %%mm form of hmsinp vm the Pof#wrn cad of ivvvvt!' Nwvuam to NWA 4 7a-2.304 :t iCA, %,th tic uVratutc below. the Fvfs;xn stV,nti p oicit. and ,ghgm ite objects to taut Md ref4p4%-tfuj ty ttgisesb the/tftn1l C mnutwun. Planning flimtd and of Ctt) Cominissim to reject the Appleution t►�x+etrc!tiiur,� S:e�►ttst� Addtns We DO&e LaR�b�t �' - im tkebop9 t Ort~e Oct 2d2! �.- 8atan_ go VT 59 5 w Oct 2011 j►�t � ..� t '��� MT 511tS oa x021 4h � CrK Ork Oct M 2021 e/p /v I Oct�,?O21 NW Oct "21 hm t c�r►8 ova 2021 c �h X: r1K Pjra h..,/L Oct 2021 MIT CAIA Ion to_ Oct 1'011 I tom • Oct , 2021 • C jA A f Oct 2021 l4 N 7. r Oct_,, 2021 Non-Affected Neighbors Page 2: Od13. 2021 Printed Name Signature Address Date Jenne Green OWNS4p"Wr 1333 Crabapple Drive IJ `' qfAl 10/18/2021 Leman,MT 59715 a"RMPOKOW Louise 1097 N 120 Ave Fl,:,�L+man, 10/18/2021 Schelhammer MT 59715 Aimee Spivak 1310 Manzanita Drive Ei�Doau3lgned 6y: 10/19/2 021 /'i/_ Bozeman, MT 59715 44FD5DDE734FF DocuSign Envelope ID:OCE51266-464F-40CA-A5F2-2E985E3BE026 PROTEST OF APPLICATION FOR ZONING MAP AMENDMENT Application 21330 Gallatin County Rest Home 1221 Durston Road, Bozeman The undersigned states and affirms that the person signing is an owner in the neighborhood directly adjacent to Tract B of COS 2439, the 9.8-acre lot owned by Gallatin County, that is the subject of the Application for Zoning Map Amendment-No. 21330. This application seeks to have the entire 9.8 acres, currently in Bozeman's R-3 Zone, rezoned to be subject to the provisions of Bozeman's R-4 Zone because the County is "considering development of a daycare and some form of housing on the northern end of property" Pursuant to MCA § 76-2-305(2) MCA,with the signature below,the person signing protests and otherwise objects to the Application and respectfully requests the Zoning Commission,Planning Board, and or City Commission to reject the Application. Printed Name Signature Address Date Jenice Green cuSigned by: 1333 Crabapple Drive Do y� 10/18/2021 ozeman, MT 59715 8D17D28709FD468... Louise 1097 N 121h Ave DocuSigned by: 10/18/2 021 Schelhammer MSG S Berman, MT59715 [bl778624CE72A4A2... PROTEST OF APPUCATION FOR ZONWK MAP AMENDMENT Application 2 MI) I) (wlatin Coumy Rest 160ms 12.21 Durv= Ro*A Dates fire uWasidned states and aA wrns tit tits pare+ sigm'Mt is an owww to the nei#Nbcrt*W dim Oy adjwcM to-1vact t3 c[COS 2439,the 9.6-aKre kx owtad by Gillttin Copuy, that is.the subgect or th t.Apowbow(o►Zani%Mop Arrwv%$ft" • No 2030 1 his Volcmipe uwjs too have Ute entice 9-8 Km cunt m l3ozera+sn's R-) Z ". oroosed to be xA�ect to the pmvi*oft o(Oc w"n's R4 Zone bmaust the Casty ts'cc"den nS drmlopowni arts do"*and ww* ram orbouung on Oe n«thern end oI prup"" P~r%to FICA 6 76-2.303(2)WA,imth the w"fure bOaw. the penton sirw 0, pnottsss end otberw%e objects ro the Applicaton PW rsit;co ally wpmts she wing CommiWon.flanning lkomd,and a City Committum to rtjecl the Application PtW*wd Nam Urutwv Addrtet 41101 Qshdv Lai,C eat �' s On 12021 ��.-- 8=lrt w MT 69715 t i�� e4T, 5171S— oct 2021 on J!3 2021 At 4 pVt . , oa 2ot� Ora �., 2021 OctOCR 3011 2011 Oct 2011 Od 2021 Oct lon Oct_,, 2021 00 ro21 DocuSign Envelope ID: E9173E8D-5B2F-4848-8636-BA676E611A49 PROTEST OF APPLICATION FOR ZONING MAP AMENDMENT Application 21330 Gallatin County Rest Home 1221 Durston Road, Bozeman The undersigned states and affirms that the person signing is an owner in the neighborhood directly adjacent to Tract B of COS 2439, the 9.8-acre lot owned by Gallatin County, that is the subject of the Application for Zoning Map Amendment -No. 21330. This application seeks to have the entire 9.8 acres, currently in Bozeman's R-3 Zone, rezoned to be subject to the provisions of Bozeman's R-4 Zone because the County is "considering development of a daycare and some form of housing on the northern end of property" Pursuant to MCA § 76-2-305(2) MCA, with the signature below, the person signing protests and otherwise objects to the Application and respectfully requests the Zoning Commission,Planning Board, and or City Commission to reject the Application. Printed Name Signature Address Date Aimee Spivak 1310 Manzanita Drive DocuSigned by: 10/19/2021 Bozeman, MT 59715 B344FD5DDE734FF...