HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-18-21 Public Comment - C. Omland - Canyon GateFrom:Carie Omland To:Agenda Cc:Ross Knapper Subject:Public Comment for Canyon Gate Canyon Gate development (Project No 21337) - Part 2 Date:Monday, October 18, 2021 8:55:01 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Attn: City Commission PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 I would like to submit the followin as public comment opposing Canyon Gate Canyon Gate development (Project No 21337) in its current proposal state. I would encourage suitable zoning classification that is aligned with the neighboring densities with a limit of R-3 for residential development and B-1 for commercial areas. Additionally, I would like to see more open space with a limit on the use of the Bozeman In-lieu fee program. Quote Public Comment Referenced material (7) The City of Bozeman encourages annexations which will enhance the existing traffic circulation system or provide for circulation systems that do not exist at the present time. The proposed development does not appear to improve traffic circulation nor provide a safe environment on this street with so many young children in the neighborhood. The proposed Increased density that connects to a main road will lead to increased traffic in and on neighborhood roads, creating safety and infrastructure concerns. Annexation Application (18) The City will notify the Gallatin County Planning Department and Fire District providing service to the area of applications for annexation. Oct 18, 2021 7:55am - 8:37am: spent almost 45 minutes trying to get across the train tracks (stand still train blocking both Story Mill and Rouse), as well as insufficient construction routes off Griffin. In addition to this, it is not uncommon to wait 20 minutes for train to clear the crossings. How is this acceptable for public safety Annexation Application both in or out of the area for adequate access to emergency services? (videos documenting this available, please request) (p 20) The health and well- being of the public is an essential focus and influences and is influenced in turn by urban design and land development. Health and well-being should include emergency and response services. The current traffic infrastructure does not support this. I have increasing safety concerns about getting critical services in the area as well as the ability to get to emergency services in a reasonable manner. Community Plan (p 30) N-4.1 Continue to recognize and honor the unique history, neighborhoods, neighborhood character, and buildings that contribute to Bozeman’s sense of place through programs and policy led by both City and community efforts “recognize and honor the... neighborhood character that contributes to sense of place.” It is my belief that the people in this community and neighborhood live and thrive here because of it’s unique character and sense of place. High density B-2M zoning simply destroys that. Community Plan (p 30) N-4.3 Revise Design Guidelines within the Conservation Overlay District to distinguish Downtown from the residential neighborhoods, to encourage neighborhoods and neighborhoods near transition areas, “distinguish Downtown from the residential neighborhoods.” I would argue that the proposed does quite the opposite, it further homogenises the area to look like everything downtown. Community Plan (p 37) EPO-2.3 Identify, prioritize, and preserve key wildlife habitat and corridors I would argue that the parcel in question is a key wildlife habitat and corridor. Additionally, the developer wants to do cash in lieu, which does not support this in any way - it is actually in Community Plan opposition of preserving key wildlife habitat corridors. (p 38) EPO-4.6 Develop a plan to mitigate conflicts between humans and wildlife through the use of proactive, non-lethal measures. I believe that the Canyon Gate proposal does not mitigate the conflicts between humans and wildlife, in fact it harms the urban-wildlife interface. Community Plan (p 39) The best transportation plan is a good land use plan. Transportation systems impact the following: 1) livability (in terms of traffic congestion, but also noise, pollution, physical activity, accessibility, safety, and aesthetics); Safety is definitely a big issue, esp with the prospect of an increase in development that is proposed as high density. Train crossings are a huge safety concern on many levels (mentioned earlier in this doc). Community Plan Parking concerns According to the proposed map, there is no dedicated parking planned, which will lead to increased parking congestion on neighboring residential roads that were never intended for such use. Canyon Gate Annexation Proposal (p 42) M-2.3 Work with School District #7 and other community partners in planning and operating safe routes to local schools. M-2.4 Encourage the design of school sites to support walking and biking M-2.5 Develop safe crossings along priority and high utilization pedestrian and biking corridors. With the current density, we do not have safe routes to local schools. Train dependencies, lack of trails, traffic, no bike lanes. Increased density further exacerbates this issue and poses a significant safety risk to the multitudes of young children in the area. Community Plan (p 49) RC-3.2 Work with Gallatin County to keep rural areas rural and maintain a clear edge to urban development that evolves as the City expands outwards. I would argue that the proposed high density does not support this. Community Plan (p 54) Mixed use areas should be developed in an integrated, pedestrian friendly manner and should not be overly dominated by any single use. Higher intensity uses are encouraged in the core of the area or adjacent to significant streets and intersections. Building height or other methods of transition may be required for compatibility with adjacent development. “Building height or other methods of transition may be required for compatibility with adjacent development.” Proposed zoning is for B-2M which is not congruent with adjacent and surrounding buildings. Community Plan (p 69) 3. Smaller species, especially birds, are compatible within urban density development and should be preserved, including the encouragement of suitable habitats. It is my belief that there is at least one bald eagle that lives over in the tree/habitat plus a multitude of other smaller species. Adequate open space and planning is necessary in this regard, which the current proposal does not support. Community Plan (p 73) iii. Facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirements. It is my belief that putting high density in the proposed location(s) does not meet adequate provision of transportation, parks and other public requirements (ie. safety). Community Plan Thank you. -Carie Omland carie.omland@gmail.com 970-347-7317