HomeMy WebLinkAboutResponseToCityComments_08-30-21 zLLL E Site Plan Review - Response to Comments COHOUSInO For Bozeman Cohousing : 3120 Wagon Wheel Road ii ii Augsust 30, 2021 lip IIklill 9ini 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 11 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 4 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1. We are in receipt of your Departure request, per 38.360.070.A.4.b, to allow Building II to have a maximum length of 151-feet, exceeding the maximum of 120-feet. The Director will make his determination with his decision on the site plan. Acknowledged 2. Please label the building length of each Building Type on the applicable elevation sheet. Horizontal dimensions previously shown on floor plans have been duplicated onto elevations per your request. Additional horizontal dimensions are still located on the floor plans for your reference. 3. Building 7 is situated very close to the southern property line that abuts single-household homes. Please label the distance from the closest dwelling unit 2nd floor deck to the south property line. Please revise deck plans to meet the 15-foot distance standard of 38.520.030.B and C. The only 2nd story decks located on Building 7 are on the north side of the building and are located over 30 ft. away from the property line. 4. Please label the distance/width of the watercourse setback at all its various points/extents on the site plan and landscape plan. Per correspondence with Susana Montana, the shortest distance of the watercourse setback has been added to the dimension plan, Sheet C1.1. This distance is approximately 80 ft. Page 1 of 9 zLLL E Site Plan Review - Response to Comments • • C 5. Please label the property line icon in the Sheet C1.0 legend. 1111`�o wool n `�11 The property line icon has been added to the legend on Sheet C1.0. ib� ' 6. Please provide two wayfinding signs illustrating the location and " addresses of each building and units within each building. One sign should be posted next to the woonerf lane next to the garage units and the second one should be posted in the island south of the 2-car garage facing the parking lot. The location and content of these signs must be reviewed and approved by the City Fire Department. Please see sheet A 10.3 for wayfinding signage designs, which we believe meet the intent of this comment. An overview sign is to be provided in front of the main entrance to building 11, very near the location you proposed, maximally visible to all transportation modes of arrival. As requested, we have added a second overview sign at the south end of the parking area where it is easily visible on the island. In addition, three secondary wayfinding signs are to be provided throughout the property. one north of the studio condos (Building XII) as you suggested, one south of building Il, and one at the "T terminus of the woonerf. These locations are shown on the site plan. The design of the signs is being updated to show both the building addresses and the unit numbering; we welcome approval of the final designs as a condition of approval. 7. 38.520.070.C.1.a and c and 2. The trash enclosure is designed with semi-opaque wood horizontal panels which does not satisfy the requirements of C.1. a and b. However, the landscaping on the south and west sides of the enclosure properly screens views of the enclosure from the street and the abutting residential neighbors. Noted that landscaping as proposed sufficiently screens the enclosure as designed. 8. 38.400.010. Streets. On Sheet C1.0, please label the widths of the access driveways. The widths of the access driveways were previously shown on the dimension plan. Please refer to Sheet C1.1 - Dimension Plan. 9. Please provide an executed agreement for maintenance of improvements to Wagonwheel Road ROW with the Rural Road Improvement District. The applicant has previously contacted Morrison Maierle, who manages Page 2 of 9 zLLL E Site Plan Review - Response to Comments COHOUSInO the RID and maintenance of Wagon Wheel Rd. Correspondence with James Nickelson of Morrison Maierle was included in the initial submittal and shows that the existing RID will apply. lip 10. 38.410.100.2.f, Watercourse Setback planting plan. Please provide do "'% details of this plan, meeting the standards of this section. Please also 1 label the distance of the wetlands setback at the points that it moves in 11 and out (east and west). No disturbance of the watercourse setback is planned and therefore no planting plan is proposed as noted on L1.2. The most impactful dimensions (furthest west) are provided on Sheet L1.2. 11. 38.520.070, Screening of utility panels on buildings. Please provide details as to how you would screen exterior utility panels and other mechanical equipment to meet this standard. Please note that "mini-splits" AC units must be screened from view from the street and nearby residential areas. Landscaping has been added to obscure the mini-splits on buildings 11 and IV. The mini-split on Building I is screened by landscaping and placed in a recess. The mini-splits on building Vll are obscured by screening landscaping. The utility meter serving Building 1 is screened from the adjacent driveway by landscaping. Other utility meters that face adjacent residential areas are over 30'from the property line and are screened by landscaping (Buildings ll, lll, Xlll, IX, X). 12. Please clarify the legal description for the Site. I have different legal descriptions on the application and various sheets. I have the following: Tract A of SW '/4 designated on Assessor's Plats deed described in Book 153, Page 371 and Tract B of COS 526 and Parcel II in warranty deed recorded in Document 2673699 located in SW '/4 of S19, T2 S, R6 E PMM, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, MT. The surveyor reached out to the City to clarify the legal description. The parcel is described as Parcel 11 in warranty deed recorded in Document 2673699. This is the legal description denoted on the amended plat. Please use this as the legal description for the existing lot. Page 3 of 9 zLLL E Site Plan Review - Response to Comments COHOUSInO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT General lip 1. BMC 38.540.020 (F) Surfacing - The proposed alternate surfacing for 1 " the secondary access woonerf is acceptable from an access and stability standpoint. However, due to the extensive use of alternating surface types and arrangements (varying materials, narrow widths, transitions, colors, stamped patterns, etc.), the City will not be responsible to maintain or replace any part of the interior access road surfacing should it be damaged or disturbed in the process of accessing or locating the public water and sewer system components. Please use final version of agreement (attached) to be signed and recorded. a. The applicant must submit a draft agreement between the City and associated parties' that agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless for any damages and clearly delineates maintenance/replacement responsibilities for surfacing within the public utility easement and outside of the public right-of-way. b. The draft agreement must be accompanied by an exhibit stamped by a licensed professional surveyor. Please provide exhibit with the final document. The stamped exhibit has been provided with the signed agreement. c. The draft agreement must be submitted for approval from the Public Works Director with subsequent approval from the City's Legal Department. Addressed. d. Upon City review and approval, the applicant must provide an owner executed original agreement to the City prior to site plan approval. e. The final agreement must be incorporated into the Owners Property Association Documents. The final agreement will be included as an exhibit in the Owners Property Association Documents. An updated set of documents has been included in this submittal. Easements 1. BMC 38.410.060: All public easements must be provided with the Site Plan submittal in a clean draft format for review. Easements will be deemed inadequate if they are not in a final draft format (signatures are Page 4 of 9 zLLL E Site Plan Review - Response to Comments COHOUSInO not required for the draft review). Easements must be stamped by a licensed professional surveyor. Easements must identify the current - � appropriate City officials in signature blocks. Please provide a complete 1111° ii ii A `�■11 easy to follow easement package for review. This includes all existing Jl'1�I and proposed easements. This complete package is helpful for tracking IIF ']i _ p p p p g p 9 it ■ m. ' purposes. Engineering has reviewed the provided easement and " has no further comment. The applicant must provide a final signed copy (with wet signatures) prior to site plan approval. The final signed copy of the easement has been attached with this submittal. 2. BMC 38.410.060 (B)(2) Easements -The applicant must show and provide a ten foot utility easement (power, gas, communication, etc.) along the developments property frontage prior to Site Plan approval. The utility easement must be provided using the City standard language and be provided for review and approval. The applicant may contact the Engineering Department to receive a copy of a utility easement template. Upon approval, the applicant must provide an owner executed original easement to the City prior to site plan approval. The applicant did not provide the City require 10 PUE as part of this submittal. The NWE document is separate and related to their specific utility. Provide the 10 ft PUE and show this on the site plan prior to site plan approval. The City PUE is attached. The signed copy of the City PUE has been included with this submittal. A stamped exhibit is included with the PUE. The 10 ft PUE was previously shown on the dimension plan, Sheet C1.1. Water Rights 1. BMC 38.410.130 (A)(1) Water rights - The applicant must contact Griffin Nielsen with the City Engineering Department to obtain a determination of cash-in-lieu (CIL) of water rights. The proposed irrigation well and any City water connections for irrigation purposes must also be addressed as part of the CILWR determination. Griffin Nielsen has been contacted regarding CIL-WR. Water 1. DSSP Section (V)(A) Design Report - A water design report must be prepared by a professional engineer for the proposed project. The water distribution system must be designed to meet the maximum day demand Page 5 of 9 zLLL E Site Plan Review - Response to Comments COHOUSInO plus fire flow and the peak hour demand. The applicant must provide the design report with Site Plan application. A water design report has been prepared and included with the site plan lip ill�� application. A flow test was performed at the site on 6107121 with the �IF�� "'% City in order to obtain data for the WaterCAD model. �1 Wastewater 1. DSSP Section (V)(B) Sanitary Sewer System Design Criteria - The applicant must provide an estimate of the average daily flow and peak-hour sanitary sewer demand certified by a professional engineer for the proposed project. The City will analyze and determine if sewer capacity is available to accommodate the project. An infiltration rate of 150-gallons/acre/day shall be added to all flow calculations when designing new sewers. The infiltration rate must be included in the design report. A sewer design report has been included with this submittal and the infiltration rate is included in the calculations. Transportation 1. BMC 38.400.060 Street Improvement Standard -The applicant has provided correspondence that the portion of Wagonwheel Road along the project's frontage will continue to be maintained to its current standard by Gallatin County Rural Improvement District (RID) 326. This arrangement is agreeable to the City, until such time as the City takes over maintenance/improvements to this portion of roadway in the future, with the following items required prior to site plan approval as they pertain to this development: a. The applicant must make appropriate arrangements for both parcel areas to be included in the RID assessment boundary as indicated in the November 2, 2020 RID correspondence, and shall confirm to the City Engineering Department that the second parcel area has been added to the RID. The applicant needs to provide documentation that demonstrates the two parcels have been included in the Rural Improvement District (RID). The applicant has previously contacted Morrison Maierle, who manages the RID. Correspondence with James Nickelson of Morrison Maierle was included in the initial submittal. Mr. Nickelson states: "Parcel RGH9121 is in the district and pays its assessment as part of their property tax bill. Parcel RGH9122 is Page 6 of 9 zLLL E Site Plan Review - Response to Comments COHOUSInO not included in the district; however, it would be appropriate that it gets added to the district. Depending on how the two parcels . � are handled through the development process, the second parcel may get added into the district by default." The applicant has nsubmitted an amended plat application to aggregate these two IIFl����� "'% lots. It is our understanding that the parcel will get added into the 1 " district by default upon approval of the amended plat. Lighting 1. DSSP Standard Specifications for Lighting Materials and Installation Section XII —The new crosswalk at the intersection of Concord Drive and Wagonwheel Road shall require city standard street lights be installed per DSSP Section XII. The required intersection/crosswalk street light(s) shall be shown on the plans prior to site plan approval. Please show call out on the pedestrian light to ensure this will be installed with infrastructure. The pedestrian light has been called out on the site plan, Sheet C1.0. Please see attached updated site plan. 2. DSSP Standard Specifications for Lighting Materials and Installation Section III —The applicant is advised all proposed street, pedestrian and pathway lighting shall be operated and maintained through the creation of a new SILD, through the annexation to an existing SILD, or through some other equivalent means approved by the City of Bozeman. The approval to create or annex to an SILD shall be granted prior to final plat for a subdivision or Occupancy if a final plat is not required. The City acknowledges that the applicant has submitted an Application for Creation of a Special Improvement Lighting District (SILD) for Bozeman CoHousing. The approval to create or annex to an SILD shall be granted prior to final plat for a subdivision or Occupancx if a final plat is not required. Acknowledged Conditions of Approval 1. If not already filed for the subject site, the applicant must provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of Special Improvement Districts (SIDs) or special districts for the following if they do not already exist: a) Street improvements to Wagonwheel Road including lighting, signalization, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. Page 7 of 9 zLLL1 E Site Plan Review - Response to Comments • • b) Street improvements to S. 3" Avenue including lighting, signalization, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. . so c) Intersection Improvements to S. 3rd Avenue and Wagonwheel Road. nThe document filed must specify that in the event an SID is not utilized �IFl����� "'% for the completion of these improvements, the developer agrees to 1 participate in an alternate financing method for the completion of said 11 p P g p improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of property, taxable valuation of the property, traffic contribution from the development, or a combination thereof. The applicant must provide a copy of the filed SID waiver prior to Site Plan Approval. Please update the SID Waiver to reflect the current City template (please find attached for your reference). The SID Waiver has been updated to reflect the current City template. Please see attached updated waiver. Concurrent Construction 1. BMC 38.270.030.C: Plans and Specifications for the proposed water main, sewer main, and public street improvements, prepared and signed by a professional engineer (PE) registered in the State of Montana, must be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. The applicant shall also provide professional engineering services for construction inspection, post- construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. Construction shall not be initiated on the public infrastructure improvements until the plans and specifications have been approved and a preconstruction conference has been conducted. Building permits will not be issued prior to City acceptance of the infrastructure improvements unless all provisions set forth in Section of the Bozeman Municipal Code are met to allow for concurrent construction. If the applicant wishes to request concurrent construction for the public infrastructure associated with the project (water mains, sewer mains and roadway improvements) the following items are required: a. Formal memo requesting concurrent construction. The City has received the applicant's Concurrent Construction application. The following requirements need to be completed prior to granting concurrent construction (i.e. b, c, and d). b. The applicant is advised that Plan and specification approval from the City and State prior to issuance of building permit(s). Acknowledged. Page 8 of 9 zLLL E Site Plan Review - Response to Comments COHOUSInO c. Submittal of an executed original conditional irrevocable offer of —011161 dedication, please contact the Engineering Department to oil 0: receive a copy of this document. Engineering has reviewed 11 X ii IN the irrevocable offer of dedication and has no further I'1NI� comment. The applicant must provide a final signed copy Wdo "'% (with wet signatures) prior to site plan approval. �1 11 The irrevocable offer of dedication has been signed and included with this submittal. d. Written approval from the fire department for concurrent construction. The City acknowledges that the applicant has contacted the fire department regarding the approval letter. The City still needs written approval from Fire Department. The applicant must discuss if the proposed phasing plan, specifically the hammerhead turn around needs to be constructed with Phase 1 of the development with the City's fire department. As presented, the proposed turn around doesn't provide the ability for emergency services to back up and turn around. The phasing plan has been updated to include the entire hammerhead turnaround. Please see attached approval letter regarding concurrent construction from Scott Mueller of the fire department. Page 9 of 9