HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-29-21 Public Comment - M. Wictor - Canyon GateFrom:Ross Knapper To:Mary Wictor Cc:Agenda Subject:RE: Canyon Gate #21-337 9/29/2021 Public Comment Zoning & Uses from Mary Wictor Date:Wednesday, September 29, 2021 10:58:52 AM Dear Mary, Thank you for contacting the City of Bozeman and for submitting your public comment for this project. Your comments have been added to the project record. Best, Ross Knapper | Development Review Coordinator, Community DevelopmentCity of Bozeman | 20 East Olive St. | P.O. Box 1230 | Bozeman, MT 59771406.582.2968 | (C) 406.451.6803 | rknapper@bozeman.net | www.bozeman.net The Department of Community Development is revising its operations until further notice to address COVID-19. We appreciate your patience and are working hard to maintain the stability of our operations. There may be delays in responding to inquiries. We continue to receive and review development applications. Some application types may see delays in their review times due to the suspension of public meetings. From: Mary Wictor <mwictor@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 10:50 AM To: Ross Knapper <rknapper@BOZEMAN.NET> Subject: Canyon Gate #21-337 9/29/2021 Public Comment Zoning & Uses from Mary Wictor CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Ross Knapper, Development Review Coordinator / City of Bozeman Community Development: I believe internal Development Review may be close to making a decision on the Annexation and Zoning recommended for Canyon Gate #21-337. I hope that this input will be able to be considered and discussed, as I was able to see and listen to the two City meetings this week on 9/27 & 9/28/2021. Certainly Canyon Gate should be annexed into the City of Bozeman. However, it's Zoning AND Uses should maintain compatibility and must be "consistent with established development patterns", "respecting the residential quality and nature of the area", and for appropriate medium density (R-3) to provide "for a variety of housing types, while reducing the adverse effect of no-residential uses. In addition to looking at City of Bozeman online maps, here are applicable portions copy/pasted from the Bozeman Municipal Code that I wish to emphasize for your consideration: [Underlining and Bold font added for emphasis.] ZONING Compatibility: Residential -- Intent & Purposes Bozeman Municipal Code, Part 2. Zoning District Intent and Purpose Statements, Sec. 38.300.100Residential zoning districts--Intent and purpose... A. Residential suburban district (R-S). The intent and purpose of the R-S residential suburban district is to commemorate and preserve existing RS zoning only. B. Residential low density district (R-1). The intent ... 2. Providing for such community facilities and services as will serve the area's residents while respecting the residential character and quality of the area. C. Residential moderate density district (R-2). The intent ... moderate density district is to provide for one- and two-household residential development at urban densities within the city in areas that present few or no development constraints. [Note: This NE area at the edge of the City Limits near Bridger Creek has a lot of wildlife and must have/maintain corridors, and connections.] Use of this zone is appropriate for areas with moderate access to parks, community services and/or transit. D. Residential medium density district (R-3). The intent ... 2. Providing for a variety of housing types, including single household dwellings, two to four household dwellings, and townhouses to serve the varied needs of households of different size, age and character, while reducing the adverse effect of non-residential uses. Use of this zone is appropriate for areas with good access to parks, community services and/or transit. As shown by visuals in my 9/22/2021 emailed input, the Canyon Gate property(ies) located nearest the NE corner of Story Mill Road and Bridger Drive are NOT suitable for R-4 residential HIGH density, nor R-5 residential mixed use HIGH residential because the following purpose (especially words underlined below for emphasis): "Use of this zone is appropriate for areas adjacent to mixed-use districts, commercial districts, and/or served by transit to accommodate a higher density of residents in close proximity to jobs and services." [This NE area of Bozeman is at the very edge of the City limits & Bridger Canyon--see attached BLUE DOT on 2 Maps... 2020 Community Plan.] The Vicinity/Area around Canyon Gate proposed development is primarily R-S, R-1, becoming R-2, with some R-3--which in Legends I at Bridger Creek has been developed using townhouse/duplexes that are a MAXIMUM HEIGHT of 2-stories with pitched roofs. The architecture style in this R-3 zoned area useswood with rustic appearances, and is very compatible with adjacent R-1 single family homes, plusunannexed County and also existing R-S areas that represent a residential suburban district to be"commerated and preserved" by the City's own definition (pasted above herein.) Legends I and LegendsII parks were designed together/adjacent and connected as public parks and trail--shared citizens andvisitors, by the wider community, residents, and wildlife frequenting the area for the Creek,mountains/Bridger foothills.. including conservation areas and Lyman Creek, & Story Hills. NEW INFO FROM CITY MEETINGS JUST THIS WEEKAt this week's Monday, 9/27/2021 Joint Planning Board and Zoning Commission meeting over 2 1/4hours, "Affordable Housing" was discussed by City Consultant with many questions and comments. Itwas mentioned that near Main Street in Bozeman around the one-way streets, there are some 3-story new developments next to single story homes--which is a cause for concern, but also very near MainStreet and Downtown. Thus, to allow tall, block-shaped development far out near the edge of the city,where land is still unannexed with R-S and R-1... is just NOT suitable and lacks compatibility with surrounding residential neighborhoods. Also, Jerry Pape (who states his very large and long experience with development in Bozeman), indicatedthat DUPLEXes are really key to lowering land cost and prices for homes. Just increasing density in development is not the only approach, and he felt sure that singular approach would not work.Furthermore, he indicated don't just increase densities--but to increase in small steps. Stating that R-1 be put next to R-2, and R-2 next to R-3, then R-3 next to R-4... and specifically NOT put higher density R-zones next to R-1. RESIDENTIAL - MIXED USE - COMMERCIALRegarding Commercial, if and only if it must be considered (B-1, B-2, B-2M, and B-3 zoning.) The Bozeman Municipal Code, B-1 Neighborhood business district Sec. 38.300.110 A. does seem themost applicable if commercial zoning is to be used. "The intent of the B-1 neighborhood business district is to provide for smaller scale retail and service activities frequently required by neighborhood residents on a day to day basis, as well as residential development as a secondary purpose, while still maintaining compatibility with adjacent residential land uses. Design standards emphasizing pedestrian oriented design are important elements of this district. Use of this zone is appropriate for areas functioning as a center for surrounding residential neighborhoods. However, as shown by my prior 9/22/2021 visual input .ppt using Google maps Street View images, this whole area and vicinity of Canyon Gate, including all houses on the North and South sides of Bridger Drive and E/W of Story Mill are SINGLE and TWO-STORY as a maximum. Additionally, the new Bridger View development (which has 31 houses I believe of 62 as affordable) was inspired by NE Bozeman older homes design and are small homes that are quality built and enduring. Bridger View is a new model, inspired by portions of the NE neighborhoods in Bozeman and which are the most similar for walkability, where people know their neighbors, and people share the parks. Bridger view is an urban model of a compact neighborhood, modest homes, that are energy efficient with small yards and shared spaces--and bikeable/walkable. It is supposed to be feel, "incredibly liveable." Bridger View is being built and is catty-corner from Canyon Gate properites; Bridger View and all users of HWY 86/Bridger Drive- Bridger Canyon Road deserve a clear unblocked view, of the Bridger mountains and the 'M'. USES UNDER ZONING In my own reading of the Bozeman Municipal Code for zoning and intents, B-3 is for downtown around Main Street and the two one-ways. B-3 actually excludes and does not allow some of the uses in B-2 and B-2M per the tables in the code. Thus, B-2 and B-2M appear to offer the widest possibility of uses for commercial. Many of these Uses do not seem to reflect the area surrounding Canyon Gate propertyproposed for development. Last night, the Stockyard Properties were officially just rezoned to REMU andB-2M, however these are SET WELL BACK from Bridger Drive, situated west of Story Mill Road and are across from the old historic Flour Mill--which is the only tall structures in the whole areas. Stockyardaccess is/can also be on Griffin Drive. AVOID SHORT TERM RENTALS!Finally, Bozeman has had many concerns and issues reported with Airbnb and other short-term rentaluses. Higher more dense zoning does potentially allow short term rentals and should be avoided. I believe the City of Bozeman has already hear enough on this already, so please do consider NOTallowing these uses. I am thankful for the opportunity to give Public Comment and inputs again. I hope they will receive yourfull attention and consideration at this key time in your deliberations. Best Regards, Mary Wictor1504 Boylan Road, Lot 8 in Phase 1 of Legends II (and also other properties in Bozeman and GallatinCounty)