HomeMy WebLinkAboutJudicial Dialog Submission to City of Bozeman RFP Response1 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) BOZEMAN CITY ATTORNEY CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CITY OF BOZEMAN PO BOX 1230 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-1230 AUGUST 2021 SUBMITTED BY JUDICIAL DIALOG SYSTEMS WWW.JUDICIALDIALOGSYSTEMS.COM TONY YUILL- SALES MANAGER TONY.YUILL@JUDICIALDIALOG.COM AUGUST 19, 2021 www.judicialdialogsystems.com J U D I C I A L D I A L O G S Y S T E M S 2 | P a g e TABLE OF CONTENTS a) Cover Page 1 b) Table of Contents 2 c) Executive Summary 3 d) Company Profile 4 e) Scope of Project 5 f) General and Technical Requirements 9 i) Cloud Questionnaire 17 g) Related Experience with Projects Similar to the Scope of Services 19 h) Proposed Implementation Schedule 19 i. Identification of tasks to be performed by Vendor. 19 ii. Identification of tasks to be performed by the City. 20 iii. Implementation plan. 21 iv. Expected timeframe the project would be complete. 22 i) Present and Projected Workloads 23 j) References 23 k) Training 24 l) Maintenance and Support 24 m) Price Proposal 25 i. A breakdown of all costs involved, including all software, interfaces, installation and training. 25 ii. A breakdown of all costs associated with conversion of data from current JustWare platform to vendor’ s program. 25 iii. A description and costs of any reoccurring fees such as annual maintenance, storage, and support costs. 25 n) Affirmation of Nondiscrimination (see Attachment A) Non-completion of the Affirmation of Nondiscrimination is cause for disqualification of firms. 27 3 | P a g e Executive Summary Judicial/Dialog® is prepared to meet and exceed your expectations for the Case Management solution you require. It is our plan to assist your City Attorney in meeting the designated goals; to provide you with the best mandated information, share data with the necessary agencies in a timely efficient workflow, reduce duplicate efforts between agencies and provide real time information to the agencies involved, enhancing their performance and effectiveness. Park County Attorney’s office in Cody, Wyoming, was our last Judicial/Dialog® installation and it included a JustWare data conversion. We completed it in July of 2021. Since it’s completion, the Park County Office has gone “live” with the converted data and are fully operational. Judicial Dialog Systems currently has data exchanges running in Iowa and Maryland. Specifically, we are importing data from the Courts in Iowa and populating our case management solution, Judicial/Dialog®, with scheduled court events directly from the Clerk of Courts. In a separate exchange, we collect data from the Iowa Highway Department software, TraCs, to initiate a case in Judicial Dialog, populating actors, charges, arrest dates, and initial appearance. These exchanges operate in the background and little training is required by the end users. These exchanges are in place in 12 jurisdictions in Iowa. Similarly, in Maryland you will find we are using their court feed to populate Judicial/Dialog® with case information from the local police agencies as well as from the Court Clerks. This exchange imports District Court cases and Traffic Court cases, with a separate Circuit Court feed. We will exploit the talents of our Director of Software Development, Brian Wanda, who with his team, has developed these exchanges alongside the constant development occurring to maintain our product as a national leader among our competitors. In addition to Mr. Wanda, we will count on the 10 years of experience from Mr. G.E. “Buster” Burch, as project manager, to manage the project from start to finish. Mr. Burch was the project manager in Park County with their successful data conversion and new Judicial/Dialog® deployment. This level of expertise puts us in a position to do the same type of exchange work in the Bozeman office. Our team is experienced in data integration development, and we have a history of working well within a team setting to accomplish the unique needs of the city. As well as developing secure and vital integrations, we offer to support and maintain it with your annual Maintenance and Support, which includes initial training for all users, training for new users supplemental training for new features, a monthly webinar series, user group forums as well as free annual upgrades to the software. Our project team is ready to get started on your project! 4 | P a g e Company Profile Judicial Dialog Systems (JDS) has been in the business of providing case management software to our nation’s prosecutors since 1994. Founded in Maryland, our corporate office remains in our home state while adding offices in Virginia, Texas and Iowa. Our original system, created with prosecutors, by prosecutors and for prosecutors was named Prosecutor/Dialog. It took off in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s and was deployed in dozens of states and hundreds of prosecutor offices. The Dialog system became the premier case management software for prosecuting attorneys. As the system gained in popularity JDS was approached by The Hague to deploy Prosecutor/Dialog in Rwanda for the International War Crimes Tribunal prosecuting war crimes. The Dialog software was deployed with some language modifications and received official thanks from the government of Rwanda as an “invaluable tool in the prosecution of criminal elements…” In 2002, JDS unveiled the Judicial/Dialog® case management system which represented a major advancement in functionality from the original Prosecutor/Dialog. Judicial/Dialog® got rave reviews as the first system developed on Microsoft’s then new .NET platform. A short time later due to our international success in Rwanda, JDS was approached again by the International War Crimes Tribunal to deploy our system in Sierra Leone for the prosecution of war criminals in that country. After that success, JDS received an official Declaration of Gratitude from the government of Sierra Leone for the success of the software in that endeavor. Throughout the decade, more and more prosecutor’s offices deployed the Judicial/Dialog® system and while our company structure experienced changes and even some setbacks, our staff, support, and products continued to be top-notch, consistently winning awards and accolades. Today, JDS remains the number one provider of case management software and services to United States prosecutors. Everyday thousands of customers use the Dialog system in hundreds of prosecuting attorney’s offices across the nation. As stated earlier, our headquarters remains in Maryland, with two offices: one in Frederick County and another in Charles County. As we have grown, we now have offices in Des Moines, Iowa and Houston, Texas and Blacksburg, Virginia. We remain a small company so that we can continue to be customer oriented and focus on our support, our products, and services. 5 | P a g e SCOPE OF SERVICES Judicial Dialog Systems responses in blue. Forms Management – These services facilitate the creation, modification and usage of electronic forms to capture case and name related information in a structured, consistent format. These services, assist with the development and management of electronic forms, including form field design and data entry validation to assist users with entering relevant data. Judicial/Dialog® can take most any data from the database and merge it into a merge template. We train a designated Template Admin and a backup to create new and edit existing templates as some default language my require. During configuration, form field design and validation is addressed to ensure data is correct and dropdown menus are populated to provide key selections. Once documents are created, they are ready to be used over and over. Generated documents can also be emailed out of Judicial/Dialog® or sent to the Media tab as a.pdf file for Discovery. Reports Generation – These services include generating many types of reports including from case files, name files, and overall system Data. Reports to include Data reports, case status reports, discovery reports, calendar reports, and a variety of statistical, system, and performance reports. Report generation services support the organization and presentation of Data into a useful, relevant, and interactive format, including stock reports as well as custom built reports. Vendor offers report building services as well as the ability of the City to create its own reports. Judicial/Dialog® has several reporting tools for administrators and users. The most sophisticated reports are built with Crystal Reports and can be viewed by any users with the integrated viewer. These reports can be made available by mapping them to security groups. Crystal Reports can provide any of the three categories of reports: Lists of Cases, Lists of People, and statistical reports and provides many formatting options. The second reporting tool is with the Case Search screen. This is used throughout the day and with the over 40 criteria, it can produce many useful reports or lists of cases. Thirdly, our “At-A-Glance” feature is a reporting tool that is located within the Case Search screen. It is a powerful interface to provide canned searches to users based on custom views that can query any data in the database to provide a list of cases for reporting. Fourth, this is an administrative tool that provides a basic grid view of canned queries. These can be mapped to users so they can access the results in JD These grid views are popular when access to the data is important but spending the extra time to format the data is not needed. Lastly, we provide Statistics/Dialog®, an ad hoc report builder. This is a sophisticated, yet easy to use graphical reporting tool to provide drill down business intelligence reports. These can be imported into MS Excel spreadsheets (.xls files), or it can be manipulated into bar graphs, pie charts, and other options available in MS Excel. Search – These services include the ability for users to search and browse through case, people, and event data to find all records that match the search criteria. Examples include data entered by a certain attorney or cases that were decided in a particular jurisdiction, or records that contain a particular term. The Case Search Screen has parameters for date ranges of events, status updates, dispositions, documents generated and even charge codes. It is not dependent on who added the data, it is available to all users. 6 | P a g e Security and Privacy – These services define the capabilities needed to support effective measures to protect and safeguard information and systems from inappropriate or unauthorized use, alteration, loss, or destruction and include, but are not limited to: ensure continuous observation of security rules and regulations; ensure appropriate level of protection for case related information and Data; ensure Data is protected against unauthorized modification, use, destruction, or disclosure; and assure confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The CMS must be CJIS compliant and guarantee security of all Data including confidential criminal justice information. Judicial/Dialog® is CJIS compliant and offers security by groups of users, with security and rules to filter out users and prevent inappropriate use or modification. We use MS Active Directory logons and have yet to experience any security breaches of our databases. Audit Trail – The CMS must be able to track individual users as they add and manipulate Data in the CMS system. Audit trails are found in most active tables. We can set up specific tracking queries to follow if data is deleted or modified and by what user. This is an option that should be discussed with your PM so we can configure things properly in the database. Case Data Management – Case file data management services determine what data elements should be captured and how data should be used and stored. These services facilitate the storage, processing, exchange, and general administration of case related data in the case file. The case file is utilized to provide management oversight to prosecution, civil litigation, and general legal services, e.g., management of case related resources, assignments, authorizations and status changes, including metrics and accomplishments. Judicial/Dialog® has the power to store all information required. If our default setting fails to meet your needs, we will change field labels to accommodate. We have been at this for over 25 years and our staff of experts knows how to create efficient and adaptive workflows since no two offices operate the same. Developing reports or canned searches comes with your configuration and our PM team knows how to create and ensure that the information flows in a useful manner and format. Paperless environment - These services must provide and support a paperless office solution. Our first paperless office was in Sweetwater County, WY in 2008. Our product really lends itself to operating in a paperless environment. Judicial/Dialog® supports a paperless office. Documents are generated from within the software, all emails, outside documents like lab reports, can be saved in the Media tab. Even going to court is free of boxes of files. In Judicial/Dialog®, you search for court dates and event types, resulting in a list of the docket. All case information is at your fingertips. If there is no access to the Cloud from the courtroom, we use a case extractor feature that pulls the cases from the event date reports and saves them on an external drive. Client Management – These services must support the management of day-to-day client relationships and interactions. Clients include other City departments such as the police department, municipal court and the finance department. Communication between agencies and other city departments is part of all successful organizations. We provide an option to email our notes, the documents generated in Judicial/Dialog®, reports, and search results. Another way to communicate in Judicial/Dialog® is our Notifications feature. This allows users an internal messaging and task delegation process that can track the progress of a task from initial request to completion. 7 | P a g e Calendaring – These services must support calendaring for multiple people, including cross access for all department members, multiple cases, schedule entries for upcoming court appearances, filing deadlines, meetings, and hearings for multiple courts, with customized views and printing and tickle events. The CMS must have the ability to integrate with Microsoft Office. Judicial/Dialog® realized very early on the significance of being integrated with MS Office products. We have integrated MS Outlook as an email function and import datasets to MS Excel. Generated Documents and Merge Templates are all created and developed in MS Word. And MS Calendaring is used for monitoring deadlines, multiple or global calendars as well as custom calendars to create for particular events and actors. Performance Measurement – These services are concerned with the development, refinement, and usage of performance metrics. As we strive to keep up with all the most modern practices, this particular component eludes us. Business Rule Management and Automation – These services are concerned with business rules and workflows that are reflected in locally determined practices or procedures that govern the way that routine business activities are performed and automated. Judicial/Dialog® is customizable to a fault. Most modifications are done for visual appeal, but the real work is done in setting up priority actions, documents and processes and interpreting the best way to leverage the features in Judicial/Dialog®. Mr. Burch is a seasoned veteran at this combining his 20+ years of experience in law enforcement and his years of setting up innumerable sites. Records Management – These services must have the ability to archive and retrieve closed files, and associated data and documents, in an easy and efficient manner. Judicial/Dialog® never sleeps, any user can logon and search for all data in the dataset regardless of case status. Expunged records are the only exception. Documents are also included in old cases. Document Management – This service provides the ability to generate, modify, store, retrieve, and archive case and name specific documents within the proposed application and search the same. Judicial/Dialog® has an integrated merge engine designed to make MS Word documents in to mergeable internal templates. The Generated Documents grid displays all the documents in the case, is edited in MS Word and conveniently saved to the case. Batch files of subpoenas can be generated for dozens of cases at once. They are stored and retrieved in their own cases automatically. Likely the most useful component of any case management system is the automation of documents and ease of retrieval. Discovery – This service has the ability to record receipt and processing of discovery requests electronically, including Bates’ s stamping, redacting, and indexing features to expedite process. This service also has the ability to record and produce all discovery electronically through CMS and to provide an audit trail tracking the exchange of discovery between the City, defendants and defense counsel to include what was shared, with whom the information was shared, and the date the exchange took place. This service should preferably contain a separate discovery management section of CMS. The exchange of information must be CJIS compliant and guarantee security of all data, including confidential criminal justice information. Our Discovery portal is in the testing phase and will meet your requirements. It is CJIS compliant and near completion. Legacy Data – This service will import legacy data in a readable, usable format. Our conversion team is fresh off our last Justware data conversion in Park County, in Cody, Wyoming. The staff there is pleased and is our first reference listed. 8 | P a g e Customization – This service must have the ability to be customized in order to fully support each area of practice within the department - Prosecution, Civil Litigation and General Legal. Judicial/Dialog® includes a separate administrative module, Judicial/Dialog® Administrative Utility, for configuring the GUI to perform in congress with all the features available. Database modification may also be required, this is part of initial site configuration. If the scope of a modification exceeds standard configuration JDS will provide a quote for the supplemental scope of work for City consideration. During the initial meetings, the priorities of your office will be discussed and workflows will be created to meet your specific needs. Each division will have different processes and data management, so this is considered, and provisions made to assure that future reporting and workflows are working in harmony. Data Query – These services will be written in SQL language and allow the City to query its Data as needed. Judicial/Dialog® includes a reporting tool where a City user may query the database using SQL language. This module is in the Administrative Utility and may only be accessed with Admin rights. Any normal data query is handled on the Person Search screen or the Case Search screen. System Integrations - This service includes the ability to build integrations between proposed system and other City systems hosting relevant case and justice data. System integrations include Zuercher and Getac used by the police department. Ideal service integration would include the ability to import citation information from Zuercher which includes all data points populated by officers in the field. The City wants seamless ability to link to Getac media including videos, audio and pictures. We will provide the same type of integrations as done in the past. If data is available, it can be imported. Our experiences in Iowa and Maryland show our capability to create an exchange to perform within your parameters. Compatibility – This service must have the ability to interface with other software currently used by the CAO, including but not limited to all Microsoft Office products and AdobePro. WestLaw research tools preferred but not required. This RFP contains many references to our heavy use of Microsoft Office suites. We have been integrated since the .NET version became available. AdobePro is also compatible to modify .pdf documents in the Media tab. Platform – These services will be cloud based CMS hosted by vendor. Vendor will maintain all City Data on servers in the United States subject to United States and Montana law. The City owns all Data and vendor shall surrender that the Data to the City at the end of any contractual agreement. All vendors must complete the Cloud Service Questionnaire. See Attachment C. JDS is willing and able to create the AWS account and manage the account. It is our preference to allow the City to maintain vendor/client relationship with AWS to mitigate costs. Prepayment arrangements can also save a considerable expense. 9 | P a g e f) General and Technical Requirements This is a preview of the most used screens in Judicial/Dialog®. Case Overview Screen The Case Overview screen provides a snapshot of information about the case while also providing access to modify or view important tabs like Events, Charges, Documents and Media. All identities have been scrambled for privacy. Figure 1. Case Overview screen 10 | P a g e Search Results Screens Judicial/Dialog® supports three ways to search; Case Search, Person Search, and Instant Search. Case Search or F5– The case search screen provides the user with the ability to search a large variety of fields to find the desired case. Defendant name, other person’s names, numbers, date ranges, case status are just a few of the over 40 different search criteria available. The results are displayed in a concise, color-coded, easy-to-read grid format allowing quick access to the case file via single click. The results can also be exported to MS Excel spreadsheets (.xls files). Person Search or F6 - Judicial/Dialog® features a Person Search function to ensure that people are not repeatedly being added to the database. This tool allows the user to enter the person’s name or alias to return a list of matches. The user makes the determination which is the proper person for the new case and then assigns that person a new role in the new case. Instant Search or F7 - The Instant Search feature allows the user to enter any number associated with a case and the search engine will return the desired case. This is a great tool for prosecutors who are focused on a particular case over the course of several days and want rapid access to it. Figure 2. Case Search Results screen 11 | P a g e Case Datasheet The Case Datasheet – The Case Datasheet is where all the elements of the case are displayed, and the user has quick access to Case information. The functionality of the Case Datasheet includes event tracking, document generation, charge filing, disposition, case parties (defendants, witnesses, victims etc.) – everything case-related, all in one easy-to-read folder. Authorized users can update, edit, print, and review any aspect of the case from the Case Datasheet. Figure 3. Case Datasheet 12 | P a g e Person Datasheet The Person Datasheet – This screen contains all the current and historical information for the person. Name, aliases, SSN’s, DL numbers, addresses and role types within the database are all tracked and displayed in the Person Datasheet, including a complete legal history. Figure 4. Person Datasheet 13 | P a g e Event/Docket Management Calendaring in Judicial/Dialog® integrates seamlessly with MS Outlook® to export Docket events into Outlook calendars. When adding events, there are options to populate meetings, court reminders and event dates directly onto network user calendars with one mouse click. If this data is available digitally, County Clerk’s offices may send docket events and populate this screen automatically. Judicial/Dialog® also allows users to import the event grid into MS Excel spreadsheets (.xls files). Up to 3 separate event tabs can be created to differentiate between official court events from office events to manage cases. The Event tab is customizable to display various events in different colors to easily identify the nature of the event. Figure 5. Edit Events Screen 14 | P a g e Charge/Sentence Screen Charge/Sentence – The Charge/Sentence screen is the tool that allows the authorized user to review the arrest charges and decide which charges to file. Set unlimited multiple counts, review charging language, edit charging language, add/edit charges…everything the prosecutor needs to file and keep track of the charges in the case. Additionally, upon case disposition, the authorized user can update convicted charges and enter all sentencing information including fines and restitution. State and local Statutes will be provided for your jurisdiction. Figure 6. Charge/Sentence Screen 15 | P a g e Document Generation Tab Document Generation – Judicial/Dialog® features a robust document merging function. We turn your documents into merging templates. These merge templates are formatted to match your documents, but the data is merged automatically from the database. Authorized users can generate subpoenas, indictments, motions, trial informations, complaints, notices, letters, any document desired; case information automatically merges into the template using our proprietary merging interface. The documents display in MS Word® and can be modified like any other .docx. When finished, they are saved into the proper case automatically. Every document generated is listed under Completed Documents and can be sent to the Media tab as a.pdf where they can be saved to a Discovery file. Figure 7. Document Generation tab 16 | P a g e Media/Discovery tab Media – The Media tab stores all evidentiary documents and files, including all file formats. Files are accessed using a web service. This contains all body worn camera footage, dash cam footage, interviews, lab reports, crime scene photos and any other type of evidence. Creating custom tab names allows for greater organization and vision. Discovery – Judicial/Dialog®’s Discovery feature allows the authorized user to package discovery material directly from the Media tab. Use the redaction tool to edit .PDF documents if needed. Select which files to include in your Discovery package and save to a designated network directory. Once the discovery documents have been saved outside of the database, they can be sent via thumb/USB drive, CD/DVD, email or US mail. Figure 8. Media/Discovery tab Reporting Platform Judicial/Dialog® has several reporting tools for administrators and users. The most sophisticated reports are built with Crystal Reports and can be viewed by any users with the integrated viewer. These reports can be made available by mapping them to security groups. Crystal Reports can provide any of the three categories of reports: Lists of Cases, Lists of People, and statistical reports and provides many formatting options. The second reporting tool is with the Case Search screen. This is used throughout the day and with the over 40 criteria, it can produce many useful reports or lists of cases. Thirdly, our “At-A-Glance” feature is a reporting tool that is located within the Case Search screen. It is a powerful interface to provide canned searches to users based on custom views that can query any data in the database to provide a list of cases for reporting. Fourth, this is an administrative tool that provides a basic grid view of canned queries. These can be mapped to users so they can access the results in Judicial/Dialog®. These grid views are popular when access to the data is important but spending the extra time to format the data is not needed. Lastly, we provide Statistics/Dialog®, an ad hoc report builder. This is a sophisticated, yet easy to use graphical reporting tool to provide drill down business intelligence reports. These can be imported into MS Excel spreadsheets (.xls files), or it can be manipulated into bar graphs, pie charts, and other options available in MS Excel. With these powerful reporting tools at your fingertips, you can run reports and statistical analysis on virtually anything in the database. 17 | P a g e Security Features The Judicial/Dialog® applications present a logon form when launched. This logon form can either accept a username and password or be tied to the Window’s logon. External security and physical security to limit access to network workstations and servers is controlled by your IT department. Judicial/Dialog® application security will allow control over what data the users can edit or view, in addition to areas of functionality. Primarily, security is configured on security groups instead of individual users. Two switches provide a simple way to provide read only access to the system, one for the person side and one for the case side. This is often used by non-prosecuting attorney users. Typically, security is setup to limit access to cases by categories such as case type and unit, but many other case attributes can be used, for instance, to separate access to juvenile and adult cases. Judicial/Dialog® has an internal set of functionalities to handle access to expunged cases. Individual security rules can be setup, for instance to block cases from users with conflicts of interest. i) Cloud Questionnaire Attachment C Cloud Services Questions 1. Service levels: What level of service should we expect? What is the City’s recourse for excessive downtime? Refund of percentage of monthly fee? Even AWS cannot deliver 100% but they are very close with redundancy built into the network. Unless there is a massive disruption of service, it seems unlikely that AWS will be unavailable. In the case of an excessive outage a mutual agreement will be reached. 2. Data ownership: Who owns the data we provide and what can be done with the data? The database and data are the property of the City of Bozeman. 3. Data security: How secure is our data and how is it being kept secure? a. If this is a multi-tenant environment on the same hardware how is our data kept separate and secure from other customers, including any PII (Personally Identifiable Information) that may be gathered? You will not be in a multi-tenant environment, but if we did offer that option, you would be notified and be offered the difference in price, since it would be considerably less costly. Currently, no sites are on a multi-tenant environment. Our databases always remain separated. b. If PII is gathered, is it encrypted in transit and at rest? It is not encrypted, but access is strongly protected. c. If credit card transactions are occurring is your system fully PCI compliant? JD does not take credit cards. 4. Data integrity: What do you do as a vendor to ensure our data maintains its integrity? Judicial/Dialog® uses dropdown menus to mitigate errors in adding data, date and time stamping is formatted specific for relevant data only. Popup dialogs will remind a user that time has passed or fails to meet parameters. Consistent and accurate data resides in our very capable database. 18 | P a g e 5. We require data centers to be located in the United States: What country will our data be located in? These are the options below. We would recommend the US West in Oregon. 6. Responding to legal demands to disclose data: What is your process when someone subpoenas or requests our data from you as a vendor? In our 27 years, we have never been subpoenaed for anything. If we ever do receive a subpoena for the release of your data, you will be notified immediately. If the City hosted the server, this would eliminate the vendor from access liability, since you would maintain control of access to the server. This project requests that the vendor host an MSSQL server on the AWS government environment. If the City was the Host, meaning setting up the account and being invoiced, the City will save considerable revenue over a year. Prepaying for server is also of considerable savings. Ultimately, the data belongs to you, so access to it must be granted by you, not us. 7. Reporting: What is your protocol for data breaches? In the event of a data breach, protocol dictates an immediate analysis of the cause. If ransomware is involved, the City will be informed and we develop an appropriate plan of action. Shutting down access temporarily will also be considered. 8. Disaster recovery: What protections/ protocols do you have in place to mitigate disasters? A complete backup of the database is created daily, and a transaction log will be backed up hourly. This keeps data vulnerability at a minimum. There is no guarantee that hardware won’t fail, and recovery efforts are usually successful, and we make every effort to minimize data loss and keep the office up and running. 9. Business continuity: If you decide to bring your business to an end what happens to our data? The prudent thing would be for the City to get its own AWS server and we will transfer the database over to your account. As long as we can gain access to the AWS server, you will have access to it. 10. Termination rights and consequences: What is your termination policy both for you as a vendor and us as a customer? Contractually, either party may terminate this Agreement forthwith at any time upon the giving of 60 day written notice. 11. Exit: If we exit our relationship what format can we get our data in and what assistance will you give us in transferring our data to us in a usable format? The database will be an sql “.bak” file. The media can be copied file by file. The client will have access to the files so that they can copy them to their local storage. You will have 30 days after the last cloud storage payment. 19 | P a g e g) Related Experience with Projects Similar to the Scope of Services JDS just finished an installation of Judicial/Dialog® in Park County, Wyoming. They had 12 users and they are live with converted JustWare data and in support mode. This is a very similar office in size and workload. Based on the project, we can be certain that we can provide what you need timely and affordably. h) Proposed Implementation Schedule i. Identification of tasks to be performed by Vendor. The JDS Team: a. Project Manager, G.E. “Buster” Burch – Mr. Burch has a 20+ year background working in the investigations department of a large District Attorney’s Office in Texas and is now in his 12th year with our company. In the past two years, he has led multiple projects in the Western US while providing supplemental end-user support for some of our Eastern customers. Mr. Burch will be responsible for overall management of the project from top to bottom. Some of his tasks will include: • Meeting with Bozeman Project Manager (PM) on a regular basis including mandatory online meetings. • Working with Bozeman PM on the timelines and milestones associated with the project. The two PM’s will lay out an agreeable schedule for implementation of the system. • Clearly defining personnel needs with the Bozeman PM in the areas of testing. • Coordinate and schedule all onsite training of Bozeman personnel • Coordinate and schedule installation and final deployment of the Judicial/Dialog® system. • Hold regular weekly meetings with the JDS development staff assigned to data conversion and data exchange work. These meetings will identify potential hazards and issues so that they may be addressed before they become troublesome. Each weekly meetings notes will be shared with the Bozeman PM so that he will always be kept apprised of progress. Those notes will most likely be assembled into a Progress Report for Bozeman to be shared at their regular meetings with Mr. Burch. • Lay out the testing plan for the Bozeman team as the interfaces and data conversion are implemented. This plan will detail how to review and test the system and report errors back to JDS. b. Mike Fowkes, Project Team & Training Specialist - Mike Fowkes has been a Project Manager with JDS since 2008 and has led dozens of projects involving the deployment of Judicial/Dialog in many prosecuting attorney’s offices in the East. Mike specializes in project management, working with the customer’s project lead on the implementation of the software and hands-on training. Along with Mr. Burch he co-wrote JDS’ standardized training program and frequently personally provides training for customers. In fact, for the Bozeman project, Mike will personally be part of the training team. Some of his tasks will include: • Assist Mr. Burch in all aspects of project management. With a project this large we have found it best to have two top-level project managers on the implementation team. This worked well in other large sites such as Baltimore City (400+ users). • Provide hands-on training as part of the training team on-site in Bozeman. • Most likely will work directly with Bozeman’s testing team during the testing process. • Will provide in-house testing at JDS facility of converted data and data exchanges (interfaces) in our environment before certifying it ready for the customer to test in their test environment. 20 | P a g e c. Brian Wanda, Director of Software Development/Technical Lead – As JDS’ Director of Software Development since 2002, Brian Wanda has been at the forefront of the development and upgrading of Judicial/Dialog®, data conversions and data integrations. He has been the architect of our system and oversees everything with the system. His role will be to oversee his team in the data conversion, interfaces, deployment of the Judicial/Dialog® system and configuration of the database. Some of his tasks will include; • Coordinate and direct the development team in creating the various interfaces. • Work closely with Mr. Burch on ensuring technical milestones are met. • Coordinate and direct the conversion staff for the data conversion work. • Responsible for adjusting to any technical problems that may arise during the project. d. JDS Development/Programming Staff – Our staff of professional software developers who will be assigned to the Bozeman project have a combined 74 years of experience working directly with our nation’s prosecuting attorneys’ offices in the areas of data conversion, data exchanges, technical support and deployment. Our staff has performed dozens of successful data conversions from legacy systems into Judicial/Dialog® and were responsible for the award- winning data exchanges our company wrote in the state of Iowa for compliance in the state’s electronic filing requirements. Some of the tasks the development team will be responsible for include; • Working under Brian Wanda to successfully complete the conversion of JustWare data for use in Judicial/Dialog®. • Creation of the data interfaces with Zeurcher and GETAC. • In-house testing of all systems and reporting progress to the Project Managers. • Creating the in-house plan for meeting milestones and project progression. e. Patrick Adams, Training – Mr. Adams has been with JDS for 7 years and specializes in training our customers. Possessing excellent communication skills, clarity of instruction and a friendly demeanor he has successfully trained many Judicial/Dialog® customers on the software and provided post-training webinars for customers who couldn’t make on-site training sessions. Some of his tasks will include. • Provide onsite training to Bozeman staff along with Mr. Burch and Mr. Fowkes. • Keep training materials updated. • Participate in post-training webinars for additional training and explanation/clarity of concepts. 2. ii. Identification of tasks to be performed by the City. Bozeman Team The Bozeman team should consist of the following personnel. • Project Manager (PM) some of whose responsibilities would include: o The PM will work closely with Mr. Burch on laying out the milestones of the project o Coordinating the Bozeman Project Team o Meeting with Mr. Burch on a regular basis o Coordinating testing in accordance with the testing plan o Verifying data conversion accuracy o Designating System Administrators who will be responsible for working with the JDS Project Manager and Trainers for setting up security and access privileges in the Judicial/Dialog® software system. 21 | P a g e o Coordinating the training sessions along with the JDS PM and training staff, grouping similar staff together for training. o Relaying change orders to the JDS PM in a timely manner and through the correct channels. o Reviewing progress/status meeting with JDS PM. • Testing Team: The testing team may only be a couple of people who would have a test environment set up on their workstations by JDS and would follow testing procedures given to them by JDS. They would then report the results back to the Bozeman PM. The Bozeman PM could be one of the testers if desired. • Data Conversion Specialist: This person needs to be well versed in the JustWare data so that they can work with the JDS conversion team in directing them where to convert the data into the Judicial/Dialog tables. Once converted, the Bozeman Conversion Specialist would review the data for accuracy and report back any issues to both the Bozeman PM and the JDS conversion team for fixes. The Conversion Specialist would be asked to provide final sign off of the converted data. • Legacy Systems Interface Specialists: Depending on knowledge, this may be just a couple people, but they need to know the details necessary to work with the JDS Data Exchange team for facilitating the interfaces. The specialists would work with JDS developers on helping map Data to the correct tables, testing in all aspects according to the testing plan and ultimately signing off on the interface work when completed. iii. Implementation plan. The implementation of Judicial/Dialog® will be approached in three phases or milestones: Phase I – • Conversion of JustWare data. The legacy data will be converted and imported into the Judicial/Dialog® database. • Set up AWS for Government account, configure server. Prepay for AWS fees, if possible, to mitigate costs. • Installation of Judicial/Dialog® database. Identify the hosted server to be used with Judicial/Dialog® and ensure that the necessary. database software is installed and configured. • Installation and configuration of Judicial/Dialog® Software Setup IIS and .Net and configure for use with Judicial/Dialog®. Setup virtual applications, application pool, and folders in IIS. Setup and Test JDSWebservices to be used with Judicial/Dialog®. • Define data exchanges. Discuss and define the required data exchanges with Zuercher and GETAC sharing data between Judicial/Dialog® and client approved departments. Phase II – • Conversion of JustWare data – Continues The legacy data will be converted and imported into the Judicial/Dialog® database • Define data exchanges - Continues Discuss and define the required data exchanges with Zuercher and GETAC to be used in sharing data between Judicial/Dialog® and client approved departments 22 | P a g e • Required modifications to Judicial/Dialog® Application. • Verification of data conversion. Verify that the data has been converted according to agreed standards, has been reviewed and approved for production. • Application testing will be conducted during this phase and will occur in close conjunction with all approved “Request for Change” requests. Phase III – • End User Training End user training will be conducted • JD Administrative Utility Training Administrator Tool Training will be conducted • Final build approval Judicial Dialog Development team and Client Project administrators and managers will reach final approval of the application software and its data. • Rollout iv. Expected timeframe the project would be complete. The timeline as follows is currently an approximation of time needed to start and complete the project within the project time set forth by Client. November 2021 – May 2022 Completion in 7 months. • November 2021 – January 2022 Conversion of JustWare data: 1. 2 weeks of data analysis 2. 4 weeks of core legacy conversion development 3. 4 weeks of finalizing the legacy conversion • November 2021 – January 2022 Installation of Judicial/Dialog® database 1. 1 week - Identify the database server to be used with Judicial/Dialog® and ensure that the necessary database software is installed and configured. 2. 1 week - Installation and configuration of Judicial/Dialog® 3. 1 week - Setup IIS and .Net and configure for use with Judicial/Dialog® 1 week - Setup virtual applications, application pool, and folders in IIS 1 week - Setup and Test JDS Webservices to be used with Judicial/Dialog® 4. 4 weeks - Define data exchanges • January 2022 - April 2022 1. 4 weeks - Define data exchanges - Continues 2. 4 weeks - Required modifications to Judicial/Dialog® Application 3. 4 weeks - Verification of data conversion Verify that the data has been converted according to agreed-upon standards, has been reviewed and approved for production 23 | P a g e 4. 4 weeks - Application Testing will be conducted during this phase and will occur in close conjunction with all approved “Request for Change” requests. • May 2022 Completion 1. 1 weeks - End User Training 2. 1 weeks - JD Admin Training 3. 2 weeks - Final build approval Judicial Dialog Development team and Client Project administrators and managers will reach final approval of the application software and its data. 4. 1 week – Final Rollout to all users i) Present and Projected Workloads The JD Conversion team has been busy but are ready and available to meet the challenges presented by a project of this scope. Mr. Fowkes is currently finishing up a database conversion in Maryland and our staff remains busy with smaller projects and support, but we are available and ready to move ahead. j) References Park County Attorney Office Bryan Skoric County Attorney Cody, WY 82414 307.527.8660 BSkoric@ParkCounty.us *** Park County required a JustWare Data conversion and was completed last month, July of 2021.*** Baltimore City State’s Attorney Office, Baltimore, MD Darren O'Brien Assistant State's Attorney Office of the State's Attorney MIS Division Chief Management Information Systems 443.984.6069 dobrien@stattorney.org Polk County, Des Moines, IA James Hathaway Assistant County Attorney Office of the Polk County Attorney 515.286.3737 james.hathaway@polkcountyiowa.gov Carroll County, Westminster, Maryland Kelly Cox Office Administrator Carroll County State’s Attorney’s Office 410.386.2671 kcox@ccg.carr.org 24 | P a g e i. Which includes at least two clients for which the company has completed a JustWare conversion. As mentioned, including Park County, we have done data conversions since 1994. Justware is also a long-term provider as well, so our paths have crossed many times. The conversion queries are ready and as a result, there will be less development time included in your proposal. k) Training The JDS Project Manager will be responsible for providing training to allow the Bozeman Office subject matter experts and IT technical staff to understand the product capabilities before initial set-up and configuration is completed. This is where the unique characteristics of your office are developed. JDS will provide training for managing, maintaining, and monitoring the data on a daily basis. Training will occur online in multiple user format. This can be accomplished on a GoToMeeting conducted online. Training will consist of morning and afternoon sessions for two to three days (until all users are trained). One session is designed for daily Users, and another is modelled for Attorneys. In our experience, the use of software varies enough to provide separate training. Upon completion of training, there will be a System administrator trained to train users on all features in Judicial/ Dialog® and duties as previously discussed by project manager and System Administrator. User Training Manuals are available and will be distributed electronically. All handouts and materials will be made available to the City as part of the Annual Maintenance and Support agreement l) Maintenance and Support Annual Maintenance and Support includes annual upgrades to the product, invitations to our online Webinar series, individualized support on our web page, as well as any additional training because of new hires or replacement employees. Supplemental training for new features is also included when you upgrade. If issues arise, unlimited email access and direct phone support is available. We take supporting our customers very seriously and make all efforts to resolve issues quickly with minimizing customer downtime our primary consideration. 25 | P a g e m) Price Proposal i. A breakdown of all costs involved, including all software, interfaces, installation and training. ii. A breakdown of all costs associated with conversion of Data from current JustWare platform to vendor’ s program. iii. A description and costs of any reoccurring fees such as annual maintenance, storage, and support costs. COST QUOTE: Judicial Dialog Installation, Training, JustWare Data Conversion and 2 exchanges: QTY Description Rates Total Rate 10 Judicial/Dialog® User License $ 1,000/ea. $ 10,000 4 Admin and End User Training $ 1,200/day $ 4,800 2 Deployment and Installation $ 1,200/day $ 2,400 10 Annual Maintenance and Support **** $ 400/user $ 4,000 1 Justware Database Conversion $ 10,000 10 Merging Template training and preparation $ 100/each $ 1,000 5 Custom Reports $ 100/each $ 500 1 Zeurcher Exchange $ 8,500 1 Zeurcher Maintenance and Support $ 1,200 1 GETAC Exchange $ 8,500 1 GETAC Maintenance and Support $ 1,200 1 Discovery Portal $ 7,500 TOTAL >>> $ 59,600 If Civil attorneys are added please increase bid by: 5 users @ $1,000 = $5,000 2 days configuration @ $1,200 = $4,800 Add $2,000 For Annual Maintenance and Support for the 5 additional users. So, the additional total increase for Civil is $11,000 initially, including first year of Support . They can be added at the onset of the project or after you are up and running with Criminal. AWS Hosting Costs: AWS Hosting costs for JDS to host and manage cloud account is $2,000 per month or $24,000 annually. If the City sets up the account, the estimated costs, if prepaid, are $850/month or about $10,200 annually. Not paying upfront increases costs as well and these prices change based on payment and years of commitment. Suffice it to say, the saving is very real and tangible to set this up as an operational expense that you pay regularly, rather than JDS invoicing you at considerable expense. 26 | P a g e PAYMENT SCHEDULE: Payment Due Date $ 10,000 Licensing fees Upon execution of agreement $ 7,200 Installation and Training Upon Completion $ 10,000 Justware Database Conversion Upon Completion $ 1,500 Custom Reports and Documents Upon Completion $ 8,500 Zeurcher Integration Upon Completion $ 8,500 GETAC Integration Upon Completion $ 7,500 Discovery Portal Upon Completion $ 1,200 Zeurcher Maintenance and Support Upon “Go Live” $ 1,200 GETAC Maintenance and Support Upon “Go Live” $ 4,000 Maintenance and Support *** *** (5% increase annually, capping after 5 years) *** Upon Completion of Installation and Training and “Go Live” Annual Maintenance and Support is provided for the Judicial/Dialog® installation and the two exchanges. 27 | P a g e Attachment A NONDISCRIMINATION AND EQUAL PAY AFFIRMATION Judicial Dialog Systems (name of entity submitting) hereby affirms it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability and acknowledges and understands the eventual contract will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatments or proposer’ s employees and to all subcontracts. In addition, Judicial Dialog Systems (name of entity submitting) hereby affirms it will abide by the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Section 39-3-104, MCA (the Montana Equal Pay Act), and has visited the State of Montana Equal Pay for Equal Work “best practices” website, https://equalpay.mt.gov/BestPractices/Employers or equivalent “best practices” publication and has read the material. Tony Yuill, Sales Manager Name and title of person authorized to sign on behalf of submitter.