HomeMy WebLinkAboutCreativeSizzle Response to Bozeman RFP Bozeman Graphic Design and Communications Support Mitch Levinson 528 W Ashford Lane Arlington Heights, IL 60004 847-345-6329 mitch@creativesizzle.com https://creativesizzle.com 847.255.5555 CreativeSizzle.com 528 W. Ashford Lane, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Page 1   Cover Letter Friday December 18, 2020 Tanya Andreasen Community Housing Program Manager Bozeman 121 N. Rouse Ave Bozeman, MT 59715 406-582-2953 tandreasen@bozeman.net RE: Response to Bozeman MT RFP To Ms. Andreasen, Please accept this letter as an indication of our interest in Bozeman MT’s graphic design and communications services RFP. I am very pleased to enclose our plan for Bozeman. In this document, we have included our: ●Executive Summary ●Firm Profile & Project Personnel ●Scope of Proposal We look forward to the possibility of working with you in the coming months. Together, we believe we can find a great deal of success. We are eager to hear your comments and answer any questions you may have. You may reach me at ​mitch@creativesizzle.com​ or give me a call at 847-259-7312. Best Regards, Mitch Levinson President Creative Sizzle 528 W. Ashford Lane Arlington Heights, IL 60004 847.255.5555 CreativeSizzle.com 528 W. Ashford Lane, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Page 2   Executive Summary The City of Bozeman issued an RFP for the creation of graphic design and communications support. The City of Bozeman is looking for a qualified agency that will incorporate best practices and deliver graphic design, marketing, and communications support services to the Community Housing Program. The complex nature of the city’s needs call for careful, transparent, and regular communication with people who have a diversity of needs and perspectives. Creative Sizzle, Inc. wants to partner with the City of Bozeman and build a comprehensive graphic design and communications plan. As a boutique creative agency that specializes in delivering digital solutions to drive leads that take action, we create online experiences for users to engage with and build upon. Our websites and digital solutions will work together to tell stories that resonate with your target audience and deliver measurable results. Our approach helps forward-thinking companies and municipalities get noticed and generate 6x more quality traffic and leads than their top competitors. Our plan offers the best solution for the City of Bozeman as a means for providing an effective online footprint. We are uniquely qualified and experienced to create this asset and meet your specific needs and requirements. The primary goal of this project is to deliver a website that is user-friendly, service-oriented, and a source for public information. Project Approach We take the same approach, and bring our holistic philosophy towards marketing, for every project we are involved in. Our thoroughly researched process includes the following 5 phases: discovery, requirements and design, development, implementation, and analysis and review. Discovery We begin every project with Discovery. This is a collaborative research and analysis effort between all members of our project team and our clients. During this phase, we identify and document the important measurables and requirements for the project. We discuss specific requirements and expectations, along with accountability on the part of the client and our agency. We work together to determine the needs, goals, and challenges we expect to face, and then discuss different possible methods for addressing each topic. As the first phase in the process, we spend this time focused on learning about the client’s business, and identifying which platforms and processes would prove most effective for them. This is the most important phase of the project in that, without proper planning and goal setting, achieving success becomes very difficult, and keeping the team focused on working towards the same goals nearly impossible. 847.255.5555 CreativeSizzle.com 528 W. Ashford Lane, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Page 3   Requirements and Design The next step in our process is requirements and design. It is here that we take what we have learned in the discovery phase and create two different tracks of project. In technical track, we create the functional requirements for the project. We document each requirement and what the deliverable is. In the design track, we begin to prototype and wireframe concepts and ideations for the project. Understanding both visual and written design is crucial in regards to the call-to-action and effectiveness of any project. Our requirements and design phase guides us to a place where we can begin to develop a solution. Project Development Whether the aforementioned solution relies on brand, web development, content, advertising, social, or something else, project development takes the requirements documentation and the prototype and turns them into an actual working model for the project. Whether that means development of a fully functional website, a 1-3 month content strategy, or a brand guideline document, our project development stage is where it all comes together. Implementation After we’ve finished planning, building, developing and creating our deliverables, we begin work on implementing the plan. This is the process of executing our strategies through specific actions that will ensure our objectives are achieved. The entire project so far has focused on getting to this point, and it is now time to put the plan into place and start releasing/launching the deliverables in an effective way. We spend our time in this phase carefully monitoring and releasing the deliverables, according to the plan, and making sure the key performance indicators are tracking what they are supposed to so we can monitor the project over time. Analysis and Review There is time in every project when we must transition from working on a project to either regular maintenance on that project or something different altogether. At this stage, we like to identify what worked well during the project, what was more challenging during the project, and after a certain amount of time, how well the key performance indicators are trending towards the goals set way back in the discovery stage of the project. This ‘audit’ is a thorough review of the marketing plan, objectives, strategies, and current results being delivered. If the project transitions into an ongoing project for maintenance or some other either internal or external resource, we evaluate how to track and administer the project on an ongoing basis for the client. Whether we are retained long-term or are only part of the initial project, it is our responsibility to transition the project into a useful marketing asset for each and every client. 847.255.5555 CreativeSizzle.com 528 W. Ashford Lane, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Page 4   Firm Profile & Project Personnel Creative Sizzle is a boutique creative agency focused on combining marketing with technology in today’s digital environment. We work in a collaborative environment that helps our clients build their brand and drive quality traffic that takes action. We take pride in developing products that our clients love and are successful with. Our strategic partnerships and collaborative methods create effective marketing solutions that deliver sustainable value. We turn marketing into engaging, interactive experiences. Because we’re small, we’re agile; we can fit seamlessly into your company as your marketing department or as your web development, graphic design, search engine optimization, or social media manager. Our team of experts provide the knowledge and guidance you need to achieve your desired results. We are experts in our specific areas and know what it takes to set strategic goals, develop a tactical plan focused on the details, and track and monitor key performance indicators in order to deliver return on investment. Key Team Members With over 60 years of combined digital marketing experience across many different companies ranging in size, location, and industry, our key team members for this project are: Mitch Levinson​ - President and Founder Our Founder, Mitch Levinson, started his first marketing agency in 2001 and has never looked back. Over the past 30 years, he has helped businesses use technology to generate leads and drive sales. He works with our clients to create a solid marketing foundation for their online footprint. Mitch’s expertise is in building websites that generate leads (2-4% conversion), and integrating creative, search, and social and content to drive qualified traffic and engagement to his clients. Using those tools around the core of a strong blog and website, he unifies the brand message and delivers it to a company’s target market. He has experience in a variety of industries including medical, real estate, technology, personal finance, sports, construction products, small business, municipalities and start ups. Regardless of his task, Mitch stays focused on the bigger picture. Whether he is bringing in new business, leading a client's brainstorming or branding initiative, conducting a discovery call for a new web development project, monitoring SEO and search rankings or Google’s changes, teaching seminars, substitute teaching or coaching youth sports teams, Mitch’s purpose is to help people identify, document, and ultimately reach their goals. His ability to see each endeavor through a wide-angle lens allows him to create effective strategies that deliver exponential results. Mitch is the Creative Sizzle thought leader who moves our agency in new directions to increase revenue and improve leads and traffic for clients. 847.255.5555 CreativeSizzle.com 528 W. Ashford Lane, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Page 5   Driven by his passion in everything he does, he loves to see our high quality products produce strong results. "Our best clients see Creative Sizzle as a revenue producer and strategic partner rather than simply a line item on the expense report." This remains Mitch's philosophy and it resonates through the company. His focus on effective programs that drive sales always start with identifying the goals and deciphering which key performance indicators will help identify if the goals are met. Jeanne Conger​ - Vice President of Business Development Jeanne Conger has more than 25 years of experience in sales and marketing and is considered an industry expert. She has worked in design studios, marketing departments, operations, finance, merchandising departments, as well as sales and marketing management and loves to help companies define their vision and make their brand stand out. Jeanne is dedicated to being a student of the ever-evolving marketing industry and has a passion for sharing knowledge and creating sizzle. Lauren Pond​ - Office Manager and Optimization Specialist Lauren is the go-to person for many of the day-to-day tasks that keep Creative Sizzle running smoothly. She has been with Mitch for over a decade keeping everything together. She is responsible for HR and recruiting, invoicing ,and is our Optimization Specialist. Every day brings a different set of challenges and tasks for Lauren, but she is always the glue and energy that keeps it all together. Lauren’s favorite highlight each month is working on SEO and our tracking reports. Seeing all of the changes and updates we make each month for every client, and then watching how those changes affect traffic and leads, is both fun and exciting for Lauren. Lauren holds an associate’s degree in nursing from Oakton Community College and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from DePaul University. Both of these degrees are in use every single day as she is an expert in human behavior and can plan for how to improve call-to-action in a marketing campaign or PPC ad. Eric Pfeiffer​ - Lead Developer Eric specializes in building search engine optimized websites and blogs. He has worked in most areas of web development and database administration, from configuring and managing servers to back-end software development. At Creative Sizzle, Eric develops the back and front end infrastructures of each site, while ensuring that we are providing an exceptional user experience. 847.255.5555 CreativeSizzle.com 528 W. Ashford Lane, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Page 6   As a huge computer enthusiast and gamer, Eric enjoys building computers and servers in his spare time. Heck, his personal computers (and parts) are delivered to our office weekly. We always look forward to seeing the finished product! Julia O’Connor​ - Content Marketing Manager Julia has dedicated her career thus far to content writing and social media marketing. She currently works on all the content for our client’s websites, blogs, social media posts, and more! She loves the collaborative atmosphere at Creative Sizzle and enjoys getting to think of innovative marketing strategies with other members of the team. Julia graduated from the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater with a BA in communications and a minor in Spanish. Her degree is certainly being put to use in her career, which is great because it is by far the most expensive piece of paper she owns. Outside of work, Julia enjoys spending time with friends and family. She also likes learning new things. Most recently, she has acquired a knack for skills like calligraphy, golf, and painting. Josh Levinson​ - Marketing Associate Josh really taps into his creativity when attacking his tasks as a Marketing Associate for Creative Sizzle. With a special interest in social media and content marketing, he ensures that we implement the newest, and most cutting-edge techniques. His approach begins with planning and organizing all relevant data, then assessing prominent areas and creating a task list. He then goes through the list and checks that each task has been completed. "I really believe that finding the specific process that works for you is the optimal way to be the most efficient in achieving your goals." This is a sentiment that drives every one of Josh’s projects. Determined, reliable and passionate in every piece of work he begins, Josh looks to not only work for Creative Sizzle, but have an impact that pushes the company in a positive direction. When Josh isn’t working, you can find him with his roommates watching a movie on Netflix or playing video games. That’s all there really is to do nowadays anyways! 847.255.5555 CreativeSizzle.com 528 W. Ashford Lane, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Page 7   Carolyn Brick​ - Sales Associate As a Sales Associate, Carolyn is capable of leveraging her 20 years in pediatrics to juggle the many facets of marketing in today's digital and transparent world. Not unlike caring for children, she must pay close attention to detail and remain focused on the immediate gratification and satisfaction of our clients. These skills give her a unique advantage in this position. Compassionate, task oriented, enthusiastic, and attentive to each client and project give Carolyn a competitive edge in our world and allow her to make a direct impact on the company. When she is not nursing or focused on her creativity at Creative Sizzle, Carolyn loves to exercise. On any given day, you can likely find her at one of her kids sporting events or activities. 847.255.5555 CreativeSizzle.com 528 W. Ashford Lane, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Page 8   Scope of Proposal Creative Sizzle focuses on four main areas of digital marketing; Brand, Lead Generation, Lead Capture and Strategy. We are skilled in the tactical areas of website development, graphic design, content development and optimization. We know our skillset produces positive results for our clients and we track the key performance indicators necessary to achieve the goals set at the onset of our projects. Focused on combining marketing with technology in today’s digital environment, our philosophy is simple: get your message across through a combination of brand, lead capture, lead generation, and strategy. Our approach has been proven to be effective and can be easily implemented and modified quickly to keep up with changes in the market or on the internet. Brand Your brand represents who you are and what you stand for. Creating a clear message and reinforcing that message everywhere is an important part of creating a strong brand personality. Developing a brand that people know and trust takes time and innovation. People will always do business with companies they know, like, and trust. This starts with a clear brand message and congruent imagery that resonates with your target market. In today’s challenging times, your visual presentation and written words play an especially significant role in the decision-making process. Your brand is the first and forever impression of you in the market. It is also an important tool that enhances how your customers think when deciding whether or not to work with you. Lead Capture Without a specific focus on lead capture, your marketing efforts are wasted. The ultimate goal of every marketing program, campaign, and tactic is to drive traffic that takes action. What better action is there than someone filling out a form on your website, calling your phone number, or finding your address and driving to your location just to find out more about your business? Dedicating time and effort to lead capture is the only way to generate results and prove what you spend on marketing is justified. It is absolutely critical that you draw the attention of your target market and even more important that they take action. Our sites and clients typically experience a minimum of 2-4% conversion rate, which is 6x more than the industry average. Lead Generation Lead generation, as a concept, is simple: get people who don’t know your name to come to your website. More complicated is identifying and implementing each of the tactics used in a marketing program and deciphering how they all work together to achieve exceptional results. Anyone can drive traffic, but driving people from your target market who are ready, willing, and able to buy is something only the best marketers know how to do. Using a holistic approach and effective supporting strategies will prove most effective and profitable. 847.255.5555 CreativeSizzle.com 528 W. Ashford Lane, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Page 9   Strategy and Analytics Before you can promote your brand, you need a game plan for reaching your target market. Communicating effectively is an important part of the marketing plan and something that Creative Sizzle knows a lot about. In a world where you have only seconds to capture a potential customer’s attention, it’s important to implement strategies that work. We develop and refine the right approach to reinforce your brand promise, make your company stand out. Tactics Website Your website is the first point of contact with a prospective customer and it’s important to make a great impression, not just the first time, but every time. Branding and marketing efforts enhance customer relations and, because of the internet, are front and center 24/7. Our clients effectively use their website to attract customers, increase sales, and facilitate a great first impression. Every. Single. Time. The landscape of website development has shifted from just building pretty sites to creating something unique and dynamic that effortlessly works for both consumers and search engines. Since consumers are now searching from mobile devices in record numbers, our developers focus on using responsive design that ensures all screen sizes, ranging from mobile, tablet/laptop and desktop, have optimum viewing and performance. Our SEO pros are also closely involved in the development of your site to assure best practices are in place to make your site easily visible to search engines. Wordpress and/or CMS When building your site, we prefer to build small sites in Wordpress and larger, data-driven sites in our proprietary content management system, Radmin3. It’s tailored to your specific needs, allowing for real-time access to maintain all web content and data, including text, photos and videos. By utilizing a back-end web administration tool like this, it becomes very easy to make updates and have that piece of information updated throughout your website. Regardless of the CMS used to administer and control your website, the benefits to building it this way are: ➢Easily updated content without the need for a developer ➢Gallery and slider image management from an easy-to-use interface ➢SEO with tools for further control and refinement ➢Custom forms that integrate into your email marketing software ➢Wordpress integration for use of their blogging platform ➢Management of testimonials, social media links, Google maps and many other features through a user-friendly admin panel It is important to note that we maintain both a production environment and a development environment for all of our website clients. This way, when we need to make significant upgrades, updates, or code enhancements, we can test and see how they work in a sample environment prior to launching in a production environment. 847.255.5555 CreativeSizzle.com 528 W. Ashford Lane, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Page 10   Optimization How do people find you if they don’t know who you are but are looking to buy something you sell? Personal referrals are one thing, but new business from someone who does not know your name is a whole other ballgame. First, you need to be seen, then you have to impress them with your visual and written content so they listen to what you have to say. We think like a search engine by employing strategic optimization and paid-advertising methods aimed at driving quality traffic to your site. We also monitor all online communication about your business and apply appropriate tactics to maintain a positive online reputation Our top priority is creating an open and inviting digital environment for engagement. Our integrated Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies ensure delivery of high-quality traffic to your website. We continuously analyze effectiveness and work with you to update and improve keywords and keyword phrases, optimization of your content, and link building efforts. We use multi-channel tactics for tracking your results, allowing us to change direction when needed and provide monthly reports to keep everyone involved and on track. We analyze both types of your online competition; those who deliver products like yours, and those who are competing for search engine placements with you. By looking at both product and content competitors, we make sure you are effectively positioned in the market and online. Our main focus is your return on investment and how much qualified traffic you get from the search engines. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the process of gaining website traffic by placing text, images, or video ads on search engines. These Pay Per Click (PPC) ads drive consistent and highly-targeted traffic to your website. As the name suggests, the advertiser only pays the search engine when a visitor is delivered to their website. Working in tandem with integrated SEO, our online advertising programs can include AdWords, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or any other paid ad platform, and help distinguish you from your competitors while aggressively reaching your target audience. Whether you're looking to target a specific age or gender demographic, users with common interests, or set up a geographically based campaign, we can recommend, create, and manage the perfect paid-advertising solution. In addition to those platforms, we can also develop a retargeting campaign that will keep you and your message in front of your previous website visitors. We can add paid search to your program at any time. 847.255.5555 CreativeSizzle.com 528 W. Ashford Lane, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Page 11   Graphic Design Your business has a story to tell. We start by sitting down with you to uncover your side of the story, but we also want to know what your employees, customers, and target audience think about your company. This is an important aspect of your brand and will help you become a better company with a clearer message. Once this phase is complete, we begin building your brand by incorporating creative design and compelling content that bring your message to life. What you end up with is a masterfully-constructed visual and written message that will be consistently communicated across all marketing channels which will definitely touch your target audience. Our design team works hand-in-hand with you, our content writers, and our web developers every step of the way. This ensures that your site and online presence are as spirited and robust as they possibly can be. The visual element of your brand is just as important as the penned detail. In fact, it’s this visual portion that captures the viewer's immediate attention and makes them want to read on. Our artists stay current on emerging design trends and love when they can incorporate new illustrative concepts into your website and advertising. We can make you look like a million bucks with colorful and cutting-edge marketing materials, digital and traditional graphics, signage, and more. Each of these are crucial elements that support your brand message.. Content Constructing a clear message that is used across all marketing channels enables you to effectively and efficiently reach your target audience. Building an effective campaign that will encompass a variety of tactics, but deliver a consistent message is the key here. That being said, you must understand that campaigns are only as strong as the team guiding them. We're all about creating visual and written content with personality, the kind that everyone is excited about. We form content that’s imaginative, fun, informative, and enticing enough to make people hit the like, comment, and share buttons. Whether it's attention grabbing graphics, engaging social media posts, targeted email campaigns, or informative blog posts, we tell your story in a way that speaks volumes and resonates with your customers. This important, digital impression needs to be memorable and uniquely you. Social Media The online social conversation going on around your brand is as important an asset as your website or your printed literature. We can assist your in-house marketing department with your social media needs, or we can become your social media department! We develop an engaging online environment where customers are comfortable communicating with each other and your business. It helps your customers identify with the human side of your brand, attracting them with a strong emotional connection. Remember, people do business with people they like! 847.255.5555 CreativeSizzle.com 528 W. Ashford Lane, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Page 12   Blogging Is your company blogging? If not, you should be. Believe it or not, blogs are a very important piece to your website and overall marketing puzzle. They drive traffic to your website, increase your SEO, position your brand as an industry leader, and develop better customer relationships. Our creative team produces a continuous flow of original blog content that feeds search engines while keeping you current and relevant with prospective customers. Creating fresh, new content every week also shows your prospects that you are engaged, keeping up with your industry’s trends and, let’s face it, still in business. Email Marketing Emails are the most direct way to connect with a customer, but it’s important to know how to effectively create an email campaign to achieve your desired results. We help you define your goals and produce personalized email programs that enhance relationships with current and previous customers, encourage customer loyalty and repeat business, and acquire new customers. Types of customized emails can include: ➢Automated responses for email registrations ➢Promotional and incentive eblasts ➢Article or blog post announcements ➢Newsletters Reputation Management People search for you online and make impressions based on what they find. Today, 93% of shoppers state that reviews are the most important factor in their purchasing decision. So, your reputation really matters. We help preserve your brand by monitoring online communication about your business, primarily through social media and carefully crafted search queries. Building a positive online presence is key; it keeps you ahead of the game. When misleading information is discovered, we help put your best foot forward with tactics for proper interaction. 847.255.5555 CreativeSizzle.com 528 W. Ashford Lane, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Page 13   Project Budget and Pricing For billing purposes, we bill our hourly rates in 15-minute increments after the first hour. Current hourly rates through 2021, for the specific services listed: Stock Images for design purposes are $50/image. 847.255.5555 CreativeSizzle.com 528 W. Ashford Lane, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Page 14   Service Hourly Rate Admin/Data $100.00 Analytics and Optimization $150.00 Creative and Graphic Design $125.00 Content Development $125.00 Database and Back-end Development $175.00 Strategic Consulting $200.00 Website Development $150.00 BLENDED Rate $135.00 Not-For-Profit $75.00 Work Samples Schaumburg Business Association The Schaumburg Business Association collaborated with Creative Sizzle to create a brochure or “start the conversation” regarding the reopening of businesses. The brochure highlights local businesses and details the differing steps they are all taking to conform to the guidelines and phases put out by our local government. The idea was to encourage safety while also encouraging business. This interactive, digital brochure utilizes clickable links so that all the businesses highlighted are linked to their prospective websites. This allows each of them to provide their own call to action to those interested in learning more. Acceletronics Medical Brochure Acceletronics, Inc. and its sister company, Radparts, needed a brochure to compliment their new brand message and website. The company trusted Creative Sizzle to come through with a brand message and design to be the face of its networking and business development. Featuring a tri-fold design, this medical imaging company used maroon and blue on the front and inside folds to highlight their brand. The brochure included pictures of medical imaging technicians to connect with readers. The inside folds highlighted the reliability of Acceletronics, Inc., the company history, advantages over its competitors, its sister company, Radparts, quotes from previous customers, and contact information for both companies. Acceletronics, Inc. took these brochures to the various conferences they attended across the nation. Gerstad Builders Search Identity Gerstad Builders is a family owned and operated home builder that creates desirable communities in both Illinois and Wisconsin. They partnered with Creative Sizzle to begin an SEO program to increase their online visibility. By identifying key words and phrases that we know their audience will use to search and optimizing both on-page and off-page for those phrases, they’ve seen a 15% increase in organic traffic year over year for the past three years. Coinciding with the traffic increases, lead form submission on their site has seen tremendous growth increasing by over 131% throughout the same time period. 847.255.5555 CreativeSizzle.com 528 W. Ashford Lane, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Page 15   Laurel Haven Homes The new Laurel Haven Homes website needed to produce traffic and leads, as well as perform well in the search engines. Laurel Haven Homes also desired a lighter, more modern, and easy-to-navigate website that was still impressive and told their story. The websites we build do not just look appealing but generate more traffic and leads. In Laurel Haven’s case, the site began generating leads within the first 24 hours of launch and began to move up in the search rankings almost immediately. Laurel Haven’s new website gives their users a phenomenal experience and significantly improves their digital footprint. Hakes Brothers Hakes Brothers wanted a new website where they could share their homes and their knowledge with their audience. They also wanted to gain more organic traffic and increase their search engine rankings. Hakes Brothers chose to partner with Creative Sizzle to make their dreams a reality. Their new site has a modern look that represents their brand and their work. We included breadcrumbs for easy navigation and several other assets like search functionality and a chatbot. Their new site has helped the Hakes Brothers company exceed their marketing goals. Associates in Building + Design, Ltd. Creative Sizzle brought Northern Colorado design-build firm Associates in Building and Design, Ltd. into the 21st century online with a new website! The site features design and functionality that is attractive to today’s internet-savvy consumers which has led to consistent increases in traffic and inquiries about the firm’s services. The revamped website features a complete design overhaul, giving it a fresh, modern look. A blog was added, which is an integral part to any company’s marketing and SEO strategies. Finally, drastic improvements were made in terms of tracking and providing calls-to-action. Improved placement of forms makes it easier for potential clients to ask for information or become a sales lead for the ABD team. In addition, by integrating Google Analytics, it became significantly easier for both the Creative Sizzle and ABD teams to track form submissions, direction clicks, mobile-phone calls, and more. KM Homes Sales Center Kiosks Every company looks for ways to help their sales team, and home builders are no exception. When Creative Sizzle met with KM Homes regarding their new website, a fresh idea was born: information touch-screen kiosks integrated with their website in their physical sales center. Intrigued, they asked for more information and eventually included the kiosks in all 10 of their sales offices. Creative Sizzle devised a process for connecting all the information in our Radmin CMS (the back-end of our websites) to the kiosks in the sales centers. When updates are entered into Radmin, that information automatically displays on the kiosks, keeping all necessary content congruent throughout all digital customer touchpoints. The data-entry updates are 847.255.5555 CreativeSizzle.com 528 W. Ashford Lane, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Page 16   simple to perform in Radmin and leveraging the technology of the kiosks makes for a seamless flow of amended messaging. We understand that the sales staff gets busy, especially on the weekends with appointments and walk-in customers. These kiosks are a valuable sales tool in conveying important information if a sales agent is unable to assist at that time; and provide consistent engagement of a potential homebuyer before moving off-site. The KM Homes kiosks are equipped with information about all of the homebuilder’s plans, available inventory, site plan, and even photos, videos, and other interactive media. Our kiosks are customizable and can be designed to feature any elements our clients might want. We take pride in adopting the most updated technologies and fit our content to every screen size available for a unique experience for each and every client’s buyer. Best of all, the kiosks create a ‘’warm” buying atmosphere when they walk in because it is the same information they saw in the same branded design that they experienced on the builder’s website from their computer or smartphone. Dragas Companies Girls on the Run We’re used to working within strict deadlines. Sometimes we have to push ourselves even harder than normal to get things accomplished for a client. That’s exactly what we did for The Dragas Companies; a home builder in Virginia. This particular project wasn’t typical in that it didn’t promote their communities at all. Dragas partnered with a national organization called Girls on the Run, a group inspiring girls of all ages to “be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.” Helen Dragas started the relationship with Girls on the Run when about 1,000 girls attended their big race. Fast forward 12 years and they are hoping to have twelve THOUSAND girls signed up for this amazing event. Dragas came to Creative Sizzle to create promotional materials for their upcoming event. However, as this year marks a special anniversary partnership with a targeted matching result (12 years together and 12 thousand girls strong) they wanted something unique. The tagline “12 years of running thanks to The Dragas Companies” being our starting line was put into motion with banners for the race as well as social media platforms. 847.255.5555 CreativeSizzle.com 528 W. Ashford Lane, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Page 17   References: John Alarcon-Hakes Brothers New Mexico 575-800-5090 Website Development, SEO Susan Longshore-Multiple Companies and Projects South Carolina (803) 361-5822 Website Development and SEO, Quarterly Promotions, Social Media, Graphic Design Heather Schreiner-Associated in Building & Design Colorado (970) 255-2323 Website Development, SEO Roger Gerstad-Gerstad Builders Illinois (815) 385-4495 Website Development, SEO, Content Marketing, Strategy Lisa Gilbert-Schaumburg Business Association Illinois (847) 413-1010 Graphic Design Matt East-Schaumburg Business Association Illinois (847) 413-1010 Graphic Design Steve Lewkowitz-Tokara Solutions New Jersey (732) 297-4060 Website Development, Graphic Design, Email Marketing 847.255.5555 CreativeSizzle.com 528 W. Ashford Lane, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Page 18