HomeMy WebLinkAboutKirkland construction-bmp-guideLast Updated: 2019 POLLUTIONCONTROLFORCONSTRUCTIONACTIVITY POLLUTIONCONTROLFORCONSTRUCTIONACTIVITY 2        Kirkland is one of the most livable cities in America. It is a vibrant, attractive, green and welcoming place to live, work and play. We are lucky to have beautiful lakes, streams and wetlands and be able to enjoy outdoor activities such as a hiking, swimming and shing, all within our City. Protecting our natural resources can be simple and easy. All storm drains in Kirkland ow to the nearest lake, stream, or wetland. It is illegal to allow pollutants to enter a storm drain (KMC 15.52). Contractors, subcontractors, property owners, businesses, AND any other responsible party(s) can be subject to nes and the cost for the City to clean the municipal storm system (KMC 1.12.200). tćFNJOJNVNĕOFJTEJWJEFEBNPOHBMM responsible parties. t"ĕOFGPSBSFQFBUWJPMBUJPOTIBMMCFEFUFSNJOFECZ multiplying the ne by the number of violations. t'JOFTNBZCFSFEVDFEPSXBJWFEJGself-reported to the City at 425-587-3900.ćJTHVJEFTIPVMEDPNQMFNFOUZPVSFYJTUJOH5&4$BOEPS$48111 JGBQQMJDBCMF BOEBMM,JSLMBOEEFTJHONBOVBMTQSFBQQSPWFETUBOEBSEQMBOTBOEDPOTUSVDUJPOOPUFT#FMPXJTBMJTUPG,JSLMBOE1PMJDJFT 4UBOEBSET BOE$PEFTt%FWFMPQNFOU4FSWJDFT$FOUFS XXXLJSLMBOEXBHPWEFWTFSWJDFTt,JSLMBOE1FSNJUUJOH1BHFMyBuildingPermit.comt,JSLMBOE&SPTJPO$POUSPM1SF"QQSPWFE1MBOT www.kirklandwa.gov TFBSDI1SF"QQSPWFE1MBOT t5FNQPSBSZ&SPTJPO4FEJNFOUBUJPO$POUSPM 5&4$ www.kirklandwa.gov TFBSDI5FNQPSBSZ&SPTJPO$POUSPM t,JSLMBOE.VOJDJQBM$PEF ,.$ XXXDPEFQVCMJTIJOHDPN8",JSLMBOEDz$I4VSGBDF8BUFS.BOBHFNFOUDz$I*MMJDJU%JTDIBSHFT$POOFDUJPOTDz$I4QFDJBM1SPWJTJPOT3FMBUJOHUP&OGPSDFNFOUPG$IBQUFS 3 HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE ćJTHVJEFXJMMBTTJTUZPVJONBLJOHJOGPSNFEEFDJTJPOTon your construction site to prevent pollution to our lakes, streams, and wetlands and stay in compliance with Kirkland Municipal Code (KMC). It is organized as GPMMPXT 1) SITE MANAGEMENT 2) POLLUTANT CONTROL & SUBCONTRACTOR ACTIVITY 3) PROTECT STORMWATER FACILITIES & BMPS 4) PERIMETER PROTECTION 5) TRAFFIC AREA STABILIZATION 6) COVER MEASURES 7) DETENTION & VELOCITY CONTROL 8) DUST CONTROL & DEWATERING 9) FILTRATION & CHEMICAL TREATMENT #ETQP[OUCPF&GſPKVKQPU t#.1 – Best Management Practices are managerial, operational, structural and physical tools implemented on projects to prevent discharge of sediment or other pollutants into waters in Kirkland t$&4$-$FSUJĕFE&SPTJPO4FEJNFOU$POUSPM-FBEt$48111o$POTUSVDUJPO4UPSNXBUFS1PMMVUJPO Prevention Plant&4$o&SPTJPOBOE4FEJNFOU$POUSPMt,$48%.o,JOH$PVOUZ4VSGBDF8BUFS%FTJHO.BOVBMt,.$ – Kirkland Municipal Codet-*%o-PX*NQBDU%FWFMPQNFOUPSHSFFOJOGSBTUSVDUVSF that promotes inltration of surface watert/(3"o/BUJWF(SPXUI3FUFOUJPO"SFBt/56o/FQIFMPNFUSJD5VSCJEJUZ6OJUTNFBTVSFTUIF “cloudiness” of the water due to suspended particles tQ) – A measure of acidity and alkalinity of a solution 4 SITE MANAGEMENT -G[2QKPVU tAll work must meet Kirkland Public Works Standards, Policies, and Codes. tClearly mark and maintain limits of soil disturbance. tInstall tree protection prior to excavation and maintain during construction (see Plan CK-R.49). tMinimize the amount of soil disturbance on site and phase the construction as much as possible tIf no pre-construction meeting is required, schedule the 1st erosion control inspection with Public Works on Mybuildingpermit.com prior to any excavation. tSchedule city inspections 24 hours in advance. tPay attention to the weather and make sure that your BMPs are prepared to handle anticipated storm events. BE PREPARED FOR RAIN AT ANY TIME! tBMPs must be maintained throughout the duration of the project and managed by onsite personnel that are knowledgeable in ESC or are CESCL certied. tA copy of the ESC plan and a CSWPPP (if required) must be on-site and maintained at all times. tMake sure the site will be secure while unattended: Cover exposed soils with straw or plastic (see Cover Measures pg. 16) Maintain silt fence and/or wattles (see Perimeter Protection pg. 11) Maintain construction entrance (see Trac Area Stabilization pg. 14) Protect Kirkland storm infrastructure and roads (see Detention & Velocity Control pg. 18) -KTMNCPF'TQUKQP%QPVTQN2TG#RRTQXGF2NCPU tPlan No. CK-E.04: Small Site ESC Plan. SITE MANAGEMENT Keep your project on schedule and on budget by avoiding costly cleanup and QPUFOUJBM4UPQ8PSL0SEFST 5SITE MANAGEMENT Inspections should be done by onsite personnel that are knowledgeable in &4$PSBSF$&4$-DFSUJĕFE 5SFFQSPUFDUJPONVTUCFEPOFXJUIDIBJOMJOLGFODFQSJPSUPHSBEJOHUIFTJUF TFF1MBO$,3  4DIFEVMFDJUZJOTQFDUJPOTIPVSTJOadvance (Mybuildingpermits.com). Hard surface perimeter control and safety fences also need to be installed prior to FYDBWBUJPO 6POLLUTANT CONTROL & SUBCONTRACTOR ACTIVITY POLLUTANT CONTROL & SUBCONTRACTOR ACTIVITY KEY POINTS tAll storm drains in Kirkland ow to the nearest lake, stream, or wetland. *UJTJMMFHBMUPBMMPX pollutants to enter a storm drain (KMC 15.52). Examples of pollutants are: Construction materials Paints Soaps Silt, sediment (no discharges above 25 NTU) Concrete, cement, or gravel tPrepare a containment area, lined pit, or container (Eco-pan, Outpak, etc.) on site designated for concrete washout and equipment and tool cleanup. Make sure these areas are covered when raining and do not overow. tMake sure you have a vendor available to pump your liquid waste from the concrete washout container before it becomes too full. tAll liquids and materials, including but not limited to, paints, stucco, fuels, oils, pesticides/herbicides, and other liquids should be placed in secondary containment and undercover at the end of every day or when not in use. Make sure your site is secure. Concrete washout pits can be created on site with a liner; however, the water and solids in the pit must be properly disposed of. 7POLLUTANT CONTROL & SUBCONTRACTOR ACTIVITY %SBJOTFBMTIFMQQSPUFDUUIFTUPSNTZTUFNJOBOFNFSHFODZBOENBLFDMFBOVQFBTJFSBOEMFTTFYQFOTJWF It is important to prevent rain water from accumulating in the concrete washout BMP. Have a routine cleaning operation. Portable concrete washout BMPs can be moved around the site as necessary. Concrete washout discharged into a storm drain is a violation of KMC 15.52. 8POLLUTANT CONTROL & SUBCONTRACTOR ACTIVITY 1VJGT$/2UVQ%QPUKFGT tInlet protection and lters tStraw wattles or other containment berms tDrain seals or plugs tMinimize materials brought onsite %POPUTUPDLQJMFMBOETDBQJOHNBUFSJBMT JOUIFSJHIUPGXBZ Paints and other materials must be managed and disposed of properly. Asphalt sealer sprayed into a storm drain is a violation of KMC 15.52. 0JMTIFFOTDBOHPBHSFBUEJTUBODFPOthe surface. If discharged into a storm drain, it is a violation of KMC 15.52.Consider where potential pollutant sources are located on your project. Have spill kits readily accessible to cleanup any materials used on site. 9PROTECT STORMWATER FACILITIES & BMPS PROTECT STORMWATER FACILITIES & BMPS KEY POINTS tFlow Control Facilities (vaults, tanks): ese facilities may be used for on-site construction stormwater management, but must be thoroughly cleaned of any debris, including sediment, at the end of the project and/or as needed. tDo not allow sedimentation of newly installed catch basins/inlets. tDo not allow sedimentation of City infrastructure and proprietary water quality devices such as treatment cartridge vaults, stormwater bioltration facilities, etc. If siltation of these devices causes malfunction or maintenance, you will be responsible for the cost to bring the device back to full function. tDo not compact or allow siltation of areas used for inltration or stormwater low impact development facilities (LID BMPs) during construction. e location of on-site inltration facilities must be recommended by a geotechnical engineer of record, and meet conditions in the soils report. All residential storm drain systems including drywell/inltration trenches must be inspected prior to backll. tSoil Amendment per Pre-Approved Plan CK-E.12 is required for all landscaped areas. tA catch basin insert with overow capability must be installed in the rst downstream catch basin. -KTMNCPF'TQUKQP%QPVTQN2TG#RRTQXGF0QVGU tPlan No. CK-E.08: Catch Basin/Inlet Sediment Trap tPlan No. CK-E.09: Temporary Sediment Pond tPlan No. CK-E-09a: Temporary Sediment Trap tPlan No. CK-E.11: Storm Drain Protection Insert tPlan No. CK-E.12: Soil Amendment Notes for Ecology BMP T5.13 %POPUBMMPXTFEJNFOUBUJPOPGDBUDICBTJOT 10PROTECT STORMWATER FACILITIES & BMPS 1VJGT$/2UVQ%QPUKFGT tRoutine sweeping tInlet protection tEductor truck tVendor/sub contractor management 1PTUDPOTUSVDUJPOTUPSNXBUFSTZTUFNT plugged up with sediment and debris NBZCFFYQFOTJWFUPDMFBO 4FEJNFOUBUJPOPGCJPSFUFOUJPOGBDJMJUJFT may require replacement of the media and plantings. Permeable hard surfaces must pass inltration tests. *OTPNFTJUVBUJPOT BCPWFHSBUFQSPUFDUJPOJOBEEJUJPOUPUIFĕMUFSDBONBLFUIFinlets more maintainable. 6OUSJNNFEĕMUFSGBCSJDDSFBUFTooding.5SJNFYUSBĕMUFSĘBQPSVTFBOadjustable metal framed insert. &EVDUPSDMFBOJOHIFBEGPSQFSNFBCMF hard surfaces. 11PERIMETER PROTECTION PERIMETER PROTECTION KEY POINTS tćFTF#.1TBSFUIFMBTUMJOFPGEFGFOTFGPSZPVS project. ey should go in rst and be the last to be removed. tFocus on not letting sediment accumulate on your perimeter controls by preventing erosion. tAll required erosion control BMPs must be constructed and in operation prior to excavation. tDelineate and protect NGRA during construction. tProtect adjacent properties from runo by installing perimeter protection (interceptor trench drain, silt fence, swale, berm). -KTMNCPF'TQUKQP%QPVTQN2TG#RRTQXGF2NCPU tPlan No. CK-E.03: Silt Fence tPlan No. CK-E.10: Straw Wattles 5GFKOGPV5KNV(GPEG tKey-in bottom of lter fabric materials in 4 x 4 in. trench. tSecure wire-backed silt fence with the steel post downstream of ow path. tRemove sediment when it reaches 1/3 fence height. tRoutinely inspect and maintain. MAXIMUM 6-8 FTBETWEEN POSTS c. FABRIC e. BA C K F I L L RUNOFF a. & b.d. STAKEa. 4USBJHIU i+wPSi6wIPPLPGGBCSJDUBJMb.%FQUIPGCBDLĕMMNBZWBSZc. 8PWFO ĕMUFS IJHIWJTJCJMJUZHFPUFYUJMFPQUJPOTd. 5QPTUTUBLFTXJUIXJSFCBDLFETVQQPSUe. Backll material can be native ll, compost or pea gravel. Wire backed sediment fence may be orange to also delineate areas of disturbance. Chain linked safety fence may be required to keep the public o your project. 12 6OEFSDVUUJOHPGUIFXJSFCBDLFEsediment fence can occur if not trenched in and happens most frequently near the stake. 4FEJNFOUGFODFXJUIPVUXJSFCBDLJOHJTFBTJMZCSPVHIUEPXOCZXJOEPSXBUFS 0OMZXJSFCBDLFETFEJNFOUGFODFJTBMMPXFEJO,JSLMBOE 4FEJNFOUGFODFTIPVMEOPUCFUIFPOMZ&4$NFBTVSF Wire backed sediment fence that is not keyed in is ineective. BMPs require frequent inspection and maintenance to be eective. Perimeter controls can be easily damaged and must be monitored and replaced as necessary by onsite personnel. PERIMETER PROTECTION 13PERIMETER PROTECTION 9CVVNGU t,FZJOBOETUBLFEPXOUPQSFWFOUSVOPČGSPN owing underneath t0WFSMBQXBUUMFTUPQSFWFOUHBQ tWattles are barriers, not lter BMPs t3PVUJOFMZJOTQFDUBOENBJOUBJO 4UPSNXBUFSXJMMFBTJMZVOEFSDVUXBUUMFT that are not trenched in, not staked, and not overlapped appropriately. %VSBCMFXBUUMFTUBLJOH Make sure that wattles are trenched in and staked down. 1VJGT$/2UVQ%QPUKFGT tSynthetic wattles tBrush barrier tVegetated strip tTriangular silt dike tCompost berms tCompost socks VARIES DEPENDINGON SLOPE 2-4"DEPTH FLOWWATTLES - STAKING VARIES CRISS CROSSSTAKING 3/4 WATTLESTAKING CENTERSTAKING %VSBCMFBOESFVTFBCMFXBUUMFUIBUDBOHP from project to project. Perimeter control with ltration using a compost sock. 14TRAFFIC AREA STABILIZATION TRAFFIC AREA STABILIZATION KEY POINTS t5SBDLPVUJTOPUBMMPXFEPOQVCMJDTUSFFUTPSTJEFXBMLT If dirt is tracked out, it shall be cleaned up immediately with a power sweeper or other equipment. t8IFOCVJMEJOHBDPOTUSVDUJPOFOUSBODF QVUB HFPUFYUJMFEPXOVOEFSOFBUIUIFRVBSSZTQBMMTUP prevent the spalls from sinking into the subgrade. t3FDZDMFEDPODSFUFTIBMMOPUCFVTFEGPSFSPTJPO protection (construction entrances, shoulder widening). t/PTUFFMQMBUFTBSFBMMPXFEJOUIFSJHIUPGXBZPWFSUIF XFFLFOEPSPODJUZDMPTVSFEBZT4IFFUTNVTUCF SFNPWFEBOEBTQIBMUQBUDIJOHJOQMBDFCFGPSFQN PO'SJEBZ t,FFQBOZBEKBDFOUQVCMJDBMMFZPQFO DMFBO BOEJO good driving conditions. t"1VCMJD8PSLT&4$JOTQFDUJPOJTSFRVJSFEQSJPSUP pouring or paving any driveway. t4UBCJMJ[FZPVSKPCTIBDLBOEMBZEPXOBSFBTBTUIFZBSF one of the highest trac areas on your project. -KTMNCPF'TQUKQP%QPVTQN2TG#RRTQXGF2NCPU t1MBO/P$,&5FNQPSBSZ4JOHMF'BNJMZ$POTU &OUSBODF t1MBO/P$,&5FNQPSBSZ1MBU$PNNFSDJBM $POTU&OUSBODF "OFYBNQMFPGIFBWZEVUZQMBTUJDQMBUFTUIBUBSFBEBQUBCMFBOESFVTBCMFGPS construction entrances. 15 1VJGT$/2UVQ%QPUKFGT tConstruction road/parking area stabilization tWheel wash tRumble strip t)eavy duty plastic plates tSweeper truck TRAFFIC AREA STABILIZATION *OTUBMMHFPUFYUJMFVOEFSOFBUIUIFSPDLUPQSFWFOUUIFTQBMMTGSPNTJOLJOHJOUPUIF subgrade. Mud mat is a quickly installed project entrance BMP or track pad for wetland work. Contractor is responsible for keeping streets clean and free of pollutants at all times and for prevention of an illicit discharge (KMC 15.52). “Belly bath” depressions are not appropriate wheel washes. 16COVER MEASURES COVER MEASURES KEY POINTS t$PWFSNFBTVSFTQSPUFDUCBSFTPJMGSPNXBTIJOHBXBZ with rain or wind. t4PJMTNVTUOPUSFNBJOFYQPTFEBOEVOXPSLFEGPS DzEBZTCFUXFFO0DUPCFSTUUP"QSJMUI DzEBZTCFUXFFO.BZTUUP4FQUFNCFSUI t4UBCJMJ[FTPJMTBUUIFFOEPGUIFXPSLEBZQSJPSUPB weekend, holiday, or predicted rain event. t4USFFUTBOETJEFXBMLTTIBMMOPUCFVTFEGPSTUPDLQJMJOH building materials, debris, or equipment. t8IFOJOTUBMMJOHQMBTUJDTIFFUJOHPOTUPDLQJMF Install vertically down slope. Dz&OTVSFFEHFTBSFPWFSMBQQFEBOETIJOHMFE appropriately. Dz4IBMMCFNJOJNVNNJMMJNFUFSTJOUIJDLOFTT Dz5PTFDVSF UJFTBOECBHTUPSPQFT TUBLFSPQFT inches minimum away from edges of sheeting. Dz4VSSPVOEFOUJSFTUPDLQJMFXJUIQFSJNFUFS protection. t8IFOSFRVJSFE BQQMZTUSBXNVMDIBUBNJOJNVN thickness of 2 inches. t$PWFS#.1T FYDFQUQMBTUJD OFFEHPPETPJMDPOUBDU which can mean surface preparation with track walking to get an even surface. t*GBQQMZJOHTFFEGPSMPOHUFSNTUBCJMJ[BUJPO NBLFTVSF the seed has contact with the soil and then covered by the blanket or mulch. t$POTJEFSUIFUJNFPGZFBSGPSTFFEHSPXUITVDDFTT Will you need to protect against freezing conditions or will you need to irrigate for seed survivorship? -KTMNCPF'TQUKQP%QPVTQN2TG#RRTQXGF2NCPU t1MBO/P$,&5FNQPSBSZ4UPDLQJMF t1MBO/P$,&/FUTBOE#MBOLFUT 5FNQPSBSZ 4UBCJMJ[BUJPO 4MPQFDIFDLTBOEDPWFSJOH#.1TVTFEJODPNCJOBUJPOBSFFČFDUJWFGPSFSPTJPOprevention and seed establishment 17COVER MEASURES 1VJGT$/2UVQ%QPUKFGT tSurface roughening tMulching tPlastic covering tSodding tHydroseeding tCompost blankets tRolled erosion control blankets i5SBDLXBMLJOHwUIFTMPQFJTJNQPSUBOUQSFQBSBUJPOUPNBYJNJ[FTFFE establishment. 4QSBZBQQMJFENVMDIFTDBOQSPWJEFequivalent if not superior performance to rolled erosion control products. 4USBXBQQMJDBUJPOTTIPVMEDPNQMFUFMZ cover soil and should be at least 2” thick. 1. 3PMMPVUBOENBLFĕSNDPOUBDUXJUIUIFHSPPNFETMPQF 2. Key in at the top of the slope3. 4UBQMFTJ[FBOEGSFRVFODZCBTFEPOTMPQFBOETPJMUZQF4. 0WFSMBQBEKPJOJOHCMBOLFUT5. 4IJOHMFEPXOUIFTMPQF Velocity reduction along the base of plastic covered stockpiles is important. 18DETENTION & VELOCITY CONTROL DETENTION & VELOCITY CONTROL KEY POINTS t3FUFOUJPOPGTUPSNXBUFSPOTJUFBMMPXTGPSHSBWJUZ to help settle sediment in suspension and reduce turbid runo. t3FUFOUJPOGBDJMJUJFTTIPVMECFJOTQFDUFEEBJMZEVSJOH OPOSBJOGBMMQFSJPET FWFSZIPVS EBZMJHIU EVSJOHB rainfall event, and at the end of every rainfall. t*GBTFEJNFOUQPOEJTOPUQSPQPTFE BTUPSBHFUBOL may be required. t5FNQPSBSZTFEJNFOUQPOETBOEUSBQTNVTUCFTJ[FE BOEJOBDDPSEBODFXJUI,JSLMBOE1SF"QQSPWFE &SPTJPO$POUSPM1MBOT TFFCFMPXSFGFSFODF  t"MMJOUFSDFQUPSTXBMFTTIBMMCFDMFBOFEJGTJMU BDDVNVMBUJPOFYDFFETPOFRVBSUFSEFQUI t*GQSPDFTTXBUFSFOUFSTUIFSFUFOUJPO#.1BOE commingles with the stormwater, the entire volume is considered process water and must be disposed of properly. t*GQPTUDPOTUSVDUJPOTUPSNXBUFSJOGSBTUSVDUVSF FH WBVMUT BSFVUJMJ[FEGPS&4$SFUFOUJPOEVSJOH construction, the system must be fully cleaned and functional before nal inspection. t*OTUBMMDIFDLEBNTBOESJQSBQTDPVSQBETUPTMPXUIF ow of water and allow sediment and debris to drop out. t5PIFMQSFEVDFUVSCJEJUZMFWFMPGBOZEFUFOUJPO BMP, occulants may be used to assist settling of particles in suspension. However, you must follow 4UBUFQSPUPDPMUPJNQMFNFOU TFF%FXBUFSJOH  'JMUSBUJPOBOE$IFNJDBM5SFBUNFOUTFDUJPOQH  -KTMNCPF'TQUKQP%QPVTQN2TG#RRTQXGF2NCPU t1MBO/P$,&$IFDL%BN t1MBO/P$,&5FNQPSBSZ4FEJNFOU1POE t1MBO/P$,&B5FNQPSBSZ4FEJNFOU5SBQ Grass lined channel.3JQSBQBOEDIBOOFMMJOJOHTSFEVDF velocity and prevent the seed from being washed away from the soil. 19DETENTION & VELOCITY CONTROL 1VJGT$/2UVQ%QPUKFGT tInlet protection tSpring berms tStraw wattles and coir logs tTriangular silt dike tConcrete cloth tChannel lining 'JCFSSPMMTTVDIBT5FSSB5VCFDBOĕMUFSthe water as well as slow velocity. 0OTJUFQFSTPOOFMTIPVMENPOJUPS retention BMPs frequently. Check dams slow the ow of water and allow sediment and debris to drop out. Insuciently sized and maintained sediment trap . 3FVTFBCMFDIFDLEBNTTVDIBT4QSJOHBerms can be very cost eective over time and are easy to install. 20DUST CONTROL AND DEWATERING DUST CONTROL AND DEWATERING KEY POINTS t%FWFMPQFSDPOUSBDUPSJTSFTQPOTJCMFGPSDPOUSPMMJOH dust, mud, and debris within the project limits. tćF$JUZPG,JSLMBOENBZEFUFSNJOFBUBOZUJNF during construction that implemented dust, erosion, and sedimentation control measures are not sucient and additional action is required. t8IFOBQQMZJOHXBUFSUPUIFTJUFNBLFTVSFUPOPU apply so much that runo is generated. t0OMZVTFOPODPOUBNJOBUFEXBUFSGPSEVTUDPOUSPM applications. t5BDLJĕFSTBOETQSBZNVMDIFTDBOBMTPTFSWFUPDPOUSPM sediment from being blown away. t%FXBUFSJOH Dz%JTDIBSHFTTIBMMBMXBZTNFFUXBUFSRVBMJUZ HVJEFMJOFTMJTUFEJO1PMJDZ& Dz%JTDIBSHFTUPUIF,JSLMBOETUPSNXBUFSTZTUFN NVTUCFCFMPX/56BOEOPUDPOTJEFSFEBO illicit discharge (KMC 15.52). Dz"MMQSPKFDUT FYDFQUTJOHMFGBNJMZJOĕMM NVTU obtain permit authorization from King County Industrial Wastewater Program. Dz4JOHMFGBNJMZJOĕMMQSPKFDUTNBZEJTDIBSHF to sanitary sewer without a permit from King County Industrial Wastewater Program as long BTUIFEJTDIBSHFJTMFTTUIBONH-PGTVTQFOEFE TPMJET TFF1PMJDZ&  Make sure that enough water is used to moisten the soil but not so much that water runs o. 21DUST CONTROL AND DEWATERING 1VJGT$/2UVQ%QPUKFGT t5BDLJĕFSTt4XFFQFSUSVDLt4UPSBHFUBOLTt&EVDUPSUSVDLt5SFBUNFOUt%JTQFSTBMTZTUFNTJOFTUBCMJTIFEWFHFUBUJPO 4JOHMFGBNJMZJOĕMMQSPKFDUTNBZEJTDIBSHFUPUIFTBOJUBSZTFXFSQFS1VCMJD8PSLT1PMJDZ&CVUDIFDLXJUIUIF$JUZJOTQFDUPSCFGPSFEPJOHTP %FXBUFSJOHUVSCJEXBUFSUPUIFTUPSNTZTUFNNBZCFTVCKFDUUPĕOFTBOEDPTUrecovery (KMC 15.52). %FXBUFSJOHUISPVHIEJTQFSTJPOJOBTBOEUSBQPSJOWFHFUBUJPODBOCFVTFGVMJGXBUFSBOETPJMJTOPODPOUBNJOBUFEBOEJUXJMMOPUHFOFSBUFEPXOTUSFBNTVSGBDF runo. 22FILTRATION & CHEMICAL TREATMENT FILTRATION & CHEMICAL TREATMENT KEY POINTS tYou must be a certied technician to apply occulants to construction stormwater. Formal XSJUUFOBQQSPWBMGSPN&DPMPHZJTSFRVJSFEGPSUIF VTFPGDIFNJDBMUSFBUNFOUSFHBSEMFTTPGTJUFTJ[F t*GZPVIBWFOFWFSEPOFDIFNJDBMUSFBUNFOUPG stormwater you need to seek professional help to assist you in meeting the regulatory requirements and to be successful in treating the water. t'MPDDVMBOUTBSFĕMUFSBJETUIBUDPBHVMBUFQBSUJDMFT together, so they get large enough for gravity to settle them or be caught by a lter. t*GZPVVTFDIFNJDBMĘPDDVMBOUT ZPVNVTUGPMMPX %JOUIF,$48%. t5SFBUNFOUNBZCFOFDFTTBSZPOQSPKFDUTUIBUEJTDIBSHF to sensitive receiving waters, for dewatering a site, for managing water discharging from site with contamination, or even as pretreatment to permitted sanitary discharge. t4JUFTUIBUQMBOPOXPSLJOHUISPVHIUIFXJOUFSOFFE to consider advanced treatment to stay in compliance through dicult weather and have a plan and footprint to implement when it becomes necessary. t"MMĕMUFSTDBOHFUQMVHHFEBOEOFFENBJOUFOBODF PSSFQMBDFNFOUUPSFNBJOGVODUJPOBM5PNJOJNJ[F that impact, source control BMPs discussed earlier need to be installed to prevent pollutant loading to the treatment system. Most automated sand lters can TFMGDMFBO t%SZJDFDBOCFVTFEUPOFVUSBMJ[FIJHIQ)XBUFS 'MPDDVMBOUT TVDIBTDIJUPTBO DPBHVMBUFUIFĕOFQBSUJDMFTJOUIFXBUFSUPQSPNPUFsettling. When used in combination with a lter, water can be made very clean. 23FILTRATION & CHEMICAL TREATMENT 1VJGT$/2UVQ%QPUKFGTtDewatering bags tVegetated spray eldtWater storage tanks tStormwater treatment servicestChemical Enhanced Sand Filtration (CESF) 5SFBUNFOUTZTUFNTDBOUBLFVQGPPUQSJOUPOBQSPKFDUBOETIPVMECFQMBOOFEXFMMJO advance. 4PNFUSFBUNFOUTZTUFNTDBOCFNPCJMFUPNPWFXJUIEJČFSFOUQIBTFTPGBQSPKFDU Advanced treatment systems can be used to treat stormwater and groundwater to address many dierent pollutants. 24 Schedule a Final Inspection when your site is fully stabilized/landscaped: www.Mybuidlingpermit.com Final Approval Requirements: Ŗ4GXKGYCNNRGTOKVEQPFKVKQPU Ŗ%QORNGVGCNNRWPEJNKUVKVGOUHTQO(KPCN+PURGEVKQP 4GOQXGCNNVGORQTCT[GTQUKQPEQPVTQN  OGCUWTGUUWEJCUUGFKOGPVHGPEGNKPGTU  CPFECVEJDCUKPHKNVGTU #NNUVQTOUVTWEVWTGUCTGENGCPQHUGFKOGPV  CPFRQNNWVCPVUCPFCTGHWNN[HWPEVKQPCN 5WDOKVCUDWKNVFTCYKPI U 5GG2WDNKE  9QTMU2QNKE[)HQTTGSWKTGOGPVU Ŗ(KPCN+PURGEVKQPYKNNPQVDGITCPVGFWPVKNCNNEQUV CUUQEKCVGFYKVJENGCPWRCPFHKPGUCTGRCKFKPHWNN Ŗ'UVCDNKUJCVYQ[GCTOCKPVGPCPEGUGEWTKV[4GHGT VQVJG/CKPVGPCPEG5GEWTKV[#ITGGOGPV +H[QWJCXGCP[SWGUVKQPUTGICTFKPI[QWTRGTOKVQT UKVGRNGCUGEQPVCEV[QWTEKV[UKVGKPURGEVQT;QWOC[ CNUQTGHGTVQ&GXGNQROGPV5GTXKEGU www.kirklandwa.gov/devservicesQTEQPVCEV 2WDNKE9QTMUCV +H[QWCTGKPVGTGUVGFKPOQTGGTQUKQPEQPVTQNVTCKPKPI www.ecology.wa.gov/Regulations-Permits/Permits- certifications/Certified-erosion-sediment-control (QTUWIIGUVKQPUYJGTGVQRWTEJCUG'5%$/2U www.kirklandwa.gov/devservices To report a spill, please call 425-587-3900. POLLUTION CONTROL FORCONSTRUCTION ACTIVITYPOLLUTION CONTROL FORCONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY This project is funded by the King County Wastewater Treatment Division