HomeMy WebLinkAboutSoftware for Parking Enforcement and Operations_IPS Group, Inc. ProposalBOZEMAN, MT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS JUNE 18, 2021 @4PM MDT PREPARED BY: IPS GROUP, INC. 7737 KENAMAR COURT, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 U.S.A. IPSGROUP.COM CONTACT: CHAD P. RANDALL, CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER IPS GROUP, INC. DIRECT: 858.404.0607 FAX: 858.403.3352 EMAIL: CHAD.RANDALL@IPSGROUP.COM 2 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS COMPLIANCE PROPOSAL COMPLIANCE EVALUATION EVALUATION CRITERIA LOCATION Executive Summary Section 1 Implementation Schedule and Staffing Section 6 Compatibility with Existing Hardware Section 4 User Experience with Software Section 3 Permit and Enforcement Uses Section 3 Customer Service, Support and Trainings Section 9 Current Work and Experience with the City Section 7 Direct Cost to City and Value to Customers of the City Section 9 3 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS June 18, 2021 City of Bozeman Attn: Mike Maas and Mike Veselik Dear Mr. Maas and Mr. Veselik, IPS Group, Inc. (“IPS”) is pleased to submit a response to the Request for Proposal for Software for Parking Enforcement and Operations for the City of Bozeman (“the City”). We congratulate you on your efforts to optimize parking management and promote public safety and wish to support you through a partnership built on trust, outstanding quality, and integrity. A SOLUTION BUILT FOR YOUR SUCCESS We have carefully reviewed your requirements to provide the most effective proposal with the greatest long-term value. IPS can provide the City with the most future-proof, scalable technology available by offering the IPS Parking Enforcement and Permit Management Solutions that are seamlessly integrated with the entire IPS Parking Management Suite. Born in the cloud without the issues that accompany older legacy enforcement technologies, IPS solutions provide highly flexible and powerful features to meet all your needs today, and scale to grow with your program over time. Based on the RFP requirements for enforcement and permitting, we propose our fully integrated Enforcement and Permit Management Solution containing the components below: „Enforcement Management System (EMS) – Backend enforcement management software „Public Citation Management Portal – Citation management and payment website „Mobile Enforcement System (MES) – Options for one-piece or two-piece handheld citation writers with printers „Permit Management Solution – Full lifecycle permit management „OPTIONAL Pay Station Replacement Offer – Replacement of Luke II Pay Stations with IPS MS1™ Pay Stations at no cost for the equipment (see pricing section for details) More detailed information on all the components above can be found within this proposal. OUR COMMITMENT TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN In addition to seeking to deliver the absolute best technology to the City, we continue to invest in innovations that will drive the future of Smart Parking forward – single-space and 7737 KENAMAR COURT SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 1.877.630.6638 IPSGROUP.COM 4 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS multi-space meters, mobile, enforcement, back-office systems, maintenance and custom applications. As a technology company, we invest heavily in research and development to position ourselves as the industry leader. We can provide our clients with state-of-the-art products to help maximize existing infrastructure, enhance revenue, and improve the overall customer experience. With your input, we can also customize our software systems in greater detail to unlock even greater potential. In brief, our products can let you better serve your community with a solution that is easy to operate and maintain, with timely and seamless implementation. When you compare all the offerings, we believe that based on our experience and expertise that you will agree that IPS is exceptionally positioned to provide the best value, support, and partnership long term. We look forward to the opportunity to discussing the most cost-effective ways we can meet your needs. Respectfully, Chad Randall Chief Operating Officer IPS Group, Inc. 7737 Kenamar Ct., San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.568.7609 | Email: Chad.Randall@ipsgroupinc.com 5 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS COMPLIANCE MATRIX ..................................................2 COVER LETTER .......................................................3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................5 SECTION 1: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................6 SECTION 2: FIRM PROFILE...............................................12 SECTION 3: SCOPE OF PROJECT .........................................20 SECTION 4: GENERAL AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS .......................37 SECTION 5: RELATED EXPERIENCE ........................................73 SECTION 6: PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE .........................77 SECTION 7: RECENT AND CURRENT WORK FOR THE CITY OF BOZEMAN..........90 SECTION 8: REFERENCES ..............................................92 SECTION 9: TRAINING AND CUSTOMER SERVICE PLAN .......................94 SECTION 10: PRICE PROPOSAL ..........................................105 SECTION 11: AFFIRMATION OF NONDISCRIMINATION .........................112 APPENDIX ..........................................................114 IMPORTANT NOTE: IPS Group, Inc. (“IPS”) has made an effort to be as thorough and responsive as part of our request for proposal (RFP) submission. In doing so, we are providing valuable and protected information, including ideas and concepts that IPS considers to be confidential. Release of IPS confidential information may cause irreparable harm to IPS by publicly disclosing such information that is not publicly known. IPS respectfully requests the right to be notified and provided an opportunity to redact such confidential infor- mation in the event of any third-party request for public disclosure. If the equipment proposed is subject to the FCC rules, the equipment will comply with the appropriate rules before delivery. For products or specifications that require customization, or a new product release based on specific or new technical specifications, this proposal shall constitute a conditional sales contract and delivery shall only be made contingent upon compliance with the applicable equipment authorization and technical requirements. IPS, IPS GROUP, and other IPS-owned marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of IPS Group, Inc. IPS reserves all rights to the IPS copyright materials contained herein. All third-party company names, prod- uct names, and trademarks are owned by their respective owners and are used for reference purposes only. IPS Group disclaims any affiliation with or endorsement by any of the companies referenced. SECTION 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS SECTION 1: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY UNDERSTANDING OF PROJECT BACKGROUND IPS understands that the City of Bozeman is seeking a day-to-day parking operations software solution that offers citation and permit issuance and management, appeals, data collection and reporting, and more as part of fulfilling steps in the full enforcement and permitting lifecycle. As the technology landscape has evolved since implementing your current parking enforcement and operations solution, the City needs to update to the most modern, flexible solution that can integrate with existing LPR assets, as well as ensure a user experience that maximizes productivity for your staff, and provides a pleasant, simple experience to the public. Furthermore, the new solution should be scalable and future-proofed to advance alongside new technologies. ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE FOR THE CITY OF BOZEMAN We are excited to propose the IPS Parking Enforcement and Permit Management Solution to the City of Bozeman; our solution will help you optimize parking management, enforce, and promote public safety across the community. We look forward to the opportunity to partner with the City, establishing a relationship built on a foundation of trust, outstanding quality, and integrity. THE TOOLS TO EFFICIENTLY MANAGE CITATIONS & PERMITS: „A scalable Smart Parking Platform that can easily integrate with other IPS and/or third-party solutions such as meters and pay stations, LPR, mobile payment and more „Cloud-based, real-time ticket issuance, parking enforcement, permit management, collections, and adjudication „Robust analytics, comprehensive reports library and flexible custom reporting capabilities „Enforcement and permit management in single back-end system „Short service lead times from an experienced US-based team „Partnership with a 20+ year industry pioneer in Smart Parking solutions 8 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS We at IPS understand the vital need for uninterrupted operations and service. Given the pandemic and the economic impact it has caused, it is vital for cities to be able to quickly realize revenues generated from their parking operations as an essential revenue source for their budgets. As a proven US supplier, we are well positioned to serve the needs of the City for many years to come. SOLUTION BUILT FOR YOUR SUCCESS Since 1994, we have partnered with cities worldwide to build Smart Parking solutions that bring Smart Communities to life. CIO magazine cited IPS as a Top 25 Government Tech Solutions Provider. We deliver the best long-term value in the industry—durable, feature-rich products built to meet the needs of today and adapt to the needs of the future. IPS products and services are built with a strong understanding of how our customers operate. Just as you do, we prioritize service and ease-of-use for our customers. IPS PARKING ENFORCEMENT & PERMIT MANAGEMENT The IPS Parking Enforcement and Permit Management Solution provides you with everything you need to get the job done: „Parking Enforcement Management System (EMS): Our end-to-end cross compatible cloud-based citation management system manages the entire lifecycle of parking citations including issuance, adjudication, payment, DMV communications, and collections. Also offers a comprehensive library of standard reports, and robust analytics and custom reporting capabilities. „Public Citation Management Portal: A website that allows the public to review the status of their citation, pay or obtain information on how to contest their citation, review fine amounts including late fees, and obtain additional information. „Mobile Enforcement System (MES): To streamline the ticket issuance process, IPS can provide one-piece or two-piece handheld systems as the City prefers. The most innovative on the market today, our Mobile Enforcement Devices ensure parking enforcement officers experience a convenient, quick and efficient citation issuance process. We offer the N5™ one-piece handheld unit, and when it comes to two-piece solutions, IPS can support any iOS or Android devices combined with a Bluetooth printer. This gives the ultimate flexibility based on your preferences. „Permit Management System: The Permit Management Solution offers the flexibility and convenience to manage the entire parking permit lifecycle from initial design through fulfillment via a web-based system available 24/7. Virtual permitting options are also part of our Permitting offering. „Permit Public Portal: A customer-facing website that lets civic patrons view rates and availability, apply for a permit, upload verification documents, and pay online. 9 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS BENEFITS OF THE FULLY CLOUD-BASED ENFORCEMENT SOLUTION OFFERED BY IPS „Redundancy/High Availability. Data updated in near real time and accessible from any web-enabled device 24/7/365. No local hardware required. „Quick deployment and adoption. „Synchronized Versioning. Ensures all users utilize the same version and remain in sync with updates. Streamlined update process. „Scalable. Increase (or reduce) features as the City’s needs grow and change with minimal time and effort. „Secure Storage. Server data distributed across redundant servers and safeguarded against hardware failure. Unlimited storage capacity, and available from anywhere. Detailed information on the capabilities of our proposed solution, including specifically how we comply with the RFP requirements in the Scope of Services, can be found in Sections 3-4 of this proposal. ADVANTAGES OF THE IPS SOLUTION The following describes just some of the key ways IPS Group is differentiated among competitors in the industry. A True, Cloud-Based Solution. The IPS Enforcement Management Solution is designed to be the most intuitive system on the market and is fully cloud-based to eliminate system reliability issues that can occur with legacy infrastructure. Capabilities such as e-chalking, mobile LPR, guided enforcement, Geocoding, and image capture provide enhanced evidence collection for ticketing. IPS offers a one-piece (handheld + printer) ticketing system, with both Android and iOS options and an alternative two-piece option. Further, the IPS system allows for integration with an unlimited number of platforms. We pride ourselves on our cooperative nature and our ability to collaborate with any third-party application. GRAB IMAGE + CAPTION FROM RECENT PINELLAS COUNTY BID A Direct Connection to NLETS. Many vendors must rely on a third party to obtain information from NLETS. IPS, however, is one of the few Authorized NLETS Partners with a direct connection to the network. DMV and NLETS integrations ensure you have access to the most accurate registered owner data possible across all 50 states, reducing potential errors and improving efficiency. 10 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS IPS Group has proven integration capabili- ties with third-party suppliers, which means you can be assured that whatever choice you make for your Smart Parking provid- ers, IPS will always be able to support and empower you with a fully connected system that works the way it should — seamlessly. Fully Integrated Parking Management S INGLE-SPACE VEHICLE D E T E C TI ONENFORCEMENTP ERMITCREDIT PROCESSIN GPAY STATIO N SMOBILE APPI N - V E HICLE DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (DMS/EMS SINGLE SIGN ON) PARKING METERS M A NAGEMENTSAVINGSMULTI-SPA CEP A Y M E NT Data Analytics. Our Visual Analytics tool provides users with a visual representation of large amounts of data to gain insight into data, patterns, and trends to better make daily business decisions. Our analytics platform provides a flexible way to customize views and detail levels such that customers can focus on interpreting data patterns instead of preparing data making it easier and faster to determine future strategies and optimize operations. A Comprehensive Solution with Advanced Integration Capabilities. IPS has invested heavily over the years to integrate its back-end system with future-proof technologies. This ensures that as the program grows and upgrades or changes are needed, IPS will still be at the forefront providing a smart solution that stands the test of time. IPS acts as a single-source provider to ensure the performance of each component of the IPS Smart Parking Platform and offer the most powerful system available today, all backed by a dedicated and trusted support team here to serve you. Our Enforcement Management solution is fully integrated as part of the IPS Parking Management Suite, allowing you to manage all elements, end-to-end, via a single secure, web-based system. Fully Integrated Management System. IPS is the ONLY supplier to provide a best-in- class product suite, fully connected and powered by one back-end software solution that intelligently manages all aspects of a parking program. The system is built from the ground up and offers complete system-wide control at your fingertips. Unlike some solutions that promote surface level integrated solutions with basic data sharing, IPS offers a deeply connected system of future-proof technology that harmoniously complements each other as part of a truly comprehensive Smart Parking solution. This includes smart single-space meters and multi- space pay stations with more flexible payment options offered than any other meter or pay station in the industry (such as smart payments with Apple Pay and Android Pay); mobile payment/pay-by-cell, in-vehicle payment, cloud-based parking enforcement and civil citation management, permit management and more. GRAB IMAGE + CAPTION FROM RECENT PINELLAS COUNTY BID FULLY INTEGRATED PARKING MANAGEMENT 11 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU In addition to seeking to deliver the absolute best technology, we continue to invest in innovations that will drive the future of Smart Parking forward – single-space and multi-space meters, mobile, enforcement, back-office systems, maintenance and custom applications. As a technology company, we invest heavily in research and development to position ourselves as the industry leader. We can provide our clients with state-of-the-art products to help maximize existing infrastructure, enhance revenue, and improve the overall customer experience. With your input, we can also customize our software systems in greater detail to unlock even greater potential. In brief, our products can let you better serve your patrons and provide your staff with a solution that is easy to operate and maintain, with a timely and seamless implementation. We believe you will agree that we are exceptionally positioned to provide the best value, support, and partnership for the long term. On behalf of the entire IPS family, we look forward to the opportunity to begin a successful partnership with you. A Dedicated Customer Success Team. The City’s dedicated IPS Customer Success Team advocates for you. By bridging several functions of our operations from project management, sales, engineering, customer and technical support and others, we can proactively anticipate your needs. Led by Patrick Smith, Director of Regional Sales – West, and Dave Rotenberg, Director of Enforcement Solutions, your experienced customer success team keeps open lines of communication to identify challenges and opportunities to prescribe the best practices that will improve your strategy and processes. YOUR DEDICATED IPS CUSTOMER SUCCESS TEAM LEADS PATRICK SMITH Director of Regional Sales - West DAVID L. ROTENBERG Director of Enforcement Solutions INSERT HEADSHOTS, TITLES/CALLOUT BOX FROM PAGE 9 OF IDAHO FALLS SECTION 2 FIRM PROFILE 13 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS For over two decades, IPS has been committed to the design, engineering, and manufacturing of intelligent parking technologies that shape the industry such as payment processing systems, SaaS management software, and low-power wireless telecommunications. Based in San Diego, CA, IPS is the proud inventor of the credit card enabled single-space parking meter and has more wireless parking devices deployed across the US than our competitors combined. To date, IPS has sold more than 300,000 wireless devices in over 300 cities worldwide. IPS drives the Smart Cities evolution as an innovator and trusted provider of Smart Parking technology. IPS offers the industry’s only Fully Integrated Parking Management Suite. Several IPS customers have already subscribed to the complete product suite for the ease of Agency- wide parking data integration and access to all parking applications via one cloud-based platform. The Suite of Smart Parking products includes single- and multi-space meters, sensors, enforcement and permitting solutions, and mobile payments that connect to one, powerful integrated Data Management System (DMS). The secure, cloud-based DMS aggregates the data from all integrated devices into meaningful analytics and reports. SECTION 2: FIRM PROFILE OUR MISSION IS TO TRANSFORM CITIES BY SUPPLYING THE MOST TECHNOLOGICALLY ADVANCED, VALUABLE, AND USER-FRIENDLY SMART PARKING SOLUTIONS IN THE WORLD. ABOUT IPS GROUP INSERT PAGES 63 to top callout box on page 67 – please export copy 14 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS A truly integrated solution allows Cities of any size to manage their entire parking network from anywhere, anytime, with single sign-on (SSO) access to all applications and consolidated parking data in one place. While the IPS Parking Management Suite offers all the interrelated parking applications an Agency may need, it can also seamlessly integrate with any third-party service via API. IPS handles all design, final assembly, and ongoing support from our San Diego offices, where we employ nearly 175 full-time employees. Additionally, our office in Orange County, CA provides additional day-to- day customer and technical support for our Enforcement Management and Permit Management solutions. IPS also has local sales and field staff throughout the US to provide the level of support our customers require. In addition to sales and dedicated customer support assigned to your account, IPS has an in-house team of product engineers, computer programmers, marketing and PR professionals, accountants, and technical support specialists to support any project. Our goal is to develop a long-term partnership, rooted in open, honest communications, close cooperation, and practical application of parking technologies. Our project approach includes proven technology, seasoned team members, and solid experience using such technology to improve customer satisfaction and optimize and increase parking revenue requirements. FACTS & FIGURES Devices managed 300,000+ Cities with IPS devices 300+ Annualized transaction volume $250 million Founded Year 2000 Employees 175 Headquarters San Diego, CA 15 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS IPS IS THE SMARTER CHOICE ■Only true fully integrated system ■One of the only vendors to offer a direct connection to NLETS ■True cloud-based solution ■More than 300,000 parking devices sold ■Installed in over 300 cities worldwide ■160+ patents ■30% average increase in parking revenue ■99% average meter uptime ■Millions invested yearly in R&D ■Flexible support options including Live Chat for Enforcement WE INNOVATE WITH YOU AND FOR YOU IPS actively participates in industry events to learn from the community and to stay ahead of the curve. Our customers are our partners in innovation, helping us to create and improve our products to better serve the industry. Today, thanks to that community feedback, we are at the industry forefront. On the following page is a timeline that demonstrates IPS Group’s consistent innovative progress. We strive to be proactive, and focus on developments that are in high demand, and proven to create efficiencies and value. We have our close customer relationships to thank – their experiences, feedback, and suggestions for enhancements help shape our roadmap. 16 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS RESULTING FROM ITS SIGNIFICANT INVESTMENT IN R&D, IPS GROUP OWNS 160+ PATENTS, A CONTINUING GROWING LIST. FIRST PLACE IN THE DELOITTE TECHNOLOGY FAST 50 (an honor bestowed upon the fastest growing technology companies) INTERNATIONAL DESIGN AWARD CLEAN TECHNOLOGY AWARD CONNECTED WORD VALUE CHAIN AWARD US MAYORS FOR EXCELLENCE IN PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP for Coin/Credit Parking Meter Technology Upgrade in Los Angeles, CA VIC KOPS HUMANITARIAN AWARD, ALONZO AWARDS SMART UNIVERSITY PARKING SYSTEM, GOOD DESIGN SELECTION COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL CATEGORY, 2014 2014 INTERNATIONAL PARKING INSTITUTE PARKING MATTERS MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS AWARD CIO TOP 25 GOVERNMENT TECH, 2018 IPI PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD, 2 CONSECUTIVE YEARS Voted Best in Show IPS RECOGNIZED AS GREEN STAR EXHIBITOR, INTERNATIONAL PARK- ING AND MOBILITY INSTITUTE CONFERENCE Committed to Environmental Sustainability and Green Initiatives We believe our experience in the technology and telecommunications industries has helped us create products that provide the best combination of convenience, user experience, enforceability, and cost of ownership among any parking meter product in the industry today. Our awards reflect our commitment to surpassing expectations in innovation and providing an outstanding client experience. AS EVIDENCE OF OUR COMMITMENT, IPS HAS BEEN RECOGNIZED WITH THE FOLLOWING AWARDS: AWARDS 17 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS M5™ next generation single-space parking meter introduced Revolution pay station retrofit kits and MS1™ multi-space meters designed IPS meters are CDMA certified Reached 160+ Patents IPS Group Innovation Studio introduces Alexa-enabled Data Analytics in development phase Launched Enforcement & Permitting Management System as a vital compo-nent of a true, fully- integrated solution MS3™ color screen, multi-language pay station introduced IPS calculated a reduction in U.S. CO emissions of 34,192 metric tons, after partnering with Verizon to lessen miles driven to find available parking. IPS Group, Inc. USA Incorporated in Pennsylvania TechAmerica “Green Technology” Award Wireless vehicle detection sensors developed “Smart” single-space parking meter invented U.S. Conference of Mayors Award for public/private partnership Vik Kops Humanitarian Award Connected World Award First end-to-end cloud-based enforcement solution created Dome-mount sensor developed, providing the most accurate data on the market First credit card enabled, solar-powered single-space parking meter installed 1994 2007 2002 2011 2005 2009 2012 2000 2015 2016 2017 IPS Group South Africa established as one of thefirst manufacturers of card and coin multi-space parking pay stations Deloitte Fast 50 Award Corporate Social Responsibility donation meter program begins New innovative solutions introduced including PARK SMARTERTM mobile payment app and My Parking ReceiptTM 2018 2019 IPS Group, Inc. USA Incorporated in Pennsylvania TechAmerica “Green Technology” Award Wireless vehicle detection sensors developed U.S. Conference of Mayors Award for public/private partnership Vik Kops Humanitarian Award Connected World Award First credit card enabled, solar-powered single-space parking meter installed 1994 2007 2002 2011 2013 2005 2009 2012 2000 2015 2016 2017 IPS Group South Africa established as one of thefirst manufacturers of card and coin multi-space parking pay stations Deloitte Fast 50 Award Corporate Social Responsibility donation meter program begun New innovative solutions introduced including PARK SMARTERTM mobile payment app and My Parking ReceiptTM 2018 2020 18 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS PRODUCTS AND COMPONENTS SUSTAINABLE CHOICES ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY AND GREEN INITIATIVES GREEN IS GREEN — BETTER ROI THROUGH SUSTAINABILITY IPS is committed to sustainable business and manufacturing processes to mini- mize the impact on our environment. We have incorporated the following prac- tices to increase energy efficiency, minimize the amount of waste we contribute to landfills, and ensure environmental responsibility. Solar power: IPS meters are powered by a patented combination of solar power and battery system. The solar panel allows for constant recharging of the battery with ambi- ent light, resulting in maximum battery life. A Los Angeles department report estimated that IPS solar-powered meters keep approximately 60,000 AA batteries out of LA landfills each year. Equipment longevity: IPS reduces the waste of discarded equipment by building more durable products to maximize product life. Many of our first-generation machines are still in the field. By contrast, clients have had to replace our competitors’ machines within only a few years, resulting in unnecessary waste. Stainless steel is a standard feature, which will maximize longevity and save both waste and money. Hardware upcycling: Our Upgrade Kits allow cities to reuse old meter and pay sta- tion hardware. Expanding the useful life of older equipment helps reduce the demand for new materials, as well as keeping discarded equipment out of landfills. Battery recycling: IPS partners with battery recycling partners to offer battery recy- cling services both internally and to our customers. IPS has never used environmentally toxic nickel-cadmium batteries. INSERT PAGES 57 – 58 from Corpus Christi proposal (basically the Environmental Sustainability pages) 19 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS Plastics recycling: Plastic components and Lexan coverings from old meters are recycled into new plastic parts whenever possible, reducing the amount of plastic in local landfills. Reducing CO2 Emissions: Using a combination of our meter, sensor, and mobile app technologies, green cities can offer their parking patrons “wayfinding”—the ability to find available spaces with a phone app—thereby reducing the carbon waste of con- gestion and circling. In the US alone, a report conducted by Verizon Wireless calculated an annualized reduction of 34,192 metric tons of CO2 from IPS meters. Remote Monitoring: Our web-based Enforcement Management System gives a birds-eye view of maintenance needs and parking violations, allowing Maintenance Staff and Parking Enforcement Officers to immediately spot citable vehicles, signifi- cantly reducing the amount of field patrolling. Online Enforcement & Permitting Processing: Our online portals allow the public to pay citations or apply for permits entirely online, eliminating paper forms and reducing trips to municipal offices. INTERNAL INITIATIVES SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES LED lights: IPS equips our corporate offices with state-of-the-art LED lighting, which conserves 60 percent more energy than conventional lighting. Auto shut-off: To conserve electricity, our corporate offices have motion detector sensors to turn off lights automatically. To conserve water, the faucets in our bathrooms have auto shut-off valves. Waste prevention: To reduce the amount of paper we use, IPS employs the “Think Before You Print” philosophy—we have set the printers in all of our corporate offices to default to two-sided paper. We use recyclable paper and materials whenever possible and send all corporate communications via electronic media. Our shipping department constantly re-uses and repurposes our suppliers’ packaging. SECTION 3 SCOPE OF PROJECT 21 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS SECTION 3: SCOPE OF PROJECT Overview: The City of Bozeman is posting an RFP for parking permit and enforcement soft- ware. The City recognizes that in the three years since its last RFP, the parking software land- scape has changed significantly. It is in the best interest of the City to pursue software that is at the cutting edge of technology, compatible with our existing physical assets such as our mobile and fixed LPR technology, and provides an excellent experience for both our custom- ers and our staff. Please refer to the Executive Summary in Section 1 of this response for our explanation on how IPS provides the best option to the City of Bozeman through its future-proofed solution with unmatched integration capabilities and customer experience features. Implementation: Upon completion of RFP process and negotiation of a contract, the parking software provider awarded the contract will have ninety (90) days to complete the imple- mentation of any new software systems. The implementation will include, at minimum, week- ly check ins with the Bozeman Parking staff, the transfer of all data from the current software provider to a new platform including, but not limited to, citation data, appeals records, vehi- cle records, and current and expired permits. Further, the implementation should result in minimal downtime and little to no impact on enforcement operations or the general public’ s experience. City staff and the awarded software provider will work together to set an implementation schedule that does not impact city operations. The software provider will appoint a staff member to the implementation team who has conducted a similar transition in the past and 22 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS has worked with the City or in a similarly sized parking operation to serve as the main point of contact on all implementation related issues. Further, the ideal software provider will implement their software with little to no direct cost to the City. Please refer to Section 6 of this proposal, which outlines the implementation timeline, pro- cesses, best practices, and data migration. IPS assures the City that we will be able to fully complete the implementation process in 90 days or less, with no interruptions to your daily operations. Regarding data migration, IPS will work with your existing data to analyze and convert it as required. Neither the City nor the previous vendor are charged by IPS for data conversion. We can assist the former incumbent to obtain and transfer data in a streamlined process. Dave Rotenberg, Director of Enforcement Solutions, and Patrick Smith, Regional Director of Sales – West, will be responsible for managing the project for the City through all stages of the implementation and throughout the life of the project. They will oversee the integrity of the service and performance. All key personnel are fully proficient in our services and system with 30+ years of total combined years of enforcement and permit management and pro- cessing experience. All steps will be documented to ensure that each step is completed in a timely and accurate manner. For information on how the customer success team will work with you before, during, and after implementation, please refer to Section 9. Compatibility: Any new enforcement and permits software must be compatible with technol- ogy currently use by the City. Technology used by the City includes: „Genetec and Route 1 mobile and fixed license plate readers „Three Flex Luke II Paystations „Passport Mobile App, including the PARK BZN private label app „Central Square/ Naviline, our finance department’ s software In today’s integrated computing environment, it is more important than ever to, not only have our own state-of-the-art technologies but also seamlessly integrate with other third-party systems. That is why the IPS team of software engineers has created a rapid development process. This allows IPS to deliver accurate integrations with popular third-party application programming interfaces (APIs) in record time. It also allows IPS to educate and guide ven- dors on creating open, yet secure software systems that allow for a wider clientele base. Using this technology foundation, we have created a solution that is quick, easy, and seam- less, allowing for integration with an unlimited number of platforms. We pride ourselves on our cooperative nature and our ability to collaborate with any third-party application. We encourage new partnerships and look forward to our continued work with our existing inte- grations and partnerships. We have existing data integrations with Genetec, Route 1, Vigilant/Motorola Solutions, Gtech- 23 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS na, Smarking Parking Analytics, Passport, Pay-by-Phone, ParkMobile, ParkNow, Pango, Con- duent, Oracle, and various parking operators. This not an extensive list of all data integrations, but is meant to convey the fact that we know the world of data integrations, and have done it successfully in many client locations with many partners. For integration requirements with any vendor, IPS has the proven capabilities. All we need to receive is the data format specification, transmission API, and frequency from the vendor. Alternatively, if the vendor does not have this information, IPS can provide standardized data share API and documentation. Enforcement: Enforcement technology must allow for ease of use on a mobile device and with our current fixed and mobile LPR technology for enforcement officers. The software should communicate regularly with the paystations, mobile app, and permit database to ensure all information is up to date. The preference for the enforcement software to be updated at least once per minute regarding new parking sessions or permit purchases. Offi- cers should have the option to either print tickets on site or send tickets via mail to the reg- istered owners of the vehicles. The software should have several options in compliance with Montana State Law and Policies for looking up registered owner information for both in-state and out-of-state vehicles. Additionally, any proposal that includes options to improve enforcement in the Bridger Parking Garage and increase efficiencies is welcome. The Bridger Parking Garage is current- ly a pay-by-plate paystation or mobile app and permitted environment with a fixed LPR for enforcement. IPS complies. The IPS Enforcement and Permit Management Solution connects your staff with real-time citation and permitting data to help eliminate manual processes and improve compliance. The IPS solution is cloud-based to provide 24/7 secure access from anywhere, real-time operations, alerts and updates. The IPS Enforcement Management Solution is designed to be the most intuitive system on the market and is a fully cloud-based to elimi- nate system reliability issues that can occur with legacy infrastructure, and is accessible on any web-enabled device. INTEGRATIONS The IPS system allows for integration with an unlimited number of platforms including LPR, pay stations, mobile applications and permitting databases. Our integration capabilities with any License Plate Recognition (LPR) provider allows us to provide you with a fully compre- hensive, advanced, virtual permit and citation management system. This capacity to integrate with any LPR platform means that we have the unique ability to design our system to, just about, any need and/or specification. Our exclusive LPR partnerships allow for access to the best this industry has to offer in LPR technologies: „Fixed LPR cameras systems „ALPR vehicle camera systems 24 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS „Garage parking systems „Virtual permitting „Virtual citations „Scofflaw Alerts „Boot Alerts „Overtime Zones and Alerts „Comprehensive real-time reports REAL-TIME COMMUNICATION All our fully integrated solutions communicate in real time to the secure Enforcement Man- agement System (EMS). This gives the peace-of-mind that citation and permitting informa- tion has been accurately captured and securely transferred to the DMS/EMS for immediate processing to kick off the citation and permitting workflows. The officers will have the option to print a citation while at the vehicle, mail the ticket, or both depending on the preference of the City. REGISTERED OWNER LOOKUP Many vendors must rely on a third party to obtain information from NLETS. IPS, however, is one of the few Authorized NLETS Partners with a direct connection to the network. DMV and NLETS integrations ensure you are compliant with Montana State Law and Policies via access to the most accurate registered owner data possible across all 50 states, reducing potential errors and improving efficiency. „INSERT NLETS-strategic-partner.png from _Images > Logos-City Seals > Logos > Partner, Integration, Merchant Logos Full details on the IPS Enforcement and Permit Manage- ment Solution can be found in Section 4. Permits: Digital permits are the preferred permit methodology for the City. The City currently enforces two permitted residential zones, Unified Development Code permits for the garage, and annual and monthly permits in the surface lots and garage. In the future, the City would like to expand these options to include additional residential areas and an employee permit program for downtown businesses. Further, the City may look to acquire additional surface parking lots or parking structures that may require permitted environments. An ideal system would allow for convenient permit management for current permit holders, automated renewal notices, a maximum of five minutes for a reasonable user with all required documentation to apply online for a permit, and require minimum staff interventions to keep the permit system up to date. Further, an ideal system would allow a reasonable customer to update the license plate information on a visitor permit in less than 30 seconds from either a mobile or desktop platform. Any time requirements will be assessed in a demo environment should interviews and demos be conducted. 25 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS INSERT image and caption from page 129 of San Diego Proposal registering for an account, the customer will fill in an online form that can include all of IPS complies. The IPS Enforcement and Permit Management Solution supports digital/vir- tual permitting capabilities so that the City can continue to enforce in the current permitted zones, as well as easily expand to additional zones as needed. In contrast to physical permits, virtual permits can’t be lost, stolen, or faked.  The use of vir- tual permits cuts down on the overhead of physical permit production, shipping and storage and also allows for faster and easier alterations and replacements. Enforcing physical permits requires an officer to physically patrol random parking areas which can be inefficient and laborious.  Virtual permitting allows for the use of “guided enforcement”, sending the officer directly to where they need to be, when they need to be there by way of an LPR-equipped vehicle and/or device.  Virtual permits can be acquired online via the user-friendly and convenient IPS Permit Pub- lic Portal – a customer-facing website that lets permit applicants view rates and availability, apply for a permit, upload verification documents and pay online from desktop platform or mobile web. Account creation and management is completed in an easy-to-navigate inter- face that allows the reasonable customer to apply and make updates in short order. When Customers register for an account by filling in a simple form. The fields in this sample are for example purposes The registration form can be customized with editable fields that meet the City's requirements. 26 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS the fields the City requires. We have included an example above that shows a typical regis- tration screen, with option to add or modify license plates in their account. The specific fields can be customized to the City’s requirements. More information on the Permit Public Portal can be found in Section 4. HOW IPS VIRTUAL PERMITTING WORKS An LPR-equipped device, using real-time connectivity, will feed applicable data to the enforcement officer to be used for verification, analysis and violation notification as the license plates are captured during the patrol route. A License Plate Recognition (LPR)-en- abled vehicle can accurately and quickly patrol and capture data within a large area in much less time and with less effort than by standard means. By virtue of this feature LPR-enforce- ment area-coverage is typically much higher with greater accuracy. User Interface: Any software should have a clean, well-designed user interface (UI). The UI should be intuitive for both City Staff and the customers. The UI should have accessibility features as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Further, the UI should be opera- ble on both a mobile and desktop operating system. Additionally, the UI should allow staff to easily make edits to any documents such as renewal notices and appeal letters without the need for additional payment or software. The UI will be considered during the demo/ inter- view phase of the process should the City choose to conduct that step. IPS complies. We pride ourselves on providing a simple and convenient user experience with all IPS systems. This applies to the Enforcement and Permit Management Systems for City staff, as well as the public-facing Permit Public Portal and Citation Management Portal. User Interface sample screenshots have been included, below. Regarding features required by the Americans with Disabilities Act, please refer to our detailed Voluntary Product Accessibility Template in the Appendix of this response, which demonstrates our compliance. Sample screenshots from the public-facing Citation Management Portal and Permit Public Portal can be found below. Sample screenshots of the administrative back-end can be found in response to the next question regarding reporting and analytics capabilities. 27 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS PERMIT PUBLIC PORTAL CITATION MANAGEMENT PORTAL Create a collage with three images – Citation Detail with Image_Citation Portal, Citation VIN Lookup on Mobile_Citation Portal, and Request Admin Review_Citation Portal --- located in _images > Enforcement and Permit-ting > Enforcement > Citation Portal Images Create a collage with three images – Apply for permit(hr), check availability map_permit pub-lic portal, and Mobile_Permit Public Portal --- located in _Images > Enforcement and Permit-ting > Permitting > Public Portal 28 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS Reports from Data: A modern, 21st century parking operation requires high quality data to make informed decisions. The awarded software provider needs to have the capability to provide reports from their data including, but not limited to, daily transactions, monthly transaction reports, types of citations issues, where citations are issued, permit usage, and occupancy data in garages, surface lots, and on-street areas managed by the City of Boze- man Parking Services. IPS complies. The EMS provides an intuitive, customizable dashboard that provides helpful at-a-glance visual analytics. Real-time and historical data is presented in the form of dynam- ic charts, graphs, and heat maps so you can easily pinpoint areas that require attention, as well as proactively identify patterns and trends. Additionally, the EMS has robust reporting capabilities with a full set of pre-defined administrative, financial, and technical reports, as well as the ability to customize reports to only display the data you want. All reports can be exported into various formats, including XLS, CSV, and PDF. Screenshots that demonstrate the reporting capabilities, as well as the user-friendly interface of the EMS, can be found in the pages that follow. SAMPLE EMS REPORTS EMS DASHBOARD The IPS Dashboard is the homepage of the Enforcement Management System. The Dashboard gives you stats, maps and graphs to give you a birds-eye view of all recent activity. This gives you the data you need to make wise allocations of resources. From the Dashboard you can use the Smart Search feature to look up any records for viewing, editing and/or processing. The EMS Dashboard provides stats, maps and graphs to give you a birds-eye view of all recent activity. 29 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS INSERT [CUSTOM REPORT.PNG] INSERT [REPORTS DASHBOARD.PNG] REPORTS DASHBOARD The Reports Dashboard gives you quick access to all the available reports. You can add reports to your favorites so that you do not have to go searching for the reports. If you do not see a report that matches your needs, the system gives the user the ability to create custom reports. The Reports Dashboard is a library of standard, pre-saved custom, and favorited reports, all from one screen. AD HOC/CUSTOM REPORTS If none of the premade reports fit your unique reporting needs, the user can utilize the Custom Report Generator to access all the key data points required for you accounting processes. Save the report for reuse and add the new report to your favorites for quick access. Ad hoc / custom reports can be created from an easy interface where users pick only the parameters they need. Custom reports can be saved for future use. 30 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS CITATION ADJUDICATION All levels of Citation Adjudication can be completed within the Enforcement Management Sys- tem. First level reviews, Hearings and Court Adjudications can be completed within the system. All actions associated with the adjudication trigger confirmation emails to the citee. CITATION DMV VEHICLE DATA The Enforcement Management System will automatically acquire the Registered Owner from your local Motor Vehicle Department, or from the NLETS system. From here you can Update the record or add an additional Responsible Party. All activity is logged for Auditing purposes. All citation adjudication activities can be accomplished from the EMS. Interface to acquire Registered Owner data from local DMV and/or via direct connection to NLETS system. 31 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS VIOLATION BY OFFICER ANALYSIS REPORT The Violation by Officer Analysis Report shows which violations the officers are issuing and how many. The report is sortable by any field and exportable to most common file types. CITATIONS ISSUE REPORT The Citation Issue Report shows you all the citations from the date range of your choosing. Sort by any field and get critical data like, Status and Balance due. Click on the citation num- ber to open the citation for further processing. Violation by Officer Analysis Report Citations Issue Report 32 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS VIOLATIONS REPORT BY STATE Custom Reports can be generated to access out-of-state violations. Violations by State Report PENDING REFUND REPORT The Pending Refund Report displays all the records that have a refund balance and the status of the citation. Pending Refund Report 33 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS MONTHLY CITATION AND REVENUE ACTIVITY REPORT Select the desired date range and the Monthly Citation and Revenue Activity Report will show all the citation data and values that affect revenue. Monthly Citation and Revenue Activity Report SCOFFLAW REPORT Select the desired date range and the Scofflaw Report will display the habitual offenders information including citation number, location, VIN, Status, Amount Due, and Issue Date and Time as standard parameters. Scofflaw Report 34 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS SAMPLE PERMIT REPORTS Summary permit reporting with date/time frame filtering is featured as standard. Detailed reporting includes permit purchases by type, area, or transaction source; permits approved or rejected, pending fulfillment, waitlist vs. active permits, etc. Reports can be exported to Excel, CSV, and PDF. Our pre-defined reports can always be customized to report on the data set you need on-demand, and can be saved for future reporting. PERMIT DASHBOARD INSERT Dashboard Permitting_screenshot.png The Permit Dashboard provides the visibility you need to properly monitor your permitting program and track performance at a glance through the use of data visualizations. PAYMENT BY TYPE AND LOCATION REPORT INSERT Payment by Type and Location Permit Report_Screenshot The Payment by Type and Location Report allows you to review payments (including payment method), along with effective dates for permits purchased within a particular zone. 35 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS PERMIT LOCATION REPORT INSERT Permit Location Report_Screenshot.PNG The Permit Location Report provides information on permits requested, including the status of the request. ADDITIONAL SAMPLE REPORTS CAN BE PROVIDED UPON REQUEST INSERT screenshots from page 45-50 of the Pinellas bid INSERT screenshots from 124-125 of San Diego Enforcement bid Data Storage: The software provider must comply with the City of Bozeman’ s cloud soft- ware policy as seen in the appendix. IPS complies. We have completed the Cloud Services Questionnaire and have included it in Section 4. Customer Support, Services, and Training: The software provider should have a proven track record of excellent customer service. Customer service should focus on providing ample support to both staff and the general public. Trainings for current staff and any new staff, basic database maintenance, and demos for new customer groups should all be included in the cost of the software services. The best software providers will submit a proposal outlining the staff dedicated to the City’ s accounts and their experience include transition to any new platforms. Please refer to Section 9 for details on our Customer Success organization, support channels, and training programs available to the City, and included in the cost of our software services. References: Software providers should submit no less than three references who can attest to software performance, customer service, and the transition team provided. Please refer to Section 8 for a list of our references with contact information. 36 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS Montana State University: Montana State University may choose to participate in an enforce- ment and permit software system operated by the software provider. Montana State Universi- ty may choose to utilize this RFP as a selection process. Vendor and Montana State Universi- ty will develop a separate instance of the software to best suit the University’ s needs. This is not a guarantee that Montana State University will participate in selection process or choose to use the software provider. IPS understands and is happy to provide Montana State University with any additional infor- mation outside this procurement that may help in their decision-making process. SECTION 4 GENERAL AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 38 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS GENERAL & TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS IPS UNDERSTANDS THE CITY OF BOZEMAN’S REQUIREMENTS. As indicated in the Executive Summary in Section 1, as well as in response to specific components in the Scope of Project in Section 3, the IPS Enforcement and Permit Management Solution can meet and exceed the City of Bozeman’s technical and general requirements. In this section we expand upon this explanation further to provide a high-level technical and functional overview of our solution. (PLEASE EXPORT ALL TEXT SEGMENTS FOR REVISIONS) SECTION 4: 39 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS SOLUTIONINSERT Header, subheader, and blurb from page 11 of Anchorage, as well as pages 12-23 SOLUTION THE TOOLS AND REAL-TIME DATA YOU NEED FOR 360-DEGREE ENFORCEMENT + PERMIT MANAGEMENT The IPS Enforcement and Permit Management Solution connects your staff with real-time citation and permitting data to help eliminate manual processes and improve compliance. The IPS solution is cloud-based to provide 24/7 secure access from anywhere, real-time operations, alerts and updates. Here’s how our solution stacks up against the competition. 40 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS COMPARISON OF SERVICES FEATURE OTHER VENDORS IPS ENFORCEMENT SOLUTIONS Manual Cites / Data Entry X X Handhelds X X Data Entry X X 24/7 Call Center X X Collections X X DMV Integration X X Adjudications X X Notices / Letters X X Code Enforcement X X Reporting X X On-Demand Reporting X X Custom Reporting X X PCI-1 Compliance only some vendors offer X Interactive Voice Recognition only some vendors offer X Meter Integration only some vendors offer X Permit Management only some vendors offer X NLETS Integration only some vendors offer X Interactive Public Portal only some vendors offer X Guided Enforcement only some vendors offer X Web Chat Support X Report Favorites X Public Mobile Applications X Event Management X Cross Compatible Applications X Mobile Permit Sales X iOS Device Support (handhelds)X National Support X Code Enforcement Handhelds X Single Sign-on Technology X Two-Factor Authentication X Dashboard Tools X Handheld Remote Management, Support, Tracking, Training X 41 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS IPS Group understands that it is the intention of the City of Bozeman to contract with a qualified vendor to procure a comprehensive Parking Enforcement and Permit Management Solution. We propose the following to the City as part of the powerful, fully integrated solution from IPS: ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT COMPONENTS „Mobile Enforcement System (MES): IPS can provide new one-piece or two-piece handheld systems (or both) based on the preference of the City. The most innovative on the market today, our Mobile Enforcement software ensures parking enforcement officers experience a convenient, quick, and efficient citation issuance process. We offer the N5™ one-piece handheld unit, and when it comes to two-piece solutions, IPS can support any iOS or Android devices combined with a Bluetooth printer. This gives our customers the ultimate flexibility, based on your preferences. „Enforcement Management System (EMS): Our end-to-end cross-compatible web-based citation management system manages the entire lifecycle of parking citations including issuance, adjudication, payment, DMV communications, and collections. „Public Citation Management Portal: A website that allows citizens to review the status of their citation, pay or obtain information on how to contest their citation, review fine amounts including late fees, and obtain additional information. PARKING ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT SOLUTION 42 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS MOBILE ENFORCEMENT DEVICES IPS MOBILE ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM (MES) IPS can provide new one-piece or two-piece handheld systems (or both) based on the preference of the City. The most innovative on the market today, our Mobile Enforcement Devices ensure parking enforcement officers experience a convenient, quick and efficient citation issuance process. ONE-PIECE MOBILE ENFORCEMENT DEVICE The N5 is an easy-to-use, one-piece handheld citation writer that offers parking enforcement officers a quick and efficient citation issuance process. Electronic citations are immediately loaded into the Enforcement Management System allowing an officer to easily access citation history, scofflaw, habitual offender information and custom alerts to ensure accurate citation issuance. Real-time syncing to the secure Enforcement Management System (EMS) gives officers the peace-of-mind that citation information has been accurately captured and securely transferred to the EMS for immediate processing to kick off the citation workflow. The N5 Print Mobile Enforcement Device combines ease-of-use and durability to ensure the most convenient, quick, and efficient paperless citation issuance process possible. The device provides access to citation history, scofflaw, habitual offender information and custom alerts to ensure accurate citation issuance. The N5 device is lightweight, portable, and rugged enough for heavy-duty daily use which is mud-resistant and environmentally sealed to protect against harsh elements including rain, sleet, and snow. The high contrast screen is easy to read even in harsh daylight conditions. The N5™ Device is a lightweight one-piece, handheld unit rugged enough for heavy-duty daily use. 43 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS The unit features a smart card reader with a magnetic strip for on-the-go payment collection, color photo syncing, e-chalking, and an integrated thermal printer that produces citations quickly. Exclusive to IPS, the mobile device includes LPR-Lite, Guided Enforcement, and Heat Mapping that directs officers and enables better route planning. TWO-PIECE MOBILE ENFORCEMENT DEVICE When it comes to two-piece solutions, IPS can support any iOS or Android devices combined with a Bluetooth printer. This gives our customers the ultimate in flexibility, based on your preferences. IPS supports both Android/iOS and offers both a one-piece and two- piece unit compatible with all printer configurations. FEATURES AT A GLANCE „All-in-one 1-piece or 2-piece unit (Android OS and iOS compatible) „Real-time syncing to secure/encrypted EMS back office „Scofflaw and customized alerts „Integrated thermal printer (1-piece unit) „Magnetic stripe and smart card reader for in-field payment collection „E-chalking „Shift tracking „Customizable user dashboard „High contrast easy-to-read screen – even in harsh daylight conditions „Type-ahead field input „GPS tracking „High-res color images (2mp 1080p @3fps color imager) „Automatic software updates „IP65 rating (Operating temps tested to MIL- STD 810F –(68° to + 122° F/20° to + 50° C) Two-piece device (separate mobile unit and printer) 44 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS RECOMMENDED HARDWARE: „ Handheld Device: IPS is proposing either a Samsung Note 9 or iPhoneX. „ Printer:  Zebra ZQ series Bluetooth printers. „ Rugged Device Case: Otterbox Defender „ Printer Case: Soft case and shoulder strap EXCLUSIVE TO THE IPS N5 MOBILE ENFORCEMENT DEVICE: „ LPR-lite citation issuance function „ Heat mapping „ Guided enforcement INSERT [Screenshot_2016-0805-13-20-01 png] Mobile Device screen shot examples: Citation issuance (left) and digital chalking function (right) 45 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS  Operating System Android 8.1 Oreo  Sa 6.4” Quad HD+ Super AMOLED (2960x1440) 516 ppi  128/512GB (international) Expandable microSD up to 512GB 6GB RAM; Rear camera 12MP f/1.5 and f/2.4  Dual Pixel auto focus, OISRear camera 12MP f/2.4 telephoto, auto focus, OISFront camera 8MP f/1.7, auto focus  Connectivity 802.11ac Wi-Fi, MIMO  Bluetooth 5.0 LE  USB-C, Fast charging  Qi/PMA wireless charging  Battery non-removable Li-Ion 4000 mAh battery  Water resistance IP68 rating  Security One-touch fingerprint sensor; Iris scanner  161.9 x 76.4 x 8.8 mm  Colors Metallic Copper, Lavender Purple, Ocean Blue, Midnight Black, Cloud Silver, Alpine White OPTION 2: IPHONE X Capacity:  64GB or 256GB Size and Weight:  2.79 inches (70.9 mm)  5.65 inches (143.6 mm)  0.30 inch (7.7 mm)  Height: 5.65 inches (143.6 mm)  Width: 2.79 inches (70.9 mm)  Depth: 0.30 inch (7.7 mm)  Weight: 6.14 ounces (174 grams) Display  Super Retina HD display  5.8-inch (diagonal) all-screen OLED Multi- Touch display  HDR display  2436-by-1125-pixel resolution at 458 ppi  1,000,000:1 contrast ratio (typical)  True Tone display  Wide color display (P3)  3D Touch  625 cd/m2 max brightness (typical)  Support for display of multiple languages and characters simultaneously  Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating  The iPhone X display has rounded corners that follow a beautiful, curved design, and these corners are within a standard rectangle. When measured as a standard rectangular shape, the screen is 5.85 inches diagonally (actual viewable area is less).  Splash, Water, and Dust Resistant  Rated IP67 under IEC standard 60529  A11 Bionic chip with 64-bit architecture  Neural engine  Embedded M11 motion coprocessor chip Camera  12MP wide-angle and telephoto cameras  Wide-angle: ƒ/1.8 aperture  Telephoto: ƒ/2.4 aperture  Optical zoom; digital zoom up to 10x  Portrait mode  Portrait Lighting (beta)  Dual optical image stabilization  Six element lens  Quad-LED True Tone flash with Slow Sync  Panorama (up to 63MP)  Sapphire crystal lens cover  Backside illumination sensor MOBILE ENFORCEMENT DEVICES OPTION 1: SAMSUNG NOTE 9 46 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS  Hybrid IR filter  Autofocus with Focus Pixels  Tap to focus with Focus Pixels  Live Photos with stabilization  Wide color capture for photos and Live Photos  Improved local tone mapping  Body and face detection  Exposure control  Noise reduction  Auto HDR for photos  Auto image stabilization  Burst mode  Timer mode  Photo geotagging  Image formats captured: HEIF and JPEG Video Recording  4K video recording at 24 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps  1080p HD video recording at 30 fps or 60 fps  720p HD video recording at 30 fps  Optical image stabilization for video  Optical zoom; 6x digital zoom  Quad-LED True Tone flash  Slomo video support for 1080p at 120fps or 240fps  Time lapse video with stabilization  Cinematic video stabilization (1080p and 720p)  Continuous autofocus video  Body and face detection  Noise reduction  Take 8MP still photos while recording 4K video  Playback zoom  Video geotagging  Video formats recorded: HEVC and H.264 True Depth Camera  7MP camera  Portrait mode  Portrait Lighting (beta)  Animoji  1080p HD video recording  Retina Flash  ƒ/2.2 aperture  Wide color capture for photos and Live Photos  Auto HDR  Backside illumination sensor  Body and face detection  Auto image stabilization  Burst mode  Exposure control  Timer mode Face ID  Enabled by TrueDepth camera for facial recognition Apple Pay  Pay with your iPhone using Face ID in stores, within apps, and on the web  Complete purchases made with Apple Pay Mac  Receive and redeem rewards w/ rewards cards Recommended Hardware  Printer: Zebra iMZ/ZQ series Bluetooth printers  Rugged Device Case: Otterbox Defender  Printer Case: Soft case and shoulder strap 47 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS MOBILE ENFORCEMENT DEVICE FEATURES BENEFITS All-in-one one-piece or two-piece solu- tion, Android, iOS compatible  Provides numerous hardware and connectivity options Real-time syncing and connectivity  Increases productivity in the field High quality hardware that is lightweight and portable, but rugged to withstand weather and heavy use  Saves money by not having to replace hardware Integrated, thermal printer  Produces easy-to-read tickets High resolution color photos, e-chalking, and heat mapping  Quickens permit workflow  Allows for quick and easy presentation of real-time data provides stronger evidence Scofflaw and customized notifications  Data is available anytime 24/7  Officers alerted to repeat offender status in real time to cite accordingly 48 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS SYSTEM [INSERT PIC WHITE LAPTOP EMS DASHBOARD ] ACCESS DATA FAST AND SMARTER The IPS Enforcement Management System (EMS) allows the City to intelligently manage every step of the citation lifecycle including citation issuance and processing, adjudication, appeals, hearings, payments, and collections. As a secure, cloud-based application, the EMS provides real-time access to authorized users from any web-enabled device, 24/7. No local hardware is required. The system is designed with all the tools to help you automate operations, maximize efficiency, promote transparency and compliance, and increase enforcement revenue. An intuitive, customizable dashboard provides helpful at-a-glance visual analytics in the form of charts, graphs, and heat maps so you can to easily pinpoint patterns and trends. Additionally, the EMS has robust reporting capabilities with a full set of pre-defined administrative, financial, and technical reports, as well as the ability to customize reports to only display the data you want. All reports can be exported into various formats, including XLS, CSV, and PDF. IPS has a direct connection to NLETS. Many vendors must rely on a third party to obtain information from NLETS. IPS, however, is one of the few Authorized NLETS Partners with a direct connection to the network. DMV and NLETS integrations ensure you have access to the most accurate registered owner data possible across all 50 states, reducing potential errors and improving efficiency. With the EMS, you can go beyond a day-to-day reactive approach to operations and instead harness powerful data to develop smart, data-driven policy decisions that will greatly impact the future of your program. ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT 49 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS FEATURES AT A GLANCE „Cloud-based to provide real-time data. No local hardware required. „Customizable dashboard with visual analytics and heat maps „Robust reporting (pre-defined Administrative, Financial, Technical and custom reports) „Complete citation lifecycle history of citations paid, contested, closed, voided, etc. „Citation summaries include photos, notices and letters, adjudications and voids „DMV and National Law Enforcement Telecommunications Systems (NLETS) integration „Adjudication and disposition management „Payment and refund processing „Notice and letter processing „Live chat support „Advanced smart search capability offers instant search suggestions and accurate results „Integrated Smart Calendar „Option for manual citation entry „Seamless integration with IPS or third-party parking technology including meters and pay stations, sensors, LPR, pay-by-phone applications, etc. OPERATING REQUIREMENTS Hardware Requirements: The EMS is secured in a private cloud environment; no installation is required. The EMS can be accessed via any web-enabled device. Operating System Software Requirements: An internet browser is the only tool required to access the system. Windows and Apple iOS are typical. Browser Requirements: Any current internet browser will be sufficient to access the EMS. MS Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, iOS-supported browsers are all compatible, including mobile phone browsers. 50 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT FEATURE BENEFIT Cloud-based to provide real-time data No local hardware required Easily accessible from any location and any web-enabled device Quick deployment and adoption Scalable up or down with minimal time and effort Streamlined upgrade process compared to on-premise solutions, which can be time-consuming and complicated Dashboard with visual analytics and heat maps Quick and easy access to information in real-time Customizable to present most valuable information to the City and get a pulse on all enforcement activity At-a-glance overview with ability to easily drill into specifics Robust reporting with pre-defined Admin- istrative, Financial, Technical, and custom reports Easily slice and dice data the way you want. Simple to configure pre- defined reports, or more drilled down customized reports Gives the power mine data and create reporting on demand Quickly and easily utilize pre- configured reports to track finances, DMV data, citation status, or team performance Complete citation lifecycle history of citations paid, contested, closed, or voided Citation summaries include photos, notices, letters, adjudications, and pay- ments Broad and universal view allows complete comprehension of the complete lifecycle of each citation at a glance 51 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS IPS Group is one of a select group of companies that has integrated with National Law Enforcement Telecom- munications Systems (NLETS) in all 50 states, Canada, and Mexico Unlike our competitors, IPS has a DIRECT integration with NLETS. This means more immediate and more comprehensive law enforcement information to Cities Live chat support Numerous ways to access customer service-immediate help solutions including: Phone, Email, and Live- Chat. Provides a convenient way to talk with an agent while going about their day – fast connection time, communication trail, can multi-task Advanced smart search capability Offers instant search suggestions and accurate results Seamless integration with IPS and third-party technologies including meters, pay stations, sensors, LPR, pay-by-phone applications, cashiering systems, and student records Plug-and-play simplicity, no matter who the other third-party vendors are in your parking ecosystem High resolution color photos, e-chalking, and heat mapping Allows for quick and easy presentation of real-time data provides stronger evidence Scofflaw and customized notifications Data is available when you and how you need it Officers alerted to repeat offender status in real time to cite accordingly 52 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS PUBLIC CITATION MANAGEMENT PORTAL The Public Citation Management Portal is a website that allows citizens to access details about their citation and take action in a convenient, paperless process completed in real- time. Citizens can review the status of their citation, review fine amounts including late fees, pay or contest their citation, and obtain a receipt or additional information. FEATURES AT A GLANCE „Review current and comprehensive citation, transaction, and appeals history „Contest a citation and upload supporting documents „Pay citation and receive receipt in real time „Access via any internet browser, on any web-enabled device „Payment accepted via any major credit card: Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express „Payments processed and citations updated in real-time „Live chat support „PCI Certified INSERT pages 35-39 from Pinellas County proposal 53 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS PERMIT MANAGEMENT SOLUTION The Permit Management Solution offers the flexibility and convenience to manage the entire parking permit lifecycle from initial design through fulfillment via a true cloud-based system available 24/7. Online reporting of payments and other permit activities provides maximum visibility to track and analyze data and better manage the entire permit program. The City can improve the customer service experience offered to the public with our user-friendly Permit Public Portal. IPS offers convenient payment options, and the ability to print temporary permits upon purchase. Our solution provides the flexibility of an unlimited amount of permit types and rates including residential, guest, and daily permits, offered in multiple formats such as decals, hang tags, or electronic permits. Gain peace-of-mind from eliminating old paper processes. Through one system you have fast access to the most current and accurate permit information by license plate number, location, contact name, or permit number, and order status, 24/7. Comprehensive online reporting of payments and other activities provides maximum visibility for more efficient management. The permit system allows for real-time validation of vehicle registration information through integration with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Based on the business rules established by the Authority, the system can verify in real-time if the permit registrant’s address is in the proper permit zone, as well as verify that the vehicle registration information matches the applicant’s desired permit zone. The IPS Permit Management Solution works as a stand-alone solution but can also seamlessly integrate with other parts of the IPS Ecosystem, including Enforcement Management, for one powerful fully integrated solution. Combined, these solutions are scalable to expand capabilities and maximize the efficiency of permit and citation management. 54 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS 03214567-2023PARKINGPERMIT A-0001 8761 2022 RESIDENTPARKING LOT TEMPORARYPARKINGPERMIT REMOVE BEFORE VEHICLE IN MOTION FEATURES AT-A-GLANCE ■Comprehensive online reports exportable in Excel and PDF ■Process and generate renewal letters ■Provides temporary permits immediately ■Waiting List Management ■Secure log-in and access to permit information 24/7 ■Online registration and permit ordering ■Vehicle and permit data uploaded in real time ■Void lost, damaged and stolen permits ■Customizable interface to match City branding 55 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS VIRTUAL PERMITTING (OPTIONAL) Virtual permits that are acquired online are user-friendly and convenient. In contrast to physical permits, virtual permits can’t be lost, stolen, or faked.  The use of virtual permits cuts down on the overhead of physical permit production, shipping and storage and also allows for faster and easier alterations and replacements. Enforcing physical permits requires an officer to physically patrol random parking areas which can be inefficient and laborious.  Virtual permitting allows for the use of “guided enforcement”, sending the officer directly to where they need to be, when they need to be there by way of an LPR-equipped vehicle and/or device.  An LPR-equipped device, using real-time connectivity, will feed applicable data to the enforcement officer to be used for verification, analysis and violation notification as the license plates are captured during the patrol route. A License Plate Recognition (LPR)-enabled vehicle can accurately and quickly patrol and capture data within a large area in much less time and with less effort than by standard means. By virtue of this feature LPR-enforcement area-coverage is typically much higher with greater accuracy. 56 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS PERMIT PUBLIC PORTAL The Permit Public Portal makes it easier than ever for your residents and visitors to purchase and renew parking permits online. The customer-facing website conveniently allows users to review rates and availability, apply for a permit, upload verification documents and pay online. FEATURES AT A GLANCE „Online registration and permit ordering „ID/Password authentication „Submit application and pay for parking permit „Upload additional required documentation „Review status of permit application „Temporary permits available immediately „Access via any internet browser, on any web-enabled device „Payment accepted via any major credit card „PCI Certified 57 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS SERVICE OPTIONS CUSTOMER SERVICE TO PUBLIC FLEXIBLE, CONVENIENT CUSTOMER SERVICE OPTIONS SELF-SERVICE ONLINE OPTIONS CITATION PORTAL The Public Citation Management Portal is a website that allows your citizens to access details about their citation and take action in a convenient, paperless process completed in real-time. Citizens can review the status of their citation, review fine amounts including late fees, pay or contest their citation, and obtain a receipt or additional information. LIVE CHAT (IPS Exclusive Feature) IPS offers live chat capabilities to the public to eliminate time and frustration associated with traditional IVR customer service systems which can help the City improve customer service. IPS can make live chat available 7:30 – 5 p.m. Monday-Friday (holidays excluded) if required by the City. IPS offers live chat capabilities to save time and eliminate frustration SERVICESINSERT pages 37-42 from Anchorage proposal 58 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS TELEPHONE SUPPORT OPTIONS 24/7 CUSTOMER SERVICE CALL CENTER IPS trains staff with the ability to respond to calls received in English or Spanish. Customer Service staff provides general information on the City’s policies and procedures with the ability to research information to assist the public. 24/7 INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE (IVR) The Interactive Voice Response system (IVR) provides real-time, detailed citation information linked to the City’s database in English or Spanish. The public can inquire by citation number or license plate. Pre-recorded City-specific information can be used. Options for reaching a Customer Service Representative are also made available. Available 24/7. CITY PR/MARKETING MATERIALS PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGNS We use a comprehensive approach, including all major marketing elements, from web design to posters that local merchants can display in their windows. IPS Group can produce all these materials ourselves, as part of our service, creating a comprehensive marketing program for your merchants and citizens. We can provide the materials in an all-inclusive contract, or we would be pleased to work with your designated local providers/DBE firms for printing and other collateral services. 59 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS RECOMMENDED KEY COMPONENTS INCLUDE: CUSTOMIZED MARKETING CAMPAIGN AND MATERIALS: Formulating the right messaging and raising public awareness is a key element for the successful deployment of new parking initiatives. IPS will provide customized marketing and public awareness materials that can be customized to the City’s specific needs. COLLATERAL MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT: Working with the City, we will develop collateral materials for the public including an informational tri-fold brochure, standard informational poster, customized website, links to "how-to-videos" for use on your City website and any other relevant print material for the City to assist with the public outreach initiative. CUSTOMIZED WEBSITE: In order to help the City introduce IPS enforcement and permitting solutions to their parking public, IPS Group offers a custom website for the public to learn how to address their permits and citations through written directions, how-to-video tutorials and any other services that are important for the City to highlight. MAILED PAYMENT PROCESSING LOCKBOX CASH MANAGEMENT IPS provides a lockbox service where payments can be mailed by the public. Payment will be posted and deposited to the City account within 24 hours. The City will have access to view deposit information and imaged documents online, as well as each citation paid within that deposit. Reports are available online for the City to reconcile each payment and deposit that has been made to the City’s bank account. In addition, monthly reports are available to the City to reconcile daily and monthly deposit activity. IPS accepts VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express via the Public Portal website. IPS provides all credit/debit card processing via real-time authorization processing. Credit/ debit card payments are updated in real-time to the citation records and 60 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS receipts can be printed from the system for the public. Payments by credit card are accepted 24/7. The system secures immediate authorization from the processor and immediately updates the citation status in real-time. The Public Portal website is fully PCI compliant. In-person payments taken at the City’s location can be entered into the IPS Enforcement Management System (EMS) by City staff. This automatically updates the citation and generates a receipt. An online, real-time report can be generated that details all funds taken at the City for daily reconciliation. DELINQUENT COLLECTIONS DEBT RECOVERY SERVICES For delinquent collections, we sub-contract and have a proven partnership with the Collections Bureau of America, Ltd. (CBA), which is nationally licensed/authorized to collect in all 50 states and is FDCPA compliant. CBA’s nationwide scope is a competitive advantage because it allows us to collect for national clients with customers across the United States. No matter where the customer moves, CBA can contact them in their state of residency to work with the customer regarding their account. Having a substantial national market penetration across the United States, CBA can allocate resources for collection efforts that apply to all markets because we have active, current, and ongoing collection efforts in every state. CBA is integrated with the IPS Enforcement Management System (EMS) allowing for easy retrieval of citation data. CBA provides a comprehensive solution while allowing flexible recovery strategies and approaches to collections to meet the City’s needs and goals. CBA provides customized letter and notice programs, reporting, payment options, and call center with staff trained in handling collection matters. INTEGRATIONS THIRD-PARTY INTEGRATION CAPABILITIES In today’s integrated computing environment, it is more important than ever to, not only have our own state-of-the-art technologies but also seamlessly integrate with other third-party systems. That is why the IPS team of software engineers has created a rapid development process. This allows IPS to deliver accurate integrations with popular third-party application programming interfaces (APIs) in record time. Using this technology foundation, we have created a solution that is quick, easy, and seamless, allowing for integration with an unlimited number of platforms. We pride ourselves on our cooperative nature and our ability to collaborate with any third-party application. 61 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS anual Setup_EMS Report.png] INSERT IMAGE + CAPTION FROM P.88 OF SAN DIEGO PROPOSAL CITATION ADJUDICATION 3-LEVEL APPEAL PROCESS, INCLUDING ADMIN REVIEW, ASSIGNED HEARING OFFICER AND COURT All levels of Citation Adjudication can be completed within the IPS Enforcement Management System (EMS). First-level Administration Reviews, Second-level Hearings, and Third-level Court Adjudications can be completed within the system. All actions associated with the adjudication trigger confirmation emails to the City. 1) First Level Adjudication: Admin Review „The Citee will log onto the Citation Portal (the payment site), enter their Citation number, and select the Contest Citation option. Once here, the Citee will be prompted to complete the provided form, provide their reasoning and evidence as to why they believe they were issued the citation in error, and upload supporting documentation. „City staff or assigned staff at the City will receive an email notification at which time staff would log into the EMS and navigate to EMS/Adjudication/ Admin Review. Here the contested citation will be reviewed. Based on evidence and reasoning, the citation can then be Upheld or Dismissed. In both decisions, the Citee will receive an email notification of the disposition. The EMS reflects all hearing request information in the citation record in the “Adjudication” tab, staff can also manually set up a hearing request as pictured here. 62 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS 2) Second Level Adjudication: Hearing „In the event the citation is Upheld, and permitted by the Agency, the Citee may proceed through a Second Level Adjudication and request a Hearing date. „A hearing officer is assigned to the case and will undertake the required legal process required by the City. If utilizing the EMS for this process the hearing officer may uphold, or dismiss the citation in EMS, which will notify the Citee of the result. 3) Third Level Adjudication: Court „If the Citee decides to further contest the citation, then a court date may be requested. This must be allowed by the City. „We have processing functionality within EMS for this, however, we often establish an integration to send all the citation data electronically to the court. If not feasible, a manual process may be undertaken. 63 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS ENFORCEMENT & PERMITTING VALUE-ADDSINSERT PAGES 161-162 FROM SAN DIEGO PROPOSAL City of Bozeman patrons can conveniently validate their parking with local vendors. Insert image > "Parking Validation Merchant-stock photo.jpg" PARKING VALIDATION PROGRAM IPS provides an optional Parking Validation Solution that is customizable to the rules designated by the City. From a website, local business merchants can validate parking for their patrons for a pre-approved amount of time. The City can control the merchant participation approval process, the number of validations allowed per merchant, and any other applicable rules for the program. A couple example use cases: „A dentist’s office is located in a mix-use parking area. The dentist’s staff could validate their patient’s plate for two hours during the appointment. „A retailer wants to offer a 2-hour parking validation for customers that purchase items of a certain value. This validation system creates additional consumer engagement for the merchants while allow- ing the merchants to pay the City for the time that they validate. All rule configuration, use data, and reports are available in the IPS back-office system. Space-based or plate-based validations also allow for efficient enforcement of time limits for parking enforcement. ENFORCEMENT & PERMITTING VALUE-ADDS 64 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS EQUITY PROGRAM The Equity Program provides the City with the ability to use the IPS Permit Management System to whitelist license plates based on the City’s business rules allowing for discounted or free parking for patrons based on their income, address, or profession. The benefits to the City and its patrons are: „ The City will be able to offer discounted parking to citizens that might meet a specific level of income „ The program will work seamlessly with the IPS Parking Meters and Pay Stations „ Online registration and permit ordering „ Easy online access to the Permit Public Portal raising parker satisfaction levels „ Unlimited permit types and rates Whether it's aggregating parking data, permit management, validation, or citation payment, IPS Enforcement Management is all about one thing: ease for you. 65 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS OTHER FULLY INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS FROM IPS Please refer to the Appendix of this response for product brochures of other fully integrated solutions, and value-add programs and services from IPS Group: „Single-Space Parking Meters „Multi-Space Pay Stations „PARK SMARTER™ Mobile Application „IPS/AMG Payment Processing – Merchant Fee Savings Program „My Parking Receipt™ (myparkingreceipt.com) personal parking expense management A key advantage of engaging IPS for all your Smart Parking needs is seamless integration across applications. INSERT PAGES 159-160 from San Diego proposal 66 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS ANALYTICS DASHBOARD THE IPS DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (DMS) WITH ADVANCED ANALYTICS Our DMS with Advanced Analytics is a secure, real-time web-based application that allows parking professionals to manage an entire parking network with ease. It provides a compre- hensive set of financial, technical, and administrative reporting features paired with remote meter configuration, allowing managers to seamlessly integrate parking meters with Vehicle Detection Sensors, pay-by-cell capability, Enforcement and Permitting, and other smart appli- cations. Built for the future of Big Data, the DMS with Advanced Analytics will better support your City’s business and enable strategic, data-driven decisions. The DMS will be able to host all revenue data pertaining to the Bozeman parking programs in one common back end system. PRIMARY FEATURES Filter by zone, area or sub area comparing: „Meter Revenue „Enforcement Revenue „Park Smarter Mobile Revenue „Permit Revenue 67 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS Easy to use. Seamlessly automated. The example above demonstrates the user-friendly interface and data visualization business intelligence capabilities available on the dashboard. The dashboard can be customized to Bozeman's needs and provide a high-level view of the entire parking program at a glance. 68 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS APPENDIX B: CLOUD SERVICES QUESTIONS 1) Service levels: What level of service should we expect? What is the City’s recourse for excessive downtime? Refund of percentage of monthly fee? The IPS Enforcement Management System (EMS) is an exceptionally reliable and fully redundant back-end management software solution that exceeds 99% uptime. If there is an instance where downtime to hardware and/or software maintenance is required, the City will be notified once it is scheduled. Typically, prescheduled maintenance is conduct- ed outside of normal business hours. Please note, response time may also vary based on internet connection and other external factors outside of our control. However, IPS can provide an uptime compensation guar- antee such that failure to meet 99% system uptime shall result in a reduction of monthly fees. This would need to be discussed further with the City. A copy of our standard Service Level Agreement (SLA) has been included in the Appen- dix of this response. 2) Data ownership: Who owns the data we provide and what can be done with the data? All data collected on behalf of the City of Bozeman is the property of the City. The City can log into the DMS/EMS and download the data that is needed. For particularly large outputs, IPS customer support can assist. Outside of the necessary data collection and storage for citation and permit processing and full lifecycle management purposes, the City’s data is leveraged for real-time and his- torical reporting and analytics. 3) Data security: How secure is our data and how is it being kept secure? a. If this is a multi-tenant environment on the same hardware how is our data kept sepa- rate and secure from other customers, including any PII (Personally Identifiable Infor- mation) that may be gathered? The following is a summary of the data security and encryption protocols we follow: „Data is segregated via Agency-specific GUID identification „256-bit encryption „System-wide PCI Compliance Level 1 „System logging and auditing 69 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS „DMZ network segregation „Backup and Recovery „Two-factor authentication ready „Credit card data de-identified by being irreversibly hashed. IPS Group stores the first 6 and last 4 digits of the account information. „Customer Account Information is hosted in a secure data base that applies Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP) with least privilege user access assigned. User access to data is role-based. Our full Data Privacy Policies and Procedures document can be found in the Appendix of this response. Also, our full Privacy Policy relating to PII can be found here: https://www. ipsgroupinc.com/privacy-policy/ b. If PII is gathered, is it encrypted in transit and at rest? Yes. c. If credit card transactions are occurring is your system fully PCI compliant? Yes. The IPS Public Citation Portal and Permit Public Portal (which accept credit card payments from the public) are Level 1 PCI-DSS v3.2 certified payment gateways. All IPS systems have this certification and process 120+ million payments safely and securely each year. The entire system is audited annually by an external PCI QSA (Qualified Secu- rity Assessor). We are currently assessed as being compliant with the latest Level 1 PCI- DSS version 3.2 requirements. In fact, IPS has been certified as being PCI compliant since 2009, which is shortly after the PCI-DSS program began. Our customers can therefore be assured that card holder data security is important to us, and security of this sensitive data has been built into our systems from the very start. IPS is also listed as an accredited payment service provider for Visa Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP) and the MasterCard Site Data Protection (SDP) programs. Please refer to the Appendix for our compliance certificates. 4) Data integrity: What do you do as a vendor to ensure our data maintains its integrity? IPS continually maintains and assures data integrity through error checking, validation and backup procedures at every point in the data lifecycle. An overview of our data hosting and backup procedures can be found below, which describes our overall effort to maintain data integrity for the City of Bozeman. IPS provides all hosting services using IPS-owned equipment at a world-class third-party location in San Diego, CA. The third-party location is Standards for Attestation Engage- ments (SSAE) No. 16 certified, which is an internationally recognized in-depth auditing standard that reviews control objectives and control activities for service providers, and is an enhancement to the former SAS 70 standard. The secure facility has multiple secu- rity access checkpoints. It is environmentally controlled for temperature and humidity, is earthquake-proof rated, has connectivity redundancies, and contains on-site power 70 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS generation capabilities. The City will access all required information via the internet and will not be required to install, update, or maintain any hardware or software other than an internet browser. EMS TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE INSERT DMS_EMS Technical Architecture.png Hardware Requirements: The EMS is secured in a private cloud environment; no installa- tion is required. The EMS can be accessed via any web-enabled device. Operating System Software Requirements: An internet browser is the only tool required to access the system. Windows and Apple iOS are typical. Browser Requirements: Any current internet browser will be sufficient to access the EMS. MS Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, iOS-supported browsers are all compatible, including mobile phone browsers. The majority of updates are completed remotely with- out any user intervention or system downtime. If there is an instance where downtime to hardware and/or software maintenance is required, the Agency will be notified once it is scheduled. DATABASE BACKUPS „Every 15 minutes: Database transaction backup „Daily: Entire database backup 71 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS „Daily handheld (MES) database backups to IPS servers „Monthly: On-site database backup „Weekly: Off-site database backup BACK UP & DISASTER RECOVERY PROCESS: „Assessment of nature and scope of disaster „Identification of backups and hot-swap environments „Customer notification up formation of official plan of action „Restoration or switch over to alternate system „Internal testing „Customer notification of completion of restoration or switchover „Internal testing follow up „Assessment and repair of affected system „Plan for re-engagement of main system once repair is finished and tested „Customer notification „Switchover (if applicable) „Incident report creation and submission 5) We require data centers to be located in the United States: What country will our data be located in? IPS provides all hosting services using IPS-owned equipment at a world-class third-party location in San Diego, CA. IPS has a separate DR facility in the Southwestern USA. The third-party location is Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) No. 16 certified, which is an internationally recognized in-depth auditing standard that reviews control objectives and control activities for service providers and is an enhancement to the for- mer SAS 70 standard. The secure facility has multiple security access checkpoints. It is environmentally controlled for temperature and humidity, is earthquake-proof rated, has connectivity redundancies, and contains on-site power generation capabilities. 6) Responding to legal demands to disclose data: What is your process when someone sub- poenas or requests our data from you as a vendor? Given that the Agency is the owner of the data in question, IPS would consult with the Agency directly regarding such requests and move forward with an agreed-upon course of action. 7) Reporting: What is your protocol for data breaches? While IPS has never had a breach of any kind, IPS does provide Cyber Security insurance which provides for Data Breach Response & Crisis Management, including breach noti- fications, investigation, and incident response and other costs associated in the unlikely event of a breach. A complete copy of such policy can be provided upon request. 72 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS 8) Disaster recovery: What protections/ protocols do you have in place to mitigate disasters? Internal corporate policies, namely PCI-DSS, require that IPS Group, Inc. develop Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery Programs. These programs must be continu- ally reviewed and updated. While developing and maintaining these plans, the Disaster Recovery Planning Team must consider the organizational, managerial, and technical environments in which the disaster recovery plans will be implemented, assess the types and likely parameters of disasters most likely to occur and their resultant impacts on the Company’s ability to perform its critical business processes, and compile a list of protec- tive measures to be implemented in anticipation of natural or man-made business inter- ruptions. IPS Group’s Disaster and Recovery Plan is a confidential document but can be viewed upon request. 9) Business continuity: If you decide to bring your business to an end what happens to our data?’ Our full Business Continuity Plan is not available for public disclosure, but is available upon request. 10) Termination rights and consequences: What is your termination policy both for you as a vendor and us as a customer? Upon termination or, expiration of any contractual agreement, IPS will retain the City’s data for a minimum of ninety (90) days and will transfer City data in its possession to the City at no cost by using a method that protects the confidentiality of the information being exchanged and as agreed upon by the City. 11) Exit: If we exit our relationship what format can we get our data in and what assistance will you give us in transferring our data to us in a usable format? IPS will work with the City to use a method that protects the confidentiality of the infor- mation being exchanged and as agreed upon by the City. Data records could be provided in ASCII comma, separated value (CSV) format, with binary images in TIFF, JPG, or PDF format. SECTION 5 RELATED EXPERIENCE WITH PROJECTS SIMILAR TO SCOPE OF SERVICES 74 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS SECTION 5: RELATED EXPERIENCE For nearly two decades, we at IPS have built a reputation as a parking industry leader due to our Fully Integrated Smart Parking Suite. This includes our Parking Enforcement and Permit Management solutions built to promote efficient compliance. Our solutions are backed by a professional support team that provides fast, efficient service. We know our customers’ ulti- mate goal for parking enforcement is to optimize parking management and promote public safety, and we aim to help them achieve this by establishing a lasting relationship built on a foundation of trust, outstanding quality, and integrity. Since its release, the Enforcement and Permit Management Solution has proven itself revo- lutionary to parking management and public safety solutions. We have been expanding the reach of our enforcement and permitting solutions to customers in the Mountain States and Great Plains region and invite you to contact our regional references who can attest to our high level of customer support, technical innovation, and product dependability. Our experience is detailed throughout the proposal through our company history in Section 2, our team’s experience in Section 6, and our references in Section 8. YAKIMA, WA Enforcement and Permitting POCATELLO, ID Enforcement and Permitting IDAHO FALLS, ID Enforcement and Code Enforcement RAPID CITY, SD Full IPS Suite: Meters, Enforce- ment, Mobile Payment IPS ENFORCEMENT CUSTOMERS IN THE MOUNTAIN STATES AND GREAT PLAINS REGION BOZEMAN, MT Enforcement and Permitting 75 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS JUSTIN CLAY PARKING MANAGER, FAYETTEVILLE, AR IPS ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT SOLUTION Consolidated Platforms and Real-Time Data Access Saves Time and Creates Efficiencies “Before we partnered with IPS, we used separate software platforms for citations, online payments, and adjudication, which operated with very little—if any— integration. We recognized the need to upgrade our technology and consolidate our platforms into one solution that could give us real-time access to infor- mation as it was happening, as opposed to waiting for a period of up to a few days at a time.” HERE IS WHAT SOME OF OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING: KEITH MACEDO IT DIRECTOR, FAYETTEVILLE, AR IPS ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT SOLUTION “IPS Group worked with us to integrate IPS handheld software with our existing software. The EMS auto- matically looks to where you’re at on the map, and in real time hits our database and lets us know what parking lot you’re in, and what are the closest parking spots to this location that you’re at. Having access to that data and being able to institute more customer- friendly approaches to our enforcement is a real benefit.” 76 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS LARRY LIGHTFOOT PARKING ENFORCEMENT MANAGER LAKE WORTH FL IPS FULLY INTEGRATED PARKING MANAGEMENT SUITE INCLUDING ENFORCEMENT Maximized Resource Efficiency and Increased Revenue “Integrating the new IPS Enforcement Solution with our Smart Meters and our current Pay-by-Cell system has helped our personnel and our citizens tremendously. Our officers enjoy the convenience of on-demand visual reporting through the mobile enforcement device, while our citizens can easily find and pay for parking online. As a result, we have maximized our limited resources while increasing revenue by 3x.” MICHAEL MANZELLA DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION ASBURY PARK, NJ IPS FULLY INTEGRATED PARKING MANAGEMENT SUITE INCLUDING ENFORCEMENT Created Seamless Operations Among Integrated Solutions “We use a license plate recognition program to enforce all of our parking permits which is integrated with our parking pay stations and the meter transactions that come from those stations makes enforcement of our parking system comprehensive, cohesive, and easy.” SECTION 6 PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION 78 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS SECTION 6: PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE IPS will work closely with the City of Bozeman to ensure a seamless implementation of the Enforcement and Permit Management System. Dave Rotenberg, Director of Enforcement Solutions, will be responsible for managing the project for the City through all stages of the implementation and throughout the life of the project. Dave will oversee the integrity of the service and performance. All Key Personnel are fully proficient in our services and system with over 30 years of total combined years of enforcement management and permit management and processing expe- rience. The team’s credentials are described later in this section. All steps will be documented to ensure that each step is completed in a timely and accu- rate manner. The below standard operating procedure (SOP) is based on the best estimates of the time required to implement the IPS Enforcement Management System. Generally, an implementation is achievable within 90 days or less. However, IPS strives to beat these time- lines; in many cases, we can accomplish a go-live in 45 days or less. 79 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS 1-2 DAYS  Onsite Installation and Training TRAINING AND INSTALLATION 4-6 WEEKS  Hardware Order and Shipment  Citation Paper Proof  Citation Paper Order EQUIPMENT *Conversion Data is a set of existing (open, closed, and archived) data that the City of Bozeman owns. This data can be quite extensive and therefor IPS has a strict protocol that we follow to ensure a seamless conversion process. This unique protocol gives IPS the ability to guarantee absolutely no downtime through our entire implementation process. 1-2 WEEKS 6-8 WEEKS  Location Data  Violation Data  User / Officer Data  Other Business Rules  Export Build and Testing (if applicable) DATA ACQUISITION OTHER PROCESSES  *Conversion of Existing Data DATA CONVERSION IPS will work with the City to determine a project launch time that's realistic and achievable based on factors such as the pandemic, or any other reason. The below standard operating procedure (SOP) is based on the best estimates of the time required to implement the IPS Enforcement Management System and serves only a sample to demonstrate the activities that occur within each phase/milestone. INSERT PAGES 71 – 76 FROM PINELLAS PROPOSAL 80 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS PROJECT TIMELINE MILESTONE / DELIVERABLE WEEK No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Phase I: Equipment 1. Internal Project Kickoff             2. Citation Paper Proof     3. Citation Paper Order           Phase II: Data Acquisition 4. Location Data   5. Violation Data               6. User/Officer Data   7. Other Business Rules     Phase III: Data Conversion 8. Conversion of Existing Data               Phase IV: Ongoing Project Management 9. Onsite Installation and Training   Phase V: Other Processes 10. Export Build / Testing (if applicable)    81 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS LIST OF REQUIRED TASKS IN COOPERATION WITH IPS, WE ASK THAT THE CITY RESOURCES HELP WITH THE FOLLOWING TASKS BEFORE/DURING IMPLEMENTATION: 8 Optional: Supply Location List, Citation Comment List, Citation Private Comment Lists 5 Work with IPS to create Custom Citation Paper, and Notices 3 Fill in documents to retrieve Vehicle Registered Owner Data from the DMV and/or NLETS 2 Supply User Lists 1 Fill out the Setup Document 4 Provide a list of Surcharges 7 Supply a Violation Schedule 9 If applicable, IPS Will need someone to provide the Historical Citation Data to import into the City's system 6 Help IPS setup the City Merchant Accounts IMPLEMENTATION 82 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN GUIDELINES & BEST PRACTICES HARDWARE CONVERSION DATA PERMITS As soon the green light is given, IPS will place an order for the agreed-upon number of Mobile Enforcement Devices and asso- ciated accessories. A recommended best practice is to order one or two extra devices so they are on-hand at all times. This prac- tice prevents any unwanted downtime during the swap or war- ranty process. The process of finalizing a proof for your citations can be a lengthy one. Everything from the artwork, colors, and verbiage needs to be decided. Generally, agencies go with one, or two color schemes. It is a best practice to provide your existing cita- tion information with any changes at the start of the implemen- tation process. Conversion Data is a set of existing (open, closed, and archived) data that the agency and/or the agencies’ existing vendor owns. This data can be quite extensive and therefore IPS has a strict protocol that we follow to ensure a smooth conversion process. Following this strict protocol IPS can guarantee no downtime at-all throughout the entire implementation process. Gathering information for your permit program can be extensive and time-consuming. IPS will build a custom permit program from the ground up around your unique requirements. Our process usu- ally begins with an “out-of-the-box” module that can be updated and upgraded piece by piece until every requirement is fulfilled. It is a best practice for IPS to provide an extensive woolgathering pro- cess. Also, having the ability to trial our products gives your agency the ability to spend time upgrading and perfecting our processes without any obligations to Bozeman. CITATION PAPER PROOF BEST PRACTICESINSERT IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES AND BEST PRACTICES PAGE FROM P. 46 OF ANCHORAGE PROPOSAL – PLEASE EXPORT TEXT AS THERE IS MENTION TO EASYPARK IN THERE. 83 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS DATA MIGRATION IPS will work with your existing data to analyze and convert it as required. Neither the City nor the previous vendor are charged by IPS for data conversion. We can assist the former incumbent to obtain and transfer data in a streamlined process. IPS understands how critical this data conversion is to the success of your project and it is our promise to provide you dedicated care and communication throughout the entire con- version process. IPS has several full-time individuals dedicated to helping you throughout the conversion process. We utilize a unique process of expediting the conversion data by working test data prior to the live exchange. All these processes are accomplished and continuously supported to maintain the integrity of your data; all while minimizing operational and customer service disruptions. Below is a detailed list of tasks needed by the City prior to implementation: „Fill out setup document. „Supply user lists. „Fill in documents to retrieve vehicle registered owner data from the DMV and/or NLETS. „Provide a list of surcharges. „Work with IPS to create custom citation paper, and notices. „Help IPS setup the City’s merchant accounts. „Supply a Violation Schedule. „Optional: Supply location list, citation comment list, citation private comment lists. „If applicable, IPS will need someone to provide the Historical Citation Data to import into the City’s system. We recommend converting all citation issued within the last five years. This will ensure that you will be able to generate statistics and reports against a complete data set. IPS is happy to accommodate a smaller conversion should that be the desired direction. DATA MIGRATIONINSERT PAGES 69-70 OF ORLANDO PROPOSAL 84 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS A detailed conversion timeline is included below with sample start and end dates which help provide a clear picture of the steps we will take during your conversion process. DATA MIGRATION TIMELINE (ESTIMATED) CONVERSION TASK SUBTASK DURATION SAMPLE START DATE SAMPLE END DATE Conversion Data Analysis 14 8/1/2021 8/15/2021 Data file(s) request 1 8/1/2021 8/2/2021 Data file(s) receipt 5 8/2/2021 8/7/2021 Data file(s) initial analysis 1 8/7/2021 8/8/2021 Data file(s) Q&A with existing vendor 1 8/8/2021 8/9/2021 Answer(s) received from existing vendor 1 8/9/2021 8/10/2021 Import into test database 1 8/10/2021 8/11/2021 Follow up Q&A with existing vendor 1 8/11/2021 8/12/2021 Conversion algorithm modification 1 8/12/2021 8/13/2021 Reload conversation data into test DB 1 8/13/2021 8/14/2021 Analysis of loaded data 1 8/14/2020 8/15/2021 Live Data Conversion 18 8/01/2021 8/19/2021 Receipt of live data 1 8/1/2021 8/2/2021 Data analysis 1 8/2/2021 8/3/2021 Follow up Q&A with existing vendor 1 8/3/2021 8/4/2021 Answer(s) received from existing vendor 1 8/4/2021 8/5/2021 Import into live database 1 8/5/2021 8/6/2021 Year 1 data loaded 5 8/6/2021 8/11/2021 Year 2 data loaded 1 8/11/2021 8/12/2021 Year 3 data loaded 1 8/12/2021 8/13/2021 Year 4 data loaded 1 8/13/2021 8/14/2021 Year 5 data loaded 5 8/14/2021 8/19/2021 Final Review 8 8/19/2021 6/27/2021 Final analysis 2 8/19/2021 8/21/2021 Client analysis 2 8/21/2021 8/23/2021 Vendor sign off 2 8/23/2021 8/25/2021 Client sign off 2 8/25/2021 8/27/2021 85 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS PROJECT TRACKING For service provided to the City, IPS uses a couple of solutions collectively to manage service requests and track projects. IPS uses ZOHO’s Customer Service Management System to track and manage all help tickets. This includes tracking all service requests, which documents initial requests, all follow-up notes and correspondence as well as resolution reporting, and auto-escalation if needed. In addition, IPS uses Asana for some project management tasks and can hold regular project management meetings with the City to review all projects, prioritize them, and track prog- ress. A sample screenshot of our Asana project management tracking can be found, below. Both tools are used by engineering and customer support and are shared across teams, so everyone has access to accurate information for streamlined resolution. IPS follows an iterative approach to managing the lifecycle of service and feature requests. Asana’s Kanban board enables an organized method of tracking and prioritizing requests, managing progress, and identifying blockers to ensure a smooth process. INSERT PAGE 61 from Anchorage Proposal 86 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS For nearly two decades, we at IPS have built a reputation as a parking industry leader due to our Fully Integrated Parking Management Suite. This includes our Parking Enforcement and Permit Management solutions built to promote efficient compliance. Our solutions are backed by a professional support team that provides fast, efficient service. We know our customers’ ultimate goal for parking enforcement is to optimize parking management and promote public safety, and we aim to help them achieve this by establishing a lasting rela- tionship built on a foundation of trust, outstanding quality and integrity. The diverse IPS team possesses more than 200 combined years of experience in specialties ranging from management, R&D, sales and marketing, to engineering and customer support. Our high-performing project management team will apply best practices to ensure that the entire solution is implemented within budget, on schedule, and within scope. We strive to provide you with the tools to make you successful. IPS clearly understands the importance of ongoing support and we encourage the City to speak with our references in this regard. We also understand that ongoing support is a criti- cal element of any successful project and the basis of a long-term partnership. IPS is uniquely positioned to provide support services that will translate into the most responsive and com- prehensive service offering available to the City. You will be provided a designated Customer Support Manager who will understand all the intricacies of your project. Designed with your goals in mind, our continuous investment in future-proof technology ensures your needs are met — whether it’s today, tomorrow, or 10 years down the road. For any challenge, we have a solution. We promise total satisfaction. On the following pages you will find profiles of the proposed team members. YOUR DEDICATED TEAM INSERT PAGES 77-78 FROM PINELLAS PROPOSAL 87 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS DAVID W. KING IPS President & CEO ROLE: Authorized to Bind and Negotiate David King is the found- er and Chief Executive Officer of IPS Group, Inc. A leader in telecommuni- cations for over 20 years and the senior brainchild behind the solar pow- ered single-space parking meter, King’s responsibili- ties include leadership and oversight of all the Compa- ny’s initiatives and opera- tions. As a business leader, King has had a far reach across the globe. In South Africa, King was an execu- tive for Barlow Rand Lim- ited, the largest industrial company in the country. King also served as Pres- ident of Telkor Pty, a large high-tech telecommunica- tions and military electron- ics company employing over 1,000 employees, half of which were highly skilled engineers. CHAD P. RANDALL IPS Chief Operating Officer ROLE: Authorized to Bind and Negotiate As COO, Chad Randall is responsible for the broad oversight of IPS Group’s ongoing operations and maintains direct super- vision of the Company’s business development unit. Randall joined the Compa- ny in 2008 at his current position, bringing many years of Fortune 500 cor- porate experience in both the automotive and instru- mentation industries. In addition to business man- agement, Randall has func- tional experience in engi- neering, manufacturing, marketing and product line management. Randall holds a Bachelor of Sci- ence in Mechanical Engi- neering from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and a Master’s in Business Administration from Har- vard Business School. ALEXANDER M. SCHWARZ IPS Chief Technical Officer ROLE: All Meter and Back Office Technical Integration THE DIVERSE IPS TEAM POSSESSES MORE THAN 200 COMBINED YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN SPECIALTIES RANGING FROM MANAGEMENT, R&D, SALES AND MARKETING, TO ENGINEERING AND CUSTOMER SUPPORT. Alex Schwarz serves as the Chief Technical Offi- cer of IPS Group, Inc. As CTO, Schwarz has played a major role in the develop- ment of IPS’ flagship prod- uct, the solar powered sin- gle-space parking meter, and is responsible for the oversight of IPS Group’s research and development efforts. Schwarz joined IPS Group in 1998 as a special- ist in information technol- ogy and cellular telecom- munications. Schwarz has comprehensive knowledge of the design and manufac- turing of electronic periph- erals, electronic parking meters, and cellular inter- face technology (CDMA and GSM). 88 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS IPS CUSTOMER SUCCESS TEAM PATRICK SMITH Regional Director of Sales - West ROLE: Primary Point of Contact - Sales & Account Manager Patrick assumes an at large project management role on multiple initiatives throughout the company. In charge of executing new systems and procedures both internally and externally, his role includes overseeing new customer imple- mentations. Prior to IPS, Patrick served as a senior associate for a consulting firm focused on working with cities and outlining City’s parking technology roadmaps. Patrick played a lead role in the firm’s growth to one of the leading competitors in the parking and transportation consulting arena. MIKE CHIODO VP of Sales - West ROLE: Leads West Sales Organization Mike has been with IPS Group for six years and has a proven track record of success. Based in California, he oversees the Western region and is well versed in agency policies. He has worked with over 100 cities implementing new park- ing programs as well as modernizing current parking programs. His strengths are working with cities, private operators, alongside vendor partners modern- izing current programs and ensuring the best solutions, are utilized to optimize their parking programs. Prior to IPS Mike worked in the electrical distribution/importing industry as a national accounts manager for several years as well as a project manager at a manufacturing facility. This background has contributed to Mike’s success working at IPS Group the leading manufacturing of technology solutions for the parking industry. AMIR SEDADI IPS Chief Innovation Officer ROLE: Executive Sponsor Amir Sedadi serves as the Chief Innovation Officer of IPS Group, Inc. As CIO, Sedadi is tasked with driving, developing and managing innovative and intelli- gent parking solutions with a strategic focus on Smart Cities both in the US and internationally. After retiring from the City of Los Angeles Department of Trans- portation (LADOT) in 2012, Amir joined IPS Group, bringing over 25 years of transportation management, engineering, policy and legislative experience with expertise in the areas of intelligent parking management operations & policies, transportation planning, budget, and administration. INSERT PAGES 69-70 FROM ANCHORAGE PROPOSAL 89 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS ELISA LEANOS Customer Support Manager ROLE: Manage Support Operations Elisa Leanos serves as the Operations Coordinator of Enforcement. As Oper- ations Coordinator she is responsible for every aspect of our parking citation and processing service operation for existing clients as well as managing the daily service functions. Elisa joined the parking industry in 2005 bringing with her 13 years of parking enforcement experience in the private sector. Her duties include project management, client setup and implementation, and system research and development. DAVID L. ROTENBERG Director of Enforcement Solutions ROLE: Primary Point of Contact & Relationship Manager Dave Rotenberg serves as Director of Enforcement Solutions of IPS Group, Inc.  As Director, Dave is responsible for the oversight and management of the Enforcement Solutions division and maintains direct supervision over the technical and operations units.  Dave joined IPS in 2016 at his current position, bringing with him 20 years of parking enforcement management experience in both the public and private sectors.  Prior to taking on his role as Director of Enforcement Solutions, Dave was the COO and part owner of a premier parking and code enforcement data management corporation where he was respon- sible for the day-to-day today operations of the company; managing the MIS, Client Relations and Operations departments. RYAN JAUREGUI IPS Senior Software Engineer ROLE: IT Lead Development Ryan is a Senior Software Engineer with extensive experience managing teams of internal and remote developers. His responsibilities include developing web, mobile and desktop solutions as well as designing and supporting both on-premises and cloud IT infrastructure. ALEX DOMINGUEZ IPS Systems Support Specialist ROLE: Client Support Alex earned a bachelor’s degree from Westwood City and came to IPS with more than 10 years of experience in the parking industry. He began his career with an enforcement company and worked his way up from data entry to Tech- nical Support Specialist. Alex now works as the Systems Support Specialist with enforcement hardware and software, and coordinates testing and delivery of innovative software. He facilitates on-site or remote training of new and existing clients, handles day-to-day requests, and handles technical support of all kinds. SECTION 7 RECENT AND CURRENT WORK FOR THE CITY OF BOZEMAN 91 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS SECTION 7: RECENT & CURRENT WORK FOR CITY OF BOZEMAN IPS Group, Inc. has not performed any work for the City of Bozeman. However, as described in Section 5 | Related Experience and demonstrated in Section 8 | References, IPS has been expanding its customer base in the Mountain States and Great Plains regions, including Idaho Falls, ID; Pocatello, ID; Yakima, WA; Rapid City, SD; and University of Minnesota, Duluth. SECTION 8 REFERENCES 93 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS SECTION 8: REFERENCES INSERT (FROM WORKING FILES _REFERENCES FOLDER)- Rapid City- University of MN Duluth- Idaho Falls 02 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA DULUTH Contact: Lisa Norr, Associate Director of Student Life Operations Address: 245 Kirby Plaza, Minneapolis, MN Email: lisanorr@d.umn.edu Tel: 218.726.6601 Project Dates: 2017 – Present Description of Services: Mobile Enforcement Devices, Enforcement Management System, Permitting, License Plate Recognition 03 IDAHO FALLS DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT Primary Contact: Catherine Smith, Executive Director Address: 381 Shoup Avenue Suite, 207; Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402 Email: csmith@downtownidahofalls.com Tel: 208.535.0399 Project Dates: 2019 – Present Project Description: IPS Multi-Space Pay Stations, Enforcement and PARK SMARTER™ Mobile Payment Application 01 CITY OF RAPID CITY, SD Primary Contact: Cathy Bock, Special Operations Lieutenant Address: 300 6th Street, Rapid City, SD 57701 Email: cathy.bock@rcgov.org Tel: 605.394.4133 Project Dates: 2019 – Present Project Description: 620 M5™ Single-Space Meters, 620 Dome Sensors, 3 MS1™ Multi-Space Pay Stations, PARK SMARTER™ Mobile Payment Application, IPS Enforcement and Permit Management SECTION 9 TRAINING AND CUSTOMER SERVICE PLAN 95 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS SECTION 9: TRAINING AND CUSTOMER SERVICE PLAN GAIN BEST PRACTICES, PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERTISE THROUGH A COMPREHENSIVE, TAILORED IPS TRAINING PROGRAM A COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING OFFERED BY IPS: IPS will provide a comprehensive training program that delivers as much training (both on-site and web based) as needed by your staff, including the option for additional and customized sessions before, during, and after deployment. IPS will comply with all state and local health and safety guidelines in place at the time for any in-person training required. 2 ONGOING/ON-DEMAND TRAINING: 3 SELF-SERVICE LEARNING RESOURCES: ONBOARDING INITIAL TRAINING:1 Delivers one to two days of interactive on-site training during final phase of imple- mentation. Trains current staff using the “train-the- trainer” method. On-site* and remote train- ing for new hires and cur- rent staff refresher training. Tailored to address specific skill gaps or introduce new features. Available 24/7 to authorized users in the EMS. IPS trainers can provide walkthroughs and introductions of avail- able resources. INSERT PAGES 44-47 OF IDAHO FALLS PROPOSAL 96 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS IPS tailors the training program delivery to meet the specific needs of your staff. This means that IPS will provide multiple trainers if necessary, and provide additional focus on areas that are identified as a skill gap. Most IPS training sessions are a combination of onsite classroom training and hands-on use of meters and management systems. Manuals are provided for reference material in hard copy and digital versions. As new features are deployed, or new staff members join the team, additional training sessions can be estab- lished at mutually agreeable times to provide updates and refresher training. of Training July 1, 2020 COMPLETION OF IPS GROUP, INC. ENFORCEMENT TRAINING This certifies that Jane Smith has successfully passed the following courses: Enforcement, Mobile Enforcement System, Enforcement Management System, and Permit Management. PRESENTED BY IPS GROUP, INC. TO: Jane Smith IPS COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING DELIVERS: „Practical, interactive hands-on training „Teaches best practices for optimal performance „Attentive, skilled trainers with years of parking enforcement, service, and training experience „Train-the-Trainer approach, with ongoing training options from IPS to address specific skill gaps „On-site, remote, and on-demand options „Self-service learning resources available 24/7 in DMS/EMS The tables on the following pages include a description of our standard training curriculum. A complete training schedule with agenda and training milestones will be constructed and approved by the City if awarded. 97 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS TRAINING SUBJECT: ENFORCEMENT  ELEMENT DESCRIPTION  Subject Matter Demonstrate how IPS meters are operated by a user as well as how to perform visual enforcement. Training will demon- strate meter flexibility and configuration options that can be used to make enforcement as easy as possible.  Primary Audience Enforcement Staff / Supervisors, Adjudication Staff  Training Hours per Stu- dent  1-2 hours per session  Students Eligible to Train 8-10 per session, no limit to number of total students  Proposed Schedule Post-installation   Location of Training Enforcement staff offices or location TBD  Training Provided By Local Field Service Technician  TRAINING SUBJECT: HANDHELD HARDWARE/MOBILE ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM (MES) ELEMENT DESCRIPTION Subject Matter To introduce enforcement officers to handheld hardware and software use. Training includes basic handheld use and operating features related to issuing a citation, taking photos of vehicles in violation, use of the chalking feature, and use of Meter Guided Enforcement. First line trouble- shooting, and basic repair are also included. Session also includes FAQs and Q&A sessions. Primary Audience Officer staff responsible for issuing citations Training Hours/Student 1-2 hours per session Students Eligible to Train No limit to number of total students Proposed Schedule Prior to and during installation Location of Training City determined location TBD Training Provided By IPS Group System Support Specialist/Local Field Service Technician 98 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS TRAINING SUBJECT: ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EMS) ELEMENT DESCRIPTION Subject Matter To introduce City staff to the Enforcement Management System (EMS) used to track the entire lifecycle of parking citations. Training includes review of citation data, adju- dication, payment, DMV communications, and reporting Training includes overview of the various system functions related to citation changes and updated. Session also includes FAQs and Q&A session. Primary Audience Office staff having interaction with public inquiries and any City employee needing access to citation information. Training Hours/Student 1-2 hours per session Students Eligible to Train No limit to number of total students Proposed Schedule Prior to and during installation Location of Training City determined location TBD Training Provided By IPS Group System Support Specialist/Local Field Service Technician TRAINING SUBJECT: PERMIT MANAGEMENT  ELEMENT DESCRIPTION  Subject Matter To introduce the staff to the use of the permit manage- ment system. Training includes how to register and pur- chase a permit on public portal, back-office approvals, and other options, and permit reports. Primary Audience Staff responsible for managing permits Training Hours per Student 1-2 hours per session  Students Eligible to Train No limit to number of total students  Proposed Schedule Prior to and during installation Location of Training Webinar  Training Provided By IPS Group Support Specialist 99 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS UNIVERSITY OF MN, DULUTH IPS FULLY INTEGRATED ENFORCEMENT & SMART PARKING METER CUSTOMER “Customer service was very important to me when I was looking at new technologies. There was a realization that with IPS you’re not just buying equipment; IPS recognizes the value of service after the sale, and I look forward to continuing our partnership in the future. PATRICK KEENAN DIRECTOR OF STUDENT LIFE OPERATIONS In the following pages we provide information on our customer success methodology and processes, day-to-day technical support, and our project and feature request tracking process.“CUSTOMER SUCCESS INSERT PAGE 59 – 64 OF PINELLAS PROPOSAL 100 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS IPS METHODOLOGY & APPROACH WE PROMOTE GREATER LONG-TERM VALUE — IF OUR CUSTOMERS ARE NOT SUCCESSFUL, WE’RE NOT SUCCESSFUL At IPS Group, we go beyond selling Smart Parking solutions. We strive to maximize the potential of our customers’ parking programs and advocate for their long-term success. Our customer-focused philosophy helps us to understand that no two implementations are identical. Business goals are reached through exceptional, proactive service. You will receive guidance from IPS before, during and after implementation on how to make the IPS Enforce- ment and Permitting solution work for you. We ensure you will realize increasing ROI through best practices that drive value from the start. During the kick-off phase of implementation, your dedicated customer success team will take a consultative approach to partner with you and strategically plan your enforcement program including onboarding / training and public outreach. The plan, carefully tailored to the City, will be based off a combination of experience from other implementations of similar size, scope, and goals; industry best practices; and any new business goals or needs. After implementation, you have the option to engage our expertise for consultative, pro- active check-ins throughout the life of the contract. This will be established during imple- mentation kick-off, and can be changed at any time. As part of the service provided by our Customer Success Organization, we schedule periodic business reviews that will incorporate analytics captured by the IPS Data Management System and Enforcement Management Sys- tem to gauge your program’s health and the overall performance. Based on this data, we can suggest any appropriate adjustments to guide the future direction of the program. Data captured in the DMS and EMS is a key driver for future strategic decisions. 101 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONSTECH SUPPORTPROJECT M G M T S A L E S MARKETING EN GIN E E R I NGCI TY TEAMIPS CUSTOMER ABOUT IPS CUSTOMER SUCCESS ORGANIZATION Maximize your potential. Define your success. Deliver in big ways. IPS Customer Success — Here to Help You: The IPS Customer Success Organization operates cross-functionally with several IPS teams before, during and after deployment to deliver the best possible outcomes for The City of Bozeman: „Sales „Customer/Technical Support „Project Management „Marketing „Engineering „and others… In the previous section, we describe our process through the life of the contract, including prospective implementation timeline, tasks and milestones; our enforcement certification program and on-demand learning resources. All these functions are driven by customer success, and are subject to being fine-tuned at the start of the project based on the specific needs of the City. 102 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS 1 Onsite installation and training. The City + IPS define “success” based on City’s short and long-term goals, map implementation and performance milestones to an agreed-upon timeline. IPS provides consultation on a strategic plan for your long-term success in revenue gains, staff independence and comfort with technology, and maintaining public acceptance of paid parking program. The City is introduced to its dedicated team and their respective roles. IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM PLANNING YOUR JOURNEY WITH IPS CUSTOMER SUCCESS IMPLEMENTATION ONBOARDING & EDUCATION2 ONGOING CUSTOMER SUCCESS3 Project team delivers tailored, in-depth training based off proven curriculum. Training is provided as needed for new staff post deployment. Train-the-trainer approach is used to teach staff to teach colleagues; however, IPS offers the option for our trainers to teach your new staff members as they come on board. Staff introduced to all the self-help resources available in the DMS, including how-to videos, instruction manuals, and more. Customer Success and Marketing teams work with City to launch any public awareness campaigns. Post installation, City + IPS Customer Success meets via conference call to discuss the installation and ensure all project criteria has been met. City + IPS Customer Success establish periodic business reviews to gauge program health and performance. Customer Success consults on appropriate adjustments to guide the future direction and momentum towards goal achievement. Customer Success maintains open communication across sales, support, marketing and engineering to ensure quick issue resolution and continual progress. 103 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS DAY-TO-DAY TECHNICAL SUPPORT AT IPS, YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR PRIORITY. TECHNICAL/CUSTOMER SUPPORT For nearly two decades, IPS has built a reputation as an industry leader due to its Fully Integrated Parking Management Suite, which is backed by a professional support team that provides fast, efficient service. We know our customers’ ultimate goal is to have an optimized Smart Parking program, and we aim to help them achieve this by establishing a lasting rela- tionship built on a foundation of trust, outstanding quality and integrity. No other supplier in the industry knows parking like we do. Our service team of professional, dependable and courteous experts are committed to the ongoing support of your parking operations, whenever you need it, for any reason, to ensure you achieve the best results pos- sible and that we deliver what we promise. IPS clearly understands the importance of ongoing support and we encourage the City to speak with our references in this regard. We also understand that ongoing support is a criti- cal element of any successful project and the basis of a long-term partnership. IPS is uniquely positioned to provide support services that will translate into the most responsive and com- prehensive service offering available to the City. Your designated Customer Success Team includes a Customer Support Manager who understands all the intricacies of your project. We promise to listen and for any challenge to find a solution. DEDICATED SUPPORT THE WAY YOU WANT Whether you prefer to receive support by phone, email, or self-service on the web, IPS is the only vendor that offers every option. With IPS we customize your support to best fit your team’s needs. 104 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS IPS clearly understands the importance of ongoing project support. We also understand that ongoing support is a critical element of any successful project and the basis of a long-term partnership. Our commitment is to be exceptionally responsive while providing our compre- hensive service offerings. THE FOLLOWING SERVICE OFFERINGS ARE INCLUDED THROUGHOUT THE LIFE OF THE CONTRACT WITH IPS: CUSTOMER SUPPORT 24/7 TELEPHONE HELP DESK & ONGOING SUPPORT Knowledgeable, friendly service is just a phone call away. IPS offers customer service resources with in-depth system knowledge around the clock to ensure you get what you need, fast. Our team of experts is available via a telephone-based help desk during normal business hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. We also offer after-hours/emergency technical support to maintain constant coverage. Upon entering a contract, IPS will provide contact infor- mation for all IPS senior staff. IPS customer service can be reached toll-free at (877) 630-6638, or at customersupport@ipsgroupinc.com for non-emergencies. LIVE CHAT CAPABILITIES Self-help support resources are right at your fingertips. Our products have been developed so that an easy immediate fix may be available without the help of additional IPS personnel support. The IPS Parking Enforcement Management System features Live Chat to help get the job done. Online help tools include product manuals, FAQs, “how-to” training videos, and more. These tools can be conveniently accessed 24/7 online for authorized users. TROUBLESHOOTING / TECHNICAL SUPPORT Designated technical resources are ready to help you. As both the designer and manufacturer of its smart parking technology, IPS is pre- pared to designate technical resources including a team of hardware/software engi- neers, database administrators, and web/data-integration engineers for additional support. SECTION 10 PRICE PROPOSAL 106 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS SECTION 10: PRICE PROPOSAL INSERT CALLOUT OR SOMETHING THAT SAYS IPS OFFERS A UNIQUE COST-SAVINGS OPPORTUNITY EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE CITY OF BOZEMAN HIGHLIGHT THE POTENTIAL COST SAVINGS BIT IN THE TWO FIRST TABLES ONE-TIME VALUE-ADDED PROPOSAL ENFORCEMENT & PERMITTING AVERAGE # OF CITATIONS PER MONTH AVERAGE # OF PERMITS PER MONTH AVERAGE # OF APPEALS PER MONTH POTENTIAL COST SAVINGS As part of the IPS proposal, we are pleased to offer 90 days of $0 operating fees for the processing of citations and permits. Excludes Online & IVR Secure Credit Card Payments applicable to citation and permit payments. 1,500 208 167 $4,963.00 ONE-TIME VALUE-ADDED PROPOSAL – PAY STATION REPLACEMENT MULTI-SPACE PAY STATIONS COST PER UNIT POTENTIAL COST SAVINGS As part of the IPS proposal, IPS is offering to update the City of Bozeman's current Luke II pay stations with IPS MS1 Multi-Space Pay Stations at No Cost. Excludes Shipping, Installation & Ongoing Management Fees* $6,250.00 $18,750.00 Note*: Secure Wireless Gateway/Data Fee and Meter Management System Software License Fee (per meter per month) = ($25.00 or $55.00) Secure Credit Card Gateway Fee (per transaction) = ($0.13 or $0.06) 107 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS HANDHELD ENFORCEMENT SOLUTIONS MOBILE ENFORCEMENT 1- OR 2-PIECE SOLUTION LEASE PACKAGE OPTIONS GOLD PLATINUM 1-piece N5 Mobile Enforcement Device with built in Printer Or 2-piece Solution Listed below.x x Mobile Enforcement Software x x Remote Management Suite x x Comprehensive Phone Support x x General Maintenance x x Data Plan x x Installation and Training x x Carrying Case, Spare Battery & Cradle x x Warranty 12 months 36 months Automatic Hardware Refresh (after three years)x LEASE PRICING (per device/month)$205.00 $235.00 IPS can utilize existing agency Android and/or iOS devices or can supply new ones as provided below. City can provide equipment separately if desired.  IPS also supports 1-piece and 2-piece devices or any combination thereof. ENFORCEMENT/PERMITTING SYSTEMS Our Mobile Enforcement Solution puts you in charge. Select a 1-piece or 2-piece design, Android or iOS operating system. IPS provides a quick and efficient citation issuance process. Electronic citations are immediately loaded into the Enforcement Management System (EMS) allowing timely access to citation information for your Agency and the public. IPS can also utilize existing agency Android and/or iOS devices or can supply new ones as provided below. Paper rolls subject to final volume, approval of artwork design and layout. Pricing does not include any applicable sales tax. In addition to the Enforcement and Permitting Products and Services Cost Proposal, IPS is pleased to offer the City of Bozeman a special, one-time added value proposal as detailed below. 108 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS 1 PIECE ENFORCEMENT SOLUTION UNIT PRICE N5 Print Mobile Enforcement Device $2,950.00 N5 Charging Cradle $199.00 N5 Spare Battery $199.00 N5 Carrying Case $50.00 N5 3-Year Warranty (Optional)$750.00 2 PIECE ENFORCEMENT SOLUTION UNIT PRICE Samsung Note 8 with ruggedized case, charger, and cradle $995.00 iOS iPhone 10 with ruggedized case, charger and cradle $1,495.00 Zebra ZQ510 3in BT Printer (or equivalent)$895.00 Additional warranties or items to be priced as requested To be quoted  HANDHELD ENFORCEMENT SUPPORT MOBILE ENFORCEMENT SOLUTION UNITS UNIT PRICE Mobile Data Plan Per unit / per month $95.00 Handheld Support Per unit / per month Software License (one-time fee) Per unit Included Mobile Citation Paper (per roll) QTY 100 Per roll $11.95 Mobile Citation Paper (per roll) QTY 200 Per roll $7.95 Mobile Citation Paper (per roll) QTY 500 Per roll $5.95 Mobile Citation Paper (per roll) QTY 1000 Per roll $4.95 Plate Charges for Ticket Customization (One-time fee)Per plate $75.00 Estimated Travel Expenses for Installation Per trip $2,000.00 On-site training and installation Per day $600.00 109 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS PARKING & CODE ENFORCEMENT BACK OFFICE PROCESSING SERVICES ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM UNITS UNIT PRICE One-Time Setup Per unit $2,500.00 Annual System License for EMS Per user Included Citation Issuing Fee Per unit $.80 Manual Citation Entry Fee Per unit $1.00 RO Acquisition (local)*Per unit Included RO Acquisition (out of state)Per unit $0.75 Delinquent Notice Processing fee (Includes Postage)Per unit $0.95 Delinquent Notice Processing fee with tracking (Includes Postage)Per unit $1.25 IVR Solution (Optional)Per month $250.00 IVR Record & Store Calls (Optional)Per call $0.50 IVR Call Transcription (Optional)Per call $1.00 Lockbox Setup (one-time fee)Per unit $750.00 Lockbox Operations Per month $95.00 Lockbox Mail-in Payments Per unit $1.00 Online & IVR Secure Credit Card Payments - Gate- way Fee. Note: Charged to the Public - assumes the use of the Client Merchant Account. Per transaction $2.00 or 3% whichever is higher Optional: Hosted Merchant Account– Interchange + Fees referenced. Note: Charged to the Public Per transaction $2.00 or 3% whichever is higher Additional Letters and Correspondence Per unit $1.25 1st Level Manual Adjudication Services (Online Appeals)Per unit $1.00 2nd Level Adjudication Hearing Services Per hour To be quoted *Local DMV rates may be free based on Agency relationship with DMV. Pricing can vary based on this relationship. 110 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS TICKET COLLECTION SERVICES COLLECTIONS UNITS UNIT PRICE Local DMV Collections (in-state collections) % of amount collected 25% of amount col- lected Advanced/Delinquent Collections  % of amount collected 35% of amount collected PERMIT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FEE SCHEDULE PERMITS UNITS UNIT PRICE One Time Setup Per unit WAIVED Per Permit Per unit $150 Permit Fulfillment (Verification)Per unit $1.50 Per Letter (Includes postage)Per unit $1.25 Online & IVR Secure Credit Card Pay- ments - Gateway Fee *Charged to the Pub- lic — assumes the use of the Client Merchant Account Per transaction $2.00 or 3% whichever is higher Optional: Hosted Merchant Account — Interchange + Fees referenced Note: Charged to the Public Per transaction $2.00 or 3% whichever is higher NOTE: This pricing is FOB, IPS Group, San Diego, CA. Sales taxes and shipping charges will be added to the final invoice. IPS shall have the right to adjust Agreement pricing due to increases in Inflation as published by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics for All Items Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for the U.S. City Average, and will not exceed 3% compounded annually. PUBLIC CUSTOMER SUPPORT & CALL CENTER SERVICE PHONE, EMAIL AND WEB CHAT BILLING PERIOD COST Per Minute $1.80 111 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS Additionally, IPS is offering initial integration fees at $0 as IPS is an existing partner with T2, Passport and Route 1 (Genetec). INTEGRATIONS INTEGRATIONS ONE-TIME DEVELOPMENT FEE ANNUAL FEE ONGOING MONTHLY FEE Integrations with current third-party solutions: T2, Passport, and Route 1 (Genetec) $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 Integration with new third-party solutions $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $50.00 CUSTOMIZATIONS EXTENDED DEVELOPMENT OR CUSTOMIZATION BILLING PERIOD COST Per Hour $200.00 CONVERSIONS CONVERSIONS ONE-TIME DEVELOPMENT FEE Preferred Formats (CSV, Excel, SQL, Fixed- Length, Tab/Pipe)$2,000.00 Non-preferred Formats*$6,000.00 *NOTE: Additional fees may apply based on scope for required and/or whether proper documentation is included with the conversion data. SECTION 11 AFFIRMATION OF NONDISCRIMINATION 113 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS APPENDIX 115 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS APPENDIX CONTENTS APPENDIX............................................................................114 PCI COMPLIANCE .....................................................................116 UNIVERSITY OF MN DULUTH CASE STUDY.............................................117 FAYETTEVILLE, AR CASE STUDY ......................................................121 VOLUNTARY PRODUCT ACCESSIBILITY TEMPLATE.....................................124 M5™ BROCHURE......................................................................142 MS1™ BROCHURE .....................................................................144 MS3™ BROCHURE.....................................................................146 PARK SMARTER™ BROCHURE .........................................................148 AMG PAYMENT PROCESSING BROCHURE..............................................150 MY PARKING RECEIPT BROCHURE ....................................................150 SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA) ...................................................152 116 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS PCI-DSS LEVEL 1 CERTIFIED IPS is a Level 1 PCI-DSS v3.2 certified payment gateway, processing 120+ million payments safely and securely each year. The entire system is audited annually by an external PCI QSA (Qualified Security Assessor). We are currently assessed as being compliant with the latest Level 1 PCI-DSS version 3.2 requirements. In fact, IPS has been certified as being PCI com- pliant since 2009, which is shortly after the PCI-DSS program began. Our customers can, therefore, be assured that cardholder data security is important to us, and the security of this sensitive data has been built into our systems from the very start. IPS is also listed as an accredited payment service provider for the Visa Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP) and the MasterCard Site Data Protection (SDP) programs. VISA SERVICE PROVIDER IPS’ payment gateway and software meets the terms of the Visa Card- holder Information Security :Program (CISP) and the MasterCard Site Data Protection (SDP) programs. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Assessment Validation Period: Dec 4, 2020 - Dec 3, 2021Signature Cody Firuta, PCI QSA Signature Jason Pieters, Managing Director After performing interviews, on-site assessments, and off-site sampling, Tevora Business Solutions, Inc., a PCI Qualified Security Assessor is pleased to certify IPS Group, Inc. for achieving full compliance with the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)v 3.2.1 as of Dec 4, 2020 within their Parking Data Management System environment (DMS) This designation is subject tore-qualification at 12-month intervals.�2021 Tevora Business Solutions, Inc. 7737 Kenamar CourtSan Diego, CA 92121t: 858.404.0607 17875 Von Karman, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 t: 949.250.3290 | e: info@tevora.com 117 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS 118 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS 119 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS 120 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS2021 121 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS FAYETTEVILLE, AR CUSTOMIZED IPS ENFORCEMENT SOLUTION OVERVIEW Located in northwest Arkansas and surrounded by the Ozarks and Boston Mountains, the City of Fayetteville offers its visitors endless outdoor activities with parks and green spaces throughout the City. The home to the University of Arkansas, the City provides its community with an eclectic mix of nightlife entertainment, inspiring public art, and a booming restaurant scene. To upgrade and consolidate existing technology, maximize enforcement productivity, and provide effi- cient citation management solutions, the City partnered with IPS Group to create an integrated Enforce- ment Solution to streamline daily operations, simplify procedures, and improve customer relations. CHALLENGES UPGRADE CURRENT TECHNOLOGY The previous system limited the ability of the City’s parking network to expand services and efficiently address the City’s unique needs. The lack of automation and access to real-time data challenged the team in maintaining an up-to- date system. INTEGRATE THIRD-PARTY TECHNOLOGY The City wanted to improve functionality and maximize enforcement productivity by integrating third-party solutions. Citations took several days to be resolved since the City’s existing software did not integrate properly. MAXIMIZE ACCURACY WITH REAL-TIME DATA The City needed a customized back-office system that was synchronized with the mobile handheld enforcement devices used in the field. By communicating real-time data, Field Ambassadors could view a motorist’s citation history and cite with accuracy. 1 2 3 “Before we partnered with IPS, we used separate software platforms for citations, online payments, and adjudication, which operated with very little—if any— integration. We recognized the need to upgrade our technology and consolidate our platforms into one solution that could give us real-time access to information as it was happening, as opposed to waiting for a period of up to a few days at a time.” JUSTIN CLAY PARKING MANAGER | FAYETTEVILLE, AR CASE STUDY 122 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS [IPS Group’s] EMS automatically looks to where you’re at on the map, and in real time hits our da-tabase and lets us know what parking lot you’re in, and what are the closest parking spots to this location that you’re at. Having access to that data and being able to institute more customer-friendly approaches to our enforcement is a real benefit. SOLUTION IPS ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT SOLUTION IMPLEMENTATION Implementing the robust IPS Enforcement Management Solution has allowed the City’s parking team to access data in real time, stream- line the adjudication process, and improve business efficiencies. Motorists have the convenience of managing citations online via the IPS Public Citation Portal. The IPS team also collaborated with the City during implementation to customize the solution to scale with its expanding needs. SEAMLESS INTEGRATION, CUSTOMIZATION AND DEDICATED SERVICE IPS Group helped the City to integrate all hardware and software technology in a single, seamless fully integrated back-office platform. The IPS customer service team responds quickly and provides expertise with all new customizations for any of the City’s parking program requirements. QUICKER, ACCURATE CITATION ISSUANCE IPS mobile handheld devices give field ambassa- dors access to any particular license plate’s his- tory and realtime citation information. Real-time data helps influence enforcement decisions and maximizes accurate citation = issuance. RESULTS “One of the main benefits that IPS Group brought to our parking network was the ability to offer a fully integrated solution for all things parking, from enforcement, to permit- ting, to event management. It’s been really beneficial for us as we continue to expand the services that we offer.” JUSTIN CLAY PARKING MANAGER | FAYETTEVILLE, AR BENEFITS Customized Enforcement Solution to meet City’s expanding needs Third-party integration maximizes resources and improves efficiencies Access to real-time data stream- lines the citation process, and improves the customer experience IPS handheld devices help ambass-adors manage citations in the field, improving enforcement function Seamless integration: enforcement, smart parking meters, “tap-and-go” and mobile contactless payments and more FUTURE PLANS Looking ahead, the City plans to inte-grate their IPS parking technology with their Tyler Technology point-of-sale software. IPS Group stands ready to extend its partnership through the implementation of M5™ Single-Space Smart Meters and MS1™ Multi-Space Pay Stations and other fully integrated Smart Parking solutions that provide motorists a more convenient and intuitive parking experience. KEITH MACEDO IT DIRECTOR | FAYETTEVILLE, AR WATCH CASE STUDY VIDEO ABOUT IPS GROUP For over 20 years, IPS has delivered world-class solutions through its Fully-Integrated Smart Parking platform, comprised of Smart Single-Space Meters, Multi-Space Pay Stations, Pay Station Upgrade Kits, Vehicle Detection Sensors, Smart Cash Collection Systems, Mobile Applications, Enforcement & Permitting Solutions, Hosted Data Management Software with Advanced Data Analytics, and more. Contact us to schedule a virtual demo, or to learn more about our Smart City technology solutions: 877.630.6638 | ipsgroup.com 123 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS2021 124 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS   IPS Group Inc, all rights reserved © 2020  Page 1 of 18      Voluntary Product Accessibility Template  IPS Data Management System, Enforcement and  Permitting Solutions    Publication March 9, 2020                        Note: This document is provided for information purposes only and the contents hereof are subject to change  without notice. IPS Group Inc. does not warrant that this document is error free, nor does it provide any other  warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions  of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. IPS Group Inc. specifically disclaims any liability with respect  to this document and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document.  125 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS       IPS Group Inc, all rights reserved © 2020  Page 2 of 18  Table of Contents    INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 3  UPDATES ....................................................................................................................................................... 4  SUMMARY TABLE OF COMPLIANCE .............................................................................................................. 4  1194.21 ‐ Software Applications and Operating Systems ............................................................................. 5  1194.22 ‐ Web‐based intranet information and applications ...................................................................... 7  1194.23 ‐ Telecommunications products ..................................................................................................... 9  1194.24 ‐ Video and multimedia products ................................................................................................. 11  1194.25 – Self‐contained, closed products ................................................................................................. 12  1194.26 ‐ Desktop and Portable Computers .............................................................................................. 15  1194.31 ‐ Functional Performance Criteria ................................................................................................. 16  1194.41 ‐ Information, Documentation and Support ................................................................................. 17  APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................................... 18         126 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS       IPS Group Inc, all rights reserved © 2020  Page 3 of 18  INTRODUCTION   IPS Group Inc. is committed to ensure that our software products contain no barriers for users with  disabilities.  Products Covered by this Report  Data Management System (DMS): The most comprehensive and powerful parking data management  system in the in industry.  The DMS provides customers with a comprehensive set of financial, technical,  and administrative reporting features and remote meter configuration capabilities, forming an intuitive  and powerful Smart Parking solution. (Version or later)  Mobile Enforcement System (MES): The most innovative on the market today, our N5 Print all‐in‐one  Mobile Enforcement Device (Android compatible) ensures parking enforcement officers experience a  convenient, quick and efficient citation issuance process. (Release 3.9.34 or later)  Enforcement Management System (EMS): Our end‐to‐end cross compatible web‐based citation  management system manages the entire lifecycle of parking citations including issuance, adjudication,  payment, DMV communications and collections. (Release 1.25.200691 or later)  Public Citation Management Portal: The Public Citation Management Portal is a website that allows  citizens to review the current status of their citation, pay or obtain information on how to contest their  citation, review fine amounts including late fees, and obtain additional information. (Release  1.25.200691 or later )  Permit Management System: The Permit Management solution offers property managers the flexibility  and convenience to manage the entire parking permit lifecycle from initial design through fulfillment via  a web‐based system available 24/7.  Public interaction to apply, pay, and manage permits would occur  within a separate public facing website. (Release 1.0.200631 or later)  Evaluation Methods Used  IPS is the developer of the software systems included in this report, and is submitting this report based  on our own in‐depth knowledge of the products.  Additional guidelines  https://webaim.org/standards/508/checklist were used to assist in the analysis.  Applicable Standards/Guidelines  Revised Section 508 standards – the U.S. Federal accessibility standard, published by the U.S. Access  Board in the Federal Register on January 18, 2017.  Information  For more information about accessibility issues please contact support@ipsgroupinc.com or call 877‐ 360‐6638.      127 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS       IPS Group Inc, all rights reserved © 2020  Page 4 of 18  UPDATES Date Notes  July 2, 2018 Initial release  March 9, 2020 Review / Update software release numbers and  applicability of standards            SUMMARY TABLE OF COMPLIANCE   Per section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794d)  Section Compliance  § 1194.21   Software applications and operating systems. Supports with Exceptions  § 1194.22   Web‐based intranet and internet  information and applications. Supports with Exceptions  § 1194.23   Telecommunications products. Not Applicable  § 1194.24   Video and multimedia products. Not Applicable  § 1194.25   Self‐contained, closed products. Not Applicable  § 1194.26   Desktop and portable computers. Supports with Exceptions  § 1194.31   Functional performance criteria. Supports with Exceptions  § 1194.41   Information, documentation, and  support. Supports               IPS Group Inc, all rights reserved © 2020  Page 5 of 18  1194.21 - Software Applications and Operating Systems Criteria Compliance Remarks and Explanations  (a) When software is designed to run on a system that has a  keyboard, product functions shall be executable from a  keyboard where the function itself or the result of  performing a function can be discerned textually.  Supports  Assumes that the keyboard used operates according to  industry standards.  Features of the software are  designed to be fully compatible with the use of a  keyboard.   (b) Applications shall not disrupt or disable activated  features of other products that are identified as accessibility  features, where those features are developed and  documented according to industry standards.  Applications  also shall not disrupt or disable activated features of any  operating system that are identified as accessibility features  where the application programming interface for those  accessibility features has been documented by the  manufacturer of the operating system and is available to the  product developer.  Supports Our software does not actively disable or disrupt  accessibility features.  (c) A well‐defined on‐screen indication of the current focus  shall be provided that moves among interactive interface  elements as the input focus changes.  The focus shall be  programmatically exposed so that assistive technology can  track focus and focus changes.  Supports  Focus is based on the cursor location of the flashing text  caret field in the case of a text box using standard  process to indicate focus and focus change.  (d) Sufficient information about a user interface element  including the identity, operation and state of the element  shall be available to assistive technology.  When an image  represents a program element, the information conveyed by  the image must also be available in text.  Supports with Exceptions  Most icons are accompanied by associated text,  however sometimes the text is contained within the  graphical element.  A few icons do not have text  associated, but are limited in use.  (e) When bitmap images are used to identify controls, status  indicators, or other programmatic elements, the meaning  assigned to those images shall be consistent throughout an  application’s performance.  Supports Image meanings are consistently throughout the  applications.        IPS Group Inc, all rights reserved © 2020  Page 6 of 18  Criteria Compliance Remarks and Explanations  (f) Textual information shall be provided through operating  system functions for displaying text.  The minimum  information that shall be made available is text content, text  input caret location, and text attributes.  Supports  The Software uses standard methods to display text and  text attributes.  Non editable text is clearly visible as  such.  (g) Applications shall not override user selected contrast and  color selections and other individual display attributes. Supports  While the colors of the applicable cannot be changed,  the individual display attributes are not overridden by  the application.  (h) When animation is displayed, the information shall be  displayable in at least one non‐animated presentation mode  at the option of the user.  Not Applicable No animations are used.  (i) Color coding shall not be used as the only means of  conveying information, indicating an action, prompting a  response, or distinguishing a visual element.  Supports Color coding is used in combination with text  description.  (j) When a product permits a user to adjust color and  contrast settings, a variety of color selections capable of  producing a range of contrast levels shall be provided.  Not Applicable Products do not allow for changes in color.  (k) Software shall not use flashing or blinking text, objects,  or other elements having a flash or blink frequency greater  than 2 Hz and lower than 55 Hz.  Supports Our software complies with this requirement.  (l) When electronic forms are used, the form shall allow  people using assistive technology to access the information,  field elements, and functionality required for completion  and submission of the form, including all directions and  cues.  Not Applicable Electronic forms are not used.             IPS Group Inc, all rights reserved © 2020  Page 7 of 18  1194.22 - Web-based intranet information and applications Criteria Compliance Remarks and Explanations  (a) A text equivalent for every non‐text element shall be  provided (e.g., via “alt”, “longdesc”, or in element content). Supports with Exceptions  Most non‐text elements are accompanied by associated  text, however sometimes the text is contained within  the graphical element.  A few icons do not have text  associated, but are limited in use.  (b) Equivalent alternatives for any multimedia presentation  shall be synchronized with the presentation. Not Applicable Multimedia presentations are not used.  (c) Web pages shall be designed so that all information  conveyed with color is also available without color, for  example from context or markup.  Supports Color coding is used in combination with text  description.  (d) Documents shall be organized so they are readable  without requiring an associated style sheet. Supports Documents and user manuals are provided in PDF  format.  (e) Redundant text links shall be provided for each active  region of a server‐side image map. Not Applicable Image maps are not used.  (f) Client‐side image maps shall be provided instead of  server‐side image maps except where the regions cannot be  defined with an available geometric shape.  Not Applicable Image maps are not used.  (g) Row and column headers shall be identified for data  tables. Supports All tables have associated text based headers.  (h) Markup shall be used to associate data cells and header  cells for data tables that have two or more logical levels of  row or column headers.  Supports All tables have associated text based headers.  No tables  have two or more levels of row or column headers.  (i) Frames shall be titled with text that facilitates frame  identification and navigation. Not Applicable Frames are not used.  (j) Pages shall be designed to avoid causing the screen to  flicker with a frequency greater than 2 Hz and lower than 55  Hz.  Supports Our software complies with this requirement.  (k) A text‐only page, with equivalent information or  functionality, shall be provided to make a web site comply  with the provisions of this part, when compliance cannot be  accomplished in any other way.  The content of the text‐only  page shall be updated whenever the primary page changes.  Not Applicable  We do not provide a text only version of our website.   However, we can provide such customization if/when  requested.        IPS Group Inc, all rights reserved © 2020  Page 8 of 18  Criteria Compliance Remarks and Explanations  (l) When pages utilize scripting languages to display content,  or to create interface elements, the information provided by  the script shall be identified with functional text that can be  read by assistive technology.  Supports with Exceptions  This is used on a limited basis.  However, we can provide  such customization if/when requested.  We do not  believe that this will limit understanding or use of our  product.  (m) When a web page requires that an applet, plug‐in or  other application be present on the client system to  interpret page content, the page must provide a link to a  plug‐in or applet that complies with §1194.21(a) through (l).  Supports  Our software does not actively disable accessibility  features.  Applets for PDF exports would require a user  to install a PDF reader.  (n) When electronic forms are designed to be completed on‐ line, the form shall allow people using assistive technology  to access the information, field elements, and functionality  required for completion and submission of the form,  including all directions and cues.  Not Applicable  Electronic forms are not used.  Other data fields are  sufficiently labeled to provide sufficient information to  interact with the webpage.  (o) A method shall be provided that permits users to skip  repetitive navigation links. Supports Favorite reports and save reports can be used to skip  standard navigation links.  (p) When a timed response is required, the user shall be  alerted and given sufficient time to indicate more time is  required.  Supports Appropriate messages and indications are provided.  For  example, user logout notifications absent activity.           IPS Group Inc, all rights reserved © 2020  Page 9 of 18  1194.23 - Telecommunications products Criteria Compliance Remarks and Explanations  (a) Telecommunications products or systems which provide  a function allowing voice communication and which do not  themselves provide a TTY functionality shall provide a  standard non‐acoustic connection point for TTYs.  Microphones shall be capable of being turned on and off to  allow the user to intermix speech with TTY use.  Not Applicable   (b) Telecommunications products which include voice  communication functionality shall support all commonly  used cross‐manufacturer non‐proprietary standard TTY  signal protocols.  Not Applicable   (c) Voice mail, auto‐attendant, and interactive voice  response telecommunications systems shall be usable by  TTY users with their TTYs.  Not Applicable   (d) Voice mail, messaging, auto‐attendant, and interactive  voice response telecommunications systems that require a  response from a user within a time interval, shall give an  alert when the time interval is about to run out, and shall  provide sufficient time for the user to indicate more time is  required.  Not Applicable   (e) Where provided, caller identification and similar  telecommunications functions shall also be available for  users of TTYs, and for users who cannot see displays.  Not Applicable   (f) For transmitted voice signals, telecommunications  products shall provide a gain adjustable up to a minimum of  20 dB.  For incremental volume control, at least one  intermediate step of 12 dB of gain shall be provided.  Not Applicable   (g) If the telecommunications product allows a user to adjust  the receive volume, a function shall be provided to  automatically reset the volume to the default level after  every use.  Not Applicable         IPS Group Inc, all rights reserved © 2020  Page 10 of 18  Criteria Compliance Remarks and Explanations  (h) Where a telecommunications product delivers output by  an audio transducer which is normally held up to the ear, a  means for effective magnetic wireless coupling to hearing  technologies shall be provided.  Not Applicable   (i) Interference to hearing technologies (including hearing  aids, cochlear implants, and assistive listening devices) shall  be reduced to the lowest possible level that allows a user of  hearing technologies to utilize the telecommunications  product.  Not Applicable   (j) Products that transmit or conduct information or  communication, shall pass through cross‐manufacturer, non‐ proprietary, industry‐standard codes, translation protocols,  formats or other information necessary to provide the  information or communication in a usable  format.  Technologies which use encoding, signal  compression, format transformation, or similar techniques  shall not remove information needed for access or shall  restore it upon delivery.  Not Applicable   (k) Products which have mechanically operated controls or  keys, shall comply with the following:    (1) Controls and keys shall be tactilely discernible without  activating the controls or keys. Not Applicable   (2) Controls and keys shall be operable with one hand and  shall not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the  wrist.  The force required to activate controls and keys shall  be 5 lbs. (22.2 N) maximum.  Not Applicable   (3) If key repeat is supported, the delay before repeat shall  be adjustable to at least 2 seconds.  Key repeat rate shall be  adjustable to 2 seconds per character.  Not Applicable   (4) The status of all locking or toggle controls or keys shall be  visually discernible, and discernible either through touch or  sound.  Not Applicable         IPS Group Inc, all rights reserved © 2020  Page 11 of 18  1194.24 - Video and multimedia products Criteria Compliance Remarks and Explanations  (a) All analog television displays 13 inches and larger, and  computer equipment that includes analog television receiver  or display circuitry, shall be equipped with caption decoder  circuitry which appropriately receives, decodes, and displays  closed captions from broadcast, cable, videotape, and DVD  signals.  As soon as practicable, but not later than July 1,  2002, widescreen digital television (DTV) displays measuring  at least 7.8 inches vertically, DTV sets with conventional  displays measuring at least 13 inches vertically, and stand‐ alone DTV tuners, whether or not they are marketed with  display screens, and computer equipment that includes DTV  receiver or display circuitry, shall be equipped with caption  decoder circuitry which appropriately receives, decodes, and  displays closed captions from broadcast, cable, videotape,  and DVD signals.  Not Applicable   (b) Television tuners, including tuner cards for use in  computers, shall be equipped with secondary audio program  playback circuitry.  Not Applicable   (c) All training and informational video and multimedia  productions which support the agency’s mission, regardless  of format, that contain speech or other audio information  necessary for the comprehension of the content, shall be  open or closed captioned.  Not Applicable   (d) All training and informational video and multimedia  productions which support the agency’s mission, regardless  of format, that contain visual information necessary for the  comprehension of the content, shall be audio described.  Not Applicable   (e) Display or presentation of alternate text presentation or  audio descriptions shall be user‐selectable unless  permanent.  Not Applicable           IPS Group Inc, all rights reserved © 2020  Page 12 of 18  1194.25 – Self-contained, closed products Criteria Compliance Remarks and Explanations  (a) Self‐contained products shall be usable by people with  disabilities without requiring an end‐user to attach assistive  technology to the product.  Personal headsets for private listening  are not assistive technology.  Not Applicable   (b) When a timed response is required, the user shall be alerted and  given sufficient time to indicate more time is required. Not Applicable   (c) Where a product utilizes touchscreens or contact‐sensitive  controls, an input method shall be provided that complies with  §1194.23 (k) (1) through (4).  Not Applicable   (d) When biometric forms of user identification or control are used,  an alternative form of identification or activation, which does not  require the user to possess particular biological characteristics, shall  also be provided.  Not Applicable   (e) When products provide auditory output, the audio signal shall be  provided at a standard signal level through an industry standard  connector that will allow for private listening.  The product must  provide the ability to interrupt, pause, and restart the audio at  anytime.  Not Applicable   (f) When products deliver voice output in a public area, incremental  volume control shall be provided with output amplification up to a  level of at least 65 dB.  Where the ambient noise level of the  environment is above 45 dB, a volume gain of at least 20 dB above  the ambient level shall be user selectable.  A function shall be  provided to automatically reset the volume to the default level after  every use.  Not Applicable   (g) Color coding shall not be used as the only means of conveying  information, indicating an action, prompting a response, or  distinguishing a visual element.  Not Applicable   (h) When a product permits a user to adjust color and contrast  settings, a range of color selections capable of producing a variety of  contrast levels shall be provided.  Not Applicable         IPS Group Inc, all rights reserved © 2020  Page 13 of 18  Criteria Compliance Remarks and Explanations  (i) Products shall be designed to avoid causing the screen to flicker  with a frequency greater than 2 Hz and lower than 55 Hz. Not Applicable   (j) Products which are freestanding, non‐portable, and intended to  be used in one location and which have operable controls shall  comply with the following:  Not Applicable   The position of any operable control shall be determined with  respect to a vertical plane, which is 48 inches in length, centered on  the operable control, and at the maximum protrusion of the  product within the 48 inch length (see Figure 1 of this part).    Not Applicable   (2) Where any operable control is 10 inches or less behind the  reference plane, the height shall be 54 inches maximum and 15  inches minimum above the floor.  Not Applicable   (3) Where any operable control is more than 10 inches and not  more than 24 inches behind the reference plane, the height shall be  46 inches maximum and 15 inches minimum above the floor.  Not Applicable         IPS Group Inc, all rights reserved © 2020  Page 14 of 18  Criteria Compliance Remarks and Explanations  (4) Operable controls shall not be more than 24 inches behind the  reference plane (see Figure 2 of this part).      Not Applicable           IPS Group Inc, all rights reserved © 2020  Page 15 of 18  1194.26 - Desktop and Portable Computers  Criteria Compliance Remarks and Explanations  (a) All mechanically operated controls and keys shall comply  with §1194.23 (k) (1) through(4). Supports Our product is compliant.  User keyboard is assumed to  meet the user’s needs.  (b) If a product utilizes touchscreens or touch‐operated  controls, an input method shall be provided that complies  with §1194.23 (k) (1) through (4). Supports with Exceptions  This will depend on the type of mobile device or  keyboard used by the user.  Our software products run  on accessible mobile devices or computers.  If the user  has a hardware device that supports these features, our  software will not impair the use of these features.   (c) When biometric forms of user identification or control  are used, an alternative form of identification or activation,  which does not require the user to possess particular  biological characteristics, shall also be provided.  Supports For example, biometrics may be used with iOS  applications.  Alternatives are available.  (d) Where provided, at least one of each type of expansion  slots, ports and connectors shall comply with publicly  available industry standards.  Supports Our products rely on industry standards for computers  and mobile devices used by end‐users.             IPS Group Inc, all rights reserved © 2020  Page 16 of 18  1194.31 - Functional Performance Criteria Criteria Compliance Remarks and Explanations  a) At least one mode of operation and information retrieval  that does not require user vision shall be provided, or  support for assistive technology used by people who are  blind or visually impaired shall be provided. Supports with Exceptions  Most functionality requires the use of a keyboard or  mouse.  Reports and data input requires visualization of  the data on the screen.  However, data may be input  with voice commands from the appropriate assistive  technology.  Assistive technology is not impaired by the  use of our product.  (b) At least one mode of operation and information retrieval  that does not require visual acuity greater than 20/70 shall  be provided in audio and enlarged print output working  together or independently, or support for assistive  technology used by people who are visually impaired shall  be provided.  Supports  If workstation supports larger text or zoom functionality,  assistive technology is not impaired by the use of our  product.  (c) At least one mode of operation and information retrieval  that does not require user hearing shall be provided, or  support for assistive technology used by people who are  deaf or hard of hearing shall be provided.  Supports All information is displayed visually and does not require  user hearing  (d) Where audio information is important for the use of a  product, at least one mode of operation and information  retrieval shall be provided in an enhanced auditory fashion,  or support for assistive hearing devices shall be provided.  Not Applicable Audio information is not required for the use of our  product.   (e) At least one mode of operation and information retrieval  that does not require user speech shall be provided, or  support for assistive technology used by people with  disabilities shall be provided.  Supports All information is displayed visually and does not require  user speech  (f) At least one mode of operation and information retrieval  that does not require fine motor control or simultaneous  actions and that is operable with limited reach and strength  shall be provided.  Supports with Exceptions  Fine motor skill is not required other than the use of a  keyboard or mouse.  Mobile app requires the use of a  touch screen device according to 1194.26.  Additional  accessible technologies may be used with our product to  achieve compliance.           IPS Group Inc, all rights reserved © 2020  Page 17 of 18  1194.41 - Information, Documentation and Support Criteria Compliance Remarks and Explanations  (a) Product support documentation provided to end‐users  shall be made available in alternate formats upon request, at  no additional charge. Supports  Documentation is available in PDF as standard.   Additional formats may be provided at no additional  cost upon request, but may take additional time based  on the formatting requests.  (b) End‐users shall have access to a description of the  accessibility and compatibility features of products in  alternate formats or alternate methods upon request, at no  additional charge.  Supports  Additional information may be provided at no additional  cost upon request, but may take additional time based  on the formatting requests.  (c) Support services for products shall accommodate the  communication needs of end‐users with disabilities. Supports Support is available via email, web chat and phone           IPS Group Inc, all rights reserved © 2020  Page 18 of 18  APPENDIX   Conformance Level Definitions   Supports: The functionality of the product has at least one method that meets the criterion without known defects or meets with  equivalent facilitation.    Supports with Exceptions: Some functionality of the product does not meet the criterion.   Does Not Support: The majority of product functionality does not meet the criterion.   Not Applicable: The criterion is not relevant to the product.    Not Evaluated: The product has not been evaluated against the criterion.                    142 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONSSINGLE-SPACEPARKING METERS Parking Meter Setting the industry standard for single-space Smart Parking meters, the IPS M5™ provides a simple parking user experience that is more cost-effective, customer-friendly, and more reliable than alternatives. The patented IPS solution uniquely provides a credit card enabled single-space meter mechanism that retrofits into your current on-street parking meter housing. IPS Smart Meters offer multiple payment options (coins, credit/ debit cards, smart cards, tokens, pay-by-cell, and optional NFC/contactless payment such as Apple Pay™ and Android Pay™), solar power technology, and access to real-time data via a comprehensive web-based management system. Physical Features • Universal meter mechanism retrofits almost all single-space meter housings, including Duncan, MacKay, and POM. Installation takes less than 15 seconds and requires zero modification to existing housing. • Mechanism is protected by zinc alloy meter dome and UV-resistant, anti-fog Lexan™ cover. • Keypad has four easy-to-read mechanical buttons for intuitive payment navigation—rated for more than 250,000 cycles. • Tri-colored LED lights on front and back of meter alert enforcement officers of meter status: paid (green), unpaid (red), and meter fault (yellow). • Vandal-resistant coin slot/chute allows for worry-free operation and quick servicing. • Environmentally-friendly solar panel and combination rechargeable/back-up battery pack maximizes ongoing power. • Proven ability to operate under varying environmental conditions such as snow, sleet, rain, humidity, dust storms, extreme cold, and extreme heat. • RFID technology automatically identifies the meter location and downloads the correct operating parameters when meters are installed/replaced. • Meters are set up to allow for quick and easy sensor integration. Model 232 Model 247 Model 895 M5 MODELS 143 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS Payment Options • Meters accept payment with credit/debit card, coins, tokens, and smart card. • Contactless payment acceptance with NFC applications such as Android Pay™ and Apple Pay™ (optional feature). • Meters integrate seamlessly with IPS PARK SMARTER™ pay-by-cell application and multiple other third party pay-by-cell applications for additional convenient payment options. • PA-DSS and Level 1 PCI-DSS certification ensures secure credit card transactions for customers. Wireless Technology • Meters communicate wirelessly via the cellular network and are securely connected to the IPS web-based Data Management System (DMS), eliminating the need for additional communication hardware. • Meters wirelessly notify parking operations staff of any faults, such as a card reader or coin validator jam, via text message, email, or both. • Optional power-efficient BLE enables in-vehicle and smart payments through apps like Apple Pay™ and Android Pay™, as well as fully integrates with other IPS technology like the Smart Collection System. Centralized Data Management System • The most powerful and comprehensive parking data system in the industry, complete with mapping, financial, technical and administrative reporting tools consolidates all city-wide parking data sources. • Integrates seamlessly with the IPS portfolio of products, including vehicle detection sensors, Smart Collection System, Enforcement and Permitting solutions for parking operation optimization. • Access IPS utility applications to remotely manage maintenance, enforcement, collections and more from a smart phone or tablet. Graphical Display • Large 160x160 pixel, backlit LCD operates at temperatures of -40˚F to 185˚F (-40˚C to 85˚C). • Display can be customized and programmed remotely via web-based DMS. • In the event of a coin jam, meter will continue to allow payment via credit/debit card, smart card, or pay-by-cell and will display “Cards only, No Coins”. The message is reversed if there is a card reader jam. ©2017 IPS Group, Inc. All rights reserved. IPS, IPS Group, and other IPS-owned marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of IPS Group, Inc. All third-party names, product names, trademarks are owned by their respective owners, and are used for reference purposes only.IPS Group disclaims any affiliation with or endorsement by any of the companies referenced above. For more information on the fully-integrated solution from IPS Group, please contact us. Call for an on-site demo: 877.630.6638 Online: ipsgroup.com 144 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONSMULTI-SPACEPAY STATIONS Multi-Space Pay Station The MS1 Pay Station is the latest generation of unattended payment systems from IPS Group. The MS1 incorporates the unique features of the IPS meter platform, and was built from the ground up with ease-of-use in mind. With customer-focused features such as IntelliTouch™ transaction processing, users will enjoy a flexible user experience like no other pay station available. Key Benefits Flexibility: The MS1 is available in pay-by-space, pay and display, and pay-by-plate models. With modular parts, it’s easy to swap to a different mode in the future. Unparalleled Power Efficiency: Environmentally-friendly solar panels and combination battery packs maximize ongoing power. Customization: Configurable buttons include help screens, alternative languages, max time, and more. Robust Hardware Design: Highly-secure, stainless steel cabinet with weather and graffiti-resistant powder coating and scratch-resistant armored glass LCD display make it durable and easy to maintain. Improved Visibility: Blue LED lighting above the display provides enhanced visibility for motorists, technicians, and collections staff. Customer-Friendly Interface: IntelliTouch™ offers additional flexibility to complete a transaction in any order the user chooses. Dependability: Wirelessly networked to a web-based SaaS management system. No additional communications hardware or software is required - 3G/4G standard. Easy Maintenance: Modularly designed with the technician in mind for easy plug-and-play maintenance. Secure Collections: Unit contains separate maintenance cabinet and collection vault. The cash box is housed in a secure vault that features a six-point locking system and high-security lock. Future-proof Design: IPS Group’s open interface provides seamless integration with third-party systems, such as enforcement, permitting, and ANPR (automatic number plate recognition). Additional Payment Options: Upgrades to contactless payment and/ or EMV-approved card readers. 1 1 2 Solar panel Large display Card reader LED lightingIntuitive keypad TM PHYSICAL FEATURES 145 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS Technical Specifications Weight: 175 lbs Dimensions: 12.5” x 12” x 60” (31.75 cm x 30.48 cm x 152.4 cm); MS1 is compliant with all relevant standards for disabled access. Power: Solar (standard) or AC Temperature Range: -40˚F to 185˚F (-40˚C to 85˚C); Optional heater (AC units only). Payment Accepted: Credit and debit cards, smart cards, coins, tokens, pay-by-cell, smart payments through apps like Apple Pay and Android Pay, and optional bill notes. Cabinet Housing: Uni-body construction. High grade corrosion-resistant stainless steel treated and covered with weather and graffiti-resistant powder coating. Locks: Cabinet is protected by a six (6) point secure locking system. The outer vault door locks are protected by anti-drill spin disks. Upper and lower housing require separate keys. The collection vault has a dual locking system with a T-bar. Electronic locks available upon request. Display: Large monochromatic display screen is 320 x 240 pixels and allows for five lines of alpha-numeric or graphical messages. Display is protected by anti-glare coated armored glass (standard feature). Printer: High-resolution graphic thermal printer allows for customizable graphics, vouchers, and barcodes, which are programmable from the Data Management System (DMS). Coin Box Capacity: Two options for exchangeable coin box: 2450 coin capacity or 700 coin capacity. “Smart” sensing technology available in both coin box models. Bill Stacker (optional): 600 bill notes. Solar Powered Wireless Ultra-Low Power Integration Ready RFID Technology RFID Technology For more information on the fully-integrated solution from IPS Group, please contact us. Call for an on-site demo: 877.630.6638 Online: ipsgroup.com ©2017 IPS Group, Inc. All rights reserved. 146 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONSColor display Solar panelMULTI-SPACE Multi-Space Color Pay Station The MS3 Pay Station features a full-color screen with multiple languages and the flexibility of an optional touchscreen. With the MS3, you can give your patrons easy-to-read parking instructions in a vibrant showcase. For your staff, the MS3 ties into the powerful IPS Data Management System, allowing you in-depth analysis of parking patterns and the ability to remotely update rates. Key Benefits Flexible: The MS3 is available in pay-by-space, pay-and-display and pay-by-plate models. With modular parts, it’s easy to change modes when needed. Customizable: Configurable buttons include: help screens, multiple- language options, plus or minus time, and more. Ability to enable or disable the touch screen. Upgradable: The MS1 can be upgraded to the MS3 by purchasing the MS Upgrade kit and the new MS3 top door. Check with your sales rep for details and additional cost. Environmentally friendly: Combines solar-panels with battery back-up for maximum power efficiency. A great choice for Green Initiatives. Environmentally strong: Highly secure, stainless steel cabinet with graffiti-resistant powder coating and scratch-resistant bonded LCD is durable and easy to maintain. MS3 pay stations can withstand vandals and extreme weather conditions. Customer-friendly: Our unique IntelliTouch™ interface offers patrons the flexibility to complete transactions in the order they choose. Pay-by-plate automatically populates when patrons use PARK SMARTER™ mobile payments or their My Parking Receipt™ account. Maintenance-friendly: Modularly designed with the technician in mind for easy plug-and-play maintenance. Security and peace-of-mind: Each unit contains a separate maintenance cabinet and collection vault. The cash box is housed in a high security vault that features a six-point locking system and a high-security lock, protected from thieves and nesting insects and animals. Future-proof Design: IPS Group’s open interface provides seamless integration with enforcement, permitting, and LPR (license plate recognition). Additional Payment Options: Upgradable to contactless payment and/or EMV-approved card readers. Pay from anywhere. 1 2 Card readerOptional touch screen Intuitive keypad PHYSICAL FEATURES 147 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS Technical Specifications Weight: 175 lbs Dimensions: 12.5” x 12” x 60” (31.75 cm x 30.48 cm x 152.4 cm); MS3 is compliant with all relevant standards for disabled access. Power: Solar (standard) or AC Temperature Range: -40˚F to 185˚F (-40˚C to 85˚C); Optional heater (AC units only). Payment Accepted: Credit and debit cards, smart cards, coins, tokens, pay-by-cell, smart payments through apps like Apple Pay™ and Google Pay™, and optional bill notes. Cabinet Housing: Uni-body construction. High grade corrosion-resistant stainless steel treated and covered with weather and graffiti-resistant powder coating. Locks: Cabinet is protected by a six (6) point secure locking system. The outer vault door locks are protected by anti-drill spin disks. Upper and lower housing require separate keys. The collection vault has a dual locking system with a T-bar. Electronic locks available upon request. Display: Large color, touch screen (optional), multi-language is 800x480 pixels and allows for alpha-numeric or graphical messages. Display is protected by anti-glare coated bonded glass (standard feature). Printer: High-resolution graphic thermal printer allows for customizable graphics, vouchers, and barcodes, which are programmable from the Data Management System (DMS). Coin Box Capacity: Two options for exchangeable coin box: 2450 coin capacity or 700 coin capacity. “Smart” sensing technology available in both coin box models. Bill Stacker (optional): 600 or 1000 bill notes. Wireless Ultra-Low Power Integration Ready Technology For more information on the fully-integrated solution from IPS Group, please contact us. Call for an on-site demo: 877.630.6638 Online: ipsgroup.com ©2019 IPS Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Color Solar Secure 148 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONSMOBILE APPPAY-BY-CELLPARK SMARTER™ PARK SMARTER™ is a mobile app that takes cities to the next level of Smart Parking. With the PARK SMARTER™ app, your city’s parking transactions are more convenient and flexible, and provide an optimized mobile parking experience. The Bluetooth-enabled app seamlessly integrates with existing IPS Smart Meters. Plus, cities that implement IPS single-space Smart Parking meters or multi-space pay stations can use PARK SMARTER™ at no additional cost. Live alerts, reporting and data analytics, and easy monitoring are available through the IPS Data Management System (DMS). Visa Checkout enables the citizen to pay for their parking space without registering a credit card in the app. The PARK SMARTER™ mobile app fully integrates rate structures to enforce city parking policy. PARK SMARTER™ is in partnership with the Visa Commerce Network. The PARK SMARTER™ app offers: •Real-time notifications alert users in advance of parking expiration •Parking Finder provides direction to open parking spaces • Ability to pay and extend parking session remotely (if allowed by parking policy) •No convenience fees FIND NEARBY AVAILABLE SPACES INCREASE METER TIME REMOTELY MULTIPLE CARDS AND VEHICLES PER ACCOUNT In partnership with For more information on the fully-integrated solution from IPS Group, please contact us. Call for an on-site demo: 877.630.6638 Online: ipsgroup.com © 2021 IPS Group, Inc. All rights reserved. 149 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS BUSINESS CASE STUDY: INCREASING IPS CLIENTS' BOTTOM LINE Over the past five years, we have heard from many of you that your merchant account fees with your current service provider have gone up significantly (i.e.: credit card processing fees at your IPS meters). We have found a solution, and it's exclusive to IPS customers. In October 2011, on-street parking merchant account costs increased. This was due to the new financial reform legislation in the US called the Durbin Amendment. »What happened? - The pure cost to process a $2 “regulated” debit card transaction has increased BY A FACTOR OF 3X. These pure costs are called Interchange Fees. »What is a “regulated” debit card? – A “regulated” debit card is a debit card attached to a checking or savings account that was issued to an individual by a bank having over $10 billion worth of assets. Basically, all large US financial institutions issue “regulated” debit cards. (Your IPS meters are likely seeing anywhere from 30% - 60% “regulated” debit card usage by your customers.) »How can I see how my operations have been impacted? – Provide your month end credit card processing statement to IPS/AMG for a cost analysis. »What you will see on your current processing statement? - “Regulated” debit card interchange rates (set by Visa® and MasterCard®) of 0.05% + $0.22 per transaction.1 IPS Strategic Partnership - IPS has established a strategic partnership with AMG Payment Solutions (AMG)2 - a recognized thought leader in the parking industry - to seamlessly implement our new financial solution. IPS Group has negotiated preferred interchange rates with both Visa® and MasterCard® on “regulated” debit card transactions. 30-60% processing costs)(on-street parking of payments are debit cards“regulated” 10-35%IPS clients can save on their AGGREGATE monthly merchant account fees at IPS parking meters and pay stations THIS WILL MEAN THOUSANDS OR TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN SAVINGS EACH MONTH THE ISSUE THE SOLUTION 3xINCREASED INTERCHANGE FEES 150 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS Contact your IPS Group Sales Rep to provide a month-end credit statement analysis and a simple merchant account application for JUST your IPS on-street parking operations. AMG will set up a new merchant account with First Data Merchant Services and coordinate the entire set up process with IPS gateway. »AMG will have you up and running within 2 weeks. This solution is TOTALLY SEAMLESS to IPS clients. »What you will see on your AMG processing statement: “Regulated” debit card interchange rates (Visa® and MasterCard®) of 1.70% + $0.05 per transaction NEW BRUNSWICK PARKING AUTHORITY CINCINNATI, OHIOSAVINGS BEGIN IMMEDIATELY $100K $280K 28.5K 125K $3.50 $2.20 50% 43% 16% MONTHLY SAVINGS 17% MONTHLY SAVINGS EASY STEPS TO START SAVING: REAL CLIENTS. REAL RESULTS. 3 ““Our new financial solution was recently rolled out at various client locations across the US. New Brunswick Parking Authority (NJ) was one of the first cities to go live. Executive Director Mitch Karon says he is already seeing the savings. “As a public agency, the New Brunswick Parking Authority strives to meet its customers’ needs in the most efficient way possible. Working with the IPS/AMG financial solution has saved NBPA over 15% on our monthly merchant account fees at our IPS meters. The proposed savings presented to us by AMG were spot on with the actual amount saved in the first 3 months following implementation. That kind of savings helps us provide an affordable and cost-efficient service to our customers." Cincinnati, OH, another early adapter, saw immediate savings as well. Here is how their operations were positively impacted: compared to previous provider's Approx. total # of transactions Approx. total # of transactions Average transaction amount Average transaction amount Approx. % of regulated debit card transactions Approx. % of regulated debit card transactions The IPS/AMG financial solution has saved the New Brunswick Parking Authority OVER 15% on our monthly merchant account fees. — Mitch Karon, the Executive Director at NBPA Approx. total transaction value Approx. total transaction value TOTAL MONTHLY FEE TOTAL MONTHLY FEE TO LEARN MORE CONTACT YOUR IPS SALES REP IPSGROUP.COM/CONTACT-US (1) Visa CPS / Retail, Debit - Regulated Visa Check Card as per Visa USA Interchange Reimbursement Fees, 16 April 2016. https://usa.visa.com/dam/VCOM/download/merchants/visa-usa-interchange-reimbursement-fees-2016-april.pdf (2) AMG Payment Solutions is a registered ISO of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Walnut Creek, CA. compared to previous provider's 151 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONSWEBSITEONLINE RECEIPTSMy Parking Receipt™ My Parking Receipt™ works with IPS meters to bring greater personal reporting and record-keeping capabilities to your customers with easy access to parking receipts. My Parking Receipt is a convenient website that allows customers to view, download and print their parking receipts paid at any IPS meter. This customer experience enhancement from IPS Group gives greater control and flexibility to customers to manage their parking expenses for personal or business record-keeping and expense reporting purposes. Users just go to the My Parking Receipt website and are able to look up transactions from the last six months using their credit card information and the transaction date range. Users may also create an account so that whenever the credit card linked to the account is used, the receipt is automatically emailed to them. This feature is already available to all IPS customers through the powerful IPS Data Management System (DMS), where they can retrieve records and other information. This website allows the convenience to be extended to your citizens. My Parking Receipt offers: • Setting to automatically email parking receipts upon close of transaction • One-time customer account set-up to simply access, view export and expense • User-friendly interface receipt myParking ™ © 2017 IPS Group, Inc. All rights reserved. For more information on the fully-integrated solution from IPS Group, please contact us. Call for an on-site demo: 877.630.6638 Online: ipsgroup.com MULTIPLE CARDS PER ACCOUNT AUTOMATIC EMAIL MULTIPLE VEHICLES PER ACCOUNTTo create an account, visit: MyParkingReceipt.com 152 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS IPS GROUP. INC ENFORCEMENT & PERMITTING SOFTWARE SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT Last Updated: July 1, 2019 This IPS Group, Inc. Enforcement & Permitting Software Service Level Agreement (this “SLA”) is a policy governing the use of the Included Services (listed below) by a municipal govern- ment client (“Client”) under the terms of the Client Agreement (the “Client Agreement”) between IPS Group Inc. and its affiliates (“IPS”, “us” or “we”) and Client. This SLA applies separately to each account using the Included Products and Services. We reserve the right to update, change or modify these terms of this SLA in accordance with the Client Agreement or with 90 days’ notice. INCLUDED SERVICES „IPS Enforcement Management System (EMS) „IPS Permitting Management System (PEMS) SERVICE COMMITMENT IPS will use commercially reasonable efforts to make the Included Products and Services each available with a Monthly Uptime Percentage (defined below) of at least 99%, in each case during any calendar month billing cycle (the “Service Commitment”). „Telephone support: 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday – Friday „Calls received out of office hours will be forwarded to a mobile phone and best efforts will be made to answer / action the call, however there will be a backup answer phone service „Email support: Monitored 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday – Friday „Emails received outside of office hours will be collected, however no action can be guaranteed until the next working day DEFINITIONS „“Monthly Uptime Percentage” is calculated by subtracting from 100% the percentage of minutes during the month in which any of the Included Products and Services, as applicable, was in the state of “Unavailable.” Monthly Uptime Percentage measurements exclude downtime resulting directly or indirectly from any SLA Exclusion (defined below). Monthly Uptime shall be measured and displayed within the web portals of the Included Services. „“Unavailable” and “Unavailability” mean running tasks, as applicable, with “unavailable” errors or inability to connect with IPS web services via a working Internet connection due to the server operations as performed by IPS, including the inability to login to IPS Services via a working Internet connection. 153 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS „“Planned Maintenance” shall mean pre-planned maintenance, upgrades and patches that may affect system uptime. The Contractor will schedule such outages at time of low system utilization to prevent impact to the Client and the public (if applicable). SLA EXCLUSIONS The Service Commitment does not apply to any unavailability of Included Services due to (i) client Internet access failure; (ii) caused by factors outside of our reasonable control, including any force majeure event or access to public utilities such as power or Internet services; (iii) that result from Client equipment, software or other technology; (iv) that result from any Planned Maintenance activities. REPORTING AND RESPONSE TIMES All errors shall be communicated to IPS via the Client’s Contract Manager to determine if the problem is caused by an issue on the Client/IPS side and forward to IPS Customer Support group if the problem resides with the scope of services provided by IPS. IPS shall make all commercially reasonable attempts to respond and resolve within the following service matrix: SERVICE LEVEL RESPONSE TIME STATUS UPDATE FRE-QUENCY SERVICE RESOLUTION TIME GOAL EMERGENCY Less than 30 minutes Every 30 minutes Less than 30 minutes HIGH 1 hour Every 2 hours Within 2 hours MEDIUM 2 hours Every 48 hours Within 5 Business days LOW 8 hours Every 10 Business Days Within 30 Business days Response Time refers to the maximum elapsed time after problem logged for investigation and action by the Contractor. IPS will communicate with Client internal software support team and DPW as necessary, providing an action plan. Status Update Frequency refers to the maximum time elapsed after problem has been ini- tially logged before a status update is provided to Client. IPS will continue to provide status updates to Client within this frequency interval until such time as the problem is resolved. Service Resolution Time Goal refers to the objective for the maximum elapsed time after problem is logged for some sort of problem resolution to be provided. Service Levels will be determined in accordance with the following: Emergency: System down during critical support times that affect revenue generating pro- cesses or critical sever access to public. Emergency situations would exist when a critical function is unable to and no work around exists. Examples would include: „EMS or PEMS Server Down „Public Portal Down 154 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS „Security breaches and other security issues High: An element of the EMS or PEMS is not functioning as expected, impacting Client per- sonnel. Revenues and public access are not affected. A workaround exists but may difficult to sustain for more than a week. Examples would include: „System Down (Software Application) „Web Report Medium: An element of the EMS or PEMS is not functioning as expected, impacting Client per- sonnel. Revenues and public access are not affected. A workaround exists and may be sustained for a short period (i.e. a month) without significantly impacting workflow efficiencies. Examples would include: „Workstations interfaces with contractor systems „Intermittent Integration with 3rd parties would be in the category „Performance issues not impacting critical processes tied to revenue generation or public access. Low: An element of the EMS or PEMS is not functioning as expected, impacting Client personnel. Revenues and public access are not affected. A workaround exists. Examples would include: „Report formatting SERVICE CREDITS Service Credits are calculated as a percentage of the charges paid by you that did not meet the Monthly Uptime Percentage commitment in a calendar month billing cycle: If the Monthly Uptime Percentage of such credit request is confirmed by us and is less than the Service Commitment, then we will issue the Service Credits to you within two billing cycle following the month in which the credit request occurred. We will apply any Service Credits only against future invoices otherwise due from the Client. Service Credits will not entitle you to any refund or other payment from IPS. Unless other- wise provided in the Agreement, the Client’s sole and exclusive remedy for any unavailability or non-performance or is the receipt of Service Credits in accordance with the terms of this SLA. SERVICE CREDIT CALCULATIONS If the Actual Monthly Uptime Percentage is 90% in a given calendar month, the credit would be 99% - 90% = 9%. 9% multiplied by the total invoice amount in the same calendar month in which the SLA was not achieved would be applied as a Service Credit on a future invoice. 155 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS INFORMATION CLASSIFICATION ISSP-IC-001 1.0 Purpose In order to ensure that appropriate levels of protection are applied to information resources, a framework is needed to classify those resources based on their criticality to the organization and the sensitivity of the data that they contain. This includes developing procedures and standards for assessing the criticality and sensitivity of the systems, and determining minimum security requirements based on those classification levels. 2.0 Scope This policy applies to all IPS GROUP information systems and data created, owned, stored, or transferred by IPS GROUP. 3.0 Policy and Guidelines All IPS GROUP data is categorized into three main classifications: Public Internal Use Only Confidential Public information is information that has been declared public knowledge by someone with the authority to do so, and can freely be given to anyone without any possible misuse or damage to IPS GROUP. Internal Use Only information is for use of employees and authorized vendors/partners only. This information can not be available to anyone out of the company unless explicitly authorized. Confidential contains all other information. Card holder data falls under this class, is of high sensitivity, and should be protected in a more secure manner. Other examples are trade secrets, development programs, potential acquisition targets, and other information integral to the success of IPS GROUP. Risks and threats to information resources will be assessed, and security measures will be applied, based on the resource’s classification level. 4.0 Enforcement Violation of this policy could result in loss or limitations on use of information resources, as well as disciplinary and/or legal action, including termination of employment or referral for criminal prosecution. 156 IPS GROUP | BOZEMAN, MT | SOFTWARE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND OPERATIONS 5.0 Definitions Information Resources –The procedures,equipment,facilities,software and data that aredesigned,built, operated and maintained to collect,record, process, store, retrieve,display and transmit information. 6.0 Roles and Responsibilities (a)Information Owners are responsible for: Categorizing their resources in accordance with IPS GROUP’s classification framework. Ensuring that their resources are protected commensurate with their categorization level. (b)The Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO)is responsible for: Developing and communicating IPS GROUP’s information classification framework. Assisting information owners with assessing the classification level of their resources. Auditing to ensure compliance with this policy. 7.0 Effective Date May 01,2009 8.0 Revision Schedule This policy should be reviewed and updated annually 9.0 Revision History By Date Detail Alexander Schwarz 09/1/2017 Reviewed Dale Gutierrez 10/20/2020 Reviewed