HomeMy WebLinkAboutPassport Labs, Inc. Response_Software for Parking Enforcement and Operations_Bozeman, MTCity of Bozeman, MT Software for Parking Enforcement & Operations June 18, 2021 @ 4PM passportinc.com | rfp@passportinc.com | 2021 Passport Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Parking Enforcement and Operations Due: June 18, 2021 For: City of Bozeman, MTPO Box 1230Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 From: Passport128 South Tryon Street, Ste. 2200Charlotte, North Carolina 28202USA(704) 837-8066 passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 2 REDACTION TABLE This RFP Proposal response includes trade secrets or other proprietary data that may not be disclosed outside the City and may not be duplicated,used,or disclosed in whole or in part for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposalsubmittal.The data subject to this restriction are contained in the REDACTION TABLE BELOW.The City,for purposes ofthisprovision,will include any consultant assisting in the evaluation of Proposals.If,however,a contract is awarded to thisRespondentasaresultoforinconnectionwiththesubmissionofthisdata,the City has the right to duplicate,use,or disclose the data to the extent provided in the resulting contract.This restriction does not limit the City‘s right to use theinformationcontainedinthedataifitisobtainedfromanothersourcewithoutrestrictionunlessrequiredbyanyapplicable public records law and no exemptions to disclosure apply, and then only to the extent required. PAGE #DESCRIPTION REASON 10 Enforcement: Citation Management & Reporting: Image Confidential 11 Enforcement: Connectivity: Image Confidential 25 Reporting and Citation Management: User & Roles: Image Confidential 29 Reporting and Citation Management: Scofflaw: Image Confidential 42 Permits: Passport Back Office: Permit Waitlisting:Image Confidential 45 Reports from Data: Officer Performance Reports: Image Confidential 47 Reports from Data: Violation & Patrol Reports: Image Confidential 48 Reports from Data: Accounting & Fiscal Reports: Image Confidential 50 Reports from Data: Permit Reports: Image Confidential 56-57 Data Storage: 10 Termination Rights Confidential 70-71 Proposed Implementation Schedule: Transition Experience Confidential 73 References Confidential passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 5 PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS 6 A. Executive Summary 6 B. Firm/Individual Profile 8 C. Scope of Project 9 Implementation 9 Compatibility 9 Enforcement 10 Issuance and Observation 12 Hardware 21 Reporting and Citation Management 23 Payment Processing 29 Notifications 32 Connectivity 34 Permits 36 User Interface 42 Reports from Data 43 Data Storage 51 Customer Support, Services, and Training 57 References 57 Montana State University 57 D. General and Technical Requirements 57 E. Related Experience with Projects Similar to the Scope of Services 58 F. Proposed Implementation Schedule 64 G. Recent and Current Work for the City of Bozeman 72 H. References 73 I. Training and Customer Service Plan 74 J. Price Proposal 89 K. Affirmation of Nondiscrimination 92 APPENDIX 93 PCI Compliance Certificate 93 passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 4 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL June 18, 2021 City of Bozeman, MTPO Box 1230Bozeman, MT 59771-1230agenda@bozeman.net Dear City of Bozeman Review Committee: Accompanying,please find Passport’s proposal for the RFP for Software for Parking Enforcementand Operations for the City of Bozeman. For all concerns related to this bid:Sam Warnecke, Enterprise Sales ExecutiveTel: 980-260-0884 ext. 1041Fax: (888) 804-1783Email: sam.warnecke@passportinc.com As Chief Revenue Officer,I have full authority to enter into contracts on behalf of Passport.PassporthascarefullyreviewedtheofferenclosedandispleasedtoprovideitsproposaltotheCityofBozeman. Sincerely, Khristian Gutierrez Chief Revenue Officer 128 S Tryon St. Suite 2200 Charlotte, NC 28202 khristian-rfp@passportinc.com (704) 837-8066 www.passportinc.com passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 5 PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS As Passport’s software and services are always evolving the exact design,naming conventions,functionality,andsupportstructure(as examples)may vary from what is described below at the time of service delivery.To ensure ourclientsreceivethelatestproductofferingandasuperiorclientexperience,this proposal shall expire 6 months fromthe bid submittal date unless otherwise extended or updated by Passport in writing, or noted by the client in the RFP. If awarded the bid,Passport will work with the City to develop a detailed Scope of Work (SOW)document which willcapturealloftherequisiteservicesandfunctionalityneeded.This SOW will be attached and incorporated into thecontractandwillserveasthemutuallyagreeduponsourceofinandoutofscopecontractdeliverables.Since thediscoverysessionwiththeCitymayuncoveradditionalneedsornovelworkflowspossiblewithPassport's technologythatisnotcontemplatedorrequestedintheRFP,the SOW and mutually agreed upon contract terms will takeprecedenceovertheRFPandPassport's response.This proposal is conditioned upon agreement to mutuallynegotiated contract terms and includes our list of exceptions/modifications. A. Executive Summary Passport Labs,Inc.(“Passport”)is pleased to present a proposal for Parking Enforcement andOperationsSoftwaretotheCityofBozeman,MT (“the City”).Having thoroughly read the RFP andconductednumerousdiscoverycallsthroughout2021,Passport feels strongly that expanding itscurrentpartnershipwiththeCitywillbestenableBozemantoachieveitsgoalsforparkingandmobilitymanagement.Today’s mobility ecosystem is changing faster than cities can procure forsolutionstosolveemergingchallenges,and we’re constantly in awe of the leadership in the City’sabilitytoforeseechangesandstayastepahead.The pace of growth in Bozeman is unparalleled inthestateofMontanaandwillrequiresoftwaresolutionsandtechnologypartnershipsthatcankeepup,allowing for flexibility and scalability within the City’s operations.From integrations with theCity’s current parking hardware providers like Genetec,in-state experience migrating other cities,forexample,the City of Great Falls,MT off of T2’s technologies,to the intuitive user interfaces for permitmanagementandcitationpaymentsandappeals,Passport is primed to further enable Bozeman’smobility operations to stay on the cutting edge for years to come. Dynamic Parking Technology & InnovationTheCityrunsaparkingandmobilityoperation that requires a high level of technologicalsophisticationfromitspartners.Passport will partner with the City to achieve its goals for thisinitiativeandiscommittedtoprovidingtheCitywithafullyintegratedandconnectedparkingecosystem.Passport has the ability and know-how to scale in each installation and is constantlyupdatingandimprovingitstechnology.Passport clients do not have to proactively seek systemupgradesandimprovementsandwillnothavetowaittotakeadvantagewhentheyoccur.AnexampleofthisiswhenPassportupdatedtheProgressiveRatepolicyformobilepay,which gaveclientstheabilitytoseta“Lock-In Period”on progressive rates.Passport understands that Bozemanis interested in this feature when it looks to expand its mobile pay environment to on-street parking. Entities and their constituents across the nation use Passport’s suite of products every day to pay forparking,issue parking tickets,pay parking tickets,recover delinquent fines,and manage parkingpermits.As Passport is one of the only companies in the industry to provide end-to-end parkingmanagementtechnologyandhasanationalfootprint,the City of Bozeman will be able to leverage awealthofclientfeedbackandexperiencefromsomeofthemostmatureandcomplexparkingdepartmentsinthecountry.An example of this comes from the City of Omaha,NE which expressedinterestinusingGPSfunctionalitytotrackparkingenforcementofficersforbothaccountabilityandsafetyreasons.Passport understood the City’s need for this feature and now,live officer-tracking isacomponentavailabletoallPassportclients.It is because of this commitment to innovation,thatPassportclientswhohaveswitchedfromotherprovidershaverealizeda57%reduction in timefromparkingcitationissuancetocitationpayment.By selecting Passport and expanding the parking passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 6 technology partnership,the City will not only be choosing a leader in parking enforcement andpermittingservicesbutwillalsobechoosingPassport’s evolving capabilities and dedication toinnovation for its clients. Transition ExpertisePassportiscommitted to delivering parking technology and services to municipalities,universities,and private operators in an effort to solve their parking enforcement,permitting,and paymentchallenges.Within the last three years,Passport has doubled down on that commitment through itsacquisitionsofNuParkandComplusDataInnovations.Every implementation of a parkingenforcementsysteminvolvestransitionsfromincumbentprovidersandweunderstandtheimportanceofminimizingdowntimeandensuringapositiveadoptionexperienceforCityadministratorsandendusers.The City will be changing nuances of the daily work of so manystakeholdersacrossitsteams,and the transition is not lost on Passport.The Passport team has ledT2SystemstransitionsinsuchcitiesasGreatFalls,MT;Breckenridge,CO;and Gainesville,FLfocusingallitsenergyonensuringthattheclientwascomfortablewitheachstepoftheimplementation process. Long-term PartnershipPassportentersintoeach agreement with the goal of cultivating a lasting partnership with eachclient,which is why Passport is fortunate enough to enjoy an industry-leading client retention rate.ItisthroughthesepartnershipsthatPassporthasgarneredtheexperienceandtrusttoprovidetheCityofBozemanwiththeenforcementandpermitmanagementservicesitisseeking.Passport has compiled a team of best-in-class technical projectmanagers,software engineers,client &end-user support representatives,andclient-success experts (many of whom the City has worked with in the past)that will fulfill different aspects of the City’s requirements and needs as acohesiveunit.The City experienced this high level of quality services during theimplementationofParkBZN.The same team lead,Courtney Ignacio,will alsorunpointinasuccessfulrolloutofPassport’s enforcement and permitssolutionswhileiteratingandexpandingonthePassportsysteminpartnershipwith Meg Polak on Client Sucess. The clients it serves are what have allowed Passport to have sustained success in this industry andPassportremainsfullycommittedtotheseclients,like the City of Bozeman,and their needs.In eachmeetingroominPassport’s headquarters,there is a bright-colored t-shirt at the table labeled“Client”to ensure that all decisions being made are for the betterment of those in which we serve.Through this commitment and experience,the City can feel comfortable in expanding on itspartnershipwithPassportandthatmakinganenforcementandpermittransitiontothisteamwillbemetwiththeutmostlevelofcareboththroughtheimplementationandongoingfulfillmentofany future partnership. Through this procurement,the City is not just hiring a vendor,but rather selecting a partner;it isdeterminingwhowillbestdelivertotheCityanintegratedparkingmanagementsystemthatmeetsitsrequirementsfortodayandinthefuture.Passport would be honored for this opportunity tocontinue to support the City in this project. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 7 B. Firm/Individual Profile Passport has over 250 employees and has consistently grown to match its expanding client base. Passport is headquartered in Charlotte, NC with an additional office in Tarrytown, NY. Passport is a transportation software company,transforming mobility management for cities and empowering them to create more livable and equitable communities.The Passport Operating System enables clients to digitally coordinate many modes of transportation and implement real-time,data-centric management of their curbside and street space.With Passport,City leaders can increase convenience,efficiency,and compliance all while providing a simplified parking experience.Cities,universities,and agencies all across North America trust Passport’s streamlined and innovative SaaS solutions and management expertise.Passport currently serves over 1,200 clients,is implemented in more than 5,000 locations,supports over 14.3 million end users,has processed over 2 billion transactions to date between mobile parking sessions and citation payments, and brings over 30 years of experience in parking technology. 1,260+ Clients Worldwide $2B+ Mobility PaymentsProcessed Compliant PCI-DSS & SSAE18Compliant From its beginning,Passport has adapted its solutions to meet the changing needs of both its clients and the communities they serve.Passport is an end-to-end operating system for managing parking, passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 8 enforcement,permitting,LPR,and integrated payments.The Passport Operating System unlocks anopenecosystemmodelforparkingthatallowscitiestoincreaserevenueandpaymentcompliancebyallowingcustomerstopayseamlesslyforparking,citations,or permits.Passport’s suite ofmobilitysolutionsproudlyservessomeofNorthAmerica’s greatest cities including Chicago,IL,Toronto, ON, Boston, MA, and locally Bozeman, MT,Missoula, MT, and Great Falls, MT. Passport is a Delaware C-Corporation backed by institutional investors Bain Capital Ventures,MKCapital,Grotech Ventures,Relevance Capital,Rho Capital Partners,H.I.G.Growth Partners,ThornTree Capital Partners,and Sixth Street Growth.Passport also maintains a relationship withSixthStreetPartnersforadditionalliquiditythroughavailabledebtcapacity,further strengtheningtheCompany's financial stability.Passport has used that funding to deliver innovative,technologically advanced solutions to municipalities,private operators,and universities acrossNorth America. Passport provides internal CPA-prepared financial statements on a monthly basis for review by itsBoardofDirectors.Passport's financial statements are audited annually by Deloitte &Touche,whoalso prepare the Company's annual federal and state tax returns. With over 2 billion transactions to date between mobile parking sessions and citation payments,anditsannualrevenuesforthelastthreeyearstotalingover$95M,Passport can confidently attest to itsfinancial stability and ability to successfully service any contract arising out of this project. C. Scope of Project Implementation Please see Section F. Proposed Implementation Schedule. Compatibility GenetecPassport’s enforcement solution includes an integration with leading License Plate Recognition (LPR)technology,Genetec.Seamlessly integrated with Passport’s OpsMan Mobile handheld enforcementsoftwareandbackendsystem,enforcing with LPR has never been easier.Passport’s enforcementsoftwareisabletointerfacedirectlywithLPRtechnology,including Genetec SharpZ3 LPR cameras,AutoVu Patroller,and Security Center software.This direct integration reduces system complexity,increases functionality,and improves officer usability,as it allows officers to automate identifyingnon-compliant vehicles with LPR technology and easily enforce those same vehicles with Passport’sintegrated software. Luke II Pay Stations Passport and T2 work together in many different environments nationwide,including Rye,NY,and Sedona,AZ.This integration with T2’s pay stations allows for Passport to push/pull mobile payment information from the Luke II pay stations directly onto mobile handheld devices so that enforcement officers can have a real-time accurate feed of parking transactions. Passport Mobile App As the City’s current mobile app provider,Passport can provide Bozeman with an end-to-endparkingmanagementsystemifselectedtoprovideitsenforcementanddigitalpermittingsolutionsinadditiontoParkBZN.This will include real-time monitoring of parking sessions on ParkBZNthrough the enforcement handheld for the enforcement officers. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 9 Central Square/ NavilinePassporthasseveralfinancialreportsthatcanbeautomatedtorunonapredeterminedschedule,based on City-defined parameters.Passport can configure a citation transaction revenue report togeneratedailyandbeexportedtoaCSVfile.This file will then be transferred via SFTP to the CentralSquare/Naviline system in order to be reconciled within its database.Passport has establishedautomaticfiledropsviaSFTPforothercashieringandfinancialsystems(e.g.Tyler MUNIS),and willwork with the City during contracting to fully understand and scope this requirement. Enforcement Passport's digital enforcement solution enables end-to-end parking management across allenforcementoperations.Officers in the field will be provided with comprehensive enforcementsoftwarethatenablesthemtoquicklyidentifynon-compliant vehicles and electronically issuecitations.Passport Enforcement is accompanied by a comprehensive back end system that will serveastheCity’s data hub,aggregating information from all front-end interfaces (ParkBZN,active permitrecords,citation payment portals,meter integrations,etc.)and transferring data in real time to theenforcementofficer’s handheld device for informed and accurate issuance.Once a ticket is issued,its information is securely transmitted into the back office in real time,available to both the violatorforpaymentandtheCityfortrackingandreporting.Passport’s enforcement solution has beendesignedtostreamlineenforcementservices,reduce time and cost,and easily drive compliance forallvehiclesthatinteractwiththecurb.The system is broken down into multiple components.Eachcomponentisseamlesslyintegratedwiththeothers,providing real-time data collection andretrieval. Issuance and ObservationsPassport’s front-end enforcement application (OpsMan Mobile)is a native Android application that isavailableforfreeontheGooglePlayStore,which will be used by enforcement officers to issuecitations.In less than 30 seconds,an enforcement officer will be able to enter a license plate number(LPN),check whether the vehicle is illegally parked,and issue a new citation.Passport is able tostreamlinethisprocessbyusingdynamiclookupsofeachLPN,checking each inputted characteragainstacontinuallyupdateddatabaseofinformation(e.g.ParkBZN payments,scofflaw list,etc.),and retrieving data in an average of 2.5 seconds.Once issued,all citation data will be pushed to thecloud-hosted back office system and made available for payment, tracking, and reporting. Citation Management & Reporting Passport Enforcement features a backofficesystemthatservesasthemainanalyticsdashboardfortheCity’s parkingmanagementandacontrolboardforparkingoperations.It will aggregate datainrealtimefromallfront-end interfaces(enforcement software,payment portals,mobile app,etc.),to then use towardadditionalenforcement,data processing,trend analysis,and reporting.The backofficealsooffersmanycrucialcitationprocessingfunctionssuchascashiering,appeal processing,scofflaw management,and violation updates.The data stored passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 10 within the back end will be accessible for real-time reporting,on which the City can analyze anddraw insights to inform parking changes and innovate technology. Payment Processing Passport Enforcement is accompanied by a Customer Portal,which allows violators immediate access to pay or appeal their citation online following issuance.The portal is PCI-DSS Level-1 (v. 3.2.1)certified and keeps all personally identifiable and confidential information secure,tokenizing and storing credit card data in a separate,isolated database.Passport is on the national registries of both Visa and Mastercard as a merchant service provider.The back end also includes a cashiering module to keep record of any in-person,mail-in,or lockbox payments in the database.A number of financial transaction reports complete these processes to track and document all payment activity performed within the system. Notifications Passport has an integration with TLO for nearly all DMV agencies across the United States to obtainregisteredownerinformation,including Montana and all surrounding states.Upon receipt,information from TLO is auto-populated into the citation record in the back office.To correspondwithviolatorsaboutoutstandingcitations,the City will leverage Passport’s “Letter Template Setup”module in the back end system.This module will create all correspondence to be sent to violators orapplicablefleetcompanyaddressesonfileonaCity-defined schedule.This correspondence canincludedelinquentnoticesforoutstandingviolationsorad-hoc letters such as hearing dates,appealdecisions,or insufficient funds.Passport will align with the City to obtain approval and ensure Cityspecificationsaremet,such as including City letterhead or adding content applicable to state and/orfederallaws.The back office records all outbound correspondence as an audit trail item on thecitationrecord,including a copy of the letter template for viewing and/or printing by Cityadministrators. Connectivity Passport’s enforcement management will serve as a single source of truth for the City to analyze its parking environment to better manage its streets and sidewalks. All of Passport’s proprietary product offerings (mobile parking application,enforcement system,digital permitting solution)are integrated across all front-end and back end interfaces creating a passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 11 seamless experience for both the Bozeman Parking Services Division as well as its customers.Passport’s cloud-based infrastructure also allows a wide variety of external systems to communicateandsharedatainrealtimethroughasetofstandardizedapplicationprogramminginterfaces,orAPIs.Passport takes a standardized approach to its APIs,by maintaining proper documentation andallowingpublicaccessthroughdistributedAPIkeys.This approach makes it simple to add new andemergingtechnologiestoitsecosystemwithoutundueburdenorcosttotheCity.This positions theCitytoaddanyinternet-connected system that aligns with Passport’s public APIs,to share curbsidepolicy,collect revenue,and generate insights from the data that the system aggregates.These couldincludesensors,parking applications and meters,license plate recognition technology,immobilization systems, and more. Issuance and Observation KEY TAKEAWAYS Issuance in Under 30 SecondsPassport’s issuance software features dynamic lookup technology, preset fields,and ordered dropdowns that enable officers to issue more efficiently than ever. LPR ConnectivityPassport directly integrates with Genetec helping increase PEO efficiencies,as it allows officers to automate identifying non-compliant vehicles with mobile LPRtechnology and easily enforce those same vehicles with Passport’s integrated software. Accurate & Consistent InputsThe ability to designate fields as “required” in order to issue a citation, pre-formatfields for consistent entry, and “fuzzy match” inputted LPN characters, all help toeliminate the human error associated with issuance. Real-time TransferAll issued citations upload to the back end in real time for reporting and processing.Tickets also immediately upload to an online Customer Portal for payment. Tickets are issued using Passport’s proprietary issuance software,OpsMan Mobile,available for freeintheGooglePlaystore.During implementation,Passport’s team will set up City enforcementofficerswithuniqueaccounts.Enforcement officers will then log in,update their password,and usetheseuniquecredentialsforeachsubsequentlogin.Each ticket issued by that enforcement officercanincludetheirname,badge number,and signature auto-populated on each ticket,reducing thenumber of steps required for issuance. TICKET ISSUANCE FLOW Enforcement officers will walk or drive their regular beats,entering LPNs of each vehicle to becheckedagainstamasterdatabasethatdeterminesparkingeligibility.As LPNs are compared to thiscontinuallyupdateddatabase,officers can make a determination backed by real-time data that:avehicleiscompliantandpaidtopark;or a vehicle is non-compliant (e.g.parking session expired,LPNdoesnotholdanactivepermit).The software will pull this data from any mobile apps,meters and passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 12 pay stations,permit files,and other external vendors.Passport integrates with many of the leading1 vendors in the industry and can use open APIs to connect to external systems currently within theCity’s ecosystem, or in the future. If the LPN does not match any valid sessionswithinPassport’s database,the enforcementofficerwillbegintoissueaticket.The LPN will bepopulatedbasedontheofficer’s previous search.The officer will enter all required fields,beginningwithsupplementaryvehicleinformation(e.g.make,model,color),then proceeding toviolation-specific information (e.g.violation code,location).As officers input data for these fields,OpsMan Mobile will filter alphanumerically to onlyincludeoptionsthatmatchthatinputtohelpstreamlinetheissuanceprocess.These fields willbeconfiguredtotheCity’s specifications duringimplementation.Passport maintains options foralmostallpossibledatapointsbutalsoallowsforadditionalfieldsifneeded.Once the initial vehicledetailsareincluded,the following screen willpresenttheofficerwithkeyinformationrelatedtotheLPN,including scofflaw data and any otherCity-defined enforcement list. Enforcement officers will then proceed to evidence capture andnote-taking.Officers will be able to take unlimited pictures to captureasevidenceoftheparkingviolation,with the ability for a single phototobeselectedandprintedontotheticket.All remaining photographswillbeperpetuallytiedtotheviolation,vehicle,and citizen record inthebackoffice.OpsMan Mobile will allow officers to issue violationswithtwoextensivenotefields:internal and external notes.ExternalnoteswillprintontheviolationandinternalnoteswillonlybeseenbyCityadministratorsandadjudicators.Notes are either written in anopentextboxorcanbeselectedfromapredefined"Common Notes"list.The free form notes can either be typed manually or dictatedthroughthevoice-to-text feature for hands-free functionality.From thebackend,administrators have access to all notes,and can also enteradditionalnotesfollowingissuance.All notes will include a timestampand the associated user ID. Evidence is a vital step in ensuring the City and citizens have a fullpictureofwhere,when,and why violations have been issued.WhenpursuinganappealthroughtheCustomerPortal,citizens will bepresentedwithanyphotographicevidenceandexternalnotesassociatedwiththeviolation.This display of evidence oftendiscourages appeals and instead encourages payment of the violation. 1 Where possible given the provider’s ability to send such data. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 13 Once all fields have been filled out and evidence and notes have been captured,the officer willselect“Issue Ticket.”At this juncture,OpsMan Mobile will double check the LPN once more to confirmthat a parking or permit purchase was not approved during the issuance process. Then the officer will be required to confirm the ticket and select “Print,”so that the violation can beprintedontocustomviolationpaperstock.The software provides alternative actions at this step,including “Update”and “Reissue”as well as “Void,”should the officer have issued a ticket in error orwishtodismisstheticketpriortophysicalissuance,as situations require and according to the City’senforcementpolicies.Passport’s system is not currently configured to support sending tickets viamailfollowingissuance.Passport is integrated with Bozeman’s existing LPR provider,Genetec.Passport’s system will share parking data (ParkBZN session and active permit data)with Genetec’ssystemasitscansvehicleLPNsfornon-payment as they enter/leave the Bridger Parking Garage.Enforcement officers will be able to use the information captured by the LPR technology to makestrategicdecisionsonwhenthefacilityshouldbemonitoredandenforced,based on the number ofviolatorswhohaveenteredthatlot.As non-compliant vehicles are scanned and identified,enforcement officers will be able to visit that lot and issue tickets from Passport’s OpsMan Mobilehandheld software. The City can also utilize Genetec’s Security Center software in tandem with Passport’s back office tosendticketswithouthavingtodeployenforcementofficerstothatlot.As violators are identifiedthroughGenetec’s fixed LPR cameras,enforcement users can use Passport’s “Write Citation”moduletomanuallyissueaticketfromthebackoffice.Users can download and attach LPR-captured imagestotheticketfromSecurityCenter,using Passport’s “Upload Evidence”feature.Users can also add aninternalnotetotheviolation,indicating that it was issued as a result of a fixed LPR scan.PassportwillrequestregisteredownerinformationfortheLPNfromTLO,as it normally would,and thisinformation will auto-populate the citation record within the back office. Users can run an unpaid citations report for a particular date range,export the report,and filterbasedonthenotesfieldasameanstoidentifyallcitationsissuedbyfixedLPR.Once identified,users,can send a notification to the violator using Passport’s “Generate Letter”functionality.This willpopulateanoticeindicatingthereisanoutstandingviolationthatmustbepaid,which will mail totheaddressreceivedfromTLO.After generating the letter,users can manually reset any escalationschedulesinthebackofficetoensurethatnopenalties/escalations unfairly accrued on thatviolation, prior to the driver being notified. While Passport does offer delinquent noticing to correspond with outstanding ticket holders (see:Notifications below),this communication does not happen at the time of issuance.Once issued,thecorrespondingticketinformationisimmediatelyaccessibleforCityqueryingandprocessingintheback office and open for payment on the Customer Portal. ENFORCING WITH LPR Passport’s enforcement solution includes an integration with leading Genetec LPR technology, including a direct interface with Genetec SharpZ3 LPR cameras,AutoVu Patroller,and Security Center software.This technology will provide the City with a highly effective way to obtain real-time verification of valid parking permits,confirm mobile and/or pay station-based paid parking sessions, identify scofflaws,and more to issue accurate parking citations.Seamlessly integrated with the OpsMan Mobile handheld enforcement software and back end system,enforcing with LPR has never been easier.This direct integration reduces the need for visual inspections and manual processes, allowing officers to automate identifying non-compliant vehicles with mobile LPR technology and easily enforce those same vehicles with Passport’s integrated software. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 14 With open API architecture in place,Passport is integrated with industry-leading Genetec technology.Genetec’s SharpZ3 ALPR Camera is an IP-based automatic LPR camera designed for mobileapplications.It boasts high resolution and integrated illumination in a very compact form,allowingtheSharpZ3tocapturemorelicenseplatesinavarietyofconditionsandathighspeeds.Eachprocessingunitcansupportuptofourcameras,providing maximum coverage and high accuracy inparkingapplications.Genetec’s processing unit (AutoVu)manages all key software,translating plateimagesintodigitalplatereads.The processor uses 1 or 2 Intel Atom processors per processing unit.Each processor is compact,ruggedized,shock resistant,and mounted on the trunk of each vehiclesoasnottotakeupspaceinthevehicle.Each scanned LPN is compared to lists of paid parkingsessionsandpermitholdersprovidedbyPassportandoperatorsarenotifiedwhentheirintervention is required. Passport expanded upon its integration to not only notify an operator when a citation should beissuedbutalsotopulldatafromtheAutoVusystemtopre-populate tickets for even faster issuance.When a vehicle outfitted with Genetec LPR cameras passes through a parking lot or drives down astreet,Genetec’s system collects an image of each license plate,each vehicle,and records the timeofcaptureandlocationofthevehicle.The data is processed and relayed to the driver of theenforcementvehiclethroughalaptopfixedinthevehicle.The driver will continue to patrol the areauntiltheLPRsoftwaredeterminesthatavehicleisinviolation.The LPR technology monitors for passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 15 violations related to nonpayment,invalid permits,and overstaying a free time limit on a parkingspace.When the LPR technology determines that a vehicle is in violation,the officer must verify theplatenumberthatwasscannedbytheLPRsystem.If the LPNs match,then the officer will hit“Enforce” from the laptop. Passport’s integration with this LPR technology implements the use of APIs to retrieve all violationdata(including images)from the LPR software.This information is parsed and stored withinPassport’s cloud and broadcasted to all OpsMan Mobile users via the “Violations from LPR”menu (seeexampleimagesonthepreviouspage).The nearest officer to the violative vehicle will be dispatchedtoissuethecitationpickedupbytheLPRvehicle.When the issuing officer reaches the vehicle,theywillselectthecorrectLPNfromalistofscannedLPRviolations.Once selected,OpsMan Mobile willautomaticallyredirecttheofficertothe“Citation Issuance”page,where all available information hasbeenpre-populated.When a violation is selected from the list,the enforcement officer will be takentotheIssuancescreenwheretheycanverifyinformation,attach notes and images (the imagestakendirectlyfromtheLPRcamera),and print and place the ticket on the vehicle.Once issued,thatviolationwillberemovedfromtheuniversal“Violations from LPR”list.Additionally,if no officer issuesa citation eligible under LPR Violations, those violations will be removed from the list after 12 hours. SUPPORT Passport understands that keeping parking enforcement officers on the street and active is crucial to a successful compliance program.Any bugs or issues while out in the field need to be reported and corrected immediately so that the officers can optimize performance.At the bottom of the menu within OpsMan Mobile,Passport has included a dedicated “Support”tab (image 1 below).Once in this section,officers will have immediate access to Passport’s Support team via phone and email. Officers will also be able to submit “Bug Reports”from this screen (image 2 below).These submitted Bug Reports will contain all logs from the officer’s device so that Passport can check the logs to troubleshoot any issue.Prior to submitting the Bug Report,a pop-up window will appear for the officer to enter a description of why they are submitting an issue.When new versions of OpsMan Mobile are released a new “Update”option in the Support section will appear (image 3 below).This area provides a direct link to the Google Play Store to pull down the version update. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 16 Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 ISSUANCE FEATURES The OpsMan Mobile interface was designed to maximize officer productivity in the field whileprovidingauser-friendly issuance flow.In less than 30 seconds,an enforcement officer will be abletoenteralicenseplatenumber(“LPN”),check whether the vehicle is illegally parked,and issue a newticket. OpsMan Mobile includes features that promote the industry’s fastest issuance flow: • DYNAMIC LOOKUPS • FUZZY MATCHING • PREDEFINED FIELDS • DIGITAL CHALKING Dynamic Lookups Passport understands that quick and accurate ticket issuance is critical to enforcement operations and that scrolling through a large list of license plate numbers is not conducive to officer productivity.Passport will implement its Dynamic Lookup process to aid in the efficiency of City enforcement operations.An officer will enter the first 2-3 digits of a suspected non-compliant LPN and OpsMan Mobile will automatically check this input against a master database using Dynamic Lookups,eliminating all valid LPNs (e.g.active permit,mobile parking session,meter payment,etc.) that do not contain the same array of digits.After determining a vehicle is in violation,the parking enforcement officer will begin the issuance process.Prior to issuing the ticket,OpsMan Mobile will double check the LPN against the most recent database to confirm that a purchase was not approved during the issuance process.If the officer entered the full license plate number into the search bar on the previous screen,then the LPN will pre-populate on the ticketing screen.These subtle features reduce clicks and mitigate the risk for incorrect data entry. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 17 An officer is monitoringall parking in the “Green Lot” location. An officer enters “S” into thesearch bar, which returns allLPN’s beginning with thatcharacter.NOTE:FuzzyMatching technology(described below) alsoreturned a plate beginningwith the number 5. An officer enters anothercharacter, “A” into thesearch bar, eliminating allLPNs that do not containthat exact array ofcharacters. A vital component of any parking compliance operation is vehicleimmobilization.During implementation,Passport will define andimplementtheparametersunderwhichavehicleisconsidered“scofflaw”or eligible to be immobilized,based on City business rules.The LPNscofflawdatawillflowintotheOpsManMobileenforcementsoftwaresothatasofficersverifyLPNsusingDynamicLookupsinOpsManMobile,the software will check for inclusion in a scofflaw list.If included,theofficerwillbealertedontheappscreenandwillknowtoinitiatesubsequentboot/tow processes,as appropriate.Since all interfacesincludedinPassport’s enforcement suite communicate in real timethroughasetofinternalAPIs,officers will receive a feed of scofflawinformationontheirticketingroute.This ensures accurate identificationofimmobilization-eligible vehicles and does not require any additionalaction by City enforcement officers to verify status. Fuzzy Matching To account for human error,Passport uses Fuzzy Matching when an officer enters the LPN.Fuzzy Matching uses character replacement to show exact LPN matches and also matches where the character has been replaced.For example,if the LPN is “0AZ L5Z”and the enforcement passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 18 officer mistakenly types an “O”instead of “0,”Passport’s Fuzzy Matching system will account for thiscommonmistakeandreturnallLPNswithanactivesessionthatbeginswitheither“OAZ”or “0AZ.”The Fuzzy Matching system accounts for common mistakes when using O and 0;I and 1;S and 5;and Z and 2. Predefined FieldsPassport’s solution is designed with predefined fields,selection menus,and scofflaw notifications.Passport will work with the City to define which characteristics are required by the enforcementofficertoissueaticket.Passport requires the License Plate Number,State,and Violation Type to beentered,while the City has the choice of making Plate Type,VIN,Make,Model,Color,Officer Beat,Meter Number,Enforcement Direction,Common Notes,Picture Evidence,and others as additionallyrequiredfields.In many cases,Passport has been able to speed up the violation issuance processthroughtheinclusionofdrop-down fields.For example,when an officer is selecting “Violation Type”they will be prompted with a drop-down list.This list will be populated during implementation toincludealltheCity’s violation types and can be ordered from the most common violation type to theleastcommonviolationtypes,as a means of eliminating unnecessary scrolling by enforcementofficers in the field. Digital ChalkingOpsManMobilehasanelectronicchalkingfeaturethatmakesitmucheasierforofficerstomark,track,and issue timed-parking violations (e.g.“Rolling Rule”or 72-Hour Violations)than usingtraditionalchalkingmethods.This feature allows officers to mark the vehicle LPN,location,stemvalveposition,and time limit.One of the key differentiators of Passport’s system is that chalkingsessionmarksarestoredfromeachofficerandarepreservedandsharedacrossshiftsanddevices,meaning when any enforcement officer using OpsMan Mobile marks that vehicle again,theinformationfromthepreviouschalk(location and the stem valve position)regardless of shift,isreadilyavailable.There are currently three modes of location marking to choose from,depending onCity regulations: ●Street Based --Uses the street and cross street of the vehicle’s location to track the exactblock. ●Address Based --Uses a combination of cardinal direction,a cross indicator,addressnumber,and street name.Officers can drill down to the specific physical address to knowexactly where the vehicle was parked. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 19 ●Zone Based --Passport can either designate new zones or use existing zones for ticketissuance specifically for chalking. After the location is inputted (Street,Address,or Zone),the officer will mark the location of thewheel’s stem valve on an image within OpsMan Mobile.The process is optimized for efficiency toimprovetheCity’s parking management operations,even notifying the officer when to issue a ticketbasedonoverstaying.In addition to system-wide access to chalking data,Passport has designed theuserinterfacetoallowofficerstoeasilyswitchbackandforthbetweenchalkingandissuancemodules.Once an officer is prompted to issue a ticket due to previous chalking,the issuance screenwillbepre-populated for an overstay violation,including specific data about that vehicle.Finally,each LPN is checked against an imported list of LPNs with outstanding tickets,scofflaw status,orotherCityenforcementdatabases(e.g.stolen vehicles,outstanding taxes,or missing persons).ThesoftwareaggregatesthisdatainrealtimeanddoesnotrequiretheofficertorunseparatecheckstoverifytheLPNstatusofnoncompliance.These automated checks and alerts allow for higheraccuracy when ticketing and save considerable time. In summary, the process is simple: ●The license plate number,location,tire stem position,and time limit for parking are recorded and shared system-wide for all parking enforcement officers to access. ●As officers or LPR vehicles retrace their route, the vehicle information is recorded again. ●If the vehicle matches the configured business rules for overtime parking,the officer is alerted to issue a ticket and the chalking information will also be printed on the issued ticket, strengthening the City’s argument on appeal. The feature will be configured during implementation to meet the needs of the City’s current rules and regulations related to parking stay time limits. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 20 Hardware SMARTPHONE & BLUETOOTH PRINTER Passport recommends the Samsung Galaxy S10 for use intheCity’s enforcement program.The S10 is an AndroidsmartphonewithGorillaglassfrontandbackpanelsinanaluminumframewitha6.1”dynamic AMOLED(active-matrix organic light-emitting diode)display withHDR10+resolution.The S10 has a Li-Ion 3400 mAh,non-removable battery with fast charging 15W capabilitiesthattakeadvantageofhigherpowerlevelstochargethedevice quickly and effectively. The main camera on the S10 is a triple lens allowing forwide(12MP,dual pixel,f/1.5-2.4 aperture),telephoto(12MP,optical zoom,f/2.4 aperture),and ultrawide (16MP,super steady video,f/2.2 aperture).Additionally,the S10hasa10MPfrontcamerasensor,also with an f/1.9aperture.This pro-grade camera which operates inconjunctionwithaSonyimagesensorwillmakeitmucheasierforparkingenforcementofficerstotakemultiplepicturesofeachvehicle,which are then stored with theticketinthebackofficeand/or printed directly onto theticket. To print the citations,Passport recommends the use of Zebra’sZQ320Bluetoothprinter.Zebra’s ZQ300 series of mobile printershaveclass-leading battery power,durability,and easy remotemanagement.The outside-four-walls model of the printer isdesignedtohandletheelements,generate high-quality citations,and guarantee power for the longest shift in the field.Zebra’spatentedtechnologyreducesbatterypowerconsumptionbycalculatinganddeliveringtheexactamountofpowerrequiredtoprovidethehighestqualityprinting.The ZQ320’s print speed isadjusteddynamicallyinrealtime,based on multiple factors (motortorque,battery and print head temperature to print density,batteryage,available voltage,etc.)to consume the exact amount of energyneeded.This technology reduces the ZQ320’s power consumption by20-30%per battery cycle.When the battery does need to berecharged,Zebra offers a rack-based backroom charging station that can accommodate all the City’sdevices at once. Additionally, printers can be charged using an AC-to-USB power adapter. Alternatively,the City may re-use their existing Android smartphones with their new citationmanagementsystem.If the City exercises this option,Passport will still set up the existing phones,downloading the OpsMan Mobile application,and establishing a connection between the Androidand Bluetooth printer. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 21 PaperFortheZebraZQ320printers,Passport offers three levels of paper:Blank paper,Polythermal BlankPaper,and Custom Pre-Printed Paper.The Blank Paper allows for single-sided printing and is notwaterproof,so it also requires an envelope.This paper also does not offer pre-perforation for setcitation sizes. Each roll can print approximately 75 citations per roll. The polythermal paper is Appvion PolyTherm synthetic basepaperthatiswaterandenvironmentallyresistant.The PolyThermlineofpaperisAppvion’s most durable product and replaces theneedforanenvelopewhenleavingacitation.Appvion is FSCChainofCustodycertifiedfortheirsupportofresponsibleforestmanagement.When used in the Zebra printer,each PolyThermrollallowsforsingle-sided printing,is 100%waterproof,and canprint approximately 75 citations per roll. Passport’s highest level of paper is its Custom Pre-Printed paper.The paper is also Appvion PolyTherm paper and,as such,does notrequireanenvelopewhenissuingacitation.Unlike the blankPolyTherm,however,the custom paper can accommodatedouble-sided printing and is perforated for exact citation size.ThispaperwillbecustomizedwiththeCity’s watermark or logo to addmore assurance to the violator in the validity of the citation. Regardless of the paper used,Passport will customize the front ofthecitationtoincludetheCity’s name,the payment website,thevaluesthatneedtobeprinted,the layout,barcodes,the numberofphotosthatneedtobeprinted,and other stylisticrequirements.If using the customized pre-printed paper,the Citymayalsochoosetocustomizethebackofthecitation,includinginformation related to payment options and the appeals process. AccessoriesTheZebraZQ320canbeoutfittedwithseveralaccessories,making the officer’s experience more comfortable or extendingthebatterylife.Passport can supply a case or strap to carry theprinterovertheshoulderasopposedtoattachingittoabelt.Additionally,Passport can provide various charging optionsincludingacarchargerandchargerrack,which charges up to 5printers at one time. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 22 Reporting and Citation Management KEY TAKEAWAYS End-to-End ManagementThe modules within the back end empower the City to manage citations from the moment theyare issued until final disposition, including payments,updates,appeals, and correspondence. Automated ProcessesPassport’s citation management solution offers automation for invoicing, late fees,escalation, appeals, and delinquency notification for outstanding violations, allwhile giving the City full control over when and how these processes are performed. Comprehensive ReportingUsers can obtain real-time reports across all facets of enforcement operationsincluding officer performance & productivity, payments & financialreconciliation, violation counts & trends, and adjudication reporting. Targeted EnforcementPassport will enable the City to target enforcement toward repeat offendersby sending LPN scofflaw lists for identification in the field, and aback end module to subsequently update and track immobilization status. Passport’s enforcement product is accompanied by a back end system that will aggregate data fromallfront-end interfaces (ParkBZN,payment portals,pay station integrations,etc.),which will feed toenforcementsoftwarefordata-driven issuance.Following issuance,all ticket data will feed into thebackendsysteminrealtimewheretheCitycanperformvariousprocessingactions(e.g.payments,appeals,etc.)and report on citation activity.Furthermore,Passport’s back office not only aggregatesviolationinformationandprovidesintuitivereporting,but also serves as an operations hub whereCityadministratorscanconfigureallsettingsofitsenforcementprogram,such as defining zones,fine amounts,escalation schedules,correspondence templates,and more.Passport’s enforcementsolutionwillhelptoautomateenforcementoperationsaswellasprovideaccesstoreal-time insightsacrossenforcementactivitytohelpdriveparking/payment compliance and create the mostseamless parking environment for the City, its citizens,and visitors. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 23 USERS & ROLES The City will have complete control over who may access the back end system and even control what functions and reports can be accessed based on an individual role.The City will have at least one main administrator,who will manage all other accounts including account creation,access control,and password resets.As the main administrator will have full access and control over the entire system, this designated person should hold a position of trust. Clicking on “Users”will return a drop-down menu with “Roles”and “Users.”“Users”is only accessible to the main administrator and will be used to create a user,edit access to the back office,reset a password,or delete an account.The main administrator can filter based on the role or search for an individual administrator.The “Roles”page allows the main administrator to change back office access for an entire role.During implementation and thereafter in account creation,the main administrator will assign a role to each user,which will define their system access controls. Commonly defined roles include “Accounting” and “Customer Support.” To monitor system changes and prevent impermissible access,access to the back office requires a valid username and password which enables an audit trail record of all processing actions within the system.Passport tracks all activity associated with a violation record within the back end system, from issuance to final disposition.This empowers City administrators to audit both the status of any violation record in real time and view its associated history.Citation activity will be attributed to the initiating User ID,and actions are recorded as trail items on the violation record for transparency and accountability.Each audit trail item is marked with the date and time of the processing action as well as which user performed the action (see screenshot #1 below). passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 24 Screenshot #1: Violation Trail In addition to the Violation Trail,users can also run Passport’s Ticketing User Audit Report,whichprovidesarecord-by-record summary of key actions performed in the back office by individual UserID.Audited actions include manual violation issuance,violation updates,violation voids,violationpayments,manual suspends,appeal and hearing decisions,and violation adjustments.Date andtime stamps are provided for each listing. REPORTS Passport’s back office system includes some of the most robust reporting capabilities in the industry across its 80+standard reports,unique data visualization tools,and the capability to view daily, monthly,quarterly,and yearly trends across its enforcement,adjudication,and permitting data. Passport’s reports will provide the City with aggregated data that provides insight into the Bozeman parking environment and empowers data-driven decisions to be made in City processes.Please see the Reports from Data section below for additional information. TICKETING From the “Ticketing”tab,an administrator will be able to manage the entire citation managementprogram.Ticketing includes a variety of modules that will enable the City to conduct severalprocessingactionsincludingpostingpayments,managing appeals,sending and monitoringcorrespondence,managing fleet/group accounts,maintaining scofflaw and immobilization statuses,and posting all other transactions related to the lifecycle of a citation.The data stored within thebackofficewillbeaccessibleforreal-time reporting,on which the City can analyze and draw insightstoinformparkingchangesandinnovatetechnology.By clicking on Ticketing there will be adrop-down menu with multiple options. The most frequently used modules within Ticketing include: ●Write Citation ●Manage Citations passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 25 ●Violation Types ●Settings ●Appeals “Write Citation”allows an administrator to write a citation without downloading OpsMan Mobile.Thisismostoftenusedbypoliceofficerswhodon’t usually enforce parking regulations but need to writeacitationandprintitfromtheirin-car printer or for any handwritten citations needing entry into thesystem. “Manage Citations”is the central module of the back end system and will serve as the operations hubforend-to-end management and tracking of all citations that have been issued.City users will usethismoduletosearchforcitationsviaavarietyofmethods(citation number,LPN,owner name,officer name,and more)and see a complete file with all relevant data to that inquiry.By clicking on aspecificcitation,the user will see the general information about the citation (where it was issued,bywhom,total fine amount,total paid,LPN,and vehicle make and type)as well as all associatedpictures.This detailed view will also return information about the offender,including the last knownaddress,the exact location where the citation was issued,any appeals,and a full audit trail relatedtothatcitation.Passport’s system also displays a disposition status (Unpaid,Paid,Partial,Void,Accepted Appeal)that will indicate to users the stage the citation is at in its life cycle.Citationinformationcanbeprintedfromthebackofficeatanytime,which can be used for City records orcourt purposes. Manage Citations not only allows users to query citation information and obtain a full history,butalsoperformmanycrucialprocessingfunctionsincludingcorrectingdataerrors,posting payments,processing appeals,updating citations,adding citation notes,adjusting fine amounts,and mailingviolationletters.Should City staff wish to upload any ad-hoc photos or documents to the citationrecord(e.g.handwritten citation PDFs,incoming appeal correspondence,other related documents,etc.), they can do so from this module by selecting “Upload Evidence.” passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 26 “Violation Types”is where the City will define all the different types of violations that can be issued asaresultofnoncompliance.Here,an administrator will determine each violation’s fine amount,penalty fee(s),and escalation schedule (e.g.add $10.00 after 14 days from issue date).This modulealsoenablesadministratorstodefineattributesforeachviolationincludingwhethertheviolationcanbeappealed,the maximum number of appeals allowed,whether the violation contributes to anLPN’s scofflaw status,among others.Violation types can be uploaded in bulk for faster andconsistententryintothesystemandauthorizedadministratorscaneditordeleteviolationsatanytime. “Settings”includes an additional drop-down menu where the City can configure its setup for both theOpsManMobilesoftwareandbackendsystemtoitsspecificenvironment.Users can edit ViolationSettings,Chalking Settings,and Officer Incident Reporting Settings which all feed into the differentmodulesoftheOpsManMobilesoftwareusedbyofficers.The Settings menu is where “CommonNotes”and “Common Appeal Responses”can be set up.These configurations not only save time fromhavingtoretypethesameinformationrepeatedlybutalsocreateconsistencyinhowinformationisrelayedtothepublic.Settings is also where “Custom Fields”can be added.This feature empowers theCitytomanipulatePassport’s solution to meet the needs of the City’s specific parking environment.Custom Fields has a variety of configurations,including whether the field is required to be populatedto issue a citation. “Appeals”features a drop-down menu that will give the City increased control over the adjudicationofparkingcitations.“Process Appeals“returns a list of all citations that have been appealed throughPassport’s Customer Portal,the reason for appeal,the appeal date,and a description of the action.By clicking on an individual appeal,the administrator will be able to view the full citation detail --including evidence from the enforcement officer and documentation submitted by the appellant --and respond to the appeal.The administrator can accept or decline the appeal or adjust the fineamount.Based on their decision,adjudicators can then select an accompanying disposition type,or“Reason,”to record further detail behind the appeal decision.To streamline this process,the backofficehasadrop-down list of common appeal responses.Once the response is selected theadministratormayattachanysupportingdocumentsandchangethestatusoftheappeal.Eachaction will be stored with the citation for future reference by the City. The “Appeal Follow Up”selection allows administrators to respond to appeals that were receivedthroughotherchannels,including emails.“Processed Appeals”returns a complete list of all of theappealedcitationsthathavealreadybeenprocessed.“Process Hearing Requests”allows the City’sadjudicator(s)to see which citations have an associated hearing request,to then schedule and tracka hearing date accordingly. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 27 While the City is managing its parking operations from the back office,the system will be diligentlyworkingbehindthescenes.The back office will automatically escalate fines according to the City’sescalationschedulesandmailoutdelinquencynotificationsontheappropriatedates.As citationsapproachanescalationmilestoneday,the back office will generate a delinquency notification from apresettemplateandmailthelettertotheviolatortoarriveonthedateofescalation.The City cancustomizeasmanytemplatesasnecessarytomeettheescalationschedule.Each notice is triggeredbydifferentdatesandwillautomaticallyadjusteachfine.The back office will continue to mailnotificationstotheaddressonfileuntilpaymentismadeortheCity’s rules dictate that additionalintervention is required. SCOFFLAW The back office provides the City easy access to scofflaw reporting to identify habitual and repeat violators as determined by the City’s guidelines.As citation issuance data is compiled within the back office,the system will identify any scofflaw vehicles qualified for special enforcement/immobilization (e.g.booting).This scofflaw data will then be sent to the OpsMan Mobile software and as officers issue citations,the issuance process will check LPN information against this continually updated scofflaw database within the back office.Vehicles will be added/removed from the scofflaw list,as appropriate based on status,e.g.newly issued,outstanding,and closed (e.g.paid,dismissed due to a hearing, voided, etc.). To accommodate the City’s booting,towing,and impoundment procedures,Passport will provide the City with its “Boot and Tow”module housed within the “Scofflaw”tab in the back office.Clicking Scofflaw returns a drop-down menu of “Boot and Tow”and “Export Scofflaw.”Export Scofflaw allows the City to quickly export a complete list of all scofflaw vehicles in several formats.Passport can also send a refreshed scofflaw list to third-party boot and tow companies each day so that the enforcement officers have updated information on scofflaw vehicles and can accurately enforce. The Boot and Tow module allows administrators to search scofflaws by registered owner name, license plate number,boot/tow cross streets,make and model,or boot/tow number.This will return the scofflaw’s name,LPN,make,total outstanding fine,and the total number of associated violations.By clicking on an individual violator’s name,the administrator will see a complete list of all outstanding violations and can update the status to:Booted,Towed,Boot-to-Tow,Impounded, Disposed,Released,and Outstanding.Notes can be included when the status is updated to provide additional descriptions and maintain cohesiveness throughout the system and its various users.To assist this program,Passport recommends giving limited administrative access to the back office system to boot and tow companies,allowing them to see which vehicles need to be booted or towed, where they are, and the ability to update the status when the vehicle has been released. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 28 All activity within the back office and OpsMan Mobile related to booted/towed vehicles istime-stamped and includes the location where the boot/tow occurred,where the vehicle was towedtoandthedateandtimeofrelease.The back office will provide the City with a full picture of thescofflaw vehicle violations and the resulting immobilization activity. Payment Processing KEY TAKEAWAYS PCI ComplianceThe Customer Portal is 100% PCI-DSS Level 1-certified and is recertified annually.Passport will maintain this level of security throughout its lifetime of business. Convenience for AllCustomers will have a one-stop-shop portal to pay or appeal their citations immediatelyfollowing issuance. The City will benefit from officer photos displayed within the portalwhich can discourage appeals. Any submitted payments/appeals will flow in real timeto the back end for reporting and processing. Multiple Payment TypesBetween the Customer Portal and the back end cashiering module,Passport can accommodate online, mail-in, walk-in,or lockbox payments. CUSTOMER PORTAL Passport’s solution not only offers the City a best-in-class citation issuance platform,but it also provides a convenient end-user experience.After a parker is issued a citation,they become a violator,at which point they have two options:appeal or pay the citation.Passport’s proprietary Customer Portal allows the violator a single platform to accomplish both of those tasks.Since Passport’s product suite is connected in real-time,all handheld-issued citations will feed into the back office immediately upon issuance,which in turn updates the Customer Portal simultaneously. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 29 This means customers have an accurate picture of outstanding violations,scofflaw status,andcitation activity associated with their vehicle(s)when going to pay online. Using Passport’s customer portal,citation recipients will have immediate access to pay for their citations(s)online.When a violator receives a citation,they will go to the City-branded payment portal website to pay or appeal the citation.The violator can look up their citation by citation number,VIN,or their LPN and state of registration.Passport uses a relational database,so every citation associated with the LPN will be returned,regardless of the method used to look up a single citation.Once a full list of all outstanding citations is returned,the violator will select which citation(s) they want to either pay or appeal. To pay a citation,the violator will select “Pay Citation,”which will return a payment form.To ease the payment process,Passport auto-fills certain data fields,such as state based on the state of issuance. The violator can pay their citation using Visa,Mastercard,Discover,and AMEX cards as well as credit-card issuer-backed debit cards (i.e.the Visa/MasterCard logo is present on the card).When paying for their ticket,the violator can also opt in to receiving email alerts if they receive another ticket.Following payment,a confirmation receipt will be emailed detailing the citations paid and all charges. The portal is PCI-DSS (v.3.2.1)Level 1 certified.Credit card numbers are encrypted with AES-256 on a rotating encryption key.All information is stored in an isolated card storage database,per best practices.All transactions are tokenized at the point of transaction,meaning that credit card information is encrypted from the moment a user inputs data into the system.Passport’s server then reads the tokenized information and sends the proper data to the merchant processor. Tokenization reduces the risk of credit card fraud in the event of a breach since there are no actual credit card numbers ever stored or transferred in the system. To appeal a citation,the violator will select “Appeal”and will be asked to enter an appeal reason, provide an argument,and upload supporting documentation.Once a violator submits their appeal, it will be available in real time for City processing on the back end.The violator will be able to check the status of their appeal at any time by revisiting the portal. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 30 All posted payments and appeal requests update the corresponding citation record system-wide.Individuals who have satisfied their accounts will be removed immediately from delinquencynoticingschedulesandscofflawlistsandviolationsawaitingappealwillbeautomaticallysuspendedfromfurthercollectionanddelinquencyactionuntiladecisionisrenderedthroughahearing.Thisreal-time feed of data results in Customer Service staff having the most up-to-date records onoutstanding balances for reporting and analytics purposes. CASHIERING Passport’s back office includes a cashiering interface,via the Manage Citations module,which can be used in either batch mode (e.g.lockbox setting)or on an individual citation basis.A parking finance clerk or other cashiering staff can enter all in-person,mail-in,or lockbox payments into the database through this module. When processing in batch mode or “Quick Entry,”clerks will open a batch to process payments for a particular date or time frame.Once the batch is open,the clerk will dictate the payment date that should be associated with the violations within the batch.From here,Quick Entry mode allows for rapid payment processing by requiring only the citation number,payment amount,payment type, and check/card reference code.Once a citation number is inputted,the system automatically pulls in the total amount due from that violation record,ensuring accuracy.Clicking “Pay”marks that violation as paid systemwide and moves the clerk directly onto the next record.Once all violation payments are included in the batch,the clerk will end the batch.Full reporting is available through Passport’s “Violation Batches Report.”In addition,batch filters can be pulled in to drill down on other payment parameters. When a clerk is accepting payment for an individual violation,the clerk can directly mark the violation as paid within the violation’s record.The clerk will locate the violation within the same Manage Citations module but will select Pay under the “General”tab of the violation record.This will open a pop up to record specific information about the payment: ●Payment Type -- dropdown box for cash, credit, check,lockbox, other ●Check / Reference Number ●Payment Amount -- which will pre-populate with the amount due ●Short Pay Indicator ○Short Pay refers to a clerk accepting less than the full amount due to satisfy the violation. ○Short Pay permissions will be defined during implementation for authorized user roles ●Description -- free-form text box to include notes ●Print Receipt Indicator --when checked,a PDF will be generated for the clerk to print,once payment is executed ●Email Receipt -- this allows the clerk to input an email address to send the receipt Refunds As all activities performed in the back office can be role-based,authorized users can be granted the ability to perform reversals and refunds for payment activities.This will ensure that only authorized cashiering staff can perform refunds (e.g.parking finance clerk,supervisor),preventing fraudulent activity. ●Reversals refer to cash and card payments.As money will be returned physically to the customer, reversals simply offset the transaction,re-marking the violation as unpaid. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 31 ●Refunds refer to card payments processed via the Customer Portal.Clicking the refundbutton will automatically initiate a refund of the payment amount back to the card. AdjustmentsUserscanbegrantedtheabilitytoperformadjustmentstotheviolationamounts.Adjustments canbeeitherareductionorincreaseinviolationamount.Typically,this feature is used to remove latefeesorbyauthorizedstafftoreducethefinetopromoteimmediatepaymentbythecustomer.Clerks can use the adjustment feature to perform fine increases as well,such as insufficient fundfees.All executed adjustments are included in the violations trail history as well as the violationrefunds report. Notifications KEY TAKEAWAYS Registered Owner LookupsPassport’s TLO integration allows it to obtain accurate name and addressinformation for LPNs that have outstanding citations with the City. Configured & Automated NotificationPassport will mail delinquent notifications for outstanding citations on an automatic, presetschedule defined by the City. Passport’s system also allows for ad-hoc letter sending related tocitation activity (e.g. NSF letter, appeal decision,etc.) to be generated, as situations require them. Correspondence AuditAn electronic copy of all outbound correspondence is included on the violation recordwhich can be referenced and exported at any time from the back office. Passport's enforcement suite offers a valuable set of tools to notify violators of theirnon-compliance.These notifications include delinquent notices and letter correspondence tocommunicate with violators. REGISTERED OWNER DATA RETRIEVALS Passport is developing the most extensive registered owner (RO)information retrieval program in the industry.It leverages direct DMV connections with 9 agencies as well as third-party integrations to perform these services for its client base.Passport can leverage its partnership with TLO to perform registered owner lookups on behalf of Bozeman.TLO is a TransUnion product that Passport uses to acquire vehicle registered owner information from a parking citation's associated license plate number.TLO is supported by 35 state DMV integrations that are used to provide vehicle-registered owner information.Passport provides the license plate numbers to TLO for RO data retrieval through the secure file transfer protocol on a daily basis. Passport also maintains a direct integration with the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications Service (NLETS),to obtain registered owner information from all DMV agencies across the United States.Passport will use its existing integration with NLETS to pull registered owner information for all registered vehicles who were issued a parking citation in Bozeman.After a violation is issued to a license plate,Passport will immediately request the registered owner information from NLETS for inclusion in the back office.This registered owner information would then populate the delinquency passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 32 notice that is sent to violators informing them of their outstanding citations.Please note:to accessdataviaNLETSonbehalfoftheCity,Passport must be granted permission by the City and mustalsobeprovidedtheCity’s ORI number.Passport will work with the City to determine the best routefor obtaining RO information in order to communicate with outstanding ticket holders. DELINQUENT NOTICING & CORRESPONDENCE The back office will give the City full control over its notice processing,ensuring effective communication with all outstanding ticket holders.During implementation,Passport will work with the City to configure the system to establish criteria for automatic generation of delinquency notices, coordinating with all designated deadlines and schedules.Once pre-established criteria are met,the notice sequence would be initiated,and proper correspondence will then be automatically generated and mailed to the address on file. All outbound correspondence will be configured The City will configure outbound correspondence via Passport’s Letter Template Setup module within the back office.This module will create all correspondence to be sent to violators or applicable fleet companies on a City-defined schedule. This correspondence can include delinquent notices for outstanding violations,appeal decision letters,or any other required templates.Passport will align with the City to obtain written approval on outbound notices such as printing with the City’s letterhead or including additional content applicable to state and/or federal laws.The back office will house these correspondence records and the City can access copies of these records at any time.Passport thinks of this communication as having two distinct workflows: 1.Violation Lifecycle Communication:these are notices that should be automaticallygenerated and mailed (e.g. first, second, and final delinquent notices) 2.Specific Letters:these are specific letters that customer service staff can send in response tofrequentlyaskedquestionsorrequests(e.g.appeal decisions,insufficient funds,incompletechecks, or payment plan letters). Each generated and mailed notice will be tracked in the system through the Violations Audit trail,with a copy of the correspondence for viewing and/or printing.All correspondence can becustomized,and Passport can work with the City for specific letters to provide designateddispositioncodesandstandardlanguagefornotestokeepresponsesconsistent.Passport will workto ensure all notices and letters will be customized to meet the City’s requirements. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 33 Connectivity KEY TAKEAWAYS Integration ExpertisePassport integrates with 35+ software providers and its enforcement software checksagainst a continually updated database of parking information (e.g. ParkBZNpayments, meter payments, active permits, etc.) for the most informed issuance. Standard and Open APIsPassport uses APIs to connect its solution with other systems in its clients’ parking environments.All of Passport’s APIs are highly standardized and publicly documented to ensure completevisibility, and access to these APIs is restricted to authenticated applications only. Scalability with Minimal EffortPassport’s development of these APIs have laid the groundwork for the City to expand andconnect its parking and transportation ecosystem.As new technologies are introduced andcurrent systems evolve, the means by which to connect to them will remain the same. Passport’sopen APIs provide a secure and consistent way for the City to securely share data. EXPANSIVE INTEGRATIONS As Passport grows as a company,so does the reach of its capabilities within its clients’parking andmobilityoperations.Passport currently integrates with 35+software providers across the parking passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 34 and transportation industry.Through these integrations,Passport’s enforcement software willsecurelyreceivealltransactiondatainrealtimefromthethird-party vendors operating in the City’sparkingenvironment,including physical pay stations and mobile parking apps,as transactions areinitiated.This will allow enforcement officers to clearly verify which vehicles have paid for parkingand accurately issue citations as a result of noncompliance. Passport also maintains enforcement integrations that will enable the City to monitor faster andmoreefficiently(e.g.Genetec LPR),streamline vehicle immobilization processes (e.g.Barnacle),andidentifyviolatorsfollowingissuancefornoticingandothercommunicationefforts(e.g.TLO).Below,Passport has provided an abbreviated list of vendors it integrates with including meter providers,pay station providers, LPR vendors, and more. Existing Integrations Genetec T2/Digital TLO Flowbird (Parkeon/CALE)PayByPhone Barnacle MacKay Meters ParkMobile Offstreet Duncan/Civic Smart POM IPS OPEN APIS For new and upcoming technology additions,Passport operates under an open-architecture structure,using open application programming interfaces (APIs)to fully connect its clients’parking operations.Passport uses standard,public APIs that will enable the City to incorporate other systems used in its parking environment with the Passport solution.Passport takes a standardized approach to its APIs,by maintaining proper documentation and allowing public access through distributed API keys.This approach makes it simple to add new and emerging technologies to an ecosystem with little to no effort from the City.Passport’s initial development of these APIs has laid the groundwork that the City will be able to build off of to connect its parking and transportation ecosystem.New technologies will be introduced,and current systems will evolve,but the means by which to connect to them will remain the same.Passport’s open APIs put the framework in place for the City to adapt the mobility solutions it provides to citizens,while still securely sharing data to understand the holistic environment. In the interest of security,access to these APIs will be restricted to authenticated applications only. Passport has several different APIs in place to connect the different vendors and systems operating across one location.Below are two of Passport’s primary API setups that the City’s vendors could leverage to connect to Passport’s enforcement and citation management system,provided they can conform to Passport’s industry-standard authentication model. Parking Rights API This API puts in place monitoring integrations that allow enforcement officers to determine whether a vehicle has a “right”to be parked in a specific area.These rights can be granted through a variety of mechanisms,including payments via parking apps,meters/pay stations,permits,and more.When plugged into these APIs,enforcement officers can receive parking right data associated with either zones,vehicles,or space numbers.Passport utilizes these APIs to connect its enforcement system with several of the vendors listed above (e.g.T2,Genetec)and these could be leveraged to connect with any other third-party mobile parking provider the City desires. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 35 Immobilization APIAfteranLPNhasreceivedenoughviolationstowarrantimmobilization,this API provides a way toregisteranimmobilizationdevice(e.g.windshield clamp)that has been applied to a vehicle,whichwouldultimatelyrequirealloutstandingcitationstobepaidinordertoremoveit.These APIsprovideastandardinterfacetocreateimmobilizationrecordsandlookupquotesthatreturnbackthetotaloutstandingamountoffeesrelatedtocitationsissuedtoanimmobilizedvehicle.PassportcurrentlyusesthisAPItosupportanintegrationwithBarnacle,and the same API could be leveragedto support other smart boot immobilization companies the City is interested in using. Permits KEY TAKEAWAYS 100% DigitalPassport’s digital permits are associated with LPNs instead of hang tags/ decals, eliminating theneed to remember to display a permit or interact with physical inventory. With digital applications,online approvals, and the ability to directly communicate with permit holders via email/letters,Passport’s digital platform can reduce burdensome tasks for the City’s in-office teams. Quick & Secure Customer ExperiencePassport’s Customer Portal for permit purchase/renewal is 100% PCI compliant. Customers canregister for a permit account in under 1 minute and can make updates (e.g. LPN for a visitorpermit) in less than 30 seconds. All submitted portal activity will reflect in the back office andenforcement software in real time. Self-Servicing ToolsCustomers can manage their entire permit account at any time from the Customer Portal. Oncelogged in, they will have a view of all current permits with the options to renew, manage, change,or add a new permit. Permits can be set to auto-renew or configured to only require verificationdocumentation for the initial purchase, to help minimize City intervention. Eligibility ToolsThe City can implement a variety of eligibility requirements and prerequisites that must be met inorder to purchase a permit. These can include proof of residence or employment status.Applicants would then be required to upload documentation for their application to be submitted. Seamless TransitionPassport enables a seamless transition from the City’s previous permit management provider. Onthe Customer Portal, customers have the option to “Link a Permit,” where they enter aCity-provided link, which pulls in the information from their existing permit with that vendor. Passport’s digital permitting solution was created to go hand-in-hand with Passport Parking and Enforcement solutions.Adding Passport’s digital permitting solution to the City’s existing parking technology suite will help lessen overhead costs,reduce waste,and allow for seamless management of a nuanced City permitting program.Passport’s digital permitting solution allows applicants to apply and pay for permits online,which will then be tied to their license plate numbers and will take effect immediately or following verification by the City.As permits are tied to LPNs,enforcing passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 36 permitting is exactly the same as enforcing metered parking in an LPN-based environment.Passport’s permitting solution successfully powers over 200 permitting locations,including the NewYorkCityHousingAuthority,demonstrating Passport’s commitment to its product and ability toaccommodateandscaletomeettheneedsofitsmanydiverseclients.Regardless of the complexityoftheenvironment,the application process will remain intuitive for the user and all data will beeasily accessible and manipulated for the City’s exact needs. CUSTOMER PORTAL The City will receive a clean,user-friendly website where customers can easily apply for,purchase, renew,and manage all permits.The Customer Portal will be completely branded to Bozeman,with City colors and logos,configured with client-specific permit types,permit cycles,and permissions. The web-based portal can be linked to the City’s existing website.This site can be reached by any modern browser and is mobile optimized for access by any smartphone.Through this site, customers can register for an account in under 1 minute. To register for an account,the applicant will enter their email address.Once entered,Passport’s system will automatically generate a verification code that is sent to their email address.The applicant will need to enter and verify their PIN number to finish creating their account.Once verified,the applicant will be able to log in using their credentials to apply or renew their permits in the future. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 37 Select Permit Applicants will have a pre-populated selection of permit types based on the City’s environment, which the City will define during implementation. Proof of ResidenceIfverificationofstatus(residential,employee,etc.)is required to purchase a permit,the system canbeconfiguredtorequiredocumentation.The permit applicant will drag and drop the appropriatefilestobeuploadedtotheirapplication.The application will be sent to the approval queue,where aCityadministratorwillberequiredtoview,verify,and confirm the documentation.Once approved,the permit applicant will be charged for the permit and will receive a confirmation email including abilling receipt. Vehicle InformationOncethespecificsofthepermithavebeendetailed,the permit applicant will input their vehicleinformation.The permit will be linked to the vehicle’s LPN,but to avoid fraudulent activities,such assharingalicenseplate,Passport will also ask for the vehicle’s make,model,state of registration,and passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 38 color.Passport’s digital permitting solution can be configured to allow multiple vehicles to use thesame permit. Application SummaryFollowingaddressvalidation,the permit applicant will be brought to an application summary page.This page will outline all permit details and the fees associated with the permit.Fees will appear asseparatelineitemsforthepermititselfandcreditcardprocessingfees.The permit applicant willenterallrelevantpaymentcredentialsinordertocompletethepurchase.The permit applicant canmanagetheirstoredpaymentmethodsatanytimewithintheCustomerPortal.For securitypurposes,only a 4-digit tail will be visible,and the applicant will not be able to edit the credit cardnumber but may delete cards and add new ones as necessary. Subsequent ApplicationsIfthepermitapplicantalreadyhasanexistingpermitandwouldliketoaddasecondpermitorrenewtheirexistingpermit,they will visit the same Customer Portal,either through the City’sparkingwebsiteorbyvisitingthesitedirectly.The permit applicant will log in using their emailaddressandPIN.Once logged in,they will have a view of all current permits with the options torenew, manage, change, or add a new permit. PERMITTING FEATURES EligibilityManypermitsrequirethattheapplicantproveaparticularstatus:resident,employee,student,etc.In order to accommodate this,Passport’s digital permitting solution can be configured to requireapplicantstouploaddocumentationprovingtheirstatus.The City can set a baseline requirement of passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 39 the number and/or type of documents that may be uploaded with the application to demonstratetheapplicant’s status.Once uploaded,the documents will be available for approval and an email willbesenttotheappropriateadministratorforreview.The City administrator will then go through eachapplicationintheapprovalqueueverifyingthedocumentationandthestatusoftheapplicant.Approvals may be done individually or in bulk,once the documentation has been verified.Onceapproved,the applicant will receive an email directing them to log in to their account,find their“inactive” permit, and complete the purchase. Multi-Vehicle PermitsThedigitalpermittingsolutionallowspermitapplicantstoaddmultiplevehiclestotheiraccount,where permitted by the City.The vehicle LPNs will appear in the citation management system as avalidpermitandthosevehicleswillnotreceiveacitation.This has the potential to allow bothvehicles to park legally within the same zone using the same permit. Fraud PreventionAllpermitswillbetiedtothevehicle’s LPN,eliminating the possibility of photocopying,or otherwisecreatingafakehangtagordecal.Additionally,when applying for a permit,the City may requiresupportingdocumentationtoestablishtheapplicant’s status as a resident or employee.Ifdocumentation is required, the City will have complete discretion as to the validity of that document. Prorated PermitsPassport’s solution allows for prorated payments based on the City’s billing periods.For instance,ifthepermitbillingperiodisonemonthandanapplicantisapprovedforpurchaseonthe13thofthemonth, the applicant will only be billed for the remaining 17 days of the month. Employee PermitsPassport’s solution allows the City to offer multiple types of parking permits from a single source,including employee permits.Employee permits are fully managed by each individualEmployer/Department,taking the onus off of the City while still providing the service.Each employerwillhaveaseparateportaltomanagetheiremployeepermits(adding,editing,and removingemployeepermitsasneeded)and also aggregate all costs into a single invoice,reducing the City’smerchantprocessingfeesandimprovingcostmanagementfortheemployers.All employee permitswillstillaggregateinthebackofficeforreportingandcustomersupportpurposes,but the City willnotberesponsibleforthedailymanagementofindividualemployeepermits.Employee permitsrenewautomaticallyeachmonthunlesstheemployercancelsthepermitspriortotheendofthemonth.If the permits are not canceled,the employer will receive an email each month informingthem of the upcoming charges. Visitor PermitsPassport’s solution allows the City to offer visitor permits.These permits function like a digital“hangtag”.Using the customer portal,permit holders are able to temporarily “transfer”their permitfrom the default vehicle to the visitor’s vehicle. LimitsPassport’s digital permitting solution allows cities to limit the number of permits issued withinspecificparameters.Generally,permits may be limited by the number of permits that may be issuedinagiventype,cycle,or zone.Permit types include residential,visitor,employee,etc.,whereas cyclereferstothedurationofthepermit’s validity,and zone relates to the physical boundaries of thepermitarea.Once the City sets and reaches a limit,a waitlist will be created.Permit limits can alsobe manually overridden for specific use cases, such as government vehicles. A specific use case that many cities identified,and Passport now offers,is the ability to limit the passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 40 number of permits that each household may purchase.Particularly helpful with residential andvisitorpermits,this feature normalizes each address during the application process into a standardformat.With this formatting,if more than a set number of permits originate from a single address,that applicant will be prohibited from purchasing any additional permits for a set period of time.Thenumberofpermitsandthetimeframe(per month,per year,etc.)are all configurable by the City tomeet its specific needs. PrerequisitesPassportisabletobuildprerequisitesintopermittypessothatanapplicantmaynotapplyforapermituntiltheyhavefulfilledaseparaterequirement.For instance,with visitor permits,Passport’ssolutioncanrequirethatvisitorpermitapplicantshaveavalidresidentialpermitinordertocompletetheirpurchase.The system will automatically implement these prerequisites,removing theneedforinteractionorverificationbyCitystaff.With these dependencies in place,the City can havefull confidence that only valid applicants are receiving certain permits. Rate OverridesPassport’s digital permitting solution makes it easy for the City to adjust pricing in accordance withdemand.This feature is applicable anywhere where a permit type has similar rules related to cycle,duration,and proration,but has different price points throughout the City.Once the permit is set upinaccordancewithCityrules,Passport can then override the price in specific zones.This will allowtheCitytomaintainacleanapplicationprocesswithonlyasinglepermittypebutadjustthepricingin areas with higher demand or which are otherwise more desirable. ExtensionsPassportcanfacilitatepermitextensionsintwodifferentways,depending on the needs of the City.The first option maintains the same permit number from month to month and merely updates the“Valid Until”date upon approval of another charge (additionally,the permit holder can opt intoauto-extensions).These simple extensions give the permit holder the most flexibility,allowing themtoapprovetheextensionupto7daysbeforethepermit’s expiration date.The second option is arenewal.Renewals are most often used when the City requires approval to receive a permit.Thepermitapplicantwillberequiredtologintothecustomerportal,(also up to 7 days beforeexpiration,if desired by the City)and reapply for the permit.All pertinent information from thepreviouspermitapplicationwillbecarriedovertothenewapplicationandtheapplicationwillflowtothebackofficeApprovalQueueuntilithasbeenapprovedbytheCity.Both extensions andrenewals will appear in the permit holder’s “Trail.” PASSPORT BACK OFFICE All Passport products are accompanied by a back office which,from a permitting perspective,will allow the City to manage the entire permitting environment including adjusting permitting rates, approving applications,reconciling accounts,reporting,and automatically mailing renewal notices. This is the same back office that the City is already familiar with for ParkBZN reporting. Once permit applicants create an account,provide all necessary information,upload any required verification documents,and pay for the permit,the information will flow in real-time to the back office where administrators can use the Permit Approval Queue to manage all renewals and new permit applications for all permit types.The portal is also able to accommodate waitlists with automatic updates, notifications, and permit renewals. Passport’s digital permitting solution offers extensive configuration to meet City permitting needs and reflect the community using its permitted facilities.Within the back office,City staff can passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 41 establish permit types (e.g.customer,staff,visitor),cycles (e.g.monthly,annual),zones,pricing,andanyCityprerequisitesorlimitstopurchasingpermits.Permit configurations are defined andexecutedduringimplementationwiththeoptionforlatereditsbythemainadministrator,asneeded. Permit WaitlistingTheCitycanestablishlimitsforeachpermittypeorzone,each with an associated waitlist.Passport’sdigitalpermittingsolutionallowstheCitytoautomateitspermitwaitlist,while still leaving criticalfunctionsunderCitycontrol.To set up a waitlist,the City will set a limit to the number of permitsthatmaybepurchased,which can be based on the permit type or zone.Once the limit is hit,apermitapplicantcanstillcompletetheirapplication,but instead of receiving a permit,they will bealertedof“No Availability”and that they were added to a waitlist.This waitlist can also be configuredtoshowtheapplicanttheirstatusonthewaitlist.Once a permit becomes available,the next eligibleapplicantonthelistwillbesentanemailinformingthemtologontotheiraccounttocompletethepurchase.The City may control the length of time the applicant has to complete the purchase beforelosingtheirwaitlistopportunity.If the applicant fails to complete the purchase in that time,they willbebumpedtothebottomofthewaitlist.Further,the permit back office allows permits to bemanuallydeactivatedbyCitystaff.Deactivation of a permit for which a waitlist exists will free upspace on the waitlist for the next eligible applicant. User Interface Any software should have a clean,well-designed user interface (UI).The UI should be intuitiveforbothCityStaffandthecustomers.The UI should have accessibility features as required bytheAmericanswithDisabilitiesAct.Further,the UI should be operable on both a mobile anddesktopoperatingsystem.Additionally,the UI should allow staff to easily make edits to anydocumentssuchasrenewalnoticesandappealletterswithouttheneedforadditionalpaymentorsoftware.The UI will be considered during the demo/interview phase of theprocess should the City choose to conduct that step.Passport’s enforcement and digital permitting products share the same back end managementsystemasitsmobileparkingpaymentsolutionthattheCitycurrentlyutilizeswithParkBZN.This willnotonlyhelpprovideholisticparkingmanagementbutwillhelpinsimplifyingCityoperationsasmanymembersoftheParkingServicesDivisionareveryfamiliarwiththeUI.The back end system isoperablefrombothmobileanddesktopoperatingsystems,however,Passport recommends accessfromadesktoporlaptopforanoptimalexperience.Enforcement and Digital Permits feature theirownintuitivedrop-down menus with modules for managing data and activity.For example,PassportEnforcementoffersa“Ticketing”drop-down which includes modules such as Write Citation,ManageCitations,Violation Types,and more.Passport Digital Permits offers a “Permits”drop-down with passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 42 functionality including Issue Permits,Manage Permits,Permit Approval Queue,among others.Regarding renewal notices and appeal letter configuration,Passport’s back office features a “LetterTemplateSetup”module where the City can incorporate any additions or updates to its outboundcorrespondencetemplates.Please see Notifications within the Enforcement section of this responsefor more details. The Passport Design team is responsible for complying with all visual accessibility requirements.Thefollowinglistisreferencedwitheachfeatureandenhancementtoensurefullcompliancewithaccessibility guidelines: ●Color Contrast (text and icons) ●Font size, weight & spacing ●Digestible UX for ADD and Cognitive decline ●Thoughtful sounds ●Thoughtful and smooth animations (vertigo/seizures) Front-end developers are responsible for proper markup,HTML structure/hierarchy,and use ofAccessibleRichInternetApplications(“ARIA”).The Passport team has also recently gone throughaccessibilitytraininggroundedinWebContentAccessibilityGuidelines(“WCAG”)standardsperformed by a reputable vendor. Reports from Data Passport’s back office system includes some of the most robust reporting capabilities in the industry across its 80+standard reports,unique data visualization tools,and the capability to view daily, monthly,quarterly,and yearly trends across its enforcement,adjudication,and permitting data. Passport’s reports will provide the City with aggregated data that provides insight into the Bozeman parking environment and empowers data-driven decisions to be made in City processes.By adding Passport’s enforcement and digital permitting modules,the City will expand on the current back end system it uses. Providing service to hundreds of clients,Passport has developed standard and custom reports addressing almost every parking situation and will enable the City to obtain key system metrics and analytics.City users will be fully trained on Passport’s reporting module in order to optimize existing reporting to gain the insights needed.Many reports can be exported from the back office for further analysis in both PDF and CSV format,and Passport’s system also offers the capability to schedule certain reports to automatically generate and email on a defined timeline.This is commonly used for financial reporting.Staff can then save externally for further analysis and manipulation.Passport’s reports are grouped into the following user functions,with many individualized reports for analysis and data manipulation. OFFICER PERFORMANCE REPORTS These reports can be pulled daily,weekly,monthly,or from a set date range defined by the user.These highlighted reports can be used by enforcement supervisors and managers to evaluate theperformance of individual officers. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 43 Report Description Officer Performance Reports Daily & Monthly Issuance Report Show all violations issued by time and officer to see the officer’s patrol day (first, last, gaps, etc.) Daily & Monthly Workload Report Provides a day-by-day or month-by-month breakout of thenumberofviolationsissuedandtheassociatedamountsdue per officer. Specific officers can be queried as well. Officer Workload Chart Generates data on officer productivity to visualize andanalyzegapsinproductionorscheduling.The report trackseachviolationthatisissuedperPEObyissuancetime(withtheabilitytoviewupto12PEOsatonce).Users can hoveroverdatapointsinofficerperformanceandseeadditionaldetails on the activity. Officer Activity Chart Displays an activity graph for a selected officer that plotsspecificofficeractivitycountsagainsttime(violations issued,chalking marks, officer reports, etc.). Officer Boot Report Lists the number of boots an officer deployed based on a date range. Officer Report Provides an officer-by-officer summary of the date and timeoftheirlastlogintotheissuanceapplicationandlastviolationissued.The issuance application version number isalsolistedtoensureofficersareusingthelatestversionofthe app. Custom Report Flexible report with a comprehensive filter list to allow usersto drill down into query specifics. Ticket Density*Displays a visual of the areas where the officers have issuedtickets through a heat map. Live Officer Tracking*Provides real-time insight into PEO routes via a map. *Screenshot of report is included below. The Ticket Density Report returns a heat map of citations issued.Each report can be filtered by thezoneanddatesaswellasspecifictimes,officers,citation types,and status of the citation (paid,unpaid,partially paid,voided,or accepted appeal).On the returned report,the color spectrum goesfromalightgreentoadeepred,depicting least dense to most dense.Combining this report withtheliveofficertrackingreportcanbeusedtoadjusteachofficer’s route to either increasecompliance with parking regulations or increase revenue,depending on the City’s goals. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 44 Ticket Density Report The Live Officer Tracking Report provides real-time insight into PEO routes.The map displays thelocationoflogged-in users and the colored lines show each officers’historical routes (based onfilteredhours).The City will have the ability to filter by officers,date,and time which help identifycommontrendswhendealingwiththeirfieldoperations.For example,a time frame slider is presentatthebottomofthescreenandsetbasedonthedateselected.Using the slider,a secondary timeframe can be selected within the initial date selected.(The time frame must start at 12 AM.) Officer tracking not only provides trend analysis in the field but can be used as a security tool toensureofficersaresafeandontheircorrectroutes.Comprehensive reports can be downloaded andreviewedwithparkingenforcementofficersforqualityassurancepurposes.This report enables Citysupervisorstoeasilyvisualizeandproactivelyoptimizeofficerroutestoyieldthemostpositiveenforcement results. Live Officer Tracking Report passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 45 VIOLATION & PATROL REPORTS These reports will be used by senior enforcement managers in assessing overall enforcement performance,trends,etc.These include total daily and monthly issuance totals,month and year-to-date issuance by violation type, and appeals/dismissals by violation code. Report Description Violation & Patrol Reports Unpaid Report Provides a listing of all unpaid violations based on a set daterange. Paid Report Provides a listing of all paid violations based on a set daterange. Zone Report*Provides a grouping of enforcement activity summary by zones configured by the City. Violations by the Numbers Supplies a high-level monthly break-out of the number ofviolationpaymentsandtherevenueamountofviolationpayments. Chalking Report Lists all chalking-based violations issued by one or moreofficers. Violations by Location Report Provides a location-by-location summary of violationinformation. Handwritten Ticket Report Lists all violations manually input into the system,with information including the issue date/time,issuing officer, date and time of manual entry, and data-entering user. Not Ticketed Locations Report Provides a listing of locations that have not been ticketed intheselecteddaterange,allowing managers to identify gapsin patrol coverage. Violation Type Report Provides key summary information for each violation typeincludingviolationsissued,total amount due,%of totalbased on date range, officer, and violation type filters. Passport’s Zone Report provides quick insight into issuance performance across the City’s defined zone locations.With figures including the number of citations,the number of paid tickets,the amount paid,average days outstanding,and yield,City staff can gather information on which parking zones are utilized more/experience heavier issuance and related payment information. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 46 Zone Report ACCOUNTING & FISCAL REPORTS These reports are mainly daily detail reports to support financial controls,ensuring that all financialtransactionsarecapturedandprocessedproperly.This includes reports on payments that arebalancedwiththeCity’s merchant account as well as cashiering reports used to close outclerks/cashiers and total payment activity at payment locations. Report Description Accounting & Fiscal Reports Merchant Report Provides a daily summary of all funds processed through a merchant account, including violation payments and refunds. Payments Report* Lists all violation payments made within a defined daterange. Filters include payment type, partial payments,andbatch payments. Reversals/Refunds Report Provides a listing of the violation payments that werereversed or refunded. Adjustment Report Lists all violations that received an adjustment to its price,including adjustment date/time, violation number,type ofadjustment, adjustment amount, and initiating user. Violation Batches Report Provides a summary of the cashiering batches per clerk that enables drilling down into each batch for individual violation information. Zone Funds Report Details key financial information on a zone-by-zone basis. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 47 Ticket Aging Reports Provides aging information and can also be broken out in a variety of ways to highlight trends in sub-groups of issuance. Delinquent Citation Reporting Provides a variety of reports for the City,including allpartners,and collections vendors including total casesassigned;the number of cases collected;dollars collected -total and as a percentage of assignment;aging ofassignments; and average days to collection. Passport’s Payments Report allows users to view all payments processed within a set date range.Users can filter on several parameters to drill down on a particular period or type of payment.Thisreport can be exported to Excel for further analysis. Payments Report APPEAL & ADJUDICATION REPORTS These reports allow administrators and City adjudicators to see patterns in the review of appealsandrelatedappealdecisions.Clients have used these reports to serve as a court docket (Appeal &Hearing Report)and reports can be run on citations pending and post-appeal to monitor theviolationsawaitingahearingandtokeepathumbonappealprocesses.Most reports can be filteredbyavarietyofparameters(e.g.date,officer,violation type,appeal status,etc.)to understandcommonclaimtypesinawaythatcanaffectchangeinthewaycustomerserviceisprovidedtocitizens. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 48 Report Description Appeal & Adjudication Reports Appeal Source & Decision Report Provides a listing of adjudication decisions with the ability to query for specific adjudication reasons and a specific violation number. Appeal & Hearing Report Pulls a detailed listing of all appeal and hearing requests,with information including violation issue date,violationnumber,violation type,license plate number,locationinformation, and whether an appeal or hearing request. Appeal Letter Report Details a listing of notices sent based on appeals,withinformation including violation number, letter type,appealdecision, appeal status, appeal date, letter sent date, and alink to view the specific letter. Resolved Appeals Report Provides a listing of already resolved appeals with a sortfeature for the issue date, appeal date, and violation type. Passport is constantly iterating and updating its products,including the reporting functions in thebackoffice.Depending on the type of report,many can be exported from the back office to PDF orCSVformatforfurtheranalysis.Passport’s system also offers the capability to schedule certainreportstoautomaticallygenerateandemailonadefinedtimeline.This is commonly used forfinancialreporting.Passport’s scheduling,export,and distribution functions mean the City canoptimizedatainawaythatmeetsspecificgoals,assist in parking management and delinquentrevenuerecovery,and ensure appropriate City departments receive relevant insights into parkingoperations and performance. PERMIT REPORTS Passport designed its digital permitting reporting to address most permitting situations,enablingtheCitytoaccuratelydrawinsightsonitspermittedparkingenvironment.There are several reportsthatallowCitystafftoreportonsystemdata,with the option to apply additional filters to drill downongranular permit details. Report Description Permitting Reports Users Report This selection reports the total number of users and permitsassociated with those users. Permit Payment Report This selection displays all active permits during a selectedtimeframe.If a permit is selected,it will direct the user tofull details for that specific permit. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 49 Permit Refunds Report This selection reports a listing of all permit refunds performed,with an associated User ID and the accompanying date and time stamps. Permit Daily Report This provides an overview of all permit transactions (e.g.permits applied,permits mailed,permits approved,etc.)and a breakdown of those transactions based on the permittype. Permit Zone Report This selection shows a breakdown of the number of permitsperzone.If there is a limit to the number of permits byzone, this will also be displayed. Passport’s Permit Payment Report displays all active permits and their associated transactions.The Payment Type column allows the City to differentiate between permits purchased online vs.over the counter.This report is exportable to Excel with additional columns including a breakout of permit fees as applicable (e.g. base permit fee, cc processing fee, late fee, etc.). Permit Payment Report passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 50 Data Storage The software provider must comply with the City of Bozeman’s cloud software policy as seen in the appendix. 1)Service levels:What level of service should we expect?What is the City’s recourse for excessive downtime? Refund of percentage of monthly fee? Passport will develop,operate,and maintain all aspects of service at agreed-upon levels throughout the term of the contract.Passport will provide the City’s system with an uptime of at least ninety-nine percent (99.0%)calculated over a rolling six-month period (“uptime guarantee”).Passport offers service credits when uptime drops below its “guaranteed”level, which is defined during contracting,along with any other SLA requirements defined by the City of Bozeman. 2)Data ownership: Who owns the data we provide and what can be done with the data? Passport will retain all parking information in its database indefinitely,or until otherwise directed by the City.Passport will define any data retention or purging parameters with the City during the scoping and implementation period.Data ownership is determined by the type of information involved.Passport will,by provisions in its Privacy Policy or otherwise, procure from such end users all such lawful consents and rights necessary to grant to the City the rights in such data as stated in this section.Passport’s Privacy Policy,as it may be amended from time to time in Passport’s sole discretion,can be viewed at https://www.passportinc.com/privacy-policy. ●Operational Data.Operational Data is data specific to the City’s operation that is provided by the City to Passport to be used in the configuration and provision of the Passport System for the City’s use.Operational Data is specific to the customer’s operation,which is not available to Passport publicly or by other means.Operational Data may include but is not limited to,zone information,rate information, operational schedules,business metrics,business rules,parking and other inventory and assets,and relevant details of partner agreements.In each case,Operational Data may refer to past,present,or future states of such items.Operational Data is the sole and exclusive property of the City.The City grants Passport a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to Operational Data. ●PCI-DSS Information.Payment Card Industry-Data Security Standard Information (“PCI-DSS Information”)consists of the following items,each as defined by the then-current Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (“PCI-DSS”):Account Data;Cardholder Data;Primary Account Number;and Sensitive Authentication Data. Passport acquires a license or sublicense to the PCI-DSS Information from end users who share such data with Passport in connection with their use of the Passport’s software.In providing the services under this Agreement,Passport will maintain Payment Card Industry –Data Security Standard certification and secure PCI-DSS Information in accordance with PCI-DSS.As such,Passport may not grant the City derivative rights to such PCI-DSS Information,and Passport shall not be required to disclose such PCI-DSS Information to the City. ●Personal Identifiable Information.Personal identifiable information (“PII”)is any representation of information that permits the identity of an individual to whom the information applies to be reasonably determined or inferred by either direct or indirect means.Name,address,telephone number,or email address directly identify passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 51 individuals.Certain data elements—including gender,race,birth date,geographicindicator(such as zip code or postal code),and other descriptors—can be used inconjunctionorwithotherdataelementstoindirectlyidentifyindividuals.PassportmaysublicensePIItotheCityundercertainconditions(including but not limited totheCity’s compliance with information security controls and applicable regulations)that shall be memorialized separately if and when applicable. ●Activity Data.Activity Data is any data generated in the providing of services underthisagreementbyPassporttotheCityandbyendusers’interactions with theservicesorwithPassportdirectlythatisnototherwisePCI-DSS information or PII (asdefinedabove).Activity Data may include,but is not limited to,user interaction data,geolocation data,opt-in/opt-out status (including compliance logs),purchase andsessiondata,application diagnostic data,service performance data,and supportdata.Data that is derived from Activity Data is also Activity Data.Activity Data is thesoleandexclusivepropertyofPassport.Passport grants the City an irrevocable,royalty-free,non-exclusive,non-assignable,and non-transferable license to ActivityDataforthetermtotheextentandintheformatthatPassportchoosesinitssolediscretiontoexposesuchActivityDatathroughitsadministrativebackendportalorasotherwiseagreeduponwiththeCityandonlyforCity’s internal use in connectionwith the services provided under this agreement. 3)Data security: How secure is our data and how is it being kept secure?a)If this is a multi-tenant environment on the same hardware how is our datakeptseparateandsecurefromothercustomers,including any PII (PersonallyIdentifiable Information) that may be gathered?Passport is a multi-tenant,software as a service (SaaS)application that leveragesAWScloudinfrastructurewithinPassportmanagedVPCs.Passport employs multiplesecuritymeasurestoprotectclientanduserdata,including strict RBAC and row-levelsecuritythatadheretotheprinciplesofleastprivilegeandzerotrust.Data isencryptedintransitandatrestusingstrong256-bit algorithms.As a reflection of itssecurityandcompliancecontrols,Passport has PCI DSS,SOC 2 Type 1,and Type 2certifications. Passport recognizes the sensitive nature of some of its data and goes above andbeyondindustrystandardstoensurethatboththeCity’s data and the data of itscitizensandvisitorsremainssecure.Passport’s approach to data ownership andstorageisinanefforttoprotecttheprivacyofendusersinteractingwithitssystem.Passport understands that any data collected must be used carefully,and regardingPIIinformation,Passport only collects data that is voluntarily submitted by userswhenengagingitsservices.Any collected PII is used for no other purpose than tosupporttheservicesauthorizedbytheCityandtodeliverandimprovePassportproductsandservices.This information is never sold to third parties under anycircumstances.All data provided by users remains private except for the anonymizedor necessary data shared with the City. Passport forces the use of HTTPS using TLS v1.2 for all interactions between itsapplicationsandtheirsupportingdataservices.Both public and private services areprotectedfollowingtheprincipleofZeroTrust,meaning Passport locks down everycomponentandresourceintheecosystem,restricting access to authenticatedidentitiesthathavebeenexplicitlygrantedtheappropriatepermissions.Data that isexchanged between applications and services is always protected. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 52 Additionally,to ensure end-user data privacy and security,all encrypted data istransferredusingSecureSocketLayer(“SSL”)protocols,which establishes anencryptedlinkbetweenaserverandclient.In order to send and receive the data,both servers must have an SSL Certificate,which includes a private and public key.SSL protocols determine variables of the encryption for both the link and the databeingtransmittedbetweenthetwoSSLCertificateholders,making it a highly securemethodtotransfersensitiveinformationsuchascreditcardnumbersandlogincredentials.No credit card data is stored in Passport’s databases.This information isall stored in an isolated card storage database per best practices. b)If PII is gathered, is it encrypted in transit and at rest?All data is encrypted in transit and at rest using strong 256-bit algorithms.Data atrestisstoredinAWSRDSinstanceswhichincludesencryptionusingAES-256.Alltraffic in transit is also encrypted using TLS and SSL certificates. c)If credit card transactions are occurring is your system fully PCI compliant?Passport maintains PCI-DSS Level 1 (version 3.2.1)compliance and will continue thistoplevelofsecuritythroughoutitslifetimeofthebusiness.Please see the Appendixfor its PCI certificate. 4)Data integrity: What do you do as a vendor to ensure our data maintains its integrity?Passport is first and foremost a payment processing company,making security and dataintegrityparamounttoitsoperations.Passport has processed over $2 billion in mobilepaymentstodatewhileexceedingtheindustrystandardforsecuritymeasures.In choosingPassport,the City can have complete confidence that both Bozeman data,and the data of itscitizensandvisitors,are secure.Passport enacts a number of internal and external auditsand checks to ensure a secure environment for Passport and client data is in place: ●Passport is both EMV and PCI compliant and maintains PCI-DSSLevel1(Version 3.2.1)compliance and will continue this top level ofsecurity throughout its lifetime of the business. ●PricewaterhouseCoopers has conducted ethical hacking on Passport’ssystem.PwC hackers attempt to break Passport’s system,searchingspecificallyforsecurityflaws.Any issues that arise from this exerciseare immediately relayed to Passport and fixed. ●Passport hires A-LIGN to assist in meeting specific auditing andsecurityassessmentneeds.A-LIGN helps navigate securitystandardsforcreditcardtransactionsandensuresthatPassportcontinually meets and exceeds those standards. ●Passport is fully compliant with General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR),through services it has provided to clients internationally. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 53 GDPR incorporates some of the highest global standards in privacy and security,which Passport has carried over to its United States and Canada clients,to ensurethe highest levels of data protection. ●Passport utilizes Secure Socket Layer (SSL)to securely transfersensitivedatabetweentheapplicationandservers.SSL is thestandardsecuritytechnologyforestablishinganencryptedlinkbetweenawebserverandabrowser.This link ensures that all datapassedbetweenthewebserverandbrowsersremainprivateandintegral. ●Passport is listed as a certified gateway provider on both Visa andMastercard’s national registries.Additionally,Passport is recognizedas a sponsored service provider for both companies. Additionally,Passport employs multiple security measures to protect client and user data,including strict Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)and row-level security that adheres to theprinciplesofleastprivilegeandzerotrust.All data is encrypted in transit and at rest usingstrong256-bit algorithms.In addition to annual PCI compliance,Passport also has SOC 2type1andtype2certifications,as a reflection of its security and compliance controls.Passport is also regularly investing in its security practices and routinely contracts with thirdpartiestohelpmaturetheseprotocolsandvalidatesystemperformanceagainstcompliancerequirements.Each security measure plays a specific role in preventing access to data thatresides in the system and allows clients to fully trust their partnership with Passport. 5)We require data centers to be located in the United States:What country will our databe located in?Passport’s data centers are located in the United States.Passport runs its platform acrossthreeseparateavailabilityzones(data centers)making its services highly available andredundant.Passport’s system is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS)public cloud using amixofPassportandAWSmanagedservicesinordertoleverageAWS’expertise in cloudcomputing and ensure the utmost availability and integrity of client data. 6)Responding to legal demands to disclose data:What is your process when someonesubpoenas or requests our data from you as a vendor?Subpoenas are routed to Passport’s Legal Department for handling and data requests fromend users are handled in accordance with IAW. The current agreement between Passport and the City of Bozeman also contains termsregardingdatarightsandterminationrights.Please see Exhibit A,Section 9 --Data Rightsand Sections 8 and 9 -- Terminations for additional information. For additional reference,Passport’s Privacy Policy can also be found at:https://www.passportinc.com/privacy-policy/. 7)Reporting: What is your protocol for data breaches?Passport has a business continuity plan that addresses topics such as data breaches and isavailableuponrequest.All issues,including any security incidents or breaches,will be loggedinPassport’s internal issue tracking system and fixed according to priority.Depending on theseverity of the issue, Passport will respond as follows: passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 54 Severity Elements Support Response Severity 1 –Critical Marked by problems orrequests that: ●Crash the systemcompletely; ●Corrupt data; ●Cause major functionsor features to fail tooperate; or ●Otherwise significant,material, andsubstantive. Upon case creation,Passport will dedicateresourcesonacontinual,best effort basis tocorrecttheproblemwithinone(1)day of casecreation.Passport will provide the City statusupdateseveryone(1)hour until the problemhas been corrected. Severity 2 – High Marked by problems or requests that: ●Cause significant delays or ●Cause minor functions or features to fail to operate that is substantive, but not material. Upon case creation,Passport will dedicate resources on a continual,best effort basis to correct the problem within three (3)days of case creation.Passport will provide the City status updates every four (4)hours until the problem has been corrected. Severity 3 –Medium Marked by problems orrequests that: ●Cause minor delays, but ●Do not inhibit the abilityto use the service andare neither substantivenor material. Upon case creation,Passport work duringnormalbusinesshoursandusereasonablecommercialeffortstocorrecttheproblemswithinfive(5)days of case creation.PassportwillprovidetheCitystatusupdatesdaily,ormorefrequentlyifrequestedbytheCityuntilthe problem has been corrected. Severity 4 –Low Marked by problems orrequests that: ●Are typically questions,requests for informationor ●Requests for ratechanges, zone updates,consumables, etc. Upon case creation,Passport will work duringnormalbusinesshoursandusereasonablecommercialeffortstocorrecttheproblemsorfulfilltherequestwithinseven(7)days of casecreation. 8)Disaster recovery:What protections/protocols do you have in place to mitigatedisasters?Passport maintains a comprehensive IT disaster recovery plan,which is formalized andassessedregularly.The plan covers all essential and critical infrastructure elements,systems,and networks in accordance with key business activities.The disaster recovery plan covers amyriadofpotentialthreatsanddisasterstothesystem,as well as the remedial actions thatshouldbetakenintheeventofadisaster.Passport has contemplated and planned for everypossiblescenario,including failures of each partner in the process.Should a disaster occur,Passport’s Disaster Recovery Team will assess the situation and is responsible for passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 55 establishing facilities for an emergency level,restoring key services,recovering to businessas usual, coordinating activities with third parties,and creating the incident report. To prevent disasters from happening,Passport undergoes a number of preventative checksandverifications.These checks are run alongside the production database,looking foranomaliesanddiscrepanciesinthesystem.Following any incident requiring the DisasterRecoveryTeam,a report is generated outlining the incident,the people notified,the actionstaken,the outcome,and a full assessment of the effectiveness of the recovery as well as abreakdown of “lessons learned.” 9)Business continuity:If you decide to bring your business to an end what happens toour data?The City will be able to extract historical data as it relates to the future of the City’s parkingmanagement.Once the City has exported all necessary data,Passport will have all datapurged from the system. 10)Termination rights and consequences:What is your termination policy both for you asa vendor and us as a customer?Below are terms currently included in Passport’s agreement with the City,specificallyaddressingPassport’s termination policy for the vendor and customer.This language isnegotiable during the contracting period. Section 17.TERM AND TERMINATION of Passport’s SOFTWARE LICENSE AND SERVICE AGREEMENTincludes the following: 17.1 Term.This Agreement is effective as of the Effective Date and shall remain effective foraslongasthereisanactiveOrderForm,unless sooner terminated pursuant to Section 17.2below.Upon expiration of the Initial Term of an Order Form,the Order Form shallautomaticallyrenewforsuccessiveRenewalTermsonthesametermsandconditions,unless either Party notifies the other in writing not less than ninety (90)calendar days priortotheexpirationdateoftheInitialTermortheapplicableRenewalTermofitsintentnottorenew. 17.2 Termination.The following termination rights are in addition to any rights providedelsewhereinthisAgreementandarewithoutprejudicetoanyotherrightorremedyavailable to Passport or Customer at law or in equity: 17.2.1 Passport may terminate this Agreement and all licenses granted hereunderuponnoticetoCustomerintheeventthatCustomerfailstomakefullpaymentwhendueofanyamountrequiredtobepaidbyCustomerunderthisAgreementwithinten (10) calendar days of Passport’s written notice of such failure to pay. 17.2.2 This Agreement may be terminated by either Party upon thirty (30)calendardays’prior written notice to the other Party in the event of a material breach of amaterialprovisionofthisAgreement,provided,however,that the termination shallnotbeeffectiveif,during the thirty (30)day notice period,or such other cure periodas mutually agreed upon by the Parties, the breaching Party cures the breach. 17.3 Effect of Termination.Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement for any reason,(a)any licenses granted to Customer and all rights of Customer in and to the PassportSystemwillimmediatelyterminate;(b)Customer shall immediately cease using the Passport passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 56 System;(c)Customer shall return to Passport any Licensed Hardware which Customer hasnotobtainedtitletoasofsuchexpirationortermination,and (d)all monies paid or due orowingtoPassportbyCustomeruptosuchcancellation,completion,expiration,orterminationshallbedeemednon-refundable.Customer shall make payment on Passport’sfinalinvoiceassetforthinSection12.4.Passport will provide commercially reasonableassistancetoCustomertoenablethetransitionoftheservicestoasuccessorvendor,ifrequestedbyCustomer,provided first,however,that Customer has remitted to Passport alloutstanding balances. 11)Exit:If we exit our relationship what format can we get our data in and whatassistance will you give us in transferring our data to us in a usable format?Data pulled from Passport’s system is typically in a delimited text file,i.e.CSV,TXT format(with the pipe or comma).Passport will work with the City and the new vendor to ensure allofBozeman’s data (that is applicable to its parking operations)is made available and in theformatneededfortransition.Please note that there are no associated fees for this processshould Passport be displaced in the future. Customer Support, Services, and Training Please see Section I. Training and Customer Service Plan. References Please see Section H. References. Montana State University Passport welcomes Montana State University choosing to leverage Passport’s software and services as a result of this RFP process,as Passport provides solutions for dozens of higher education institutions nationwide.Passport understands that a new environment would need to be built to meet the University’s specific needs. D. General and Technical Requirements Passport offers SaaS solutions,which limits the hardware or physical infrastructure needed tooperateanddoesnotrequirephysicalpresencefromPassportoranythirdpartiestoimplementandservice.Passport has included its recommended handheld ticket issuance equipment optionwithintheHardwaresectionabove.The City can also leverage existing Android smartphones for useinitsenforcementprogram.If the City opts to use existing devices,Passport will configure thesephones,downloading the OpsMan Mobile application and establishing a connection with theBluetooth printer. The City will be able to download Passport’s proprietary enforcement software,OpsMan Mobile,forfreefromtheGooglePlaystore.Currently,OpsMan Mobile is only optimized for use on Androidunits.In order to adapt and develop Passport's software application alongside rapidly changinghardwareinterfaces,Passport has focused on developing its Android product to deliver thehighest-level solution.Meaning,Passport can immediately push updates to Android devices,whereas with Apple products there is a delay when pushing updates,so it is not abusiness-to-business friendly solution.Additionally,Android offers a wider array of devices(including rugged options), available at a more affordable cost for clients. Members of the Parking Services Division team will be able to access the back office managementtooljustastheydotodaytomanagetheParkBZNmobileparkingenvironment.No additional passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 57 hardware or software is required to access the back end to manage citations and permits;Staff willonly need an active internet connection and will be able to access the back office via a web browser. E. Related Experience with Projects Similar to the Scope of Services Parking Enforcement & Operations Experience While others have taken the approach of a one-size-fits-all solution,Passport recognizes that the needs of the City of Bozeman areuniquetoitsoperationandwillrequireatailoredsystemtomeetitsobjectives.The industry is moving towards an asset-lightinfrastructureandrelyingheavilyonsoftwareforbothenforcement,permits,and payments.As an expert in digital infrastructure,Passport is continuously investing in its software stack and iscommittedtodeliveringinnovativesolutionstotheCityformanyyearstocome.Passport is prepared to deliver to Bozeman itsparkingenforcementanddigitalpermittingtechnologyandtocontinuetopartnerwiththeCitytoachieveitsbroadermobilitygoals. As the City has been witness to,Passport is constantly pushing thepaceofinnovationandwillcontinuetochallengetraditionalsolutionsinwaysthatsimplifyexperiencesandcreatevalueforPassportclientsandtheircustomers.Passport’s parking enforcement anddigitalpermittingsolutionsarenodifferent.Passport has been providing clients with its parkingenforcementsolutionsince2013anddigitalpermittingsince2015.Since its acquisition of ComplusDataSolutionsin2019,Passport brings over 30 years of experience to its clients with the mostrobustsoftwareofferingintheindustry.Today,Passport provides clients with the industry’s mostinnovative means of ensuring parking compliance. Passport has thoroughly reviewed this RFP and it has a complete understanding of the proposedprojectrequestedbytheCityofBozeman.The City seeks to pursue a software solution that is at thecuttingedgeoftechnologyandcompatiblewithitsexistingphysicalassets.The City of Bozeman canachievethisbyselectingPassportasitsfull-service vendor.Passport’s suite of parking managementsolutionswillallowBozeman’s citizens and visitors to pay for parking,pay parking citations,buy aparking permit, and more. REGIONAL PRESENCEWhilePassportprovides hundreds of mobility and parking management solutions for municipalitiesacrossNorthAmerica,it has a particularly strong presence in the Western United States.Passportprovidescitationmanagementsolutionsforover100clientsintheregionsuchasCheyenne,WY,Grand Junction,CO,and Bend,OR.These clients are of a similar size to the City of Bozeman andutilize Passport’s mobile pay, enforcement, and digital permitting solutions. The following examples highlight Passport’s experience implementing projects within similarenvironments to the City of Bozeman. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 58 20%10+ MONTH OVER MONTH INCREASES IN PARKING REVENUE HOURS SAVED MONTHLY WITH ONE REPORTING FEATURE Westminster,Colorado is a booming suburb situated about 20 minutes north of Denver.With agrowingpopulationofyoungprofessionalsandfamilies,Westminster is known as one of the bestplacestoliveinthestate.New local business openings and exciting projects continue to positionWestminsterasaninnovativecitythatismakingapositiveimpactonthecommunitytheyserve.One of those areas the City is focusing on is parking and mobility,where they chose Passport as thesolution for managing mobile pay parking, digital enforcement, and permitting. WHY PASSPORTGivenitsprime proximity to Denver and Boulder,the City continues to strategically grow withdevelopmentthroughoutthecommunity.Understanding the opportunities and challenges broughtinbythisgrowth,the City knew it needed to find a digital solution that would enable it tofuture-proof its parking and mobility operations,and a provider who could work alongside City staff,as they continue to modernize their infrastructure.“Having a centralized system that gives us accesstoallourmobilepayment,permit and enforcement data was a huge factor in our decision,”explainsWadyBurgos,Parking and Transportation Demand Management Coordinator for the City.Theeasy-to-use,customer-facing platform and seamless back end software were also important to theCity when they selected Passport as their mobility partner. THE RESULTSSinceimplementing Passport for its Downtown and Westminster Station areas,Westminster hasincreaseditsparkingrevenueandoverallpaymentcompliance.The addition of mobile pay parkingisbringinginuptoa20%increase in revenue every month and has created opportunities to savecapital improvement funding for payment collection infrastructure. Not only are they seeing positive results out on the streets,but they are saving a tremendousamountoflabortimebehindthescenesbyusingonesystemtomanagebothparkingandenforcement.“We are definitely saving at least 10 hours a month in our monthly revenue reportscompilationalone,and that’s just one of the many reports we use Passport for,”says Wady.Reports passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 59 like Daily Total Revenue and Ticket Density have also been valuable time savers for the City wherethey’ve been able to eliminate manual processes by using a unified system in Passport. DATA-DRIVEN DECISIONSLeveragingparkingandenforcement data to drive decision-making has been key in supporting theCity’s larger mobility goals.Wady and his team dive into data frequently and use it regularly to takeactionoutonthecurb.For example,the City noticed that specific types of citations were beingissuedincertainareas.They identified these patterns and made modifications to how they werecommunicatingregulatoryinformationtocustomers,and are now seeing a drastic improvement inoverall compliance since making those changes. The City has also used data they’ve gathered in Passport’s system to alter enforcement officerroutes,update signage,and customize how they are reaching out to customers.Wady explains,“Thedatawe’re extracting is incredibly useful,and it’s all in real-time,so we have eliminated a ton of backandforthwithourcustomersandhavemadesignificantimprovementsinareasweweren’toperating as efficiently as we could have been.” CONTINUED SUCCESSWadyandhisteamview Passport as their mobility partner and are looking forward to continuing tobuildonthesuccessesthey’ve seen thus far.“With Passport now in place,we’ve established ourdigitalinfrastructurethattrulyfuture-proofs our operation,”says Wady.Passport’s commitment tocustomerserviceanditsindustry-leading technology is what impressed Wady and his team themost.“Passport is growing and innovating alongside us and has been supportive in helping us reachour larger parking and mobility objectives. We are very excited for what the future holds.” 20,000 $250K 3.5 VISITORS PER DAY ON AVERAGE SAVINGS EXPECTATIONS PER YEAR WITH PASSPORT HOURS SAVED WEEKLY IN PROCESSING CITATION APPEALS Bend,Oregon was already one of the nation’s fastest-growing cities,and in-migration has increased as the quality of life has drawn many who can work remotely.The population has grown from about 20,000 residents in the 1980s to over 110,000 residents today. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 60 Also a popular tourist destination due to its blend of awe-inspiring outdoor spaces and its richcultureandartscene,the City is famous for its legendary Bend Ale Trail,the largest beer trail in theWest.It is also a great choice for family-friendly adventures such as cave tours in ancient lava tubes.Bend can get up to 20,000 visitors a day during peak season. Because of all this,parking management is a priority for the decision-makers in Bend,and they areembracingtechnologytobecomeatrueSmartCitythatdeliversincredibleserviceandvaluetoresidents and visitors alike. THE PROBLEMTheCityofBend had a legacy parking payment and enforcement system that was 20 years old whichreliedonanoutsourcedmanagementcompany.In 2018,Bend City Council restructured and setgoalsforanewlyestablishedParkingServicesDivisiontoleveragethelatesttechnologyandestablishnewparkingdistricts.After adding these additional districts,the City’s third-partymanagementcompanycostsgrewfrom$195,000 to $350,000.The team began work to moveoperations in-house by bringing parking and enforcement management into this new Division. At the time of the restructuring,Tobias Marx filled the role of Parking Services Division Manager.Tobias aimed to maximize efficiency in the department,and he wanted reporting and informationaccess,but he had limited access to reports to gain insight on the efficiency of their permits orenforcement.This lack of access hindered the team’s management capacity and the ability torespondtocomplaintsmakingtheCitylessabletohelpresidentswithcitationproblemsordisputes.The disconnect between what could be seen and managed by City employees versus the needs ofresidentsandvisitorsoftenresultedinlacklustercustomerserviceexperiences.The Parking ServicesDivisionneededcontrolandmanagementcapacitytorespondtoissuesanddeliverexcellentservice. THE SOLUTION Due Diligence with Negotiated Contracting.The City supplemented the RFP by using negotiatedcontractingthroughNCPAbutstilldidextraduediligenceandreviewedmultipleproposals.As soonasthecontractwithPassportwasofficial,the system was up and running in a few weeks once theClientImplementationsteamgottowork.In late 2020,the Parking Services Division of the City ofBendbeganleveragingthefullPassportOperatingSystemtoofferPassport’s mobile pay parking,parking enforcement with License Plate Recognition (LPR)technology,payment merchantprocessing, and digital permitting solutions. The end-to-end Passport solution supports strategic initiatives Bend put into practice as they look tothefuture.In early 2020,the City adopted an Innovation Strategic Plan that included over 70 specificprojectsaimedatimprovingservicedeliveryandmeetingthechangingneedsandexpectationsofthecommunity.As part of this initiative,Tobias championed the Passport system based on the City’scostsavingsandthesinglebackendsystemthatwillbethefoundationforalltheirparking,permitting,enforcement,and LPR needs.Bend’s Leadership supported the implementation ofPassportbecauseoftheircommitmenttoestablishingagileprocessesthatwillallowthemtofuture-proof their technology. Parking Choice and Convenience.When it comes to paying for parking,Bend wants to give residentsandvisitorschoices.They started by launching Passport’s mobile pay parking app,Passport Parking.Because the Passport Operating System can facilitate seamless integrations with other applications,Bend can manage other digital payment options from a single unified back end.Ultimately,Bend passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 61 wants to leverage the Passport Operating System to deliver a seamless experience with othermobilitysolutionslikeGoogleMapsandacceptwalletpaymentsfromApplePayandGooglePay.AsBendprogressestowardsSmartCityinfrastructure,they will have multiple vendors integrated intooneecosystem.Because they are a tourist destination the City wants visitors to be able to usewhichever application or payment method is most convenient to them. Bend currently has 800 paid parking spaces but is adding more to a total of 3,000.Through Passport,they will offer dynamic pricing,which is customizable,including set rates for locals and a differentpricingstructureforvisitors,oversized vehicles,compact cars,and more.This dynamic andthoughtfulapproachtoparkinginfrastructurenownetstheCity$100,000 in parking revenue,butthis will pave the way to have a solid foundation to ramp up to $500,000. Better Compliance;Free Parking.Tobias’s long-term vision is to eliminate parking enforcement byhavingasystemsoeasytousethatpeoplewillvoluntarilypayforparkingandfollowfreeparkingrules.They have already achieved a significant reduction in the abuse of free parking in Bend byleveragingPassport’s innovative technology.They now require all free 2-hour customers to start aparkingsessioninthemobilepaymentapp.The City began the free parking compliance programwitha6-week education campaign urging customers to register their car,plus two weeks ofwarningsiftheyfailedtodoso.The City helped first-time citation getters understand the freeparkingrulesbetter.$0 transactions went up 200%after their rollout of the educational campaignand new signage, so the leaders can see that people are widely compliant with free parking rules. Fast &Accurate Enforcement Appeals.Tobias explains he used to spend over half of his daymanuallyprocessingcitationappeals.Now,with a digital solution in place,it takes him 30 minutes.“Bend attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors each year,so it’s vital that we offer easy parkingpayment options and equip ourselves with technology to encourage parking compliance,” he says. “We would have never been able to make these enforcement upgrades without Passport.” – Tobias Marx, City of Bend Parking Services Division Manager Cost-Effective Expansion of Enforcement with LPR.The City expects future enforcement revenue tobeanetgainduetocostsavingsovertheir6figureexpenseswiththeirpreviousthird-partymanagementcontract.With LPR,one person in a car can monitor entire areas without getting out ofthevehicle.The City added an entirely new parking district with 2,000 parking spaces.With PassportDigitalEnforcementwithLPR,they avoided an additional $80,000 third-party cost increase for theadditionalparkingarea.Additionally,they eliminated the expense of additional employee hours inparkingenforcement.With the $100,000 cut to their parking enforcement contract by bringingenforcementin-house,the City expects to save a quarter of a million dollars in 2021-2022 withPassport. Addressing Habitual Parking Offenders.Bend can also customize its citation types to fit their needs.The City can offer an early payment discount while also escalating penalties for habitual offendersthroughadirectvehiclelookupintegrationwiththeOregonDMV.“It is my biggest sigh of relief,”saysTobias.For an average citation,the customer can get a discount if they pay for their violation quickly,and habitual offenders are addressed by exponentially increasing penalties.Their prior system hadonlyonecitationtype,but they have many options in the Passport system and can customizecitationtypesandcoststotheirneeds.A habitual offender with 6-9 citations pays 200%in penalties,and with ten or more citations,the fines go higher.The citation customization feature relates passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 62 directly to the LPR and officer’s efficiency on the street.Passport made it easy because the officersimplyissuesthecitation,and the Passport system produces the citation according to what kind ofoffender they are. Digital Permit Management.One of the Passport Operating System highlights is that all the parkinginfrastructurecomponentsareononesystem,plus there is flexibility in adjusting it to the City’sneeds.Bend manages its parking permit program digitally through the City’s website and otherresident’s business sites.A beneficial feature of Passport Permits that Bend takes advantage of isemployeraccounts.The City can give businesses in the community access and manage their ownemployee’s permit accounts.The City saves time and delivers a better experience because they nolongerhavetoprocesseachpermitapplicationandpermitpaymentindividually,which previouslyled to frequent fraud alerts and card declines. An example of how they use the employer accounts to deliver a better experience started as aperceivedproblem.The City rolled out a new mixed parking district in 2020,and it includes multipletypesofparking,and people who work there can have an employee parking permit.At first,theemployerswereupsetwiththenewpaidparkingdistrict,and their contact with the Parking ServicesDivisionstartedwithacomplaint.The City created self-administered employer accounts,and theybenefitedfromabulkdiscountonparkingpermitsandparkingpasses.Ultimately,they had anexcellent resolution, and they are among their most satisfied customers. Payment Processing Savings.The City of Bend switched to Passport Payment Processing,and theyexpecttoseesignificantsavingsbyunlockinglowernegotiatedinterchangerates.They also nolongerneedtopaychargebackfees,as Passport waives them for their payment processing clients.Their rates are now uniform,and they will avoid the typical “punishment fees”problem common inparking payments because Passport leads the industry in processing small payment amounts. ADVICE TO OTHER MUNICIPALITIES: BECOME FUTURE-PROOFTobias’s advice to other municipalities considering a digital enforcement solution with LPR is to “beproactiveandmakethechangestofuture-proof your parking and enforcement.”He added that “WewouldhaveneverbeenabletomakealltheseenforcementchangeswithoutPassport.”A keycomponentintheirdrivetodeliverexcellentcustomerservicerequiresthattheirsystemhaveaquickonlineappealprocess.The system must be straightforward and allow staff to find thepertinentinfoeasilyinasinglebackend.An end-to-end solution enables the Parking to ServicesDivisionandCitystafftohelpattheirfirstcontactwithoutpassingthefrustratedcustomertoanother place in search of a resolution. The City expects better compliance as they use enforcement as a change management educationtoolforcustomerswhilesimultaneouslyseeinganetrevenuelossturnintoanetrevenuegain.Withtheirthird-party enforcement management company,there was a net revenue loss of -66%for 2019.By managing their enforcement with Passport,they narrowed that loss by 48%in 2020,and they arehopingtoseenetrevenueintheblackin2021.For the City of Bend,it has never been about revenuealone;they are most focused on excellent service for residents and visitors,parking compliance,andreductioninenforcementcosts.Passport is proud to be a partner in their efforts to execute theirinnovationstrategytostreamlinetheCity’s aging processes as much as possible while approachingtheir innovation capacity from a holistic/macro level. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 63 F. Proposed Implementation Schedule Implementation Approach The implementation of Passport’s parking enforcement and digital permitting solutions will bedrivenbytheClientImplementationsteam.The Client Implementations team is made up of ProjectManagersandImplementationConsultants,whose sole responsibility is to quickly and efficientlylaunchproductsforclients.This is similar in structure to when the City implemented ParkBZN withPassport. Just as the City experienced during the implementation of ParkBZN,its dedicated Client SuccessManager,Meg Polak will be monitoring the project so as to be ready to take over after productlaunch.The Client Success team,along with Support Services,will continue to be the main contactsfor the City from the point of launch through the entirety of the contract. During the contracting phase,prior to implementation,the Solutions Engineering team will workcloselywiththeCitytobuildtheSolutionsDesignWorkbook(SDW)and the Scope of Work (SOW).The SDW is used to gather all current parking regulations the City currently has in place (i.e.rates,time limits,permits,etc.)and the SOW is a mutually agreed-upon document laying out all thefunctionalitytobeprovidedviaPassport’s products and services as well as any customconfigurationsorintegrationsthatwillbeimplementedwiththeproject.The details of therequestedproductanditsfeatureswillbeexpresslydocumentedandagreeduponbetweenbothpartieswithintheSDW.The signed and completed SDW and SOW will be handed to the ClientImplementations team to be used as the foundation of the implementation. As a current client,Passport is already familiar with the City’s environment and Bozeman’s overallparkingobjectives.This current partnership and Bozeman’s recent experience with implementingParkBZNwilllaythefoundationforanefficientlaunchandwillhelpPassportinworkingtowardstheCity’s goal of a ninety (90) day implementation. Department Team Member Responsibility SolutionsEngineering Solutions Engineer Works with City during the contracting phase to build theSDW & SOW which will outline exactly what the City willand will not be receiving from Passport. ClientImplementations Courtney Ignacio, ProjectManager Works directly with the City and its stakeholders.Developsa tailored Project Plan outlining milestones, deliverables,roles, and responsibilities of key internal and externalstakeholders. ImplementationConsultant Manages the technical aspects of the project includingviolation types, integrations, system testing, andconfiguration. Client Success Meg Polak, Client SuccessManager Available to the City from the point of contract executionto expiration; provides continued support post-launch. Support Services Systems Analyst Determining root-cause software flaws through caseintake and research and developing technical solutions toimprove product functionality for customer operations. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 64 Passport has developed an implementation process that has successfully launched Passport’sparkingmanagementsolutioninmorethan1,000+locations in a timely manner.To keep theprocesslean,Passport maintains active integrations with 100+software providers in the parking,enforcement,and transit industries as well as 15 major merchant processors.Passport designed itsimplementation process to be dynamic and flexible,while still maintaining quality. The implementation process will be split into three phases:Setup,Training,and Launch,with afourth phase happening pre-implementation during the Contracting phase:Discovery. *If Applicable ImplementationPhases Key Milestones Parties Involved Deliverables Pre-Implementation Discovery(DuringContracting) ●Complete Scope ofWork ●Complete SolutionsDesign Workbook ●Client ●Solutions Engineer ●Sales Rep ●Scope of Work (SOW) ●Solutions DesignWorkbook (SDW) Implementation Setup ●Kick-Off Meeting ●Sharing of necessaryinformation ●Build-out of City’senvironment ●Creation of necessaryweb portals ●Completion of allintegrations ●Ordering of hardware ●Import of legacy data ●Client ●Project Manager ●ImplementationConsultant ●Engineering ●Weekly Project Plan ●TLO/NLETS form* ●Web portals ●Letter templates* ●Citation template* ●Citation paper,Bluetooth printers, LPRhardware* Testing /Training ●Testing of citationenvironment ●Hold all necessarytraining sessions ●Client ●Project Manager ●ImplementationConsultant ●How-to Guides ●Recorded trainingsessions Launch ●Signing of SystemSetup Approval Form ●Hand-off to ClientSuccess & SupportServices ●Client ●Project Manager ●Client Success Rep ●System Setup ApprovalForm ●Hand-Off meeting passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 65 IMPLEMENTATION PHASE BREAKDOWN DISCOVERY The discovery phase will take place throughout contracting prior to kicking off the project.Duringthisphase,Passport’s Solutions Engineers will work with the City to build the Scope of WorkdocumentalongwiththeSolutionDesignWorkbook.These documents,along with the contractitself, will be handed off to the Client Implementations team. Key Milestones:1.SDW and SOWa.Passport Payments (merchant processing) detailsb.System configuration detailsc.Call out all integrations requiredd.Financial documents (W-9, Tax Exempt, ACH) SETUP The Client Implementations team will use the aforementioned SDW &SOW to begin setting up the City’s enforcement and permitting environment within the back office system.During this phase, constant communication will be required by both parties to ensure Courtney Ignacio,Project Manager &the Implementation Consultant have all of the information necessary to complete the setup. Courtney will collect all legacy data and work with Engineering to transfer it to the back office, including all outstanding violations and active permits.Passport will ensure all legacy data from the City’s internal system is converted and actionable in the City’s enforcement and permit platforms.To ensure this process runs smoothly,a preliminary export (dry run)is run on the data to be uploaded from the City’s current systems into Passport’s platform -this is a small sample size.This dry run is done to encompass the migrated information and ensure that it is functioning correctly prior to the full import being completed during the scheduled conversion. Key Milestones: 1.Passport Payments (merchant processing) details 2.Configure all operator settings and privileges 3.Configure all violation and permit types/zones/users 4.Set up integrations based on SDW & SOW 5.Import of legacy citation & permit data (if applicable) TESTING / TRAINING Once Passport has successfully configured the back office to meet the City’s requirements (asverifiedintheSOW),Passport will be ready to conduct testing.Passport is committed to the fulltestingofitsapplication/platform prior to the start of live operations.Once approved,the testprogramwillbeproducedasanactualtestinglogsothatresultscanbeloggedwiththetester’sname,results,and any required follow-up.In addition,Passport will keep a detailed exceptions logto manage all open issues. At the end of the process,the City can review a clear path through testing,issue identification,andissueresolution.This is a practical,achievable proposal for testing that will ultimately satisfy the City passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 66 that the system is ready for live operations,and document that the testing process was valid andcomplete. Key Milestones:1.Client and Passport perform testing of City’s citation and permitting environment2.Testing log is created and maintained by Courtney Ignacio, Project Manager3.Remote training is held between City and Courtney Ignacio, Project Manager via video and/oraudio conference LAUNCH During launch,Courtney will move the City’s citation environment from a non-production to production environment and initiate the hand-off to Meg Polak,Client Success Manager.Passport will not launch any product without the written approval of the City,which comes in the form of the System Setup Approval Form. Key Milestones 1.Signing of System Setup Approval Form via DocuSign 2.Official Hand-Off meeting to Meg Polak, Client Success Manager, and Support Services EXAMPLE PROJECT TIMELINE passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 67 Data ConversionPassporthastheabilitytoconvertover10yearsofhistoricaldataandmillionsofrecordsintoitssolution,with system checks and testing accompanying each step.Passport has successfullyreplacedleadingparkingenforcementandoperationsystemsnationwide,including those withmanydatapointsandcomplexconfigurations.Through previous experience migrating City clientsfromT2toPassport,Passport understands that T2 may charge a fee in order to accommodate thedataformatthatPassportrequires.As illustrated in the proposal,Passport is prepared to offer uptoa$5,000 billing credit for T2 fees assessed in order to limit the cost burden to the City ofBozeman.Relying on incumbent vendors to deliver the data can sometimes be a reason forimplementation delay and is a potential risk that Passport wants to ensure the City is aware of. Passport’s approach to conversion is an iterative process thatrequirescollaborationfrombothCitydecision-makers as well as thecurrentvendor.The focus is placed on process,as opposed tospecificoutcomes,so that Passport can obtain the proper visibilityandtoolsitneedstocompleteasuccessfulimportofdatathatallowsforaneffectivelaunch.As mentioned above,one of the firststepsintheimplementationprocessisameetingforPassport,Citystakeholders,and the current vendor to identify all data that has tobeconverted,develop a tentative schedule,and finalize a detailedplan. As part of the implementation process,a preliminary export (“dryrun”)is performed on the data to be uploaded from the City’scurrentsystemsintoPassport’s -this is a small sample size.This dryrunisdonetoencompassthemigratedinformationandensurethatitisfunctioningcorrectlypriortothefullimportbeingcompletedduringthescheduledconversion.This preliminary testing iscalledsystemacceptancetestingandensuresthatPassport’s system can properly accept the legacydata and minimizes and/or eliminates the downtime of City operations. During the full conversion,Passport imports all existing data from most to least recent until the fulllibraryofhistoricaldatahasbeenimported.Through experience,Passport has refined the processfor a smooth transition. The process is as follows: ●Passport provides a mapping file for the City to fill out.This allows for a full one-to-oneassociation of data points and establishes required modifications. ●The scale and scope of what data will be imported is established. ●A clear strategy encompassing the City’s needs is established so that all functionality,requirements, and integrations are understood prior to import. ●Passport fully reviews all data exported for enforcement and permitting data includingcustomfields,status --open violations/pending appeals/permit renewals --etc.that needs tobe converted. ●Passport conducts a sample import to determine the viability of data and to ensure it meetsstandardsandspecifications.Any adjustments are applied iteratively,well in advance of thelaunch date so that any possible challenges are handled. ●Pending appeals will be reconciled in the new system. ●Passport can leverage the existing TLO/DMV lookup data to ensure the most up-to-datesystem. ●Any leftover actionable tasks are completed in the existing system prior to the transition toeither be closed or cleanly imported into the new Passport system. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 68 SOLUTION SPECIFIC CONVERSIONS ●Enforcement:Throughout the conversion to the Passport system,ticket data from the City’s current system and vendors will seamlessly transfer.For instance,a ticket that has a status of “Open,”“Closed,”or “Escalated”will maintain that same status in Passport’s back office. The same is true for DMV hold statuses and any notes associated with a ticket.Passport will handle any other conversion-related issues that may arise during the transfer as well, making the conversion painless for both the City and its end users. ●Permitting:While Passport will work with the City to convert all actionable legacy permitting data that is necessary to carry over into Passport’s database,Passport has found through experience that many cities align their permitting launch timeline with existing permitting renewal periods.This enables the City to have fresh,current permit records in the system that have followed the permitting application process established in Passport’s systems,in accordance with Spokane guidelines and business rules. Passport will handle any other conversion-related issues that may arise during the transfer as well, making the conversion painless for both the City and its customers. System Acceptance Testing Passport will send a request for a large subset of relevant data in the current database,includingtickets,plates,current permits,etc.This data subset will be loaded into Passport’s system to testhowitmapsontoexistingdatastructures.Based on these results,Passport’s conversion team willbeabletoproperlyplanforfullconversion.This test will also provide the opportunity for Passport totrainCitystaffusingrealisticCitydata,including violation codes,locations,permit approvals,etc.with which they are familiar. Passport maintains a detailed testing plan designed to test all features and functions of the application,including batch,online and web-based transactions,and including all external interfaces. For each component of the application,the plan will list the following: ●The component incorporating the feature/function ●The specific feature/function to be tested ●The number of test cases to be conducted ●The output that will verify results (reports, online inquiry, notice records generated, etc.) ●The expected outcome ●Test results (actual outcome) and pass/fail status Once approved,the test program will be produced as an actual testing log so that results can be logged with the tester’s name, results, and any required follow-up. Passport’s conversion team will keep a detailed exceptions log.As issues are identified in testing, they will be logged under an “open issues”tab,with a listing of the feature,the failed result/problem, date identified,and assignment.As issues are addressed,they will be moved to a “retest”tab for verification that the issue was resolved.If a resolution is confirmed,the issue will be moved to a third, “resolved” tab. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 69 Transition ExperiencePassporthasdirectexperienceindisplacingT2specifically,and has successfully executed thesetransitionsinGreatFalls,MT;Gainesville,FL,and Breckenridge,CO.Passport is confident that thisdirect experience will enable a fluid transition to its comprehensive software. These cities are also similar to Bozeman in that they initially began their relationship with PassportbysolelyutilizingPassport’s mobile payment application.Impressed with Passport’s commitment toinnovationandconstantimprovementstoitstechstack,combined with the success of their mobilepaymentprograms,these clients opted to expand their technology partnership with Passport toincludecitationmanagementanddigitalpermittingsolutions,like Bozeman.Using Passport acrossallsystemcomponentsallowsforgreaterconnectivityacrossoperationsandcreatesamoreseamless management experience that was otherwise unavailable with T2. “Passport’s technology and attention to customer service has impressed us over the years and we realized that we needed to translate that same level of innovation to the other areas of our operation. Operating everything under one system with Passport enables us to streamline our operations and enrich the parking experience for our drivers.” - Craig Raymond, Planning And Community Development Director, City of Great Falls, MT Passport has also highlighted some of its notable enforcement program transitions below.These represent large,complex clients that Passport was able to successfully transition to its software, helping demonstrate its clear ability to convert all data securely and successfully. Passport Volume Snapshot Passport’s enforcement solution has helped issue 15.1Mcitationsresulting in $416M in citation value created Passport has sold over 13M permits Passport supports 25,000+citations issued on peak days Notable Passport Enforcement Displacements Berkeley, CA Transitioned to Passport from:Conduent Inc. Currently utilizing Passport Products:●Passport Parking Citation Processing andCollection Services ●Passport Digital Permits Inglewood, CA Transitioned to Passport from:Duncan Solutions passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 70 Currently utilizing Passport Products:●Passport Parking Enforcement ●Passport Digital Permits ●Passport Payments Chicago, IL Transitioned to Passport from:Duncan Solutions Currently utilizing Passport Products:●Passport Parking Enforcement (issuance-only) ●Passport Mobile Pay (“ParkChicago” PrivateLabel Application) Salt Lake City, UT Transitioned to Passport from:Duncan Solutions Currently utilizing Passport Products:●Passport Parking Enforcement ●Passport Digital Permits ●Passport Mobile Pay (“ParkSLC”Private Label application) ●Mobile Ticketing for Transit (“UTA GoRide” Private Label application) Charlotte, NC Transitioned to Passport from:Complus Data Innovations Currently utilizing Passport Products:●Passport Parking Enforcement ●Passport Digital Permits ●Passport Micro-mobility ●Passport Mobile Ticketing for Transit (CATSPass) passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 71 G. Recent and Current Work for the City of Bozeman Passport built and supports the Bozeman private label mobile payment application,ParkBZN,which delivers a flexible payment option for hourly and daily parkers at the Bridger Park Downtown Garage.This project allowed many of Passport’s teams to collaborate with the City of Bozeman in crafting the applications brand,functionality,access to resources like paying citations and purchasing permits,as well as a custom integration with Genetec fixed LPR cameras for showing space availability data.Through this integration,an in-app map shows the percentage likelihood that a zone will have available parking.From historical session data and ingestion from external sources,Passport can calculate the likely occupancy to show predicted availability within the Bridger Garage.Based on the data received,the current availability (High,Med,Low)available for a particular zone,will update the color of the zone pin on the map accordingly (Green, Orange, Red).(See left screenshot). The City also took advantage of Passport's all-inclusive marketing plan to boost utilization and adoption of the mobile application. This customized package encompasses print marketing materials, such as how-to flyers and posters,digital marketing assets, including website and social media banners,as well as a full public relations press kit.In addition to these resources,the City of Bozeman plans to incentivize mobile payments through Passport's merchant validations system as well as promotional coupon codes.As such,merchants will have the opportunity to subsidize paid parking through Passport's validation system and promote awareness of the mobile application. Not only does the ParkBZN private label application establish a strategic partnership between Passport and the City,but it’s a payment solution that Bozeman can seamlessly scale as demands on parking grow in the coming years.By combining Passport’s enforcement and digital permitting software with mobile payments,the City of Bozeman can continue to deliver modern,user-friendly solutions to its customers without complicating integrations and increasing the bandwidth requirements for vendor management. Within a single back office,the City will be able to pull revenue reports across numerous parking products,provide end user support from a single system,and streamline the financial remittance process each month. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 72 H. References Software providers should submit no less than three references who can attest to software performance, customer service, and the transition team provided. Reference No. 1 Client Name City of Great Falls, MT Contact Information Craig Raymond, New Planning & Community Development Director(406) 455-8530craymond@greatfallsmt.net Description of Services The City of Great Falls,MT has been partnering with Passport since itlaunchedPassport’s mobile pay for parking solution in 2014.Sincetheirinitiallaunch,Great Falls expanded their spaces with mobile payandaddedPassport’s parking enforcement,LPR,digital permitting,and payment processing solutions. Reference No. 2 Client Name City of Bend, OR Contact Information Tobi Marx, Parking Services Division Manager(541) 323-8582tmarx@bendoregon.gov Description of Services The City of Bend,OR has been partnering with Passport since 2019.The City launched Passport’s entire suite of mobility productsincludingmobilepayforparking,parking enforcement (includingLPR), digital permitting, and payment processing solutions. Reference No. 3 Client Name City of Westminster, CO Contact Information Wady Burgos, Parking Program Supervisor (303) 658-2121 wburgos@cityofwestminster.us Description of Services The City of Westminster,CO has been partnering with Passport since2020.The City launched Passport’s entire suite of mobility productsincludingmobilepayforparking,parking enforcement,digitalpermitting, and payment processing solutions. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 73 I. Training and Customer Service Plan Training Following completion of most implementation milestones,the City will be trained on system use.Passport will assist the City in determining which individuals/departments should attend trainingsessionsandschedulingthosesessionswithrespecttotheanticipatedgo-live date.Passport has atrainingplaninplacethathasbeenusedtoimplementover1,200 clients nationwide,however,training can always be modified based on City discretion and roles and approaches can be adjustedbasedupontheCity’s guidance.Passport will work with the City to set up a training plan that bestsuits Bozeman’s needs. APPROACHPassporttakes a proactive,role-based training approach with client staff to ensure their overallreadinesstoeffectivelyandefficientlyusePassport’s web,mobile,and hardware mobility solutionsduring and after system acceptance testing. Adults retain approximately 90% of what they do!2 Passport’s approach to adult learning supports this statistic based upon its learning process.Passport builds learning solutions to support internal Passporters,Passport clients,and partnerswith the below approach: ●What is it? ●Why is itimportant? ●How does itimpact me? ●Demonstration ●Value Stream ●Perform thetask/skill ●Practice ●Feedback ●Certification Passport’s objective for all learning approaches is to provide the most useful and streamlinedlearningexperiencesolearnersmastertheskill/behavior in the least amount of time.Learningsolutions are delivered in a few methods: Instructor Led (In-Person) Virtual Instructor Led via City classrooms or multiple PCs Client Success Center (online procedure portal for self-study or self-service) 2 From www.basicknowledge101.com passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 74 Passport will implement a combination of the above delivery methods to properly train City staffbaseduponthefunctionalroleswithintheCity’s organization,the learning activities required forcertification,and the facilities &technology available for use.All will be discussed and refined withthe City in order to create the best learning experience for all staff. Passport will train City staff using realistic data to ensure that City staff is receiving comprehensiveinstructionforhowtoutilizethesystem.This can include initiating test parking sessions andperformingsubsequentenforcementmonitoringaswellasbackendtrackingandreporting.This willensurethateachdepartmentthatinteractswithPassport’s system is receiving “hands on”trainingand instruction on how to optimize the system. Instructor Led Training:Passport provides in-person and/or onsite instructor led training prior totesting activities and the Go-Live date to ensure the following: ●Those testing have the skills to use and provide testing feedback on the Passport mobilitysolution(s). ●Train and certify Power Users to support teams during and post the Go-Live launch. ●Train and certify Passport Certified Instructors to support teams where the best learningsolution is the in-person experience during and post the Go-Live launch. Please note that while Passport is willing to do in-person training for the City,due to COVID-19 thecompanyisevaluatingallin-person training on a case by case basis.Should that policy changeduringtheimplementationofanyprograms,Passport would be able to commit to one day of onsitetraining. Virtual Instructor Led Training:Passport provides virtual instructor led training (aka Webinar)(VILT)as an alternative to in-person instructor led training when teams span multiple locations or whencertificationdoesnotrequirethephysicaldemonstrationofhardware.In some cases,VILT is alsoleveragedtoprovidefollow-up training to the initial in-person,onsite training,and for anycontinuingeducation.This will ensure the City can successfully be trained from anywhere,which isextremely valuable as communities and places of work continue to work remotely due to COVID-19. Passport Client Success Center:Passport provides an online Client Success Center for City staff toleverageon-demand 24/7/365 through the back office.The Client Success Center houses all mobilitysolution(s)procedure manuals which include explicit instructions,often with step-by-step directionsandscreenshots/system diagrams on how each feature is utilized.This center will also be a resourceinmanagingtheCity’s existing parking environment with links for system how-to’s,account support,expanding or adding additional configurations, and/or direct Passport support resources. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 75 SUMMARY Passport offers a comprehensive learning package to ensure City staff is educated and equipped toperformtheirrolessuccessfully.Training is designed with the learner in mind and has built-inflexibilitytoaccountfordifferentlearningstyles,roles,time constraints,and products,setting thelearnerupforsuccess.With the Passport solution,the learning package ensures City staff canaddressminorhardwaremaintenance,appropriately handle operational issues,and use thesoftware with ease. Customer Service PROJECT TEAM Passport understands that success is more achievable with a talented and diverse team that shares the same vision.Passport is over 250 employees strong,with a distinguished group that brings a wide array of experience and perspectives for helping clients.Passport and the City of Bozeman share a mission in that they are both invested in getting objectives across the finish line and striving to efficiently and effectively implement new ideas. From the moment that the City awards this contract,it will have continued access to the strongest team in the industry.The City will continue to be supported by its current team,with service spearheaded by Meg Polak.Meg sits at the apex of marketing,sales,professional services,training, and support,and will continue to be the main point of contact for any feedback,questions,or concerns regarding products.Passport’s attention to detail,system of dependencies,and experience in managing projects will ensure the highest quality of service delivery for Bozeman’s parking enforcement and operations solution. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 76 Contracting (Pre-Award) Sam Warnecke, Enterprise Sales Executive Sam Warnecke is Passport's Enterprise Sales Executive for the North Western region of the United States.Sam brings 10 years of business development, account management,and enterprise solution scoping to the project.Since his graduation from the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado,Sam’s career has been focused in the enterprise software and IT services space,splitting time between Denver,CO,and Charlotte,NC.Sam strives to build lasting partnerships with public and private parking &mobility operators through offering innovative technology and scalable solutions. Since starting at Passport,Sam has led sales and scoping efforts to deliver end-to-end parking payment and enforcement technology to clients like Bozeman,MT;Lawrence, KS; Bend, OR; and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission in San Francisco, CA. Role:Sam will serve as a point of contact throughout the bid process for any questions or clarifications needed regarding Passport’s response.Sam will also negotiate to contract with the City and facilitate introductions to Passport team members upon contract award. Kelsey Owens, Director of Municipal Sales Kelsey Owens is Passport's Director of Municipal Sales and has been with the company for 7 years.While at Passport,Kelsey has fostered relationships with municipalities,universities,and private operators.Through these relationships,Kelsey works with parking managers and operators to provide a better parking experience for their constituents.Kelsey works hand in hand with clients to maximize the functionality of mobile technology.Additionally, Kelsey is an active member of the Women in Parking organization.Kelsey received her Bachelor of Arts in Communication from the Nicholson School of Communication at the University of Central Florida. Role:Kelsey oversees the entire municipal sales department and will work with Sam to ensure that proper communication is in place regarding any of Passport’s products or services,including contract negotiations. Scoping Phase Sarah Russell, Manager of Solutions EngineeringPriortojoiningtheSolutionsEngineeringteam,Sarah served as Sr.ProjectManagerfortheClientImplementationsteam.Sarah has a uniqueperspectivefromherimplementationexperience,which makes her a highlyeffectivesolutionsengineermanager.Sarah’s background consists of fulllifecycledevelopmentandprojectmanagementforlarge-scale governmentprogramsaswellasprojectmanagementandbusinessstrategywithinthebankingandmerchantprocessingindustries.Sarah received her Bachelor ofScience in Systems Engineering from the University of Virginia. Role:Sarah and her team will work closely with the City to build a Solutions Design Workbook (SDW)and Scope of Work (SOW),which will explicitly specify what will be provided to the City undercontract, ensuring that the RFP has been holistically understood and no detail has been missed. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 77 Project Kickoff & Implementation Samantha Lilley, Director of Solutions Implementation Samantha is Passport’s Director of Solutions Implementation and responsible for the Solution Engineering and Implementation teams.The Solutions Engineering team works closely with clients to fully comprehend their needs and scope Passport’s solution which is then executed by the Implementation team.Both teams have a clearly outlined and documented process that ensures a quality and efficient delivery.Key City stakeholders and decision-makers will be provided with a detailed description of the solution and project implementation timeline,including project plans and associated documents. Samantha brings a long and diverse background in service delivery and client success/operations to this role.Prior to Passport Samantha has worked at startups and Fortune 100 companies.Samantha received her Bachelor of Fine Arts and Communication from the University of Texas. Role:Samantha will be the point of escalation while the City’s solution is being engineered and launched.Samantha will provide governance and guidance to the teams and the City to ensure success.Samantha and her team will ensure that the City has the right solution,is fully trained on usage, and is able to achieve its desired outcomes quickly. Sarah Leonard, Manager, Project Implementation Sarah is Passport’s Manager of Project Implementations,responsible for the oversight of Project Managers and Implementation Consultants and ensuring smooth client transitions.Prior to joining Passport Sarah managed teams in charge of data migrations,client audit,and risk management.She has a B.S. in Business Management from St.John Fisher College and an MBA from Rochester Institute of Technology. Role:Sarah will oversee the progress of the project from a supervisory and management delivery standpoint.Sarah will closely follow the project and will attend important client milestone meetings as needed.She will work with the project manager to review status, ensure things are progressing over the duration of the project,and make certain any roadblocks raised are addressed rapidly so that the assigned project manager and project overall remain unhindered and moving forward as best as possible. Courtney Ignacio, Project Manager Courtney previously supported the City during the implementation of its mobile application,ParkBZN.As the City has witnessed,she is an experienced Project Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the Information Technology and Services industry.Her strengths in Software,Marketing, Implementation,Leadership,Process Improvement,and Healthcare speaks volume about her work ethic.Courtney is a very motivated professional and is recognized for her exceptional organizational skills,relationship-building skills,and initiative.Additionally,she served 8 years in the United States Marine Corps.Courtney received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Organizational Communication from Metropolitan State University. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 78 Role:Courtney will once again serve as the City’s Project Manager and main point contact duringimplementation.She will communicate weekly with City stakeholders to provide project statusupdates,request any additional information,and ensure that all expectations are being met.Courtney will work hand-in-hand with the Client Implementations team to curate a tailored ProjectPlanoutliningallmilestones,deliverables,and responsibilities of each key stakeholder (bothinternallyandexternally)with quality control and testing throughout to push the project to the finishline. Following the Solutions Engineering process and a signed contract,Courtney will schedule a kick-offcalltobegintheimplementationprocess.During this call,Courtney and the Client ImplementationsteamwillintroduceaprojectSmartsheet,which will be utilized as the main tool to assign and tracktasksrelatedtotheprojectinstallation.This Smartsheet will serve as the main source of truth fortrackingprojecttasks,meeting minutes,change requests,client feedback logs,etc.,and will ensurethoroughcoverageacrossallprojecttasksthroughoutimplementation,across all teams.This toolbringstothetableease-of-use,a cloud-based setup,and seamless collaboration capabilities --whichwillultimatelydeliverconsistencytobothPassport’s internal Client Implementations team,as well asinteractions with project partners and City stakeholders. Implementation ConsultantAfterthecontractawardand the scope alignment meeting is held,SarahLeonardwillassignanImplementationConsultant,who will be a technicalexpertfortheproject--managing integrations,data testing,and configuringanyclient-specific features for the program.This team member will work intandemwiththeProjectManager,Courtney Ignacio to ensure all needs areunderstood so that implementation runs smoothly and on time. Post-Launch: Client Success & Client Support Cecily Bolton, Director of Client SuccessCecilyBoltonistheDirectorofClientSuccess at Passport and oversees theCustomerSuccessRepresentativeandCustomerSuccessManagerteams.She has spent most of her career working at tech and SaaS startups and hasoveradecadeofexperienceincustomersuccess,management,and processtransformation.Cecily is from Hickory,NC,and received her Bachelor ofScienceinBusinessAdministration(Management)from East CarolinaUniversity. Role:Cecily oversees the Client Success team and will be the point ofescalationforanyClientSuccessissues.This ensures the City is satisfied with Passport’s productsandservicesandisalsoaffordedstrategicrecommendationsonsystemadjustmentsoradd-ons forgreater efficiency and higher revenue. Meg Polak, Client Success ManagerMegPolakcurrentlysupportstheCity as a Client Success Manager (“CSM”)foritsmobileapp,ParkBZN.Meg’s goal is to understand City initiatives and helpfindsolutionsthroughPassport’s products and services.She will continue tosupporttheCityshoulditchoosetoretainPassportforitsenforcementanddigital permitting solutions. At Passport,Meg works closely with many of Passport’s most valued clients, passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 79 including the City of Great Falls,MT,the City of Vancouver,WA,and the City of Grand Forks,ND.Sheworksalongsidetheseclientsasastrategicadvisorandbusinesscounterpart.She’s responsible forproactivelyengagingwithPassport’s clients to share data insight &analysis as well as help them getthemostvalueoutofthePassportsystem.Meg received her Bachelor of Science degree inManagement Activities and Societies from North Carolina State University. Role:Meg will continue to be a point of contact for any feedback,questions,or concerns regardingproductsandservices,up until the end of the contract.She will oversee the City’s account,maintaining regular communication to ensure the City is satisfied with Passport’s solutions.Meg willalsoaffordtheCitystrategicrecommendationsonsystemadjustmentsoradd-ons for greaterefficiency and higher revenue. David Heberling, Director of Support ServicesDavidservesasPassport’s Director of Support Services with nearly 30 yearsofmanagementandoperationalsupportexperience.He most recentlyworkedforFlexential,serving as the VP of Operations for Select CustomerCare,where he oversaw solutions delivered to clients to solve complextechnicalchallenges,ensuring they aligned with company strategy andbusinessobjectives.David received his Bachelor of Science in Managementfrom Indiana Wesleyan University. Role:David oversees the Support Services and Support Engineering teams.David ensures client satisfaction and initiates any escalation of issues to the appropriate internalteamsforresolution.He will monitor the City’s solution post-implementation and lend expertise asappropriate. CLIENT SUCCESS Passport’s Client Success team will continue to work hand in hand with the City for ongoing support. Passport built its Client Success department for the purpose of maintaining its many valued partnerships and ensuring client satisfaction across the board.The City’s dedicated Client Success Manager (“CSM”)will continue to be Meg Polak.Meg will be a dedicated strategic support resource for the entirety of the contract,ensuring dedicated local support.She sits at the apex of marketing, sales,professional services,training,and support,and will serve as the main point of contact for any feedback, questions, or concerns regarding Passport’s products. “My advice to other municipalities is to look for a good partner that is going tobe receptive. Passport has filled that gap for us.” - Will Jones, Public Works Deputy Director, City of Greeley, CO Meg is primarily a post-launch resource,however,she will monitor the project installation to address ongoing refinements and ensure smooth operations following the go-live date.This includes attending various implementation meetings to gain a thorough understanding of Bozeman’s parking enforcement and permitting environment,including parking rules and regulations,business processes,and the goals the City hopes to achieve.Meg will continue to keep informed of Bozeman’s processes such as departmental changes,changes to codes/ordinances,or changes to parking operations.This not only enables Passport’s solutions to be configured to the Bozeman environment but also empowers Meg to act as a true consultant to the City,conveying best practices and opportunities for increased operational efficiency.Meg’s full understanding of the environment ensures the City is making the most out of Passport’s functionalities. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 80 Executive Business ReviewsThroughoutthedurationofthecontract,Meg will also conduct a regular cadence of ExecutiveBusinessReviews(EBRs).These reviews will be organized by her and will include relevant membersoftheCity’s assigned project team and any other relevant City stakeholders.Meg will focus on thefollowingkey objectives: ●To learn and to ensure alignment on business objectives ●To continue building on joint success ●To keep the City informed on all the latest & greatest at Passport ●To explore opportunities for optimized performance ●To ensure expectations are being met The Passport team will have prepared an analysis of the City’s operations both cumulative andspecificforthelastquarterandcancompareittoPassport’s hundreds of other clients as a baselineofhowtheCity’s solution is performing.Metrics will be determined based on the City’s quarterlygoalsandtheareasthathavethepotentialforimprovement.See the following page for examples oftypical quarterly operational analyses. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 81 The Client Success team works closely with the Client Support team described below.Meg will haveaccesstotheinternallogsusedbytheClientSupportteamtotrackCitysupporttickets.This givesherapulseonCitysatisfaction,an understanding of any issues or concerns,and an opportunity toescalateanyticketsthatrequiregreaterattention.This also enables her to see trends orcommonalitiesinthetypesoffeaturerequestsbeingsubmitted.Having a thorough understandingoftheBozemanenvironment,Meg can use this information to recommend system configurations,features, or products to enhance the City’s experience. Client Success CenterThissupportpagecanbeaccesseddirectlyfromtheClientPortalandwillbearesourceformanagingtheCity’s existing parking environment,with links for system how-to’s,account support,adding configurations,and direct Passport support resources.Please see the following page for anexample. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 82 passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 83 Client Operations PortalInadditiontohavingadedicatedClientSuccessManager,for day-to-day operational needs,Passport clients have 24x7 access to the Client Operations Portal,a web-based tool designed tostreamlineoperationalrequests.Here,the City can initiate a support request and track the progressofcurrentlyopenrequestsbyclickingtheirusericonandselectingfrommultiplefilteroptionsfroma drop-down menu. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 84 PRODUCT SUPPORT Passport’s Product Support Team will be responsible for all the City’s technical support issues. Product Support Specialists (“PSS”)can be reached via email or phone and are trained to triage and troubleshoot any technical issues,including closely monitoring the App Server Log for any bug reports.They will also ensure items are forwarded and escalated to relevant Passport teams as appropriate.The City will receive clear communication from the PSS,explaining the problem and what has been done to both fix the issues and prevent them from happening again. Once a support ticket is submitted,its acceptance is immediately acknowledged.Once a support case is opened,the Support Analyst will assess the issue impact and urgency to determine the case priority.Breakdowns of critical functions will be addressed immediately,determining the cause,and implementing a solution as quickly as possible.All issues will be logged in Passport’s internal issue tracking system and fixed according to priority. To contact the Product Support Team: Monday-Friday 6 AM - 5 PM MDT Phone: (980) 939-0990 Email:help@passportinc.com Critical issue support is available after hours via answering service phone: (866) 815-3043 The City’s staff can also submit support cases through Passport’s online Client Operations Portal. Here,staff can initiate a support request and track the progress of currently open requests by clicking their user icon and selecting multiple filter options from a drop-down menu. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 85 Passport StoreThePassportStoreisane-commerce website that will simplify and enhance the hardware orderingprocess.Through this online store,the City will be able to place hardware orders,check orderstatuses,receive tracking information,and review purchase and billing information.This newwebsite will improve delivery time and provide greater visibility into orders. Account Setup:For security purposes,the home page is password protected.To get access to the website,the City will simply email help@passportinc.com to request access.An account will be created, and an email invitation will be sent to activate the account and set up a password. Shopping &Checkout:Once logged in,a City user can shop for enforcement hardware and place an order.The user will simply select items,place them in the shopping cart,and move ahead to checkout by clicking the top right-hand shopping cart logo. Once on the checkout page,the user will enter the shipping and billing information,select delivery and payment method,and enter any necessary order notes.They will then review and ensure the information is correct,check the “I agree to the Terms and Conditions”checkbox,and hit the “Place Order”button.Once the order is submitted,the order number is displayed on this confirmation page.A confirmation email will be sent after the order is placed and a subsequent email is sent with tracking information when the order is shipped. The City will have the ability to cancel their orders before they have been shipped by going into the Purchases section of the My Accounts page.They can click on a sales order number and cancel the purchase.To change an order,the City can contact Passport’s Procurement team for assistance, provided it has not already been shipped. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 86 Account Management:City users can visit the My Account/Account Overview section of the site tocheckorderstatus,purchase history,and billing information.Payment methods and addressinformationcanbeeditedhereaswell.The Purchase History section lists all recent orders,theirstatus, and displays tracking information when orders have shipped. City users are also able to make adjustments to their account information and settings,includingadjusting email preferences and updating a password. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 87 Quote Requests:The City can request quotes within the Passport Store.Once the quote requests aresubmitted,Passport’s procurement team will review and pass along the quote to the Client SuccessorSupportteamfordiscussionswiththeCity.Please note:The City cannot accept their quote andtransfer it into an order through the store. To request a quote:1.Navigate to the Request a Quote Page.2.Enter the item name or SKU for the items, the quote,and the proper quantity.3.Enter the shipping address and any relevant comments.4.Hit the Submit a Quote Request button.5.The quote will be placed,and a Passport team member will contact the City within 2business days. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 88 J. Price Proposal Item Price ($USD) Passport Enforcement3 ➔OpsMan Mobile Application ◆Real-time monitoring, scofflaw notifications, electronic chalking, andticket issuance ➔Integration with Genetec LPR for monitoringand streamlined ticket issuance4 ➔Operator Management Software ◆Back office software for end-to-end citation management ➔Ongoing upgrades and enhancements Per Citation Paid Fee$3.50 (Paid by the citation recipient) Delinquent Citation Collections ➔Custom Portal for Citation Payments and Appeals ➔50-state DMV Lookups via NLETS ◆Requires a City ORI # (usually managed by the PD)5 ➔Sending One (1) Automated Delinquent Notice Letter Percentage of Delinquent Citations Paid 20% Per Letter Sent Fee $1.00 + postage Hardware (Passport billing credit for 6 handhelds and Zebra ZQ320 Printers)6 ➔Handhelds ◆Example: Samsung Galaxy S10 ●Rugged Phone Case ●Phone Charger ●Phone Screen Protector ➔Zebra ZQ320 Bluetooth Printers ◆Charger, Battery ◆Shoulder Strap ◆1 Roll of Paper ➔Estimated Paper Cost ◆70 citations/roll ◆Pricing based on a 100-roll order Cost per Handheld~$400.00 (Bozeman to procure Androids anddata plans separately from a localservice provider for maintenanceflexibility) Cost per Printer $600.00 Estimated Custom$12.00/roll Estimated Blank$5.00/roll Digital Permits ➔Custom, Mobile-optimized Portal for Permit purchases Per Permit Paid Fee: Monthly Permits 6 Passport to provide a hardware billing credit to cover costs for six (6) sets of Android phones and printers for a total of$6,000.00 to be deducted from the first month of billing 5 Passport can utilize TLO should the City not be able to obtain the ORI. TLO has lookup access for 35 states.Should the Citybe interested in a direct MT DMV integration, and this is allowed by the state, Passport is open to scoping that integration. 4 Passport will provide its current mobile LPR product integration to the City and will provide a Fixed LPR integration as it iscurrently being scoped, should the City’s needs be different potential additional fees may be incurred. 3 Passport’s pricing assumes purchase of all listed products and services and the scope as Passport currently understands it.Should either structure change, Passport reserves the right to update its pricing accordingly. passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 89 ➔Permit Setup ➔User role creation and setup ➔Ongoing upgrades and enhancements $2.75/permit Annual Permits $1.75/permit (Paid for by the permit holder uponpurchase and/or permit renewal) Payment Processing ➔Passport Gateway ➔Secure Merchant Processing $0.05/transaction 2.9% + $0.25/transaction Service Delivery Project Management ➔Dedicated Project Manager (Courtney Ignacio) ➔Implementation Specialist ➔Project Plan ➔Detailed Discovery ➔Weekly Calls One Time Implementation Services Fee $20,000.00 WAIVED Configurations ➔Citation setup ➔Escalation schedule setup ➔Migration from T2 and transfer of all paid and unpaid citations ➔Zone setup ➔Rate setup ➔Rate testing ➔Administrator role creation and setup ➔Digital Permits setup ➔Permits migration from T2 Included Upfront Billing Credit: <$5,000.00 (To cover any fees related to T2’s datain preparation for migration toPassport) Training ➔Enforcement and Permits Introduction ➔OpsMan Mobile ➔Payment Portals ➔Customer Support ➔Operator Management Remote Included Integrations ➔Meter Integration ➔Integration with Genetec LPR Included passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 90 ➔Access to 40+ active integrations Expansions ➔Tools and assistance for location additions Included Support Client Support ➔Product Support Specialists for technical support 7 days a week ➔Dedicated CS Rep.(Meg Polak) Included passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 91 K. Affirmation of Nondiscrimination passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 92 APPENDIX PCI Compliance Certificate passportinc.com rfp@passportinc.com 2021 Passport Labs, Inc 93