HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-27-21 Public Comment - S. Jones - Canyon GateFrom:Ross Knapper To:SBJones Cc:Agenda Subject:FW: Canyon Gate Development Date:Monday, September 27, 2021 2:30:12 PM Attachments:Letter to Bozeman City 9-27-21.pdf Dear Sherry, Thank you for contacting the City of Bozeman and for submitting your public comment for this project. Your comments have been added to the project record. There is no public meeting related to the development review process schedule for today, that I am aware of. I am also not aware of any other public meetings scheduled for today. The application has been formally submitted and is currently in the initial review phase. After initial review, staff will either request additional information on the application to determine if it meets required state statutes and local code requirements OR will determine that the application is adequate for further review and the project will proceed to the next step of the process, which will include a public comment period and public hearings in front of the Zoning Commission and City Commission. These dates have not been determined yet and will depend on the results of the initial review. Public hearing dates will be posted on site at the subject property, mailed to adjoin property owners within 200 feet, and will be advertised in the Sunday edition of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. You can also check the status of the project and view related project documents by using our Community Development Viewer. The following map shows various development projects around the city and informs you of which stage of review they are currently in, as well as provide you links to project documents. Documents are updated as the project proceeds through the different steps. Public notice documents will be available here once the project reaches the public notice phase. https://gisweb.bozeman.net/Html5Viewer/? viewer=planning&layerTheme=&scale=9027.977411&basemap=&center=-12358360.640278058%2C5733022.021263958&layers= Best, Ross Knapper | Development Review Coordinator, Community DevelopmentCity of Bozeman | 20 East Olive St. | P.O. Box 1230 | Bozeman, MT 59771406.582.2968 | (C) 406.451.6803 | rknapper@bozeman.net | www.bozeman.net The Department of Community Development is revising its operations until further notice to address COVID-19. We appreciate your patience and are working hard to maintain the stability of our operations. There may be delays in responding to inquiries. We continue to receive and review development applications. Some application types may see delays in their review times due to the suspension of public meetings. From: SBJones <sheridan@sheridanjonesla.com> Sent: Monday, September 27, 2021 2:17 PM To: Ross Knapper <rknapper@BOZEMAN.NET> Subject: Canyon Gate Development CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Ross Knapper, I would like to address some concerns I have regarding the property use for a County parcel the City is planning to annexon the corner of Story Mill, Bridger Canyon and Boylan. I have a attached my comments in a word pdf. Let me know if you have any trouble accessing. Also, I understand thereis a pubic meeting regarding the parcel and development today, but I have been unable to find out the place and time. Thank you,My Best, Sherry Sheridan Jones 2563 Maiden Star Lane Bozeman, MT 59715c 231 838 1698 Letter to the City of Bozeman RE: the Canyon Gateway - Homebase development. September 27, 2021 Dear Bozeman City Planning, I understand developer Homebase Montana is requesting to rezone and construct a mixed commercial and residential development on the corners of Boylan, Bridger Canyon and Story Mill Roads. Presently the area is County property, slated to be annexed into the City. This parcel is flanked by quiet residential neighborhoods zoned predominately R-1, R-3 and R-S. I am concerned these residential areas and the surrounding foothills environment will be negatively impacted by increased noise, night lighting, and obstruction of mountain and foothill views due to heights and densities of the buildings proposed by Homebase. Their lack of greenspace provided for residents seems to disregard a clear, fundamental and established desire Bozeman residents have for outdoor recreational options. I understand the intent of R-1 is to respect the residential character and quality of life. The R-3 intention is to provide a variety of housing while reducing the adverse effects of non-residential uses. I respectfully ask that you review these intentions and perhaps look at how they might be appreciated and validated with this new parcel the City intends to annex. As a beautiful gateway to the Bridger Mountains (the premier amenity to all citizens and visitors of Bozeman), I suggest housing and light business in keeping with the lower height profile that exists would be a positive direction to take. Intentional greenspace mandated to include linking trails toward Drinking Horse Canyon, the “M” and the Story Mill community park, would offer a connection all can enjoy. Residents of Bozeman clearly use and appreciate all provided trails and greenspace in place. A lower height profile that respects the Foothills views, promotes activities in keeping with resident preferences would be a bonus to new and older residents and visitors alike. I suggest, with concerted effort and planning skills, our City can satisfy the additional needed housing AND create a positive attribute to City Property. Respectfully submitted, Sheridan Jones 2563 Maiden Star Lane Bozeman 231 838 1698