HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-24-21 Public Comment - C. Omland - FW_ project 21337 public commentsFrom:Ross Knapper To:Chris Omland Cc:Agenda Subject:FW: project 21337 public comments Date:Monday, September 27, 2021 10:49:36 AM Attachments:safe_print_Canyon Gate Development (Responses) - Form Responses 1.pdfCanyon Gate Development (Responses).xlsx Dear Chris, Thank you for contacting the City of Bozeman and for submitting public comments for the project. The public comments have been added to the project record. Best, Ross Knapper | Development Review Coordinator, Community DevelopmentCity of Bozeman | 20 East Olive St. | P.O. Box 1230 | Bozeman, MT 59771406.582.2968 | (C) 406.451.6803 | rknapper@bozeman.net | www.bozeman.net The Department of Community Development is revising its operations until further notice to address COVID-19. We appreciate your patience and are working hard to maintain the stability of our operations. There may be delays in responding to inquiries. We continue to receive and review development applications. Some application types may see delays in their review times due to the suspension of public meetings. From: Chris Omland <chris.omland@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, September 24, 2021 9:16 AM To: Ross Knapper <rknapper@BOZEMAN.NET> Subject: project 21337 public comments CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Ross, I started an online form to gather community feedback to the proposed Canyon GateDevelopment, Project #21337. Please find attached 45 responses we have obtained so far, we'dlike to have this added to the public record for Project #21337. I"ve attached the data as aspreadsheet and PDF for convenience. Thanks!-Chris Timestamp Email Address Name Address Do you support the Canyo Additional Comments9/14/2021 21:03:32 Carie Omland 1593 Maiden Spirit St Boz No I’m opposed. 9/14/2021 23:36:05 Larry Barnatd 439 North Grand No No changing zoning! It makes zoning meaningless. We had a similar thing happen near us under the guise of " housekeeping" and now we get Homebase Partners mid rise no parking, just like Spokane, Billings, everywhere USA. The COB needs to show some courage here. 9/15/2021 6:18:53 Barbara Dahlgren 4160 E Graf St. Bozeman, No Development should be consistent with neighboring areas, increased traffic & safety issues, impact on wildlife 9/15/2021 6:36:36 Cheryl Asay 2438 Boylan Road No If this area is to be developed, please keep it with the character of the surrounding neighborhoods. 9/15/2021 9:26:04 Dr. Felix Spinelli 1416 S 5th Ave No Bozeman planning department should prioritize these kinds of development inside the present City boundaries. Let's infill before we start to ruin our surrounding areas. Also, this appears to disregard the environmental impact from increased communing for work and any other activities (air pollution, traffic congestion, etc). Who is to pay for the water and sewer and other infrastructural needs of this new development in an outlaying area? Should we not concentrate our development in areas which might minimize our environmental impact and infrastructural requirements? 9/15/2021 9:44:27 Cathleen Dee 10 East Beall St No I do not think this proposal is in line with the nature of the area. It is too dense and needs to provide more open park space. Additionally it would be prudent for future development in Bozeman be required to address the need for affordable housing. A percentage of any development should be set aside for affordable housing based on income levels. 9/15/2021 9:56:50 Joe Seymour 922 W. Curtiss St. Bozema No While I understand the meteoric growth in Bozeman requires some infill, the scale of this project and many others will destroy the very nature of our town which must be protected during this intense growth. It is the planning department job to protect the city as well as assist it's smart growth, Do not allow a zoning change on this property. Protect the Canyon Gateway, don't destroy it. 9/15/2021 10:05:47 Clara Pincus 2010 Spring Creek Dr. No HomeBase Partners is chewing through Bozeman. We need smarter growth than more luxury second homes. 9/15/2021 10:12:56 Daniel Gaugler 1588 Boylan Rd No This zoning does not fit with the existing neighborhood and does not support the values of the neighbors and does not align with the findings in the 2020 Bozeman Community Plan. Top Things people love about Bozeman: 1. Small Town Feel2. Outdoor Lifestyle 3. The PeopleAs zoned this development would change the existing neighborhoods family orientation, small town feel and put increase pressure on an insufficient infrastructure create more health and safety issues. 9/15/2021 11:29:56 Shar Carraway 418 W Harrison, BozemanNo I am against this development due to the high density, effect on traffic and safety including emergency response times and the railroad tracks, the cash in lieu provision for parks, and the inappropriate zoning considering the surrounding neighborhood. They are just jamming this into a small space that is inappropriate! Please don't let HomeBase change the quality of this neighborhood. Thank you 9/15/2021 13:49:27 Gary O'Donnell 2510 Kootenai Ct.No This development should be zoned R1 and R2 to blend in with the existing neighborhoods surrounding it. 9/15/2021 14:03:12 Nancy Cornwell 9000 Sandy Creek Lane No What is the purpose of zoning guidelines or even a planning commission when time and time again, exceptions to zoning are so easily pushed through by developers. Now again, we see a proposed development that requests a range of zoning changes that caters to a builder's max. ROI, disrupts the character of existing neighborhoods, increases traffic on neighborhood streets, and travel corridors already stressed, duplicates the density of the development across the Bridger Canyon Rd. but this one offers no affordable housing, instead what are likely to be mansions and high end condos with commercial buildings on the side of Story Mill Rd that has no multi-story buildings. How is this consistent with the current development in the area? Have members of the planning commission even tried to cross Bridger Canyon Road from Story Mill Rd. during busy times of the day and season? Have you seen the current traffic back-up from constant train delays at Wallace and Rouse crossings? Have you thought about the inherent safety issues when emergency (fire and medical) vehicles - called to more and more homes and businesses in this area - can't cross to the Northside because of a slow moving trains? Where is the planning conversation about infrastructure work before rampant growth? Where is the thoughtful planning that both engages in a community conversation about WHAT growth this community desires and then HOW best to manage that growth to retain the quality of life that exists in Bozeman now and in the future. Where is the planning that addresses the likely future of less water with increasing demand? I absolutely do not support this plan before the city planning commission because it I don't see anywhere where these conversations are happening. I absolutely don't support this building plan because I am increasingly convinced that builders are able to steamroll over our planning council. I don't support this building plan because it fundamentally disrupts the urban/rural transition that begins at Story Mill and this development will set in motion an extension of commercial, multi story commercial construction next to homes farms and rural land and the kinds of wildlife corridors that make this 9/15/2021 16:15:27 meaghanngaffney@hotmail.com Meaghann Gaffney 121 wheeler mountain wayNo In regards to future development and rezoning near Bridger Drive and Storymill with Homebase Partners, I find this completely inappropriate for the city to be considering allowing development when the developer has no plans for providing affordable housing to aid with the cities housing crisis. The last thing this town needs is more luxury apartments, the workforce is rapidly disappearing for small businesses and the unique charm and culture in Bozeman will be DESTROYED if city planners continue to work in favor of developers and completely against the actual community in this town. As well, this proposed development is in a residential area with abundant wildlife and there are no plans to support that and the peace and quiet surrounding the area. Especially in this are buildings should be limited to no more than 3 stories and developers should NOT have the opportunity to “pay the city” instead of providing more than adequate green space. 9/15/2021 16:42:15 kirastoops@gmail.com Kira F Stoops 217 W KOCH ST No We are desperate for affordable housing. This is an EMERGENCY. Our town has a severe labor shortage because laborers cannot afford to live here. Greenlighting yet another luxury development with no requirement for a percentage of affordable housing is a continuation of this ongoing, preventable train wreck. How many mechanics, baristas, waitstaffers, and construction workers does each luxury buyer need in their community? Sun Valley residents have had to get a bus service set up to go to Twin Falls for "services" like getting their nails done. Please proactively and aggressively focus on affordable housing solutions until we are out of this crisis. 9/15/2021 18:26:10 rchalstad@aol.com Constance Halstad 2460 Bridger Hills Drive No Irresponsible growth for profit! Shame on anyone who approves this plan. 9/15/2021 20:23:07 mofeen42@gmail.com Sandra J Feeney 2969 Warbler Way #4 No There is no good reason for re-zoning. The planners need to start listening to the residents and so do the commissioners. Start trying to preserve our community instead of destroying it! 9/15/2021 20:40:23 kiya.lynn1112@gmail.com Kiya 3430 Fen Way, Unit 2 No Even though I do not live in that area, I know how much wildlife lives over there. This is truly terrible9/15/2021 20:56:15 roy.ardie@protonmail.com Roy and Ardie Kelm 3104 W Babcock St No We deplore what developments like this are doing to our city! 9/15/2021 22:11:08 learningbynature@gmail.com bobbi geise 3475 tumbleweed dr No Development in the outskirts neighborhood should remain zoned as is to keep with character of a family neighborhood. The roads, intersections are already horrendously busy and dangerous. multi-residential units and mixed commercial use is not within area character and would degrade the neighborhood and cause safety issues for responders, residents, and park visitors alike. Please DO NOT change current zoning to accommodate this development requests and financial interests.9/16/2021 7:00:56 RRobiscoe@aol.com Rich Robiscoe 533 N Rouse No Too much traffic on Rouse, especially in light of the railroad 9/16/2021 7:45:36 dsegnatz@gmail.com Diane Egnatz 1268 Boylan Rd No Development of that property should be in line with the character of the surrounding neighborhoods and address traffic & environmental impacts. 9/16/2021 8:55:25 lauradsimmons@gmail.com Laura Simmons 1960 Boylan Road No I highly oppose the Canyon Gate development as proposed. It does not fit in with the surrounding neighborhood. Commercial property is absolutely not needed here. This neighborhood is a single family neighborhood and should remain so. I'm concerned our peaceful neighborhood will no longer be. I'm also concerned about the wildlife that would be displaced. This is a greedy development that has no concern for the existing neighborhood. 9/16/2021 9:58:59 sandyLerickson@yahoo.com Sandy Erickson 80 Louise Ln, Bozeman M No I live in Bridger Canyon and commute through the proposed location of Canyongate. I oppose additional multi-story development in this area as it is a wildlife corridor and it will obstruct views of the Bridgers and the M. In addition, traffic in this region is already backed up and thus will greatly contribute to congestion. Please don’t change the character of this area and the entrance to our beautiful canyon. 9/16/2021 10:56:51 jabbstoltz@msn.com Jill Abbott-Stoltzfus 619 N Willson Ave No I am against this greedy developer who has bulldozed over and taken away the character of Bozeman, only because our city planners and commissioners have allowed it. Bozeman citizens do not want this. This development is removing the Last Best Place open space entering Bridger Canyon. It will destroy views from the new mixed housing development in progress adjacent to Story Mill Park, along with views for existing neighbors. It will increase traffic and congestion and interfere with the Mainstreet to Mountains trail system across the road. This is an inappropriate development for this space. One more traffic light and traffic will be backed up to Main Street on a powder ski day. And traffic shortcutting through Story Mill Rd to Wallace will create hazards for wildlife and recreationists on this once not so long ago unpaved peaceful rural stretch. 9/17/2021 19:42:02 shawsyls@gmail.com Lisa Muir 1701 Midfield St No A continuation of a neighborhood such as legends would be fine, but commercial and 4 level apartment buildings would completely ruin the gateway to the canyon. The road infrastructure will not support such traffic and it would change the entire feel of the community. I’m not against development, but this proposal does not have the community in best interest. It needs to be less dense housing with more green space, preserving the feel of the community. 9/18/2021 8:51:25 toddww@msn.com Todd Warner 1719 Midfield St No I'm concerned with traffic and safety of children and those using the Main St to the Mountains trail. The current infrastructure cannot support the purposed density. 9/18/2021 9:38:25 lowrysteve3@gmail.com Steve Lowry 507 N Bozeman Ave No While I believe that when it comes to the sprawl vs. dense debate, the lesser of the two evils is higher density housing, this project actually is the worst of both worlds. High density housing and retail built by Homebase is homogenizing Bozeman into a skyline of modern condos that will soon be easily mistaken for Boulder, Denver, etc. If we are going to build vertically, which it seems we have no choice in the matter (the Merin being a prime example), lets keep the density dense and focus this type of zoning on the Main Street, 7th, and Huffine corridors. Though that will, and has encroached on the historic North and South neighborhoods, we need to draw the line somewhere. High density in this project's location should not be considered. 9/18/2021 15:36:14 warndd@gmail.com Diane Warner 1719 Midfield St Bozeman No Thank you9/18/2021 17:38:57 foleyfamilymt@gmail.com Kathleen Foley 1771 Midfield Street No Please don’t let this development continue in it’s current size and scope. 9/19/2021 9:46:44 scpatkinson@gmail.com Susan 2409 Westridge Yes Why are is the city willing to re-zone or even consider re-zoning - follow the money! Does this improve Bozeman? Is this consistent with the current neighborhood? Does this create traffic concerns? How does paying a fee help create the open space, views, parks and trails that the community of Bozeman values and pays a high fee/tax to maintain? Is this company that is seeking the re-zoning local to Bozeman, Montana, invested in our community? Who ultimately benefits from this project - Bozeman or HomeBase Patterns? Changing the density impact in that area of town impacts traffic, first responders, train delays.... 9/19/2021 11:30:57 richardwjensen360@gmail.com Richard Jensen 1301 Bridger Drive No We purchased this property because it was zoned residential. The mixed use high density zoning would impact negatively on our property. 9/19/2021 16:30:55 carstenbahnson@gmail.com Carsten Bahnson 1348 Boylan Rd No Please consider these inputs with the best interest of the future of Bozeman. 9/19/2021 18:20:12 trapa5733@comcast.net Robert 2562 Weeping Rock Lane No My chief concern is the increased traffic that will result in this proposed development. I doubt the existing roads will be able to accommodate high density zoning. 9/19/2021 21:45:25 orsiniclow@gmail.com Caiseal Orsini 617 South 13th Avenue, BNo For the record, I m against the development proposed by HomeBase Partners. May I ask who this development benefits, other than the developer? This is a highly rural and residential area, with single family homes abounding in the area, and the only entrance to the Bridgers. This development will increase traffic, with no plans for that, and congest this residential area, as well as make it feel like an extension of the city, rather than the gateway to the mountains. Again, who benefits from this? Why is this being planned this way? 9/20/2021 10:16:14 weezanemo@gmail.com Melinda Niemann 2579 Weeping Rock Ln No I do not believe the proposed area of development can handle that amount of new density in population. If it needs to be developed, it should be single family homes instead. 9/20/2021 11:18:40 shawna_wade@yahoo.com Shawna 2599 weeping rock lane No The reason we picked moving to the legends was for the natural beauty. If we wanting busy city feel with buildings and businesses we would have picked closer to town. This proposed plan is horrible for our community! 9/20/2021 18:33:06 jameymccormick321@gmail.com Jamey McCormick 2277 Powder Park Court No Currently, this area can barely handle the traffic. This is a wildlife corridore to the Bridgers and the creek, this is not a community service- this will be a place for wealthy out of town individuals and their second home. Research this developer, he is in it for one reson. We are destroying why people come to Bozmeman (open space) 9/20/2021 19:57:27 shanadwood@gmail.com Shana Wood 506 E Cottonwood Street No Not appropriate zoning/use in so many ways: impact to wildlife corridors, not affordable infill, traffic problems, payment in lieu of parks (lame!), impact to viewsheds, adjacent to R-1, R-2 neighborhoods, Homebase builds cheap, ugly buildings charges exorbitant prices for studio apts, and I'm just tired of them taking advantage of this community 9/21/2021 9:38:45 bstevens@rttllc.com Benjamin Stevens 1157 Pinnacle Star St No I would like to see single family development similar to The Legends and Creekwood at this corner. I am a resident of the Legends and love the existing neighborhood feel and wish to protect the surrounding area as a family oriented community. 9/21/2021 9:45:53 dashrodman@gmail.com Shenan Rodman 2336 Boylan Rd No The city should think hard about allowing the re-annexation. This development would clearly change the single residential area and distract from why people chose to live there in the first place. It has been clearly shown by past projects that building exclusive high rise housing does not help out our community members. These types of projects allow for wealthy second home owners to live here while our working class is struggling more than ever to find affordable housing. Thank you 9/21/2021 14:38:05 gnehmspencer@mac.com Cathy Spencer East Graf Street Bozeman No The developers are requesting too much density on the acreage with very limited open space. The development will add more traffic congestion on Bridger Drive and destroy the the view shed. I grew up in Bozeman and realize that changes are are part of living here. However this type of growth does not do anything for our community. In fact, it diminishes everything that people live here for. 9/21/2021 15:33:43 triel@edwardslawfirm.org Triel Culver 2314 Boylan Road, Bozem No This parcel should not be zoned or developed as anything more than single family residences (R-S or R-1). High density north of the railroad tracks creates a serious safety hazard. 9/21/2021 16:48:43 rosenstocks@hotmail.com Megan and Chris Rosensto 1707 midfield st. No We are very concerned about a lack of infrastructure and planning that is needed for the proposal’s amount of commercial and residential development. We are saddened to see the beauty of the mouth of bridger canyon be filled with 3-4 story buildings. We are also extremely concerned about the increase in traffic the development will bring to this area as well as to our quiet neighborhood streets. This development proposal does not flow well with our single family home neighborhood. Thank you for reading our comments. 9/23/2021 22:06:17 claireanne.crane@gmail.com Claire Crane 1454 Maiden Spirit St.No I am strongly opposed to the proposed development which does not match or align with any of the existing neighborhoods. 9/24/2021 7:50:24 torinoah5@gmail.com Victoria Noah 1652 tempest ct Bozeman Yes None