HomeMy WebLinkAboutJ. C. BILLION AUTO PLAZA SUBDIVISION J-180E AMENDED PLAT J-1 8 o-E LOT 2,LOT 3,&LOT 4 OF BLOCK 1 OWNERS J.C.BILLION AUTO PLAZA SUBDIVISION,J-180(A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) PURPOSE BILLION BILLION AUTO IPLAZA TED AP AENC. & LOCATED IN THE EAST Y2 OF THE SOUTHEAST Y4 OF THE SOUTHEAST Y4 OF SECTION 9, TO REALIGN COMMON BOUNDARIES 270 AUTOMOTIVE AVE. T2S, R5E, P.M.M., GALLATIN COUNTY, CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA WITHIN A PLATTED SUBDIVISION BOZEMAN,MT 59718 BOZ - 17'( Y PPRtNERSNIP PPR�NERSNIP PRoaREa_ r _ GIMItE�OGK� UMITg�OGKO3 €MA PPMIL T 1P,Jg1g0 J&0 FPMI�OTP�T J-1$ -- wyPF+N yI�NE a J&D LO �1 1 f COMPETITION DRIVE 60'DEDICATED R.O.W. II 164.23'S 89.361 E(M) VICINITY MAP 164,28'S88°56'47"E(R) 5 27.87' 1 114.19' CERTIFICATE OF CONSENT L=ig5.?6'� 10'UTILITY EASEME We,the undersigned property owners,do hereby certify that we hays caused to be R=206.15' ys,surveyed,subdivided and platted Into lots,blocks,streets,and all. and other 22 CHORD L-180.78, divisions and dedications,as shown by the plat hereunto included the following tract ru I CH BEARING-S66°36'27"E of land t RECORD;o wit: STORM WATER L=165.16',R=206.15' LOT 2,LOT 3&LOT 4,BLOCK 1 OF THE J.C.BILLION AUTO PLAZA SUBDIVISION, COMMON OPEN EXI6TING OPEN 6PACE AREA \ K, #3 J-180,LOCATED IN THE EAST Yt OF THE SOUTHEAST Y4 OF THE SOUTHEAST YS OF PER PLAT J-180B,TO BE SECTION 9,T2S,RSE,P.M.M.,GALLATIN COUNTY,CITY OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA SPACE A m yl s �+ 0.12 AC ABANDONED WITH THIS PLAT & F� The above-described tract of land is to be known and designated as the"Amended I F y Plat of Lots 2A,4A,and Storm Water Common Open Space A,Block 1 of the J.C. Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision",City of Bozeman,Gallatin County, Montana. IS L=5.68' Said Tracts contain 4.86 acres,more or less,and is subject to all easements of I I R=360.0d(RBM record or apparent on the ground. j I y CH BEARNG=S�°10'79'W The undersigned hereby grants unto each and every person,firm or corporation, whether public or private,providing or offering to provide telephone,electric power, y gas,intemet,cable television,or at similar utility or service,the right to the II"-'-�EXISTING20'UTILITY / joint use of an easement for the construction,maintenance,repair and removal of EASE ENT DOC#2310869 their lines and other facilities in,over,under and across each area designated on I I this plat as"Utility Easement"to have and hold forever. 27.91' I I I R=296.00'(M&R) / 10'UTILITY SEMENT CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I L=222.30'(R) CHORD L=216.78' We,certify that the purpose of this survey Is to relocate common boundaries NEW LQT LINE LOT 2A CH BEARING=S 19°4T48"W between adjoining properties within a subdivision and that no additional parcels are I _BL In created. Therefore,this survey is exempt from review as a subdivision 01 PREVIOUS pursuant to Section 76-3-207(1)(d).MCA. I I 2.74 AC LOT LINE / Doted this/2d day C of-�•2017 ExISEM IN..'UTILITY jN RSNIP p �,�_�r_'/ Q•( I EASENT PER PLAT J-180 W� R E 0 �0 G °I� I Mj1EDGK Z I- 0 State of Montana ) SS g�N(3 �� M I° I W pMIGY 1P. 6 80'D O County of Gallatin > C5 �AA� I Q ION F GOT1 A� J O Thi nstrume�t was acknowledged before me on this�day of �, PCB' C U gILG PLP' 0 2017, by Joseph C. Billion as General Partner of BILLION FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Vkt� R=473.97'(M&R) :D UU BLOCK GU O CHORD L=34.37' CH BEARING=503.38'15'E Q OMMON AREA • �0 I I /Slg of notarlc offlcer F PLAT J-180 0 I / 0.125 AC V Name-typed,stamped,or printed, L l/ I STD•43p5 Pl P,p3py LORIAJONES _ \Ml Title(a a R,II io_s/w 'tor the St ty PY nh-nt I B121dp55S\0.) My commi991on expires: '?I v SE ll s Gelg APTI EddLM ttan I 31895 Ag I,MI '.'MyC 2021""Ex'p)re 2g3. . 03 I _ __ Z apt JNE y. N GAS UTILITY EASEMENT S319 DOC#2310869 State of Montano ) SS County of Gallatin ) The�pp inatr nt was acknowledged before me on this�day of w Yamnd um r 2017, by Joseph C.Billion as President of J.C.BILLION AUTO PLAZA PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOC.INC � rc SIg ure of notarial offl r - A. LORI A JONES Name-typed,stamped,or printed a n- 1 ih6 sa', P,Dl a Mo Cana m Title(and Ranh ay.Sh�t ,q a Ig ede�M ne a ding.1 Mysicommission explres -- I C p f03,2mesim 027ps m 0 0 . .. Z Z CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR I,the undersigned,Thomas M.Henesh,a Profes Tonal Land Surveyor,do hereby certify that between January 11th,2017 and_ 2017,this survey was made under my direct supervision and this map correctly represents said survey and that it conforms to the current Montana Subdivision and Platting Act,Section 76-3-101 through 76-3-625,M.C.A.,and the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. DATED this—day of ,A.D. 2017 51P 61-01 BO GOjP Thomas M. Henesh #10062LS EOD62 .` G LAla�' o CERTIFICATE OF EXCLUSION FROM MONTANA m DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW N N 1» � The J.C.BILLION AUTO PLAZA SUBDIVISION,Gallatin County Montana,is within the City P of Bozeman,Montana,a first-class municipality,and within the planning area of the Bozeman growth policy which was adopted pursuant to S76-1-601 et. seq.,MCA, and can be provided with adequate storm water drainage and adequate municipal facilities.Therefore,under the provisions of S76-4-125(2)(d),MCA,this subdivision is excluded from the requirement for Montana Department of Environmental Quality ra­ DATED this CIA day at 1 '�{A.D.,201E LOT4A J BLOCK1 G� COMMON AREA Director of u Iic Works 1.99 AC Bozeman, ontona CERTIFICATE OF GOVERNING BODY I, Director of Community Development,do hereby certify that the accompanying Amended Plat has been duly reviewed,and has been found to conform to the requirements of the Subdivision and Platting Act,Section 76-3-101 et seq.,M.C.A., and the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. N B9'2627'W 426.94'(M) Zy,J \ \ N89*05'20'E 427.02'(R) I DATED this/z- day o, 'j' .A.D.,201E \ \ Y� W \ \ EXISTING 20'UTILITY Director of Commu y Development \ EASEMENT ,r# Bozeman,Montana z \ \ S g9°26'E7"E 606.34'(C) m \\ S 89-01.1.1 W (R) \ I CERTIFICATE OF�,,C,,O�wUxpNxTY TREASURER ----------------------------------------------I I, �_, bsurer of Gallatin County,Montana,do hereby certify that •e acco p nying plat has been duly examined and that all real property taxes and special assessments assessed and levied on the land to being divided have been paid. �,y GRAPHI SCALE ATED this day a A.D.,201S �frG3ao�� HUFFINE LANE(HWY 191) 50 B5 so y (IN EET) Treasure (�Gfr3aoe�J 1 Inch 50 ft.= Gallatin County,Montano LEGEND AREA PUD NOTE: O� CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER FOUND %"REBAR WITH GASTON YELLOW PLASTIC CAP GROSS:4.85 ACRES(211.080 SF) A SEPARATE DOCUMENT# &DSO-L,p_HAS REUNQUISHED GROSS: 2.74 ACRES(119,260 SF) THE PUD FOR THE J.C. BILL 01 N AUTO PLAZA SUBDIVISION. I,Charlotte Mills,Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County Montana,do hereby certify - COMMON AREA:2.11 ACRES(91,820 SF) that the foregoing instrument was filed'n my office ato clock,(e.at. O SET 46"REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP RELATED DOCUMENTS o p.m.),this 51' da of 0.1�201$,and recorded in Book_ MARKED°BSLC. LS 10062" of Plats on Page,Racorde of the Clerk and Recorder,Gallatin County, ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Montana. --- UTILITY EASEMENT AS NOTED tt11��11\\,,���_ (� �,� Q oc��fdo5o95 COVENANTS&BYLAWS ado 50q� e#i.rf-a— ay, aAnn D�b'"ygy 'AAA ( - (R) RECORD MEASUREMENT BASIS OF BEARING - J -' Y 1 2605095 (M) AS MEASURED WITH SURVEYBEARINGS EGRADE RECEIVERS AND GRID,DERIVED FROM GREFERENCPS ED¶TON THE W Clerk a Recorder Pose 1 or 1 m 0112m)e mz.x8.ma PM — $2s mm Charlotte Mills Gallatin Cou'tq;Ndntona cnarmue milt:-calmuo cunt.nT PLPT MONTANA COORDINATE SYSTEM,SINGLE ZONE,NAD83 ----- ----- - — 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIV ( IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIII II (C) CALCULATED VERIFY SCALE ,.:.I - . DRAWN BY:JRM PROJECT NUMBER THERE PRINTS MAY BE J.C.BILLION AUTO PLAZA SUBDIVISION 1134.004 CHK'D.BY:CMW REDUCED.LINE BELOW J- �I Engineering SE1/4 OF SE1/4 OF S9,T2S,R5E SHEET NUMBER MEASURES ONE INCH ON �1 Consultln 204 N.11th Ave. APPR.BY:TMH BOZEMAN MT ORIGINAL DRAWING. �Ey( S7/ g Bozeman,MT 59715 All , • � M NGINEERING, INC PannMg Phone:(406)581-3319 DATE:11/28/2017 DRAWING NUMBER MODIFY SCALE ne BeBinningof New StondardofCommitment COPYRIGHTO GENESIS ENGINEERING,INC.2017 AMENDED PLAT PG 1 OF 1 ACCORDINGLY H:\1134\004\ACAD\FINALPLAT\FINAL-PLAT.dwg Plotted by christopher wasis on 12115/17