HomeMy WebLinkAboutCatron Crossing Subdivision_1 FINAL PLAT CATRON CROSSING SUBDIVISION TRACT A-1 OF THE CORRECTED CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY No. 1827A, SITUATED IN THE SE1/4, OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA., J-662 ZONING OWNER PURPOSE CITY OF BOZEMAN VC DEVELOPMENT LLC, TO CREATE 10 COMMERCIAL LOTS, 8-2 2020 CHARLOTTE ST. 1 STORM WATER TRACT AND CREATE BOZEMAN,MT 59718 PUBLIC EASEMENTS FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES. BASIS OF BEARING n-IF REARING§SHOWN HEREON ARE RECORD FROM C.O.S.1827A AREA SUMMARY LOTS 19.70 ACRES STORM WATER TRACT 1.39 ACRES RIGHT-OF-WAY 2.26 ACRES TOTAL 23.35 ACRES CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION DEDICATION AND EASEMENT NOTE CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS We,the undersigned property owners,do hereby certify that we have caused to be surveyed, All streets,alleys,and right-of-way,shown hereon as"DEDICATED",are not easements.The intent of 1 m�}a�'� f Director of Public Works,City of Bozeman,Montana,do hereby certify that the subdivided and platted into lots,blocks,streets,and alleys,and other divisions and dedications,as dedication is to convey all the streets,alleys,and right-of-way to the public,upon acceptance by the accompanying plat has been duly examined and has fond the same to conform to the law,approve it, shown by the plat hereunto included the following described tract of land to wit: governing authority, and hereby accept the dedication to the City of Bozeman for the public use of any and all lands shown on the plat as being dedicated to such use. Catron Crossing Subdivision,being Tract A-1 of the Corrected Certificate of Survey No.1827A; situated in the SE1A of Section 25,Township 1 South,Range 5 East,Principal Meridian,City of CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS F�iT ��� Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montana,more particularly described as follows: I,p Aow•i.l L 6•Goa Pr-and I, Ihallf IOwt ,a Registered Professional Engineer Dated this day of ,,,) 20&D licensed to practice in the Sate of Montana,hereby certify that the following improvements,required to Commencing at the S J of Section 26,Township 1 South,Range 5 East,Principal Meridian,City of meet the requirements of Chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code or as Conditions of Approval of _ Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montana,the Point of Beginning.;thence N.0°48'34"E for 1670.88 feet the Final Plat of The Catron Crossing Subdivision have been installed in conformance with the to the South line of Valley Center Road Right-of-Way from Bargain and Sale Deed Film 129,Page approved plans and specifications,or financially guaranteed and covered by the improvements APPROVED AS TO FORM 2988;thence along the South line of said Right-of Way for the following five courses;5.52°59'S5"E agreement accompanying this plat. Di of Public Works City of Bozeman,Montana W for 22.46 feet;thence S.54°12'01"E for 14Z26 feet which is the transition from 75 feet to 70 feet right Installed Improvements:None of the centerline highway spiral curve;thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 1839,86 feet,and a central angle of 39°36'46"for an arc length of 1272.03 feet,said curve having a chord Financially Guaranteed Improvements: bearing of S.30°56'32"E for 1246.85 feet;thence along a spiral arc being offset by 70 feet from 1. Trail Improvements centerline,said spiral having a chord bearing of S.09°37'44"E for 147.24 feet;thence S.8°53'09"E for 2 Landscaping Improvements CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER 358.11 feet to the north east corner of Parcel E-1 of Certificate of Survey No.1827;thence leaving The subdivider hereby warrants against defects in these improvements for a period of two years from I,,Tsp �•e(�{yjreasurer of Gallatin County,Montana,do hereby certify that the Valley Center Road Right-of-Way and wntinuing 5.89°50'21"W for 882.02 to She Point of Beginning. the date of acceptance by the City of Bozeman. accompanying plat has been duly examined and that all real property axes and special assessments The subdivider grants possession of all public infrastructure Improvements to the City of Bozeman and assessed and levied on the land to being divided have been paid. The Area of the above described tract of land is 23.35 acres,more or less. the City hereby accepts possession of all public infrastructure improvements,subject to the above indicated warranty. •t/r y of 4) 9A, 20J The above-described tract of land is to be known and designated as"Catron Crossing Dated this e da Subdivision",City of Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montana;and the lands included in all streets,avenues,alleys,and parks or public lands shown on said plat are hereby granted and donated to the City of Bozeman for the public use and enjoyment.Unless specifically listed herein,the Auth Izilfd Representative Dated lands included in all streets,avenues,alleys,and parks or public lands dedicated to the public are VCevelopme L LLC accepted for public use,but the City of Bozeman accepts no responsibility for maintaining the same. / :fit'."'.f� '� Treasurer The owner agrees that the City of Bozeman has no obligation to maintain the lands included in all —../ •.'f.?3f T'!L!°! m Gallatin County,Montana streets,avenues,alleys,and parks or public lands,hereby dedicated to public use. �W jj(F{�N,a /Z-/B.yr�J° _ , En'.i fH(itl ' Matt�E.a estrum,PE Dated =yi) No.1oL3NE { _ The undersigned hereby grants unto each and every person firm or corporation,whether public or MT Reg.No.10853PE OA: ,y Q:•2u' QF�'j�di 3� private,providing or offering to provide telephone,electric power,gas,internet,cable television or Morrison Maierle,Inc. <S,claTET U��� Tax ID No. other similar utility or service,the he construction, maintenance,repair and removal off right joint heiir inesand other facilitiest es in,over,under and across each /,. area designated on this plat as"Utility Easement"to have and to hold forever. -_..Q�ao Tax ID-No. Dated Dir Public works APPROVED AS I u VC Development,LLC City of Bozeman,Montana By. City Attomey CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER !I G.. J. Authorized Representative Dated I,Eric Semerad,Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County,Montana,do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument was filed in my&ofNe at 3:96 o'clock, M (a r p.m).m.,o ,this 5-± day ` M gl of C!A 20•jd,'�1d recorded in Book L of Plats on page (Al _,and Sate of 11lCrCA Document# "267.131� ,Records of the Clerk and Recorder,Gallatin County,Montana. County of (si)A`fA 06 CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE Dated this 5*1 day of ,2020 We,the undersigned mortgagees or encumbrancers do hereby join In and consent to the described plat,releasing our respective liens,claims,or encumbrances as to any portion W said lands now being platted into streets,avenues,parcels or On this by1 day of Ck+CEYY\beC 20$,before me,the undersigned Notary Public for other public areas which are dedicated to Gallatin County for the public use and enjoyment , the Sate of Nlv) r personally appeared G-.Qer,Y,known to me to Dated this j 4 day of DCCtMbtY 20� M ) be the Authorized Representative of VC: t1 LLC.and acknowledged to me that said Eric Battered Vwrt1��(gr(�executed the same. Clerk and Recorder Notary Public in and for the State of MDY�,Nf+Lu a0 va -'--'-•-"... --r stockman Be Gallatin County,Montana, a+ RA HFL WT 'ASI... i, Printed Name t sq`W'°°"fvy +•T^R, upl t•r Irn+ ay� 2672313 Residing at�l7 T i ` SEAL SAtepfmi f. Aulhodzed Eli My commission expires March 15.20a3 I A I'�P^e 1t aln Mu+^c P, ts. r 3- 02/061Y0Is 03�:39:13 PR Fee 13m.50 rt` H:Commission E�xTares STATE OF COUNTY OF GALLNA ) Hamm 15 20g9 COUNTY OF GALLATIN ).ss This instrument was acknowl tlged before me on�l'lptl•!A,20A,the undereignecl Notary Public, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR personally appeared known tomttobeAuthorizedSignatoryofStock—Bank who I,Jon C.Wilkinson,Montana Professional Land Surveyor License No.16411 LS,hereby certify that the signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that Stockmen Bank executed the same. Final Plat of Catron Crossing Subdivision was surveyed under my supervision between May 2019 and IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and seal the data Bret above whdan. September 2019,and platted the same as shown on the accompanying plat and as described in accordance with the provisions of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act,§76-3-101 through a�a.:•. 1J MMIM feignemrel §76-3-625,M.C.A.,and the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. I further certify that _._. =Public for the State of Montana monuments which have not been set b the film date of this instrument will be set b November 1, (s!At) (printed Ramat Y 9 Y Residi g el MT 2019,due to public improvements construction pursuant to 24.183.1101(1)(d)A.R.M. (Oily) (stele Dated this ��".--' day of L1CC 2017My commission expiresgp)2o� 00 Jon C.Wilkinson,PLS, edS T� 'CPC• '•s CERTIFICATE OF EXCLUSION FROM MONTANA MT Reg.#16411L5 @v: WILKINSON S DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW =y. �o, � _ Morrison-Maierle,Inc. �R,.NO. :occ Catron Crossing Subdivision,Gallatin County,Montana,is within the City of Bozeman,Montana,a first �APeNSE�,JQ class municipality,and with the planning area of the Bozeman growth policy which was adopted ion cteg MCA,and Can be vns with ecnMCA,orm water ge ti10lfNy and adequa a municpal ailil es.The Therefore under thprroiso ofS o76-ate4-125(2)(d), h s survey is excluded from the requirement for Montana Department of Environmental Quality review. Dated this .5 day of Abnmjuy-A ,20aD r of Public Works APPROVED AS TO FORM City of Bozeman,Montana .• G City Attorney wkeax.arr \ G,..»vr,ae.a. I a 3 ( `"mnmwi FF a fee .o 4 xG OJECT G nnramn,.r,r s+ a a •i 3 \ II kA m i Y uaeuv+Ter X 't i,vuwu m r� I I 3e jaa,,.n�n rr . F 1 MarIY -r 3 Tarrc��l. cunall sr 2 VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) 1/4 SEC. SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE Morrison zaa,-= ew,e BE 26 1S 5E go Maierle 14cza ;°� mamaere su"y Planeen ¢Lmive «ea PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,MONTANA FIELD WORK: JCW DATE:1 211 5/2 01 9 Gallatin COUNTY,MONTANA DRAWN BY: JCW SCALE:NO SCALE PLOTTED DATE:Dec/17/2019 PLOTTED BY:Ion c. CHECKED BY: MEE PRQJ,#; 2805.025 Wilkinson CLIENT:VC Development,LLC SHEET?OF 3 DRAWING NAME:N:\2605\025VACAD\Survey\FPLAT\2605.025 CATRON FPLAT PLOTi 100119.dwo 2672313 Page 2 of 3 02/05/2020 03:36:43 PM FINAL PLAT CATRON CROSSING SUBDIVISION 1E�N TRACT A-1 OF THE CORRECTED CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY No. 1827A, SITUATED IN THE SEl/4, OF SECTION 26, I� S52°59'55"E TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, 22.46 (RI) PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF BOZEMAN, 5��2 �wFf\\ GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. J-662 ZONING OWNER PURPOSE CITY OF BOZEMAN VC DEVELOPMENT LLC, TO CREATE 10 COMMERCIAL LOTS, & TT 2 2020 CHARLOE ST. 1 STORM WATER TRACT AND CREATE 60 0 30 60 s JS BOZEMAN,MT 59718 PUBLIC EASEMENTS FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES. \ 30' PUBLIC\ IN FEET) 10' PUBLIC ACCESS AND ACCESS AND \ BASIS OF BARING TRAIL EASEMENT I TRAIL EASEMENT THE BEARINGS SHOWN AREA SUMMARY HEREON ARE RECORD FROM LOTS 19.70 ACRES C.O.5.1827A I \ STORM WATER TRACT 1.39 ACRES RIGHT-OF-WAY 2.26 ACRES TOTAL 23.35 ACRES a I I BLOCK 1 'i, 10'ELECTRIC STORM WATER TRANSMISSION LINE TRACT 1 ,� m s. 10'PUE EASEMENT.FILM 67, I I 1.39 acs. a PAGE 1 75 I \ N41°71'12 51.11' 0S 1P,�,AE 40 ,y1 MlN0p5UB I 40 D ACC AND \ cp ^^ \\ \ SON 0j58 SURVEYOR'S NOTE AN ESS 1THE TEMPORARY 12'GRAVEL TURN-AROUND EASEMENT I EXIST 52.38'-�� r,)`0� \ \\ Cp#t1ANOR6 FUTURE DEVELOPMENT CONNECTS HONOR LANE FROM EAST VALLEY CENTER ROAD TO NORTH 27TH AVENUE. N9o°0o'00"W 22271' 3' SS N \ CATRON N42°23'07"W JIACCSS AND CREEK I 24.81' / � TRAIL EASEMENT \ BUILDING PERMIT \ �\ IL SANITARY SEWER ;ICE IS AVAILABLE TO LOT L I B °+ / 30'STORMWATER AND \ \ s j I LOT 1 / ACCESS EASEMENT \ O y 1.04 acs. 50'WATERCOURSE'\ \ \ \ 10' PUBLIC ACCESS AND / \ 4 / SETBACK ' \ /��-TRAIL EASEMENT / I B LOT 2 \$ \$ \\ III / 2.63 Be i \ Q 325°3'15"E \/ S\� PUE ` 4*06.45"W \ y\\'� c2 •cp 58.8 \ 3 L�73.40' � \ \ 30' SEWER AND TRAIL I S88°44'S4'W R'z ACCESS EASEMENT \ \ O �• \ 5715' '0p'<,Z7p\. \ 1.°S5JB358P 26 LEGEND R 170.tsr) 7jG ss\ ACCESS EASEMENT \\ '�J \ N,\N0p �� Found 2"diameter bress cap 17.71' R= °3S, e• FOR LOTS 2 AND 3 / 1"..00, Found a 2"diameer.I-inum cap, 1 51' 30.00' (. S marked"MONT DEPT OF 60' PUBLIC STREET AND - reB, s.� *. \ 10' PUE /�y \ ■ UTILITY EASEMENT PER I I I \ S7,ax a� /--- / \ q�.e� \ TRANS". DOC.#2066512 AND I T Ss• \ Pp�� y O Fomdnyellow plastic cnp, #2066509 10'PUE 'd. 10'E/ \N // \so �n�y I I y 20 3�' ?i \.+, .,� Stt a rebw 5/8"diem.,with It2 I/2" \"\ d�qq 0 Q diameter elwninum cap,"MMI 10' PUBLIC ACCESS AND I I TEMPORARY a\ 75.00' /10/E2 30'SEWER nd0n TRAIL EASEMENT I 12'GRAVEL \ / /,I¢ ACCSS E4SEMENT\�\ \ ?W`'m \ ® pl,arebar s18""MMI 16411 ha TURN-AROUND \ yam, / // \ S�p�n1 plastic cnp,"MMI Ifi4IIL5". EASEMENT �. O SEE NOTE 1 10'PUE \ 30'SEWER AND TRAIL \ s (RI) Certificate ofS-.y No.1827A BLOCK2 ACCSS EASEMENT \ \ \ L �, \ BLOCK 1 \ LO6U6271B a$I Ib $I LOT 10 \�„ O4 LOT \ \\ \ 1.50 acs. M\N� ao I z z °' '4A 6000 1.74 acs. \ \ \ cc I I o 3 -30'STORMWATER A 60'DEOIC RTOEW \ SEW R AND WATER W I ACCESS EASEMENT \ ' AND ACCESS EASEMENT LU I 30' SHARED SS 60. DOC. NO. 2044565 A I EASEMENT FOR L 10'PUE ED 9 AND 10 j A i eg9252 R�n,0p310 15' QWST CORPORATION TA'C'N Soa R=12650 N60 qp{6 I I I n EASEMENT N3p1 32'18 wB6439 a,' ShA53\ L 12'120 T_�t1 y 4 -.__ 30.00'. <e?a0>3 da8j23'OB....._ --�iO1`O� N61g'3g26 3542.0 2 \ OR SJ6 -+�t- s 0 N26°2H'4H"3 ?S�'''da70.31— —TTa67'04°E N90°00'00"W 203.22' o N i' N75°58'54'W \ \ L=87.53' 30' SEWER AND WATER 40.11' \ A I \ \ 10' ELECTRIC I I I AND ACCESS EASEMENT ` w 30' SEWER AND WATER TRANSMISSION UNE DOC.NO.2034882 N89•i P19'W \ EASEMENT. FILM 87, I I AND ACCESS EASEMENT I I 43.92 I m I DOC.#2034802 \ PAGE 175 ip' I� gI �10'PUE IHi 38'ALLEY � �I PUBLIC ACCESS AND I I 1 I$ PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT BLOCKS & \ i 'z \ LOT 4 J6 210 I �I 1 �I 2 12 acs \ 12'WIDE TRAIL EASEMENT p1 2 BLOCK 2 ( \ DOC.N0.2434279 61,IN0aB I I ITiAIL UEASEMENTBUC ESS AND LOTS 1 66 3LO acs. �1 �$ CATRON CREEK `p BU635 q.N "Ile Z150'WATERCOURSE_�� I I 30' STORMWATER AND SETBACK 1 ACCESS EASEMENT 1 1 I ^N 326TT I I I N88°48'13"E 470.83' 1 L=23.24' 577.44938 $ \ I II` CL SPIRAL-70'OFFSET 6.or � L=147.24 R•15200' BLOCK 3 CB=8.9°3744"E. L•71.43' \ \•48.18' 099aca. I II (RI A•26'55'24" z F 30'WATERLINE I IEA ENT @ BLOCK \ \ \ OCEN02554754 A30'SHARED CC S9 ANDPS�1 I I z LOTS sAo.\\\ _ I 12. �NZ I\ 2.839os. \ "p 3f-A0'SEWER AND WATER LACCESSND 43,1217 EASEMENT 36.ALLEY � �\ N81°47'46'E284A PUBLIC ACCESS AND '• 30'SEWER AND WATER PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT 161.63 I I I \ AND ACCESS EASEMENT I warn \ I\ DOC. #2434277 L=37.77� LL•673R-14724 \ p77S 451.85' S59'O9'28"E _ — — _ — _ _ _ — — II II I 10' PUE 1 L•29.55' 1 1 I �'I I I I SSU63y8 R=51264' MI I 1 ' PUE N I 00011 40'GAS LINE EASEMENT %5 m II \ I I I L=84.85' I I W WITH 30' 0' ENCLOSURE BLOCKS d=10°38W" 1 01 C DOC.#2416264 , ACCESS AN 10'PUBLIC W - D \ \ 1 1 I 40' TRAIL EASEMENT I I I LOTS � 1.57 acs. BLOCK C I b I I I I I I I '•+ LOTT7 7 p53P8 22 II �'�, fid� 2.34 acs. I I I I I lz3 #INO gl N $ y� PUBLIC E S EASEMENT NO. 2434278 I I I I J y e 1 A 8 \' DOC 30'SEWER AND WATER \ I AND ACCESS EASEMENT 'C\ 10'ELECTRIC it h A4/\ 8, FM 198, PAGE 4031 TRANSMISSION LINE \%�� 5' RIGHT-OF-WAY \ EASEMENT.1 AC ESS EASEMENT FILM 67, ,I \ \ 30DEDICATION ' STORMWATER AND CA GAMO NT STREET I 30'WATER PIPELINE 10' IIL C 10'PUE \ \ 0.10 ACRES I i I I I DANACESSOC. #Y554754EMENT 1 1 0 tNl _ I 79,83' 33,14' 4 7.70' 149.84' 12'WIDE TRAIL EASEMENT 13e.6r S89°50'21"W 873.50- 257,20 DOC.N0.2434279 CATAMOUNT STREET I 110 S89°50'21"W 882.02' (RI) 45 TREET AND �'\ \ P.O.B.�TILITSYT EASEMENT ml' DOC.NO. 2534412& �\ Pa0618 DOC.NIl0.2071418 I P C 5 OS C"Oc APN3 II 4 pp5n5181 CP�PII. III IO Mn 1/4 SEC. SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE 4 �Morrison 1331��e'9rM'T'S4,ON;te3 BE 26 1S 5E Mai pPaz3r,3m Skc 1 �7Z3�3 .°ym..,: :'.y." Pi•rn•.: : PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,MONTANA 2672313 FIELDWORK: JCW DATE: 12/1522019*^ GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA Pa ¢ r s 02/06r2020 0336:43 PM fu:330.60 DRAWN BY: JOW SCALE:1"=60' PLOTTED DATE:Jan/08/2020 PLOTTED BY:Ion c. Ec4• ....e-1,11 ug a�1 nr PLRr Wilkinson llll111l ll l 111,l il7 l III�M IITull lyr ll CHECKED BY: MEE PROJ.#: 2805.025 CLIENT.VC Develooment.LLC SHEET 2 OF 3 �I I' IIIII DRAWING NAME:N:\2605\025\ACAD\Survey\FPLAT\2605.025 CATRON FPLAT PLOTt 100119AM 2672313 Page 3 of 3 02/05/2020 03:36:43 PM CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SHEET CATRON CROSSING SUBDIVISION TRACT A-1 OF THE CORRECTED CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY No. 1827A, SITUATED IN THE SEI/4, OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP I SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. J_662 Conditions: Buyers of property should ensure that they have obtained and reviewed all sheets of the plat and all documents recorded and filed in conjunction with the plat and buyers of property are strongly encouraged to contact the local planning department and become informed of any limitations on the use of the property prior to closing. The undersigned property owner acknowledges that there are federal,state,and local plans,policies, regulations,and/or conditions of subdivision approval that may limit the use of the property,including the location,size,and use. 1. Ownership of all common open space areas and pathways,and responsibility of maintenance thereof and for city assessments levied on the common open space lands must be that of the property owners'association. Maintenance responsibility must include,in addition to the common open space and pathways,all vegetative ground cover,boulevard trees and irrigation systems in the public right-of-way boulevard strips along all external perimeter development streets and as adjacent to other common open space areas. All areas within the subdivision that are designated herein as common open space,including pathways,are for the use and enjoyment by the owners of the development and the general public. The property owners'association is responsible for levying annual assessments to provide for the maintenance,repair,and upkeep of all common open space areas and pathways. 2. Maintenance of stormwater infrastructure is the responsibility of the property owners'association. 3. Due to the potential of high groundwater tables in the areas of the subdivision,it is not recommended that residential dwellings or other structures with full or partial basements be constructed without first consulting a professional engineer licensed in the State of Montana and qualified in the certification of residential and commercial construction. 4. City standard sidewalks(including a concrete sidewalk section through all private drive approaches) shall be constructed on all public and private street frontages prior to occupancy of any structure on individual lots.Upon the third anniversary of the plat recordation of any phase of the subdivision,any lot owner who has not constructed the required sidewalk shall,without further notice,construct within 30 days,the sidewalk for their lot(s),regardless of whether other improvements have been made upon the lot. 5. The property owners'association is responsible for maintenance of the alley-Jamboree Way. 6. The property owners'association must maintain the temporary gravel turn-around at the end of Honor Lane until Honor Lane is connected from E.Valley Center Road to N.27th Avenue. The property owners'association must plow the gravel turn-around and keep it clear through the winter. 7. The property owners'association is responsible for maintenance of any lighting located outside of public street rights-of-ways. 8. The property owners'association is responsible for maintenance of all stormwater infrastructure located outside public street rights-of-way. 9. Water rights,or cash-in-lieu of water rights,have not been provided with this subdivision and will be required during the site plan review process for any future development. ICertificate of Transfer of Ownership and Completion of Non-Public Improvements;and Conditions of Approval: The following are hereby granted and donated to the property owners'association noted below for the owners'use and enjoyment: Storm Water Tract 1. Unless specifically listed in the Certificate of Dedication,the City accepts no responsibility for maintaining the same. I ts."LA E, r,,7 1. hereby further certify that the following non-public improvements, required to meet the requirements of Chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code,or as a condition(s)of approval of the subdivision plotted herewith,have been installed in conformance with any approved plans and specifications prepared in accordance with the standards of Chapter 38 or other City design standards, or have been financially guaranteed and are covered by the subdivision improvements agreement accompanying and recorded with this plat. Installed Improvements:None Financially Guaranteed Improvements: Trails and Landscaping The subdivider hereby grants ownership of all non-public infrastructure improvements to the property owners' association created by Document Number a%71ai18 We further certify that the text and/or graphics shown on the Conditions of Approval sheet represents requirements by the governing body for final plat approval and that all conditions of subdivision application have been satisfied:and that the information shown is current as of the date of the certification,and that changes to any land use restrictions or encumbrances may be made by amendment to covenants,zoning regulations,easements,or other documents as allowed by law or local regulations. VC Development,LLC By: rZ lIV, I I y U C.p., �• Authorized Representative Dated' State of /)1S1n\0XV( Countyof (rXol On this VVN day of C atMber 20_,before me,the undersigned Notary Public for the State of__ I n;i personally appeared �,�X F (P�Qe -,IC'. ,known to me to be the Authorized Representative of VC Development,LLC and acknowledged to me that said Inc.executed the same. Notary Public in and for the State of Mpn�gY� � Printed Name ( Me4 c tii+ Residing at C fLPvrav\ A q(Ai M My commission expires M0.rUr\ IS •)F MON1P\ r165�M'1 D Morrison 1/4 SEC. SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE xeB r«n„aaav Bwavnu SE 26 1S 5E Bazxnn,MT SY)18 Maierle r,„, ui>� + :o.ma° ao,. PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN.MONTANA 2672313 FIELD WORK: JOW DATE:1215 2019 �v GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA a B or s armsnm�m ma.Bsaa an c., saB so DRAWN BY: JCW PLOTTED DATE:DeG17/2019 PLOTTED BY:Ion c. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SCALE: CHECKED BY: MEE PROD,q: 2605.025 wilkinson CLIENT:VC Development LLC SHEET `OF_L_ DRAWING NAME:N:2605\025\ACAD\Survey\FPLAT\2605 025 CATRON FPLAT PLOT1 1001 19 dwo