HomeMy WebLinkAbout21117 SUP Management Plan 07 14 2021 GRIFFIN PLACE EMERGENCY SHELTER | MANAGEMENT PLAN SUMMARY This management plan is for the Emergency Shelter operated by HRDC IX at Griffin Place. The purpose of the Emergency Shelter is to provide a safe, warm and dry place for individuals and families experiencing homelessness to sleep and access resources to help make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring. This Management Plan iden/fies key policies and procedures as required by the Unified Development Code (UDC) for Transi/onal and Emergency Housing. Upon approval by the Community Development Director, this dra5 management plan will be finalized and shall not be amended without approval from the Community Development Director. Contact Informa/on: Human Resource Development Council of District IX, Inc. 32 South Tracy Avenue Bozeman, Montana 59715 406-587-4486 07/14/2021 Griffin Place Emergency Shelter | Management Plan 1 OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT GENERAL The emergency shelter will provide year-round shelter and day services and will therefore operate 24 hours daily. On-site management and supervision from one or more HRDC employees and volunteers will be provided during all hours of opera/on. TRAINING GENERAL Both staff and volunteers require training prior to working at the Emergency Shelter. STAFF TRAINING Emergency Shelter staff receive 30 hours of training prior to beginning their job du/es. Training sessions include: • Introduc/on to the Emergency Shelter, building tour, shi5 structure • Guest check-in, registra/on, par/cipant agreements, community expecta/ons • Human Resources onboarding and HRDC office tour • Homelessness in the Galla/n Valley presenta/on • Housing Search presenta/on • Staff notes, guest progress tracker, bedding, day storage, laundry, showers • Basic first aid and CPR, blood-borne Pathogens • Working with emergency responders • Working with volunteers • Crisis Preven/on Ins/tute Nonviolent Crisis Interven/on training (8 hours) • Managing Conflict and Confronta/on presenta/on • Dignity, Trust and Rela/onship Building presenta/on • Mental Health at the Emergency Shelter - presenta/on • Shi5 scheduling, /mesheets, and staff ques/ons • Employees must read and understand this Management Plan. VOLUNTEER TRAINING Volunteers typically provide support to staff in gree/ng guests, assigning bedding and storage to guests, cleaning the facility and doing laundry. • Volunteers are required to be at least 18 years old unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. • Volunteers are supervised by an employee of HRDC. Volunteers are required to complete an orienta/on which covers the basics of facility opera/on including general du/es and safety/emergency protocols. Addi/onal training is required for volunteers with expanded roles. Volunteers must read and understand this Management Plan. 07/14/2021 Griffin Place Emergency Shelter | Management Plan 2 INTAKE SCREENING AND GENERAL PROCEDURES GENERAL The Emergency Shelter is a low-barrier emergency shelter and resource hub. Individuals who are 17 years of age or older or accompanied by a parent or guardian and who agree to the expecta/ons in the Emergency Shelter Par/cipant Agreement are welcome. If an individual does not or cannot agree to the Par/cipant Agreement, they are not eligible to receive services. Discrimina/on against any guest based on race, gender, age, familial status, disability, ethnicity, sexual orienta/on, gender iden/ty, or gender expression is prohibited. • Hours for shelter and day services will be determined by Staff. • Guests will be required to check in with staff. • Day services will also be provided. • Parking is provided on site for guests u/lizing the Emergency Shelter. • A sheltered Streamline stop will be developed on the Griffin site to ensure customers have access to transporta/on. REGISTRATION & PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT All guests who are new to the Emergency Shelter or who have not previously stayed during the current season will be required to read the Emergency Shelter Par/cipant Agreement and Community Expecta/ons with a staff person. Guests are required to sign the Par/cipant Agreement, acknowledging their agreement to the rules, before they receive services. Guests must also complete and sign an Emergency Shelter Registry form which collects demographic informa/on. Guests who have previously read and signed the Par/cipant Agreement must date and ini/al their signed form on each subsequent occasion they u/lize Emergency Shelter services. 07/14/2021 Griffin Place Emergency Shelter | Management Plan 3 CLIENT CODE OF CONDUCT GENERAL Rules and procedures should be posted in visible loca/ons throughout the building. Guests, staff and volunteers are expected to treat themselves and others with respect at all /mes. Behavior that is disrespecLul, that nega/vely impacts the safety of others, or that nega/vely impacts the peaceful enjoyment of the Emergency Shelter is not allowed. If a guest fails to abide by the Emergency Shelter Community Expecta/ons or the expecta/ons specified in the Par/cipant Agreement, that guest may be given a warning, may be asked to leave, or may be banned from Emergency Shelter property. Verbal or physical violence and threats of violence will result in an immediate ban from services and will be reported to HRDC’s Risk Manager and Safety CommiNee. Incidents and requests for reinstatement of services will be reviewed by the Risk Manager, Safety CommiNee and the Outreach and Opera/ons Manager. Emergency Shelter Community Expecta/ons are in place to preserve a safe, comfortable, and peaceful environment, not to control par/cipant behavior. Our Community Expecta/ons are wriNen to incorporate current best prac/ces in shelter opera/on and harm reduc/on and will be posted on-site. DRUG, ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO USE POLICY The Emergency Shelter upholds an environment which is free from the use, possession, or distribu/on of any mind-altering substance, illicit drugs, and alcohol by its guests, staff, or volunteers. The use of tobacco products (smokeless tobacco, cigareNes, electronic cigareNes, etc.) is prohibited within the facility. Smoking will be allowed outside of the facility in a designated area. 07/14/2021 Griffin Place Emergency Shelter | Management Plan 4 STORAGE GENERAL Appropriate storage is essen/al to the safety and func/onality of the Emergency Shelter. The shelter has been designed to accommodate storage lockers for guests of the shelter and day center customers. Storage in bunk rooms is limited to small personal items. Guests in family suites will have access to adequate in-room storage for small items. In accordance with the Emergency Shelter Par/cipant Agreement, all coats, bags, and other personal items should be always secured in designated lockers when not in use. These items are not allowed in bunk rooms or bathrooms. Guests/par/cipants are responsible for their possessions. 07/14/2021 Griffin Place Emergency Shelter | Management Plan 5 SECURITY AND EMERGENCY PROTOCOLS GENERAL The shelter building has been designed to ensure that staff and guests have a safe experience. All customers (with the excep/on of family suites) must access the shelter via a central intake area. Family suites guests have a separate, secured access. Security cameras are placed throughout the building, and the building has been designed with dual exits from each room, open sightlines, and other security enhancements. SECURITY EMERGENCY PROTOCOLS If customers display emo/onal outbursts, aggressive language, or threats of violence and staff, volunteers, or other guests feel they are a threat to others or themselves, staff is trained to: · Remove other guests and self from immediate area to an area that is safe. · Call the police and inform them of the situa/on. · If possible, de-escalate individual while remaining safe and calm. FIRE EMERGENCY PROTOCOLS In case of a fire, the following protocols will be followed: · Call 911. · Staff must ensure that all people vacate the building. · Staff should ensure that all persons remain calm while exi/ng the building at the nearest exterior door. · Everyone should report to and remain at the designated evacua/on point to wait for direc/ons. · Staff and volunteers should make an effort to no/fy others in the immediate area of the emergency. MEDICAL EMERGENCY PROTOCOLS In case of a medical emergency, the following protocols will be followed: · An employee or volunteer shall call 911. · If it is possible and safe to do so, do the following: o Protect the vic/m from further injury by removing any persistent threat to the vic/m. Do not move the vic/m unnecessarily. o Provide first aid un/l help arrives if the Staff/volunteer has appropriate training and equipment. o Send someone outside to escort emergency responders to the appropriate loca/on. PROTOCOLS FOR AFTER THE EMERGENCY When a fire or any other emergency has occurred, an incident report shall be filed with HRDC’s Risk Manager and Safety Committee.