HomeMy WebLinkAbout21117 B Community First SUP staff rpt.docx Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 1 of 31 Application No. 21117-B Type Special Use Permit (SUP) for a year-round, 170-bed Emergency Housing program to be housed in a new South Building of a two-building Community First Griffin Place development that is subject to the Site Plan evaluation of Project No. 2117- A. Project Name Community First Griffin Place Food Resource Center and Year-round Emergency Shelter and Resource Hub. Summary The project is for a Special Use Permit to allow an Emergency Housing program and various support service land uses to be accommodated in the South Building of the proposed Community First Griffin Place development. The buildings and their campus setting are the subject of a separate Site Plan staff evaluation and Administrative decision by the Director. This Special Use Permit application will evaluate the emergency housing program proposed for the South Building (see Attachment 1 for the Applicant’s detailed description of the Community First Griffin Place development). The South Building would house a year-round, 170-bed emergency housing program which would be owned, operated and maintained by the non-profit affordable housing provider, Human Resource Development Council, District IX (HRDC), who would house and provide services to persons experiencing homelessness in the South Building of this complex. The emergency housing program is allowed within the subject M-1 District as a Special Use, pursuant to BMC Table 38.310.040.C and Section 38.360.140 and is being evaluated herein by the criteria and standards of 38.360.140.C and D, 38.230.120 and 38.230.110.E through I. Zoning M-1 Growth Policy Industrial Parcel Size 5.24-acres Overlay District(s) None Street Address 202 and 206 East Griffin Drive Legal Description Tract 38 of the NE Annex (J-20) located in the NW ¼ of Sec. 6, T2 S, R6 E of the P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana Owner Human Resource Development Council District IX (HRDC); 32 S. Tracy Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715 Attention: Ms. Tracy Menuez, tmenuez@thehrdc.org Applicant Same Representative Kelly Olinger of Hennebery Eddy Architects, kolinger@henneberyeddy.com Ms. Susan Riggs; GroundPrint, sriggs@groundprint.com Staff Planner Susana Montana Engineer Karl Johnson Noticing Public Comment Period Site Posted Adjacent Owners Mailed Newspaper Legal Ad 7/16 to 7/31/2021 7/16/2021 Mailed 7/16/2021 7/18 & 7/25/2021 Advisory Boards Board Dates Recommendation DRC April 21, 2021 The site plan and emergency Housing SUP application are adequate, conform to standards, and are sufficient for approval with noted conditions and code provisions. DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 2 of 31 Recommendation The Special Use Permit for the emergency housing program and accessory personal service activities proposed for the South Building for the subject property conform to standards and are sufficient for approval with conditions and code provisions as noted below. Decision Authority Director Martin Matsen Date Existing Conditions: The Site is a 5.24-acre industrially-zoned lot in the Northeast area of the City. The Site was formerly occupied by a house and outbuildings. The house has been removed and any remaining outbuildings will be removed for the proposed new development as would mature trees on the Site. The Site is accessed from East Griffin Drive via N. 7th Avenue. There is a traffic signal at the intersection of N. 7th Avenue and E. Griffin Drive. East Griffin Dr. is an “urban thoroughfare” under the jurisdiction of the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT). The area surrounding the Site is industrial in character with warehouses, numerous vehicle repair shops and similar light industrial businesses. There is an older mobile home park located northeast of the Site. The City’s Community Plan Future Land Use Plan Map designates this area as “Industrial” which seeks dynamic mixed uses including manufacturing, technology industries, research and development activities, office uses and supportive uses to provide employment and services to the community. Unresolved Issues: None Full application and file of record: Community Development Department, 21 E. Olive St., Bozeman, MT 59715 Public Information Portal: hNps://www.bozeman.net/government/planning/using-the-planning-map FINDINGS OF FACT AND APPEAL PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE A) PURSUANT to Chapter 38, Article 2, Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC), and other applicable sections of Ch.38, BMC, public notice was given, opportunity to submit comment was provided to affected parties, and a review of the Special Use Permit application described in this report was conducted. The Applicant proposed to the City a Special Use Permit (SUP) to permit an Emergency Housing and support services program in a new, 2-story building located in the southern portion of the Community First Griffin Place Site (see Attachment 1 for the Applicant’s full description of the proposed development). The purpose of this evaluation of the proposed emergency housing program is to measure the proposal against the Special Use Permit (SUP) criteria of BMC 38.360.140, 38.230.120 and 38.230.110.E through I. This SUP review (1) considered all relevant evidence relating to public health, safety, welfare, and the other purposes of BMC Chapter 38; (2) considered all public comment received; and (3) evaluated the proposal against the criteria of the above-referenced Sections of the BMC to determine whether the application should be approved, conditionally-approved, or denied. A separate staff evaluation was conducted for the proposed Site Plan for the North and South Buildings, parking, landscaping and open space development of the Site, addressing plan review criteria of Section 38.230.100 and the standards of the BMC (Project No. 2117-A). This evaluation solely addresses the Applicant’s request for the emergency housing program that is a Special Use in the M-1 District. B) It appeared to the Director that all parties and the public wishing to examine the proposed Site Plan, Departure and Special Use Permit (SUP) applications and offer comments were provided the opportunity to do so. A petition expressing opposition to the homeless program SUP, signed by 40 persons representing 16 neighboring businesses, was received along with another letter opposing the emergency housing program. DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A 9/9/2021 Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 3 of 31 After receiving the recommendation of staff and the relevant advisory body established by Ch. 38, Art. 210, BMC, and considering public comments and all matters of record presented with the application and during the public comment period defined by Ch. 38, BMC, the Director has found that the proposed emergency housing Special Use Permit application complies with the requirements of the BMC if certain conditions and BMC code provisions are imposed as described below. Therefore, being fully advised of all matters having come before him regarding this application, the Director makes the following decision. C) The Emergency Housing Special Use Permit (SUP) meets the criteria of Ch. 38, BMC, and is approved, subject to the conditions and code provisions listed in this report and the correction of any elements not in conformance with the standards of the BMC. The evidence contained in the submittal materials, advisory body review, public comment, and this report, justifies the conditions imposed on this development to ensure that the SUP complies with all applicable regulations, and all applicable criteria of Ch. 38, BMC and, therefore, is approved. On this _____ day of September, 2021, Martin Matsen, Director of Community Development, approved, with conditions and code provisions, this Emergency Housing Special Use Permit for the Community First Griffin Place Year-Round Emergency Housing Program for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman, as authorized by Sec. 38.200.100.B of the BMC. The approval of this Special Use Permit, issued pursuant to Sections 38.230.110, 38.230.120 and 38.360.140 of the BMC, runs with the land, however, it may be terminated or revoked per Section 38.230.110.I. D) This Director of Community Development’s project decision may be appealed by filing an appeal with and paying an appeal fee to the Clerk of the Commission for the City of Bozeman within 10 working days after the date of the final decision as evidenced by the Director’s signature below, following the procedures of Sec. 38.250.030, BMC. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The Applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as Conditions of Approval, does not, in way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. 2. Prior to occupancy of the emergency housing program, the Applicant shall install a 6-foot tall opaque fence along the east property line to mitigate any potential impacts of the program on the adjacent neighbor, pursuant to BMC 38.230.110.E.2 . 3. The Community First Griffin Place Emergency Shelter Management Plan, dated July 14, 2021, ensures that the Applicant/owner and its successors will maintain the premises in good condition and shall manage the overnight guests’ occupancy of the emergency housing program in such a manner as to assure the health, safety, and general welfare of the public, per BMC 38.230.110.E.3 and 38.360.140. The Management Plan is herein incorporated by reference and may not be amended without the prior written approval of the Director of the Community Development Department. The Management Plan shall be recorded with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any facility accommodating the emergency housing program. 4. Until such time that a sheltered transit stop is located within one-quarter mile of the site, the Applicant must provide effective transportation options for its emergency housing clients to and from the site. 5. Prior to issuance of a building permit, all applicable utility easements for the property shall be recorded. DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 4 of 31 CODE PROVISIONS 6. Per BMC 38.100.080 and 38.200.110, the proposed project shall be completed as approved and conditioned in the approved Community First Griffin Place emergency housing program Special Use Permit application. Any modifications to the submittal and approved application materials shall invalidate the project's approval, unless the Applicant submits the proposed modifications for review and approval by the Director of the Community Development Department and this approval is granted prior to undertaking the modifications. The only exception to this law is repair. 7. BMC 38.230.120, in addition to all other conditions, the following general requirements apply to every special use permit granted: a. That the right to a use and occupancy permit shall be contingent upon the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the Special Use Permit procedure; and b. That all of the conditions (1) shall constitute restrictions running with the land use, shall apply and be adhered to by the owner of the land, successors or assigns; (2) shall be binding upon the owner of the land, successors or assigns; (3) shall be consented to in writing and (4) and shall be recorded as such with the County Clerk and Recorder's office by the property owner prior to the issuance of any building permits, final plan approval or commencement of the special use. 8. If activity begins for which a Special Use Permit (SUP) has received final approval, all activities must comply with any Conditions of Approval or code requirements. Violation and enforcement procedures for this SUP are outlined in BMC 38.200.160 and 38.230.110.I.1 through 3. Figure 1: Location map DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 5 of 31 Figure 2: Vicinity Map. Figure 3: Current Zoning Map M-2 M-1 DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 6 of 31 Figure 4: Site Plan; the South Building would accommodate the Emergency Housing facilities. DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 7 of 31 Figure 5: Landscape Plan South Building DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 8 of 31 ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS Analysis and resulting recommendations are based on the entirety of the application materials, municipal codes, standards, plans, public comment, and all other materials available during the review period. Collectively this information is the record of review. The analysis in this report is a summary of the completed emergency housing criteria evaluation for the proposed Community First Griffin Place development. Emergency housing Special Use Permit Review, Sections 38.360.140, 38.230.120 and 38.230.110.E through I. In considering applications for SUP approval under this title, the Director of Community Development shall consider the code provisions noted in the following Table. 1. Conformance to and consistency with the City’s adopted growth policy 38.100.040.B Meets Code? Growth Policy Land Use Industrial Yes Zoning M-1, Light Manufacturing District Yes Comments: The proposed emergency housing project is a Special Use in the M-1 District per BMC Section 38.310.040.C. The application must meet the review criteria for a Special Use/Conditional Use Permit per UDC Sections 38.360.140, 38.230.110 and 38.230.120. With the Conditions of Approval recommended by staff and described on pages 3 and 4 of this report, the proposed emergency housing development and associated services for its clientele would meet those criteria. The Site lies within the City’s municipal service area and is designated an Industrial land use by the Bozeman Community Plan’s Future Land Use Map, a designation that allows the current M-1 zoning. The undeveloped site lying within the industrial zone is a key “in-fill” site for industrial and service uses, particularly those with greater traffic or intensities that would not be appropriate in residential or commercial neighborhoods. The emergency housing program proposed as part of the mixed use, in-fill development of the entire Community First Griffin Place “campus” development would positively address goals of the Growth Policy/Bozeman Community Plan because the development would (1) provide comprehensive services to fragile and vulnerable populations; (2) promote a diverse supply of quality housing by providing year-round emergency housing, which is currently nonexistent in Bozeman; (3) is in a location that would enhance mixed land use patterns; and (4) would promote multimodal transportation because it is within walking distance of Walmart, and will soon be served by a covered bus stop and improved roadway, including sidewalks. The housing program would complement the food resource services provided in the North Building. The emergency housing program in the South Building would provide public services and facilities in an area that is accessible to proposed project clientele. The proposed project positively addresses the following Growth Policy/Community Plan goals and policies: Theme 1: A Resilient City—Goals, Objectives and Actions Goal R.1.2: Be resourceful: recognize alternative ways to use resources. Goal R-1.7: Be flexible: willingness and ability to adopt alternative strategies in response to changing circumstances. Goal R.2.4: Social Equity: Provide solutions that are inclusive with consideration to populations that are often most fragile and vulnerable to sudden impacts. Theme 2: A City of Neighborhoods—Goals, Objectives and Actions Goals N-1: Support well-planned, walkable neighborhoods. N-1.1 Promote housing diversity, including missing middle housing. N-1.9 Ensure multimodal connections between adjacent developments. Goal N-3: Promote a diverse supply of quality housing units. DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 9 of 31 N-3.3: Encourage distribution of affordable housing units throughout the City with priority given to locations near commercial, recreational, and transit assets. N-3.7: Support compact neighborhoods, small lot sizes, and small floor plans, especially through mechanisms such as density bonuses. Theme 5—A City that Prioritizes Accessibility and Mobility Choices Goal M-1: Ensure multimodal accessibility M-1.1 Prioritize mixed use land patterns. Encourage and enable the development of housing, jobs, and services in close proximity to one another. M-1.4 Develop safe, connected, and complementary transportation networks for pedestrians, bicyclists, and users of other personal mobility devices (e-bikes, electric scooters, powered wheelchairs, etc.). M-1.8 Establish standards and procedures for placement of bus shelters in City rights-of-way. Theme 3 A City Bolstered by Downtown and Complementary Districts Goal DCD-1.1 Support urban development within the City. DCD-1.5 Identify underutilized sites for possible redevelopment. Comments: The proposed project would provide emergency housing and social services for up to 170 persons experiencing homelessness per night, year-round, and would provide social services, minimum health checks, sanitary services and food for its clientele. No conflicts between the proposed use and relevant Community Plan Growth Policies have been identified. Rather, with the Conditions of Approval proposed by staff, the emergency housing program would positively address the Community Plan goals and policies listed above. In particular, the provision of a sheltered transit stop along E. Griffin Drive positively addresses the density, multimodal, affordable housing near employment opportunities, and mixed-use goals and objectives of the Plan. 2. Conformance to this chapter, including the cessation of any current violations 38.200.160 Meets Code? Current Violations None known Yes Comments: The circa-1921 single-family dwelling legal nonconforming use on the property has been removed. The proposed development does not violate any portion of the Bozeman Municipal Code. 3. Conformance with all other applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations 38.100.080 Meets Code? Conflicts None. The proposed project meets BMC 38.360.140 Emergency Housing standards with the recommended Conditions of Approval and Code provisions. Yes, with conditions and Code provisions. Comments: A non-profit housing and social service organization (Applicant) owns the subject property and would own, develop, operate and manage the emergency housing program and associated social services for its clients. The Applicant is advised by Condition of Approval No. 1 that any unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as Conditions of Approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or State law. 4. Conformance with site plan review as specified in Article 2, Section 38.230 and conformance with Special Use review criteria as specified in Sections 38.230 and 38.360. Meets Code? The Special Use Permit (SUP) criteria of 38.320.120, Conditional Use criteria of 38.320.110, and Emergency housing criteria of 38.360.140 were used to evaluate this SUP application, along with public comment received. See Attachment 1 for the Yes, with conditions and Code provisions. DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 10 of 31 Applicant’s Narrative for Site Plan and SUP criteria compliance. See Attachment 2 for the approved Community First Griffin Place Emergency Shelter Management Plan. Comments: The emergency housing standards of 38.360.140 and the conditional use criteria of 38.230.110.E through I are met with the staff-recommended Conditions of Approval and Code provisions regarding proper development, operation, maintenance and management of the development and support services program. The Conditions of Approval and the Emergency Housing Management Plan ensure that potential impacts of the shelter are mitigated. Specifically, the Condition of Approval to provide interim transit services until the sheltered transit stop is constructed would mitigate loitering by moving people on- and off-site during peak use hours. In combination, the Management Plan and Conditions of Approval ensure the Site would be staffed and maintained for public health, safety, and welfare and free of so-called “tent cities,” which are prohibited under Section 38.360.210. 5. Conformance with zoning provisions of Article 3, Section 38.320.050. Meets Code? Permitted uses 38.310.040.C. Transitional and emergency housing and related services per 38.360.140 with Special Use Permit approval. Yes, with conditions and Code provisions. Form and intensity standards 38.320 and 38.510 for the M-1 zone NA Zoning M-1 Setbacks (feet) Required / Proposed Parking / Loading NA Front 10’ / 20’ Landscape Block Frontage (BF) 20’ to parking spaces Rear 3’ / ~250’ - Side 3’ / 3’ East, 44’ West - Alley access NA NA Comments: This evaluation focuses on the emergency housing land use. A companion site plan evaluation of the design of the two buildings can be found in a separate staff report, Project No. 21117-A, which addresses these site plan standards. The following discussion, associated with the site plan evaluation, is offered here for information purposes because it reveals some specific floor space design, layout and livability elements proposed by the Applicant for the emergency housing program. The Applicant’s design principle for the emergency housing building is called “Trauma-informed Design” which is utilized for special needs populations such as persons with post-traumatic syndrome disorders and other disabilities and stresses. Trauma-informed design supports the Applicant’s Trauma-informed care program for this project which seeks to actively resist re-traumatization of its clients. A goal of Trauma-informed Design is to create spaces that are welcoming, demonstrate a safe environment, and provide privacy, while at the same time not interfering with the Applicant’s need to monitor residents’ behavior on the Site. The design of the South Building’s first floor spaces would provide care services, sanitary services, training, counseling, open spaces and food services for the program’s clientele. The design of its second floor space would provide care services and sleeping quarters in safe and private accommodations. The design of the Site/”campus” and the South Building client spaces meet the intent and standards for the granting of the Special Use Permit with the Conditions of Approval and Code Provisions noted above on pages 3 and 4. DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 11 of 31 Relationship to adjacent properties standards 38.520.030.C regarding light and air access and privacy and angled setback plane requirements for accessory structures per 38.360.030. Yes Applicable zone specific or overlay standards 38.330-340 NA Building Height Requirements 38.320.010-.060 Complies. Lot coverage 100% allowed per 38.320.050. 32% provided. Height 45-ft. South Bldg=43’9” North Bldg=30’ Complies. Comments: See Site Plan evaluation for the two proposed buildings and their campus setting, Project No. 2117- A. General land use standards and requirements 38.350 Requires SUP Comments: The Applicant requests a Special Use Permit to develop a year-round, 170-bed emergency housing program for persons experiencing homelessness and would also provide a daytime “Resource Hub” with social service offices, minimum health checks, storage facilities, sanitary services and food service for their clients. The Management Plan submitted by the Applicant must be approved by the Director, may not be amended without the prior written approval of the Director, and must be recorded with the County Clerk and Recorder. The Management Plan, recorded with the Clerk and Recorder, would therefore provide guarantees for the management of the emergency housing that would run with the land and protect public health and safety. The Other Conditions of Approval aid in ensuring the potential impacts of an emergency housing program at this location would be mitigated. The Applicant’s Management Plan is attached as Attachment 2. Complies. Applicable supplemental use criteria 38.360.140 Yes with conditions and Code provisions. Comments: See Sections 13 and 14 of this staff report for evaluation of the SUP/Conditional Use criteria for emergency housing. Wireless facilities 38.37t0 NA Affordable Housing 38.380.010 NA Affordable housing plan NA Comments: This proposed facility would be owned, operated and maintained by a non-profit housing and social service organization, the Human Resources Development Council (HRDC), District IX of Gallatin County. The conditions proposed in this report address the supplemental use criteria of 38.360.140 for the emergency housing program. 6a(1) Conformance with the Community Design provisions of Article 4: Transportation facilities and access, Section 38.400 Meets Code? Street vision –sight visibility triangle shown on plans. Complies Yes Secondary access Yes Traffic Impact Study / LOS NA Transportation grid adequate to serve site Yes Yes Comments: See the Site Plan evaluations for Project 2117-A. Street dedication NA Meets Code? DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 12 of 31 Drive access locations and widths 36’ for 2-way access NA Number of drive accesses 2 street access points Yes Street easements NA Special Improvement Districts No NA Comments: The Site would be accessed from E. Griffin Drive which is being improved to City and MDT standards prior to occupancy of the Site. Parking requirements of Table 38.540.050-1. Required parking for emergency housing 42 Meets Code? Yes Required vehicle parking for the emergency housing program per Table 38.540.050-1 requires 0.25 parking space per person of approved capacity: 0.25 X 170 beds= 42 spaces 42 Both required and provided Reductions for non-residential parking per 38.540.050.A.2.c (3): 10% reduction for proximity to a sheltered transit stop= 8 space reduction NA Reductions for the residential parking per 38.540.050.A: 10% reduction for proximity to a sheltered transit stop=4 spaces 4 Total Required Parking: 38 Provided parking off street 135 On street parking None Bicycle parking required per 38.540.050.A.4 13 Yes Bicycle parking provided 76 Yes Comments: The Community First Griffin Place project is a mixed- use development with accessory retail, warehouse, food service, social services and emergency housing activities. The combined parking requirement calls for 135 parking spaces and 135 spaces would be provided on-site. Yes 6a(2). Conformance with the community design provisions of Article 4: Transportation facilities and access per 38.400 Meets Code? Design of the pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems to assure that pedestrians and vehicles can move safely and easily both within the site and between properties and activities within the neighborhood area. Yes Vehicle accesses to site Two from E. Griffin Dr. Yes Pedestrian access location(s) Sidewalks to and through the Site provided Yes Street vision triangles shown on Sheets A1.1 and L10 Yes Fire lanes, curbs, signage and striping Yes Non-automotive transportation and circulation systems, design features to enhance convenience and safety across parking lots and streets, including, but not limited to paving patterns, grade differences, landscaping and lighting. Yes Crosswalks Yes Curb ramps Yes Pedestrian lighting Yes DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 13 of 31 Comments: It is anticipated that emergency housing clients would arrive and depart by foot, bicycle or transit. Non-housing clientele and program employees are expected to arrive by private vehicle. On-site parking would be provided for 135 vehicles. Although the parking lot would be shared by both building users, 38 spaces would be available for housing staff, clients and visitors and more than 98 would be provided for the North Building clients, visitors and employees. Bike parking would be available for 38 bicycles located in clusters throughout the Site. A sheltered transit stop is proposed for the Site’s E. Griffin Drive frontage; one must be provided within a quarter-mile of this Site as a condition of approval of this SUP, per 38.360.140.D.1. Condition of Approval No.4 addresses the provision of transportation to and from the Site during emergency housing program peak use hours prior to the completion of the sheltered transit stop. A sidewalk exists along the E. Griffin Drive frontage of the lot and is being improved by the City. Adequate connection and integration of the pedestrian and vehicular transportation systems to the systems in adjacent development and the general community Yes Access easements NA Dedication of right-of-way (ROW) or easements necessary for pedestrian, shared use pathway and similar transportation facilities NA Comments: The Site is connected to the City sidewalk along E. Griffin Drive which, in turn, connects to N. 7th Avenue and I-90. This portion of E. Griffin Dr. is being improved by the City with funds from the MDT and the City. Due to these improvements to E. Griffin Dr. street trees are not able to be planted within a Boulevard green strip due to the location of both overhead and underground utilities thereon. The Applicant would plant trees and shrubs on-site along the E. Griffin Dr. frontage. 6a(3) Loading and Unloading areas Meets Code? Loading and unloading area requirements 38.540.080 NA Loading and unloading One NA First Berth (min. 70 feet in length, 12 feet in width and 14 feet in height) NA Additional Berths (min. 45 feet length) NA NA Comments: One off-street loading berth would be provided for the North Building food services uses. 6b Community Design and Elements provisions 38.410 Meets Code? Lot and block standards 38.410.040 NA Rights-of-way for pedestrians alternative block delineation NA Comments: The Site is a single, pre-existing lot. Provisions for utilities including efficient public services and utilities 38.410.050-060 NA Municipal infrastructure requirements NA Easements (City and public utility rights-of-way etc.) NA Water, sewer, and stormwater NA Other utilities (electric, Natural gas, communications) NA CIL of water rights NA Comments: The site plan and building permit applications for the proposed Community First Griffin Place development would provide for all necessary water and sanitary sewer, and power utility easements. Site Surface Drainage and stormwater control 38.410.080 NA Location, design and capacity NA Landscaping per 38.410.080.H (stormwater pond landscaping) NA Comments: The site plan evaluation addresses these requirements. DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 14 of 31 Grading 38.410.080 NA Maximum 1:4 slope requirements met NA Comments: The site plan evaluation addresses these requirements. 6c. Park and recreation requirements 38.420 Meets Code? Enhancement of natural environment NA Wildlife habitat or feeding area preservation NA Maintenance of public park or public open space access NA Park/Recreational area design NA Parkland Cash-in-lieu for maximum known density--Not to exceed 27 persons/acre (ac.). Exempt per 38.360.140.C.5 Cash donation in-lieu(CIL) NA Improvements in-lieu NA Comments: Per Section 38.360.140.C.5, this emergency housing project is exempt from parkland dedication requirements. 7a-c. Conformance with the project design provisions of Article 5, Compatibility, Design and Arrangement Meets Code? Compatibility with, and sensitivity to, the immediate environment of the site and the adjacent neighborhoods and other approved development relative to architectural design, building mass, neighborhood identity, landscaping, historical character, one nation of buildings on the site and visual integration. Yes Block Frontage Standards 38.510 NA Building Design 38.530 NA Location and design of service areas and mechanical equipment 38.520.070 NA Comments: The site plan evaluation of Project 2117-A addresses these BMC standards. Design and arrangement of the elements of the plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) so that activities are integrated with the organizational scheme of the community, neighborhood, and other approved development and produce an efficient, functionally organized and cohesive development Yes, with conditions and Code provisions. Relationship to adjacent properties 38.520.030 Yes Non-motorized circulation and design 38.520.040 Yes Vehicular circulation and parking 38.520.050 Yes Comments: The vicinity offers a mix of light industrial uses and structures such as vehicle repair, building materials and supplies, a wholesale fueling station and numerous warehouses and outdoor storage facilities. There is an older mobile home park northeast of the Site. Design and arrangement of elements of the plan (e.g., buildings circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) in harmony with the existing natural topography, natural water bodies and water courses, existing vegetation, and to contribute to the overall aesthetic quality of the site configuration Yes, complies. Site Planning and Design Elements 38.520 Complies with conditions and Code provisions. DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 15 of 31 Comments: The Applicant has a particular design principle and program which is reflected in the proposed Site Plan’s building configurations, architecture, Site circulation and South Building open space and floor plan layouts. Staff determined that this proposed Trauma-Informed Design is in harmony with adjacent built and natural environments because the floor plans, open space and program activities provide for the health, safety, privacy and care for the housing clients in such a way as to be discrete, quiet and internal to the Site and South Building. Condition of Approval No. 2 requires a 6-foot tall opaque fence to be installed along the eastern boundary of the Site to mitigate potential impacts to the Site’s immediate neighbor(s) to the east. This fence would also bolster the privacy and security needed by and intended for the Applicant’s clients. 7d. Conformance with the project design provisions of Article 5, Landscaping including the enhancement of buildings, appearance of vehicular use, open space and pedestrian area and the preservation of replacement of natural vegetation. Meets Code? Submittal requirements for landscape plans 38.220.100i Yes. Mandatory landscaping 38.550.050 Yes Yard Yes Additional screening A tree-lined landscape buffer would be provided on-site along the E. Griffin Dr. frontage due to underground and overhead utilities within the street ROW. Parking lot screening Yes Interior parking lot landscape Yes Off-street loading spaces screening Yes Street frontage E. Griffin Dr. is being re- designed and improved by the City & MDT. The Site has an “Other” Block Frontage with a 20’ landscape setback. Street median island NA Acceptable landscape materials Yes Protection of landscape areas Yes Irrigation: plan, water source, system type Yes Trees for residential adjacency NA Performance points NA NA City rights-of-way and parks Yes Tree plantings for boulevard ROW, drought-resistant seed Due to proximity of overhead and underground utilities along E. Griffin Dr. frontage, trees cannot be planted within the ROW (see DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 16 of 31 comments below) Public ROW boulevard strips NA Irrigation and maintenance provisions for ROW NA State ROW landscaping NA Additional issues NA NA Fencing and walls NA NA Comments: East Griffin Drive along the Site’s frontage is being re-designed, widened and improved with funding from MDT and the City. Unfortunately, this re-design requires utilities to be placed within the ROW where a Boulevard green strip would be located. Due to these underground utilities, street trees cannot be installed within the ROW Boulevard strip. BMC Section 38.55ti.050.K exempts the Applicant from planting a tree in the boulevard due to the presence of the underground utility line therein. The Applicant volunteers to plant 8 large canopy trees on-site within the landscape setback along the E. Griffin frontage to enhance the landscaping of the Site and improve the aesthetics of the Site and vicinity. This is addressed in the companion site plan evaluation, Project 2117-A. Site planning and design required 38.520 Complies Pedestrian area landscaping, including pathways and internal circulation 38.520.040 Yes Internal roadway landscaping 38.520.050 Yes Open space landscaping 38.520.060i Yes Service area and mechanical equipment landscaping ad screening 38.520.070 Yes Comments: These proposed plans meet BMC standards. However, during a July 28, 2021 Design Review Board review of the Site Plan, the Board recommended that the Applicant plant additional dense landscaping along the eastern property line to afford emergency housing clients greater privacy and amenity. However, due to the number of years trees and shrubs would take to mature and achieve effective vegetative screening for privacy, staff is recommending, as a Condition of Approval No. 2, that the Applicant install a 6-foot tall opaque fence along the east property line prior to occupancy of the emergency housing program. This fencing would also mitigate any potential impacts to the Site’s eastern neighbors, such as noise or visual distractions. 7e. Conformance with the project design provisions of Article 5, Open Space Meets Code? Open Space Section 38.520.060 Yes Total residential usable open space required: per 38.520.060.B.1: 37 sf/person in “group living” accommodations, assuming 1-person for each 170 beds= 6,290 sf Total non-residential usable open space required per 38.520.060.C: 2% of the “Site” (consisting of the North Building “site area” of about 233 linear feet by 450 linear feet) equaling 104,850 sf times 2%= 2,097 sf of usable open space. Total combined required usable open space: 8,387 sf Total provided “formal” open space for South Building guests, visitors and employees is 6,290 sf in a common patio space on the south side of the South Building designed with the Trauma-Informed Design principles. For the non-residential usable open space, about 73,000 sf would be provided as common landscaped open space throughout the Site. Benches, patio tables and chairs would be interspersed within these landscaped areas. Yes DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 17 of 31 7g. Conformance with the project design provisions of Article 5, Signage 38.560 Meets Code? Allowed (sq. ft) /building NA To be decided when a sign permit is submitted. Proposed (sq. ft) TBD Comments: Signage is not proposed at this time. A separate building permit must be submitted for signage. 8a-c. Conformance with environmental and open space objectives in Articles 4- 6 Meets Code? Enhancement of natural environment: NA Grading NA On-site retention/detention Yes Comments: One on-site retention pond is proposed at the northeast corner of the Site. Drainage design Yes Stormwater maintenance plan 38.410.030.A Yes Stormwater feature: landscaping amenity, native species, curvilinear, 75% live vegetation Yes Comments: The grading and stormwater management for the proposed development meets these requirements. Watercourse and wetland protections and associated wildlife habitats NA If the development is adjacent to an existing or approved public park or public open space area, have provisions been made in the plan to avoid interfering with public access to and use of that area? NA Comments: There are no such assets in the vicinity of the Site. 9. Conformance with the natural resource protection provisions of Articles 4-6 Meets Code? Watercourse setback 38.410.100 NA Watercourse setback planting plan NA Floodplain regulations 38.600 NA Wetland regulations 38.610 NA Comments: There are no such resources and assets on the Site. Comments: The site plan shows an open space patio that would satisfy the South Building’s common open space requirement for the emergency housing clients and employees. The site plan would also provide 73,000 sf of landscaped circulation and open areas within the Site for both the North and South Buildings’ workers, visitors and clients to enjoy. 7f. Conformance with the project design provisions of Article 5, Lighting 38.570 Meets Code? Building-mounted lighting (cutoff and temperature) Yes Site lighting (supports, cutoff and temperature) Yes Minimum light trespass at property line Complies Comments: A lighting plan, fixture cut sheets and illumination calculations sheets have been provided that meet BMC standards. DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 18 of 31 10. Other related matters, including relevant comments from affected parties 38.220 Meets Code? Public Comment Yes Yes Comments: A public notice period was executed per Section 38.220,420. Details regarding date the noticing requirements were conducted can be found on page 1 of this staff report document. In addition to the public notice form required by the Department, the Applicant sent a letter to adjacent property owners that describes the proposed project, its purposes and how to contact HDRC with comments or inquiries. In addition to the required public notice efforts, the Applicant also contacted neighboring businesses and property owners through additional mailings, phone calls and in-person visits to explain the proposed programs and the emergency housing management plans. The City received three public comments expressing concern with this project, one of which included a petition signed by 40 individuals representing 16 businesses in the area. Concerns cited include: Potential traffic congestion; [un-named] impacts to neighboring businesses; security; proximity to the railroad tracks, trail systems, the Boys and Girls Club, and a mobile home neighborhood; vagrancy; loitering; and “tent cities.” The code requires that special use permits have “no material adverse effect on abutting properties,” but also notes that the burden of demonstrating material adverse effects lies with the abutting property owners [38.230.110.E.2]. None of the concerns cited in public comment were accompanied by any information or evidence to support the claims. As demonstrated in the Applicant’s materials, the design of the buildings and site is intended to make the emergency housing program a discrete part of overall operations and minimize its impact to adjacent neighbors including landscaping along the eastern edge of the property and locating the parking areas near the railroad tracks. Further, proposed Conditions of Approval would additionally minimize the impact of this development on its neighbors by addressing transportation needs to and from the Site, including adequate parking, street and sidewalk improvements to East Griffin Drive, installing a sheltered transit stop, and providing interim transportation solutions for emergency housing clients during peak hours prior to the establishment of a sheltered transit stop. “Tent cities” are not proposed by this application and Section 38.360.210 of the Bozeman Municipal Code prohibits “tent cities.” To provide greater privacy to housing clients and to the Site’s eastern neighbor(s), a 6-foot opaque fence is required to be installed along the eastern property line as a condition of approval of the SUP. This fence must be installed prior to occupancy of the emergency housing program. After considering public comment, the Director finds that the application, with appropriate Conditions of Approval, meets code requirements for approval. 11. If the development includes multiple lots that are interdependent for circulation or other means of addressing requirements of this Title, whether the lots are either: (1) Configured so that the sale of individual lots will not alter the approved configuration or use of the property or cause the development to become Non-conforming OR (2) Are the subject of reciprocal and perpetual easements or other agreements to which the City is a party so that the sale of individual lots will not cause one or more elements of the development to become non-conforming per 38.410.060. Meets Code? NA Subdivision exemption NA NA Required Easements Yes Reciprocal access and shared parking easement NA DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 19 of 31 Mutual access easement and agreement NA Comments: Utility easements would be provided as necessary per Condition No. 6. 12. Phasing of development 38.230.020.B including buildings and infrastructure Meets Code? Phasing No # of phases One phase with the North building constructed first. Yes Comments: Both buildings are expected to be constructed within the one-year (plus one additional year extension) period of a Site Plan approval. 13. Section 38.360.140, Emergency housing standards Required Standards Subsection C Proposal Meets Code? 1. C.1. Provided in one level of the building Emergency housing beds Up to 170 homeless guests would be accommodated on the second floor of the South Building, year round. Per Table 38.310.040.C, emergency housing and related services are permitted within the M-1 District and is not restricted to any particular floor of a building. Yes 2. On permanent foundations The South Building would house the housing program and would be built on a permanent foundation. Yes 3. On single ownership by Applicant HDRC is the sole owner of the Site and would maintain it for the life of the housing program use. Yes 4. On-site services provided for housing residents only The overnight sleeping accommodations would be provided for emergency housing clients only. Accessory care, food and counseling services would be provided to emergency housing clients and, as an accessory permitted use in the M-1 District, may be provided to other persons as well. The Applicant would Yes DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 20 of 31 manage the emergency housing program per an approved and recorded Management Plan, following the practices of “Trauma- Informed Design” described below in Attachment 1. 5. Exempt from parkland dedication; and open space requirements apply. The proposal is exempt from parkland dedication requirements. On-site common open space would be provided which exceeds the code requirements. Yes 6. Management plan and continuous on- site management Management plan provided The emergency housing program Management Plan, attached to this report, contains required information about how HRDC will provide: continuous on-site management, staff training, intake screening to ensure compatibility of individuals with services provided at the facility, and their proposed security measures. Additionally the Plan contains a client code of conduct and describes lockers for on-site storage of clients’ belongings. The Plan may not be amended without prior written approval by the Director and must be recorded with the County Clerk and Recorder. Yes, meets the staff recommended condition of approval No. 3, per 38.360.140.D.1. Comments: The Management Plan provides rules for emergency housing clients to participate in the Housing program. Subsection D—additional standards The Management Plan has a stipulation that a sheltered transit stop must be located within 1/4 mile of the Site. Complies with staff recommended Condition of Approval No. 4. Comments: The Applicant has proposed to mitigate potential impacts of the development by providing a sheltered transit stop located along the E. Griffin Street frontage for housing clients prior to occupancy of the emergency housing by clients. The Applicant is also the provider of local transit services, making the installation of this amenity very efficient. Condition of Approval No.4 requires the Applicant to mitigate potential DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 21 of 31 impacts of the development by providing means of transportation to housing clients in the busy morning and evening hours until the sheltered transit stop is installed. 14. Section 38.230.110 & 120, Special Use/Conditional Use Permit Criteria Required Standards 38.230.110.Subsection E Proposal Meets Code? E.1:Site adequate in size for the use The 5.24-acre parcel can accommodate both buildings plus parking, landscaping and open space. Yes Comments: Emergency housing and related services require Special Use authorization in the M-1 zone. This Special Use request is for year-round emergency housing for persons experiencing homelessness. The design, configuration and layout of the housing facilities in the South Building conform to the Trauma-Informed Design principles adopted by the Applicant for their emergency housing program. Please see Attachment 1 for the Applicant’s description of the project and the principles of Trauma-Informed Design as applied to this project. E.2:No material adverse effect on the abutting property The abutting properties are industrial in use and design. The proposed building design, access points and land uses are deemed suitable for this light industrial neighborhood. Yes Comments: It is not expected that the emergency housing program would have an adverse effect on abutting properties because the housing program would be located in the South Building, which is only partially visible from the street, the property to the east has the rear of the warehouse buildings facing its west property line, and landscaping is proposed to provide a visual and auditory buffer between the Site and its neighbors to the east. To bolster the landscaping and to assure that noise and visual impacts of the housing program do not encroach upon the eastern property, Condition No.2 requires the Applicant to install a 6-foot tall opaque fence along its eastern boundary prior to the use of the Site for the emergency housing program. The property to the west is unoccupied railroad easement and tracks. The tracks are separated from the North and South buildings by landscaping, a parking lot and pedestrian walkways. The housing building and semi-enclosed courtyard open space area of the South building is expected to be well- maintained and managed by the Applicant/owner as a condition of this SUP approval (see Condition 3, and the project Management Plan as Attachment 2). Pursuant to the site plan of Application No. 2117-A, the parking lot would be screened from East Griffin Drive with trees and other vegetation and, per Condition 3, the Site would be screened from the east with a 6-foot tall opaque fence. Public comment from individuals in the area expressed concern with security, traffic congestion, proximity to the railroad tracks, vagrancy, loitering, and “tent cities.” As noted above, the proposal has been carefully thought out to arrange buildings and emergency housing uses on the land in the least conspicuous way. Additionally, Conditions of Approval for this SUP aim to mitigate any potential impacts from traffic and loitering until the transit shelter is installed. Further, as noted above, “tent cities” are not allowed by the BMC. A similar, but smaller in scope emergency housing program proposed by this same Applicant was permitted by the City as a SUP on June 30, 2020. It has been in operation in its B-2, Community Business zoning district, without any known objections from its light industrial, motel, restaurant or retail neighbors. The City has received no comments or complaints about incompatibility with those neighboring uses to date. That program, called the Warming Center (Project No. 20145), has been successfully managed by this same Applicant, HRDC, with a similar Management Plan as the one proposed here. DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 22 of 31 SUP criteria Required by Codes Recommendations Meets Code? E.3. Conditions to protect public health, safety and general welfare As appropriate The Director has determined that granting the SUP warrants Conditions of Approval in order to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the public. Yes, with conditions and Code provisions. Comments: Additional conditions concerning items a – m in 38.230.110.E.3 are not necessary to apply to this SUP. The approval includes alternative conditions, as permitted by subsection n, to require that the Management Plan is recorded with the Clerk and Recorder and therefore runs with the land, maintains the site for public health and safety, and provides interim transit for housing clients during peak hours. Subsection F. standard conditions The right to a use and occupancy permit is contingent upon the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the conditional use procedure; and All of the conditions constitute restrictions running with the land use, apply and must be adhered to by the owner of the land, successors or assigns, are binding upon the owner of the land, his successors or assigns, must be consented to in writing, and must be recorded as such with the County Clerk and Recorder’s Office by the property owner prior to the issuance of any building permits, final plan approval or commencement of the conditional use. Yes, with conditions and Code provisions. Subsection G. Conditional Use approval types. Conditional Use (CU) application may be approved, conditionally approved or denied by the Director. This application is proposed to be conditionally- approved by the Director. Subsection H. Applicant notified of final action. A written copy of this determination will be supplied to the Applicant, serving as notice of the conditional approval decision as required by subsection H. Yes Subsection I, Termination of the SUP approval. The Applicant is hereby notified of the ability, under certain circumstances, of the Community Development Department to terminate or revoke this conditionally-approved SUP, pursuant to 38.230.110.I.1 through 3. Yes, see Code provision 8. DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 23 of 31 Attachment 1: Applicant’s Site Plan and Special Use Permit Justification Narrative [Staff Comment: The staff evaluation of the Site Plan application is the subject of a separate staff report for Project No. 2117-A.] “The Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) is a non-profit community action agency that exists to instill hope, develop resources, design solutions, and change lives in our community. HRDC envisions “a place where poverty has no impact because opportunity and quality of life are equally afforded to everyone.” Current facilities that house several critical community programs are undersized and inadequate and the many negative economic and housing impacts of COVID-19 will unfortunately last beyond the distribution of a vaccine. The project presented in this site plan application, Community First Griffin Place (CFGP), is a vital step toward improving access to critical resources for our families, friends and neighbors. This project needs to be evaluated as an essential service similar to services like city water, sewer, police and fire; HRDC views the City of Bozeman as a partner in this endeavor. Community First Griffin Place is planned to house a plethora of HRDC’s programs inside two buildings. The Food Resource Center, referred to as the North Building in this application, will house the Gallatin Valley Food Bank, the Fork and Spoon, additional HRDC offices and programs, and a commercial kitchen to support programs like KidsPack, Summer Lunch, and Senior Groceries. The Year-Round Emergency Shelter and Resource Hub, referred to as the South Building, has a resource hub on the first floor and 170 emergency shelter beds on the second floor, including a family suite. The Resource Hub will provide a home for HRDC and its partner organizations to offer critical services to those experiencing homelessness including medical check-ups, housing navigators, counseling and addiction services, classes, showers, laundry, and other community support. The services provided on this site will act as a resiliency center for our community and will help more people from crisis to stability. Site Narrative Site Design: Community First Griffin Place (CFGP) is a 5.24-acre property south of Griffin Drive and east of the railroad. The property is zoned M-1 (Light Manufacturing). This site plan application proposes two buildings, internal vehicular circulation, pedestrian circulation, parking, and several landscaped areas, plazas, courtyards, and open spaces. The North Building (Food Resource Center) addresses Griffin Drive, while the South Building (Year-Round Shelter and Resource Hub), is intentionally more insulated in the central portion of the site and does not directly front a city street. The primary organizing feature of Community First Griffin Place is a central pedestrian corridor that parallels the primary vehicular access lane. The pedestrian corridor connects the bus stop at the north end of the site on Griffin Drive to the two buildings, parking and open spaces. Pavement patterning, plant material themes, site amenities, lighting, and signage will work cohesively to promote easy wayfinding along this corridor. Secondary circulation within the parking lots will have related landscape themes and materials to aid in directing staff and clients to the appropriate facilities. A secondary vehicular route will access the donation dropoff site, loading area, fleet and staff parking and trash enclosures. These areas will feature more basic paving patterns and simple landscaping to screen and soften the service areas. During the informal review, Community Development clarified that the property has “No Frontage” which defaults to “Other” which defaults to “Mixed” which allows for “Landscaped” block frontage designation along Griffin Drive and that no other frontage requirements were required for other sides of the site. There is an existing overhead powerline in the boulevard strip between the sidewalk and back of curb which requires the use of small ornamental trees with a 25’ on-center spacing in lieu of more typical street trees. All landscaping will comply with the mandatory landscaping provisions of the Bozeman UDC including the use of drought tolerant plants, use of appropriately sized landscape plant material, street DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 24 of 31 frontage landscaping, parking lot landscaping, coordination with utilities, and use of permanent irrigation. All service areas and utility equipment will be screened, as necessary. While the North Building is exempt from open space requirements (based on its M-1 zoning), the south building is required to provide a minimum of 37 square feet per person. This requirement will be met by the landscaped areas south of the South Building as detailed on Sheets A1.2 and L306. Trauma Informed Design: Trauma-informed design principles promote health, safety, and welfare and were incorporated in every element of the building and site design. These design principles have shaped the site design, circulation paths, as well as the orientation and location of both buildings within the site. The flow of customers has been carefully considered. Open lines of sight, clear wayfinding and distinct paths of travel create a safe site. Main entries are clearly identified and connect to the primary north south pedestrian corridor. Over-sized circulation and open space help to avoid the sense of overcrowding and scarcity. The customers of the Year-Round Emergency Shelter and Resource Hub may especially be in crisis situations that warrant the need for more privacy and security. This building is located on the southern half of the site, which is more private in nature. Customer spaces inside the building face the south and open to two safe outdoor spaces for guests. Phasing & Concurrent Construction: Two phases are noted on the site plan that generally correspond to each building. HRDC is closely coordinating with the City and the City’s engineer regarding upcoming improvements to Griffin Drive. Please see Section 06 in the Documents folder for a detailed response to Section 38.270.030, the proposed project schedule and a detailed construction sequencing plan. If approved, the required additional paperwork will be submitted. Parking: In summary, 136 spaces are required and 136 spaces are provided for this project. Preliminary parking calculations are included on A0.1 “Cover Sheet” of the Drawing Set. Note that one parking reduction (10%) is proposed in exchange for a covered bus stop on Griffin Drive. The parking is proposed to be broken into several smaller lots rather than one large lot. All parking lots provide logical pedestrian circulation connecting to the primary north- south pedestrian corridor fronting both buildings. The north parking lot will primarily serve clients and staff of the North Building. The south parking lot will primarily serve clients and staff of the South building. Staff for both facilities will share the central parking lot between the two buildings. Additionally, there are six spaces located near the loading area for HRDC fleet vehicles. Eight accessible parking spaces are proposed to be evenly distributed throughout the lots. Parking calculations are provided on A0.1 “Cover Sheet.” Bicycle Parking: The project anticipates a higher than average need for bicycle parking and plans to provide more than the required bike parking at appropriate areas dispersed throughout the site. Bicycle parking calculations are provided on A0.1 “Cover Sheet.” Lighting: Site and building lighting will be provided in accordance with city code requirements at parking lots, open spaces, and along pedestrian walkways creating safe access to and from each building. Please see the ES Sheets in the Drawing folder for details. Sanitation: DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 25 of 31 A central trash enclosure area is proposed to serve both buildings. The enclosure is located southeast of the North Building with access along the East-West Service Drive, between the two buildings. This will allow convenient access for both buildings. The orientation of the enclosure will accommodate trash service vehicles. The enclosure will include standard trash dumpster(s), recycling bins, and compost bins. The enclosure will comply with Bozeman UDC requirements and standards. Please see Sheet A101 in the Drawings folder. Building Narratives Both buildings will comply with the 2018 International Building Code and the 2010 newly amended 1991 ADA Standards for Accessibility Design. The buildings will be designed to meet the International Code Council's International Energy Conservation Code, 2018 Edition, referred to as the International Energy Conservation Code, as implemented by the State of Montana Department of Labor & Industry, or ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010. A level of coordination is intended to create cohesion between the two buildings with regards to exterior building materials and finishes. Specific details for each building are noted below. North Building (Food Resource Center) The North Building consists of a new 38,242 square foot, two story mixed-use building intended to serve a variety of commercial uses, which includes the new home for the Gallatin Valley Food Bank, a new location for the HRDC’s Fork & Spoon restaurant, and additional HRDC office space. The design of the building will respond to the overall project site and complement the new Year-round Emergency Shelter and Resource Hub building sharing the site to its south. The building design will also take its cues from the surrounding industrial context while reflecting its various uses. The Fork & Spoon will activate the northwest corner of building and engage with Griffin Drive, while the Food Bank warehouse and store shape the overall form of the building on its east and south aspects, respectively. The building is sized to accommodate the growing need of the greater Gallatin Valley community for many years to come, while providing the flexibility to respond to new needs as they arise. Proposed Uses: The building will be flexibly designed to accommodate a variety of uses. There will be an entrance on the west façade of the building to facilitate wayfinding both from the pedestrian corridor and the various parking areas dispersed throughout the site. An additional entrance will front on Griffin Drive and provide access to the second level as well as to the Fork & Spoon restaurant. The building includes the following primary program areas: Ground Floor Spaces: · Main Entry Stair (serving Level 1 and Level 2) · Secondary Entry Stair (serving Level 1, and Level 2) · Reception/Client Services · Waiting Areas · Interview Rooms · Store · Fork & Spoon Restaurant · Commercial Kitchen and Food Processing · Warehouse · Receiving · Sorting · Mechanical, Riser, Data/Comm Rooms · Restrooms Level 2 Spaces: DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 26 of 31 · Reception/Client Services · Mixed Staff Offices and Meeting Space · Community Room · Learning Space · Rooftop Garden & Terrace · Restrooms Building Design: The design of the North Building responds to its purpose and is consistent with Section 38.530.030. Rooted in the context of Griffin Drive and the industrial nature of the area, shapes the resulting design of the North Building. Part warehouse, part mixed use building, the design utilizes regionally appropriate materials and architecture to compose a pragmatic and utilitarian design aesthetic. Building Massing & Articulation: The building is large given its inherent use, yet the overall design of the building employs strategies to break down its size to an appropriate scale and add visual interest which meets the intent of Section 38.530.040. Changes in material siding, weather protection features, structural expression, and building modulation come together to effectively reinforce a human-scaled building design. Building Materials: As mentioned previously the North Building design aesthetic is taken from its context both, readily adjacent and the large western community as well. In collaboration with the South Building design, the exterior materials were chosen to complement each respective design while also combining to form a consistent and cohesive, campus like effect. Similar to the South Building, the primary siding material of the North Building is to be corrugated metal siding in a Galvalume finish. The corrugated profile of the material not only reduces the overall reflective nature of the material, but also evokes the agriculture heritage of food storage buildings as well as surrounding industrial uses. Perforated corrugated siding will be utilized in areas on the warehouse to provide additional visual interest: breaking up large wall expanses by providing transparency while otherwise appearing seamless with the adjacent siding to reinforce a singular formal aesthetic. Transparent polycarbonate panels are proposed as a secondary siding material. This material is chosen for its ability to create a dynamic relationship between the interior and the exterior of the building; providing transparency and lightness to contrast with the opaque corrugated skin elsewhere. Naturally weathered steel is proposed as an accent material to reinforce the separation of main building massing and to emphasize the main building entry. This material was chosen for its contrast in both color and texture from the primary and secondary materials and are consistency with nearby projects. South Building (Year-round Emergency Shelter & Resource Hub) The South Building consists of a new 28,600 square foot, two-story commercial building intended to serve as an emergency shelter with accessory and complementary uses. The design will address Section 38.360.135 Transitional and Emergency Housing and will incorporate cohesion with the design of the North Building and the overall site. The building form and design will consider and respond to the industrial character of the surrounding area while immediately responding to the function of the proposed uses. As a budget-driven alternate, the design may include two south-facing exterior courtyard areas, using the building as a backdrop. The southwest courtyard space will be fully enclosed serving as an accessible and secure exterior space for overnight clients, while the southeast courtyard will be partially enclosed serving as a covered bicycle parking area. The design of these two courtyards is illustrated on Sheet A1.4 - Site Details. DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 27 of 31 A primary goal of the design is to allow for flexibility of use over the life of the building by considering structural grids, fenestration, and vertical circulation. The building orientation responds to solar exposure, adjacent exterior open spaces, pedestrian circulation, and the overall site. Proposed Uses: The building is designed to accommodate numerous uses and allow for flexibility. The building’s main entry faces south, oriented to be recognizable and welcoming from the main pedestrian corridor, with an adjacent exterior plaza area. This entrance will primarily serve clients using the shelter. The secondary entrance will serve clients using the resource center and staff and is located on the southeast side of the building adjacent to the parking lot. In addition to entry plazas at each entrance, the building design proposes to incorporate two exterior spaces adjacent and accessible directly from the interior of the building. Pending further construction pricing, the enclosing of these spaces may be eliminated from the immediate design and designated as potential future additions. The building includes the following primary program areas: Ground Floor Spaces: · Main Entry Stair (serving Level 1 and Level 2) · Secondary Entry Stair (serving Level 1 and Level 2) · Toilet and Shower Rooms · Custodial Rooms · Reception and Intake area Page 7 of 8 · Client Storage Rooms · Client Laundry Room · Staff Offices · Client Dining & Commons Area · Client Kitchen and Pantry · Donation Storage · Meeting Rooms, Conference Room, and Classroom · Private Meeting Rooms for Clients · Small Exam Suite: Exam room, storage, and toilet room · Mechanical Room at Level 1, and Mechanical Mezzanine Space · (2) Elevators & Elevator Equipment Rooms · Building Storage, Mechanical, Electrical, Riser, Data/Comm Rooms Level 2 Spaces: · Common & Lounge area(s) · Multi-User Toilet and Shower Rooms o Single-User Toilet/Shower Rooms o Staff Office Area o Staff Laundry Area · Client Locker Storage · Sleeping (Bunk) Rooms (vary in size) · Family Bedrooms / area · Family Suite Kitchenette & Laundry · Kennel Room · Custodial / Storage · Exterior Smoking Terraces DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 28 of 31 Building Design: The intent of the South Building’s design responds to the building design intent as described in Section 38.530.030. The design reflects regionally appropriate architecture based on human scale, materiality, and sustainable design measures, all while responding to the micro context of its site along Griffin Drive, and the greater Bozeman area. The simplicity paired with functionality of this building create a high level of design and efficiency. The design is far from generic or corporate and promotes future adaptation by implementing a flexible structural grid, a footprint that takes full advantage of solar orientation, and a number of transitional spaces that promote connection between interior and exterior spaces. Building Massing & Articulation: While the comprehensive design of the building implements strong, yet simple design strategies to create a unique, subtle, and visually appealing form – the design also meets the intent of Section 38.530.040, B., needing only one articulation feature as described in Exception B (M-1 District). Fenestration, entries, and weather protection features around the building address the intent of this section. Maximum Façade Width (Section 38.530.040.E) is applicable to the building’s north and south elevations, which are approximately 210 feet long. The south elevation includes several strategies to address this design requirement including recessed areas at the ground floor level and recessed alcoves at Level 2 serving as exterior terraces, screened with a perforated corrugated material. There is also a recessed wall above level 2 that serves as a sustainable solar wall preheating ventilation air. The combination of all these features at the south elevation address the intent of this section. The north elevation is adjacent to the service drive between the two buildings and may not be subject to the maximum façade width design criteria. If, however the north elevation is subject to these design criteria, see the following departure narrative describing how the north elevation’s proposed design meets the intent of this section by alternative design methods. Building Materials: The South Building design proposes corrugated metal siding as its primary exterior material. The finish will be galvalume. The corrugated profile of the material reduces the overall reflective nature of the material. This material finish was carefully chosen due to its vernacular richness, authenticity, and for the way it interacts with natural light. A secondary material, corrugated and perforated aluminum panels, will complement the primary material while providing subtle contrast and transparency at key locations. This material will have an aluminum mill finish which will naturally patina over time, becoming less reflective. The natural patina process is intentional, and addresses concerns regarding highly reflective finishes. The exterior windows will have a clear anodized aluminum storefront frame, emphasizing the contrast between the glazing material itself and the frame/exterior metal siding materials.” Attachment 2: Emergency Shelter Management Plan “GRIFFIN PLACE EMERGENCY SHELTER | MANAGEMENT PLAN SUMMARY This management plan is for the Emergency Shelter operated by HRDC IX at Griffin Place. The purpose of the Emergency Shelter is to provide a safe, warm and dry place for individuals and families experiencing homelessness to sleep and access resources to help make homelessness rare, brief, and non- recurring. This Management Plan identifies key policies and procedures as required by the Unified Development DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 29 of 31 Code (UDC) for Transi0onal and Emergency Housing. Upon approval by the Community Development Director, this management plan will be finalized and shall not be amended without approval from the Community Development Director. Contact Information: Human Resource Development Council of District IX, Inc.; 32 South Tracy Avenue Bozeman, Montana 59715; 406-587-4486 OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT GENERAL The emergency shelter will provide year-round shelter and day services and will therefore operate 24 hours daily. On-site management and supervision from one or more HRDC employees and volunteers will be provided during all hours of opera0on. TRAINING GENERAL Both staff and volunteers require training prior to working at the Emergency Shelter. STAFF TRAINING Emergency Shelter staff receive 30 hours of training prior to beginning their job du0es. Training sessions include: • Introduction to the Emergency Shelter, building tour, structure • Guest check-in, registration, par0cipant agreements, community expecta0ons • Human Resources onboarding and HRDC office tour • Homelessness in the Gallatin Valley presentation • Housing Search presenta0on • Staff notes, guest progress tracker, bedding, day storage, laundry, showers • Basic first aid and CPR, blood-borne Pathogens • Working with emergency responders • Working with volunteers • Crisis Preven0on Institute Nonviolent Crisis Interven0on training (8 hours) • Managing Conflict and Confrontation presentation • Dignity, Trust and Relationship Building presenta0on • Mental Health at the Emergency Shelter - presenta0on • Shift scheduling, timesheets, and staff ques0ons • Employees must read and understand this Management Plan. VOLUNTEER TRAINING Volunteers typically provide support to staff in greeting guests, assigning bedding and storage to guests, cleaning the facility and doing laundry. • Volunteers are required to be at least 18 years old unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. • Volunteers are supervised by an employee of HRDC. Volunteers are required to complete an orientation which covers the basics of facility opera0on including general duties and safety/emergency protocols. Additional training is required for volunteers with expanded roles. Volunteers must read and understand this Management Plan. DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 30 of 31 INTAKE SCREENING AND GENERAL PROCEDURES GENERAL The Emergency Shelter is a low-barrier emergency shelter and resource hub. Individuals who are 17 years of age or older or accompanied by a parent or guardian and who agree to the expectations in the Emergency Shelter Participant Agreement are welcome. If an individual does not or cannot agree to the Participant Agreement, they are not eligible to receive services. Discrimina0on against any guest based on race, gender, age, familial status, disability, ethnicity, sexual orienta0on, gender identity, or gender expression is prohibited. • Hours for shelter and day services will be determined by Staff. • Guests will be required to check in with staff. • Day services will also be provided. • Parking is provided on site for guests u0lizing the Emergency Shelter. • A sheltered Streamline stop will be developed on the Griffin site to ensure customers have access to transporta0on. REGISTRATION & PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT All guests who are new to the Emergency Shelter or who have not previously stayed during the current season will be required to read the Emergency Shelter Par0cipant Agreement and Community Expectations with a staff person. Guests are required to sign the Par0cipant Agreement, acknowledging their agreement to the rules, before they receive services. Guests must also complete and sign an Emergency Shelter Registry form which collects demographic information. Guests who have previously read and signed the Par0cipant Agreement must date and initial their signed form on each subsequent occasion they u0lize Emergency Shelter services. CLIENT CODE OF CONDUCT GENERAL Rules and procedures should be posted in visible locations throughout the building. Guests, staff and volunteers are expected to treat themselves and others with respect at all times. Behavior that is disrespecful, that negatively impacts the safety of others, or that negatively impacts the peaceful enjoyment of the Emergency Shelter is not allowed. If a guest fails to abide by the Emergency Shelter Community Expectations or the expectations specified in the Par0cipant Agreement, that guest may be given a warning, may be asked to leave, or may be banned from Emergency Shelter property. Verbal or physical violence and threats of violence will result in an immediate ban from services and will be reported to HRDC’s Risk Manager and Safety Committee. Incidents and requests for reinstatement of services will be reviewed by the Risk Manager, Safety Committee and the Outreach and Operations Manager. Emergency Shelter Community Expectations are in place to preserve a safe, comfortable, and peaceful environment, not to control participant behavior. Our Community Expectations are written to incorporate current best practices in shelter opera0on and harm reduction and will be posted on-site. DRUG, ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO USE POLICY The Emergency Shelter upholds an environment which is free from the use, possession, or distribution of any mind-altering substance, illicit drugs, and alcohol by its guests, staff, or volunteers. The use of tobacco products (smokeless tobacco, cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, etc.) is prohibited within the facility. Smoking will be allowed outside of the facility in a designated area. DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A Staff Report Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit Application 21117-B September 3, 2021 Community First Griffin Place Emergency Housing Special Use Permit; Project No. 21117-B Page 31 of 31 STORAGE GENERAL Appropriate storage is essential to the safety and functionality of the Emergency Shelter. The shelter has been designed to accommodate storage lockers for guests of the shelter and day center customers. Storage in bunk rooms is limited to small personal items. Guests in family suites will have access to adequate in-room storage for small items. In accordance with the Emergency Shelter Participant Agreement, all coats, bags, and other personal items should be always secured in designated lockers when not in use. These items are not allowed in bunk rooms or bathrooms. Guests/participants are responsible for their possessions. SECURITY AND EMERGENCY PROTOCOLS GENERAL The shelter building has been designed to ensure that staff and guests have a safe experience. All customers (with the excep0on of family suites) must access the shelter via a central intake area. Family suites guests have a separate, secured access. Security cameras are placed throughout the building, and the building has been designed with dual exits from each room, open sightlines, and other security enhancements. SECURITY EMERGENCY PROTOCOLS If customers display emotional outbursts, aggressive language, or threats of violence and staff, volunteers, or other guests feel they are a threat to others or themselves, staff is trained to: · Remove other guests and self from immediate area to an area that is safe. · Call the police and inform them of the situa0on. · If possible, de-escalate individual while remaining safe and calm. FIRE EMERGENCY PROTOCOLS In case of a fire, the following protocols will be followed: · Call 911. · Staff must ensure that all people vacate the building. · Staff should ensure that all persons remain calm while exi0ng the building at the nearest exterior door. · Everyone should report to and remain at the designated evacuation point to wait for directions. · Staff and volunteers should make an effort to notify others in the immediate area of the emergency. MEDICAL EMERGENCY PROTOCOLS In case of a medical emergency, the following protocols will be followed: · An employee or volunteer shall call 911. · If it is possible and safe to do so, do the following: o Protect the victim from further injury by removing any persistent threat to the victim. Do not move the victim unnecessarily. o Provide first aid until help arrives if the Staff/volunteer has appropriate training and equipment. o Send someone outside to escort emergency responders to the appropriate location. PROTOCOLS FOR AFTER THE EMERGENCY When a fire or any other emergency has occurred, an incident report shall be filed with HRDC’s Risk Manager and Safety Committee” DocuSign Envelope ID: ACDEF990-D1DD-4E88-B0C0-040583C53C6A