HomeMy WebLinkAbout21- Drainage Easement - Haven - Lot 3A of Amended Plat of Lot C of Van Horn Subdivision, Lots 3 & 4 and portions of Pond ROW in Minor Subdiv. 223Return to: City of Bozeman City Clerk PO Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 2750993 ˪?°s mÚaÉ -sÎÎÍÎͲ°uÑÎȲMi2 PM Fee .00 ||||||111|||1111|||||||11|||||||||||11111||||||11111|||||||111111lillllllllllilllllllll DRAINAGE EASEMENT Haven,a Montana Corporation,whose addressisP.O.Box 752,Bozeman,Montana 59771, GRANTOR,inconsiderationofOne Dollar($I.00)and othergood and valuableconsideration, receiptof which isacknowledged,grantstotheCityofBozeman,a municipalcorporationofthe StateofMontana,with officesat121 North Rouse Avenue,Bozeman Montana 59715, GRANTEE,itssuccessorsand assigns,an easement forpublicdrainagepurposes,in,through and acrossthefollowingdescribedrealpropertysituatedinGallatinCounty,Montana,more particularlydescribedas followsand on theattachedExhibit"A": Lot 3A oftheAmended Platof Lot C ofVan Horn Subdivision,Lots3 and 4 and portionsof Pond ROW inMinor SubdivisionNo.223,CityofBozeman,Gallatin County,Montana,accordingtotheofficialplatthereofon fileand of recordinthe officeof the County Clerk and Recorder of GallatinCounty,Montana.(Plat ReferenceE-39-C) The GRANTOR warrantsthatitislawfullyseizedand possessedof therealpropertydescribed above,thatithas lawfulrighttoconvey theproperty,orany partofit,and thatitwillforever defendthetitleofthepropertyagainsttheclaimsofallpersons.The GRANTOR furtheragrees thattheGRANTEE may peaceablyhold and enjoytherightsand privilegeshereingranted withoutany interruptionby theGRANTOR. The terms,covenantsand provisionsoftheeasement and agreement shallextendtoand be bindingupon theheirs,executors,administrators,personalrepresentatives,successorsand assignsofthepartieshereto. Dated this day of h ,20M . By: EricaCoyle,Executi DirectorofHaven STATE OF MONTANA ) ):ss County ofGallatin ) On this$hT day of oT ,20M,beforeme theundersigned,aNotary PublicfortheStateof Montana,personallyappearedEricaCoyle,known tome tobe the ExecutiveDirectorofHaven,a Montana Corporation,and thepersonwhose name issubscribed tothewithininstrumentand acknowledged tome thathe executedthewithininstrumentforand on behalfof Haven,aMontana Corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and yearfirstabove written. JULIE E WALTERS --.NotaryPubNoOTARI2fortheStateofMontana (SEAL)Residingat: SEAL.e Bozeman,Montana My CommissionExpires:June8,2025 Not PublicfortheStateof Montana <ML||L &(A/Gl¼ (PrintedName) Residingat h2:Q7td.4 My Commission expires Au /og /20AE ACCEPTED:- BOZE AN ff ihelich CityManager ATTEST: Mike Maas CityClerk ,,,,,, STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this day of cht ß//MS/r ),20d,beforeme,aNotary Publicfor theStateofMontana,personallya13earedJEFF MIHELICH and MIKE MAAS,known tome to be theCityManager and.CityClerkfortheCityofBozeman and thepersonswhose names are subscribedtothewithininstrument,and acknowledged tome thattheyexecutedthesame forand on behalfof theCityofBozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSeal theday and yearfirstabove written. HEATHER BIENVENUE NotaryPublic TAR fortheStateofMontana Residingat: SEAL *e,zeman,Montana My C ssi?nExpires: (hfÁfL ÑMWflly _ o aryPublicfortheStateofMontana (PrintedName) ResidingatBozeman,Montana My Commission Expires://20 EXHIBIT A DRAINAGE EASEMENT WITHIN LOT 3A OF THE AMENDED PLAT OF LOT C OF VAN HORN SUBDMSION, LOTS 3 &4 AND PORTIONS OF POND ROW IN MINOR SUB.NO.223, IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN,GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA PREPARED FOR :CITYOF B0ZEMAN AUGUST,2021 PREPARED BY :SANDERSON STEWART B0ZEMAN,MONTANA LOT2MINORSUB.NO.223 LOT1VANHORNSUBDIVISION POB o*P'ENRTYUNE (TYP) TEMPORARYSTREET 98,PAGE394 SOUTH170'OF TRACT2aCAHILLSUBDIVIS10N R6 R5 CAHILLSUBDIVISION PROPOSED 7.24'09"E,107.10FEET DRAINAGE L2 s 0235'51"W,21.00FEET EASEMENT L3 N 87'24'09"W,57.42FEET EXISBNG10,(9J46SQ.FT.)R1 R=63.00 FEET,A=48'18'05",'UT6UTY LC=S 1230'22"E,51.55FEET R2 R=63.00 FEET,A=28®57'10", LC=S 28'07'15"W,31.50FEET R3 R=63.00 FEET,A=58'39'50", + LC=S 69 55'46"W,61.72FEET R4 R=30.00 FEET,A-44"07'29", 40MTA4 NORM LC=N 58'40'35"W,22.54FEET SCALE:P=60'L4 N 36'36'51"W,8.92FEET R5 R=33.61 FEET,A=0725'55", MICHALDEA LC=N 42'28'45"W,4.36FEET RA R6 R=55.00 FEET,A=04 50'13" LC=N 44'22'46"W,4,64FEET R7 R=180.00FEET,A-34'26'22", LC=N 23'39'28"E,106.57FEET ALLM 20069_EASEMENTEXHIBITS.DWG 20069 8/24/2021