HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-18-21 Public Comment - P. Cosgrave - Rezoning of Bridger Drive and Story Mill developmentFrom:Patricia Cosgrove To:Agenda Subject:Rezoning of Bridger Drive and Story Mill development Date:Saturday, September 18, 2021 1:36:17 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I appreciate the City being open to comments, and hope they will be taken in the serious vein in which they’re offered. The benefits to the developers are obvious in rezoning this area tohigh density and commercial, particularly in light of no real attention to incorporating affordable housing, realistic road and parking infrastructure, and environmental impact on thenearby creek and park land. It would be very helpful to the conversation to hear why the City finds this rezoning to be an acceptable or favorable option for its residents. In the absence ofthat information, I am submitting my reasons for opposition to the currently requested rezoning of this development: Doesn’t flow with the current neighborhood: Multistory condo and apartment housing willstand out as an abrupt and inconsistent intrusion in the surrounding residential and park neighborhood, inevitably changing the area from one of backyards and pathways to the park,to one of more insular multi dwelling living. Traffic and parking: Road and parking infrastructures are underdeveloped for the increase in use by multiple housing and commercial units. Assuming “one parking place per unit” is awildly unrealistic approach to the reality of car ownership in Bozeman—while a boon to developers, it inevitably exacerbates our current traffic and parking issues, issues that are leftin the laps of the residents and City of Bozeman long after the developers have moved on. Purposeful inattention to affordable housing: Apparently, developers have stated that none of the housing is considered “affordable”—in flagrant contrast to the City’s stated, andcommunity-supported, commitment to a housing niche that sorely needs attention. Local environmental impact: The proximity to Bridger Creek raises the usual concerns related to construction, increased traffic, etc. The nearby Story Mill Park was thoughtfullydesigned to provide open space and corridor for the preservation and enjoyment of wildlife. The proposed high density development will certainly benefit from its juxtaposition to thecarefully-crafted park but, ironically, will simultaneously defeat the intent of that space. Again, thank you for listening. I would appreciate being directed to a summary of the City’s rationale in considering this proposal. Sincerely, Patricia Cosgrove