HomeMy WebLinkAbout21129 DRC Comments-052621
DATE: MAY 26, 2021
Project Description: Four new office and warehouse buildings in Gallatin Park
Subdivision with accessory residential apartments. 13 second level residential units,
above 13 commercial units for manufacturing and office with associated parking,
open space, landscaping, and site improvements.
Project Location: 325 Gallatin Park Drive. Legally described as Gallatin Park Sub,
S36, T01 S, R05 E, Block 1, Lot 4A, Acres 1.061, Plat J-300-C Plus Open Space.
Recommendation: Staff has found that the application does not comply with the
requirements of Chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) and is deeming
the application inadequate for further review.
Section 2 – Conditions of Approval
Please note that these conditions are in addition to any required code provisions
identified in this report. The following conditions are specific to the development:
1. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that
are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way,
create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the
Bozeman Municipal Code or state law.
Section 3 – Required Code Corrections
1. Phasing – BMC 38.220.080.A.2.q. Phasing plans must show that each phase
will be fully functional if subsequent phases are not completed. The proposed
phasing plan must include solutions for bike parking, open space, and
sidewalk connectivity to the street with the first phase.
2. Accessory Residential – BMC 38.310.040.C. Apartments are considered
accessory uses in the M-1 zoning district. Accessory means less than 50
percent of the gross floor area of the building, and not located on the ground
floor. Provide a clear breakdown on the coversheet showing gross floor area
of manufacturing/office uses, and gross floor area of residential uses.
3. Non-motorized circulation and design – BMC 38.520.040.D. Pathways must
be separated from structures by at least three feet of landscaping. Departures
are permitted for other landscaping and/or façade design treatments to
provide attractive pathways will be considered. Due to the presence of
driveways to rollup doors the 3-feet of landscaping between the walkways and
buildings cannot be provided. Staff suggests the applicant request a departure
to place the landscaping as designed in separated planting beds or in raised
planters. In some cases the planting beds are 5-feet wide but only contain two
plantings of feather reed grass and rock mulch. This does not meet the intent
of the standard to provide 3-feet of landscaping. Revise plantings to provide
more plant coverage where wider beds are provided.
4. Open Space – BMC 38.520.060.B.2.e. Shared open space must be separated
from ground level windows, streets, service areas and parking lots via
landscaping, fencing, and/or other acceptable treatments that enhance safety
and privacy for both the shared open space and dwelling units. AC units and
utility meters are present in the proposed open space. Provide separation
and exclude those areas from the open space area calculation.
5. Parking – BMC 38.540.020.
a. Clarify in the narrative and drawings how parking will be managed
with spaces parked directly in front of roll up doors.
b. Two parking spaces are proposed within the workrooms of Building
3. Expand on the functionality of this system for usable commercial
space. Staff is having difficulty determining commercial usability if the
workrooms are to be designated parking spaces.
c. Show the location and dimensions of on-street parking spaces outside
of vision triangles on the site plan in order to count residential on-
street parking reductions.
6. Parking – BMC 38.540.020-2. Provide the gross square feet of residential
and non-residential area in the parking calculation for the 50% residential
reduction claimed in this section.
Advisory Comments:
1. Staff supports the proposed departure request from 38.510.030.G building
ENGINEERING COMMENTS, Mikaela Schultz, mschultz@bozeman.net
1. See Attached Memo
SOLID WASTE, Russ Ward, rward@bozeman.net:
1. Make sure roof of enclosure does not overhang the front of enclosure to
allow truck access.
2. Minimum of 10-foot clear opening measured from door jamb to door jamb
3. Enclosure doors must open a minimum of 180 degrees.
BUILDING, Ben Abbey, babbey@bozeman.net:
1. Provide an additional Fire-separation page. Detailing out the Fire-separation
wall construction. Detail continuous separation at wall junctions, floor
framing, stairs alone wall. Per 2018 IBC Chapter 7 (At Building permit
submittal For Review)
2. Live/ Work Units Required to be in accordance with the 2018 IBC Section
3. Live/ Work Units R-2 Occupancy Per Section 310.3 / B Occupancy
4. 1st floor Bathrooms required to be in accordance with ICC A117.1-2009 Per
Chapter 6
PARKS, Addi Jadin, ajadin@bozeman.net:
1. Thank you for addressing the Conceptual Review Comments. Please make the
following minor edits to the Parkland Tracking Table and CILP Narrative:
a. Per Section 38.700.130 definition of net area/density, onsite open
space of 1565 sf may be deducted from the lot area. Total net area is
1.03 acres and net density is 12.68 units/acre.
b. Parkland and CILP amounts are calculated using 2 decimal places.
Required land area is 0.37 acres and CILP owed is $27,621.65
2. Staff's recommendation and applicant CILP justification will be reviewed by
the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board (June 10, 2021 6:30 pm) or its
Subdivision Review Committee (June 11, 2021 8:30 am). Please contact staff
for virtual meeting invitation.
3. Director approval of CILP and required payment amount will be forwarded
to the applicant and planning division upon board/committee review.
Payment to be submitted to Planning Division prior to Site Plan approval
NORTHWESTERN ENERGY COMMENTS, Tom Stewart, District Engineer,
thomas.stewart@northwestern.com, 406-582-0573:
21129 Gallatin Park Mixed Use SP, NWE Project Engineer Nick Haag
Continue to work with NEW engineer Nick hag. Refer to comments submitted
to DRC meeting on 1/20/21.
Future Impact Fees - Please note that future building permit applications will require
payment of the required transportation, water, sewer and fire impact fees according
to the City of Bozeman adopted impact fee schedule in place at the time of building
permit issuance. If you desire an estimate of the required impact fees according to
current rates please contact the Department of Community Development and/or
visit www.bozeman.net.
Note: With this memo, Staff has found the application to be inadequate for
continued review. During review of subsequent revisions, additional
conditions of approval may be recommended based on comments and
recommendations provided by other applicable review agencies involved with
the review of the project.
TO: Danielle Garber
FROM: Mikaela Schultz, Engineer I
RE: Gallatin Park Mixed Use SP
DATE: May 19, 2021
These comments are provided in reference to the April 28, 2021 Site Plan submittal.
1. Sheet C.2 note 6 states that all infrastructure shall be installed in accordance with the latest
edition of the Montanan Public Works. Please add the City of Bozeman Modifications to MPWSS
sixth addition and City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications Policy dated March 2004.
2. The applicant has shown a garbage enclosure located partially on the neighbor’s property witin
the snow storage easement. This structure impedes the ability to store snow here. Also, upon
review of the easement, it does list constructing a garbage enclosure upon it as an approved use.
Please address.
3. With only a 3’ setback on the back lot and construction of a ditch on the HOA property to the
retention pond, the applicant should get approval from the HOA prior to construction.
1. BMC 38.410.080 -Engineering Storm Water Design
a. DSSP Section II.A.4: The applicant must include a drainage plan with post-construction
storm water management controls that are designed to infiltrate, evapotranspire, and/or
capture for reuse the post-construction runoff generated from the first 0.5 inches of
rainfall from a 24-hour storm preceded by 48 hours of no measurable precipitation. For
projects that cannot meet 100% of the runoff reduction requirement, the remainder of
the runoff from the first 0.5 inches of rainfall must be either: a. Treated onsite using post-
construction storm water management control(s) expected to remove 80 percent total
suspended solids (TSS); b. Managed offsite within the same sub-watershed using post-
construction storm water management control(s) that are designed to infiltrate,
evapotranspire, and/or capture for reuse; or c. Treated offsite within the same
subwatershed using post-construction storm water management control(s) expected to
remove 80 percent TSS.
b. If the applicant intends for a portion of the stormwater runoff generated from the
proposed development to be accounted for within the Subdivision stormwater
management system, the applicant must confirm this is the case and verify current
standards will be met. The applicant must demonstrate that stormwater runoff
discharged off-site is equal to or less than the design capacity reserved in the subdivision
ponds for the subject parcel in the subdivision's stormwater design report. The applicant
must also demonstrate how the first 0.5 inch runoff reduction requirement is being met.
The regional storm water pond was created in 1999 prior to DEQ-8 rule requiring
that the first 0.5” of storm water be captured. Please provide calculation verifying
that the pond is sufficiently sized to capture the first 0.5” of the storm for all
contributing area or address how the 0.5” of the storm is going to be retained for
the subject property.
A portion of Building 3 and the lawn out front is shown as part of Basin B which
drains to the HOA retention pond. This property actually drains out to the street
and does not make it into the retention pond. Please address. The calculations in
the drainage report do not include all of the developed or regraded contributing
area. The applicant must address all lot areas in the calculations.
The original TD&H design report assumes a C factor of 0.3 for predevelopment.
It is assumed that this was done due to existing conditions at the time. The
predevelopment rate for the lot should be 0.2. Please explain why this lot
shouldn’t have a higher retention rate based on predevelopment to post
Ground water in bore hole #2 is stated to be 5’4” below ground surface in
November of 2019, historically low groundwater levels. Bore hole appears to be
located at an approximately 4687 contour. Ground water in November of 2019
would be at an elevation of 4681.66’. The bottom of the HOA retention pond
appears to be lower than that. As the original subdivision was done in 1999, it
may be that some of the retention pond fills up with ground water as ground
water comes up. Please provide the bottom elevation of the existing regional
storm pond and concerns that capacity may be taken up from ground water.
Water Rights
4. BMC 38.410.130 (A)(1) Water rights - The applicant must contact Griffin Nielsen with the City
Engineering Department to obtain a determination of cash-in-lieu (CIL) of water rights.
1. Applicant to show the curb stop locations on the plans.
2. DSSP Section V.6.f - All service connections shall be uniform size from the service line tap to the
building structure or structures unless otherwise approved or required by the Water
Superintendent. Service line size reductions must be within 18” of the curb box.
3. Applicant is advised to appropriately size the mechanical room to fit the water service line lay
length. Please contact John Alston (jalston@bozeman.net) the City’s water and sewer
superintendent if additional questions arise.
1. Verify that the 4” sewer service for building 2 does not conflict with the two 6” 1% grade sewer
services for building 1A and 1B where it crosses.
1. If not already filed for the subject site, the applicant must provide and file with the County Clerk
and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of Special Improvement
Districts (SIDs) or special districts for the following if they do not already exist:
a) Street improvements to Davis Lane including lighting, signalization, paving,
curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage.
b) Street improvements to Cattail Street including lighting, signalization, paving,
curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage.
c) Intersection Improvements to Cattail Street and Davis Lane.
d) Intersection Improvements to Cattail Street and Ferguson Avenue.
The document filed must specify that in the event an SID is not utilized for the completion of these
improvements, the developer agrees to participate in an alternate financing method for the
completion of said improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square
footage of property, taxable valuation of the property, traffic contribution from the development,
or a combination thereof. The applicant must provide a copy of the filed SID waiver prior to Site
Plan Approval.