HomeMy WebLinkAboutTrafficImpactStudy_AnnieSub_1985 TRAFFIC ACCESSIBILITY AND IMPACT EVALUATION FOR ANNIE SUBDIVISION BOZEMAN , MONTANA Prepared for Roger Smith 2305 Durston Road Bozeman , MT 59715 Prepared by Sanderson/Stewart/Gaston Engineering , Inc . P . O . Box 861 Bozeman , MT 59715 a C} April , 1985 �Sti11i717tfirti. 82-515 ' NO,TA m ?•c'�,., TABLE OF CONTENTS I . INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 II . EXISTING TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM . . . . 2 III . TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF ANNIE SUB . PHASE I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A . Trip Generation . . . . . . . . . . 3 B . Trip Distribution . . . . . . . . . 3 C . Trip Assignment . . . . . . . . . . 7 D . Non-Site Through Traffic . . . . . 8 IV . TRAFFIC IMPACTS AND ACCESSIBILITY . . . 8 A. Traffic signal Warrant Analysis . 8 B . Capacity Analysis . . . . . . . . . 9 V . CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . 10 I . INTRODUCTION Annie Subdivision is proposed to be a mixed land use subdivision in the northwest sector of Bozeman , Montana . It is located at the northwest corner of Nineteenth Avenue and Durston Road . The proposed masterplan is approximately 245 acres in size and will include residential single family , residential multi - family , residential mobile home , residential office , business , elementary school , and park and recreation uses . The proposed first phase of Annie Subdivision will include 73 mobile home lots , 6 residential -office lots , and 10 . 9 acres of R-4 residential multi - family development . The gross area of the first phase is approximately 40 acres , and the net area excluding streets and parks is approximately 26 . 5 acres . The owner , Mr . Roger Smith , has retained Sanderson/ Stewart/Gaston Engineering , Inc . to subdivide the property , design the public improvements , and to prepare the traffic accessibility study for the proposed development . This report addresses the existing transportation facilities in the site area ; traffic generation , distribu- tion and trip assignment for the proposed development ; future traffic volumes ; access requirements of the site ; this development ' s impact on the area transportation system ; and mitigating measures to minimize traffic impacts . TRAFFIC - 1 i �FR I R�4 D i �t OAK STREET ANNIE SUBDIVISION PHASE I a 1 ti z DURSTON ROAD w o w w w > a a s L a z z z w H w MAIN STREET 3 BABCOCK ROAD BABCOCK STREET vluNITY MAP .i :. II . EXISTING TRAiiSPORTATION SYSTEM Figure 1 1 shows the location of the first phase of Annie Subdivision . The existing streets that will serve the site are : Durston road , North 19th Avenue , North 7th Avenue , and Main Street . Proposed streets shown in the Bozeman transportation plan that will serve the site are : North 19th Avenue north of durston Road and Oak Street from North 19th Avenue to North 7th Avenue . Durston Road is an east-west street which is identi - fied in the Bozeman Transportation Plan as a collector street from Ferguson road to North 19th Avenue and as a minor arterial from North 19th Avenue to North 7th Avenue . Peach Street is a continuation of Durston road east of North 7th Avenue and is identified as a minor arterial from North 7th Avenue to Rouse Avenue . From North 25th Avenue to North 20th Avenue , Durston Road is a two-lane gravel road approximately 24 feet wide without curb and gutter or shoulders . From North 20th Avenue to North 8th Avenue , Durston road is a two- lane , asphalt surfaced street in fair condition . The width on this section is approximately 26 feet wide with two- foot wide gravel shoulders . From North 8th Avenue to North 7th Avenue , the width transitions from 26 feet wide to 39 feet wide . Peach Street just east of North 7th Avenue is 37 feet wide from back to back of curb with one travel lane in each direction and parking allowed on both sides . The TRAFFIC - 2 pavement on Peach Street is in good condiLion . The speed limit throughout the urban area is 25 m . p . h . Durston Road and Peach Street are traffic signal controlled at North 7th Avenue . North 19th Avenue is a north- south street which is identified in in the Bozeman Transportation Plan as a minor arterial street . From Durston road to Beall Street , North 19th Avenue is 91 feet wide with a 17- foot raised median with left-turn lanes , one 17- foot travel lane in each direction , a bike lane , and a parking lane in each direction . It has curb and gutter on both sides and the pavement is in excellent condition . From 200 feet north of Main Street to Beall Street , North 19th Avenue has a raised median 17 feet wide and left turn lanes , one travel lane , and a bike lane in each dir- ection . Parking is not allowed on this section . It has curb and gutter on both sides , and the pavement is in excellent condition . From Main Street to 200 feet north of Main Street , North 19th Avenue has a raised median with left- turn lane , one travel lane in each direction , and bike lanes on both sides . Parking is not allowed on either side . It has curb and gutter on both sides , and the pavement is in excellent condition . North 19th Avenue is signed for 25 m . p . h . throughout and is traffic signal controlled at Main Street . TRAFFIC - 3 l North 7 . . Avenue is a north- south s _ ,-eet which is identified as a principal arterial in the Bozeman Transpor- tation Plan . Fromm Main Street to Villard Street , North 7th Avenue is approximately 50 feet wide with two travel lanes in each direction and no parking . The pavement is in fair con- dition . From Villard Street to Aspen Street , North 7th Avenue is approximately 90 feet wide with curb and gutter on both sides . There is a raised median with left-turn bays . There are two through lanes and left and right turn lanes from each directin at Durston Road . The pavement is in fair condition . IThe speed limit on North 7th Avenue is 25 m . p . h . , and it is traffic signal controlled at Durston Road , Mendenhall Street , and at Main Street . North_llth_Avenue is a north- south street which is identified in the Bozeman Transportation Plan as a collector from College Street to Durston Road . North llth Avenue is 48 feet wide with curb and gutter on both sides-, parking allowed on both sides , and one travel lane in each direction . The pavement is in good condition . The speed limit is 25 m . p . h . except for the school zone which is signed for 15 m. p . h . from 8 : 30 AM to 4 : 30 PM . TRAFFIC - 4 i r� R ROq 0 i OAK STREET ro ANNIE SUBDIVISION PHASE 1 � w > 1 a i ti z DURSTON ROAD w 0 w w ?�000 t z ix z Z I C�oO Z z w w MAIN STREET 3 BABCOCK ROAD BABCOCK STREET �iG-BUR E. Z. �X>�T►►JC-� 1�AFFIC.. - IgB� III . TRAFFIC CHA,.ACTERISTICS OF ANNIE SUB . voASE I A . Trip_Generation The proposed Annie Subdivision , Phase I , will include R-0 , R-4 and RMH zoning . The proposed site is expected to generate average weekday traffic as shown in Table I . The trip generation rates shown in Table I were estimated from studies presented in Trip—Generation by the Institute of Transportation Engineers , 3rd Edition , 1982 . The rates used are average rates for the various land uses and the actual trip generation could be higher or lower than that shown . The site is expected to generate a maximum of 2 , 760 vehicle trips on an average weekday if the office and multi - family areas are developed to the maximum allowable density. For the purposes of this study , we have assumed that all site generated traffic will be external to the site . B . Trip Distribution Site traffic distribution is the percentage of site traffic on each of the major approach routes that serve the site . The estimation of site traffic distribution can be done by several methods . The primary methods which are usually used are : 1 . Area of influence method 2 . Origin-destination data method 3 . Surveying of adjacent similar developments This report reflects the origin-destination data 1 TRAFFIC - 5 4-J j co a t-0{ co :) r+ t.0 rn� r o L I a { 0L co 00 t�o �-- i 1 ra I L ( 0 1 S 4-3 1 I` O Ln( N 0I N � �� LO Iz of M � � 1 a Q ( 01 D1 co L i N ro { N CO N b 1 +� I C a3 { p cn ro Ln1 to -0 04 ct co 00 0 r o Lo a) L( M lD r-I t-. Z C > N i-i ra N GO rts C 3 I Ecu I C= N I U- 01- 0 1 w co 01 z o w a> >, +-J I o cD c v, roI 0 0 0 vo zs 1 a a . 4 W 0- r L 1 J rn cu co CL' r > a) •r Q {- > Q .:s L{ � � I cn I I u- t— L n o LO n N •� W ¢ •rl P+ r• CD �{ N O w �{ w �y { O I � a� I H I ro I s I � a 1 LA aj ( cu L cn S.. CJ .}--) U ro cu I 0 co •r{ CT l0 cn I co ' I r" O ri I i I 1 >1 { co r- 1 E 'r 0 E ro c a�i u- ro ai J �{ u { g O method . Trip tables for the year 2000 for the Bozeman area were acquired from the Montana Department of High- ways which estimate the number of trip ends to and from approximately 120 zones and external stations in the Bozeman area . The proposed site is within zone 104 on the traffic analysis zone map . We have analyzed the trip distribu- tion for all five trip tables from zone 104 for the year 2000 . Figure 3 shows the estimated site traffic distri - bution for 1985 and 2005 . Both distributions are based on the year 2000 trip tables , however , we have assumed in our analysis that North 19th Avenue will be built ffrom Durston Road to Baxter Road and Oak Street will be i built from North 19th Avenue to North 7th Avenue by the year 2005 . C . Trip Assignment In order to assign the site generated traffic to the surrounding street network , the trip generation estimates shown in Table I are distributed to the streets providing access to and from the proposed development according to the percentages of total trips shown in Figure 3 . Figure 4 shows the estimated average weekday site traffic assignments on the surrounding street network for 1985 and year 2005 . Figures 5 + 6 show our estimates of the A.M . and P . M. peak hour site traffic on an average weekday for 1985 assuming full development of Phase I of Annie Subdivision . TRAFFIC - 7 FR Rpq o � I 'A f OAK STREET O ANNIE 7 SUBDIVISION 1 PHASE i w > a f � DURSTON ROAD w 37 � 8 0 > w > a a a t � g r rn = w l Z r Z Z MAIN STREET BABCOCK ROAD BABCOCK STREET 2� l- 21 F1UUIzx--- �. EsTIMNTF-D 51TE TRAFFIC- U15TZI 15 Lrr I D P.J xx% _ 1985 I e4� rFR IR o I I 9 OAK STREET 0 F— ANNIE 470 SUBDIVISION PHASE I w > 4 10 L I o- Z g7,9 I i 4� DURSTON ROAD w — > 3Co0 � ZZo w w > w > 22p a /5Zo t LU L m = z � U) w -� '�—� M A I N STREET BABCOCK ROAD BABCOCK STREET S� �IC,Urz-E.. o p I iLL���� EgTI MATED S fTE �-P._p,FF I L IO b = t A5�I G N M ENT- - AIT O xx IZaos aSanderson/Stewart/Gaston Engineering, Inc. Date 4 i2f-8S ' Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors Job BZ 5i5 1629 Avenue D Billings, Montana 59102 B W 14 406-245.6366 Y L Sheet 1 ji F1t ;UIZ-1 .. �5. E�E�-nMQ'r'E.D AM PE.Ak. i46og srrfz i9Zs �tTE. A�-LF + 'Do zl- i- IQ ZOA.t>JIL N Ir N ip _ tit, x x ---► ----- 4 S �7x o Ave.. + m 4 l m sT�Gs;T 32 Z9 a o _ t V 3to a zo ZZ P� ----�- �---- !o a ----- �---- o I U o C> O o zs Sanderson/Stewart/Gaston Eng ineering, Inc. Date � �2/ �s - Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors Job Sz/ S15 1629 Avenue D Billings, Montana 59102 By L---W EA _ 406-245-6366 Sheet / ►1 �t7 E RGG �2 ► L7t F—. -'rFOK.l Z'Ob.0 1J• 1 A>/E. 4-- DvTZ--SrraN 9 04h.D I I� x Ito - yc x• x �I , . �. ►IF'8 x o o _1 ------P- �---- G� x o + t� ��-rra rt u.o�v �•!. grt`' /�. E. �- t✓1�.►r,1i-R� " 37 A A D ZS '_._.... �► g ---�- 9 a ----�' o 14 o � Q 13 o p 3ln o 0 I D . Non_Site_Throu h Traffic The Bozeman Transportation Plan , prepared by Clete I Daily and Associates in cooperation with the Montana f Department of Highways and the Federal Highway Adminis- tration , contains estimates of the year 2000 average weekday traffic volumes on the existing and committed street system . Travel demand and trip assignment were estimated using a computer model with the variables of population , dwelling units and employment . The results of the computer simulation were compared to the traffic counts done in 1977 and were adjusted accordingly. The R E,c.c>apt nnE u�E.G estimates of year 2000 traffic on the enx4sti ^ , ^e' - ffl44—t-e-d street system that were presented i n the Bozeman Transportation Plan are shown in Figure 7 for streets in the site area . IV . TRAFFIC IMPACTS AND ACCESSIBILITY A. Traffic_Signal_Warrant_Analysis In order to evaluate the need for traffic signal controls , we need to estimate the average daily traffic approach volumes and the hourly variations in approach traffic for the highest eight hours of an average weekday. We have estimated the average weekday traffic volumes using existing traffic counts plus estimated site traffic for 1985. and the traffic volumes shown in Figure 7 for the year 2000 . The hourly variation in traffic volumes was estimated using our peak hour traf- fic counts and typical hourly traffic volume variations TRAFFIC - 8 rFR f d R�q 0 i d d f OAK STREET 13,� A N N I E SUBDIVISION PHASE { I$*0 � w t > 1 � I z 1 DURSTON ROAD w Z oo 7,ZL>O ix QDD w w > w > r s m z W 35 2ao z z w —� MAIN STREET 3 BABCOCK ROAD BABCOCK STREET 23,Z.Cx� Ui-,5Tl M AT'ED Eh.,R- ZOOD �i�a.F F I C_ �..GG-oMNtiE.tJDE.D ✓�/STEI'✓i developed fi i 24-hour traffic counts E approximately 20 major intersections in Billings , Montana . Figures 8 and 9 show the traffic signal warrant analysis for Warrant No . 1 , Minimum Vehicular Volume for the inter- section of North 19th Avenue and Durston Road for 1985 year 2000 . Capacity_Analysis The estimated P . M. peak hour traffic volumes including existing traffic from our peak hour traffic counts plus estimates of peak hour site traffic were used to analyse the capacity and level of service at the intersections of North 19th Avenue and Durston Road and at North 7th Avenue and Durston Road . The analysis was done using fully developed Phase I site traffic plus existing traffic and the existing street network site traffic distribution . The signalized intersection of North 7th Avenue and Durston road was analysed using the critical move- ment technique . The intersection of North 19th Avenue and Durston Road was analysed using the method for calculating level of service for unsignalized inter- sections presented in the Transportation Research Board Circular 212 . This method will be included in the new Highway Capacity Manual that will be published in the near future . Figures 10 and 11 show our intersection capacity analysis . TRAFFIC - 9 SANDERSON/STEWART/GASTON ENGINEERING, INC. TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS Calc: L. AOWE- Date: 4. IZ •Ss Major St. PUiZ.STDKJ ZOA.D (6,800) Critical Approach Speed 215 mph Minor St. N . t°jt-4 AVE. (3040 s.5.) Critical Approach Speed Z5 mph Critical speed of major street traffic 40 mph 0 or Rural (R) I in built-up area of isolated community 10 , 000 pop. (] Urban (U) IWARRANT #1 Minimum vehicular volume Satisfied Yes No 88 % I Min. Re uiremt U R U I'R Number of 2 I Approaches l more IZ-! j-Z. Z-3 3-4 4-S G>-7 Major Street 00 420 3Rlo 544 Soo 4,56 493 top(, !oa$ 44-Z IMinor Street I 150 105 00 140 182 I Z02 1 ZZS 1 ZoS 2zz I za9 1 Z83 J99 WARRANT #2 Znteruption of continuous traffic Satisfied Yes No Min. Requiremt U' R U I R Number of 2 Approaches 1 more Major Stree 7 0 525 900 6 0 Minor Street 75 153 1100170 1 FIC:-, UJZE �. ZOOO SANDERSON/STEWART/GASTON ENGINEERING, INC. TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS Calc: L. 4ovJE Date: 4 - 1z- &E, Major St. tJ. I�j A�V�. (ts, � Critical Approach Speed mph Minor St. F-DA.D (340O wry) Critical Approach Speed 2-5 mph Critical speed of major street traffic 40 mph or� Rural (R) in built-up area of isolated community 10 , 000 pop. E] Q Urban (U) WARRANT ttl Minimum vehicular volume Satisfied Yes No % 0 Min. Recuiremt U R U I R Number of 1 or Approaches more 8-9 tZ-f i-Z Z-3 34 4-S S-t• C,-7 Major Street 6Q0 420 1 I'Z-7& 13 tzU o 1 I7-40 l341 ISc!-5 1415 qoZ Minor Street 150 105 C20QI140 IZ14 17-11) Izzs I Zob Z25 7-51 1 Z`90 Zo2 WARRANT #2 Interuption of continuous traffic Satisfied Yes No o Min. Recuiremt U R U I R Number of 2 Approaches 1 more Major Street 750 525 9 63 Minor Street 75 53 JZOO)J 70 c� y, U e W LL J 0 d r cr) Go k \NA Q # J ` I c.tin cli A N a rr) (Y LL Y� i THE TF?AFFiL_, CRITICAL MOVEMENT TECHNIQUE [A ^,JOP'Hs,/ESTEPN INTERSECTION CAP. CITY WORKSHEET 4CL--,S� PC) Pox,aC)q E,­',Tol 13r>Z EMM.l INTERSECTION: �I .7 ' + bU2'SFOhi xAo►rr &)A- BY 4MIG- DATE: 4.1Z SS GEOMETRY AND VOLUMES 2, LANE ASSIGNMENT DESIGN HOUR: CYCLE LENGTH: Approach 3 1 2 3-�-4 a. Number of left turns in vph b. Total opposing vol- M M N N (� 1(a ume in vph 1 � c. Left turn equiva- llX�� lency 305 d. Equivalent through vehicles in tote: (a x c) 0 421 ,� o e. Volute of through n + richt turn vehi- cles in tpce f. Total equivalent through vehicles t � � � in tpce: (d + e) 47-1 ./ g. Equivalent through 47 381 vehicles per lane I� —+ 381 in tpce 2 - h. Through vehicles in left lane in vph: (g - d) ADDroach 4 OLEFT TURN CHECK CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES PHASES CRITICAL LANE VOLUME APPROACH ( � 37 1 2 3 4 a. Number of clearanc 1 intervals per hour 4Z.I b. Left turn capacity `tt on clearance in- terval in vph c. G/C ratio 30� d. G/C x 1200 e. Total opposing volume in vph, VO f. Allowable left turn volume in vpn, V L: (d - e) g. Left turn capacity in vph: (b or f) h. Left turn volume \ in vph — Ji. Is volume less tha capacity: (h < g)? Sum of C Critical Lane Vol. 181 3558 i THROUGH PASSENGER CAR EQUIVALENTS Total Opposing Volume Through Passenger Car Equivalents (tpce) , of One Left Turning Vehicle 0 - 299 1 .0 300 - 599 2.0 600 - 999 4.0 > 1000 6.0 1 1 t LEVEL OF SERVICE RANGES t Approximate Maximum Sum of Critical Level Probability Lane Volumes of Load of Service Factor Clearance Two-phase Three-phase Multi-phase 26 3� >4 IA 0.0 95% 1100 1000 900 B 0.1 90% 1200 1100 1000 C 0.3 75% 1300 1200 1100 D 0.7 60/a 1400 1300 1200 E 1 .0 50% 1500 1400 1300 l I 3558 Sii,DEPSON;'S7L'w,=/C,--�S'T'ON 1---NGrZ1:::}ZING, LNC. Unsigr ed "T" Intersection Capacity Calcut )n Form lwcrxcnon 1�• AVe- Location Pian: T7l)RST� 2� ?�t Counts: Da} AVE. WEEKDAY A li Timc S _(D PM Control _ STOW' C rJ,lg AV. Prevalhnt SNed Hourly Demand T a,Tic Volumes from S to .�7_m APproi:h A 1 B r C TY_ �tmemer.t At AR 1 E3e � � tat Cr. � CH oiunte ( le) 358 ( 6) I�g 10Z ZZo pch, r 7 n t JD 112. Z42 Step I P.iJ ht Turn from C I CH /-- Conflicting Flows = 1!H= 11 AH + At = (from Fic. 1) 179 + l'l5 = 374 pA Critical Gap from Table 2 T, sec Capacity from Fig.2 = titso — &40 � an Shared Lane— See Step 3 No Shared Lane Demand = CH Available Rene = Sty _ CH = 3ajQj Delay&Lei el of Sc ,ice(Table 3) veLAY DA Step 2 Left Turn from B I B, (' Conflicting Flows = M,, = AH + At = (frmm Fie. 1) 5,5 C,-iti.al Gap from Table 2 T,_ sec Capacity from Fie. 2 �l = _ &70 ..o= fit=— nrA Demand = $L= 10 xA Capacity Used = !00(BL/l2)_ 1 _�[ Impedance Factor from Fig.3 = p: Available Reserve = tit:_ BL = G�C#zj Delay&Level of Sen ice(Table 3) nld bE L.A. Step 3 Lett Turn from C C, --1 Conflicting Flows = \'1H= !"A +. R+ A T BL + Fat = (from Fig. 1) 171) + t° + 1) + 10 552, Critical Gap from Table 2 T,= 7 5 sec Capacity from Fig. 2 = til.vo Adjust for Impedance hl.vo x p2 =JAI,_ 7 pcA No Shared Lane Demand= CL = I IZ s.rA Available Reserve = h13—CL= 235 prA Delay&Level of Service(Table 3) AV&Z A4;1a A _LAV Shared Lane Demand = CH +CL — CRL = Shared Lane with Right Turn (CH + CL) Capacity of Shared Lane = M„ htia = yrA Available Reserve = h!„—C&L = xA Delay«• Level of Service (Table 3) Overall Evaluation 90 V . CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ifAnnie Subdivision , Phase I , is expected to generate approximately 2 , 760 vehicle trips on an average weekday. We have assumed in this report that all vehicle trips will P be external to the site . The traffic generated by Annie Subdivision , Phase I FA will impact Durston Road , North 19th Avenue , and North 7th Avenue , primarily with minor effects on other streets in the Bozeman area . Durston Road and North 19th Avenue are classified as minor arterials in the Bozeman Transportation Plan , and North 7th Avenue is classified as a principal arterial . Durston Road presently carries about 5 , 000 vehicles per day in the site area and 12 , 000 to 14 , 000 vehicles per day west of North 7th Avenue . It is expected that by the year 2000 , if North 19th Avenue is built from Durston Road to Baxter Lane , and if Oak Street is built from North 19th Avenue to North 7th Avenue , traffic volumes will be about the same on Durston Road as they are now . These volumes indicate the need for a 3 or 4 lane cross section on Durston Road . North 19th Avenue is expected to carry 18 , 000 to 19 , 000 vehicles per day in the site area by the year 2000. This indicates the need for 4 through lanes ( two in each direction ) plus left- turn bays at major intersections . Our traffic signal warrant analysis indicates that traffic signals are not warranted at the present time at the intersection of North 19th Avenue and Durston Road . TRAFFIC - 10 With the added traffic generated by Annie Subdivision , Phase I , traffic signals will still not be warranted . However , between now and the year 2000 , additional non- site traffic increases will warrant a traffic signal installation at the intersection of Durston Road and North 19th Avenue . Our capacity analysis indicates that the present intersection of North 19th Avenue and Durston Road will operate at level of Service C or better with stop- sign control on North 19th Avenue with the present lane config- uration after full development of Phase I of Annie Subdivision . Our capacity analysis indicates that the intersection of North 7th Avenue and Durston road will require addi - tional turn lanes on Durston Road to operate at an accep- table level of service in the P . M. peak hour . With the additional traffic generated by Annie Subdivision , left- turn lanes will be required on both east and west bound approaches to North 7th Avenue . Also , an exclusive left- turn phase on the traffic signal will be required for east- bound traffic . A separate left- turn phase for traf- fic on North 7th Avenue is not needed and in fact would lower the level of service . The left-turn lane on the east-bound approach to North 7th Avenue on Durston Road needs to be a minimum of 300 feet long- and desirably 400 feet long . On the west-bound approach , the left- turn lane needs to be 50 to 75 feet long . This can be accomplished TRAFFIC - 11 with the existing street width for west- bound traffic by eliminating parking for 200 feet east of North 7th Avenue and adding signing and striping . This project should agree to build its portion of Durston Road and North 19th Avenue adjacent to its prop- erty. In addition , it should agree to participate in its fair share of the cost of future signalization at the intersection of North 19th Avenue and Durston Road and in its fair share of the improvements at Durston Road and North 7th Avenue . The owner has agreed to sign a waiver of protest for future area wide S . I . D . ' s limited to his fair share of the above mentioned improvements based on estimated traffic generation . f TRAFFIC - 12 END APPENDIX "A" TRAFFIC COUNTS GRAPHIC SUMMARY OF VCNICLE MOVEMENTS Ot�s.'rver Date 4-2-85 Tuesdav Intersection of Durston Road day -and-- N. 19th Avenue City Bozeman Time- AM 7: 15-8 : 15 362 0 (496) 'RRT) 4 :30 - 5: 30 0 > a, 166 196 -� (227) (269) rd c, 5 191 (9) (260) 154 210 (220) (349) 56 (129) 247 (389) 331 (464) 375 ' 12 (502) (7) 128 1 116 (113) (115) (106) Durston Road Street Name T't7TAL ENTERING AM (PM) N / S _167 227 E / W 368 504 i'otal ® ® r 1 0 � .Q L,J � --4 u� y a. CO Ln C N N r 1 y I -- O ro O 6 I o 'U -ato N o d I I N v .~� ro Z O tcg Ln VD, u u O . 4J CN 0 cr m r Lnn C, r�-� o . o O • o °` L z uj -TT—F LAI o _ 'x • r to N c h M rn 1p r-t C C1 N N N M ,n N U) 'o V 0• ` zw ru E i H c 0 .Q Czz7 ►.. Z w O t-a C C C C O O o V�1 � z S4 O N N h Ql N lfl cr W p Q t/f N Ln U) co O r-1 Ln w rt r V tti Ln O CO O cr h us M to N N V) '"t r t ,-I N N N Ix w 1• ® o N C C1 M C l IT r-i C7 N 4N CN Cil O t +4 « 3 U r- O •.[ M CC) CO N lD h 0 0 2 J-) t tx ri r-� fM v C Cl O) . N rj Ic O O O O O C S~ Q O N 1.1 ♦ 1 O rn q r-1 O Lr) Lr) C o 0 0 .� Y C ItT •• O O O ;; M O •• •• N tit O i 1 t 1 1 t l a l •Q v F v L ►- n Ln o o O O O o a v �1 d+ O O O CD a • i GRAPHIC SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS observer Date 4-4-85 Day mhursda_y Intersection o4 N. 7t'.h Lyenuor_ and Durston - reach City Bozeman __.. time: 1276 AM 7 : 15 - 8 : 15 (2050) o (PNI) 5 : 00 - 6 : 00 Q 820 456 c Z 1 (857) (1193) � i . m i 190 242 24 v� (378) (726) (89) t 274 $ (337) 359 79 119 r (578) (207) . (330) 802 34 396 1 ( ) 51 (5 5 0) ` E (37) r 443 i 212 277 (547} (147) (220) 14 (36) 41 495 16 , (.22) (483) (34 ) + rDurston - reach t Name 552 262 (539) (796) TOTAL ENTERING AM (PM) 814 N / 5 (1335) 1082 1653 E / W 562 877 Total 6 � I U'1 ro O m i U4 • i •n 4J d E 14 `—o' o q ° Z ® 0 !+• 0 N -A r 4 I a at y •` C C co a "J r-i M M I sa ® O f N ri lD •,, • > o fV LD f r x r Q p E •o r � o g r � 0 cc 4-j • O N if: h W �' w OJ ct' W U V M o y c C) M r ri N M \ O •w ¢ d Q �• ,[ tX %A C} er C rn 1-• A W R1 cc N Ln co O 2 r-4 ' a "� `" h Co p n .-1 N V l0 M •tT W t!1 W X o C tIt h o N to Z z "• co 00 co O x o d a N = s~ � m O > _ N M 41 z U1 < ° 0) M ?4 • C, r-I CO Q O N M 6A tf) h M ol W1 Ln W h p LAS C O 4 r-1 1 lD r O p Q toO au 'j r p Cv � I .. e SA'VilEC;�'/S'Tf�rr'1FYi'/GAST�?:t ��C;��Lth*{,, I;�C. GRAPHIC SUMMARY OF VEHICLE t,10VEMENTS I Observer Date4`4-85 Day Thursday Intersecti _ n of Durston Road .-- and `I. 17th Ave. City - '- -ia n Time: 207 tt IAM = -= - 8 : 15 (222) v ! (PM) 5 ' ' - 6 : 00 u > E C t 17 6 31 s. t (76) (146) u 1 c, p 10 4 17 (46) (18 82 48 (29) E_3 183 205 ' (321) (418) # 521 1 (671) (1) 115 604 gg (745) ' (41) < 1 i 289 276 399 320) (274 ) (327) I 8 (12) e 3 13 5 t (0) (5) (15) ` Durston Road Street Name 21 13 (20) (31) TOTAL ENTERING AM (PM) 34 N / 5 (51) 189 107 E /W 494 738 Totat t � s 1 .° Co O N z N M M t O ° O� N ° ... 4 m M O er E+ $4 :� ° z dw •@ H N N N ? 49 w O r- I '� .-1 N V O r. z r O E v d [ co r N o cc 4A N cif Za 0�• r-4 e-1 ti oc uJ 0 e. :E E. �+ r i N W6 < U > \ F W r4 «- N ci v H z w w o ° 6i. 62 E ° H v o Q U` - z L1! W `" A r N 6- A w C) Lg co 41 Z �4 0 a e-vs co M u °^ w- d. ULr L W N u.l .� rcc 1^ A o � r•1 O ° . � O �4 E •o A X Q? c ° y z Q1 O F:� co Cie 'IT r4 Q) 4-1 > r- ° M Ln :� 4-LM i~ O w r- Z u) cc r--i Ln Itr 0 cQ0 u O A v r 1 O r U tf1 O O a e GRAPHIC SL;"' `. RY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS Observer_ Date 4-3-85 Day t?ednesdav Intersection of main St-==` anti 19r_h Avenue _ City Bozeman Time: _ S AM 7 : 15-8 : 15 (- t3} ( P M) 4 : 15-5 : 15 z v c l 110 7 N i (i'1) (151) (63) I I 56 _ (137) :258 165 276 i27) (775) (1064 ) 37 882 (115) L943(1810) 42 ) (65) t i } 624 474 667 (783) (586) (826) 151 (175) La6) (2 142. 10s ( 06) (226) main Street Street Name 225 298 (518) (441) TOTAL ENTERING AM (P M) 523 N ! 5 (�59) 538 849 E /W 900 1 1847 Total S [, .-, f-, i O Y p tN-Pi n: ¢ cr) co R r r Ln 't7 O O 00 tP, O + b 1 0) U c t M ,O{ lC mot' QJ C ccI ( CO CO 00 v . O O �" N r-i t„p _ w rn 00 Lr � Lr) I d. W r cz � V1 • A > N M M M �. z O a E v Q Z > z a �+ MQ - l I- N L n L. Ln r r-i C G^ N l0 r--i Z O r-i r-i r-I r-•1 tf) 4 Ln ..d r co m d V M r C co r- d tz7 ® = L LO I:7 H > N 00 r--I r- Li E. E� z r iy \ `� C9 • v LLr v a «- z ul O M en ko • Lf1 Ln V. N Ln ® @^41 M o l0 r _ O N r-1 l0 t r r w LAJ �'a O N h fV to r- fV N (N N Ltt O N M ct cop.. t o cT 00 lf1 C C ® N (V Z z > ti • O • E -o N z z « r r O l0 ct v' M z LY Lf) C1 r-I r L ® N co LnO lO Q w N O Ln tf) N �' t11 L!") lJ C p ua W co W Ln to f 1 1 G O v � a" O ►-. �► — O Ln O Ln CL V c -4 0 N e+ h r•-i Q t f' V'