HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlat_Existing_AnniePh3A_J-343 PLAT OF ANNIE SUBDIVISION PHASE IIIA - 3 4 3 I A TRACT OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 1 OF ANNIE SUBDIVISION PHASE II, SITUATED IN THE SE1 /4 OF SECTION 2, T2S, R5E, O:FOUND REBAR W/YPC UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED "RADIALBEARNGBARW/ PC P.M.M., CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MON TANA BASIS OF BEARIN0 BEARINGS 'FOR THIS PLAT ARE BASED ON THE SOUTH " LINE OF ANNIE SUBDIVISION PHASE II BEING S891517W CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION We,the undersigned property owners.do hereby certify that we haw chased to be surveyed,subdivided and platted into lots,blocks.streets,and alleys, GROSS AREA=10.834 ACRES and other divlelona and Eedicationa,as shown by the plat hereunto included,the following described tract of land to-wit: ROAD AREA-2.181 ACRES UESIONSP,ON OPEN SPACE=1.153 ACRES �_//''�� �NET LLOTT AREA-7.490 ACRES A tract of land being a portion of Lot 1 of Annie Subdivision Phase 11 situated in the SE1/4 of Section 2,T2S,R5E.P.M.M.,City of Bozeman,Gallatin IEGAL AN6 PHYSICAL ACCESS IS PROVIDED BY NORTH County,Montana.and being farina descr524'ibed,distance rn 21T11 AVENUE,ROGEWS WAY,ROSE STREET,AND right if-at a Pontio which bears.r..,'4the a dlatance of ..terl feet from the S1/4NOO' rn er of said Section 2,said point being on the he terly right SNAPDRAGON STREET. right-of-way Iine feet North 251h Avenue;theme along saki easterly right-of-way 5 feet.along o distance o/a le feet,along a cur.t1 the right hating a radius o/f 3.feel o dlnd NI of 112.03 het. ce of 135. a distance o/ 8915 fast,along c eurw to 8 fast; having a radius or a distance Met a filet:th of"O"11 feel,and N71lis of 11 a defence he ce N11 Met thence Noce o7"E a distance of 312.68 feet;thence S87'4ht-of a distance of Annie fset;thence 56811'42"E a diatonte of 110.34 feel;thence N11'28T7'E a due of 129.99 Mel to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of Annie Street;thence along said right-of-woy Iine along a non-tangent curve to the right having a radial bearing of S145238'W and a reek,e of 1290.00 feet a distance of 37.48 last to the northeast corner of Block 14 of Annie Subdivision Phase I; thence along the west line of said Block 14 S051429"E a /\ dlatonco of 859.93 feet thence S891517"W a distance of 651.06 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said tract being 10.834 acres along with and subject to any existing ecsemonls. ANNIE STREET _. The above-described tract of land is to be known and aeserMed as"Annie SubdMalon Phox IIIA",City of Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montana,one the .-.. .. T uea n •,_jR=1290.00 the a included.. In all enjoyment. oven .alleys and parks or public sWares shown o said plot are hereby grontetl and donated to the City of Bozeman for public one anpymant. I 4=1'39'53° Dat of- *----.2002. <w Rog X.Smith Rosalind I.Smith PIITURF.'il'HASE' srATE MONTANA ) AN N SIJBDiR ON PHASE 1111 ^° )SS •fl�q' °y County of Gallatin ) N o e IS87'45'14"E ^N THE FOLLOWING LOTS ARE HEREBY DESIGNATED FOR On this 42 day of-".T 2002,before m a Notary Public In and for the Slate of Montana,Personally appeared Roger H. Z ^ SNOLE-FAMILY USE ONLY AND MUST REMAIN AS SUCH SYRh and Rosalind I.Smith,husband and wiM known to me to be the persons whose names are sUbscribed to n the abo Instrument,and who N 9 t5'17" 312. 8' 1 .10' ^SB8 FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT. acknowledged to me that they executed the same. 59.89' BLOCK 1 LOTS 1-2,4-6 83,12' 65.00' 65.00' 65.00' 34.38' 46.41' 11.8 71¢?e BLOCK 2: LOTS 1-8,10-21 WITNESS my hand and seal,the day and year also.first written. `??9 •��\ BLOCK 3: LOTS 1-8.10-13.15-1. 0R O O LOT 5 '" / / I THE F'OLIDYTNG IDTS ARE DESIGNATED FOR MULTI-FAALr � = a TA1tr Z LOT 1 W LOT 2 $ LOT 3 8 LOT 4 n 10 za2Z 1 USE As 9HOM kE�Gtk Publi f�etlhQe state f Moment P*: 's $ Y o sego sqF< - �ta-. a aw eosin at se fh z,zoos .�Ef r` J� BLOCK 1: LOT 3 9 7406 S Ft 6500 5 Ft $6500 S Ft $6500 SQFt MtNx EA9!YfN I M commission e q g 9 Q q O n /� ! BLOCK 2: LOT 9 Yxpkes,ATE Ln a $ f 8 i v�^> !•,, �/ e N { BLOCK 3: LOTS 9,14,17 CERTIFICATE OF oOLIPtETION OF GaFRomiENTs a B I 0 `Cr K 9 /:" ^� ,P ! 1 Y•`�. I We,Roger H.Smith and Rosalnd 1.Smith,and 1,Gerald Goater,a registered plot..ionol engineer licensed to practice in'fNd i9tbts'aI Montana,do herby g 65.00' 85.00' 65.00, 65.00, L.4$,62' / / 0 sN `dU: certfy that the following improvements,required as conditions of opprowl of Annie Subdivision Phase IIIA,haw been Installed in conformmce with the N8915.00' 2B9.00' L�0,0°/ / vVY^ approwd plans and specifications: water,sanitary and storm sewers,street.,curb and gutter,and:ld.-M along North 25th Avenue. The bdINIder hereby worranta against detects in these Impro.mente far a period of one year from this date. The subdivider grants possession f all public 1?B / 1�r0 g> + infrastructure Improvements to the City of Bozeman,and the City In accepts possession of all public infrastructure improvements,subject to the xsalelYE _ sexes' _ ? �tT BO e!' 6M1 .aN Dew-indicated warront� J 2GO2. ( ,t S ROGER'S NAY -� � a R;°o• N''' To f L-2z2o' �?e a m �= J/V�,��wsusr r N 15'17'E 258.49' L.I BB. ��y -�____ q =�sG•'s+•/1-�--__ /v SSr+.yxk'. CA O1 75.00 68.28' 78.73' 36.10' La50.JB 0 $ o R er Son' R xlind I.Smith , .y 1 °o. 0'(9 Sai` N LOT OWNERS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT RESIDENTIAL SIDEWALKS FRONTING PRIVATE STA OF MONTANA ) On My ' '� �G ; ry (�i°� �o qg�G 0 i c�i1 LOTS ON ROGER'S WAY, SNAPDRAGON STREET, )SS w r m 8 a4 $ 3 s S o v AND ROSE STREET MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR county of Gallatin ) Q F-m m O O�' -P'S O m m"�' `, o 0 1 TO OCCUPANCY OF ANY STRUCTURE ON SAID On this _day of 4U6UST ,_ 2002,before me,a Notary Public in and fw the State of Montana,personally appeared Roger H. m O ,^a ,^a y' v �' V� .o •1� LOTS UPON THE THIRD ANNIVERSARY OF THE Smith tl Roaolmtl 1.Smith,husband and wale.known to me to be the persons whose name b clrhQd t n the abo.instrument,and who 6�e do N7110 23 1 RECORDATION OF THIS PLAT, ANY LOT OWNER acknowledged t me that the tea the same. WHO HAS NOT CONSTRUCTED SAID SIDEWALKS y exew o >«N WITNESS hand and ed the day e b first written. ` 0 64.61' 11.21' 17.41' 11 L2 's'SG L=z7.12' I SHALL, WITHOUT FURTHER NORCE, CONSTRUCT Y r year o o. r, x 82.83' 1D 44' LJ tti LOT 10 m SAID SIDEWALKS FOR THEIR OTHER ), j ` N8915'17"IE (al REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OTHER :, _ •SlN1BU fi!uce L4 LOT 10 7063 SgFt I o ry bli for the State of Montana >< Tv o �e IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE. OXy t bet�.arl•tr �� ' 9 +,in LOT 17 M1k6 g�E 6756 SgFt '$ N8B7'17'E I mj. LOT 16 8484 SgFt q�j N '1'17" I F My Commission expirca J.y 21]m5 8003 SgFt eVk `u�'L`y' 11 .W ---- LOT 18 �� LOT 9 I LOT 11 o$-oe-zees 11�T,. lwS0.00' 8001 SgFt Q. 8231 SgFI { 9ide'RJ.. )� I Data S89'I'17"W ®yam 9,81 r�9667 SgFt '$Op, I COMMON OPEN SPACE 'En Q Daa @ PUBLIC ACCESS klTS vo r�C TL� b __ �_)t7-,� 58.53' I 3.57' I IN AADMDI�TON TO THE EASEMENTS SHOWN,THE FOLLOWING UTILITY 58915'17'W N89'15'17"E EASEMENT Direct of Public Service Date S89'15'17"W J 1650 SgFt tyy IV °-s 11500' EASEMENTS ALSO APPLY: 104.47' S.00' 11.4' CERTIFICATE W SURVEYOR ^. seD 1Tw �1J =15.06, e: El,xsExT sRee sYt -20 ALONG ALL LOT UNES FRONTING PUBLIC STREETS Sur 'Annie 1m 23 caAINDN 15.00 I N891S 17 E undersgned,Denn s L.Foreman,Registered Land Surveyor.do hereby certify that between N-mbar,2001,and July.2002, .yed ,$ -10'ALONG ALL REAR LOT UNION 1,the accordance Oa (`r m 58104.41 W 5811517"W 110.00 I -5'ALONG ALL SIDE LOT LINES NOT ADJOINING PUBUC STREETS Subdiwaon Phase IdA" d.Sects the some as own on the accanponyNg plat and as described in cordoned with the p �1Nou {the Montana ROSE sr. o ry 04 q1' S.X' LOT 12 a Subdi pion and Plotting Act Section 78-3 1 rough 76-3-625.M.C.A.,and the Bozeman Area Subdivim Regulation s.a o LOT 8 I -15'ALONG ALL SIDE LOT LINES ADJOINING PUBLIC STREETS L L=15:65' J58915'17"W((� �� LOT 19 I 6206 SgFt I Dated this z' a der ar-�' z z. 62.81' Y 'SB 2l 9770 Sgft 7188 SgFt A za w Y L„40 110.00' I •ae5s EJ�MerutciT Dennis--L L-an- NB91'17'E R 1 N LOT 13 `' Registration/56D6S LOT 21 ,,, LOT 20 sy Y LOT 7 $W 2 � 6201 sgFe W " s2 $ I TDTRIOATE OF COUNTY TREASURER m 9362 Soft p 9756 SgFt 7475 SgFt '�" --••'� - 3.60' i'np aI " taxes and ants leveed on the land to be subdivided haw be paid. plot has been y xam,ned and that all re property J '- 58916'17"W 58915'17"W 58015'17'W + '� 110.00 �+ II W I.Anna Rosenberry.Treasurer of Gallatin County,Montana.do hereby certify that the ac ompanymg dui a al p la v 15.00' y $ LOT 14 tl spec gl�season aeeeax been of 9.15' 175.8' $ { "•,'•y Oaled lh,s--'-'- Y f 2 N 59.37' 6.B7' 64.87' 64.87' 64.87' 64.87' I $ 6800 SgFt do 0 002. O Duplex 1{ �•.• r T carer of G Iatin County iftPull M to ON89-11 I t".U re w N b 'q S Hu-N S F I N n0.00' u, II y CENTIFICATE OF DNIWM OF FUBUC gxvIcE N O g Y O$ $m O Q O$ 8 a O g $m g a� LOT 15 Qa I I.Dir«ter at Public Service,City of Bozeman.Montana.do hereby certify that the accompanying plat has been duly examined and has found the same to rY+ 6207 SgFt V, canfarn la law,approve it,one hereby o<tapl the dedication to the City of Bozeman far Me public use of any lands shown on the plat as being dedicated N n to-on use. 70.39' 64.87' 64.87' 64.87'Li 64.87' 84.87 _ < Z III X: ( i N89'1 17"E 394.74' p If) w III '' Dated this I D soy of �v� 2002. �Si a "Y ,r _ _ .ze.ss' _ _D 3 i LOT 16 _ xwnal c SNAPDRAGON ST. 8206 3gFt Yi 8 0 R-970.00' 17" 2 D rectbro H.f PuAkeblic L-11.92 N89 '17"E 401.2' City of .Public Service Lffi112.03' 73,gg' 65.10' 65.10' 65.TV 110.00 O City o/Bozeman 64,58' 88.15' �6'37'03" � � / RELEASE OF SANITARY RESTRICTIONS 0 ; . l 10 ; '„;y F LOT 17 Th.'Annla Sulbdirlil Phase IIIA' Gallatin County,Montana. s within the City of Bozeman,Montana Master Plan Area,and con be provided with municipal • "" t0 a� a water a f se d sdie waste Therefore and Section 76-4 1 () MCA.,this subdvson is supply of w rid disposal o wage an under provisions of Se y 'Z n facilities for the 24 1 W o" Y S I- d 12.0°o sgFt ea* it y rx nc 4-Plax not b t to senator t't'on n n m n NDO'44'43"W W o ar g_ o o Doled hie an-- r f 1 e '�' ea o z0D2 C.�a-.4,qr.,c 8.78i ,"sJ4?li iI4 11 7 T H.Arkell 1. 6.70' .10' S 1' CitOlny B iof Puubbllic Service 651.06' S89'1517 W uHe TABLE Man"1B ,F'U:1•G1BE PHAti11, LNE BEAWNO GASTON ENGINEERING rouN°A^iuAf. Point of ANNIE 51MONNION PHASE' III L2 ioDB CERTIFICATE OF IXERK AND aEoaNDER SURVEYING & SOILS TESTING p c Ea Beginning ' n 11 SEC 1/II L3 77• 0"E 3411 Q o p L1q I o I. _ aerk a «araer f cauatin e�a4 Montana.as hereby t,III,that the foregoing h ba .nt w 6 feed in my alms ... ICAP L4 7' - 15.51 at o Neck,(c.m.or Ae),this J _oday of_ 3EmhlC___A.D.2002,and recorded In Book_�__-_of Plats on Page sea'L5 1' 15,10 Records of the perk d Recorder Gallatin County,Montane LB 1' 14.30 II �I 2080910 baled this tlaY o/ 2002 sans re wob"' IIIIIIIIIIAIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIAIIII III-!2-9+2-9 is.zap �2- � OB�l4�_- . ahalley Ywwe-aallelln to TIT-T 27 ore BY: Clerk k Reeader