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W570-Preliminary Studies on Water Supply & Distribution Systems (1949)-Morrison Engineering Co
RMr-UNARY STUDIES ON HATER STPPi Y & DISTRBUTIOPi SYSTEM _ CITY OF DOZELIAN, LbRR ISON ENG DUM L1G 00. fIE !A, ON ST3TMIS OTT •�� Br NOW UM 1949 APPROMS TABLE OF CON T1:.l�TS PME FORMORD I SUJIM- R,Y OF rVROVEMUNTS I-A BASIS OF DESIGII I- Water Supply 3 TI Water Distribution System b PART OT E - MAT M SUPPLY I-- Preaont System 10 II- Discussion oZ Present Supply Systems 12 1IT,- Possible Sources of Additional Water Supply 18 IV- Proposed Weber Supply Additions 9: Impravewnts 27 V- Cost zstimatos 34 VI- Gonoluoi.ons &- Reco=endationo 36 PART TWO a VIAT:M DIS`IRBUTIOV SYST&I I Present System 39 IT- Discuaeion of Fresemro Watex Dis'cw3 bution System 40 III- Improvements Required 42 IV'- Coat Estates 43 V•- Concl.usions & Recorandations 44 DRAII'L'VG D1DEX III1TER SUPPLY Propowd Mmprovemants & Addl itio= - Altorma#,s Ozm 417-1-1 Propoced Improvm, Yii,a & Addiluftow - Alteimats Two 417 1-2 IdQMR DISTIIIBUTION Existing, I?atsr L��N - forth Seetion 417-1-3 F dating Water Li s - South Sactica on 7-1-4 Proposed Additions L- Av7crxmtB FOMOWORD Thi a report hos boon prepa"eed for tho City of Bow as req uosted8 toe lavasfigaZas the following possible sources of s dd3tional water qupplya 1- Addattiom 1. supply from Lyman Croak. 2- Additional awply f Bosewn Creak Ot^ uc Imo)o 3- Supply *--om *21so 40 Supply from vita Creako II- Make a mete analy-aid of the inter distribution system and to presww an ultimate glez to follow in emending the presant systm and correcting existing defieiencieno The purpose of the water supply Investigation emred by this report Is to doteL-nine the soot feasible plan for the, City of Soseman to follow in developing cdditiawl wator sekap3y yor '&-e preceat and future papul&- tim of tbo commmity. The investigation has been corr od c. �m sef?elcff, detail to determim the relatives merits and costo of tho various posai- bilitlea. The ezoense of making veiny detailed investigations of one or more sawces was not considered justsfW for the pm-pose of this pre- 111a1n=7 report. The plaw submitted would be subject to minor modifiea- tica in a final. desigp. Hovever' the estimatod costs are sufficiently accurate to corve ao a just acmparUon of the alterm a sources being considered. The purpove of an ever-an study for a eater distribution syston is to aliminato miietakea ccrmonly made in extending distributicn eyetemoo Too often extensions are made with sufficient capacity only to serve the prommt needs of the area. As $.be growth progmeses farther$ the ams33 lima are extended until. they Cara overloaded, end after this corklitiaa in reached it is more espenalve to replace the small lime than it v*ald have been to 4neta31 adequate wises In the begiuningo ..1� over?-. plan of tbo systom., tang ieoo consad r lien the sn:ji.eapatcd groufq a;; Zo-Uoies-d u emaoiderdble waving can be wade over tha period of the lifetime of t1m system, La conect2ng 'In data for thia a'�t valuable assirstanve was cbi,.-dx ed fr= the fo?.?ot4 g sources: City CfficiaUp particul.a4y Frio E. Hendecoup City Manager.. fr. Border y 4later Svpe intendent and Mr. Wks Babcooka Wv Engineer for Informtion coneernIng water convmaptic% populatime p1mm of a'-doting systems., el mmtioncp OWE * Mr. Harold Elvmph and Mr o AuNl Portme , for worm dim pertaining to Itrstic Lake and Boxmm Creek Szgplyo Mx., Co Co Stru*lin of the United Staffs Geological Sup-my for topographical mapa of the Bowman area. Mro Cecrge Sahinen and Mro Ralph Fifield of the State slater Conservetion Board for Inforrratim pmebaining to tbQ Hyalite Creeig dY'ainap basin and r aerrolra Mxo mph F f leld and the U. S. Forost SormS ce for Y epwU on Inspections and reemmer4atias for tlrstic Laks 3mproverantao Mr. 00 W. Monafts Agricultmol '+ glmere Montana State College, for informaticm an rump-off in the Hystio Lake Water shed. Mr. Herb Foots of Montm m Staff Board of Health for tiator Analymm on Wi1ce Creek and Bowman Creek xatoro a SI-11 �R Os x C� C 4r ii ZLPi11 1. HURR SUPPLY* A con�.parieon of the posy iblo soar cas oO add'--UorA va-tev suRply i'(Y-' he C i'Gd of '086maz' Gor1L`ewring, •hea MvG 87DU:s'q of additional w apt,DT, ©f3timate costn" aatd `h-- j.:vact 7 as l considt'sratioas from the d1f:Qront f3OL91-a-'a !T!Cl<iF.'w�`tso S'hw" 'he most feas:Vdla rao-thee, Can obtaiu- 3—rg ac7.d It ow tyaterr supper Wil ,.e by tra+1 ng f;hG CityP S 500 t OM fMt : c 'cyallte vesex vo;S` for 6 ahmres of i ari a 4 Lei r3gpts on. Mystic hx) s irst move to b-v meda Yill bs to oontact he whoi-a holdGrs of tha 6 sea and tolce coca of the bargaining miA 1a�ra1 Week necessary for vak3ng the trades recomaerded Aa t oua stud es o After ma-'ng tka necessary arrangmento fol? -ZWO-'�ng 2632oning j%riari-bias or phuseo of operation shet.d bo f©Zlom- din dovelop- ing and irTroalng thm a6pply sgatsmo MORITY -170 a 1. to Lyon Creek Resorvoir Npromme-nts � '35�OOC�o40 2. H"Us Lelce lmprovmentp 36af300.©O 3o Borman Creak Settling Baser Total Pa iori`cr Pip s l U 46..000,00 Prom the atandpoinc of health, safety and Iimn?aving and ssscvimg the prone t s3vjpp:4y, whose irrpr wasats are easentiula f1tho rnasent eoAat a va imi of the Lymat Creek Booervo:;r- .s avcIa that contamjwt:jou :Nm �fsao water QQd small anima in tbe reserver is possible, The onditfon and 19 3 psi capnsslty of the Afyt3€;i a Lnke sip L?srsg pt°eserr uo a poteo!!'.$01 based e"n though the FItm bae held Im the presont condition for a comber of Wars. Frovid-Ini a sotteling basin betwoont ijm ?Dcaeman Creek intake and eso o cM« e3.iML-3ato the exwssivo omTants of silt ft m sattl1mg out in the %tnsar rn c1evo.inga Bvtl ora3 a ftrial deedso, of the eaVo :h•'ig, basin to made: t3st-ss of the vPa•ar s:,hvz f, bo run foxy tbwbdlv3.os amd scdiman`ation tiwo -3.A- PRIORITY NO. 2 to Bozeman Creak Reservoir Replaosment - 0245,OOO.00 2. Diversion Canal -from Hyalite - __21.000,0-0 Total. -riority No. 2 0266,000.00 The State Water Conservation Board has Indicated that the H.al.ite Creek Reae voir would be completed cametime in 1950 and tho water would be available for use in 1951. Aft-sr this eater is available, in order to ubllise It by trading for Wable Lako wager, it will first be necessary to construe the dirarsion canal. From Hyalite Creek. With the additional supply glade available, it will be reces=7 to increase Vne Bozeman Creek Reservoir espacity la order to utilise this added supply. Since the present reservoir requires major repairs or replaoement, it Is proposed that a single four million gallon reservoir bo constructed rather t3on to repair the e�dsting reservoir and add a second 2 million gallon m3ervoiro PRIORITY NO. 3 1 o 13ozemm Creek Supply Liras — $280,000.00 2, Boseman Creek Treating Equipment -- 3.020001-00 Toth, Priority No. 3 6210,000.00 In order to utilize fully the additi.o l 2 supply thx,- xAll be provided frcm 1�ysti c Lake by trcAing Hyalite Reservoir water for Mystio Lake shareap it wM be necessary to provide additional eapaoity in the supply lines fr= the i-atake to •the reservoir and on into the City. In c=Juneftgn with tho teupply lime to the City additional amoniation and oblorinatlon equipment vill be requixe d. 110 0 The Improvements recoDrueaded for the distribution system ahould be done its the following phases or prJori.tieza -IH-• PRIMITT. N00 7 10 Inswn I.21, 11ne an collego Sireat to 1--.-MMbAaMUO and Drum Cod lego to Cu-L•Uso oa E3omn-v*h plim a 10 inah lUis on Git to o ssamglete the loop. 2* Inn-LLIu- 84 1.4LSU paraneling . ,11 supply Ucrri from Gar- field, to W-Iogo end c.,=Z coath aide of CoLIGge 'jo �iec1h Aven to 0 Estimated Cost of Pip,- Linov $75VO00000 3o :Lasta l pwescura s'c&•U�tt;lng vto on tho 34 inch =pply line bath�seza CsrMold sty. Co_'9. eze atim -ced Cort 70200.00 Thetbu "T:..11 valz o L:a1 '1r, "ale Mom:tam Of Diz aw.n jmt nor-L% of Callego Street to .r®vmpmd'.ed poeme=eav and tall, alto eU ir-ato tho tlemi•-and Mies i3outh of Collago 5t'vest, PRIORITY No., 2 I'leavide 10 5nah 3©apos fro-ra Bozeman Avion.ace to elby M to ou.Feach and Lone Sta ceta. No coxplete ec I :-ems o:? -t i t1C?}c zlgvje ba-= made sLnco the vo2:3r c .item tlaa cd vill probably not bo dono until, thava ia cozsiderab a additivaal g-outh to Oho t;ogt or G s- gag Iftn©s freed roplue- coz. Tn. ard-or of pw?oritles batZmen Vic wa tez supply and diotrIbution ry,tema, tho zrork.Ilsted in FTi orlty No* l m7.,dor umter cupply should be dr.n-, s Wit, and r-, icr?ty No. 1 under matz)r distiiLnstior w cord 0 Theme the work on the s ppZy oy is be completed ahead of the ` '.tru:tim s -otmi e-,-rapt frre Dos, :i Ae ve f e- .c-a0 M316CO W DCN.LIdt'i ire dos s rn og L watsr stappl g n: _O d1 st,mfl b to on eysten for a e�.�n L.,, d:iffore froms most on iaeeriug pro's:!ew, fn that <:h-3�7 o;,e -in S?t :-roles ro� figures as to the cunt of wator that v311 be requ edo deUrz.af +,e the ant of tinter used iaalvda location errd cl mate9 ;y and size of cormni,uzit , inirstr_al develoj�mnv, standard o2 L�.v-] �;; 3=a , of waters seizar facilities, presswas and extent cf metex-1mg of servic eso Averago us® of =ter in ecmimities gins from about 35 gallons per capita per day to about 5afl gallons por capl to per dey ulth an avmra,, for the entire Cory of about 115 gpedo In order to make an lnt,311i6mY estiwbe for cry g"?v= commimity, it :is noccomaary to make co.jp=U,=.� similar cs=,zun:S:Uos mnless there are aceizate records for the camp•14 In question* Even with comparisons ilbh other cozim=Ruicc aO acc3::�: .as past use.. co v,.::?at assumptions as to populatio�3 iucroaso to be ex+ao'r-96, chmps in pear capita demand duo to increased uco of meters, :: developmentp pms=o incroavo , and other factors a focting t1m regvirc— meats have to be made. After determining tho cneunt o -Later to be supp.Ued and the of snpplys the next problem io to de liver the va- ber to the conomr:.s in the quantitios required with suffic o t press== to moot Oho varlon3 uses to which it is to be eppUcado In designing a vater supply system it is no6eam-7 to design for maw aonditions of demead to be provided during po3ricd o of m nimm flows at the =woes of m ipplyo Whero it is possible to provide storap for extended dry periods by contracting large reservoiro or utilinlrw existing reservoirs9 the avoriage d=w3d and supply over thce _store„k, ��a p©rior3 pr®V'ided MV' LL3 US&—do Mere 5Upply is provided wVbhoub large starage Zes3.^Vo:h-139 :I.t ..:s aoc assary to deaiCps far tho mzudmzn day. 8ow37 flucttstio in c�a . d and ewrgenoy storagei'or f-Iro ary ua�zeG ly provMed by diratLibution --;=groirs. Tine p,4sent pqp tii�^. of rsomm—'ar,. .?v appro=- imtely 10p000 persons$ excltas?'M of stl deWcs ei, Blont=—a State Oono-geo The laolloge awls as ave rage of about 2.,000 during bile wintery ak?erag7n at present thf3re are neavly 3,OW atudents; due in p`n''u to vet er23s tnIdn; sdvantage Of tin 0,Ueet19-on benefits Vander the SerG.ieQMGn3 s F.eadj'uvt;a;jt; Act of 19", The incase in pomlation haa been Su lrl y unifom s:i nco 1930. Ass,ming that the futwe grou-th colatinue at the sema ra'44 c,s dtw:L;a the last 30 yeearspr:t has beon estimated that the polra action wry increz; to 15p000 vrl.thia the noxt 30 yaorso (Sec Populatian Chart). albe ' the ijAflux of voterans IM 00111098 fello off it is rzobable that •ha r of Bents wiU. level off at approximately 3sOOO In tho sam poriado 20 DgW a g s& JIVIMi _ga iPsy o The C�',aUr departua unit roe s since 1940 show an a rap vIntor cenw=tlon of ra_rp::'o:rL�ai;e3y 200 gallons r--v capita par day for the 'Per mamst pop'llatlo-n of Bozeman cand am a eras tamer cowl-r-aptIca af 96 goons per capital per day for Montn w. State Oonege .S'Wdents,, �^:ng tho ii—xigat i on saa= (J=oa -,.72ya kagust) the averap consimpti= for ps nt SrGaidoats wr;s ,,tQ1g .0 ga llol2u per capita per day W.th n max-3,mm sayer avo1 ap of 480 EMons eap3tz per day. The College ume diving the saw pe-Alod used on t?-.x-a %emter popu?Lion of 20000 persons, c-moraged apprQximate3.,' 160 gallons per capita per day, Thoce rignras imndicate 12rigation demand of from 21.0 to 280 gallons par c"Pifia per day for tbo parmwmt ros en-1e;so Sime the sir populetion of the college is ccmpsrst$volg =0 3.. it can be By Lick MORRISON ENGINEERING COMPANY 417Awl Date HELENA, MONTANA POPULATION CURVE City of Bozem an 20 0 z a 0 15 i lei G � 5}y i z 10 z 0 F- 5 - -- a_ 0 a_ 00 0 0 0 p OD CV K) Lo YEAR aaw=ed that the najow cy esf the sumar use at tho collage Is for irri.gatiow The rocoxxIed flaws In Bazemm are emeX ez-6bl7 highsr thea average for siail= com ities in the United States and In lf=tmao use hlgh rates of eonoumption ror Bozeman aro due in part to th- la rga parsentege of n=etered water services, and In part; to the low rates for water now In effect in the City o At the present tim3 e.Q City Is installing meters in all dwellings with tuo f.-mikes or more cud has tmters invtaned for cetorciat service. As the p-areentage of metered water services increase the per capita consamptiou will dear ease dra to the voluntary olinje teGloa of waste from leaky femoetm' and aUoWng ifatsr to rim necdless3,yo For the pm?poso of these studies tho presewt', par capita conoumpti.oa rates have boon used a"or the buture popuLatxan of Bosvmxa evxm though i 3s anticipated' that Qxro will be room decreases* fhs pravision of an water supply will, aid conalilerably in the development of a c=mmity both from the staolpoint of edvertioing the commmity ezd increasing the standard of liv-1 go 3. Fire D�-s�x�do In providing o water supply fire protection is one of the major prohlmis to be eaaoif credo The ability of a water supply and distribution system to deliver sufficient quantities of water fro nsedsd at pressures radequate for fir$ f'ightingv can prevent for lasses end w.t3.]. Ming about a considerable saving due to d3croased fife insurm Saco rates, The National Board of Fire Underwitere raaasmnds that a mesinm fire flog of 3,s000 gallons per mi=z to for a period oQ 10 houra be provided for a population of 10#000 persons. For a population of 1880W (futm-e estimated population, Including Montane State College Students) the recormanded flow is 4,00m am for 10 howso These flogs should be CJ� d&Uvered with ravid=1 pressm-es of about 20 pseuds per aquae larch ire piping oqu pasut is swpll+ed with tim fiza engiMep and from 60 to 75 psi for fire fighting m1thout auxiUary pumper to IIa- WATER DISTRYOil`PION sSY Mo In Vm design of a hater distribution system the madam hourly flow must be used rather than average flow for the mazhm daffy' or longer pariode, such as are used for the design os' he otqp]y syot . (a) Domestic and Irrigation Flows* One oQ the waviderations In designing supply lines and distribution systems is the ability cf Its system to dol ver peak hours dasaestia and irrigation Bova to the c:c% sumrs with sufficient residual pressers for nomal dcmoatio usoo Requ xed residual pressures under these conditionas wiU rwge 35 Pal in residentlia distri.ots to betwen 60 and 75 poi. 3n die riei with buildings up to 10 stories higho v majority of the bu 3A.'LP-Ss In Bomoman with the e=ption of a few in the mercantile district are under 4 stories high, and for the most part residual pressorss of about 35 psl will be adequate for dowstia ue®. The marmatile district is In a relatively low part of town and revIduat pressures oan be kept conssiderab y Me:= vithout materlatly increaaing aupply line al= over those required to maintain 35 poi in the higher mass (b) Fire F7gvs. d second orlta lm In the design or imw vestigntion of a water distribution system Is its ability to dolivar adequate fire flows with sufficient res4dua3, pressures. Y The National Board of Fire Underwriters revomam da that diiet 1bu tion aptema be designed with cap ulties sufficient to deUvor mradm= f 9�a demand to any point in the City at a tirm uhea the normal draft is equal -.6. t,O the Maxim—rqza dni y eons11M.P 5.0-12P s'ti WsaOM—an'l grass-=0,o of 10 to P-0 streams are to be uscd vVbhout pmiping equipment, r052lual gr.Mss wea 75 psi for high va-k vo di s-Lr i cts, 60 pal where not more then 10 buildl.:'e-a exceed tl ee star es in height., ard 50 pai in r-4ir�. meremn-tLb r?k s"_�'^:i.cts or thialy bullt zT residential sactions zequived, The NODOPOUD zee ntb a *=*=-c i f1r a fletr of 4�p= epu soa a Ci, of s�3,000 po��a:,: with fk?a flous of roL loss tl= 500 gpm In thiol"r but'3's-im resit?ontlex s✓et3ous9 ?9000 on :"n more closely, b xilt-alp sasidofWal sectionsy 1,, 00 to 3.,000 am In closely built-up mercantile districte or bigh value hotol or residentic-2 districts and up to ma--6m m fire Flow for the City if» densely built pact i.mso Tr- tho :nvestlga ion or design of a -Lwtzr distribution sov-eaal assumptics rust necessmrily be =do concerning the dl ;t. `r x;_i c of f'lowsp 8i alt eave us-ge of -,rater throuj,aut the d .fferent 00-o2son" cmd urge ecneentra'ted f1 wea for fizz or other largo iaz3o Mtsr all caccumptions have been m de as to the flows ragaireidl the v=ioua parts of the Mtem., savmr al mxbhods of investigation., with varying degrees cg' acc ey are available to the lhg.cnar. ALI of thr tic. mgthoda =ast be tc per d wifb Jur3pent and In complicated Mtems w-e aifbJect to erro*°a,, Tho following methods of investig idon of flows and preasure lossea in a syst• m of plpu3 ere Samrally aeckpUd and used: (a) t P O ''herd w s tem is coHIpa and .d' amall m=ber of pipes having cao t and outl6ta an equivaImt pipe size and length can be computed vu V%ich t7:o Imad less at a gl r flow wad be equal to the head loss of COU vh"', pipes in the ayatemo After the squisaeat pine size is determined, tlaa press loss for zpy devimd flow can be eomW4d o TU6 Dvtho - a applicable only to try small systems Or to Wall eactiow 14" a sgstxno .T. \ (b) _Rom. Tnmetwtion of ammll G=V103 Mains withilt a dietribu i cm :a stea for `hc�.z? ability Wo del ivzr a coamatrwbed f .re fx ow at any point can be made by drawing a circ'!a ulth the cm ter at tLe point being ia-fastiomted arA with ea radius of approximates .8 of th-3 desi ed fire hose _'off olio Asti v uhwu- the pipes Will he fed frim er�:h directiaaj by counting Ithe p?pes eut by thhe o3srelo aid =vvw-'ring tbGm •Le era aquival ezat pipe., the appro to head loss from the •t arlpr feeder i ___ to Via point of the fire con be computedo TMr, nmethod. is Qpl.icablo only to ama" sections within a system fed by 7 eop loops = va=ot be usacl ror compmbing the total head loss in the systemo (a) ssa , ,fipntovr o The pressm-o contour method ow. used to deterndm tihe apperox Late heel loss In a c=qAex systomo »'hi innetigation eonsista o: drawing lines of approximately egtial t `" caa a layout o2 the diatiIbatien systm on tffilch all the flays aTo for tha various sections and points* By counting tho pipes unit t - pressure cont+owe wd converting tbem to en oquiva.'tee pipe siao cs ta length egatsl to the mveregv length of the seetion., the approximte bead leas 3n the item em be owWuted o 'This method of anemia is vary approxkate.. but uas the best available until the dovelognont of t to Azulg: Cross or presswe distribution mthodo (d) ftft:�ftg-ss�.sgi D lmUga o Ths distribution anal min U the most recent and most acc umt© method c t anslyzing a distribution sgst= available, It consists at awJ vain; tl.•_ flows In each direction around loops and adjusting the f2ma until t.�a hm d losses balaao® at wq point is each direetiw* Izz omplicatcd systee it is neoeasary to disregard mo W of the xW1 laterals and cross ties the system beau n each loop must be investigated and each adjacent loop effects the loop being Investigated. This method of analysis of the aystem -8- has goad used In these studies cr th- t1he :hoops lad arty as ahovu 03 the nceanTarqing drau.ngs =d using peaty corAitions of Vlow f'ar both dar`�w tip aW irrigation demands.. and fire deamadso 30 &U= .qK=&W CdMgWaia 9C Pao The raw"i' ve C;@43.°rylM capacities of pipes 1.+ of oazwiderable importance LA tha design of a water distribution systm. The forting table ohows they -1-o3ctivo carrying capacity bawd an a unit of ow for 4 idah pipe Pips Size 40 6M 8* lou 126 14" 16« 180 Relative Cap. 1 2.8 5.9 10.6 17.6 27 38 53. , It should be noted that while the cerrying cap¢aoity•at pl x z ua7 approximately as the sqaare of the d2amter., the actin. cost ,:)f V.. pipe vM vary approximtely with tba first pm-er of the di=ter: actua difforaaee :n coot of the papa lira iastaUed UM bo every sine the cost of excavates and iw-bellation for lar&r pipe W a ',•e very little more than for the smaller size* -9- PART M — WATER SUPPLY The present water supply coxiistrs of -ds follvWLng two cyst 3 I* J 2CgW 3veteaa, The ly&,m Crek System is located cC Bow and ms tho original so"-ce of waver for th-m City, This sy'stea was started bV Fa private compazq iu IM and ums purahascd by the 011,7 is 1899* The press ; tea consWrs of a vory =01 awth dam 1n Yin Creels with a omdUL concrete Intaloe tsluTuctare diverts the water I, Lto two .12" dltmeter piposo The Uio 3.20 tills pipes earl the ve ver about 2j,700 feels rare then vomeot into about 1a40 feet of 320 cast, 1.ra 7z- , which carries the water the rea Z of the way to a =vlty type reservol--o Water is treated with chlorine and a=onla before boi_g to,tho six million p1Zon reservoir, The reservoir 1a located at an elevation of about 222 feet.above the ground level at the City 11<nv which amounts to a static pressure of about 96 pounds per square iach, The reservoir is neexly entirely In excavation and Is 11mad ul-th aoncro•r:- . The top three ox four foot of the cost=ete linln�. U aradced and *cued;.. .eta earth eabavb at about four to five feet high around -bbe reowwoir ulvpss down flush iAth the top of the sloping conmte lime The supply line from the rev. weir to Poz=Aa is about two mlUs long and is IV oast irm pipe except for, a ehort section of 160 cast'Irma pipe i lately below than reser"Iro The valve at the re=-vO$Y: Is such that treated water can be admitted direat]y Into the supply 124n vithcut peasing Into the reservoir* The Lyman Creek hater has Its source In a mimbax-� of Wingo. I Its always foe from turblditya and Is relativmly lusrdo .M wa`carshz, c�:_.._ the Intake is quite wens, le uniababitads and it se2de s travnraed by. hraans, The City has the right to the first 2?&»3/Maf h x 3n&Os O -1� the nov of Ioen Creek, Only during very high rLm-off periods doom Va stream e=ed a: flog of 238--3/20th inches. 2. Agaw na_Gxe , The Bommm Creek Systom Is located south of Bosaman and wo developed when the Lyman Orw* Supply proved inadequate for the increasing demand. The system consists of an Intake t, d small s3ettlIM basin an Bozeman Creek about six miles south of Bose=. About 3w3/4 miles of 189 tile p1pa C=ry the V.ter from the cooling basin -to a tbree million gal lm reservoir,. The seaerrvair was conmtructosd In =exati on and fill and lined Frith concrete; and was originally desi gored to hold about two million gallausa* hater concrete wells uare added to incre aces the eapacitZ to about tbree millica gallons. The audo umna have molmd and heaved; and the filled led ca-e a has settled about a toot and on&-Ralf at one corner. Ls a recul.t' tin vewrvoir i-AM not hold vmtrr above about Ura two mill.aoa -a3'= level.o Cozzoiderabl a maintsnaace is requ:^ed to iwep the cre.&S im the reswvoir rcn leeking. The remmir is l oeated at an elavation cs about 5,093 Soot above sea 2eVelo This is about 305 feet above the ;,Around Iavel at the City Ess• 1 uhiash ww mts to a atatio 11-mad of about �32 ids per squm inch. The Bow Creek Reservoir is about 83 feet higbw-in elevation gums; the to mssn Creek Reservoir. Mawr is carried f-- ► the Reservoir to Bowmam through about *WUes of 18" ateel pipso The weer is treated with ahlarine and e mo nis a short distsanea 'below the reservoir* The v t= tswn from Bssemau Cress: has its source 3u run'aff from tha vaterebad above, Mn water sizhcru s s= -r wbJ:?iW *U of the 'A=„ and considerable turbidity during periods of hi b rsx—afto The water scrod abm .tba i ntalm is ©low to rill. forms of- domat:,a nano; a n©li dit- 5,!r-131n 3e w�ju n�-au-i g humc'-zigg logging, etc. The City he, 1866 rlg, fbs to 200 .°',.8 c-Le.:3 cf the nos c --low fsm Bozo an Creek. Thzm is e4 1865 right c mmp but due to tho nvtme of the caanwa belovy the water :i ous m2dor grcrmd dixeing per-lads of lou 23 mr -;s the portion 0? the Creek that; the 1865 rights wovld d=i :its Tjrnr xroT-i, For this reas=jq � court ruling is a past dry veer gave the vat-or to the City a2 Bc -eu,w� N-n prefem— co to tha 1865 right. some ye.-on, the minlmm- i2ow 'a 0 >1A�a x Cr x is coaaidedrably lass than, tho 625 inches of doom-ad 3266 water riggAtso Ar, a resul.tD Whe full 20D iuchas of Bs z== Creek R:Lg '.o cannot be depended on to L^o avaf�abla for the .i13 i n. lgatiw sonvon. In August I')/+g the no mal creels Mar- uns only 400 miners inches. The, Citg also has 50 m1mr; iucheV of 3.378 risbtsy bz�t thee.^ rl&I,,s only =oust to flood uato--. and ammot W �.0 d©4ermining at ditic-. -1 izter requiremc vso Itrot?e L asc is to ca tad about oeven, miles above the Bose,M C intake, The Ea.-omi .-n Crook Reservoir Ccnpmy has constxucted an esstl~ dam at the outlot of. Mystie lake so as to provide about U-80 cam felt of iuwful storW of vatrr. This storage is divided in'co Lumety chareso Fourteen fires of this water are owned by fuzz era alo_-ng Bozfl�n Crook, and t_ha ranter belonging to them is used for irrigationo Slc shares of the storage are owned by the Cif of Bozer�$ and this eater is used to supplement the Borman Crook Water and tlm LYE= Crook inter duriaag the ammer months, Each .hero of Mystic balm storm amounts to 100 itjcLier of water for a period of 15 days. II- DISCUSSION CF FESENT SUPP-,y S'ISMI.So 1. Wcak�.�1 o "llm average water cons mption of the City of Bowmen dnrimg tho winter months from past reeorda has been found to be -22- about 200 gallons per capita par day for the parms=nt r€ sidants end about 100 gaji c)ns par vita per day for coo o.o popnlla-bion. M=kn= dsily flows throu&out the United Stebes have bean fotmd to raup from 220 to 240 percaeu of 9=rap deny ao looms! Ath an av+ere r. the entire country of 1.76 poreent. VM the 0aoeedingy high ra�ca tester urod for dorast?a omeTosaaD it All be safe to a08 that t'aUy damsti o ccrosramption raM be about 175 percent of the ayerc 1,3 daily use for the perwnant reoidents. Tho maxim m use for collage studelt' will probsW be a higher peroentage of the, gage use since the avwaga use is such lover* The ma dman daily use for college students will Probate y be in. the ne9Woorhood of 200 peroent of the wmrago Since it is neeesssrg far the City, of Bow to onus storage eater in Mystic Lake f(e sir usep the maxim= daily dem" during the winter m wt be provided in the design of any additional. MWFI, The mazimm da#],y' vdnter «mmzmr Lion for the future es2f teed Population based upon the aboYvu figures would be as follows$ Pasant Reelden'tta= 200 3t 1*75 s 15,000 — 5=250s000 gpd Catlegm! 100 a 2.0 z 3,,000 - fiMI000 gpd Total mesfimm day %850s000 gpd During tho sir montha 3n addition to the dawst4c use., the Boer raelldents use from 210 to 280 gallons per capita per der ate, far irrlgationo The College woo from 150 to 175 gallons per c epita per day (based an winter population) during the =mor mouths. In addition to the City and College uses, the Bowman Csaming.CompsW uses approsia Naftly 30000,000 cu.ft. or 22v500s000 gallons during the same period. -23- Since the City r-mo available storage capacity which can be utl2issod at any tirm that the 'flows in the stnams vapplyi g the meter ; inadequate$ tho average demand and s3upply over the three monibsi period. (June, July, August) tdU be sufficient for design pmyosea, The present summer requirements based on an average demand of 200 gpcd for domestic use and 275 gpod for ixr-:^igation for the City, and an average demand of 175 gped for college use would be% Domestio Use 200xlo,OOOx9O equal 180.,000..000 Gal* Irrigation 275xl0,000n90 equal 2dr7,500p000 Cam, College 175x 2,OOOx9O equal, 319 500,000 Carl, Cannery 22. .000 Gal P Total (June, July & August) 481,5002000 Gal , T h. A'Vru.� suer requirements would be: Domesti© Use 2GOx15jOOOx90 equal. 27001000.4000 Gal, Irrigation 275xl5,000x90 equal. 371,250,,000 Gale Collage 175x 3,000x90 equal 47,250,000 Gal* Cannary 22.500,000 Gal Total. (June, July,& A-agwt) 7n.9000,000 Cal 2* Stor ,Reguf 'e� nt .: Die ibutian Reservo_tCp, D-11a r3',?i,�c_-j reservoirs in a water supply system am provided for the purpoa© of stcwYx-r; water for emergency u o eueh as fie.^Q demand, and for providing storage ing periods of the day when demand is low to take care of peak hottsly Storage capacity should be provided to supply flare demands for the period required plus about 15 to 20 percent of mmt1mum daily demand for hoxw1V fluctuations. Tho storms capacity required for the City of Bozeman for future fainter dmand would bet Fire Storage 4,000x1GxW 2,400,000 cal. Hourly Fluctuation 5,850,00010.2 1.=2 M- Toial 3,570,000 Gal, For ,an fug 0 Simmr population the maxim= daily demand void d bat D�';stti a 200.01 .(lx15,000 (3Val 5$25 3'000 G616 Irrigatsan 275xl.5 x15,000 equal 6s200.,000 Gal, Collage 1753cWv000 equal. 900,WO Gal* Canner 22a500sOO o 45 equal ... real.* Total. 12$550,000 Gall d ho W 6tG:ikc a capacity y required m2der his cand i don would 6fw F'-4re Storags 4.000x6ftlO equal 214000000 Gam. Hourly F l uctwtions 12,,850..000 xO*2 equal al 2,.M.M Gelo Total 4v9700000 Gale 30 � • (e) L _Oro®3Lo The City o? Bozeman hss water rights on Uhe "z.a 236-3f20th m1wra Inches of the Flou from Lyman Creek* The flow In Creek seldom escoaft this emunt end during the late wiater mcntub., laaB as low as 50 miners Inches. in 1913 dming Jam, July and Auuxt# average flow was t?pprcoinntely 134 miners incbss v from a low in Jima i:�� 119 to a high in August of 150, It is to be noted that tie flow is increeze® during t1m error moutho trougbly In parcel to the inomass in demand., so it will be safe to two the average value for the low flow In the creek., or a Flow of 1500 M m, The Lymeu..Creek 64owep roservo.ir Sias a craoity of approxiMatOV. 60000,p000 gallow.9 but beoaAss of the ?a-.r flog in fin. Creek, all of this storm cannot be utilised. (b) AgEM ftnt. Th& MAY of BOaMQU has claim to 200 ta: €h^ 625 miners inebas of 1866 voter rights an Bosemu Crams. Daring the ` it mmwths tha total flog is available for the Cit,y's use *inset thore Is non required for irrigation, The flow in Boffin week during the late evnmear nontbs often drops below the 625 miners inches and in late August of 19A.9 -15— reached P. low, of apprazin-at93,7 400 miners �c�hos. Tha averaw floe for June., July and Aug t In a day yoar, haRmiver, can be e x eeU r© be are-a-, 500 m1mrs 3aaheso The C3tyfe share or this flog would be 160 minors or about 1M gallons per AL�nuteo (c) T , In cddition to •t hs Bozemm Creek flow or, ; . southeast side, the City of Boz=an ors 6 sh..•res (100 miners incliaF dew each share) of PTvatic Lake storage. This water can bo draw at tim that the demand oxoeeds the normal flow of the creeks. Normally stored hater is used only daring theirrigation season since the creek ti, ` are auff elent to supply the demos fr= Sqp#mbor 3 to Jame la 8ssmir . a loss of 10 percont from the Ls1ca to the 9n-taho in Bow Creek. thf--c storago siould prevMo an avorap flog of 90 miners inehas or 1W gm tr4 irr2gation period of elves, Ju3.y and August, 40 REM of Figaeat 11C.1+1 v n„jU&bl g. (1) Tho present supply aeailablo without using stored ^. Mystic Lalm dw ing, the enter mon has based on a minimmm f1mr a_' Inches from Lyaan Creek for the maximm day amowts to: Lyman ks- A5-0 (7.5) (3600) (24) equal. 810,000 gpd. 40 Bosemun Crodka- = (7.5) (3600) (24) equal 5s,670a000 gp3. !,0 Total 62490j,000 gpd. The 350 miners inches frm Bozeman O reek should be avail clar, ' c the City at all time during the winter months since the irrUat ov of farmers are not used during this period and tho ninlm= f1ov3 ^ate Crook ei zew d this mmounto Tho above figures indicate that the ni c from Ian and Boffin Creeks will more than eupp2y the demands fcr fit^ C of Baseman during the winter moathso -16- (2) The present s=mer mqqAy available for the three summer months (Jane' July, August) iaelud zS 4�,stia Ike Storage is as follws= Igau Greek 1500a36O0s24x9O days equal. 195t000.1000 gale Baseman Greet l8OOz36OOx24ac90 days equal W5,000#000 gal. Ratio Lade lMOx36ODx24%90 days equal Lu.0000000 galo tMAL (-TMO, July* August) equal. 5690000,000 gala The abae figures indicate that duriug a dry year there would be a stage of apprnamately ]42$000,000 gallons for the three a=asr moaftso (3) ft2apot A&MM 56ii r.� (a) M gM . TIm Lymn Crews storage reservoir has a capaWby of 6j000p000 moons„ however, all cC this capacity cannot be utiliwda asp3aiJy during 3.oue dry pericdoo Unless t n capacity of a stanp reservoir is sufficient to retain flood flogs for use during long dry periods# usually a umth or more, Ohs flow into the reservoi-r- dwing s period must ©qual the flow out. The full capacity might be utilized for tuo or three dayn or a veekp but aftor it once gets low it cannot be re-' fi2.led until thL supply exceeds t'he dc..- ® During the snmmor the facem sforege th" can be utilised in : man Creek Reservoir for m W extended period vouW ba koproadmtely ao follaast Storage for hoiWly Muctuatians in deed ($my 0.2 times daily flow)0, 1500 x 3600 z 24 x 0.2 equal. ,- 434,000 o Fire storage (appraas 1/3 total fire dememd) .1300 x 10 $ 60 M 9910 Totel 3..,214D-000 gal, (b) PaMgM The -boa e2 Botsflmn Creek researm4r ator.- ap.9 or 2vOOOa000 Z-Mons, cm be utilised since the floes from Boseam Crook and Pq9tic L to are avfficlent to mp?eni.sh `oho losses durIM peak flossy an long; as h-3 dally dew does not excoGd lbbe tot4il flow available. -17- rc �. he two reservoirs era is a co�:� s usable Y�age capacity o:? 2?p3'ai .'' 3 f '-Ow leaving a sj or'Lage for ?zt`a.6 8M=er did of ls,756s000 g2ons. This storage ahouM ba added as a part of the eddit3onal oupp3,g provided., and it t vi l:d not be of w' value in either of the existing mapp3,v synteaw without a sufficient additioma sumply to make the additional storage ucableo So . The proccnt supply line frczm Lyman Creek reswvoir lea as capacik, sufficient to earry apgr=1nately 4s000 am of hater into the City distr! button opteam with suffiolent reeldual pressures for normaa domaatie um for fire protection with pumping equipment in the present distributiaz eystom. The Borman Creek Supply limp due to an additional head og . feet can supply about ks 500 gpmu These floes are adequate for domestic and irrigation uses, but will not be sufficient for peak or hourly flows, especially for an anticipated popula is on of 15,0", .., An additional, 38 inch Tins vill be required elong nth cmy increa;—1 taster siZplyo The supply line from t1m Boffin Creek inti'm to t2, resorvoir ham a capacity of appa"oadmatsly 10 cubic feat par second or 4s500 gallons per minute. If as additional supply were made available frasm Bozeman Croon to unt future anticipated requirements a capacity of approzimtely► 6s000 an would be required for dayo of peak donand o This vm4d require au addi— tional 12 inch mupply line from they intake to the reservoirs or if the' present lime needs replacing it should be dome vitah 24 inch line o In— MSME SOURCES CF ADDITIONAL M= SUPPLY. The following possible soaaraes of additional water supply have bem luftetigated an roque nteid by the City* A dU=siom ca each of tbe*G -s38— possible sources follovaa l- Jam CM�EL( 2- Boson Crook 3— WOUS 4- Fvlites Omek In additicin to conaialeration of the foi sou_vrc as m ntioned, cons T arc- tim has al.ao been given to the possibility of trading f aUto Resas cow water for irrigation veber stored iaa the N�rstl.c Laka Reamwir. A d3s-- ocassion of this pwo'asibU) V also fo32o��ea�_�'�_ y(,� �j. jy� 10 .Additi.<ual fxW �LI�O Atj�4T:m p sent i d CIhe. �� entire flow f� �.m Creek in � Bing w nonths 1cN, demaud for voter Is high. Tharefore, it le not possible by iming ?Oscar pipes or reoex-volws to utilise mope of the noxw&X mmor flow. 1,7-'W only =ones vbereby additional Ester could be obtained from Ly= Crwk u-juM ''- to construct a barge stomp reoerv+oir to correct the egoma rtar-eff dam.>> the Wing and tinter €end to store It far use during the per. a Creak flaws dour a relatively short steep carym vith no dmoltes for 3mpouoding aW quantity of water. Sines Lqm&i Creek lacks tho naceuz potentialities for. tstorage, further consideration of tld a sougres four addl tional supply tAuld be to no avail, 2. did I&Mj&..gCM MgNIMC e o The flow In Bone man Mvek during the sir months is all accounted for by docreed water rights., therstom, no additiocu l vVpl~q dam awmr flows in the Creak could be squired except by bvying some of fiche.fame with 1866 rigbta. The posnlbllity of enlarging Mystic Lasts to store more Of VIG vi_.ti l l flows has been given oases consideration and study, The water shad aoatsibuting to Vgstie Lake storap reaarcoir Imo. an area cat appros1matsly 4.3 square miles. A study of a rtan-o map vC Montana put cut by the Irrigation and Drainage Dapartwnt of the Montane► -19�- Station indicates 'hue the average tOts.1. SeW147 ru-n-Off in this MPEt0- Vmmd "0 c"'OPI''U F^wtely 745 acre Zziat pw agZ3= miloo Tho dui— Ing the irriptLon season would not be AMLIab O for storage since the noisl Flow of the Creek during this season ffimst be psrmittsd to flow do um the strait for the Oeo-reed water rights. Deducting tho ran-off during tho irrigation season P002 the total yes!.?ly run-off (approklmately 3.13 UU2 yearly runt-�) les;vos an avnrao of OPPDXIMewly 500 acr® teat available for storage. F rcm this amount the water ivTd red for the City cf Boawmla use during tha winter months must be deducted# which mould owunt to in the neighborhood of 25 to 30 atone feet per square mile. This would laavo storage available of approadmat ly 470 acre foot per sggaeaa made The pres®at commitwnfis in. VgsUo Lake mount to about 31,,6 acre feet r I", square mile of drainage area. It is to be espected that during a crj y:5 ; the run-off would i'all to vcy close to this duo or possibly lawar. in 1934 it tray not possible to completely f3]l. the Xvasent reservoir thoug:t this we due in part to the necessity of drying the la&a during ghee months. The possibility of building enotber reservoir fuether dotal Bow Creek, with a LwW drainage area has been givan soma study. There is =- location at an appraximate elevation of 5s700 which could be utiliseds ho, ewers to provide the required storage capacity would require a dam appt=•- mately 600 feet long by 100 feet higbo The oust of this imuld be e�oiss and could not be rea maaaded since thous are more intensive memo of secur- ing the required water, 3. §MMIX,gC2 We3,��la, In 1935, the City of Boaeman drilled a six inch test Well 300 feet deep hoping to reveal conditions that would show that wells of large capacity weld be developed in that region. The men driller oncovntored trat er about 1.lr feat below the surfaces and ttms In water bearing -20- fasmatim s nesmay all of the w' doaa eo far as hz cow ton, The we31 was tested idrith aan sir lift ev 160 gal~?ona pw- note vith a fc�Iqu-fjve foot draw down, The well driller felt aura at the end that the material was so tight or ga r-p;w=w that the water would not floir tbrou& it fast enough to prOV:We a fMll of sufficient capacity �o be of uge to the Citgo The drillers exparic-nee vas limited ted to wells of emml i cepaa3.tq. Ate. Arnold, who was tho City Manaosr at the Ming felt than; the dvillwo con. elusions ^e e0mda VIO Ciq was not at an engaged by ire remote of the test well, In 1936 the City contracted with an all =11 driller to drill a 2.0e well 3W feet deepq and cam it with eomd run oil w1l camIng. On owtt�7.,41�; Rpeoified that if the well met the spec fiattions vhich required n ca 1,000 gallons per mintzte, the driller would iwoeive $3500s If it &A rso meet the speaificationep the driller was to receive $1500, The drlfl?-c. ;: fused to give a bound (doe to his f tasnaiat statuci)a but the City ss tC,,- j the contract uitho t it. The driller wao unable to obtain the usad oav0-- . so the City pu rchoead 300 feet of 20 Inch easing. A&ter ainidag 10 feet of the casings the driller was table to drive it deoix-r. The City them p c cheeed him 140 feet of ten inch casing which he uas able to drive to the 300 foot leftla On test the wan denloped a capacity of aLQut 450 gallom per minute. In view of the drillers whard lucks the City of'f'e�bd to petiq the driller for the full $3900o The offer was not a ccepteds aad to drillw1s) manager and attorasg filed claims against the City for about four VMS tba nazlxm contract price. The City, out of sypathy for the laborers., ay.- paromised the labor claims. The Mwessaf l uem of wall water with the present system Vtld V*q Ow or two wells with a total aWaaltty of about 4s000 8allon9 per minute,, If ahoc two r il2 on gallons of 3toreegre imre provided for the vm3_1 vc t ord a capacity of about 2.,000 gallons per Bubo voiced. be ample* In vla-a co the Citv?a paV6 oxporienoev it: appears vary doubtful, that ale of m efla- ient eapac city could be dvve3o od 0 n any fm4ftr considers tiou Is to be givmn to t?� possible devolo ►n'c of uvlls�, -,,he sorvicas of sea-- large$, roputable wall (22?1?i%- coneorn such as Edmrd B. j olmson., Inc. of Saint Paul,, IUnwsota should be eml.oye to study tree faeus md deter.zim Whothor or not the development of wallas in Bomm is psaatical, 4. PJIM a gCM &Qt& Orm&* The City of Bow has contraoted with the 114ddle Crook Resez-voir Aassoclatican for 500 ausa feet of trams annually fram the B alits Creek Raaerv+oir. (To ba caVl ated in 1949 or 1950)o Asm ming 10% lose In this under batmen the reaaezwir and the =73 this amcnmta to about 347 million ge12= of 'Estes° anmally. "Lhils aAtored water would be tnt,111sed during the 3s^-rWUon seasons Ths normal float atia $yal ite Creek could be utill>sed at call times sueppt during the Irri,gaticn season. The 347 as9311on gallons of w ter available in the reaervair represents an increase of aappraxdmataly 26 percent over the present supply of 569 mtUicn gallons during the three summr months. 1pproor3mata?�y IQ million gallons has been estimated as being naves,ary to supplement the existing supply for as city of 15s000 psap 2a, During the astudles mad® in preparing 'fr o reports water samples woo collected frog Ilyelite Creek above the elite Creek Ranger Statical. Tbase samples woo awlyrad by the Monti State Board of Health. The abemieal. analysis showed that the water contains about 90 Parts per millions of total solids.. Under 500 Parts of total solids is considered Iona# and classifies the water as good from the standpoint of drinking. The water cantatas about four grains per gallon of total b ardnese, Wch is considered relatively soft, e2Z- The bacteriological aw1ys2s & the u*atar sheirod that intestimil baeterim do a�dzt La the wcta:. M-c aaalys�. did not cato to wit extent the baoterla existed or thetbor they were Qf g 1 na3 or has w crigIna The baesueria couldo In aU prdbablliVs bo eliminated by msodaratos dacrinn� ti.ca- C, The vaat r aho:md a trace of wb dity is Julbv. It is probable e that considerable turbidity exlats di.3~siug ,arlo ds as M& rm,- M* If the water is used during periods of h& turb3dity.. aottling would be essential to plaOB the water in a condition to be ablarinatedo Cheaaieec7.ly the water is quite comparable tr th Bosomsa Creek Natero BacberiologlcaU,ys it voulA bo expected to contain more hmmTul bacteris than the Bozeman Crook Water since the Hyr-11t✓ Creek tm-bershed is not O.rx4e,,, This moans that the oblorinatiom of the ByaM.Lo Creek grater Mould ham t, be heavier tbatit the Bozeman Creek vatere The development of Hyalite Creel- (and the Hyalito Crook as a sovres of hater would req©iro the constraotion of an intalm an Yga3.y-uo Creek* a settling basin., about 2.8 miles of 18" lour pressure lim, a tine million gallon reservolro and about 3.6 miles of 18" higa pressure line. Drawing number 417-1-1 shown then layout for this M.-terra The intake would be located new the mouth of the canymp but far enough vp so that the =tar wnuld be t21 ryn from l yalfte Creek above aW drainage f r m foam lands. A. motor gete would be installed at the intake to meaame the qua$t3V of water talon from the Creek. At a convenient location batten the Intake and Us reservoir the vator vou3d be admitted to a twMing basin. The exact s1w of basin re- quired should be determined after testing the water throughout the yew for twObidity. Little settling mould be required during the high demead In the air months... 7n the sp,ing of the year the hater would need to be hold for a' none derable Uae to settle out the silt in the water. For the -23- purpose of this preiixilnmg report - coaamts basinn =M a capacity of 1,50D0 6-ja1lons poi° mimite wVch an e36at hour pez-1od has bo= figured. The basin would be eonstrueued in at least three sootiom with provUi.cm for clamiing one eeetion at a tire®, A low pressuve 1.810 pipe I would eonrseot Vas nettling basin and the reservoLro It is proposed that this Mno vould be constructed of a reinforced concrete pipe, with a -type of joint, that would mi n5mize -amy trout Txlth tree rootsa The ccmcrete pipe is considerately cheepor them cast Iran and should sores as satisfaetoz- 1,y for a low pressure water lino The maalmama capacity of this pipe line Mould be about 4j,000 gallons per minateo A two minion gallon reservoir wotQA '►ie regtl1red at an el vmcim comparable with the elevation cr the Bozeman Creed: Razorvoir. The resavvoi figured for estimating ptaMoses was a round reservoir With vortical aideco The reservoir footings would be placed at sufficient depth below tIo- sm,,- face of the ground to obtain a Min bearing. Etccavaood material. Mould b3 backfilled aramd - he reservoir to provide frost protection. A gravvol under drain would to provided with drains till to keep the foundation =a oslal dry, thus avoiding undue s ettImento A concrato roof supported by column has been Included to cover the reservoir. An automtatie solution toed type ehlarlmtor and toor would be Installed in the supply Liter from the reservoir to the Cifi3ry The supply line from the reservoir to toga umuld be 280 cast Iran pipe. It would be capable of delivering about 41,000 gallons per minute to the west aide of the City at a pressure of 50 pounds per square inch, The mains factor favoring the development of the, Hmalte Creek Supply is the fact that it would pro7lde a supply of crater feeding directly -24- Into the test side of time Cl: y. The main Objections to V31s supply is the urge i— tip (D.anae oZ 'a" iD aysteins and the fact that the C'ety T-vuld then have three separate oystemw to Mani" 50 'Tedd Qf k�sr 7 s��.�..j e?� z"oA c� �Jstex v ` M vecalul capacity ck? Mystics Lake :is about 14W a=, a feet. tie Cites has the use of 446 amen feat of ibis storage and karners along Bomm Creek haves the we of the remaining 1042 acre feet* a a. 1042 acre 'foot of hater used fcr Irrigation is protected frm conUmOmation by having the watershed a "closed area". Having t1w watershed font s Citpf s vater raupp3,y a closeda is very des"rable 9r m a health standpoint. Numerous emmples c n bo cited where the Watershed is not closed due to the 9mpractieabil3ty of mwh action. P'a7: ��•y the lwas, clommm is desirable wb ere possible, Due to the a=elloat recreation area in Ayalite Canyon it io doubttttt that M eoinsideratic::i should bo given to the possibility of closing this watershed if it e?i:::-"'. be used as an easlditiontl source of Water supply. Since conasIdembl,e irrigition Water. is stared- in Mystic Lake It see ns wise to consider the possibility of trading Hyalito Reservoir water, for HYstIc Lake Water. Cou03de ration should be given frm the standpoint of health as well as from the standpoint of cost. Six ohms c t -Mystio Lake water equals 446 acre feet of setarap. It tbs City could trade its 5W acre feet of Iiya9.ite reservoir water for sIz sbares cf Mystic Lake water,, wVle water would be available for anticipated needo. The topagrapbV of the crnmU7 U such that it would be fdaai'Wi0 to oonstrnot a canal from Hyalites Creek and divert water into fine raaa►l owned by the ONvatie LsIs Ditch AeeocUtion". Draving No. 417-1-+2 shoes a plan wbereby water from F4vlite Creek could be used to irrigate land oemmd by the following Mystic Lmbe abareholdem s -25— Cyril G�'er� 1 �� we—ter mvart 1 share Harold KlWAPh .1 shares Total 6 sharers In this plau :.t is pfoposed that the exiating ditch from, Byalibo Creaks which passes through the G311teet; Ranch Just north of they Up.11te Ranger Station be enlarged so as to have a maidmm capacity of about 15 second, feet (600 miners Inches)• Most of this capacity would be used to carry revervoir water to the six shareholders mentioned abo' o About 2100 feet of 15e concrete pipe Mould be required where water is tranOerred from the proposed canal to the Watic Lake Ditch. This portion would be toD steep to we an earth eavAl sine the water would erode the b&nhs. Th 3 151 concrete pipe would have 4.oapaeltp of nesrlq 15 second feet. In a final desi1np it might prove more eaon a teal to construct on entirely r-,v canal lover down and eliminate the section of concrete pipe. A muter gate would be installed at the intake to the canal. on $ralite Creeko Two or tbcree meter gates would be roquirmd to regulate flow out of the ditch to the Walter Sratt Rancho the 4yrn Gaffema Ranch' and possibly to the Gilbert Ranch. Two meter gates would be required at the end of the canal; one to regulate the flow an doors the existing ditch to the Montgomery Ranch in Lev+erich Canym; and the other to regulate the flow into the concrete pipe line. A concrete structure would be constructed at the end of the concrete pipe lira to slow, the water down before admitting it to the Mystic Lo3c a Ditch. A weir would be included in tixs discharge structure to check the emoamt of water being added to the Mystic Lake Ditch. The advantages of this method of obtaining additional. Vater suppir aces (1) The additiouaa supply obtained would be from 2ystio Lake and therefore protected bV a closed vatershade -26- (2) the Dosezn Creek SYS-tem Would be enlarged to P"sly jlhe �ditdona:� capneVcyo Thus the C e7?s orator sompply trould be conesatrated into two systems rather than three, (3) ThG ipaitial investment is wns3derably less. The maizi c?isadvantage 3s tho n=erous problams3 mono or loss of c- legal nature9 that id"ou d have to bo worked out to accomplish the trading and di=oiory of tho watera The sharaholderµ concerned tad expect to receivo the Hyalite water at no highor cost than the Mystic Lak Water. bloat of them would still be iWterested in nnaintz%inLng their interE»t in the Yystic Fake Dish in order to make use of their creok rights. '.hzrr-- fore9 most of the initi a cost of •ew canal to divert Hymll'to Crack uater and a large part of the maintenance of the carnal would most likL?y h.lva I-; bo borne by th© City. The interest of the Hys'la Lako shar+sholdorn :,c d3reetly aoncamed would have to be protva'ted. Would an arrangement o ' rater give the City control of the majority of the atoek? Or would the fi just agree to furnish *water in place of ltstic Lake water and the makeup c: the Bosem= Creek Reservoir Association be vnaltwemd o:' It is obvious than this solution would raise a< multitude of questions that wooled have to be given careful consideratimo 17- PROBED WATER SUPPLY ADDITIONS & gaWMENTS, 10 A11=2k 92P 7 -- MMIU Cree,�% o In oonjunetion with develo.,p ing an additional rater supply from the H.Va].9.te Creek Reservoir the :3oUcv ing improvements to tha existing system and additions should be made; (1) The Lyme.* Creek neservoi,. is a cavity type reservoir with conwate lining and sloping sides. The tc:� three or four feet of the concrete lining in mocked and spalleds and an earth embankment four to give feat high around the reservoir slopes down flush with the top of the sloping eonmete lining. This presents a hazael -27- from the health steax4po nt in t-Wu untreated awface water crag flAw diwsty Irom tho =wounding araa lzto the Mesa oLi,, Gr4 scr.3..eex and other @ A32 ardmal.s have easy naosss to the raaervoirA In order to eliminate this condition it is proposed that the top three cr four fee:, of t-b-e c©ncoeta Un9ng ttich is erackod to removed and a new soetian of lines V1.1ch mfflcloeb footing and sa i&W&rsl eretj gall exuding aft uuo or thw-ce icc: ebove tba azivvmling groimd he can- structed, The grotmd wound the mab umll would bo ilea to slopa wra;- frm the reservoir and a ooncrete side and gutter destructed to aazr-r the surface aster any from the reservolro In addition to the nev lining and aurb well a eonw stc our') would be 3aaatalled around the overflow to maintain a emstent him wabes: lovel in the reservoir. Tbesre would be rice additional storage cal a city obtained bg raising the overflow water level., hoer, since V-B already has more eapacitV than eau be util.iwd, tho additional capacity vould be of to belle i.tw (2) Hoag .`!&'_t1 &&U&lpMMMjo Water n Bowman Croon Is diverted Into a a w.1 . settling basin abead of they Int*3 line to the resersoLr. During a oons dee;'8hU portion of the year the i'fi9C': Is muddy and the aettlIM basin Is too small to hm much effect an the turbidity. As a reault the Bowman Creek fir acts as a settling basin and must be cleaned at frequent intervals (aevan or eight times v year). It should be cleaned more afters, but due to the need for the starnip Capacity during the ssnwr nowthes, this cannot bs dam, In order to ellminats tho necessity for mob fregmnt.clam- lug a►f the Dom Cmak reservoir and there3 y Insure Met the stogy capselty will alter be availables, it is proposed that a settI tug min of suffialont wpaedty to o1e3t7r the water be constructed between the inteka -28- and ---Az 16%n size of the aeftlIng baoin req.Wved ohou2d be deftarmir-ad Iza 03m� do alp W � a sC*?Ios-cC tosto ma Unnmz of viattling- rcqrJ.rodo, and i2ow reqml-rad during the perJAds reqWrIng aaft,Mmg. Rb is probable tha-11, th.- higher turbiditUo v-m-,'A occur In the 'S'PrIng of the yam... '604-COM the =Im'm Linter recra-1--=G2140 02 the 01tv mated. ricr tho prix-pozes of this repmet It has boon eetimted that a sat tl- Sag basin zoitlb on sight how detention Poel-od gor 1500 gallms per m1wtiD WU be required. The evbtling bamin vould be deallied to bo conotracted in t1nme sevUms 'so t1hat, at least tw-thirds of the basin would be Ln use T'ftuo tho 'otImr section -..as being cleaned, &amm.swu seem ma, -rmimamau. The prosont E= Croek Reser"Ir in it very poor condil-biam aW requIres considerable msain- tomeAce to provmt exczsvi" ledtA&. Ropairs to tho e:eLoting res5mmir vauk probabl7 bra more expewive then to construct -a nou zaammoir mar V-z" present am almae it wov2d be necessary to rmawie the oidsting livlmgs w.A provUs proper dftlmae and tom2dations to prav=t, vottImmt1w The proposed reservoIr muld ba mmialuated e5mner to Who ad-sWAff reparvolr iAth proper dralzmEp provided uurlox- i&e dUbsp thamty PVM.,g fmAdat4an settlemont and the aftelling that has resulted in tile pow Condluon of the present reseryofto U) The deftlormeo e,. t1w HVdits Crook as a eovrm m? supply would reqtIm the folloving units all eb auto- 31ned In SectUn M.. Sub-ftetion 4. (a) Constmetion cC ran Inteke struottwe on Hyalite Cm*o (b) Installation of about 2.8 zdlea ar 3.8 Inch low preamme cmerete 11m from the In to the lefttion of a prop9md distribution ressmir. (a) ConstmetAon of a settling basin between the intake and the proposed reservaixo (d) Conn trscti on 0 a:yd two 3 m game (a) lastdUataon of ebmt 306 mills cg 32 lAah mat 137oa line :Zrm tW rapervoir to ts� City Di$tributOl-cm Syst�..�,, an thze Mast 32de mar the Montataa Steve Co3-egzo �?s 1-m'rallatioa of = ombie c.3 "tor ai chlorsma wr lu tba.st9ply n" frm the 2 0 .ar Nadu Wm If It is decided to trade the City s 500 acre feet of stnrt- age e a �na3.t t® Reaosro+o# �b r,pwt of tbo 3rri gatd= ahsras Is ltetl e Lam 'ate folloving Inprowento and additimp ahauM be madeo the Igmm C-esl-. reVmro3r vM be req di=d w In Alw-- da Noo 30 (2) gq Se.�st1.2n�B��.+a, � Via?a bra Creak Reoamik =11e:� e traded for Itgstio Zaks Water U-Q aottling BaaU on the Dora Cmek S(,PrPY t:+in base to bave aboat ttlee r capacivy that ttM be xtquired if a `�p'''tom•' ato ir-Tp�7 grm 11�T .- to 33 developed, For se purpona wi thin reWt a OAUI s tsevin Tdth a eapac l- V of 3vOOO gpm vith S hours detention ben 1366a3 mter Is ftsded by tbo City i~er irrleatioa ViRtsr arm 1'*rstla 10.E the. Boz-.rid m Cv_Q* storage ar sem "r &3h6uM be repleoed by a nov i t gallon r®aavoi.Qo The now resaVoir wott1d be a cavity typo similr to the essatim resoroir ulth proper drainaw and footing provided to Pftmt mttlawnt and wavkiM. water oWly tea Bow Croat and Vqatic Lets the ogncMem of the supply 11me frm the intake to t=v reservoir and from the reeervofr sago the CUr Dsst ributi«n symtm m1n have to be in=amdo T116 Present supp17 l.M gilon, tim ins to tho, Bbzetw Cxr,2k i36a`"'r a c-. c is y QZ gpyrcrz:L::aW 4500 gallono per u"Zis3?d't e. !-..I w CaO:- to We(a thO add TtlmwZ ?aquirmonts nor tha ors tImnkid inczoaaed papvUtI- = from thGs s+aWcO, the SruPp37 UM O*aa V would wed to bo Increaead to ap�va'G: C: 6000 ga teas per t-l-r-tate. Tkis tso-,,,W reams.•P m addiftow . 12 Ibeh SOPPIy 22=, Yrcm the Intake to t� r®��o r ski replacing of this adating 1im u-I th a 2,,inch ?L--e. TIC ?1ze w I d be as l.a1 Prestuft vow crate 11M wS.t2t joints 09 a type 1ala4 RO-ax pRevez I, Gzfuerim bf roots into the lime Hith inoreassd vwV,'.,v :�9Caz. Do== CraQ'h €33 1f:"off -18 a. nea S upp): Mao o A-,cam t&O rOOO o�aSx to no MV till be ragvire l o a7�o lir-- wmiM bm ear-- 32 inch cast irm line AutiommUo em ozUtlen and oblorim t4aan equIpmeat 3s p.arlded am the exiatIng IS Inch lim gran fte resrvo:lr to Lo n. Tho cos r4'Q2 equipment inalufto an 8 itath wrAfAce minter in -am 18 :LnGh Ito., j-J%-ch •30 tho flov v-Ith the availe-ble hmA o The 8 3ieh cr-olftae plats ms p2aged tn th--) line 3n 1939 uIum 'de modmue oonmm. 'Uton e bhe CV.y ,-as approxUat-A-y mill iosa gallons per dip. Tho aa_t o3 ty of thg contral, o pment in the IS Inch 11m could be increased Ih alth&r of tw tw7sj, Qathsr by iastaM-4 an 18 Indh vWt=1 mwber or by rep2a tho 8 luah orlrlao plat* with a)o a2 Imam d3aeetaarp An IS Inch vaniuri mote vo replaco 'o 8 inch OxMc o p3eke would cost In the nel&bot'hoad CC 03,000.00. On the otbw Umnd the 8 Inch MVica plate cauld be v6placed very *asiIt by Fa 22z inch orifice plaU, vhLch would provlAv 4 eepacity up to ercrzA 6,000,aW -gallons per day. Tblo cool bs done at mach lose cost that would ba required for th% vWt=I-Wter9 prd*mb3.7 Its the neighborhood of $300 or Less. A now =tmatic ummrdUtor &nd c Marlmtor would be pr*vMe d In the n9v IS Inch line frM thO r®serwL- to the Oityo The =tVI ®quip►. : t MuW be praferabl,-, & tho rmnturl tjTpe slaeo better efficloney vodU -31- bo obtaiasd the trith t1io orifics tyr,- ristos a �,�`'� �4 T%�:k'�-^-....�!�3'�_AS° j':•a'a 4=�• '�rC.^�_.�...;.�nl a�'� �%�°�^-�'=e',c3 �'��.;..�,r�.1r•- YMu_•'—.emu. ��'�•� i/ � - �t a�► Ws,'c�x��,��.i�vs,�9. 0 �r�Z� �.►�tsr �a3: I��?�.'::e �rc�� ��o provide for six. sees cf Ixri ebion rlghts fry 11ystio Lake youl,:z tcho following all -as oifbl m-d in S.-cti.on III. Sty-se ebion 5: (a) Enlarge the asisting diteh from Hyalito Crook throrg-1 tha Gilbert Ranch to a capa cit of about 7 5 clabic feat par second (600 Fiord inchrl Install a 15 Itch concrete pipe to transfer the 4. tv3. -`roan the enlarged canall to the Mystie Lahe Ditch. (b) Instal3 meter gatea at all points of divars•!on free the carol to rogulate the flows to the various •txerri InstaU a weir- is the da acharge structure to azec L- tha amotmt of unater being added to the Mys ac afv � Dsvch0 30 Mi atirr_�croements a Inspections of D�ystic Lake tore made in 1939 by Mr. R. H. Flftol _, Consulting Enginmr (now Chief Eragirm©r of tiro Montrma S Wafer t?a:r.:::. � , .. tion Board)g, 2�. Bliudwuar of the State Water Board,, wd the Uo S. Roo. Servios a `$The ias i-a-ppeationa were made ir24gNnden;ly aml the foil o-0-, recemwndationis tone merle by both Mr. Fifleld and uha U. S. ,ester , ;r., ;? (1) Tnamam the spillway capacity to at :Coast 320 ctW. , foot p second* Y>;r. Bli€dauer re6omands 390 oublo feet per asccond, (2) Raice the dram approximtoly 3 fect to give a ilree',f . c(. feet above splll!my crest and 3 to 5 feet above aN= a., t''4ter 1e rl .:u spillway, (3) Construct a new control estrum of a mw0 perm=,+nt n: so that the storage capacity could be utilized dur Av the winter montb3 The Forest Swvice also recomaandedthat a log boca be to prevent drift timber from ontering the spillway vnd damaging t'i, c :U In August at 1949 Mr. Morrison and Mr. Erglo of this of! ce mado —32— ana ectian of lgata.a l;aTm and soimd tI3� t, the prc::ant apM-,vmy atd Gtnt/�) w'xZ,:!x la S1°-17 p3ov ram:-lama Ono _"X'o'fa:lt caant.-ol -�ouav is a wood rpnar it il- ardar to pre-,Mat •he ice ;acmes '?eking t amici of two;.* Thereores it tie -Vo-3alhIlo try ha?d 11intar I*uA K :c c�� :Lt,193' :be apr aqi.+is d. O-f T Vas iwef lcisat to S iLl he resei o ir. yz o FIfIcId a o roam=m0ationa y or ono coe=! wcxIje vao that a wall be per; doc -b1moughtlie emtor of tho der, amd comweticme made to the cat iron pipers with tuo gate val s an each p;vex ova sot for operating ptrpoese ad the otbve cot for emsrg,--acy p oses. -A s cota Oblu--tiaol vbleb ha been mggaebrA Is to-pl oeide a sliding gaU or gatca caong �,he taps gym;m 810pe Of the d= in-M Q9 operret4mg rod aunn3ng al(mg the slope to tL-p tc: of Us den. Of the %o solut4ons tba ll atix ' eau ld be le sa� expanei'e9 h.a*•-�rxr T-ifca the long oyara`clag rods regtwad mid the flat alopo cif this late mvLz op€3-mUn6 rod 'awe -vdgbt be 8=0 d ficblties In opex a won and msin'kwnc that vWIM n®t laa. cr-wmtamd %--M V-10 z!dU through, Ib:� dm. This eolufi3cis MUM ftly giTa o_sa so4 of c=trol.a and aapsve vork Moued be diffiolt aril u+ou2d neQewdtata dra.Whg t-a rft ML, v The veU thro.alf-h the dam wit! ttm "te Of Vz1Vlas MW Aso it ,possible to repair or rep3aco the oWatiog Vnl vft without dra lasing the resemO, After otndrlag, the re erdtba life ass. 117'Qrest Ste, Wd MkWg a Bald Inspee-ion it is pfopood that the following be clew at MyoUR Lakaa 00 Mmemmm the &-I&t of tbz dam thaw :feat to pr*Wo adequate f"obowd, (2) cons at ai new spilltaay with a greet aldl h of 40 feet with the orest g feet b lou the top of the dare. dhU would give a sp:LUv V OvPacitY of UO Ofs with 5 feet freobowd. In the final deBIp 3t might mpmo ,Mro -sam3:34.11CO. to walso *a clon a tc%, zrcmizzo I m gem -dLg & 14 (3) Z=-Ic -000t CM14-ciZU pipe data thrmei the dm tD th*t an On-ch 1,1=2 mia 'Zor 'Op--vet- Shl W'rposes Vo COST EVT 3MM,1.3, Mio owt eetImtem imed ia t his import arc bs=sd 110arly P-o pm an Present day. a=timetion owtou Becaugo oE zh3 nastmble widiticra cto to preamt deq coots rA OmaUos of 90 peirwnt bap bow added to the astkmt2d Coate to teko care Of acatLa&w0lese No coats bave be= 3:tc2�cd foo mael'sp pmrobaslog, land cr wa%r rota, etea Lvam craex B"Oftob XWOMMIA, 3SOWO.00 BOMMan Creak 8"Ulng Bacia 50jpcm,o0 Nor, 212 GnUan Boxamam Creisk Romnmoly 150SIODO.C1,10 nos== cro& T�rvdt 300,6013 DevaoPma-b e amide crm% P".T.,Pw 6560000.00 XystAq luau fc 9LUw&2LGw&" OW fig- A lamas Ore* Reewtair MRW"Mht AV000600 BowwwA Creek SaMing Basin 75*000.00 ffelf A, 1-1 Gallen Dozmn Croik Rsw3*cIr 245vOOO*W DOZOOM Croak T"Aing E*dpmt 1O.V0004000 Besse Creek S 2800000,1 00 DiVmvlm CaWl= 8 3to 21000tl8,00 Mptic Lake Total AltoftsU No. 2 MOMO*OO 3o DstaU Cwt Est imtme i (2) loam Omok Reserlumi-I Impr*vv=t(3cI Pow Tqp2aOIAg Graelmd PMUM of mdialblm conamto IIW sod canatruoting now euk-b mQU and sidwaakoa ' Bs �Uj �i�? SJ�,t30b,Ot9 A lip'°f abo eapQcilby S -kra Q?�'LEJTI l tin f 5y000*00 (3) Rom Creek 10sorvoir lNplleeemt Alternate No,, 1 •- 2 M GO-1 an 1500,000.00 MMOI%na No. 2 e 4 W C !3z& 245oOM.00 (4) Creek lei;ing. r dpwat Akbayaeca Hoo I-Replace V GrIfI 69 t 122 i c0-°19ioe Plate 300e00 A ta?°nwAa PTo o 2 « FrovWs v4ditional Ckagrine"Or & Lwmmlatar with all Control (5) Dowaopwnt a flyalitea Creek StTp3g Altermte No* 1 (a) Intaks & supply Vat= to Rem-mij, (includes intake, ditchO sottlia� basin► and amcrets uapply e 2070000,00 (b) 2 M Ca1.l,aat cyl r -�ypo reservoir 1.58,000.00 (a) ChloriMUon & catering equipmW1, 15,000,00 (d) is inch cast irm s*Ply um rrm rese 4 to Rosati 276^too (6) Boxw= Crash SM4y Linea Alta Late No. 2 saV (a) u Ina a'Marete lutdo line 950000,00 (b) 3S inab east Ircu supply line mom resew0ir td BoeeacaM 185,E}OOa00 Note s R,eplAcUS tho 63detum is inah Va rwed clay intake 1bw Vith a 24, Inch acnomte lute with root proof Jointe WOU24 remilres ant edditiaaal cost of approximately 10000.00' (7) Trading of NyellU ReOO"lr Vater fw Nyrot4o Lake Water Molulao futabso canal exeavatooa motor gatesa cautMe atmetumvp disebeop }Q 3.g000.06 (S•) t�tstc I� Imparotte AddlUana hol&% of dem 1�OOD.00 Now SpiUAW and dmto 27*000,00 Neu Ooaitr4 Stmetare S,000.00 �3�-- VI, CON OLUSIOITS AM RECMEMATIONS, After st,dyIng the earlwas poss7blll- es fo:r e-,dd'ttional water supply for the City of Bvzemanp the W-lowing conclusions concerai:g UK v n-'s sources have been rea:cbodt 1. L 2n.CrcLe . Duo to the topography o? the L5an Creek v t"•or sk." and the fact tha.'4 practicaL y o111 the water from this so4*rce ie b ifa • i by the City at pr^aent;; the developm- nt of additLo=2 oupply from Creek is impraetiml. 2. B;trMm 2Mek. The prevent in-cna :'ram Bozcnan Creek and the ste• from Mystic Lake are o31 accou-ated for by e:dsting water rights. It wou:a be possible to provide additional stora.go on Bozeman Crewj, howevers ¢h3— coat of this makes it Impractical. The only practical means of cr'l- _; additional supply from Bozeman Creek would be to bray out some of g) irrigation right or by trading 11ya'l.ite Creak water as discusse.i s©otions of this r Porto 3. 9-IM ,L*g �, . From the past exporiencoa of the Char with wells it is very doubtful that developing an additional supply frc- well s is practical. The deve7 open t of FV*Iito Crook as an additional source of suppl„r is feasible., but would require = oWanditure oi' appros.3- mately $925..000 to make nsoassW repairs to the existing supply syetem and to develop ',,ha nou source of supply. 5. c ? oJs K&tpr fg, ' USEUTs ¢J . ; . Trading water from Wali.te Reaervolar for irrigation rights - Lake is sa feasible solution u4 would require the expendi-hwe os e r mately $702,,000 for the necoosary additions rrd Improvements to des-alop the additional supply and repair the existing systaAo -3&- In cons'-der at.}a2 of tho '<_argo dI"f c��sace in costs It In racow=aed that R (l) M-5 CxV -'4Vko My aeceSsary StMPS to a SMV that tbO 500 awno fOet of atto=p from 1i7allllm P.ozar oll- will by available for thsL- r a.:e (?) The nece nmry agevemats and lopl cluor's for t-rd-liar,. o 4. `t- 1�:)sflrvoir vw er fcrs the pig s'havas of Myst e Lake 1T er ba . Ae" (3) The Oda lra N►oorc:� Ontl wnd 1r Allto=rtv 17:a, 2 be �S��UtiU.• is rapidly as tho need is de nnonrtr wd. '.pE° 'rz'Y(,3 tO the Luau Gveak Rosorvoar., Mystic Lake =-d -W o Basin Q Rosevzoir rapLte :a, o dl. sottline 'basLa should be g�lvvn priorlty on fto constructlan pmg'sm-o Roeovds of eater uses flora from tbs varlova sources ax' =pp2y ciC f].otre In the vw1ow strema have boon vary hcl p2ul In =Aing the e 4� Included In Vila reporw, In making any v-Wy of uhls typo a a- -records Is a most van able ot-watp and vM Javarl ally Make 3 save la the cat, oZ ouch a st.410 It Iu a ocomeaded that to making, Entare studies m gyrtm of meorda ba sot up ard mal t AIW ?or tL. ,owing e (1) k�=. rask r-1we At least *no* a nth during the reinter months and once a week daring the a mmero (a) &RMZ i C=k.VM. Glee a aonth dwing the wiutm and mN a week during the 02aftere (3) Daily recgosd of MY'a of 2Yativ Lake Waco (4) Total outer ao mPtim gar' tie Mtv of Bommm In ga 2=3 per amth t;M wrmoponding service w=eotiow, Re=ging floe motets oa the main supply linea frm each of the saareoa of suMAy would be vory belpiNal In checking atgaimet activa use and lose of waters mad also In detem ring the daU7 and holy earl Alone In flQV* -37- In ror400ticm with the final dea4n of the so-foaling Uwdm dyad c� ths tazcrosa Oroek Suppl,,r tend the Hyalts Crwk SuppT If mod) MPUS off' the Watr shoulA ba co3lsaUd dwing pests oZ high UrblcUty and at VWgaua ir'ke. a1s ch3 ys eta boetomo �s pa3od required far cla i tsticao TU0 • WATER DISMMUT10N SM37W. TIAG a.��iG -6v.4T? dlnwibaUon spWa LYEDozemams supplied i.d'om LC'o oapamta vawwc, One. an ttw nor bb4ast SlAs .a? tkbo CT�7,j- fxoa Lymm. C: "UNS Oth-;)b 23NMA VP,- ZGW hOat e3.4?8 :r1w BOZOM-� Creak. `hD tsxpply line :em Ly",w x Creek is = 28 inch lino 10,347 91 sat longy tylng i.4o the, dielwibia".1on sqzsten es, t2he ex-tAwi'ms 0a B?g'ch W—d north 'a 'n-n stwee o The amply 11no Bgsew Crook is r-+� 13 iacla 3."�n 1? ���4� ft t, joqg fe the room-VoIry co g Into tho wea Sour, Black StftYu. Tho tm supply lime we tw toaothur oath z 36 inch► lim mate the Is inch anp I!= Bansez a 2.1 2.uch 3: x"rcm Ftr-clx to Zg=ii- cm F:ouee., e 22 L-,da 1 fie& ��a to Olive via Roum and 'asp Rvorse to Traqy on 02ivap amd a V4 1ia2 1= ' n 011vc to Qo 18 inch oapp3,v lLna 4t tra oxtension of 0ar.'aolda 'Thora Is u 12 :Laeia 11:2z alonag GarZioM frm the Bows C�-rook aWp4 11w to tha Mang Stmto UoLugee Cap;yplas t"I's et'usngion Of Elwuh strrot$ €,n? en 8 inch 11M exuWaing W1 nm t to tea: ex cansion of ltth strowv"$ th an c3 5U0rth 0 0z>110P Ate. Frm the iLlt imeeti(m of Black and Oliva Unr+e Is a 32 :1neh $im West f6r am blocks than a 10 it ob 21w Vast to 7%1rd vhaa Snvch, tv 41®aj, tboA Ww$ to Swan'-►. From tso Lymn Crook aap 11M tbsare io m l0 Inch I** (excnp t Zor tim b ocke uZ 6 inch and ow block of 8 1DO11) South elm& VaMoo to Mveo, theneo UeA to the ftter- seati= aC a live w d Rm sec The rimer at the dUtribution eystemp w h tk.- omptioa cC ra Oeu short stub Una consists of 6 inch and 4 inch lima. 801Tth cX va .>t~> t t1m 6 Amch lima 2?7m -toarth ena Sceth a d1atewo or 2r4a 9 to 10 blacks no 0.. mo tieoo T% limos jTor,w.-j a:? Olivo am cA-?w)a. tied at mom fre-l"ma r Intervas then thaw in the Swath Seatim or the Cites, wt a' with 6 14Qb to 11MOO The general slope of Bo.emm iN dm,-a ErWa South to Torah with ca 01OW-lion difference bs:'`h On the Sc Uth Cr4 I16ox ur3 a elmaes .n exaoss of 150 feet. In order to provide sufficient pressures :1n the higher South section of tinin the Bozmwn Crock Vas co�--,WCal c ed at an elovat3on of approximtely 85 feet, aba- d�zo ignm Creak Rcsei aoiry and pressur ► regan3 atmra era lr►a,,allG 3 on the NOT h •w South Limes at College Street., to prevent excessive prossures in t,.o Northern pa b of t;n oystom, AU the prossure r0fAL'At0r8 along Conage Street have been put out of oervice and tdth the exception of the main aLipply lire an Black Avenuan en the limes are shut off at Conege. .A?.z the area South of Collogo S•treat is oerved by the one 12 inch line on Garfield S•treoty wd eve3.. thing 'etamn Conege and 01ive are fed frcml the 10 inch 11na c?ong 011 a Street. Dur- ing periods of hi& demazil the prosaure s in the vost aide of the City jix-t Horr.th of Col eGa- Stroou are va 7 poor. 11 DISCUSSIMS Cp .PPLS,sue WATER DISTRIBUTION SMMMa Ths imter distribution system for '� City of Bow^.0 is vezy the 4Matern aeot2on of the City. It Is ovv3dent that with the exceptions of the 12 inch line to Hontana Stato Collego and the 1.0 ino12 line, along Olive Street, the system has built tip as th~ City grew with no over-a1.3. planning. The 6 inch and 4 Lech distribution linos are furnishing flow 'o ar too great m distanes vithow,, crass ties to be able to dmUver peak float® at dea3lrable pressures. la Conditig N 1area iaaW. The water distribution system has been investigated under the following conditions of flow and with the loops laid out an follwet (a) The existing system was investi®ated for peals hourly dowst w and irrigation flows for the present estimated population, Under the condition t1m preamwes at Montana Ste(4 Co?lege would? bo approxi- mately 40 psi, and Mould drop to practically zero Just north of College Street. -40-. (b) 71, Oystem 7AZZ investllgatse firth mi addatione 3.2 iLch y1.uU s�.tiiib 'iiO fc�,3 ei'tiz i�E�v to .11 11 A+i e'_yuo.. -i iej 10 :a uil it a;iig Curtiss extonde d to llvh Avenue and a Lino Joining the two on ll�h 'Avenawp add3tioaml 8 Lv cli liars on Peach,a Zap -md llth Avenue from Curtiss to P ocoh and an S inch line clo�g Cal-b fie S=eroe'r. to make a camp?et loop ote Sozch Sdeo Peak dasts and irri�tio:nh flows for tin x"i to a estimated po ralat3 on z:ti t ea caved for this ilea ti.— gationa l,"ndor t-haso conditions the mint 7re surea at the Mont=- a State Colleen ury d be about 33 psi} and the prasszxe at the ilost City Limits and 1Larmaa could bs reduced to about 6 psi. (c) The third condition investigated i,ras vith the 3m4 f to ;a. as used in (b)a but witli the laereaoed phis uao si=a nz aham cis. drawing Move. 4.17-1 50 'Uhde: t7hU cond-ition the prosouros av all points in the system would bo from 20 psi. Mill m m to eTJozL /C p In the m3reantile district near the main supply ?inefs o (d) A fourth condition lnuvr-.stlg<atsd was vith the sam pipe lime sizes as in (c) and with a fire domand of 3..000 gpm in t;ae vicinity of the Bm"Eter Hotels, I.,000 gpm at Montana State Cone go and maximum daily domestic and irrigatiou de minds distributed '-Void l the system. Under this condition the pressures at the various paimcj on the main loops would be about the saw as in (c) aboveo However, the loss in the ntnall distribution lines as they oafst at the present time would be in the neighborhood of 10 to 15 psi from the main loops✓: to the fired In making the abovr investigationey the 6 inch and 4 inch cross limes were not considered as contributing to the total flow in any loops since their capacities under peak conditions of flog would be very little more than would be required to serve the cons=arc along the lime. —41— in. DUROVM ENTS RE.QUMM Tho weak po v a:: .��� psa��L� aia�:iL•u�sca �y�� t so Gu pSay. i'low conditions is on the uvat aldo just north of Colloge Street. 1'n order to improve the situation in the asea9 a 12 inch lire along Collego Street from the supply Una to Meva�3t�h Avenue., should bo installed to help feed the area batueen Olive and Colloge Streotso An 8 inch lino should also be installed aloe; the south side of Colloge to eliminate the present dead end lines :4.•wh only one feed line on Garfield. These improvements would assist materially in eliminating the present deficiencies In water pressures. Further improvements required as the City grows are shoLm on drawings Noo 5. In addition to the Improvements shown., the distribution system, *within the l.00pa as shotm would be greatly Iaproved by replacing iho 4 In '1 lines with b inch linos in the residential areas., and with 8 Inch lim. the mercantile district. The difference In elevation between the Bozeman Creek Reservoir and. tho Lyman Creek Reservoir makes it necessary to have some control on the Bozeman Creek lino in order that at periods of low demand the Bozeman Creek reservoir would not drain into the Lyman Creek reservoir and be wasted .through the overflow, Consideration was given to replacing the Bosemsn Greek Reservoir at a long elevation., h waver., this proved to be unsatisfactory from the standpoint of preset ves at the Montana State College. With the loops laid out an shorn ca mpensation for the differ— enoe in elevation between the two reservoirs could be made by installing pressure regulating valves on the supply lire below the point of take—off for the line serving the College. This would result in keeping the relatively high pressures for the higher areas South of Col.lebo Street, and would also eliminate the necessity of having eeaeral pressure regulating valves to maintaino —42— 17 COST ESTD TEM, The Improtoa:mts in tho distribution system outlined above will very probably not be u2dertakon as a cmploto projeot, but will be done 3n sax11 sections as the need for then increnos. The oats ted cost of the 3r��zcr s<a ments it order of their IripOstance,. bated an preFsent day pr�oes are as Followat to Tmlva inch 11no an College Street from Black to Eleventh Awn-w and frame College to Ctztiss on Ela-mnth Avor_ue (5900 feet 1212 line),, Ton inch lim on Curti.as Street from S€ve-rrts Avenuo to Eleventh Avenue (3400 felt 20n line). Eight Bch line on Muck Avmvo from Garfield to College, and an College from Black to 6th Avenue (3500 Poet 8" line). (E'�SST�IRATO UNIT TOTAL �+.�r iarnir.� eilra4rri.rr.r rr ..mr . .,.V,M1�1 T ..-POST,------ POST Trench Excavation & Backfill 6100 c.yo 1.00 $ 60100.00 1.2 inch C.I. pipe 5900 LX, 5.00 29,500.00 10 inch C.T. pipe 1400 L.P. 4,00 5,600.00 a inch C.I. pope 3500 L.F . 3.25 1L,375.00 Valves, Fittings, Etc, 0 0 Total 062,575.00 Plus 20% Contingencies 12= 00 Total. Eatimated Cost $75,090000 2. Ten inch loop around nest aide along Peach, Lam, and Eleventh Avenue t Approximately 1.3,200 lineal. feet at $5.25 complate Including excavation, Fittings, otco $70,000.00 3 o Pressure Regulators and by-passes on 140 lies t 2 - 148 Ptesmzm Regulating Valves a $1200.00 21,400,00 By-pass Valves & Fittings 3?000.00 Bye-pasa Manhole 0 Total 60000,00 Plus 20% contingencies Zoo OO Total Estimted Cast $ 72200.00 -43- Thu cost ast mate for •u?r,, loops from College to Curfiissa and frcm Garciald, •�O COIIGZ Avawcn -0 lwo3wun d'w-a siiaca it is fol.t L`hYt thz provement is seeded at the prasent tires. The cost estimates are based o$ contract prices foo recent jz.-ojects., to ifnich 20 percent has boon added Nr contingencies. The somaiuder or the imprcvmnents probably 7.-r . not be done for some time to come since the noel for them is not felt at tho prseent time. The estimated cost of these improvements is therefore very rough since it is quite possible that before the work is undertaken.9 prices will have changed to such an extent that eny estimate made now would be just a g-,x�;,,, 90 MCOMEMATIONS AM CONCLUSIO159 The studies of the distribution aysten outlined in this report ;tea . that the following Impro7emente should be madeo 1. Install a 12 inch lino along College Street from the st?ppk- main on South Black Avenue to L:leventuh Avenuep to Qced into the distribution system on the north side of College Street* Complete the loop With a 22 inch lino on nth Avenue to Curtiss and a 10 Inch line from llth to 7th on Curtisso 2 a Falminate the dead and lines south of College Street by Installing an 8 inch lino peraD*ling the existing 14 inch line from Garfield to College on Blackp then along the south side of College to 6th Avenue. 3. Install a 10 inch line along Peach Street from the 10 inch line at Bozeman Avenue to the West City Limits. Replaco the 6 inch line along Lame Street with a 10 inch line extending to the West City Limits. Install a 10 inch liter, along the West City Limits from Curtiss to Peach Streeto ��m 1.GxL abovo, S[ �Movf+s mts v1U provi G edogi rd t1e is Eizoos to ai.�. rQ.Ri7l UtU .�.�L af:ae+ 'b3 along the main in loopso GIs krTss.S"'CSmm,It;s :Wa-.74�7mladcd in (1) aro (2) we nec*s=7 for the proso 1. pop+zleUm and sho-t2d ba the fit JiVrtn"vo,- fq���(,�t s imdortalmm, Tho m,rov-,mama Iiis ed :Lm. (0) ul 3:�probab�J ao-b be no ed �LE�4i'll 6heza is ci�.^J1�1::1de.�Ci3-R:e 6-ro% ,, ho'fi7vorp �4s°.3y W'.ctl2d be dt.pt in Lm'-,Z, .ice-14•� ary replace-m- mts m- additions zro moo la additicm to t-se abovo rocomended impro-usmemts in the main loop$.* the distributim wtem -0 t him the loops should. be improved kV replagiug all $ Inch Ums with 6 Inch 13rsa in,the to-alIen+tial district and 8 inch lira in tha 1wroautile district. These replacements vouid e►1mlua$e mems- Iva head looms be'twwn tim maxim loops and a fAre occurirtg mmy from tt7Q main loow. In -thU coxmection it ehoi.-OA bo rcued their t!ha ueaA lose in !,m h Ulm Scc.% w ?.50 Mm fire atrean 2s approximtely 110 feet la, lgvf:� ''oaf, of 111asp filli-10 in a 6 Idoh lits the :`mart loss vot3V be nbmt to re....'. :nor 1.,000 fat ond in an 8 Insh linm the Ioso W?ota J "m ono nit 2.2 Sc: per 7.BOCa feat* TI-ds diSSe,enco in hood loss jilth?n system may in ss : cases in the m2 rcmti.le distriat mean tha dUfareace batcfaam fMrAshing d'imet hydrant etweem for Sian flghting or uisSmg Pma-Pers on UA ZITO rigWC, Ing egoai p wnt, In 294-1 the Na'sloma Board of F3m Undea^witers r .s stXy of the Bosom► Vates Dielw bution S 1, At 'thrt 'Mm they rem tMt au 4 Bach Ufts be roplacod with $ inch lime is the mereumtlU ddstriat and with 6 Inch 31me in the raaM"tial distriget3, In appTaUlmg a eptem f+omt► tm$tlug vp lira ins =ue reuse tho Board of Five tnderwiters use the perwntap of diffemat also lima its a agate and auk upynWLalble pierce ap of 4 Inch 13ws in a systo s 3ovewe their ratift of the m7stea. A fWther surd recommaidation 4C the U .BJ*V. is thA Uftwe 6 rods '71=m are 'aid w��r for the di.stributi ce systems they s zonld. be cross tied at intervals of apps o tel y em,,for-three or four blocim With S inch or larger pipss For futv--e g(rAh of the City within the present City Limits, minimm .loops of 8 inch 121n-es at 3 to 4 blocks with 6 inch a vase tie6 in realdca m,aao ohmId ba ucad Q For the gz ovich to the north of 'each S 4 ee vs an 8 inch line should be instA Ued along t&e North City Limits with S inch comas ties at 3rd Avenve? 7 h Avenue amd in the futir-re at the West City I mitoo Other cross ties could ba 6 inch linos iLtam South to North. The 8 inch line along 7th Avenue (U. S. ft&wey No. 10)• im recaamendod becan tbare is considerable growth of the mereantile district indicated along this Streato If further growth to the toast beyond the City Limits is anticipated he new lice along Peach Street should be 1?. inch rather than the 10 inch prc-vicC�' reoamwndedo In making extensioao or replacements to the distribution system h? s-ins:,, recomamnded in this report should be followed., evtm If It Deans extAmding an 8 or 10 inch limp taking off from a 6 inch limo Nhil a on the surfave this might appear to be a bad practice aetusUv since all lines in the distribution system are under pressures tho 6 in6a llna will deliver sufficient, water to the larger lire to fill its m2i the pressure lose is the now lino will be less than in the feeder linee Ths addition of a 6 inch or 4 inch line on they end of one already mr1oaded will on3,g aggravate an already bead situations tthile extending a larger lim will not rosult in an edditiaml excessive pressure loss, Ia ouder to equalim the pressures from the two reservoirs it is reaammtieadded that two pressure regulating valves with a valved bypass around both values, be installed in the 24 inch supply line below the point of take-off of the 12 Inch line to Montana State College. Two -46-. regulating valves are reQaatmzended so that the glow can be diverted through one while making necessary repairs on the other. The head loe®es through two pressure rep3ating valves in parallel would bs may about ons-tall of the loss through one valveo G— --M— ITY- LIITS - B" __ WEST OAK ST EAST CARa ST. �— I EAST OAK ST ❑ III BIRCH - ` I GALLATIN COUNTY FAIR GROUND ���� A �III '� - HEM LOCN�ST _.- �,_ <❑ I q r ro I JUNI ST WEST«I i i•I u WEST TAMARACK ST EAST TA MARAGI ST. ❑ I Passenger I 1 _� Stat/OH 'JI ASPS ❑ ❑ EAST � AI SPE/ L STREE / 2 1 tl ,� �LZJ GOTi WOOD ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ OPTyF,p2 OURSTON ROAD'./ ",i /O'" /O EAST < /O T' CH STREET ` 0 1 F� WEST ❑ _< SHOR ❑ STRE ❑ _. _J E WEST I�KCtJ' FRIOLEY f D ❑ ❑ Bee// i Ljf�I TREET V, S ❑ ❑ < 11 ❑ El ❑ II w w ' a WEST a BEALL THE EAST BEALL ST � EE n 3 �I ❑ WEST ❑ /O ❑ THE /O,. EAST i LAM ME STREET HI WEST MENDE XALL a STRE ❑ ❑ EAST I ���❑ MENDEN HALL .❑ STRE. ' ofI Icou�/ Bazn 11 Z we Nate/ ® Ho10 i•'❑ o > zl WEST M I HIWAY N010 EAST MAIN¢ < BTREE ❑ WEST 1:1BAB OI K STREE E:1 EAST G 1= BASGOG STREET < ❑ l° ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑ ❑ � EE_J 3N= N T /�" STREET wIl��af_ /O� WEST ❑:❑ /� a ❑ ❑ 2 �1 ❑• _ Q___ ❑ -___..._ ❑ I __ I ' FH� FL ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ WEST ❑t❑ ❑ ❑ E ❑ RE ❑ E.K. T L� I- G O ❑ ❑ ❑ D ❑ ❑ WEST Parker ❑ STORY 1:1TREE G SUNSET U ❑ ❑ < ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ �i E4 ST STORY S7REET WEST DICKER 0 TREE �-�I� HILLS 3 Z Pond I ❑ ❑ ❑ wEs7 ❑ ❑ ALDERS ❑ CEVETARY 1 'o 'il 3 I �' South ? H II � e' I t❑❑ ❑ ❑ _ I o � w ESTREE �' w•,'i H TO YELLOWSTONE NAT'L PARK @'. B"" I I❑ r—, � �I!MARRI SON STRE I I _ (i I ❑ J � I ' 'D 0❑❑ " ❑ � •�`MCP I ARTHU I � II W o I I I .MONTANA 1 STATE g c e El [I ❑ �' P I I COLLEGE HAYE THE UO I~ I I ❑ ❑ El ❑a tS1NttJ ro' m s U I I GRANT ` � I _—_-- LINGO - ST. I�• I I I I city --- Limits .I II LEGEND - ------ _Existing Lines WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM —Proposed Additions or CITY of BOZEMAN Replacements (First Priority) Proposed Additions Or Drown By SHEET NO. Replacements (Second Priority) enekeaBY PROPOSEDand IMPROVEMENTS 4I7-1 =—Proposed Additions (Future) pOe'f d ADDITIONS �5 JOHN H.MORRISON C.E. ORR PICKERING A.I.A. MORRISON ENGINEERING CO. J EP Soo C.E. Consulting Architect CONSULTING ENGINEERS and ARCHITECTS FREI)As,o,. A.MAIERLE EI-I B.LIOUIN Assoc.M.Am.Soc.C.E. HELENA, MO NTANA Electrical Engineer W a Si jig Lid El, ¢U s LJLJ L - � . _� 00 Ll�❑ oo��ow 000r�, Q oo®ouo r Do 0 oo©P]ELI 000 T . CE m 00Lio0 �O��O� �o 0Ej F-7®� Do ELL��� L]E= © z — 0. 6{ ;\ NO N u � s'» ai 3�e e I 1 . � o